• Published 17th Nov 2016
  • 4,451 Views, 3,106 Comments

The Mask Makes the Pony - kudzuhaiku

Flicker Nicker has joined the Rat Catcher's Guild. He's rather good at it, but wants to be better.

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Chapter 74

Stars danced in Flicker’s vision, which was now fading. Try as he might, he could not draw in any air and he felt his body growing heavy. There was a lot of screaming from down below, and as Flicker’s consciousness began to slip, he wondered if Doctor Sterling and Piper could even see what they were fighting.

“In the end, you weren’t much of a threat at all… I don’t understand why my Master was even worried about you.” The pale rat made a dismissive gesture with his sword, and then with his other hand, he acted as though he was flinging something way. “His instructions were very clear though, I was to be the one that killed you.”

A thousand knives pierced through Flicker’s flesh and every nerve in his body sang in a choir of agony. He didn’t know what the rat was doing to him, but it hurt like nothing else had ever hurt. For a brief second, Flicker worried that every cell in his body was about to explode like popcorn. Mister Balister had tried to teach him how to manage pain, but this was too much pain, far too much pain.

This kind of pain gave Flicker a wicked case of the angries, the most terrible case of the angries ever, the sort of angries that drove a pony berserk.

The sclera of his eyes turned a sickening shade of green and his pupils burned a bright, vivid crimson. Vile purple mist rose from his eyes and Flicker’s horn was a conflagration of black fire. Never in his whole life had he ever been angrier, the colt didn’t think that this level of fury was even possible, and as the pain reached its crescendo, Flicker broke.

Given strength from dark magic, his flick spell struck the pale white rat in its right elbow and the arm disintegrated from thousands of pounds of force being applied in an area the size of a pinprick. When the arm turned into a cloud of foul mist, Flicker fell to the floor with a thump and sucked in a lungful of much needed air. The pale rat screamed, and as it wailed in agony, its arm began regrowing, a wriggling lump of diseased, putrucent flesh squirting out of the gaping wound that was his shoulder.

Not giving his body time to get air, Flicker forced himself into motion, once more owing Mister Balister a sincere thank you. Swords out, he chopped at the rats around him as reinforcements spilled in through the doors and came down the stairs from the floor above. Some of the rats were trying to extinguish the flames using magic, because it was such a terrible danger to them.

Fire purged the undead and vampiric entities like nothing else.

Rage made Flicker’s blood boil with so much heat that it seemed to be purging the poison in his body. With a violent scissoring, he beheaded a rat before it stabbed him and then sliced another in half with a quick sweep. Shifting tactics he kept one sword on his right side and the other sword on the left, meeting his enemies as he came. He wasn’t skilled in this form of combat, but he had rage and strength, which covered a multitude of sins.

The dark magic burned away from Flicker and something in the back of his mind told him he would need to atone himself with Princess Cadance. The same something told him that the rat’s name was Contagion; he didn’t know how he knew, but the knowledge was just there in his mind.

As for Contagion himself, he was recovering and retreating.

Flicker followed, slicing and cutting, carving his way forwards. Beyond the door, he found a small, cosy sitting room that also doubled as a library. In a chair by the fireplace was a dried out, shriveled, desiccated corpse of a unicorn. He was just a husk, it was like seeing a bug sucked dry by spiders… or a pony sucked dry by vampires.

Snarling, he drew Heartfinder, and it glowed with a brilliant silvery light. Now armed with three blades, Flicker found it difficult to concentrate on the movement required to keep them all useful as weapons. When this was over, Flicker knew that he needed to learn the Dimachaerus fighting style from Mister Balister.

More rats rushed into the room and Flicker pushed them away, releasing another psychokinetic nova, a much improved version of his flick spell. Now that he had some breathing room, he began chopping away, hacking and slashing, but far too enraged to notice that some of the rats were healing up and recovering from his blows.

Contagion was backed into a corner now and Flicker bore down on him with murderous intent. The colt brought one sword forward, stabbing at the hominoid rat in front of him, and Contagion parried with his longsword. There was a clang of steel on steel and sparks flew from the blades. The rat was strong, but Flicker knew that he was stronger.

Again, their swords crossed and there was a deafening clang. Flicker’s brain felt the force of the blow and his vision fuzzed over. Contagion was quick, too quick, and Flicker found himself on the defensive. Behind him, rats were recovering and coming to flank him. He parried another blow, this one a powerful downward chop, and much to Flicker’s shock and surprise, one of his swords was cleaved in twain. The sheared off blade tumbled to the floor and bounced on the wooden planks.

Growling, Flicker tossed away the broken half of the sword that he still held. Contagion’s longsword was magical and Flicker knew that if he parried the blade again, his second blade might suffer the same fate, as his blades were just common well-made steel. He found himself in trouble and he knew it.

Hearing the ring of steel on steel behind him, Flicker backed away from Contagion and turned his head just in time to see Doctor Sterling entering the door. Piper was behind him, her sword had a broken off tip, but she was still fighting. Both were bloodied and their protective gear was shredded. Neither was wearing a mask.

Contagion hissed upon seeing Doctor Sterling and drew into a defensive crouch. Some of the smaller rats were fleeing now, running away to save their own hides. One rat rushed Piper with a rat-sized sword, and a glowing shield bubble appeared around her. It popped on contact, but Piper was able to ram the broken tip of her sword into the rat’s neck.

Taking advantage of the confusion and the chaos, Flicker struck. He moved with almost supernatural alacrity, surprising even himself, and he rammed the Heartfinder right into Contagions’ chest. The pale rat looked surprised for a moment, then threw back his head and began laughing, filling the room with inane, maniacal cackling.

“Fool!” he spat. “I have no heart!”

Grinding his teeth together, Flicker ripped Heartfinder free, leaving behind a gaping, ragged hole in the rat’s chest that began to close, but the regeneration was slow. Doctor Sterling bore down upon Contagion, swinging his silver rapier, and Flicker felt the warm tingle of magic all around his body. He didn’t know what spell Doctor Sterling had cast, but he felt better.

Contagion’s longsword and Doctor Sterling’s rapier came together with a violent, ear-ringing clang. The rat, still swift on his feet, scampered out of the corner he was in, his back sliding along a bookshelf. The good doctor turned with his foe, trying to keep himself from being flanked. Piper moved into the fray, still armed with her broken training rapier.

Moving out of the corner was a bad idea, because Flicker began to maneuver towards Contagion, hoping to get the rat surrounded. Doctor Sterling took a swift swipe at the rat and landed a blow. A cluster of tumours was shaved away by Doctor Sterling’s supernaturally sharp blade; they bounced to the floor with a wet squelch, and then much to everypony’s horror, some of the tumours became tiny, tiny rats, which scurried away.

With a yell, Flicker skewered a rat that got too close to Piper and then lopped off the head of another. The floor was now slick with blood and great care had to be taken not to slip and fall. Piper, in a stabhappy frenzy, managed to sink the broken tip of her rapier right into Contagion’s eye as the rat was parrying another blow by Doctor Sterling.

The eye popped like a diseased cyst, spewing out jelly, and then more little rats came squirting out, little tiny rats in miniature. Some of them poured down Contagion’s face like tears and fell to the floor with soft, wet splats. Disgusted, Piper began stomping on them with her hooves, all while squealing in horror.

Then, in a sequence of events that Flicker was unable to keep up with, the tables turned. Doctor Sterling staggered backwards, and the hilt of Contagion’s sword protruded from just below his neck. The entire length of the blade had been buried in his body. Piper shrieked, her shrill cry was piercing in the small room, and Flicker let out a wordless roar of rage.

With a look of grim determination, Doctor Sterling rammed his rapier blade into Contagion’s chest and pinned him against the wall. Several inches of the doctor’s blade had gone into the wall, leaving the diseased rat-creature locked in place and unable to move. Flicker felt the Heartfinder torn from his magical grasp, and then it too, was rammed through Contagion’s head.

Like a butterfly pinned to cardboard, the rat struggled but was unable to get free. One arm was still growing and even now, his wounds were closing as he thrashed about. His one remaining eye glittered with hatred, and he snarled at Doctor Sterling, who was still somehow upright and standing.

“Flicker…” Blood dribbled from Doctor Sterling’s lips as he said the word. “Flicker, obey me… get Piper to safety. I’ve slowed the poison in you both, but I could not cure it. I was too drained from disarming the traps.”

“Yes, Doctor Sterling.”

As Flicker spoke, Doctor Sterling used his magic to rip the gas pipes from the walls and then he tore off the valves that fed the lamps. The room began to fill with gas and the doctor yanked the incendiary grenade that Piper had secured to what was left of her tattered protective gear. Scowling, the doctor began to pull out his own supply of grenades, and he had quite a few. He wobbled on his legs, almost falling, and was forced to lean up against the wall beside Contagion.

Pulling Piper with him, Flicker began backing out of the room, wary of attack, his retreat leaving a trail of scarlet drops on the floor. Piper let out a shriek of protest, but Flicker just overpowered her and kept dragging her towards the door, determined to obey Doctor Sterling’s final orders. The colt gave his mentor a nod and hoped that Doctor Sterling wouldn’t feel anything.

“We’re going to Tartarus together, you and I,” Doctor Sterling said to the skewered rat as he began pulling out the pins from his incendiary grenades. The doctor’s words were punctuated by the hiss of the now ruptured gas pipes. A grim chuckle escaped the doctor’s lips as he forced one of the incendiary grenades down Contagion’s throat, and then he crammed another into the still healing wound in the rat’s chest. A third grenade was shoved into Contagion’s ruined eye socket. The rat wiggled in protest, but could do nothing to stop the violent grenade insertion.

Backing out of the room, Flicker began to shut the door when the doctor said his final words:

“Be there for Hennessy… he won’t take this well. I love you both like sons. Piper, take care of them both. They’re going to need a responsible pony to look after them.”

Tears blurring his vision, Flicker nodded. The rats were fleeing now, or trying to. The colt shut the door with a click while Piper began to sob, and he dragged her over the landing towards the stairs. There were many squeaks of terror all around him, but Flicker ignored them to obey the doctor’s final orders. Staggering, he began to pull Piper down the stairs.

At the bottom of the stairs was the maid, who lay in a contorted heap, dead.

Flicker was almost certain that he was dying. A long trail of blood followed him down the lane as he pulled Piper along. She was bawling her eyes out and still trying to drag him back, no doubt with the hopes of rescuing Doctor Sterling. Rats ran through the streets, seeking shelter, some dove down into drains, while others scurried up gutter pipes.

When Flicker stumbled, his adrenaline finally giving out, the tower at the end of the lane exploded. The front door blew out, windows shattered, and the ground trembled. A shockwave of heat and sound hit Flicker, knocking him over, and sending him sprawling to the pavement. Piper fell on top of him while it began to rain flaming chunks of stone and shards of glass all around them both.

The tower transformed into a pillar of smoke and fire that reached skyward. Piper threw her forelegs around Flicker’s neck and squeezed him, sobbing. The moment of shared grief was interrupted by an enormous chunk of falling stone; Flicker rolled over Piper, pushing her down beneath him, and the falling piece of fireplace mantle struck him on his spine, causing the entire back half his body to go numb.

Fighting to keep himself awake, alert, and aware, Flicker knew it was over, but he did not know how he knew. Some part of his mind told him that Contagion was no more, and neither was Doctor Sterling. Unable to feel his hind legs or his back half, Flicker hugged Piper to him while she continued to bawl, her body wracked with sobs of grief.

It was over.

Author's Note:

Okay, I think I'm done for the day. :applejackconfused:

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