• Published 17th Mar 2023
  • 2,569 Views, 53 Comments

The New World | Millennium - Escalator

What if there was another continent in the planet of Equis, one with Humans..

  • ...


Author's Note:

This is a list of information regarding the countries of the New World Continents.

If you're not interested you may skip this chapter, but it is important to read this.

Oh and if you do read this...

Here have some music:


A species that only once appeared in My Little Pony Generation 1 films. The Human character being Meagan, only to be forgotten by the sands of time.

While this story will be based on my favorite mod, Equestria At War, it will even include a storyline (somewhat) flexible with the original canon timeline.

Of course, while there are other stories yet to be created and published, The New World is a what if scenario.

This will also be about a first-person omniscient character who happens to explore what it is like to live in a world where the dominant superpowers battle for influence and control, along with espionage, sabotage, war, terrorism, death, and the horrors of what to come, but this is all without saying for a fact that good will always come out on top, just not always.

But with introductions out of the way, let's see data of the nations of this New World, Humarica.

(Modern Borders, as of 1000 ALB)

The Federation Of American States


Technology: Modern weaponry

Ideology: Presidential democracy. (Harmonist)

Leaders: The Immortal patriot Uncle Sam, Civilian elected President. (Current: Jimmy Carter)

Enemies: R.S.R.S., and other communist/terrorist organizations.

Current wars: Federation operation in The Realm of Kiria, War on Z.I.T.S. (Zebrican Insurgent terrorist state), Rodinian-American cold war.

Allies: Cooperation treaties between Kiria, Zebrican governments, and Humarican nations.

Northern (Or Rodinian) Soviet Republic of Sectors

Technology: Modern weaponry

Ideology: Unitary Socialist Party (Communism)

Leaders: The Immortal Red Mother, General Leonid Brezhnev.

Enemies: F.A.S., Z.I.T.S., and Pro American allies.

Current Wars: Special Operations in Saddle Arabia.

Allies: Pro-Communist Nations, Caramel-Red Mother Alliance (CRMA)

Alania Tribal State


Technology: Tribal weaponry (Bows, Spears, and Arrows)

Ideology: Tribal Council (Harmonist)

Leaders: Wood Frost: (Brown mare with a white mane)

Enemies: None

Current Wars: None

Allies: River Coalition, R.S.R.S., and F.A.S.

Celestial Islands


Technology: Medieval.

Ideology: Alicorn Rule (Harmonist)

Leaders: Filthy Rich

Enemies: None

Current wars: None

Allies: Equestria (Protectorate), Puerto Caballo, and New Mareland.

Mexicona Colony


Technology: Musket weaponry

Ideology: Imperial council (Non-align)

Leaders: Grover the 5th (indirect), The Imperial Council

Enemies: Doglumbia, Gradenland.

Current wars: Doglumbian raid war.

Allies: Griffonian Empire (Protectorate), and other duchies.

Caribbean Gulf States

Flags: Kuban Republic:

Kingdom of Haitai:

Dominia Republic:

Technology: Cold War weaponry

Ideologies: - - - - -
Haitai and Dominia: Caribbean Economic Classes (Non-align)

Kuba: Caribbean Socialist (Communist)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Leaders: - - - - - - - -

Fidel Castro (Kuba)
Jean-Claude Duvalier (Haitai)
Joaquín Balaguer (Domina)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Enemies: - - - -

Haitai/Domina: None

Kuba: F.A.S.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Current wars: None

Allies: None

Kira and Zira




Technology: Tribal weaponry

Ideologies: Exile Republic (Non-Align)

Leaders: Anarchy, (None)

Enemies: Kira and Zira

Current wars: Riot clashes, and race wars.

Allies: None.



Technology: Modern

Ideology: Lunarist Disciples (Autocratic)

Leaders: Swift Thunder

Enemies: Celestia and Equestria.

Current wars: Parsley-Thestrian Conflict, border conflicts on Argendina

Allies: Parsley (Puppet), Chiropterra, Other Lunar Resistances.

The Southern Federation of Argendina


Technology: Cold War weaponry

Ideology: Presidente de fiesta

Leaders: Alberto Fernández

Enemies: Thestria, Thestrian Controlled Parsley.

Current wars: Border war on Thestria

Allies: Resistance forces in Parsley. (RFP)

Threstrian Controlled Territory of Parsley


Technology: Lunar Wars weaponry.

Ideology: Lunar controlled council

Leaders: Threstrian Military Council

Enemies: R.F.P.

Current wars: War on Resistance.

Allies: Thestria (Protectorate)

Bolivar Ove' Junta


Technology: Pre-cold war weaponry

Ideology: grandioso fiesta de el gente (Non-align/Autocratic)

Leaders: Hugo Banzer

Enemies: None

Current wars: None

Allies: Gradenland Republic

The Kingdom of the Gradenlander Republic


Technology: Medieval

Ideology: Alicorn Rule (Harmonist)

Leaders: Sunset Shimmer

Enemies: None

Current wars: None

Allies: Bolivi Republic, Equestria, Doglumbia

Union of Doglumbia


Technology: Medieval

Ideology: The Majesties court (Non-align)

Leaders: Barkingham III (German Shepard Diamond dog)

Enemies: Griffonian Empire, Mexicona Empire, River Coalition

Current wars: Raid wars in Mexicona

Allies: Gradenland

The American Federation (The Land of Opportunity):

Colonized in 279 BLB, the Federation was once a part of Equestria's trading hubs in the New World markets, ranging from the price of goods and even civilianized technology, of course, according to the treaty stated and made by King Edwards, King of the Eastern Kingdom, Equestria wasn't able to gain any type of Musket technology, and if they tried to possess one, it would break the treaty and start an all-out war.

Nonetheless however, in 536, during a period of famine and earthquakes started by Discord, the Human people awoke from the dream of Equestria being their permanent rulers and so the founding fathers formed the 2nd Continental Congress and began making way for succession from Equestria and its rule.

However, just a day later when the draft was set, Princesses Celestia and Luna had defeated Discord on the soon-to-be independent nation and were quickly captured by local militia led by Colonel Charles Lee, without a chance to fight back the two sisters were knocked out, and were brought to George Washington, horrified at what the Colonel had done, he demoted Charles Lee to Corporal while also ordering that his room was used for the sisters, but the war broke out when Equestria found out the sisters were captured and so... The Nations of The Griffonian Empire, Crystal Empire, Equestria, and the Riverland's declared war on the nation that declared independence.

The war was chaotic however for both sides, but at the utmost end of the war, the lord of patriotism and freedom, Uncle Sam, with rewarded powers from the goddesses, Harmony and the Creator, defeated the superior Griffon-Ponish armies led by Commander Hurricane and met Princesses Celestia and Luna and conferred with them in the first meeting that he "would rather defend his own beloved nation like the sisters before him, rather than rampage the world", convinced by his apathy and kindness, and the tour of the Human city still cooperative with all species with Humans to Griffons to Ponies to even the Bat ponies, Celestia and Luna was now ready to grant the nation they've controlled for centuries it's independence but when Luna one night overheard news that the whole time the nation was at war with half of the known world and that the armies are about to attack the capitol with innocent lives. Determined, Celestia makes a plan with Luna of how they'll stop this war once in for all.

As they did in the battle of Washington Fields, (Later Renamed Washington City Capitol in commemoration) the event of this date was celebrated by American Ponies and Humans, "the voice that shouts independence" when Celestia and Luna went between the charging lines of both armies with what would be the biggest magic shield that spanned almost all of the frontlines stopping what could've been the bloodiest and costly battle of the century.

Since that day, the Federation-Equestrian relations would eventually be in an up and down mood, however, it all changed in 0 ALB when Princess Luna turned into Nightmare Moon and attempted to coup Princess Celestia, however, she was banished to the moon, upon hearing about the banishment Buccannon demanded Luna's release, but due to timing and his unpopularity he was voted out and replaced by Jefferson Davis.

Who then proceeded to start the bloodiest war in Equestrian and American History, triggering a 70-year war that would end in Equestria's favor, the Lunar Wars.

Due to mass chaos, Uncle Sam came around once again and ousted Jefferson Davis who then launched an uprising in the South, following a Revolution in the North led by Karl Marx, and a monarchist uprising on the West Coast. Eventually after eight years, Abraham Lincoln would Quell all rebellions in the Civil War with the help of Uncle Sam, however, while the nation was reunified under President Lincoln, Equestrian-American relations spiraled down, leading to an awkward treaty which typically would lead to the creation of the controversial Eclipse Brigade. (And the assassination of Abraham Lincoln two years later into his second term)

What's worse was when the Northern Territories, a former colony of the Crystal Empire, had a communist revolution that deposed the democratic president placed by the American military...

Rodinian Soviet Republics of Sectors (The Unitary Proletariat)

Liberated in the year 203 BLB, the nation was once a colony of the Crystal Empire, controlled by Princess Mi Amore before she was violently overthrown and murdered by Sombra, which then started a full-on recruitment and conscription drive across the vast lands which had Islamic Abrahamic Jihad resistances and Rodinian revolutionaries.

In the year 203 BLB a war broke out between the Colonial territory and the Federation, as Sherman Tanks rolled through the borders carrying Artillery cannons, followed was the uprising with the resistance forces completely and successfully captured the capitol of Moskva and the Abrahamic Holy Land.

When discovered that Sombra's army was mind-controlled the nation of America was shocked, while the resistance groups continued shooting at the "mindless Collaborators" starting a cover-up genocide of the Crystal Pony Race.

After American troops captured one of them and realized that they were civilians, orders were given to only neutralize them in the leg, while also discovering from the broken soldier tormented by Sombra's mind control that the Crystal empire was cursed.

After hiring unicorn mages to clear the lands conjured with the curse, the land would be spared by the time of Sombra's banishment... Unfortunately due to Celestia's and Luna's underestimation and dismissal of the Federation's warning, the Crystal Empire entirely disappeared which soured relations between the Federation and Equestria.

With the conflict's end, the Federation withdraws troops from the liberated lands as it goes for the path of monarchism with the sponsor of the Hosean Emperor and Brookish King. Eventually, it was decided that Czar Ivan the 1st was to be the first monarchy ruler.

By the year 940 ALB a military coup was launched and General Hot Wing took the position of Generalissimo leader of the Northern Kingdom of Rodinia (renamed to the Northern Junta.) A human by the name of Luxembourg Marx, a full-on staunch communist and adopted daughter of Karl Marx, who believed in her father’s beliefs, flew to Severyana where she was greeted by Caramel Marks and started to have meetings together in Princessyn about the idea of workers and equality something of the same beliefs her father had convinced by the same shared goal Luxembourg, Caramel Marks, and Fire Angel began an underground operation in Severyana ``Union of Struggle for Justice.” The operation started small until it then started spreading worldwide within Griffonia and parts of North Equus.

But one night when Luxembourg was continuing her work, she was contacted by a man named Vladimir Lenin who was inspired by her work and wanted to help her. So with this, she convinces Caramel Marks to create a De' Facto faction within the organization, only this De' Facto faction would be the early start of the revolution. It was then that Luxembourg saw clearly that the only way to give birth to this new ideology was a violent overthrow of the Rodinian Generalissimo.

In the year 961, a deity by the name that Luxembourg would recall in her sleep as the "red dust" had come to grant her powers beyond comprehension at a price of her name and soul. Obviously she quickly outwitted the red dust deity and requested that immortality come with the powers she'd be granted with, of course he stupidly agreed and the deal was sealed...

The Red Dust realized he wasn't getting her soul since she was immortal and he could get the soul only when she died, after a while, was later captured by Celestia who was scoping for Nightmare Moon one night and stumbled upon him in the dream realm which she then banished the deity to Tartarus.

Meanwhile in the Rodinian Northlands Eleanor wakes up with newfound powers and a sudden beautiful new physical form, Luxembourg Marx made herself known in the Northland Junta as the Red Mother.

Surprised by the announcement, the mayor of the town called for her arrest but was quickly assassinated by pro-soviet spies, what followed was a full-blown civil war between Military forces and its harmonic values led by the Generalissimo Hot wing (supported by the Federation), the White Army troops lead by the ousted Tsar Alexander (supported by Equestria and all of Griffonia)

Finally, the Soviet resistance rebels are led by the self-proclaimed Red Mother and Vladimir Lenin (Who are not supported by anyone) with the start of the civil war in the north she lives up to her name slaughtering and winning battles, leading armies with the help of Trotsky and winning the bloody 6-year civil war that ensued and defeated both the loyalist forces
and the White Army's while also executing Generalissimo Hot Wing in his cottage 2 months after the victory with him and his family, and exiling the Tsar. The shocking victory sent blast waves across the world as it then would eventually inspire yet another violent revolution in Skynavian in the winter of 986. And an Equestrian version in Severyana in 995.

The Victory and establishment of the first Soviet communist government was a changing point in world affairs, as Equestria now sees one of the biggest countries in the world taken over by a new foe in an ideological form, while the Federation of America sees the nation as an affront to their security, but didn't care much as they had other different tasks. (At Least until the Americans realized that according to the F.I.U. they had seen that the Rodinian intended to seek revenge for the occupation of their lands, it would later start mass panic within border towns and jumpstart the 980-984 Red Scare)

Meanwhile, the Red Mother realized that with the nation under threat, she needed an enforcer to lead the nation while she helped protect the ideology of equality and begin the Sovietization of the economy, so she chose Lenin, who served as the first Secretary General of the Supreme Soviets. For one year...

He died from a stroke, which then came to Trotsky before he was briefly kidnapped by Stalin, but then he (Stalin) was executed by the Red Mother, which then afterward Trotsky was set free, and began what the socialists would call, the Union plans, which were a series of ways to get money and improve equality in the workforce which would inevitably lead to the nations rise in being in 3rd place in worldwide currency.

The news came in 986 that Skynavia had been established in Northern Griffonia by a socialist general who was once a part of the Griffonian Republic. The Red Mother congratulated the socialist leader and called it "a victory for the people and equality worldwide" which she vowed total cooperation with their newest communist brother.

By the year 995, the winter revolution broke out in Severyana and the Rodinian Socialists were quick to act, they sent T-25 light armor tanks and T-45 medium armored tanks in a land lease to the revolutionaries, along with tons of 20,000 rifles. Produced and freshly crafted by skilled workers of the Soviet industry, along with a sizable food supply and bullets to last them the war, along with what would be the most infamous Soviet brigade to the Equestrian garrison, the 47th volunteer Knife division. (Later renamed to the Blue Berets)

By the time they arrived, the revolutionaries were running out of food rations when the first sights of cargo ships with everything they needed arrived, some of the Severyanian revolutionaries collapsed in relief, while the rest cheered that their ally had come to the rescue of their revolution.

While Celestia heard about the ships arriving at Severyanian ports, she was also at the same time informed by the Federation President, Theodore Roosevelt, that a revolution had broken out in their own front yard.

Seeing this, she quickly called back her military forces, fired the captain of the guard, and called for an emergency meeting in Canterlot between herself, Uncle Sam, and the Red Mother.

The moment the Red Mother and Uncle Sam sat down across from each other in the room guarded by the Equestrian guards was the day the Rodinian-American cold war broke out fully and the two immediately (and literally) started throwing stuff at each other, from paintings to a vase, from two more vases to a painting, from a painting to even a Royal guard!

Shocked by this initial reaction between the two sides Celestia used her magic and entrapped them in a magic bubble. Until the two finally settled down their differences (for now) and finally sat down. Just... Farther away from each other.

Celestia then informs the Red Mother that she will allow Stalliongrad to be independent but will be blockading and cutting off supplies. To Luxembourg's dismay, rage, and anger she was quick to protest against the blockade and threatened to declare war on Equestria. Uproot its foundations and "burn Canterlot to the Ground" if any interference with Soviet supply lines were interrupted. Asserted that the NSRS would be willing to supply crops for Stalliongrad, and warned that she would exhaust all of her forces and even arm the entire population to an all-out war if a single vessel entered a single wave in Stalliongrad's Maritime borders and attacked or hijacked a supply ship.

After the meeting, the NSRS signed defensive treaties with Stalliongrad such as the Caramel-Red Mother Alliance, which guaranteed military intervention in case of invasion.

Back in the year 975 due to technological insuperiority an Arms race broke out between the Northern Socialist and America as the scientists who were referred to themselves as Rodinian started to advance Rodinia’s armor and aircraft technologies quickly but wouldn’t completely adapt to the advances up until 995, which as for the leftover expired weapons they were granted and exported to Stalliongrad for better chances of fighting.

Since then, the year would be 1000 ALB, and the Soviets currently operate military forces in the nation of Saddle Arabia, with the deployment of their new Modern tanks that competed against the American Federation M1 Abrams tanks, the T-90 Models.

But during this, the People's Council referred to the nation of profound soviets as like everyone else they proudly called themselves Rodinian, and since then the People's party continued to push for a name change.

As for other nations, they have lots more of Lore, but it is worth mentioning one nation of Gradenland.

Gradenland is a nation that gained its independence from the Griffonian empire in the year 538 BLB, the same year the War of Independence ended.

The nation is filled with two species of Gradenlanders who house species of Anthropomorphic animals, and ponies, the two sides were once in a race war over land dominance until they saw that their warfare had destroyed the sacred lands so they signed an agreement between two sides ending their feud and focusing on rebuilding and living happily.

But in reality, the two species struggled to rebuild as the nation had rough terrain, marshlands in the east, with only solid agricultural lands in the bay of Ponelaria, and what was worse was the warlords that controlled the lands under a one-man dictatorship. But even in the capital city where the dictator resided, the locals had a hard time attempting to recover from the internal conflict they waged between each other, so they went to a desperate approach and based their reliance on Equestrian trade.

Fast forward to 996, Celestia receives a message in Canterlot that Gradenland has now cut off all international trade by decree and has now resorted to mass starvation of its population, seeing this as an opportunity to maybe help Sunset Shimmer with her struggles after nearly considering kicking her out of the castle for disobedience, she sends her to Gradenland to administer and help the starving ponies and Gradenlanders.

At first, Sunset Shimmer was overwhelmed by the structural and public damage that looked like it was recently torn to shreds, but she kept her mind cool and moved on to work with the remains of the local governments, along with befriending one of the government officials named White Feather who happened to know agriculture, but he was outcast by the rest of his colleagues. So the two worked together to get the nation back on its legs, after months of hard work with gaining three more friends she learned and documented the lifestyle of having friends and realized the purpose of them and so she (and at the same time in Canterlot Twilight Sparkle) sent notes about friendship to the point that Celestia would start noticing her first Proteges findings in Gradenland, Celestia wasn’t convinced at first until she received the 5th letter when she gave into the truth of what she was reading. She could dance for joy after reading the 10th of Sunset’s letters.

However, the dictatorship did not like this rapid growth in stability and quickly called for the arrest of Sunset Shimmer and declared her group "Terrorists" In response a civil conflict broke out, and cruise missiles were launched by the Federation striking military bases, starting a civil war within the lands supporting rebel forces.

Within 998, the dictator was overthrown by Sunset Shimmer, and within months Gradenland finally recovered with additional aid from the American Humanitarian Services after being greenlighted by Congress in the same year which quickened the progress and made Gradenland from a poor debt-ridden state to a prospering one with food and homes, now was for the matter of Government. After the overthrow, there was a power vacuum voided of the warlord council and their leader.

And so Sunset Shimmer’s friends formed the constitutional council which was later filled in by the Gradenlanders and ponies who then surprisingly voted for a single-powered ruler with constitutional documentation. This kinda bummed out President Carter at the time and he also stated that Gradenland was "a waste of time."

What would drastically change the nation's course was voted in favor of Sunset Shimmer to jump-start the great Gradenland rule, with her latest and last note to Celestia, Celestia was proud of Sunset Shimmer which would ultimately make Sunset Shimmer become the new Alicorn, with her title being the princess of defense and restoration.

After the coronation, the first decree was to achieve peace in South Humarica by forming the Legion of Southern Humarican Nations (or the LSHN) which would extend as far from Doglumbia to Bolivi.

Her rule continues as she spectates the politics of what would happen next in the world.