• Published 6th Dec 2019
  • 1,165 Views, 23 Comments

I've seen too much (tales of love never forgotten) - Shadowlight Wanderer

A mare is saved by a dragon from the storm. Little does she know that she and her host are linked by mysterious past and more emotions than a heart can fill

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Chapter 17: Settling in

Spike and Iris were looking at each other for a while

"You don't seem surprised..." Iris managed to finally add some commentary

Spike smiled

"You look just like her...I mean, your coat, some of the manners...besides, I saw you plenty of time where you were a little filly"

Iris recoiled, but then her face returned to the neutral expression from before

"Well..." she whispered, lowering her head " Can't say I am surprised with that either. Whether this conversation was a set up or not, you told me many things of mom's past I was somehow not aware of..."

Silence reigned once again

"While I believe that Rarity is your mother, I have two questions for you "Spike broke the tension in a humble plea " I know that I might have strained your trust, but may I ask them ?"

Iris bit her lip, staring at dragon's kind and pleading eyes. She sighed. She could not deny it, she started to like Spike and he didn't seem the type to lie left and right. As much as she was mad at him, he still emanated a sense of security and familiarity...she was still trusting him.

She arched her eyebrow and shifted her balance at one side

"I am listening" she said curtly.

Spike blinked with shocked, expression as if not expecting her to allow the questioning to begin

"I already knew that Rarity is your mother " he began " but why you didn't want to say it at the very beginning ?"

Iris shuffled the ground with her white leg

"That's easy..." she explained with a sad smile " Mommy is super famous and being her daughter was always a bit...taxing. I was already born famous because I was 'daughter of the Element of Generosity', the new incarnation of walking sexbomb, equestrian nobility, honoured niece of Her Majesty etc. Many creatures wanted to hang out around me not for Iris, but for daughter of Rarity. I love my mom, but my policy is not to reveal that we are related if someone doesn't know it. My dream is for someone to know me for real me...just like I want to capture true nature of the world through paint. I knew that I didn't want to be overshadowed by mom. That's why I didn't say that I am her daughter to you... wanted to know if you manage to get to the 'real me'"

Spike stood silent, probably processing everything she said.

"Okay then..." he finally growled out, his voice vibrating with emotions " I...I didn't know, I am sorry...but...what about your dad ?"

Iris' eyes narrowed.

"My dad ? MY DAD ?!!! I never knew him !!!" she screamed violently" That jerk left mom and me when I was 4 years old !!! I don't remember him at all, only some stupid leftover, something about warm embrace...and reassuring smile...but why should it matter ?!!!! He did an unforgivable thing ! Mom may be dramatic and snobbish sometimes, but she is a wonderful mare ! I can't imagine more pathetic guy, leaving like that ! I tried to ask, many times... everyone said that he was a hero and someone very important to the country...but no one could explain why he left mom ! I just want to find him some day, if he is still even alive, and give him a piece of my mind !!!"

The echo finally ceased repeating unicorn's outburst

Spike's gaze was blank as he quietly stood there, letting his companion shed tears, before whispering:

"I am sure that if he loved Rarity and you, he wouldn't leave without a good reason"

"What reason could he have ? Don't try to defend him !" Iris snapped back " Why are you even...oh no, don't tell me that you..."

Spike exhaled and closed his eyes

"I knew him..." he slowly muttered " Or at least, someone he once was"

"My dad...is alive ? You actually know him ?" Iris stuttered, sitting on her rump " Is he...did he...what he..."

Spike smiled at her softly

"Is there a chance that you still after all he did ?"

Iris turned her away as another stream of tears wet the ground

"No, I do not... that horrible guy does not concern me !"

'Yes, you do care' Spike thought to himself ' maybe it is just my honest wish but...you have your mother's beautiful heart and your father's compassion and lack of prejudice...or at least, I would like for you to have them.'

Iris continued to speak:

"I am just...trying to make sense out of all of this... I want to know the whole truth..." she sobbed quietly.

Spike moved closer and Iris didn't run away this time

"And if I told you that there is a way for you to find sense in life and fix your family ?"

"Good joke " Iris chocked out, as she allowed her muscles to relax "He is not coming back...and neither will the years of the happy past. But...thank you for trying. I suppose that listening to your story, till the very end, will give me some answers. I... came to like you. And I already feeling that you are not like my father at all, you won't run away from life...or from me here. Please, finish your story and I promise I will listen carefully until the end."

She looked at the dragon and gasped

"Spike, what's the matter ? Are...are you crying ? What's going on ?" she whispered worryingly.

Spike put a claw to his face and after lowering it, he smiled

"You must saw a reflection of light in my eye or something" he reassured her " Well, I promise to tell you everything. What happened after your birth and what really happened to your father..."

2 months after the Winter Gala

The royal physician looked at the magically generated image, carefully examining it.

Spike closed his hold on Rarity's hoof as they both waited for the opinion on the development of their foal.

In the time of two months, the pair of lovers were inseparable. They both excused themselves from their duties to spend some quality time together and get used to the idea of being one of the Equestria's most famous couples. Such bonding involved many romantic outings, shopping, decorating their new house, kisses, touching conversations, even more kisses, and visiting their friends together.

Ever since their engagement, Twilight had arranged them both a nice apartment close to the castle, in case of an emergency. They started to live together and frankly, they were very happy. Well, at least when Spike managed to calm down Hondo Flanks when he found out that not only his daughter is not only already engaged but pregnant as well, becoming a mother in rather unfortunate circumstances. After some deep and long explanations from Spike and Rarity, supported by the claims of Twilight and very apologetic Sweetie Belle, Rarity's parents calmed down. Cookie joyfully accepted Spike into the family and they started a rather cute bonding experience of cooking together. But the dragon still could not resist checking his closet each time before his sleep, to ensure that it did not contained a retired hoofball star with a bushy moustache, wielding a baseball bat with a murderous rage in his eyes.

The thing that was making Spike almost equally nervous as Rarity's slowly growing belly was the lack of knowledge on Gabby and Sweetie Belle's oddly distant behaviour. But it couldn't be helped after experiences on the Gala. Cadence said that all will heal in time...

Besides him and Rarity, there were 3 other guests in the room: Twilight, Starlight and a special visitor, dragon lord Ember who came all the way from dragon lands for this very occasion.

He focused his attention on the doctor, who finally looked back at them

"Mister Spike, Miss Rarity, I am happy to announce that your foal is healthy and there not complications to be noted...also, at this stage it is possible to identify the gender and it seems that we are expecting a birth of a girl".

There were sound of enthusiasm from Twilight and Starlight, as well as an awkward nod from Ember.

Spike looked at Rarity. His fiancée looked amazing as always, with her mane tied up in a bun, even if complimented by small mound on her belly. Now she furiously scribbled in a notebook. Spike only managed to see the words "filly garment collection" and "shades of pink"

Doctor expanded the holographic X-ray photo.

"However..." he added, bringing everyone in the room back to full attention " there are couple of features that may be considered as an aberration the general constitution of the body..."

Rarity, brought back to reality, gave Spike a worried look.


In the private chamber of the Royal Hospital, an alicorn, two unicorns and two dragons were sitting deep in thought.

The revelations brought by the doctor were somewhat peculiar and they were unsure how to react at first.

The medic pointed out that Rarity's pregnancy was far from normal. The foal was developing far quicker than regular pony foal and there was a case of its species. It was very surprising to both doctor and his guests that the filly seemed to be a normal unicorn without any particular draconic characteristics visible at this phase of pregnancy, it was rather strange considering that Spike was the parent of the child. There were also some mysteries concerning the concentration of certain enzymes and cells in the front of the skull.

"The pony genetics don't allow the mixing of the races " Twilight finally broke the silence " so it is not that much surprising that my future niece is a unicorn, instead of some kind of pony-dragon hybrid."

Starlight gave her a confused look

"How so ?"

Twilight smiled, always eager for the opportunity of lecturing someone

"It is logical if you think about it. The races of ponykind are not transfer the same way as genes which carry physical characteristics like mane or coat coloration. In contrary to them, they still pure and untouched, transferring themselves in only a few variations: earth pony, pegasus, unicorn, alicorn. There are 3 options in every pregnancy. Firstly, if both parents are from the same race, there is an enormous probability that the child will belong to the same race as well. Secondly, if for example one of the parents is a unicorn and the other is a pegasus, child will be either a pegasus or a unicorn. If that principal didn't work, we would be flooded by the tsunami of alicorns from majority of unicorn x pegasus marriage."

"What about Flurry Heart though ?" Rarity asked

"She is an alicorn only because she is a daughter of an alicorn, the same way your daughter took your characteristics of racial makeup." Twilight replied " There is also a third case, where the foal is different race than both parents, for example Cake twins. But it is extremely rare."

The room went silent once more and after a minute, Starlight spoke:

"So there is nothing to worry about ?"

"I trust doctor's expertise " Twilight explained slowly " but I only think that there is nothing lethal or dangerous in those changes. There still might be abnormalities ahead. After all, Rarity's pregnancy is anything but normal..."

"Twilight !" Spike snapped his adoptive sister back to reality " The last thing we need is you panicking ! The most important thing is that there is no danger now ! If she will be different... we will deal with it."

"Finally, someone who talks with some sense "

Everyone turned to Ember, who spoke for the first time since the meeting started.

The sapphire dragoness crossed her arms...or rather, front legs. From some time, her growth forced her to walk on all fours from time to time.

"We should spare that medical crap and go straight into the business " she snarled " I wasn't summoned here from the Dragonlands to listen to a lecture ! If I remember correctly, we are here to help Spike and Rarity with their hatchling ?"

"That's right ! " Twilight agreed " Although, the filly is not in the egg, so it can't be called a hatchling..."

"Whatever ! " Ember waved her claw " As far as I know, we 3 are a some sort of... 'support team' when Rarity will be giving a birth. What exactly are our roles ?"

Twilight nodded

"That's correct. We don't know how Rarity's pregnancy will end so I established this team: I read many books on pony anatomy and have a vast theoretical knowledge. Starlight's magic control over the flow energy to the direct point is even more advanced than mine, so in the time of need she can be our surgeon. And since Rarity's womb was adapted to be more dragon like, we invited Ember to have an expert on dragon biology since almost no one in entire Equestria seems to know all that much..."

Rarity thought for a moment

"Darling, but...none of you has an actual medical experience, right ?"

Twilight blushed, Starlight looked at the ceiling and Ember rolled her eyes.

Spike chuckled

"But this is for an emergency and consultation. Let's hope for the best, okay ?"


After half an hour, "Crisis Recovery Assistance Protocol" or CRAP (to Spike's utter amusement, as he laughed at Twilight for picking that name) was established. With Rarity promising to update everyone on her health regularly, the group split up, with Starlight going to spend time with Sunburst, Twilight hurrying for the conference and Ember preparing for returning home.

Spike looked at Twilight flying away and then at Rarity. The unicorn smirked

"Torn up between duty and love again, huh ? Go, she needs help in her preparation and I know how much she finds your assistance valuable. But don't be too long. Me and our little one " she said, stroking her belly gently " will miss you greatly. And I have warm bed waiting for the three of us... when I finish instructing Sassy what to do in my absence...again"

She groaned and then smiled, motioning at Spike to go on.

They kissed and after a while Spike spread his wings and disappeared in the distance.

Rarity looked around and noticed Ember, slowly walking away.

That was a perfect opportunity.

"Ember, please wait a moment !" Rarity screamed, trying to catch up to the dragon lord.

Ember looked back and stopped in place, allowing pregnant mare to finally reach her.

"What is it ?" she asked the unicorn.

Rarity wondered what to say for a moment before finally wording it:

"Ember, I know that... at the beginning you didn't seem very...excited to help.. but you came regardless and for that... I have to thank you on mine behalf and Spike's as well."

Ember scanned her with a bit of annoyance in her eyes, to the point where Rarity felt a little nervous.

Finally, the dragoness sighed and spoke:

"I admit, the request was a little...peculiar, and definitely unexpected, but... as much as we differ, we are united in one thing: we care about that hopeless idiot... Spike, I mean"

Rarity giggled, as both she and Ember nodded their heads and smiled.

"Besides... "Ember continued" your daughter will be a unique creature, a bridge between ponies and dragons. Because of that heritage flowing through her veins, I deeply care for her to learn about the nature of her draconic half. Because of this and her particular situation, I would like to teach her all I know."

Rarity smile got wider

"It is touching that you care for my child so much " she exclaimed, giving her a curious look " but maybe...this is for Spike ?"

Ember's eyes widened and she turned her head away

" N-No !!! Why do you have this idea ?" she stuttered.

Rarity waved her hoof in the dismissing manner

" Relax darling, I am not mad or anything... I know how easily smitten girl can be when it comes to Spike. When he looks at you with those warm eyes and says that everything is going to be alright..."

"... then you realize how much you enjoy being alive" Ember muttered.

Two females look at each other. Both blushed and giggled.

"You...are not upset or jealous for taking him away and our engagement, are you ?" Rarity asked with a hint of worry in her voice, the memory of Gabby still fresh in her head.

Ember smirked with amusement

"Even if I was...AND I AM NOT... we agreed that Spike's happiness is what is uniting us. And he always dreamed of being with you, that makes both of you alive. So I am not angry, I am glad that he is happy... and that you are happy too. I will just wait for what fate has in store..."

Rarity smiled

"I am glad to hear that. I am happy to have you as a friend. Have safe journey and see you next time" she bowed lightly before turning around.

Ember watched the unicorn for a while, deep in thought:

'Princess Twilight entrusted me with Spike's happiness after Rarity will be gone. That means she and I won't be a family in the time of her life. It is a pity though...I never cared for that stuff, but having her around isn't quite that bad. She may be girly and frail, but she is more though and fierce than I thought...at least when she wants to be. Even if we won't be a real family, I will give her the honours as if she is a part of my kin. The same goes for her hatch-.... foal. I know our idiotic stooge will be happy about that..."

She started to walk again, wearing a wide grin on her long snout.

"And as for why I care so much about the child...in the distant future, Rarity's daughter will be the half-sister of my child as well...she just doesn't know it yet..."

Author's Note:

This chapter was super cool and interesting to write, I had Rarity-Ember interaction in my mind for a long time. I hope you enjoy the reading