• Published 17th Nov 2016
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The Mask Makes the Pony - kudzuhaiku

Flicker Nicker has joined the Rat Catcher's Guild. He's rather good at it, but wants to be better.

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Chapter 81

“I will light a candle!”

Almost everything seemed to go silent at these words, and Flicker turned his head to look at whoever had spoken. After turning about, he saw a mare that had stood up, and even from where he was sitting, he could see that she was crying, but there was a defiant look to her face. Like everypony else, Flicker waited in silence, wanting to hear what she had next to say.

“I am Lady Gambit,” she said, her voice amplified by magic, “and I am the Matron to a house that has lost almost everything. Mister Mariner’s failed insurrection stripped us of our fortunes and much of our resources. My son, whom I love dearly, was gravely wounded, but now, thanks to Princess Cadance, has been healed. Whatever it is that I have left, I will aid the Underwatch, and I do so with the hopes that many other candles will be lit with mine!”

“Here here!” A blue-maned, blue-mustachioed stallion stood up. “I am Lord Fancy Pants of Canterlot, and I too, shall light a candle! I have suffered from Mister Mariner’s machinations as well, but I am not as badly off as some. We nobles of Canterlot have an obligation to protect the commoners… Lord Sterling Shoe died doing his duty and lived as an example for each of us! I could do no less!”

The mood of the room had shifted and Flicker could feel the change. For a brief moment, an eyeblink, he had a keen awareness of the feelings of each and every pony in the room, a feeling that shook him to his very core. It was electric, and the sensation of hope buoyed his mood. Anger, shock, and fear had given way to better things, such as hope.

A mare with a fabulous mane stood up and she had a wild-eyed look of giddiness about her. “My name is Upper Crust, and I am an heiress to bubble gum, whiskey, and gun fortunes! I might be what you call ‘new-money,’ but I too, shall light a candle!” She gave the gathered crowd a manic smile and added, “Also, I have guns… lots of guns. I predict business will be booming, but I need business partners! I’ve always wanted a chance to sponsor a guard unit… that’s prestigious!”

Night Light rose from where he sat and waited for a lull in the crowd. When the right opportunity presented itself, he said, “For those who have fallen, for those we have lost, I too, shall light a candle.” And with that, he sat down, somehow looking both hopeful and glum.

A mare near Justice Good Reason stood up, and she too, prepared to have her say.

Unnoticed, and unseen…

“Brother, Project Eternity yields fruit.”

“I suppose it does, Chronos. I wouldn’t know. I’ve never been good at this sort of thing.”

The two alicorn stallions were joined by the zebra known as Lima Bean, who stood near Flicker, her chosen champion. Chronos wrapped his wing around Pale’s neck in an affectionate manner and leaned in closer to his brother with the hopes of cheering up his pessimistic sibling. Meanwhile, Lima hovered near Flicker, and her long, ever-moving dreadlocks reached out for him, as if they might break protocol to give him a tickle.

“Our benevolent benefactors would be pleased,” Chronos said to Pale in a soft whisper. “Behold, weaponised hope. The ponies of Canterlot have chosen their champion. The seeds of despair, hatred, and apathy will have trouble rooting in this ground. A great and terrible evil threatens everything, but look at these ponies. Look at them! Look at the fire and the vim they possess!”

“I don’t know.” Pale shrugged. “Maybe? I don’t want to get my hopes up. When the cold, hard reality of this war settles in, I think it’ll take the fight out of them and they’ll go back to how they normally are.”

“I am starting to think that the Nameless One was right,” Chronos confessed. “Look at what happened the last time a group of Enshrined gathered. Six ponies came together. Together, they defeated the windigos, taught their respective tribes a new way, and a new nation was founded. Those ponies… those survivors poured all of their hopes and dreams into their chosen champions. Think of the strength that the Founders had. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna rose to incredible power as more and more ponies began to believe that it was possible to survive all of the catastrophes that had beset them. Project Eternity brought us back from the very precipice of extinction. And there are new magics, magics that our benefactors did not foresee, like the magic of friendship. The Nameless One insists that it is the magic of Enshrinement, but on a much smaller scale. The power of belief in one another.”

“Brother, do you really believe that this is a fight that can be won?” Pale asked, turning to look at his brother with wide, curious eyes. “You sound almost cheerful and upbeat. I don’t think I like it. It scares me, Chronos. If you don’t build your hopes up, you can’t have them shattered. It is better to have more realistic expectations.”

“Pale, my beloved little brother… I have grown tired of cursing the darkness. I choose to light a candle.”

The enclosed carriage trundled through the cobblestone streets of Canterlot, bearing precious cargo. Flicker sat with his head resting against the window, he appeared exhausted and only remained upright through force of will. Sitting beside him, pressed up against him, was Henessy, who also appeared tired, but happy too. Piper was the last pony stuffed into the rear seat, and her yellowed eyes appeared ecstatic.

Across from the trio, Wicked sat on the cushioned bench opposite, and he had his eyes locked on Flicker with a dull, vacant stare. He looked weary, sad, and grief-stricken.The stallion also appeared to be much, much older than his actual age. The day had stretched long, but much had been accomplished. The Underwatch now existed in an official capacity, Piper, Flicker, and Hennessy were now recognised as legal adults, with Flicker being Canterlot’s newest Baron, a title given to facilitate resources. With rank and peerage came privileges, and with privileges, doors opened.

Hope spread through Canterlot like a wildfire. As the carriage passed through the streets, pulled by stout members of the Royal Guard, cheering could be heard. Paper lanterns were being hung. The sound of singing, of reveling, and of mourning the many dead passed through the windows of the carriage. It was a strange jumble of sound, of ebullient jubilation mixed with sorrowful mourning.

This was a new and different Canterlot, united under a common cause. A moratorium had been called on the in-fighting, with all of the major political parties pledging to come together for the common good. Whether or not the promise would be kept remained to be seen, but many were hopeful. Today, many had pledged to light a candle, and if the current activities of the citizens of Canterlot were any indicator, many residents were, indeed, lighting candles, housing them inside of bright paper lanterns.

“Lad… there’s something ye should know,” Wicked said to Flicker in a voice that could only be described as paternal. “Seeing Mister Balister is quite a shock, Lad. You see, ‘e ain’t finished yet… not done… but I think it will do ‘im good to see ye and ‘ave the good news.” Wicked yawned, though from tiredness or boredom it was impossible to tell.

Lifting his head, Flicker turned to look at Wicked, then offered a silent nod.

“Even with the ‘ealing, they could only close the wounds. They couldn’t grow everything back, Lad. I ask that ye be brave.” Wicked inhaled, held it, and let out a sigh. “It’s a sight that puts me own teeth on edge, it does.” Huffing a bit, Wicked reached around with his one, his only front hoof and began to rub at the small of his back. “It’s ‘ard to accept that ‘e’s gone, ain’t it?”

Hennessy nodded, and so did Piper. Flicker just resumed looking out the window.

“Doc was my best friend. Aye, ‘e was a devious little shit, sneaky, mouthy… and when ‘e was younger, ‘e was every bad thing they say about noble brats. Cocky, smarmy, ‘e was born with e’ry advantage and ‘e knew it. I ‘ated him and ‘e ‘ated me, and it wasn’t until Princess Celestia chained us together that I learned ’ow to get along with ‘im. Now all I ‘ave is fond memories. I’d give me eyes to ‘ave us chained together again.”

“The funeral tomorrow… I don’t know if I can face it,” Hennessy blurted out, and the colt’s eyes were watering.

“Been so many damn funerals that there are traffic jams down near the cemetery.” Wicked’s heavy brows sagged down over his eyes and he shook his head. “Lad, if you don’t think ye can make it, no one will think any less of ye. We all deal with grief in our own way.”

Flicker, turning his head, shoved Hennessy away just enough to be able to free his leg. Then, with careful movement, he placed his foreleg around Hennessy’s withers and pulled the colt back closer. After a moment of hesitation, Flicker wrapped his foreleg around Hennessy’s neck, pulled him even closer, and then touched the earth pony’s cheek with his snoot. In this position, he remained, trying to offer up whatever comfort he could.

When the tears fell, they ran down Hennessy’s cheeks, leaving the end of Flicker’s muzzle wet and slick. Piper collapsed over onto Hennessy, sandwiching him between herself and Flicker. Closing her eyes, she held onto him, swaying from side to side as the carriage rocked back and forth.

With some trepidation, Flicker approached the door, and halted when he was a few scant inches away. There was a strong chemical stench of cleanser and disinfectant here that made him want to sneeze. Piper and Hennessy had chosen to remain outside, to wait, unsure if they could bear what was promised to be a troubling sight.

For Flicker, there was no choice to be made, he owed his teacher, and he was determined to see this through. Wicked was right behind him, and the colt could hear the stallion’s heavy, troubled breathing. Gritting his teeth, armed with unwavering, unflinching loyalty and his sense of duty, Flicker pushed open the door, then waited for his eyes to adjust to the dim lighting of the room.

Inside of the room, in the center, hanging from the ceiling were the remains of Mister Balister. Each leg had been hacked off, his body had been burned beyond recognition, and his lower jaw had been ripped away from his skull. Even after much extensive healing, he was quite a sight, and Flicker had to steel his nerves to continue. What was left did indeed, put Flicker’s teeth on edge, his dock had an unpleasant prickle, and his frogs tingled, a sensation made worse by the cold, sterile tile floor.

The glint of blued-steel could be seen from the one shiny new leg that had been surgically grafted into place, but the leg was not finished. An open socket at the end lacked a fetlock and a hoof. The nurse turned about, lifted something from a nearby rack, and then began securing it to what remained of Mister Balister’s face, which looked like melted wax.

Flicker saw a flash of gleaming blued-steel and heard the sound of mechanical respiration. When the nurse stepped aside, Flicker saw it, he saw Mister Balister’s new face, and his blood ran cold. The long bird-like beak of blued-steel. The red lenses that looked like round, burning eyes. The room filled with the mechanical thrum of Mister Balister’s breathing.

“Mister Nicker.” The voice was dreadful, chilling, and there was nothing equine about it. With no lower jaw, with no tongue, Mister Balister’s voice was now entirely mechanical in nature, artificial, and reproduced in such a way that it inspired terror.

“It’s been done,” Flicker said, reporting to his teacher. “A candle has been lit. The guild has been destroyed, but we will fight on. Sir, I have formed the Underwatch, a militarised version of our guild.”

“That’s the best news I’ve heard all day,” Mister Balister said to Flicker. “Don’t think I’m done with your lessons, colt. Now that we are at war, I have much to teach you. I have need of an apprentice… and you… you have need of a master. You are still in need of remedial sword training, as I recall.”

Flicker realised that Mister Balister wasn’t talking about the typical rat catcher master-apprentice relationship. When he glanced at Wicked, his mouth went dry, and then after a few moments of introspection, he returned his attention to what remained of Mister Balister. Again, he glanced over at Wicked, and he saw the older stallion nod. Bowing his head down low, Flicker drew closer to Mister Balister.

“I am yours to command, my Master,” Flicker said in hushed tones. “Your humble apprentice seeks instruction.”

“Keep your fellows and companions safe,” Mister Balister commanded, “and prepare yourself for training. It will take a lot of work and effort for you to become the hero that this city needs. Doctor Sterling will need to be avenged, but not in a careless, reckless, meaningless display of petty violence. No, we will engage in artful, creative violence, the violence of gentleponies. We will wage war as scholars, as ponies of great and terrible learning.”

Head still bowed, Flicker nodded.

“We will organise, we will rebuild, we will prepare, and then, when the time is right, we shall fight.” Mister Balister’s head lifted a little higher, and the sounds of his thrumming, reverberating respiration filled the room. “If you go off half-cocked, if you do something stupid, I will be disappointed with you. You don’t want me disappointed with you.”

“I will do as I am commanded,” Flicker said in a voice that was both soft and hard at the same time. “I will stay my need for vengeance and curb my desire for revenge. I will not disappoint.”

“Good.” Even though his voice was artificial, Mister Balister sounded relieved. “Stay with me, so that we might talk for a while. We have much to discuss. Hanging here like a piece of meat on a butcher’s hook, I’ve had nothing to do but plan.”

“I can stay a little while,” Flicker replied, “but my parents also need me.”

“Of course.” Mister Balister looked Flicker right in the eye. “It just feels good to talk with somepony again. Just a little time is all I ask, I do not wish to keep you from your parents.”

Lifting his head, Flicker returned eye contact with Mister Balister, staring into the glowing red lenses of the blued-steel mask. “What are your plans, my Master?”

Author's Note:

Only one chapter left.

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