• Published 6th Dec 2019
  • 1,165 Views, 23 Comments

I've seen too much (tales of love never forgotten) - Shadowlight Wanderer

A mare is saved by a dragon from the storm. Little does she know that she and her host are linked by mysterious past and more emotions than a heart can fill

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Chapter 9: Visit of brother-in-law

"What do you mean you said yes but no ?" echoed a voice tinted with disbelief

The crystal doors creaked a little as a little head covered in a swirly pink and blue mane peeked inside.

"The exact thing you heard" Spike exclaimed with irritation.

Flurry Heart smiled and galloped towards the muscular figure

"Uncle Spike !" she charged at him and with the mighty flap of his wings, hung onto his neck.

Spike forgot about his temper as he stared at the alicorn. Flurry was now nearing to 7 and she was happily exploring everything around her. She grew very fond of Spike as she got older and they were often flying or playing together whenever Twilight and himself were paying the rest of their family a visit.

"Hi there, little parasprite" Spike grinned as he nuzzled Flurry, to which she started to giggle. He decided long ago to nuzzle foals instead of using his claws. They could cut through diamonds and could easily hurt pony skin.

"Come on uncle, let's play !" the young alicorn squealed, enjoying dragon's company

Spike smiled but shook his head

"Your mommy and I had to finish talking about something important first. If I have time, I will play with you then?"

The blue eyes of the young princess widened to the size of dinner plates

"Proooomise ?" she whined a little, pouting at him.

Spike sighed and give a ruffled her mane.

"It's a promise" he nuzzled her once more.

Cadence finished sipping her tea and smiled to her daughter as well

"Sweetie, go find your dad. I am sure he can give you another magic lesson on the defensive spells."

Flurry opened her mouth widely from awe before shouting


and running away through the door

Cadence sighed shaking her head

"Our little Flurry. She has Shiny's enthusiasm and my unfortunate ability to get into trouble. I hope that she will stay safe for as long as possible"

Spike shrugged

"Dunno, but I think my niece has a great future ahead of her. I am sure that when her time will come, she will make us all proud"

Cadence shot him a grateful smile

"I think so too. But I think we got a little off track. Where were we ?"

"That I didn't give Rarity straight answer to the question if my love for her never stopped." Spike muttered somewhat reluctantly.

Cadence threw her hooves in the air

"Exactly ! Why you couldn't answer honestly to her question ?"

Spike reddened

"Because it is not that easy !!! Sometimes thinking about love is too hard for me. Rarity or Gabby, dating or going further...I am lost Cadence. I don't know what to do anymore..."

With the look of defeat, he started to walk towards the door

"Thanks for having me here unannounced. I am sure you are busy and don't have much time"

He was suddenly teleported back to the place where he was standing before and felt pink wing gently wrapping around him.

"Spike..." Cadence said softly "Please, don't be so hard on yourself. I know you since you were in diapers and you are my treasured family as well. Of course I will find time for you and your problems. I am sure Shinning can manage on his own...for a while that is.

She flew over to the large sofa. Landing on it, he gestured Spike to sit near her. He obeyed without words.

"Besides" the alicorn continued, her tone becoming more "professional" " It is my job as a Princess of Love to keep an eye over relationships and guide various creatures towards happy bond. I know all about both your histories with Rarity and Gabby. Case of "Sparity" was hard enough on its own, although I wished you luck nonetheless. But when Gabby came into picture, it all changed into..."

Cadence started to analyze all the pros and cons of Spike's, Rarity's and Gabby's love triangle, using names and terms Spike dubbed her "work slang".

It was true that Cadence was particularly interested in his love life, as with his growth he attracted many females. It was apparently a big thing for the princess overseeing all intimate relationships in the land. Spike remembered listening to Cadence nagging Twilight to get a partner before her new powers take toll at her. And by that she meant...

"Spike ? Spike, are you listening to me ?!"

Spike blinked and notice Cadence staring at him

"Y-yeah, but...could you repeat that last part ?"

Princess of Love facehoofed lightly

"Guys, what do I have with you...Spike, I said that you will have to choose...and soon."

Spike shivered, recalling Discord's warning on the similar topic.

"I know how much you three grew closer, developing respect for each other in the process. That IS truly admirable "Cadence resumed "It would be actually sufficient if it was just friendship. But...those two girls love you. Maybe one had more rough way towards that feeling, but now they both share similar affection for you. If you stay indecisive and they love would have no chance of being fulfilled...it will have great impact on each of you. You may stop to consider each other as friends...or worse."

Spike shifted uncomfortably but no sound left his mouth

Cadence looked at him softly and without judgement

"Throughout the millenia, some cultures beyond Equestria, Saddle Arabia and Dragonlands for example, practiced the way of polygamy and created harems, based on mutual agreement for spreading love and sexual skills in the group."

Spike nodded, not sure where was she going with that. It was true that the Empress of Saddle Arabia had hundreds of stallions as partners. As far as the Dragonlands were concerned, most of the dragons remained monogamist, although Dragon Lords could have multiple mates. From his correspondence with Ember, Spike discovered that sapphire dragoness wasn't a very big fan of that law. What was even more surprising was that even after a 7 years of ruling, Ember was still a lone leader, as if she was waiting for something...

Cadence voice once again brought him back to reality

"But you never even considered forming a harem. This is NOT what Rarity and Gabby want. So when time comes, you need to choose. And I think solving the problem begins with answering why didn't you give Rarity straightforward answer."

Spike drew in a shaky breath and replied

"Because I couldn't bring myself to do this...especially when I answered the previous one in such a haste"

"Previous one ?"

"Cadence... I wasn't completely honest with you. During a few times I spent with Gabby over those months, she had a question for me, the same one but in reverse. She asked if she was as some kind of a replacement. I didn't know what it come from but I quickly assured her that she was not a second rate. She seemed content with that but...the truth is that I did lose hope with Rarity. And in a way, Gabby was my way of escape. When we started to write back and forth, I kind of starting to wonder if it won't turn into something more. But then Rarity came, apologizing over and over and ever since then, she actually treated me so good, we were doing my favourite things just as much as hers. She really changed for the better even if it was a long and hard process"

Cadence was silent for a while, then ask

"So with all of that in mind, why can't you make up your mind ?"

Spike closed his eyes and when he opened them, there were tears actually welling inside

"Because I don't want to lose anyone ! I know that I may be a coward...but ever since I was very little, I hated goodbyes. No matter who it was with, I always felt empty when it happened. Celestia told me that it might be a side effect when my mother...my biological mother...for some reason had to abandon my egg. No one is actually sure how much the hatchlings register through the shells. Anyway, they are both so amazing for different reasons and I don't want to break any heart in the process"

He inhaled deeply and eyed Cadence with a newfound determination

"But I know this isn't a reason to be indecisive. I kept them in the dark for far too long and they are probably more hurt than I ever imagined. The Winter Solstice Gala is coming. I am gonna take them BOTH and by the end of the night, I will make a choice, I promise ! And if they will be willing to follow with my choice, I will make sure that we will stay in friendly relations"

Cadence stomped her hooves to the ground in approval

"That's the dragon I remember ! I am so proud that you going through with this mature choice"

They walked together to the balcony overlooking the Crystal Empire

"Thanks for the talk Cadence" Spike said with his voice more relaxed now.

The Princess of Love giggled merrily

"As I said before, it is nothing. I am glad that you could come visit and-"

There was a sound of a large explosion and the voice of a very distressed Shining Armor called from several floors below

"Sweetie, Flurry messed up the fire spell and the entire arena is on fire...again !"

Cadence's face dropped and she sighed

"As I was saying, it was really nice to-"


Cadence groaned

"Why can't he finally learn fire extinguishing spell ?"

She spread her wings and turned to Spike

"Seems I must help my adorable yet helpless husband. Take care Spike ! Please tell Twilight and the others that we said hi"

With that, she dived down through the air.

Spike contemplated the outcomes of their conversation before slamming one fist into the open palm

"Well, I swear I will solve this problem for good !"

He spread his wings and flew down

"I should probably help them, I am fireproof after all. And I owe Flurry her playtime as well".