• Published 6th Dec 2019
  • 1,166 Views, 23 Comments

I've seen too much (tales of love never forgotten) - Shadowlight Wanderer

A mare is saved by a dragon from the storm. Little does she know that she and her host are linked by mysterious past and more emotions than a heart can fill

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Chapter 2: Sister talk

Starry Night was one of the most esteemed and charming restaurants in Canterlot. It was opened by Twilight's royal decree as one of the many acts to commemorate the influence of Royal Sisters' era.

The restaurant was Luna-themed, painted in rather cold, blue pallet of colours, but still not looking dark and depressing. The tables were bathed in candle light, some standing in the building and some on the outside patio, accompanied by small statues and variety of beautiful plants. Inside of the restaurant, fantasy tapestries, accompanied by small torches, depicted various celestial events and most important moments from princess Luna's life.

The staff and waiters from all around the world bowed slightly as the unicorn sisters entered. Sweetie started to wave to them with an earsplitting grin, while Rarity, huffing at her sister's ever-lacking manners, bowed her head slightly, welcoming the guests.

Sweetie Belle trotted to the table in between the garden and inside of the building shaded by small tree. She was glad she came out with the idea of coming here. This restaurant was mostly known by two things: being a centre of the elegant evening life and having a quiet, private atmosphere. Both things that Rarity seemed to need right now.

Soon, both unicorns were seated. The waiter, a blue hypogriff, approached them in slow, dignified way.

"It is a great honour that Jewel of Equestria and her beautiful sister want to dine with us today. What can I bring for you, ladies ?"

Rarity actually mustered a genuine smile. Ever since she and her friends established council of friendship, Twilight, following Celestia and Luna's will (and of course, her own kind heart) organized mini-coronation for the five ponies and Spike, as the co-rulers of Equestria. Each one of them was given allowance from the treasury, a residence, a royal title and even a small diadem. Even after all this time, Rarity still felt giddy hearing her royal title, which normally followed her name on the official meetings. Rainbow Dash was titled Strongest of Winds, Fluttershy Healing Light, Applejack Mother of Earth, Spike Bringer of Peace. But Rarity, in her modest opinion, still felt that her title, Jewel of Equestria, was the best one of all.

"I think that for tonight I will just have my regular tea" she answered the waiter

"And I would like Yakyakistan berry syrup with a bit of flashbee honey" added Sweetie Belle

Hyppogriff wrote down the order, bowed down and returned to the kitchen.

Sweetie Belle turned to Rarity. Element of Generosity was still averting her gaze, not fully comfortable with the conversation they were going to have.

"Rarity, please tell me what's bothering you" Sweetie began quietly" For some time, you are not acting like your regular self. You became more closed, introverted and reflexive. You grew distant from your colleagues from designing business, from your friends, even from me. I can see in your eyes that something is clearly muffling the Rarity we all know and love from coming out. So please, talk with me, say what's the problem. I will try to help and in the very least listen to you"

Rarity was silent for a few moments before finally saying

"I...it's silly, but...ever since the Council was established, our group was forcibly separated by our own duties and missions. I didn't mind that, we all came to accept it. Life is life and there was nothing more to add in. But because of this forced separation each time I saw them, I realized...how much time have passed. How much things were changing. And how much I..." her voice broke for a moment. Sweetie Belle shivered as she felt weird glance that her sister sent her.

Rarity sighed and looked at the sky with a face that didn't show sadness or pain. Rather deep contemplation and melancholy.

The waiter returned with their beverages and quickly disappeared again.

The fashionista levitated steaming liquid and gently blown over it. Then she continued:

"Sweetie Belle, look at me. From all of us in our group, I am the one who ages the most. There are times when I can accept it but seeing all of us together again and again. It just brings it back. One of my greatest fears is a passage of time"

"Well, don't we all fear death ?" Sweetie Belle asked, shifting on her seat.

Rarity winced and shook her head

"No, no darling ! I didn't mean death...okay, maybe a little...but goodness, I am not THAT old. No, what I had in mind is the disappearing of beauty. Ever since I was very little, I had a dream that I will create new beauty, the one that will last throughout the ages. That was and still remains my greatest dream...and the greatest fear, that you see me drenched in, is that it will all eventually perish. That I will eventually become unable to create...to experience the beauty of the world...in other words... I don't know what do to do anymore. Woe is me !!! Oh, woe is me !!!"

She dramatically bent back, striking a pose with her hoof up .

Sweetie started to giggle softly

"That's the Rarity I know. You see, talking about this helped already. I am sorry but I don't really know how to help you with your problem. I guess I am just too young to be thinking of stuff like that... but also that for someone who is so in love with beauty as you, it may be a problem. But don't you think that your achievements are not speaking for themselves ? You did far more than a bit of good for this world. You saved it countless times. Doesn't it feel...I don't know...satisfying for you ?"

Rarity sighed and slowly shook her head

"I am forever grateful for the life I live thanks to my friends. They are most precious thing in the world for me. But no...the thing that I am talking about would have to be from me as a single pony. As an individual. Some things you just can't share. Pretty ironic, considering the fact that I am the Element of Generosity."

Sweetie was brushing her mane with a hoof, pondering about what Rarity tried to explain to her.

"So you are worried that you won't be remembered because everything changes so much, yourself included, and that overall, you won't impact the world in the way you would like too ?"

Rarity shrugged, with a small smile

"Yes darling, more or less so. Pretty hopeless, isn't it ?"

Sweetie shook her head

"Not at all. That is surprisingly deep problem and there is no easy solution. But I want to help you so let's think about the way to get your creative hunger satisfied..."

"Thank you darling, but I don't think you...wait, what do you mean " surprisingly" ?"

"Anyway..." Sweetie cut Rarity off, trying to avoid the calamity " Don't you think that you are being a little..."

She paused, searching for the word other than "overdramatic". If Rarity heard that one, she would clearly stay quiet the entire visit.

"Intense" Sweetie Belle resumed" with all those debates about passage of time ? You are in your 30s..."

"Already 30s !!!" hollered Rarity

Sweetie shut her eyes, trying to figure out how to avoid stepping into the next catastrophe.

Then the arising whispers brought their directions to the door and they saw 3 creatures entering the restaurant.

Both sisters immediately recognized the middle one.

Spike was now much taller since they saw him last time. Leather wings covered all of his back, his muscular arms presented themselves to all who wanted to watch, as his purple scales glistened in the light of the candles and torches. His face still look a bit teen, even though slowly shaping chin was starting to amplify the aura of manliness.

He was wearing the golden medallion, symbol of his status of Peacemaker and Royal Adviser, combined with a small burgundy cloak.

Spike smiled at the guests and his eyes sent a warm welcome that was actually better than any words he could say. His "development" was still quite recent. He gained musculature not only because his occasional workouts with Big Mac but mainly because during his diplomatic missions, he often had to protect some important political figures. The fights he had to fight combined with dragon's natural ferocity and resilience finally allowed him to grow into more mature, strong and...attractive form

When he visibly grew and matured, females of Equestria felt as if they awakened from the deep slumber. Spike's looks were certainly not everyone's cup of tea but the vast majority of girls in the population started to look at him in a different way than in the times he was younger.

He became desirable. VERY desirable.

Both sisters found themselves open mouthed and quickly pursed their lips, averting their gaze.

Sweetie Belle looked at Rarity

"Is that...drool ?"

Rarity frantically started to dry her lips

"Ugh no...yes...maybe...look, I am just hungry, waiting for those meals takes so long" she chuckled nervously.

"But we didn't order any meals..." Sweetie started to say, but Rarity quickly shushed her.

"Look" she said, gesturing slightly at the group.

Spike took a seat in the rather distant corner. Sisters could see him but not hear what he was saying.

However, now they could have a good look on his companions.

Sweetie Belle recognized the creature sitting on Spike's left. It was the tallest Kirin she ever saw, with the dark green mane and yellowish-grey coat. It was the ruler of the Kirin race, Her Majesty Queen Rain Shine.

Sweetie Belle was a Crusader but besides that, she also invested in every form of singing. She became well known from her soft, melodic voice (even if she still had voice cracks when she was nervous). When Equestria opened its borders for the other races, Queen Rain Shine visited the music schools around the country, taking notes on pony music culture and teaching others "kirin harmonies", the art of oriental sounding sound scale she was a master of.

She and Sweetie Belle worked and singed together in a Royal Opera twice and Sweetie Belle had good memories of that reserved, and yet very kind kirin.

She looked at Rarity, who looked really distressed, with a droplets of sweat forming on her forehead. She followed her gaze and she saw the reason.

The creature on Spike's right was bigger than the other two. The ash grey body was muscular, yet looked dry and old. The brown fur was covering the creatures back and neck, curling into a few braids with some bones inside of them. The creature had her hind legs ending with a pair of cloven hooves and the front ones with razor sharp claws.

The visitor had two long, twisted horns with metal bracelets etched to them. Under the mouth filled with a couple of yellow teeth was a long, white beard with more metal accessories inside. And over all of that, there was a single, goat like-eye, glowing yellow from under the crafted hood.

Sweetie Belle felt the need to get back or even run but she stopped herself.

Instead, she remember lessons Twilight taught her and steadied her breathing.

"Curiosity...without fear"

Twilight placed great hope in her. Years ago, Crusaders grew up into adult mares via magic. When Twilight heard that Sweetie pulled of a teleportation spell in that time, she resumed mentoring Rarity's sister as her teacher.

Sweetie Belle knew that she wasn't that "one" student, as Twilight was to Celestia. But she was still grateful to be Princess' apprentice. And that "chosen" student was bound to show up some day.

Spike's companion was an Arimaspi. They were one of Equestria's most mysterious creatures, living in the Peaks of Peril. From what Twilight knew, they were rather solitary, spending their lives practicing asceticism. They were said to had mystical abilities and feel deep connection to nature.

There was one more important thing. They had fear as a defence mechanism. No one knew how it really worked, but when Arimaspi was surrounded by the members of other species, he was generating fear and instinctual urge to flee in their hearts.

The guests of the restaurant looked just as scared. Spike had to notice that because he gestured at the elderly arimaspi and then at everyone.

The elder growled with irritation but he quickly made a few quick gestures with his claws.

Sweetie Belle felt as if her heart slowed down and breath returned.

Rarity was still looking at the group, not noticing that she stopped sweating and shivering.

"He is working so hard, isn't he ? I wonder if he is happy now" she mumbled.

Sweetie Belle looked at her sister quizzically

"Rarity, is there something you want to hide from me ?"