• Published 6th Dec 2019
  • 1,166 Views, 23 Comments

I've seen too much (tales of love never forgotten) - Shadowlight Wanderer

A mare is saved by a dragon from the storm. Little does she know that she and her host are linked by mysterious past and more emotions than a heart can fill

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Chapter 15: Heinous act of pure innocence part 2

The two sisters were looking at one another as everyone in the ballroom went quieter than ever before (probably because the majority ran away already).

Twilight and Starlight stared in shock, Spike was trying to see if he was not hallucinating or something.

Rarity took a step forward, reaching out with her hoof.

"Sweetie...is that really you ? Please tell me this is some kind of a prank or a dream".

Sweetie Belle averted her gaze.

"Rarity, this is anything but a dream. I am sorry that it ends like this...but I just can't bear it anymore. You could have fooled everyone but the years of this ordeal...you are going to bring Spike misery, I just know it !"

Rarity flinched as she stepped back again. What ordeal was she talking about ?

"Ladies, please wait just a minute." Spike said with a low growl " Shouldn't I have a saying in this ?"

Sweetie looked at him with bitterness on her face

"Spike, you had more than a plenty of time to make your choice. You just couldn't choose and that hurt more than one soul. I love you so much...I just couldn't bear to watch as you always follow Rarity. She is going to hurt you, like she did in the past. She cannot be trusted when it comes to love. That's why I am taking you away from her."

Rarity sobbed quietly

"How could you Sweetie Belle...to do this to your own sister...I had a feeling that something was going on with your heart but this...I should've known...darling, I don't know why you accuse me...but I swear on Celestia's name that I-"

"Your words" Sweetie Belle replied coldly" have no value now. I respect you for many reasons, and that's why I am letting you go without any fighting. However..."

She looked at Spike and her horn started to charge up.

"Now I will have a real chance with whom should I have been from the start".

Everybody tensed as the love-mad unicorn prepared her attack

And then...


Sweetie Belle lost her focus and looked up, so did everyone else.

On the ceiling of the ballroom was a medium size couch. On the said couch was laying lazily stretched draconequus, munching popcorn with pickles and coal (the combination only he could enjoy).

Discord sighed, turning page in the comic that read The dimensional adventures of Discord and Q .

"You know " he said in monotone "I get a feeling that there is really loud in here. One cannot enjoy the lecture in such conditions. And when the Lord of Chaos says so, it means that you are really loud".

Sweetie's eye twitched

"Do you mind ? We are in the middle of"

"Oh, I know, I know. The greatest battle for Spike in history between the marshmallow sisters. What a melodramatic scene. You should really invite Ember, Smolder and Starlight to join the lovers' quarrel."

Twilight looked at Starlight, who blushed a little.

"I might have walked into the bathroom occupied by him after his growth spurt once...twice...maybe three times...oh for crying out loud, just don't tell Sunburst, okay ?"

Twilight only smirked in response before focusing her attention on Sweetie Belle and Discord.

With another sigh, Discord fell down, landing with precision on the floor before the gathered ponies.

Sweetie Belle wanted to jump at him but he simply froze her in place.

"Well..." he continued, letting out a yawn " as much as I enjoy a good chaos, this drama exceeds every romantic nonsense. It makes me want to gag. But I like you all, so instead of throwing a tantrum, I will help solve this problem"

With a flex of his claw, Sweetie Belle levitated closer. Lord of Chaos looked her in the eyes.

"I live longer than any of you here. I saw many acts of evil and many types of villains. And you... are not evil !" he said, booping Sweetie's snout

"W-What are you talking about ? Didn't you hear-"Sweetie Belle's outburst was silenced as the gravity in the ballroom stopped working, and the entire castle started to change, switching styles, material and size in seconds. The roof opened and the sky became a kaleidoscopic blur. Earth started to tremble, tornadoes became to form, oceans were boiling. The cacophony of sounds fell down from the heavens as Discord, who seemed higher than Canterlot Mountain, looked down at the unicorn, his irises glowing red.

"Don't underestimate me, child" he said, his voice becoming a distorted yet audible echo " Till Princess Smartie Pants here reaches her ultimate, godly potential, I am the most powerful being on this planet. With one thought, I could dispel all your deception but..."

With a flash, apocalyptic view ceased to be.

"That would be boring and lame ! " Discord waved his claw " Besides, Sweetie Belle is not guilty here. I applaud you on your plan, it is almost as devious as my plans, when I was younger. But you just have terrible bad luck, to have me as your opponent. Cause even if this society and its orderly ways are so limiting and frustrating, I have my friends and the ones I care about here. I won't allow your crazy yandere plot happen. "

Spike scratched his jaw.

"Emm...Discord, why are you talking about Sweetie Belle in third person ?"

Discord shot Spike an annoyed glare.

"Spike, my dear, naive dragon compaƱero. I am not like Moonbutt, of course I would address her in proper person...if she was actually here..."

Starlight looked at Twilight, then at restrained Sweetie Belle.

"Ok, it's official. He totally lost it".

"But Starlight..." Twilight muttered, deep in thought " can she be a changeling ?"

Starlight shook her head.

"Not likely. Pharynx was the last of the renegades and after a defeat of Chrysalis, the degeneration we experienced before is even less than possible"

"Then illusion ?"

"I didn't sense anything besides the spells I already broke before. This is a real body of Sweetie Belle".

Discord's facepalm was painfully loud to hear.

" You can't see it, you really can't...oh, for Faust's sake. Do I really have to do everything alone ? Fine, I will give you someone who will explain this better than me, an expert !"

With a snap of his claws, a very confused and frazzled zebra materialized in front of Sweetie Belle.

Discord leaned over to Zecora's ear and whispered something.

Zebra looked at the unicorn, still immobilized by Discord's power.

"Oh my my, do pray tell... what happened to poor Sweetie Belle ?" shaman of the Everfree said, approaching Rarity's sister, who for some reason started to shake.

"N-No...not you...get away..."

"My dear, no need for fright. Everything's gonna be just right" Zecora said, opening white mare's mouth. Sweetie tried to close it but Discord clenched his fist and she found herself unable to do anything, besides breathing and blinking.

Zecora looked into the eyes of the of the unicorn and at her throat. She then listened to her heartbeat and afterwards withdrew.

"I see now, terrible fate has befallen you " she spoke with sadness in her voice " What Discord said turns out to be true. You are possessed by a brew of a legend, that controls your thoughts and emotions. Sweetie Belle is not the source of those commotions."

Rarity chocked on air

"My Sweetums is...possessed ? By whom ? This is utterly horrible !"

Zecora nodded

"The smell of breath and heart's erratic pattern...there can't be any mistake in the source of that matter. What took her will was the stuff of mystery, a brew forgotten after decades of history. But I cannot be wrong, I read it in my book...about the mind elixir of Mage Meadowbrook." she whispered

Everyone was silent and then Starlight asked

"So what you are saying is that someone is controlling Sweetie Belle from the distance and speaking through her ? She has no part in this ?"

Zecora faced the gathered ponies

"That's correct my dear, your words are right. The potion has an enormous might. Discovered by accident by the mage, she wanted it destroyed, burnt in rage . But somehow it was preserved. And now we see, how terrible its effects can be".

"Zecora can you please help my sister ?" Rarity pleaded " Is there any way to break the effect of brainwashing ?"

Zecora chuckled, as Discord handed her a large stick, that he pulled seemingly out of thin air.

"Do not worry, fair Rarity, your sister's mind will regain its integrity. This connection, even if filled with dread, can be severed by a simple..."

She quickly spun around, taking precise hit to Sweetie's head with the stick.

"...whack on the head"

Sweetie screamed out of surprise and clenched her head.

"What do you think you are doing. I...I..." she said, before falling lifelessly to the floor.

Rarity rushed to her side

"Sweetie ? What happened ? Zecora, what have you done ?"

Zebra took place by her side, examining now curse-less Sweetie Belle.

"I believe.." Twilight added, snapping out of her trance " That Zecora managed to severe link between Sweetie Belle and one controlling her by application of intense physical pain into her head. This really was such a simple thing to do...".

Zecora smiled before exclaiming

"Even the hardest things can have simple beginning. Use that path and the fate starts grinning."

She then addressed Rarity

"Rarity, I tried to be direct yet inflict no harm. Pretty soon your sister will be back with health and her lovely charm."

Rarity smiled with relief and turned to Spike

"Spikey dear, thank gods. Everything is fine"

Spike and Discord at each other in profound silence.

"No, it's not over yet" Spike muttered grimly

Discord closed his eyes

"She is coming. Brace yourself"

Rarity blinked in confusion

"She ? who are you-"

What happened next was another of the things that seemed surreal and too quick to be properly registered.

The window on the one side of the ballroom exploded into the shining sea of glass shards. Something, or rather someone, flew through it like a bullet, grabbed defenceless Spike and, following the mirrored trajectory, bolted through another window, smashing it as well and taking the dragon away.


Rarity started unblinking at the crumbling window and screamed Spike's name at the top of her lungs.

Twilight had her face frozen in terror.

"Was that...was that really...."

"How...how can it be her ?... that doesn't make sense at all !" Rarity shouted.

"Well, at least it makes more sense than Sweetie Belle" Starlight interjected

Everyone gave her crossed looks.

Rarity frantically ran in the direction where Spike disappeared.

"I have to get to them. I must save him...and face her !"

Twilight spread her wings.

"I will get you there !" she said with a fire in her eyes.

"No Twilight " spoke a voice behind Rarity's back " I will aid Rarity, as Discord told me everything. I feel like this is my responsibility and I ask you to allow me to save the day this once".

Twilight bit her lip and nodded.

"Go !!!" she ordered " And fast !!!"


The pressure of the wind upon his face was enormous.

Spike regained consciousness as he found himself flying around the mountain range of Canterlot.

The speed was enormous and Spike barely managed to twist his head and his heart froze in shock.

He could be mistaken because the wind made it hard to see clearly. But he could recognize the scent.

Gabby was crying, and the tears were mixing with small droplets of blood from the cuts she received by shattering two windows.

Spike felt himself drowning in some kind of the black abyss. Gabby was the sweetest, most innocent creature he knew. Surely she couldn't be behind all of this...could she ?

But the speed of the flight caught Spike's attention. Gabby would never be able to fly that fast. She had to use some kind of enhancer and since she couldn't use magic, the only booster that was left was...some kind of an amulet...or a potion.

Spike fought back his tears. As much as he tried to believe that this was all a bad dream, it didn't change the fact that he was carried at super speed, hundreds of meters above the ground, in the desperate escape from the castle...from Rarity.

And then Spike heard Gabby whimpering:

"Don't go...don't go...don't want to go !"

Spike frowned. That's it, he was getting some answers, right now !

He suddenly twisted his body, which caused Gabby to lose balance and sent her spiralling towards the mountain.

Spike managed to unfold his wings, but it only lessened the impact of hitting the stone surface a little.

They fell down in front of the entrance of the mountain cave.

Spike got up as quickly as he could and to his surprise, Gabby was already up too.

She grabbed his claw

"Quickly Spike, let's go !"

Spike stood firm.

"Are you...behind all of this ?"

Gabby stopped and looked at him with teary eyes

"Spike...I never wanted to hurt anyone. It's just...that I can't...go back. I can't let you leave. You are my one true love, the one guy I can trust. I want to have you forever...and I can't bear to see you hurt !"

Spike looked at her with sadness


Spike !!!" the griffon was now talking faster, and her cries were more desperate " If that makes you content, yes, I was behind all of this. But it wasn't supposed to be like this at all. It was planned to be quiet and peaceful, I had something that would make you stay, so I could protect you... but for some reason, it all backfired. We have to get away now or they might take you away from me"

Spike raised his claw

"Hey, slow down...this does not make any sense. I told you that I will choose by the end of the night. You wanted to humiliate Rarity, apparently you also used Sweetie Belle and Twilight, you endangered everyone...and all of this...just to be with me ?"

Gabby closed her eyes

"S-Spike...you know how my society works. I was always different from the others, so I was cast out...my own parents said I was useless and pathetic. For years, no griffon wanted to have anything to do with me. Yet I believed that there is hope, that light is always there. I worked hard to fight back the loneliness but fear remained. After I met the Crusaders, I slowly started to understand what friendship was. But then there was you. After I met you, I understood that whatever is this feeling, I never want to let it go, ever. I treasure love for you...more than my own life"

Spike looked down and the broken griffon took a few steps towards him

"Gabby..." he said, unsure what to tell her" I was an orphan, I lived as a sole dragon in a pony world for most of my life. Being Twilight's assistant or Celestia's adoptive son didn't shield me from misunderstanding, loneliness, even occasional hate. I get it, I get your pain... being from two cultures of 'not friendliest of reputations' was one of the things that drew us closer together, right ? Yet even after all... I still can't ignore what you've done, how you manipulated everyone to get me. That is not like you at all...was this my doing ? I never knew that you cared for me that much..."

Gabby flashed him a sad smile

"Our life is a story, Spike. And every good story needs a villain. You have a strong resolve and spirit, I am weak and feeble. I am only doing this for you and if the entire world decides to hate me... I will be fine. I may be evil, I can bear it. What I can't stand is being separated from you !!!"

Spike closed his eyes and let out the roar of anguish.

"I can't even think straight right now. I am...so sorry that you felt that way, if I knew that your feelings are this deep, I wouldn't ever let any of this to happen. But why ? Why did you have to do something so drastic ? Why did you feel our love was endangered ?" he gestured violently.

Gabby shot him a gaze filled with hate

"Don't play innocent Spike. I agreed to this sharing business because I love you and I respected that judgement. But throughout the years, I realized I was a second choice. She was always there, shining more than I could ever dream of. Rarity, little miss perfect ! You set this sharing thing up, because you hoped that we will just love you and forget the fact that me and Rarity had completely different visions of life. It pains me to say it but you are a coward ! You allowed us to turn into something like this !"

"Gabby...please, stop ! I am...I am sorry. I had no idea ! But what you are saying about Rarity is unfair. She is not overshadowing you, really..."

The distant sound of thunder rolled over the mountain terrace. The storm was approaching.

"Then tell me...I have to know...the question you never answered me..." she lifted her head and looked at Spike with anticipation " Was I only a replacement when you lost hope with her ?" Gabby spoke, motionless, like a solitary statue someone placed high upon the mountain, and then left it to the forces of nature.

Spike opened his mouth, but then closed it. He looked up on the sky, cursing under his breath. Even now, or maybe especially now, he couldn't meet Gabby's gaze.

"Rarity and I share something special..." he muttered unsteadily "No matter how many times we try to run away, we always bump back into each other. I don't mind that. But after some time, after many years of falling face first to the ground, I couldn't bear it. I assumed that Rarity won't love me ever in this life. So I wanted to see if there is someone out there who will love me back . And when I started to write to you, I hoped that it was it. But Rarity came back, jealous of you, and after her behaviour changed for the better, I...found myself unable to let any of you go. You both mean a lot to me and I wasn't strong enough to reject anyone. That is my weakness, that's what really caused all of this tonight. It seems that dragon greed has to manifest even in me. I love my friends and I want to protect them. I can't bear the thought of severing any bond..."

"But that's why I am taking you ! Don't you see ? Rarity was hurting you before, she used you and she is only makes you believe she loves you. She is a liar and manipulative casanova. Why can't you see it ?!" Gabby fell on the ground from the force of her outburst.

"Gabby, we all changed. Rarity was anything but perfect when I met her, and it took me years to acknowledge that. So was I by the way, worshiping the ground under her hooves and saying creepy compliments left and right. But she really changed, she is not mistreating me anymore, she cares about me deeply. I know about that and about the fact that she values you as well, as a good friend. Please, let's just go back to the castle and try to fix everything...together."

Gabby shook her head.

"I am sorry Spike...I don't expect forgiveness...but I came too far to back down...it is too late !"

"Darling, it is never too late " came all too well known voice.

Rarity came out of the rock formation nearby, causing both Gabby's and Spike's jaws to drop.

"How long have you been here ?" Gabby whispered

"Long enough" Rarity said as she looked Gabby in the eyes " Gabby, I am sorry if any of us was at fault and I am sorry that I hurt so many ponies by my arrogant behaviour. But can you please believe me when I say that I learned my lesson ? Darling, I can't easily forget how you used my sister to get the suspicions away from you...but I do understand your feelings for Spike because he is the most important in the world for me. It took time, too much pain and too much heart shattering to figure that out. That's my own fault, that I hold alongside yours."

Gabby whimpered yet again

"Nothing I did mattered. I studied potions, managed to acquire the manuscript of Mage Meadowbrook herself. I was so close to bonding with you Spike, by flesh, and to give a world a fruit of our love. But even after doing so much, Rarity still managed to get lucky. And after what she was given, there is no hope of undoing what was done..."

Rarity and Spike looked at each other in worry. What was Gabby talking about just now ?

"Tell me...how do you do it ? Your relationship was toxic, you were as different as two creatures can be...while Spike and myself share many similarities. How...could you fall in love with each other ?"

The pair opposing her looked at each other

"Well..." Spike began " I fell in love with Rarity at first sight. It took time for this love to develop but it was there from the start. There is an old saying: If you truly love something, you have to release it... or something like that. It is awfully painful but Rarity only started to love me when I gave her space."

"To be precise, I only started to see Spike's true love when I relinquished my greed for fame and stallion of nobility" Rarity complimented.

Gabby ascended into the air and looked at both of them with somewhat regretful gaze.

"I wish I could be as strong as you are. Rarity, I didn't plan it...but I started to see you in a good light over the years. So I didn't wanted to hurt you but I refuse to return to the cold loneliness. Spike is the only one for me ! And if you try to take him away..."

She folded her wings and fell from above, trying to somehow capture the dragon once again.

"...I will not hesitate !!!!" she screamed, coming at the terrified pair.

And then...


Gabby's motion suddenly stopped in the mid air. She turned her head around and her eyes widened as she saw the bolt-like arrow of sizzling, pink energy sticking from her chest. The other side of the arrow was sticking from her back.

Gabby's head wobbled from side to side and her eyes slowly closed.

The arrow vanished, revealing that there was no injury or damage to Gabby's body at all.

Gabby was then caught in a blue magic aura and put on the ground as Princess Cadence descended from the sky.

'Ah, so that's how Rarity got here so quickly' Spike thought.

Cadence's hoof was holding a big bow of pink energy, the same that was in the arrow that Gabby was hit with.

"Princess, your weapon is most magnificent" Rarity said, staring at the glowing bow.

The weapon vanished, as Princess of Love landed on the ground.

"You think that the legends of Cupid Pony came from nothing ? " She teased before letting out a sigh " I like it, because it doesn't hurt anyone but messing with someone's mind is always an awful thing to do. Anyway, good thing that I managed to make it in time"

She pointed at Gabby, who was now soundlessly laying on the ground.

"I put her into an illusion. Right now, she is surrounded by the ones she loves the most. But in 10 minutes, she will fall into the temporary coma."

Spike and Rarity slowly approached the fallen griffon. Spike took her delicately, half-lifting her up.

"Gabby... his voice was shaking " I truly apologize for everything. It was me who brought this onto you. I don't know what caused you to act the way you did, but if I really made you go all that crazy...I am sorry."

Then, out the blue, Rarity hugged Gabby's fluffy chest. Gabby let out a small, peaceful sigh.

"I should be mad at you. I should hate you with all my might. And yet..." the unicorn swallowed hard, the tears dripping down onto Gabby's feathers " I pity you darling. You never believed that I could change and in your blinded judgment, you thought you were protecting Spike from heartbreak. You wouldn't listen. But it is hard to blame you here. I can't count how many times I broke hearts, acting like an arrogant, spoiled brat, a pathetic excuse for a lady. I sometimes fall but Spike was always there to pick me up..."

Her hug tightened as her voice grew bubbly and chocked

"D-darling I...truly admired you. Your passion, energy, smile. We both had even chance and I...I was so scared that I won't be able to give Spike everything you could. All of it...I truly cannot understand why it came to this...but know this darling.: I feel that you are not a villain. You only wanted love and I took it away. I am not guilty or feeling ashamed...Please, entrust me with Spike. I promise that I will protect him in your place, and give him the love from you and me combined. I will treasure him for both of us. I may be a snobbish drama queen but I do keep my promises. Especially to one of the most innocent spirits I know. Even after all you've done...I forgive you. The scars will remain, and we might not return to the way things were before but...I don't want to hate you and give you any more burden, you poor thing..."

The rain started to fall, the tears of 3 lovers were mixing with the water. It looked as if the sky itself was crying, moved by the tragic end of rivalry and romance of the love triangle.

"I don't know if you are to recover" Spike whispered, hugging both girls " But we will always be there. Not in the way you would want but...even if me and Rarity will have a family, you will be welcomed to join us as our friend. If you get rid of that darkness, we can give you that. That is not your dream but you won't ever be alone again. That's our promise !"

Rarity nodded, as she cried even louder.

In that moment, Gabby smiled lightly and tears streamed from behind her closed eyelids.

"Me...Spike...Rarity...all happy " she whispered eerily" friends...forgive..."

They all just stood there, lost in the shared emotional breakdown, until Cadence approached them.

"It is time to get back to the castle " she said softly "over the night, temperature rose up but we shouldn't be outside for longer than we have to. Besides, others are very worried."

Rarity was the first one to speak

"Y-yes, of course" she sniffed a little and got up "They all must be filled with fear. And I must check on Sweetie Belle's condition."

Spike sighed and took Gabby, now fully unconscious, into his arms, ready to take her with them.

"Yeah, let's do that" he said in a tired tone. Looking at the east horizon, he could see the first rays of sun illuminating the valley bellow them. The longest night of the year was over.

" I will teleport all of us to the castle. Brace yourselves, I am not as powerful as Twilight, so this may take a few jumps. Gather around me " Cadence instructed.

Spike with Gabby and Rarity stood close to her.

Cadence looked at them with relief.

"Since this is all over now, it is time for all of us to hear some answers and finish this sad case" she mused, looking at the castle " Some aspects of it might be...interesting but also difficult, especially for Rarity."

"Why me ?" Rarity asked with worry.

"Don't worry, we will gather together to talk and you will learn the truth. You shall see..." Cadence said, closing her eyes and charging her horn.

In the flash, all of them were gone, and only the wind remained at the mountain desolation.

Author's Note:

There you have it, the confrontation. It was written with intention to explore bad side of Spike and Gabby's relationship (writing Gabby as an obsessive type was strangely fitting) but also to make the reader feel pity for Gabby. To be honest, I 've never worked with her character before all that much and I love her...but I just really wanted to create a credible theory what would happened if something slightly went wrong. Spabby was a perfect ship but I thought that nothing is perfect. We all know the dark side of Sparity, the tale of manipulative seducer and creepy dragon. We also know Sparity's light side. But what was the darkness of Spabby ?

Role of Gabby in this story is not over. I won't allow her to have a bad ending

The longest chapter of the story. I have to add one more, additional chapter, but it will be muuuuuuuuch shorter, basically an explanation/expositions of what happened behind the scenes and what will happen next. See you then and thanks for your support. If you have anything that you want to ask, ask away. Love ya ! See you in the "Answers by hot cocoa"