• Published 6th Dec 2019
  • 1,166 Views, 23 Comments

I've seen too much (tales of love never forgotten) - Shadowlight Wanderer

A mare is saved by a dragon from the storm. Little does she know that she and her host are linked by mysterious past and more emotions than a heart can fill

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Chapter 3: The hardships and courtships

Rarity blinked, taken aback by her sister's question. She turned her head to Sweetie

"Darling, why would you say thing like that ? Moi, hiding something from you ? Just after I unraveled my greatest fears in front of you ? Sweetie, please pay attention !

Sweetie Belle snorted

"I am paying attention, more than you think ! Once Spike got here, you went back to that gloomy mood. Is there something else you want to tell me. Is this...about Spike ?"

Rarity waved her hoof

"Why would you it be something connected to him ?"

"Because you two have...a history. Even after all those years, the entire city is talking about..."

"Who cares about things like that ? Gossip will always be gossip".

Sweetie sighed

"Rarity, we are both grown up, intelligent mares. You don't have to fool me, I know that there is something more to it than gossip. You are always eager to see each other and even if throughout the years your relationship had ups and downs, even when that little truce with Gabby came into the picture, you are still coming back to each other...as friends, of course. And yet, all you do is just stare at him and do nothing. He is an awesome guy, sis. Wait longer and some girl will steal him away."

Rarity sent her sister sly smirk

"Does that include you ?"

Sweetie Belle chocked at her syrup. Coughing slightly, she gave her sister venomous glare

"What kind of question is that ?" she said, a blush spreading across her cheeks " You know that I was trying to date. I admit that so far I don't have..."

"...too much luck ?" Rarity finished sweetly, gently sipping her tea.

Sweetie Belle blushed profusely and groaned

"Me and Button...we have basically the same issue as you and Spike. We keep coming together and breaking up. On the beginning it is amazing but then he starts to drown in the pizza boxes, unpaid checks and...dirty laundry." she shivered " I love to spend time with him and I know he is a really sweet guy but...he is not an option. At least for now, if we don't agree on certain things. So yeah, here I am, free as ever, looking for a guy. Spike is certainly a cool partner... "

"Seems that we have something in common" Rarity sighed " It was family"

Sweetie Belle twisted her head in confusion

"What are you talking about ?"

"The thing you accused me of hiding" the unicorn threw her forelegs above her head" I confess, there is something else that is bothering me. "

She levitated the kettle and refilled her cup

"I know that there are jokes how I am so devoted to my job that I am basically married to it. That is only half true. While my life style made it impossible to settle in, I...hate being alone. Everyone is slowly starting to have their own families and I am still on my own. I simply can't understand why"

Sweetie Belle put a hoof on Rarity's cheek. It was amazing how moody her sister was, refusing to say anything in one moment and spilling everything out in the next

"Don't worry Rarity. I am still alone as well"

Rarity quickly scanned Sweetie's entire body and furrowed her brow.

"Such a YOUNG AND BEAUTIFUL mare as yourself does not need to worry about such things. You simply cannot truly comprehend my torment"

Sweetie was shocked speechless

"Where did that come from ? What did I sa-"

She stopped when a thought stuck her.

"Wait a second, that's why you didn't seem happy to see me...you are worried about passage of time and I...I remind of younger version of yourself ?"

She could see that was true. She shook her head in disbelief.

"Rarity, this is ridiculous. You still have time to-"

Once again, some agitation on the other side of the restaurant cut their conversation.

The elderly Arimaspi was furiously gesturing, speaking in a harsh, goat-sounding dialect. Rain Shine was also speaking loudly. She appeared calm but there were red and blue flames flickering alongside the surface of her body, signalling incoming nirik transformation.

Both parties were closing in on each other until Spike swiftly came between them. He pushed them back without any effort and said a few quick words in the language of arimaspi.

The elder cyclops remained motionless and after a while, he let out a groan and slowly sat down.

Spike turned to Rain Shine. After his words, Kirin leader pointed at the Arimaspi, still looking very angry. Spike shook his head and gestured with his claws as if he was dividing something. Rain Shine seemed to ponder on what Spike said before nodding and sitting down.

Rarity could almost hear Spike's sigh of relief when he took his seat as well.

She shook her head in disbelief

"We were supposed to all be free from our duties during the summit and Spike is still securing the safety of the world. How tiring ! Poor thing, who would have thought that he would ascend to such a prestige !"

"Yeah, he really worked hard to get where he is now." Sweetie smiled fondly as she looked at the dragon.

Rarity looked at her sister with her eyebrow raised

"Are you sure that you don't have feelings for him ? You sound kind of...eerie ?"

Sweetie Belle chuckled

"W-well, I admit that Spike is really great guy...and looks seriously amazing...but I don't know if he would ever be interested in me...."

Rarity "tsked" under her breath

"Sweetie Belle, we came from a long line of unicorn maidens, whose charm were said to be irresistible and beauty caused all stallions to fell in love at just a glance. You could have every stallion if you really wanted to."

"Maybe, if the family tale is true, but doesn't that legend apply to you as well ?"

Rarity didn't answer for a while, still looking at Spike

"I just don't know what to feel. Our relationship was...and in a way still is...very complicated. Our interest in each other fluctuated, there was so much unsure, pent up feelings, awkwardness and frustration. When I met him years ago, I didn't treat him seriously, I was looking for a perfect guy and a way to shine in the world.

He never left my side and was always there when I needed. He fell in love with me at the first sight but never wanted anything in return. When I was with him, I felt so good and happy. But he was so small and child-like...it was hard to sort out those feelings, whatever they were. During that time, I was simply using him and taking him for granted...until Gabby came into picture that is. When they started to hang out...when I thought that I lost him... I started to change. I started to see how foolish I was. Gabby and I made a pact so we would both be content spending time with him. Now when our destines kept us apart for quite a while, I feel...I feel that I really miss him."

Sweetie gently turned Rarity around and pointed in Spike's direction

"Why don't you tell him that now?"

Rarity's eyes widened as she saw Spike shaking claws with both leaders and getting up from the table. He bowed before them and after they departed, the dragon also started to get up

"Oh goodness ! They finished ?" Rarity gasped.

She let out an unladylike squeak when Sweetie firmly put her front hooves on the spot between her neck and back

"Rarity, as a good younger sister and as an citizen of Equestria willing to make sure you won't be whining under some poor stallion's door, I am sending you to go over there to Spike ASAP. I don't know what is the state of your relationship with him but the unquestionable fact is that you two always beam with positive energy when you get to spend a moment with each other. He may just be the solution to your problems...at least some of them. Just try sis...You are the mare who's bringing hundreds of stallions to your door on a daily basis, I am sure it will be fine. Don't worry, I will pay for the drinks. And here. You. GO !"

She pushed Rarity on the marble path, leading to the exit and to the spot where Spike was standing.

Rarity was unsure of what to do

'Sweetie Belle, that was very rude of you, just push me into this with no preparation at all.'

She took a few steps. To her astonishment, she realized her knees were shaking a little and her heart was beating in a strange, erratic pattern.

'Why is this happening ? All those years ago, he was the one wanting to get even a single glance of me and was so adorably nervous. And now, why am I acting like a freshman filly ? Get yourself together Rarity. You are living up to your title as a true lady and ladies have to possess some pride !"

As if releasing some spell, her legs sprung into gallop, that was terribly uncouth.

But what came next was even was even worse.

"You got this Rarity "She whispered to herself" You are beauty ! You are grace ! You- waaaaaaaaaaah !!!!!!!"

The marble path was curving down a little to get down from the hill that the main restaurant was built upon. Rarity, with unparalleled style and flare, slipped and started to slide down the path, her earlier bit of gallop only increasing her speed.

She tried to regain stable position and stop herself but her efforts only made her change her equilibrium for the worse, launching poor unicorns in the slow leap through the air.

"Watch-uuuuugh !!!"

Rarity's flight was finally stopped when she collided with something hard and warm. She fell to the ground, feeling shaken by the impact. Looking up, she located the pair of emerald eyes looking at her with concern.

"Rarity ? Are you okay ?What happened ?" Spike asked softly and with a tint of worry.

Another waiter, an amber pegasus mare, flew to the pair with ashamed face.

"I am really sorry Lady Rarity. We were polishing the marble earlier and someone had to forget to place a warning sign, as it is very dangerous and easy to lose hoofing. We will take full responsibility..."

"Really darling, I will be fine. I am just a bit dizzy at the moment but I will be fit as fiddle in no time" Rarity tried to reassure her.

Spike examined her and decided

"That was still pretty amazing ride you had. I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to you while I could help. So I am taking you straight to the royal medic. Then we can properly talk. I didn't see you in ages ! I was about to head to the castle to meet with you all but first I had to finish all the negotiations."

He took a look at her legs and spinal cord, touching them gently.

"I may not be a real doctor but my job requires at least some knowledge of tending of the wounds. Since no bone seems to broken or misplaced, I will escort you to the castle myself. Nothing will give me more fun than seeing you happy and safe, with that perfect smile of yours."

Rarity's jaw dropped. She knew Spike had the perfect view of her face and could read all the emotions just by looking at her. Her snow white coat didn't exactly do her favours in this regard as even the faintest blush was perfectly apparent.

She huffed slightly

'No matter how much strength and those...amazing muscles...he will gain, he is still the same dorky, naive, utterly cheesy Spikey-Whikey I knew years ago." she thought to herself.

Spike delicately cradled Rarity in his arms, earning a squeak of surprise from the mare. He turned to the waiter.

"I will take care of her and escort her to medic. Thanks for the meal, it was really awesome. I think it played main role in mediating between those two" He chuckled and waved his free claw away, referring to Rain Shine and elder Arimaspi.

The pegasus bowed slightly

"Thank you, we take pride in what we do. We are sorry for the inconvenience and the accident, Bringer of Peace. Good night Lady Rarity, Lord Spike"

Spike sighed

"Drop the lord please, it makes me feel weird. My name is just Spike. But yeah, we will be off"

His wings unfolded and with a mighty flap, he and Rarity ascended to the night sky.

Rarity gasped as they quickly gained altitude. The amazing sensation pulsed through her as they soared through the sky.

Safely secured behind Spike's arms and his chest, Rarity took into herself view of Canterlot mountain at night.

Of course, she travelled through the air many times before, but it never involved any living creature. She was so close to Spike that she could felt the pulse of his heart and movements of his rock-like muscles as he took the route for the castle.


"Huh ?" he said loudly through the wind

"I...think I came down with a case of saudade"

Spike's eyes widened and he stopped, hovering in mid-air

"Is this some kind of illness ?" he asked confused

Rarity muffled a giggle

"No darling, what I meant is that I recently felt quite down...and lonely... and I think we should reconcile our friendship a bit more..."

Spike grinned

"Sure, I've been meaning to ask you as well. We were apart for quite some time and I seriously miss our time together. We can use our council vacation. So what do you want to do first ?"

A whole gallery of images, with the varying degree of proper courtship code.

"I suppose the stroll to the castle is a fine idea"

Spike nodded enthusiastically

"Great idea, I can really use some walking after those negotiations. Kirins are angry at Arimaspi because they live in the same mountain range and Rain Shine stated that Arimaspi took the caves on the Kirin territory, while Gheezlak (that's the old goat guy) says that by Twilight-knows-how-old treaty, this fragment of the mountains belongs to them. That's no easy task..."

They landed on a small hill. Spike folded his wings and gently placed Rarity on the ground.

"There is a twig in your mane" he noted.

Sapphire eyes widened in alarm, as Rarity started to frantically search for the cause of her coiffure's imperfection

"Where ?!!! Where ?!!!" she shouted when Spike stopped her, smiling mischievously.

"Nowhere. But if you just had that much energy to fix your mane, than clearly you are fine after the earlier collision."

Rarity blushed from shame. Then, something occurred to her.

"But what about Gabby ? Isn't it her turn now ?" she muttered. If she was going to deepen her relationship with Spike, she might at least play fair to some extent.

Spike waved his claw

"Actually it is, but she apologized to me because she had urgent summons to Griffinstone while I had to stay at the Peaks of Peril. And since one of you is not available..."

"...the other one can use it, if she is available herself " Rarity finished truce she once agreed to with Gabby " Oh ! I am...much relieved" she said, giving her hoof to Spike.

Spike reached for it and-


"You are that Spike, aren't you ?"

Dragon blinked, snapped out of his storytelling trance. He started at Iris

"Where did that come from ?"

"You were alone. Two of you. ALONE. With no one else that could possibly witness it."

Dragon's eyes widened as he sighed and smiled

"Guess there is no point in hiding it now. Yes, my name is Spike. Me and my friends rule over Equestria for a few decades now."

Iris looked at the purple dragon with fascination mixed with consternation

"B-But...I met all the members of the council...I never knew that there was a dragon out there too. Why do you live up in the mountains now ? And how did you meet Rarity ?"

Spike was silent for a while, before he smiled

"Do you know Rarity ?"

This time, it was Iris' turn to be shocked by a question. After an intense pause, she muttered

"We were...closely acquainted. Any particular reason why are you interested ?"

Spike leaned closer to the fire

"It was you who started questioning"

Iris opened her mouth and then closed it

"All right then..." she muttered " But...why didn't you tell me your name in the first place ?"

Spike shrugged and smirked

"I thought it would be cool to make it like an epic reveal. Which actually happened although way sooner than I expected. Besides, I want some privacy now and I feared that you could accidentally tell someone my location."

He heard a snort and noticed that the mare was giggling slightly.

"You are...impossible. I guess I get why the girls wanted to spend time with you."

Spike pretended to be mad at the comment

"I am still pretty welcomed in many places...I hope...so they STILL want to spend time with me !"

Iris cocked her head a little

"All right there Casanova, but why all the secrecy ?"

Spike took a sip from another bowl of the brew

"I don't think I am the only one keeping secrets here ?"

Iris gaze was unfazed

"I...suppose not"

"You have to just take my word for it but " the emerald eye met sapphire one " I won't leave you in the dark. I PROMISE"

The way in which Spike put an accent on the last part sent a chill through Iris' spine. Or maybe it was just a lost gust of chilly wind from the outside.

She got comfortable and looked at her strange companion. Who would have guessed that she would meet such a bizarre and strange dragon, who was fighting for the world's peace alongside the Elements. Dragon that, for some reason, she was not aware that existed.

She decided to put her doubts and questions aside for now.

"Can you please continue with your story ? You are quite a storyteller and I am...intrigued where this is all going."

Spike looked slightly up, with a bit of nostalgia on his shapely face.

"Rarity and I started to get really close. But now I have to tell you what happened one moon later. There was a matter of another friend who I didn't want to neglect. You see, long time ago I became a pen pal with a griffoness named Gabby and when Rarity discovered it...