• Published 17th Nov 2016
  • 4,452 Views, 3,106 Comments

The Mask Makes the Pony - kudzuhaiku

Flicker Nicker has joined the Rat Catcher's Guild. He's rather good at it, but wants to be better.

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Chapter 66

For reasons he could not explain, the small blue crystal heart that hung from around Flicker’s neck made Hennessy’s heart race and he felt a powerful spike of attraction. Even better, there was a look of calm upon Flicker’s face, and it was nice seeing him not look quite so murdery. The mysterious colt was still quiet though, and hadn’t said much.

“I know that necklace means something,” Hennessy said to Flicker, trying to start a conversation. “But I’m not sure what.”

“I became one of her acolytes,” Flicker said in a somewhat embarrassed, foalish voice.

“Looks like I need to step up my game and find religion.”

“It’s not a game.”

“Flicker, I didn’t mean it like that.”

“Well, how did you mean it?” Flicker asked as he looked Hennessy in the eye.

“Not like how you’re taking it.” Hennessy, feeling bold, perhaps because he was the older of the two, took a step forwards and felt Spud start rubbing up against his legs. “I wasn’t brave enough to give myself over to Princess Luna, but I want to. Something about it scares me though.”

Hearing this, Flicker stared, and the time between his eye blinks had an almost unnatural length. One ear quivered a bit and it was clear that Flicker was going to say something at some point, but the words were slow to come. That was fine though, as Hennessy was a patient earth pony, and he didn’t mind the chance to just stare into Flicker’s almost unblinking eyes.

Flicker’s eyes were pale blue, so blue and so pale that they could be mistaken for grey, or even white eyes when looked at in certain lighting conditions. Most ponies thought his eyes a bit creepy, as they lacked the vibrant colour that was common to ponies. But Hennessy didn’t find Flicker’s eyes creepy at all.

Those eyes. Hennessy felt a shiver along his spine.

“You should be scared,” Flicker whispered, and Hennessy reacted with a full body shudder. “She looked into my soul and found it lacking… what will Princess Luna see when and if she looks into you?” The pale blue eyes were consumed for a moment by a slow, glacial blink, and then like spring following winter, they returned. “It hurts, Hennessy, it hurts a lot, and then a little part of you dies… knowing that you are unworthy but that they love you anyway.”

Hennessy didn’t know how to take that or how to respond. Flicker had odd reactions to things that other ponies found commonplace. Wishing to offer comfort, Hennessy stepped forwards again, and then again, stepping over Spud. He was deep inside of Flicker’s personal space now, and with a final step, he stood neck to neck with Flicker, who tried to shy away.

But Hennessy persisted.

Leaning in a little more, Hennessy sniffed and caught a whiff of pine oil soap. The guild made their own pine oil soap, it was their secret weapon against disease. Antifungal, antibacterial, antiparasitic, the soap had its own distinctive scent, which Hennessy was smelling right now, along with sweat and Flicker’s own somewhat musky, exciting scent.

The colt’s ears twitched and pivoted with the sounds of Flicker’s breathing. It was the sound of life; Flicker drew breath in and out of his nostrils in great puffs, and his breathing had quickened a fair bit with Hennessy now deep inside of his personal space. Leaning over just a bit, and the two colts touched necks.

Hennessy was surprised by the sheer hardness that Flicker had, as he always was every time he touched the colt. Flicker was nothing but muscle under his velvet pelt, there was nothing soft or inviting about his body. His sinews and muscles were all firm, unyielding edges beneath his skin, as hard and unforgiving as the edge of a steel table. Hennessy’s ears danced about as he suddenly understood how Flicker was able to shrug off so much damage and hurt.

With a snort and a whinny, he leaned up against the warm body pressed against him and was rewarded with the sensation of blood flowing through Flicker’s broad neck. Tilting his head downward, Hennessy rubbed the side of his muzzle along Flicker’s crest, the thick, flat back of his neck. He chuffed and snuffled, causing the thick, almost coarse hairs of Flicker’s mane to part.


The colt listened, eager for more words from Flicker. It didn’t matter what Flicker had to say, Hennessy just wanted to hear him talk. He wanted this moment to last forever, this perfect, wonderful moment. Hennessy was free to be himself, free without the threat of harm or punishment.

“—I had the most terrible thought. I don’t know if I can put it into words, Hennessy… but we need ponies like Octavia. I get it now. After what she did to me, I understand her importance. The importance of artists. They keep us from being empty.”

Hennessy nodded and listened to the sound of Flicker’s mane rubbing against his cheek.

“I don’t know how to say it, Hennessy… I’m struggling… but without Octavia, without ever hearing that sweet music… the words don’t want to come, Hennessy… it’s frustrating. I’m not good at poetic stuff.”

Closing his eyes, Hennessy waited. There were advantages to being a patient earth pony, and he didn’t mind leaning against the broad, unyielding pillar that was Flicker’s neck. Inhaling, he flooded his body with Flicker’s scent, a scent that would forever be associated with romance and a warm, happy feeling.

“I started wondering, what if ponies like Octavia didn’t exist? What if all the artists vanished? What if all those things that inspire ponies to greatness just ceased to be? We have enemies who want that to happen… I was becoming what our enemies wanted me to be… an empty, hollow shell, with no meaning, no warmth, no connection to my fellow ponies… and Octavia’s music made me see that.”

“That’s powerful, Flicky.”

“If we all become like that, it’s over for us, Hennessy,” Flicker whispered in a voice that was almost screechy with panic. “I pledged my service to Princess Cadance… my fealty. I took an oath to defend all artists, all musicians, poets and writers. I might not get art, and I don’t think I ever will, but I understand their importance. I gave Princess Cadance a blood oath… I swore on my own blood, Hennessy, and there was so much meaning in the moment. I felt so alive.”

The sting of tears burned Hennessy’s eyes, and he didn’t understand why. He felt happy for Flicker, but also sad. Confused, he breathed in and out, focusing on Flicker’s scent, which was comforting.

“Princess Cadance accepted my blood, Hennessy… she wasn’t squeamish about it at all… she wasn’t anything like I thought she was. She didn’t even flinch when she sliced herself open... I don’t know what I thought she was, but I was wrong. I was wrong, I was empty, I was a weak, brittle shell just waiting to be shattered.” There was a loud gulp from Flicker, who licked his lips, and then continued, “She sliced open my frog and then she sliced open her frog and when we pressed hooves together, when my frog touched hers, when our blood intermingled… I felt something. I don’t know what it was, but it scared me, Hennessy… it scared me and I cried just like I was a foal again. She laid my soul bare and she said things to me that I don’t know if I can repeat.”

Hennessy felt Flicker begin to tremble.

“She told me she loved me,” Flicker whispered to Hennessy, “and her words burned my very soul. I will serve her. For all of my days, I will serve her. I will obey her commands and I will defend those whom she patrons.”

“I’m an artist,” Hennessy whispered, and his words mussed up Flicker’s mane. “At least, I try to be.”

“I know…”

Standing in the doorway, Piper paused and let out an apologetic sounding, “Meep!” Hennessy and Flicker were standing near the window, necking, and Spud was on the floor licking his balls in a slow, methodical manner. A sheepish grin spread over her muzzle and she couldn’t help but wonder if she had interrupted what was sure to be leading up to a kiss.

Huffing, Flicker stepped away and began to collect himself, while Hennessy just stood there, grinning, and looking a little dopey. Piper levitated the brown paper package she was carrying over to the table and laid it down, then she licked her teeth while giving her roommates a coy look.

“Do go on, I wouldn’t mind watching. It’s better than reading some trashy bridle ripper novel.” With a pleasant lightness to her step, she pranced into the room, shut the door behind her, and went over to where Flicker was standing. She grinned at him, then at Hennessy, then she turned about and pranced over to the little table that they shared.

With a flaring of her horn, she opened the window to let some much needed air in. It smelled far too much like excited colts in here, a scent that Piper didn’t mind too much. For most fillies Piper’s age, this would be a warning sign, an indicator that it was time to find a concerned, responsible adult, and to be wary. At least, that was what was taught in public schools. But with Flicker and Hennessy, she got to enjoy all of the pleasures of it with none of the dangers, such as sore bottoms or unwanted pregnancy.

Still, the colts stank something awful, even if it was a somewhat pleasurable stink.

“What’s in the package?” Flicker asked.

“A surprise!” Piper waggled her eyebrows and enjoyed the saucy feelings she was having.

“Hmmph.” Flicker’s face returned to its usual scowl and the wounded look in his eyes retreated.

“While I was out with Doctor Sterling, he taught me some magic. You know, he really is a wonderful pony, that Doctor Sterling. I can see why you fancy him, Flicker.”

Flicker’s sullen, dreadful scowl intensified, so much so that Spud stopped licking his balls so he could hide beneath the bed. Piping Hot Pie, a Pie through and through, was either oblivious or utterly unafraid of her serious, scowling companion, a trait lamented by friends and enemies of Pies all around the world.

“Fancy?” Flicker’s voice was tight and gritty.

“Yes… I mean, it’s obvious, and it’s perfectly normal to have a crush on adults and mentors.” Piper paused for a moment, unconcerned about the death glare she was getting, and she had a very visible shiver. “Sort of like how I like Mister Balister most when he gives me a good, stinging strike to the neck with that swagger stick of his.” The filly let out a slobbery sounding hiss, and her tail flicked from side to side. “I think I’ll misbehave more often.”

“Uh, Piper, I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” Hennessy said, looking and sounding confused. “I’m sure he’ll find a way to punish you, that’s what Mister Balister does.”

“Oh, no, Hennessy, I think it is an excellent idea.” Tail swishing, her adolescent brain inflamed by the scent of two musky colts, Piper grinned and continued, “Sometimes a bad filly just needs to be spanked, you know?”

The room was filled with far too much creepy breathing.

“Um… uh… um…” Hennessy just stood there, stammering, his head tilted off to one side as he stared at Piper.

Eyes narrowing, Flicker’s ears pivoted forward to a more aggressive angle, and there was a menacing, terrifying twinkle in his eye. “There is no greater path to self understanding than pain, Miss Pie. I can help you. I can show you your depths. I can help you find your center.”

Beneath the bed, Spud yowled out a warning, which nopony listened to.

Hennessy licked his lips and for a brief second, he worried about the pony that he was so attracted to. There were times when Flicker was just so creepy, like right now. After being so heartfelt just a few minutes ago, this was a shocking, disturbing contrast. Even worse, he found himself very confused by his sudden spike of arousal. Piper, there was something about her, and even though Hennessy would never, ever confess this, he kind of wanted to watch Flicker give her a good, thorough spanking.

He found the prospect exciting.

Flicker would be enthusiastic about it, because Flicker was gifted with violence, no doubt, and Hennessy was almost certain that it would be amazing to watch Flicker give Piper a good lashing. He licked his lips again and became aware of this strange new tension in the room. The tension smelled musky.

“How about we go to the gym,” Piper said to Flicker, “and we do a little fencing?”

Author's Note:

Creepy breathing... so much creepy breathing.

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