• Published 17th Mar 2023
  • 2,569 Views, 53 Comments

The New World | Millennium - Escalator

What if there was another continent in the planet of Equis, one with Humans..

  • ...


Author's Note:

Music for intermission, because why not? :moustache:

Territorial land as of 1004


  • The League of Nations creates a Peacekeeper unit with the task of conducting international aid operations worldwide to those in need.
  • America is in the process of a resolution to restore continental power to South Humarica, while also disbanding bases in the Republic of Colthage.
  • Rodinia reaffirms military support with Stalliongrad after it has successfully established ties with Yakyakistan.
  • Princesses Luna and Celestia return to Equestria after settling things in Thestria, the nation becomes a republic and is invited into the Legion of Southern Humarican Nations by Princess Sunset Shimmer, following this the newly democratic government sends a letter of apologies to the Parsley leadership for ages of occupation and to Argendina for the war, paying 300 million dollars in compensation.
  • Chiropterra denounces Thestria for Heresy, and cuts off all ties, and recalls all military attaches from the nation.
  • The Soviet leadership announced the introduction of the Tigr Vehicle, created against America's Humvee, following this announcement, the Soviet Nuclear Program has been created, starting a new type of arms race.
  • Celestia called on America and Rodinia to cease hostilities and stop nuclear research, but both countries rejected Celestia's demand.
  • Yates and Gold Star are eventually given a Presidential pardon and return back to base Alicorn where they are welcomed back in open arms by the troops present.
  • Meanwhile, I've been busy making friends with the base men.
  • Brodfield goes into a state of Ideological war, while also being raided by Griffonian raiders, but it is not in a civil war. (Yet)
  • The Tarrin Resistance is born
  • Grover the 5th declassified documents regarding military build-up in Mexicona that there were plans of an invasion before being shown the power of Humanity through the bomb
  • Fidel Castro hosted a Soviet-only conference in Kuba with nations that were communist, the list is concerning listing for. Rodinia, Stalliongrad, Skynavia, Saddle Arabia, and Llambet.
  • Ghaddafi launches a coup de tat' in Toebuck and declares regional powerhouse, despite resistance.
  • Saddam Hussein becomes head of Saddle Arabia after years of Council rule.
  • The Communist Party of Sen Kinh was established by Ho Chi Mane.
  • Peacekeepers Established a buffer zone between Gryphian Host and Brodfield with hopes of preventing the ideological wars from escalating into a regional conflict.
  • Skyfall establishes an international trade Organization in Griffonia.
  • The Storm King prepares his armies for a potential invasion of a weakened Arabia along with Asstyria and Anseruk. However, the Soviets in Rodinia along with Secretary General Brezhnev threatened a Military response and to "raise like hell."
  • Frontlines in Senturya are stabilized thanks to Peacekeeping operations, a ceasefire was hosted and maintained between the two parties.
  • Hippogriffia begins evacuation of its residents into Seaquestria despite American affirmation of defending to the death.
  • President Reagan authorized the deployment of Navy vessels, blockading and starving the Storm King's war efforts while also inspecting ships for smuggled weaponry.
  • Agent Eskamoe and Icebreaker are recalled back to American soil after stabilizing the country (Parsley) and capturing MIA troops from a long-gone regime.
  • Rebels once known as warlords in the Changeling lands have been defeated by Preuben and Changeling loyalist forces, the Queens captured had all chosen to stay loyal and obedience to Queen Chrysalis and her rule in exchange for their subject's lives.
  • America on the First of January, 1004, establishes the Zebrican Iron Belt, which spans countries such as Mareegypt, Colthage Republic, Hippogriffia, and Zumidia, this angers the Storm King and threatens retribution on American soil.