• Published 6th Dec 2019
  • 1,166 Views, 23 Comments

I've seen too much (tales of love never forgotten) - Shadowlight Wanderer

A mare is saved by a dragon from the storm. Little does she know that she and her host are linked by mysterious past and more emotions than a heart can fill

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Chapter 7: Not what it seems

Spike paced deep in thought around the castle studio/room. He just returned from the visit in Saddle Arabia, where he was asked to help Hoo'far, Saddle Arabian ambassador, in mediating the conflict between two rich and influential families, closely connected to the Empress. Twilight wanted to support their southern ally in avoiding the danger of civil war so of course she sent him.

He wasn't complaining but this mission was really tiring and he would like nothing more than to rest now, after returning from the trip in the middle of the night. And when he got a bit of sleep, he realized that spending his free time with some of his friends was a bad idea.

He briefly considered contacting some of his "guys night" group, but then realized that Big Mac couldn't leave the farm because he was helping Sugar Belle some of their apple pastries. Discord on the other hand was busy preparing Fluttershy's moving. He could do it all with one snap but Fluttershy kept double checking all the stuff she wanted to take. And all the explaining that she would be literally one step from home had little to no effect.

Spike walked the corridors of the castle, waving to the butlers and maids. Canterlot Castle was vast and far greater than Twilight's Crystal Castle, not to mention Golden Oak Library. Spike was glad that he didn't have to manage and clean all the place all by himself. Because of that, he understood the troubles of being in a position of the cleaner more than any of the court members and he devoted himself to making their days brighter.

A young yak maid were dusting the big silver and gold door with violet star, the entrance to Twilight's private apartments.

Spike coughed to alert her of his arrival and pointed at the door.

"Yaga, did Twilight already got up ? I think she has a meeting in 30 minutes so I hope she did."

Young maid-in-training thought for a bit

"Yaga think that princess pony still asleep, but Yaga just got here so she not sure"

Spike sighed. Of course Twi overslept. He pushed the door open.

Twilight was snoring in her spacious bed with a few books on her body.

Spike strolled through enormous chamber which was mixture of living room, bedroom, laboratory and, first and foremost, library.

Twilight was of course bent in some weird angle but that didn't bother her by any means.

Even though they were seeing each other much more frequently than the others, Spike couldn't help but be shocked at how much Twilight body changed since she took over.

After her official coronation for all of the nation, Celestia and Luna led Twilight and the rest of her group in the secluded chamber within the palace. And there, under the ancient columns and marble monuments, Celestia and Luna finally transferred their alicorn powers to Twilight, along with their ability to move the sun and the moon. It was as if a gigantic ball of light was sucked right into a purple princess.

After the ritual, Celestia's and Luna's manes stopped their everlasting flow and lost some of their luster. And Spike could swear that he saw a relief in their eyes. As if for a moment, the bodies of two beautiful goddesses disappeared and their experience, wisdom and torment of thousands of years were out there for all to see.

From what Celestia and Luna explained, they still had abilities of a Starlight-level unicorn (powerful as Tartarus). Before teleporting to Silver Shores, they warned Spike to take care from Twilight when she starts to "morph".

Spike didn't know what they meant till one year later.

Firstly, Twilight horn, already longer than that of the regular unicorn, started to slowly grow, which was causing itching and temporal inability to use spells. Then, she lost almost all of the feathers and her flight, only for her wings to grow to the colossal size. But the worst part was what happened next. Her body started to experience an accelerated growth spurt, which included almost all of her bones extending in length, which sometimes caused major discomfort and pain, to finally end with magical surges, which made her mane flowing and starry. Spike spent hours of sleepless nights guarding his sister, holding her hoof and talking with her when she was unable to sleep.

From the replies from Celestia, Spike understood that by all the growing, Twilight's body was adjusting to the enormous amount of ancient magic. Without those changes, her body would probably shut down or burn.

But it was still worth it. Now, Twilight was one the most powerful beings on the planet. Which still didn't make her any less imperfect than any mortal.

"Twilight, get up. You are late !" Spike yelled.

Twilight slowly opened one eye.

Then she gasped and jumped out bed in a frantic trot

"Oh no, you right !!! The meeting !!! How could I oversleep ?!!! I need "

"I delayed it by half an hour" Spike said calmly "I knew something like this would happen."

Twilight sighed in relief. She came to Spike's side and nuzzled him with sisterly affection

"Oh Spike, how lucky I am to have you here. Thank you very much !"

Spike waved his claw but then looked into alicorn's violet eyes

"But promise that you won't be spending the nights on late reading for now. At least not until we figure out how to cover the audiences. Now show me that bright smile !"

Twilight chuckled after flashing a cute smile

"Okay okay, I will try to behave. Love you very much"

With one last hug, she ran out to her bathroom.

Spike decided to leave her be for now and figure out what to do with himself


The snow outside the cave slowly lessened, turning more into something more rain-like

Iris sighed, munching some dried herbs that Spike had stored in case of dramatic gem shortage

"Hey, is everything okay ?"

Spike blinked, turning away from rain and snow outside

"Yeah. Why do you ask ?"

"You stopped telling me that story"

Spike smiled

"I did ? Whoops. I guess I got a bit...homesick. It's been a while since I was in the castle. I wonder how are they doing "

"You really are Princess' brother ?" young mare asked in awe.

Spike motioned his giant arms in a shrug-like motion

"This was never clear. I never knew my biological parents so Twilight raised me and during that, she assumed various roles. When I was a hatchling, she was like a mother two me, even though at least two ponies, Princess Celestia, who took care of me while I was in the castle, and Twilight's own mother, Twilight Velvet, who gave me actual home, could also call themselves my "mother". But for now, as we are both adults, she is my older sister."

He glanced at the unicorn and smiled

"Do you still want to listen to my story ?"

Iris nodded eagerly

"Only if you have more of this seaweed-thingy. It is actually decently tasty."


Dear Spike

I am dreadfully sorry but I have to decline you offer. I was summoned to Las Pegasus to help organize and judge a Multicultular Fashion Festival of Youth. I am simply thrilled by a potential of seeking out new, fresh and promising designers and models. Besides, the one who invited me was none other than our old friend Capper. So it just wouldn't be polite to reject such a summon. But do not worry. When I return, I will make sure that my schedule will be cleared at least a little bit more, so we can spend some time together

Do try to have a marvellous time

Yours sincerely,


Spike sighed. Yet another plan failed miserably and he really hoped that he would be able to talk to Rarity about his adventures. He didn't hold a jealous grudge against Capper he once had but now he wanted to whack the old pussycat real hard.

Then an idea dawned on him. He took a blank scroll, quill and the bottle of ink from the small bag he always wore in the castle (just in case) and then wrote.

"Hi Gabby,

I know Rarity said that you are having some time on your own but I was wondering if you could come over and talk with me for a moment. If this is not disturbing your rounds or if you are not out of town, that is. But it would be really cool to hang out together. If you can come, please go to my castle room at 2 PM

I hope to see you soon


He took a deep breath and engulfed the scroll into the stream of green fire, sending it away.

He spread his wings and took off, flying over the castle's towers to get to his room quicker than on foot

A few minutes later, Spike walked to his room's door and pushed them opened.

His room was not too big but cozy and with a few windows that kept the space illuminated.

Spike sat on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

All that was left was to wait. Even if Gabby agreed to the offer, she couldn't cast a spell to respond to his letter so Spike had to wait here to 2 PM and see what will happen.

He slowly turned his gaze to the floor and frowned as he noticed something looking like a thread of pink material sticking from under the long sheet

He grabbed it and pulled slightly

The "thread" grew in length and became a part of two-colours mane, brushed in a vibrant curls. After the mane, a horn, a forehead and sparkling orbs of lime green appeared, completed with a small lips underneath white snout

Sweetie Belle smiled lightly

"Hi Spike"

Spike just started at her for a few seconds before he nearly fell off the other side of the from jolting back in shock

"W-What the hell ?" he screeched " What were you doing under my bed ?"

"Well..." Sweetie Belle emerged from below the bed, coughing slightly "You remember all the clothes that Rarity measured you for recently ? She finished them just before her trip so she asked me to deliver them to you. Look !"

She pointed at Spike's working place and there were indeed various clothes neatly folded on his working desk.

Sweetie Belle chuckled and started talking

"When I came here, I knocked and knocked but no one was answering. I was worried that if stay there too long, it will break my schedule. So I thought that I will just check if the door are opened, leave the clothes inside and get out without you noticing. So I quickly got inside and left the clothes on the desk. But then I heard your steps on the corridor, just my dumb luck ! I panicked and *WOOOOOSH*, I slid under your bed, I couldn't think of any better place to hide. How would you react if you found a pony in your room out of the blue ? Oh, you did, didn't you... I couldn't forgive my haste so I just wanted to stay hidden until you leave...but you noticed my mane...and then...you know..."

The wave of words leaving alabaster singer's lips didn't seem to stop as Spike did all he could to put it all together.

He looked at Sweetie with slight disbelief

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes and smirked

"Oh fine, I chose the bed specifically to scare you later. Happy now ?"

Spike smirked back at her

"That's more like it. But next time just send me a message. I think Twilight taught you the spell"

Sweetie's eyes widened

"Oooooh, I forgot about it !" she muttered sheepishly.

"That's okay, now it will save you trouble next time" Spike assured

They both stared at each other in silence before Sweetie blurted

"Spike !"

Dragon snapped out of his daze and focused on her again

"Yeah ?"

"I actually have a favour to ask of you" Sweetie Belle asked, looking around a little bit

She took a few steps towards the dragon and pouted her lips while batting her eyelashes.

"What do you think about me getting to know you a little more ?" she whispered, leaning closely

Spike froze and looked at the unicorn

"W-What ? what do you mean ?" he managed to say as his throat became sore.

"Oh you know. " Sweetie Belle purred, still closing in on him and forcing the dragon to retreat "A little touch here, a little look there. You have a lovely room here...we can use it right now. Ever since I became alone again, I was dying to be in your strong arms."

The back of Spike's legs met the edge of the bed and he fell on it.

"Sweetie Belle, I...I am flattered, really...but you know my situation ! I am dating Rarity and hang out with Gabby. I just can't allow for you..."

"But Rarity will never know" Sweetie said, swiftly jumping on the bed next to him and brushing her soft fur on his scales "She is away and I just can't wait right now !"

"She is your sister ! What would she think ? We cannot do this to her !"

Sweetie groaned in annoyance

"Rarity really can't make her mind about anything. She is not treating you seriously. But on the contrary..."

She swooped her hoof behind Spike's neck and lifted his head slightly. Her mane fell down by the sides of her cheeks and neck, making a swirly tunnel of violet and pink between their faces.

"...I will give you more happiness than she can ever hope !" she whispered, leaning in for a kiss.

And for a moment, her closeness really hit Spike. Her sweet scent, the way her curls waved from side to side, her melodic voice, her sparkling green eyes. He felt weak and...

NO !!!

He shot his claw forward

"Whatever you may want from me, I can't give it to you ! I will never do this to Rarity...or Gabby, as long as I live !!!"

With his eyes closed, he waited for anger from Sweetie Belle's side.

Instead, he felt to hooves clasping his arm.

He opened his in shock

Sweetie Belle was indeed holding his extended arm with her two front hooves, wearing a genuine, affectionate smile, completely devoid from earlier seductive flare.

"You passed !!!" she happily cheered.

Spike's eye twitched as he regained control of his body

"Passed...PASSED ??!!!! That whole thing just now...was A TEST ??!!!"

Sweetie Belle helped him rise

"I am terribly, terribly sorry that I made you go through this but I had to make it a surprise so you would react naturally-"

Spike waved his arms

"No, I don't mean that...although it was sudden, unexpected and...and..." he stuttered " Let's NOT do that ! What I meant was why do you have to test my...loyalty at all ! Do you think I could be unfaithful to Rarity. Sweetie, we are best friends and we know each other for years. How could you think so lowly of me ?!" he snarled with his voice carrying a tone of hurt and anger.

Sweetie Belle gasped and shook her head

"No, Spike, I am sorry, I never thought you may cheat one her. You are the coolest, most romantic and sweetest dragon I now ! But you have to understand...my sis values you. A lot. You had a bit of turbulent feelings for each other in the past but I know that if you happen to choose her and she will decide to be with you...you will be the most romantic and loving couple, fixing your imperfections and fighting for each other in life and death. You are dating now and this is an extremely big deal ! If it turns into something more, I just had to be 100 percent sure...you cannot imagine how many times Rarity was crying because someone abused her trust, cheated on her, was with her just for her body, money or position...if that happens again...she may give up on love. I knew you will make so I thought: where is the harm here ?"

Spike's anger subsided as he listened to her. Even if Sweetie sometimes was a bit stubborn and cocky, she was a pure, innocent and straightforward spirit. She didn't followed a code of conduct of a lady like Rarity did and she often forgot herself in pursuit of her plans, a trait she shared with the rest of the crusaders. And in contrary to her older sister, flirting the other people to do her bidding was definitely not her thing.

"Sweetie...it's okay. I get it now " he said in a calm tone " Just don't do this again"

Sweetie Belle smiled shyly

"Oh, okay"

"I am impressed " Spike continued " You have some fine acting skills"

"Thanks !" Sweetie beamed, with not very well hidden pride "Turns out that where you sing, you pick up some acting as well."

"But what made you so sure that I won't just run away ? You seemed confident in...err, seducing me..." Spike cringed a little.

Sweetie twirled her mane with contemplative expression

"Two reasons. When Rarity first had her heart broken for the first time, our mom told us an old family legend. She said that long ago, after Equestria was formed, each of the founders received a blessing from the heavens. Princess Platinum was said to be able to awake beauty and love in every heart...and made every stallion who came her way fall in love with her. And my mom's family members are supposed to be her distant descendants. This may be just a tale but I wanted to test. As for, the second reason...I heard that you've been chose the most eligible bachelor in independent poll by Princess Cadence."

"Well, I don't think I will hold it long but what does that have to do with"

Sweetie Belle shifted uncomfortably

"You were never interested who won in girls poll ?"

Spike waved his claws

"Nah, I don't even know what I am doing the- no...don't tell me..."

Sweetie Belle partially hid behind her mane, strikingly resembling flustered Fluttershy

"Yeah...I don't know how it happened, but in opinion of the public, I am the most attractive mare in Equestria. But that doesn't matter now"

She hugged him tightly and he reincorporated the gesture shortly afterwards

"Spike, I just want to apologize once more for that awful test. I just wanted to be a super good little sister. I know that you, Rarity and Gabby have to solve it all alone...but I want to say this: I would be really happy if you became a part of our family."

Spike smiled at her once again

"And I am glad that all the nice things you said about me weren't just an act"

Sweetie flushed red

"No...they certainly weren't...you are really handsome you know...but maybe it's because I am single now and...I want..."

The door's to Spike's room burst opened as Gabby screamed

"Hiya Spike, I managed to see you!!!!!! Yeeeeeepiiiii!!!!!!"

Sweetie quickly released Spike from the hug, scooting away and with her blush fading. It was lucky that Gabby's ever lacking knowledge of knocking on the door didn't lead to her walking onto a scene that would be troublesome to explain.

"Hi Gabby ! I am terribly late for my rehearsal and I wouldn't like to disturb you two. Have a great day ! And Spike, thanks for everything !"

With that, she galloped out of the room

Gabby giggled

"Wow, she has more energy than me after a few coups of coffee. And that is a loooooooot !!!"

She flew over to Spike's side, nuzzling him with her feathers

"I am glad I can be here." she sighed " Nothing will ever be more perfect. I know you have Rarity for a while and I guess...I don't want to disturb her...but I found out just a bit of time. Emmm, just curious, what was she talking to you about."

She was referring to Sweetie Belle. Spike could swear that under never dying flame of passion and optimism in Gabby's eyes, he noticed somewhat uncertain look. But he was probably thinking too much about it. Both Rarity and Gabby knew that their positions couldn't be easily threatened.

Spike grinned before giving her a small poke on the tip of her beak, to which she reacted with giggling and hugging him merrily

"Only about an important lesson on loyalty...and to who direct devotion to." he said in happy yet elaborate blissfulness