• Published 17th Nov 2016
  • 4,452 Views, 3,106 Comments

The Mask Makes the Pony - kudzuhaiku

Flicker Nicker has joined the Rat Catcher's Guild. He's rather good at it, but wants to be better.

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Chapter 39

Not wanting to think about what had happened, Flicker forced himself to focus upon his purposeful marching through the wind. The colt’s mind gave careful consideration to the placement of each hoof, how each leg was raised, he kept his spine rigid, his neck at a proud angle, and his nose at parade point.

Piper, plucky, endured her thin cloak and her abuse from the wind. Her expression was now flinty, determined, and she walked just behind Hennessy, her nose almost in his tail, trying to take shelter behind him as the wind came head on. The filly’s legs were stiff and it was clear that she was having trouble walking, but she did not complain. Some of her bandages showed signs of spotting, but she remained resolute.

Hennessy, a sure-hoofed earth pony, did well in the wind, even somewhat malnourished, Hennessy had a natural strength to him and his hooves found purchase on the cobblestones. The cold was wearing him down though. Born in a hot, humid place, Equestria’s deep south-eastern corner, he was not at all used to the cold weather, and even under the heavy brown woollen cloak, he was succumbing to the cold, even though he made no complaint.

This job was all about deprivation and suffering. It wasn’t just the Rat Catcher’s Guild, but the other guilds held to high standards as well, such as the Guardian’s Guild, which dealt in hired security, home defense, and bodyguards. One might be expected to work on a cold, blustery day, and there would be no staying at home keeping warm beside the fire.

Stepping inside of the octagonal tower, Flicker was thankful that it was warm. He had been to this building before, Night Light could be found here now and again. A bright orange unicorn was coming down the stairs to greet them. Flicker knew him, knew him well, and Flicker realised that he wanted to know him better, as this particular fox-like pony fought using two swords.

“Fox Populi, so good to see you,” Doctor Sterling said as he smiled a warm, happy smile. “Miss Pie, Mister Walker, this fantastic pony is Fox Populi. Like Night Light, he does not take well to being called ‘Mister’ so do be mindful.”

“Names.” Fox breathed in deep and winked. “I need proper names!”



Bowing his head, Fox grinned at Flicker. “And the ever so starchy Flicker Nicker.”

“Fox, he’s had a very rough morning.” Doctor Sterling paused for a moment, looking as though he was about to say more, but no further words came forth.

“I am sorry to hear that.” Fox’s look of concern was warm, genuine, and his demeanour seemed to drive away the chill the companions all felt after being in the blustery cold. “I have received your dispatch and have read through the entirety of the report, Doctor Sterling. Undead rats, you say. Most troubling, most troubling indeed. At least we’re lucky enough to have a slayer arrive, just as he is needed.” Fox’s eyes narrowed and he began to study Flicker, who appeared to be lost in his own thoughts.

The bright orange pony with distinctive white markings walked in a circle around Flicker, who stood there, almost oblivious to the fact that he was being studied. After a full go-round, Fox looked Doctor Sterling in the eye as he raised one eyebrow in a curious arch. “And his ability has been confirmed?”

“I saw it for myself, with my own two eyes,” Doctor Sterling replied. Moving to stand beside Fox, Doctor Sterling’s eyes narrowed and his mouth pressed into a tight, pinched straight line beneath his mustache. “Silver weapons and their required enchantments are very expensive, as I am sure you know. It will take years of saving before Flicker has enough coin to purchase one. Once more, our guild comes to you, seeking aid.”

“And once more, Lucerna Perpetuum will do what we can to aid you.” Fox’s lighthearted manner vanished and he took on a more serious mein. “However, we will not aid you without recompense.”

Muttering to himself, Doctor Sterling took a step back while Piper turned her interested and curious stare upon Fox. Hennessy was looking at a painting of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna raising the sun and the moon in an eclipse. Flicker remained statuesque, staring at the two swords strapped to Fox’s sides.

“Is this a matter of money?” Piper asked.

“No,” Doctor Sterling replied, “this is never about money.” Brows furrowed, Doctor Sterling faced Fox. “What is it this time? Do I need to go into some wretched barrow or crypt filled wall to wall with undead to fetch a long forgotten tome of lore? Does some artifact need recovering? Some horrifying centaur vault filled with insane automatons or other minions of madness that needs clearing out?”

His thin lips tugging into a smirk, Fox replied, “Nothing of the sort.”

“Well, what then?” Doctor Sterling demanded, looking exasperated.

“I want them,” Fox stated with cool, casual calm as he gestured to the doctor’s apprentices. “We want them. Lucerna Perpetuum wants them. We would very much like to have a slayer in our ranks. I have an artifact, yes, you heard me right, an artifact that I know will help you. And I will give it to Flicker… give… not a temporary loan… and all I ask for in return are three simple oaths said by three eager apprentices.”

“I suppose it was all just a matter of time.” Doctor Sterling let out a huff of irritation and his lip curled back from his teeth as he stared at Fox. “I can understand Flicker, but why Piper and Hennessy?”

“Because, we here at Lucerna Perpetuum value friendship. It is how life continued and survived the windigos. It is how Twilight Sparkle grew into the pony that she is today. It is how Tarnished Teapot destroyed Grogar’s Crown of Corruption. It is how Sumac Apple and Pebble Pie keep going through such trying circumstances. Every great thing we have in our society begins with friendships. Friendships are an asset, and one of the commodities that we here at Lucerna Perpetuum hoard, whenever possible. Friendship is the greatest asset we have in our treasury.”

Piper looked mystified after Fox’s speech, and Hennessy turned around, peeling his eyes away from the painting he had been studying. Flicker appeared to be staring up at the ceiling, lost in thought. Doctor Sterling’s tail swished behind him and his silvery-grey eyes were focused upon Fox.

“What is this, exactly?” Piper asked.

“A not-so-secret secret society,” Doctor Sterling replied in a flat deadpan.

“Neat.” Piper grinned and her eyes lit up with curiousity. “Like, a hidden enclave of wizards?”

“Exactly like that.” Fox grinned and nodded.

“So, we join your secret club and Flicker gets something that will help him?” Hennessy reached out and poked Flicker on the front leg. “Hey, hey Flicky, here’s your chance for another Flicker-sticker.”

“What?” Flicker blinked his eyes in a rapid manner and tried to piece together what was going on. “I’m sorry, I was thinking about what happened earlier. I was lost in thought. Forgive me. I was trying to recall the word for when a pony’s mane looks like rope.”

Doctor Sterling relaxed a bit and began snickering.

“Dreadlocks?” Fox gave Flicker a peculiar look. “What a curious thing to think about. I encountered many ponies and zebras with dreadlocks in Windia. In the local tongue, they call them jata. Many of the mystics and sadhus allow their manes and tails to lock up.”

“So, about getting this weapon for Flicker… what do we need to do?” Piper took a fearless step forwards and got right up into Fox’s face, her muzzle now a half a foot from his own. “Would doing this get me access to special spells? More powerful magic? I smell opportunity here and a chance to further my own ambitions. I want great power so I can do great good.”

Doctor Sterling let out a sigh as he looked at Piper, then rolled his eyes.

“And you… what do you want, Hennessy?” Fox asked.

“Well, I s’pose I want acceptance,” Hennessy replied in a drawl slow even by his own standards. The words stretched out like taffy as he spoke them. “Beyond that, I don’t know what I want. I done reckon I want love and kindness, and maybe a soft place to rest my head. Beyond that, what else is there?”

“There is fondue, Mister Walker, and it is fantastic,” Piper remarked. After a moment, her eyes lighting up like two twin fires, she added, “And poutine… poutine makes life magical, if perhaps a bit gassy.”

“So, dinner and a musical number later that night?” Hennessy drawled and his words made Doctor Sterling snicker a bit more. “I ain’t adverse to that.”

“What are we doing?” Flicker asked.

Piper looked ecstatic as she clutched the spellbook full of light spells that had been given to her after the initiation. Flicker had received a spellbook as well, but his sat on the table. Doctor Sterling paced the length of the room, looking both proud and just a little bit worried. Hennessy sat at the head of table that ran the length of the room, looking very calm and thoughtful.

Fox returned to the room, having left it to retrieve the promised artifact, which he now held in a box that was rather coffin shaped. Walking to the table, Fox set the box down and turning his head, he looked at Flicker. “This is a dagger, a misericorde, which comes from the Fancy word, miséricorde, which means mercy. The dagger’s name is Heartfinder.”

Opening the box, Fox continued, “Heartfinder was made with the cooperation of several nations, with silver mined and purified by diamond dogs, steel forged by minotaurs, the grip made by griffons, and Princess Celestia herself put an enchantment upon the blade. It was created to put an end to a powerful lich and was carried by the diamond dog hero, Fortis. It is assumed that Fortis put the blade through the lich’s shriveled heart. The resulting explosion killed the lich, but also Fortis, whose remains were never found. Heartfinder was recovered in the lich’s lair, and in time, it was the griffons who brought it here for safekeeping, until such a time that it was needed again.”

With a reverent bowing of his head, Fox pulled the misericorde from its box and held it aloft for all to see. It was delicate looking, long for what it was, thin, and it was covered in silver. The dagger had a silvery glow to it, a faint glow that might not be noticeable at all in direct sunlight. The grip was covered in black ebonwood and there was a yellow gemstone embedded in the pommel.

“It is a powerful weapon against the undead.” Fox’s words were a reverent whisper. Looking very stern, he held the misericorde out to Flicker and gave it a shake.

“And this is mine?” Flicker asked.

“You will be its bearer for as long as you live,” Fox replied, sounding very solemn. “Consider this an extended lifetime loan. Princess Celestia has agreed to let you be the bearer for this crisis and beyond.”

Taking the blade into his own magic, Flicker bowed his head. “I am honoured.”

“You are also obligated.” Fox looked Flicker in the eye and moved closer. “With this gift, Princess Celestia has raised her expectations and she will want much in return. Do not disappoint her. In time, should you prove yourself, we have other gifts to offer our chosen champion.”

The misericorde had its own warmth, its own magic, and Flicker felt a pleasant ticklish sensation as he pulled it free from its steel and silver sheath. The silver inlays on the blade ignited at his touch and he could see little curls of silvery flames coming up off of the weapon. The blade thrummed with an audible sound that made Flicker’s mind feel very focused. It wasn’t very big, but it didn’t need to be. A misericorde was meant to be stabbed into the slit of a visor on a helmet to give the brains inside a good stirring. It could be inserted into the base of the neck and the blade could reach the heart hidden secure in the ribs. It could punch through most armor with a bit of effort and skill.

The blade had no keen edge, it was triangle shaped, reinforced, and was designed for stabbing. Wounds caused by the triangle blade would be very slow to heal, if at all. Flicker’s sharp eye studied it for many long seconds, and after a thorough examination, he determined that though limited to stabbing, the blade would be useful against most anything that was big and armored—like rabid bears, his primary form of reference for all dangerous things non-rat.

“I can make this work,” Flicker said, more to himself than anypony present.

“He looks rather happy,” Piper observed as she leaned forwards to get a better look at Flicker’s face. “Hennessy, look at him, quick, before it fades away. He’s not frowning!”

“What?” Hennessy almost fell out of his chair trying to look and he squinted at Flicker.

“Thank you, Fox. Once again, I am indebted to a kind benefactor. First my wand, now this.” Flicker bowed his head, slipped the misericorde back into its unique triangle shaped sheath, and ignored how both Piper and Hennessy were staring at him. They were silly ponies, and they just didn’t understand how to be serious and reserved.


“Yes, Fox?”

“Keep the lights on, Flicker. That is our solemn duty.”

“I intend to, Fox.”

The orange unicorn drew in a deep breath. “Flicker, I am hesitant to say this, but do be careful. Bad things tend to happen to those who keep the lights on. No doubt, you will attract the attention of those who wish to turn the lights off. Make no mistake, there are fervent adherents to that cause, every bit as fanatical and devoted as we are. If you hope to stand any sort of a chance against them, you will need to endure constant self improvement—this includes personal enrichment and development, such as making friends.” Fox’s eyes darted over to Piper and Hennessy. “Friends represent our greatest strength… and our greatest weakness. It is a paradoxical asset.”

Flicker gave Fox a blank stare, not understanding.

Ears splaying out, Fox shook his head. “Alas, I must bid thee adieu. I have errands which must be looked after. It was wonderful to meet all of you. Listen to Doctor Sterling, hang upon his every word, and obey Wick Chandler. These ponies have been in this fight for a long, long time and they have much to teach you. Good luck.”

Author's Note:

Fox Populi is such a wonderful pun. :pinkiecrazy:

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