• Published 17th Mar 2023
  • 2,566 Views, 53 Comments

The New World | Millennium - Escalator

What if there was another continent in the planet of Equis, one with Humans..

  • ...

Siege of the Crystal City Part 2

Crystal Empire train station

The train pulled into the station with passenger cars filled with tank crews, and military infantry assigned to their positions and jobs. It also freighted armor vehicles such as three M1A2 Abrams, four Bradleys, and the new AMPV vehicle. (From Washington, with love).

"Strange for you to come here, sir? I thought you had other things to do at the base?" Asked a Sergeant, directing the troops as they unloaded the last Abrams tank off the flatbed.

"Well I changed my mind, I got more things to do here, than over in an office cubical rotting away in paper cuts while every fucking else gets to shoot someone," Alex replied, grabbing his lighter and lighting his handheld cigarette for relief.

Suddenly they can hear rumbling noises that sound like a beast that was gargling water but loud.

So they looked up in the sky and the noise came into their sights as they gathered the armor vehicles a jet zoomed by the squad in the sky at loud speeds, catching everyone off guard and making everyone drop to the ground like flies as Colonel Alex grabbed his binoculars and sees something he never knew existed...

"Sir??? What in Creator's name is that!" Yelled a private, as the men got on their feet the unknown jet circled the Crystal City like a hungry Vulture as it unleashed its payload on parts of the city.

"I don't fucking know, but whoever these assholes are, they had a gull to launch a fucking airstrike on an unarmed city! I knew I should've brought the M163s! Dammit Sergeant now they and we are going to get blown to bits by those pussy's and their jets!"

"Sir, I don't think- INCOMING!"


As the men ducked cover the oncoming shell came from the mountains, it destroyed one of the cars that contained their ammunition, and as it was inflamed men scattered for Anti-tank missiles that were in the inflamed car the other personnel focused on getting the tank ammo out of the car, as for the train...



Immediately Alex grabbed the pony engineer by the collar and shouted.


"YES SIR!" Acknowledged the engineer, as his partner ran to the cart on fire and disconnected the wiring, airbrakes, and everything, signaling the train engineer to get the hell out of dodge, which he obliged and got the train to move away from the burning cart on the verge of erupting into a second explosion.

But while 65% of the ammo was salvaged before the cart blew up, which destroyed the station in the wake of it, the train was intact, it was also trapped between the dead end and the smoldering cart.

But that was the least of their problems as tanks with the symbols of the Iron Cross approached the group.

Crystal City

With the earlier gunfight that had just ended, the Soviets rounded up the wounded Preubics who fought against us and took them prisoner, but the thing is though, unlike the kidnapping a year back with the creepy dudes in gas masks, these guys were wearing gator masks to conceal their identity, along with a helmet that had a tri-color symbol of Red Black and White, not in order of course from what I said, but these guys in my hunch, were Preubics.

But I wasn't focused on that...

"We need to get to Twilight, her friends and relatives, and everyone out of this city now!" Gold Star motioned.

"I disagree with that comrade Major, if we try to reach them we'll all be gunned down," the Colonel protested, as I helped myself with some explosives and some ammunition.

And maybe an M249.

"If I have to I will go alone!"Gold Star argued as the Colonel shook his head.

"You have a LOT of nerve thinking this is some sort of fairy tale! LOOK AROUND YOU! This is a blyating warzone! going by yourself is just as bad, you're going to get shot out there if you go alone!" The Colonel argued back.

"Well then I'll have my men with me-"

"Sir, with all due respect, we dispatched drones to the area we're trying to infiltrate and..."


"And the enemy has an entire convoy of armor vehicles en route to the castle, and with the vehicles we have and the unknown technological superiority of the enemy, we're at a disadvantage."

"And what's your name and rank!"

"Corporal Gavin Wetlock sir, I came from Brooks."

"Well then Wetlock, you can be the first to-"

However, before Gold Star can say or order anything we spot an unidentified jet flying overhead and heading directly towards us.

It was going into an attack formation

"Oh shit, oh shit! EVERYONE DUCK, THEY'RE GOING TO STRAFE US!" I yelled as the men ducked for cover while the unidentified aircraft unleashed its 30 mm duel Gatling gun at our position, firing its Anti-Tank Guided Missiles, it destroyed and damaged all remaining Tigr's at our disposal and two BTR-70s, luckily the pilots got out but at the last moment one or two lost an arm or a leg while trying to get out of the APCs, now we only have a single armor vehicle left, and the enemy has hundreds of armor vehicles on the way to the castle.

"Fuck this! Sergeant Kell!" I exclaimed. "You are in charge of this group, me and Gold Star are securing the VIPs, and then the civilians! Salvage whatever is left on the base armory and in the vehicles! Colonel, you will be in command, but know that if any of them dies in vain you will answer to me understood!?"

"I understood, I will cover from here, good luck." the Colonel acknowledged, as I packed the explosives I grabbed, the Javelin model Bazooka, and the M249.

Now because of how fucking heavy carrying both the "Light" Machine Gun, and a fucking rocket Launcher was, I decided to slouch the AT launcher on my back, and hand held carry the Light Machine Gun, while this did put stress on my back and no doubt slows me down, but at least I can say I'm prepared, with hopes of no snipers in the way of course.

Gold Star grabbed an M4 Assualt Rifle, a m9 model pistol, and a pack of grenades. As we got ready to depart Gold Star turned towards the Colonel with distrust, being that the Soviets did chase us back in the Our Town incident I wasn't surprised, but we had a job to do, so I nudged him and nodded him, he nodded back and so we went into the chaos zone in a dash.

"I was being rhetoric with going alone you know, could've had men with us."

"Yeah, but at least you can say you weren't alone, plus it's less risky with a handful than an entire army."


Chaos broke out at the initial start of the fight, as Rodinian security guards armed with only two rounds of lethal magazines resorted to aiming steadily to hit their target.

While efficient at preserving the amount of ammo they have, they keep getting shot and pelted by enemy bullets, and with the small numbers compared to Preubic troops paradropping from above and shooting at the besieged area from the air, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack remained pinned down.

However as this was going on Twilight and Spike were as completely surprised as everyone else, never had such a large coordinated invasion like this ever happened to Equestria, or any country before since the Lunar Wars, but even then Equestria managed to repel the large invasion then, but with modern times, this was different.

Twilight did not have time to think though, the only plan in her mind was to gather her friends, her sister-in-law, and her brother, and hopefully reach the nearest allied military forces in time while also evacuating the citizens.

As she ran into the chaos, shooting her spells at anyone who wore a gray helmet and was not an ally, she reached Pinkie Pie and Rarity who were defending a group of ponies in the arts and crafts sector.

"TAKE THIS YA MEANY!" Quipped Pinkie, firing her canon loaded with a live gun powdered cover cannon ball at hordes of invading infantry.

"THOSE RAT SCALLIONS!" Exclaimed Rarity. "Who are these people anyways!?"

It was then that Twilight, with Spike holding on to her mane tight, jumped over the barricade fence and blasted the changelings and enemy infantry off her back.

"Twilight! Thank goodness you're here! Help us get these citizens out!"

"Do you know where Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Applejack are?!"

"What do you mean! I thought they were with you!"

"Yeah?" Pinkie added.

"Dear Celestia! And even I'm as confused, how did this all happen!?"

"I don't know darling, but we should really get these civilians out of here As soon as possible!"

"Wha-OH! Sorry! We need to find a path for them to"

But before she finished, a barrier shield was activated, and when Twilight noticed the Crystal Heart was gone and the color of the barrier was white and not Cadence's Blue magic aurora she was severely confused but frightened as to why the shield was up when Cadence wasn't on the balcony.

Then it was when she saw a group of Preubics setting up some sort of generator with three satellite dishes attached on top.

"Call it in," ordered the Preubic soldier.

"General Ferguein, we have successfully established the barrier, I repeat, the barrier has been established," informed the Radioman.

"Guten, be sure that no one goes near it or at least long enough to unleash phase 3."

"Understood sir," replied the soldier. "Also sir, Twilight Sparkle has barricaded herself, we can see her from here and she can see us as well."

"How so?" Asked the General.

"Because she's looking at us, commandant."

"Understood, Chrysalis will be en route to dispatch her, and in case she has friends with her, expect Death Troopers on the scene."

"Yes, commandant."

The moment the group placed down the phones they looked back at Twilight which she then ducked behind the fence.

"Darling, what's wrong?" Rarity asked, throwing stuff at the enemy with her telekinetic magic.

"I think they saw me..."

"How can you tell?" Pinkie asked.

"Because I am right here," chuckled Chrysalis, landing in front of the besieged trio.

"Your Majesties! The empire is under attack!"

"Under attack!? From where!"

"Everywhere sir! From the sky and ground! Changelings have allied themselves with humans!"


"No, not even Americans! They're pinning down our allies, and our buildings are being struck by some sort of aircraft in the sky!" The Guard answered, shocking the two couples.

"I'll get the forcefield active and-"

Before she finished a Rodinian soldier battling off enemy troops entered the castle and was breathless, and then he saw the two royals.

"Your Majesties! American forces are still trying to enter the city, I suggest you keep it open for allied aircraft." The Rodinian then passed out, and Cadence lifted him inside the castle and rested him somewhere on the crystal floor, and then she reiterated her move.

"Change of plan, Shining Armor go and help them out, I suggest you grab your armor!" Cadence inferred. "And if you find any wounded out there get them inside!"

"I'm on it!" He replied, as he quickly got his purple armor on and ran out where he was met with air-filled bullet spray and firey chaos from jet fighters as Preubic troops raided buildings and shot at positions secured by either Royal Guards or straggling Rodinian security forces who were not at the base.

"HEY WHITE PONY! GET THE BLYAT OVER HERE!" Yelled out a Rodinian, as he and three other Royal guards ran across the strafe of bullet hellfire.

"GAH-" Yelped one of the guards being shot in the wing.

"Ah, crap-"

"GET DOWN BLYAT!" Yelled the Rodinian as he tackled Shining Armor down as more bullets were shot at the injured royal guard which killed him.

"What the Tartarus is wrong with you! That was one of mine!" Shining Armor yelled, as an artillery blast exploded inside splattering thousands of Crystal shards into the air.

"What's your name soldier!"

"Lieutenant Yevgeny Prigozhin! I'm with the security group before getting my ass blown off by these Blyating fascists!" He exclaimed, shooting at one of the Preubic soldiers dead.

"Well listen here Lieutenant you just got one of my ponies killed!"

"That was just one! He died for a cause, if you ran out there you would've died too and we need you alive not martyred!" Yelled Prigo, shooting at two more bodies that attempted to charge them dead.

"So what's the plan!" Shining Armor yelled amid the gun battle.

"Well first we- SUKA BLYAT! ENEMY TANK!" Yelled the Rodinian as a Boxer APC arrived and opened its guns at the forward positions relentlessly pinning both the Rodinians and the Royal guards.

"I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" Shouted a Rodinian, as he jumped out of the sandbag fence.

"GET BACK HERE YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" Yelled Prigo, before the Insubordinate Rodinian was shot and hacked to pieces by the APC 50 caliber ammunition.


"So what's the plan!"

"Pray that Creator exists! And hope we get out of this alive!"

"What was your original plan!"

"Guarding the castle entrance to the death! And then retrieve the Crystal Heart!"

"I like that plan and the other one!"

"You better hope they both work, because that's all I have!"

Twilight Sparkle and Chrysalis stood off for the second time since the last encounter with her two years ago, while not much with the Canterlot Wedding, the two did have a quarrel with each other at the high hivelands.

And that was before Rommel appeared with his army.

And this time, Chrysalis has allies, and her guard who stands right and left of her sides.

"Like my new bodyguards little Twilight? They were specifically trained just for your friends, and they've been so anxious to play with them." Smiled the Changeling Queen.

"OOH! DID YOU SAY PLAY? I LOVE PLAY TIME- I mean... *AHEM* oh yeah punk? I--"

"Save your breath Chrysalis! I should've known you were behind all this!" Twilight scowled.

"Oh not me, of course, while the original plan was to just simply fight you, but thanks to my new general I now see that this is more fun," Chrysalis admitted, as she looked around at the chaotic destruction from jet fighters bombing civilian targets to the Boxers entering the city unopposed.

She looked at the meek Alicorn with a smiling glare as the young princess saw everything unravel, while she may have tensed her body, and her wings flapped open, she knew what chaos was going on, but she intended on fighting one of those responsible for it.

As for Rarity though, she was pissed.


*Enter Dramatic Explosion here*

However, Chrysalis quickly made her move and fired her spell which Twilight, who lit her horn in anticipation, catcher Chrysalis's spell and pushed her back into the wall.

Retaliating Chrysalis flew in the air and fired multiple round bursts aimed at Twilight with each of them pelting Twilight's Magic shield.

Meanwhile, the Bodyguards aimed with their guns and attempted to shoot Rarity and Pinkie, but they failed because being the most notorious among story authors she broke the usual fourth wall and-




She surprise attacked one of the soldiers with her party cannon and blew them off the ground, distracting the other one who immediately released his entire load on Pinkie in an attempt to nab her through a bullet, but Rarity, who was gathering up Crystal shards.

Threw a book, a chair, a couch, another chair, and then a huge shipping container on the soldier who was completely crushed to death, the other soldier resorted to CQC and waved his fingers to challenge Rarity, and Pinke, the two shrugged and charged at the soldier in which quickly overpowered the two pony friends, knocking Rarity out unconsciously, and pinning Pinkie Pie to the nearest wall and pointed his pistol.

"Sag gute Nacht, Pony"

"PINKIE!" Shouted Twilight before getting shot by one of Chrysalis's spells and then getting pinned to the ground by her subjects.

The next thing she heard was a gunshot that followed.

Running was now more of a chore when I have a fucking missile on my back, unlike Gold Star who seems to love this sport, though then again he was an elite royal guard, but damn I have no capacity of a pony whatsoever.

But that was over when we reached the fork in the area, two areas of the castle were besieged, and Gold Star could see Twilight fighting Chrysalis, while I saw Shining Armor, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Applejack pinned down by enemy APCs.

"Alright, who's taking who," I asked.

"I'll take the area with Twilight, hopefully, I can reach her in time before the enemy gets impatient," Gold Star motioned.

"Alright then, since I have this missile on my fucking back I will have the pleasure of blowing up the enemy's toy tanks they brought for me to destroy."

"Very well, then that case."

"Happy Hunting!" We both said in unison.

So we parted ways and moved to the areas of interest, Gold Star Lifted his bandana scarf to his nose and made his way toward the fairgrounds and I moved my way to the castle.

As I approached the area it seemed the enemy had no idea that I was in their vicinity, so I took the opportunity to unpack the Javelin that I'd been Painfully carrying and opened the tracker on it.

However, things turned downward for me at this point when I was kicked in the face by someone I didn't see at all anywhere.

"Well well well, if it isn't Yates, missed me?" Entered General Cynthia.

"Bitch, I should've suspected you were behind something like this, say how was your arm by the way? Rot off and die? No?? Well, that's too bad."

Immediately she slapped me in the face and grabbed me by my neck collar with an enraged expression on her face.

"Listen here you fucking bitch! Your bastard of a friend caused my fucking arm to come off, NOW LOOK AT IT!"

She then showed me her robotic arm that she was grabbing me with, as surprised as I am she was not kidding, I know Gold Star shot her in the arm but holy shit I didn't think he'd be the architect of having it amputated!


"Congrats, you got promoted to Colonel, I'm so proud of you," I smirked, before being slammed into the ground and kicked over by Colonel bitch.


"Sorry, but I have a policy, the only time I die is on my BED!"

I then punched her in the face, and this broke a whole shit ton of codes for men like me, such as "Never hit a lady" Well, she will be an exception, but I think I might've made her angry because she went for the gun and started shooting at me, and when there's no cover in my area except for the buildings I'm technically dog meat.

So my best option was to disarm her, so I dropped the M249 and gutted her in the stomach, kicked her in the ground, and then we both struggled for the gun and both of us rolled all over the crystal ground trying to gain possession of the firearm but she quickly kicked me down on the ground and attempt to aim the gun in my head.


She kept repeating those words two or five times as I struggled to keep the gun off my skin but no matter what her robotic arm is trying to get the gun shoved in my forehead and not even pulling the trigger, yet, but using legs I make several tries to get her to dislodge off me before she pulled the trigger, and after 2 and 3 tries I kicked her in the back, punched her in the fucking face, and broke her jaw from the following kick, and then when she tried to bite me I punched her even harder 3 times in the single spot of her eye.

Then in a last-ditch effort to kill me, she grabbed me with her Robotic arm and attempted to strangle every single breath out of my lungs.

It felt like death was creeping closer as I gasped for air, she didn't care anymore, it was either I or her that dies.

And while I could've ended all and given up there, I didn't, I had a job to do.

So out of rage that I never felt before I grabbed her robotic arm and pulled at it with every strength possible, and even when she released my neck I continued to pull and pull and pull until I stored it all which made a bloody mess from the base of her body as some of her blood got on my arms. But I didn't care.

As I got on my feet, grabbed the gun, and pointed it at her... She looked hideous.

She lost an eyeball, her entire jawline barely hanging from the base mouth, her face was covered in blood, and her robotic arm she had, was entirely cut and cleaned off.

And so to get that disgusting image out of my eyes before she charged like a zombie in one of those Zombie apocalypse movies, I shot Two rounds into her forehead in which thenseafter, she was on the ground.


After that, I took a breath and looked around and then at the now-dead Colonel Cynthia.

"I'll take up that offer thank you very much," I heaved. "But first..."

I grabbed the Javelin, took aim at the Boxer, and fired at the ergonomic storage doors at the APC lighting it in flames following an explosive burst that destroyed the entire vehicle, and cheering.

I then ran up to Shining Armor who was looking around somewhere and when he saw me he couldn't be happier.

"Yates you came! What took you so long and is that blood?"

"Long story short, I came by myself, had a fight with, get this, "Colonel Cynthia," killed her, used the world's biggest missile, and saved your hides, and you're welcome."

"That... Sums it up, but now we need to find the Crystal Heart,"

"Oh yeah... Where is that thing anyways?" I asked when Iron Wills showed up in the background with the satchel.

"THERE HE IS! GET HIM" Shining Armor yelled, as he and the Royal guards chased after him.

"Of course... Whoever is in charge of defending the castle should be secured now, so we need to focus on securing the fairgrounds!"

"Understood, LET'S ROLL COMRADES!" Yelled the Rodinian squad leader, as the Rodinians grabbed their PKMS and AK-74Ms and matched towards the fairgrounds.

But during my fight with Cynthia.

Gold Star reached the crystal fair, after shooting and assassinating the enemy as stealthily and quietly as possible he saw the fighting between Chrysalis and Twilight turn against Twilight when she noticed Pinkie Pie pinned to the wall with a gun pointed at her jaw.

"PINKIE!" She yelled when Gold Star turned towards his M4 rifle's scope and aimed at the Preubic soldier in the neck.

As Twilight was pinned down by multiple Changelings Gold Star quickly took the shot and fired at the Preubic Soldier and shot him in the neck, saving Pinkie Pie, and killing him on the spot, he then turned towards the Changeling horde that buried Twilight and quickly shot some but not all of the changelings to reduce the risk of accidentally shooting Twilight.

However, after firing his 2nd shot Twilight unburied herself from the Changeling horde and Dispelled her entire surroundings which angered the Changeling Queen.

With that, the fight continued between the princess and the Changeling Queen which bought Gold Star time to read Pinkie Pie, who was waking up Rarity.

" Mr. Star! Thank Celestia you've come! I'm trying to wake Rarity up BUT SHE'S BEING TOO STUBBORN!"

"Hold on, maybe I have something for this."

Gold Star then looked through his Satchel and found the salt.

"Here take this, snap it in half, and put it up in Rarity's nose, that'll wake her."

"You sure? Oookay!" Pinkie Pie assured herself, shoving the salt in Rarity's nose and surprisingly waking her up out of her unconscious state.

"GREAT CELESTIA I'M LATE FOR THE GALLERIA- oh... Is this fashion heaven?" Rarity asked.

"Hey! It worked!" Pinkie Pie smiled, as a strike from Chrysalis struck between her and Rarity.

"YOU WRETCHED BEING! PREPARE TO FEEL MY TRUE WRATH!" Shouted Chrysalis, as she fired a hellfire of magic spell blasts from her horn so big that it penetrated Twilight's shield and blew her on the ground, and then after recollecting her thoughts she flew back in the air once more.

Gold Star was about to help but was stopped by Rarity.

"She can help herself, we need to get our friends, and the civilians out of here."

"How! They got a damn forcefield barrier surrounding the city!" Gold Star questioned.

"From what Twilight told me it came from over there, but we can't reach it without additional help!"

"Well? Where's Rainbow Dash and your other two friends?"

"That's for us to find."

"Lead the way then."

As the trio went about Pinkie looked at the one Gold Star shot and shook her head.

"So much for "well trained" what else did she expect?" Pinkie asked herself, walking and dusting her hoof off from the dead man's vest.

Amid the chaos, if I were to know this was all a distraction I would stood by and wait at the castle that day.

But I never knew, and that was my mistake...

Radiant Hope, being the former informant and was officially presumed dead by the Equestrian Records Association, had entered the castle cloaked in brown and avoiding detection from the injured humans and pony civilians taking refuge in the castle during the fighting.

With most of the battle now dying down and shifting towards the fairgrounds, Iron Wills served well as a lengthy distraction while she took the Crystal Heart into her satchel, and to admit, Rommel's plan went as perfectly as expected, it was only a matter of time when Phase 3 of the operation would begin, which would start whenever the shield is gone, and the king was revived.

She arrived at the throne room which was empty and devoided of anything moving, so taking this window, she opened the secret basement below, and walked down the treacherous steps to what would be referred to as "Sombra's Library of Hidden Knowledge." Or in my words, the old dust bookshop and to be fair Gold Star would knock me down those steps getting there if he knew.

Of course, that's because we've never truly explored or experienced the city itself.

Gold Star and I were walking into each other's path as I was leading a group of our allies heading toward the security team's position.

We bumped into each other and pointed guns at each other before realizing one of the other.

"Dag damn Goldie! Are you trying to kill me!?"

"Are you?"

"Well apart from that, I see you did well with what you're doing, but where's Twilight and the rest of her friends? And everyone else we're supposed to rescue."

"Rarity and Pinkie are trying to search for them too, but with the fucking enemy around the corner 24/7 and with the barrier up I can't get no contact with no one! Colonel Alex nor the Airforce!"

"Well, then I suggest finding them, and then focusing our attention on whatever generated this!"


"Well let's hurry then!" I motioned, as me and Gold Star ran and followed the Rodinian soldier which we saw the group being pinned down by Preubic soldiers which they foolishly ceased fire and an officer approached.

"Attention Security taskforces! This is Lieutenant Garferd of the Preubic Military forces, we have you surrounded, surrender now and you will be spared! Otherwise, you will feel the wrath of our army!"

Given the signal, the men quickly ambushed and disarmed the Preubic soldiers swiftly and silently, and Gold Star and I took the liberty to be the ones to tell the officer.

"W-who are you!" The officer demanded.

"We're the messengers, and to break the message to you, your men gave up."


"Yeah, look around," I pointed, as the officer looked around and saw his men kneeling in front of Allied riflemen.


"Now, if you'd be so kind, hand me your gun, and we'll go our separate ways," I insisted, as he gave up his fire, and Rarity and Pinkie Pie embraced their friends who had been besieged for a while.

"Where have y'all been? We've been fighting and bucking for hours!" Applejack exclaimed.

"It's only been minutes, though close to an hour, so maybe you're right," I corrected (kinda.)

"Well, it took you all long enough! Fluttershy was about to get PTSD from all this gunfire!" RD scolded.

"Yeah yeah sorry, but the enemy reached the castle, we had to disperse resources, all vehicles had been destroyed," Gold Star informed.

"Not all comrade," interjected a Rodinian." We have this Tiger intact, but it barely has any Light Machine gun ammo."

"There's a group that's gathering ammo, if you head there you can resupply."

"Thanks, Dasvidanye," said the Rodinian, entering the Tigr and driving it off to the resupply zone.

"Where's Twilight?" Fluttershy asked when Twilight suddenly smashed the ground in front of them and entered Queen Bitchalis.

"Well isn't this a nice display, I- wait..."

"Oh hi Queen Bitch, miss me? Maybe not, but this same gun I'm holding does!" I taunted.


"Yeah me! Ready for round two biatch!"

"GRRRR! AS MUCH AS I WOULD WANT! I have an area to go to, for now, so long to the rest of you all!" Chrysalis then flew off, pissing me off.

"PUSSY ASSHOLE!" I shouted, but she paid no attention to it.

"Damn, that usually works."

As much as I would like to do round two, Twilight was injured in the fight, though not severely, she still held her strength, and attempted to fly after Chrysalis but was stopped by Gold Star.

"Don't it's best that we start restructuring what we need to do next?"

Although she didn't like being stopped, he had a point, what they should do is strategize what they should do next, and that plan came in the form of blowing up that dammed generator.

Twilight sighed and replied.

"You're right, so what should we do?"

"Well first off, we need to reestablish signal with the military, starting with that damn generator!"

"I know where the generator is, I can lead us to it."

"We'll follow."

And so we departed from the fairgrounds with security forces gathering up the civilians and taking them to the exit road of the city, the generator was found but it was unguarded, but we destroyed it anyways, and surprisingly it wasn't a trap.

However, the only ones guarding it were Iron Wills and his Goatfriend, Lightning Dusk, and Flim and Flam brothers, whoever assigned this job to them are idiots out of all things we could've been shooting something and instead, we had something as easy as that? So we've arrested them and took them in.

But I did have a feeling that this was no doubt what the enemy would want us to do and that we played right into a bigger trap...

The fighting died off in the Crystal City after a while, and it was also then that in the field Alex and his forces scored a victory against the enemy as they saw the enemy retreating from them.

"Sir! They're on the run," reported the Sergeant.

"Good to see," replied Alex, looking through his binoculars. "Now it's our turn to retreat as well."


"We just an Abrams and most of our Bradleys, luckily the new AMPV vehicle is still intact, but still our only option is to retreat and resupply back to base," Alex insisted.

"But sir! What about our other men!?"

"By the time we get back all I can hope is for their safety, but for now, we can't help them when we're under-equipped and under-manned," Alex argued.

"Understood sir, call it now?"


"...All troops withdraw is a go, I repeat... Withdraw is a go, retreat and load the tanks back onboard, what about the dead sir?"

"Bring them with us as well Sergeant."

"Bring back the fallen as well..."

Radiant Hope entered the desk room of Sombra's basement, after observing and getting nostalgic that shivered her fur she shook herself out of it and spoke.

"You can come out now, I know you're here, there's no need to hide from me... Sombra."

After waiting for a while she rolled her eyes annoyed.

"Fine you may not recognize my voice, but you won't have forgotten my face."

She then unraveled her hood and revealed her identity to the one named Sombra.

"Look at me Sombra! Do you recognize me? What's my name?"


Canterlot Mountain Side

Reagan and Gorbachev were watching the Artillary barraging the mountainsides that were cleared by Equestria's environmental regulation, not in willful terms since they've been teleported to the military drills by Celestia or Luna.

But despite this sudden teleportation they decided to make the most in comparing their military's and even sharing some military projects that their military's were going to do.

For instance.

"We currently have reached a level of having 5th generation fighters."

"5th Generation Fighters? We're about to have a 5th generation bomber by the end of this month."

"Well, in respect I suggest funding your military, after all the world is a big place."

"Well well well!" Entered Patton, wearing his Sunglasses and a tropical pineapple fruit that he was drinking from. "About time a leader recognized our existence here, but I didn't expect a Rodine to be here too.

"Celestia and Luna are looking for you," Reagan informed.

"Yeah I know, but I don't know what it's about," Patton replied, drinking from his fruit cup when Luna and Celestia finally found him.

"Hello Mr. Patton, it's been a while since we've met."

"Well I will be dammed, I heard you had a rainbow main, I didn't think people were serious! I keep telling them you had a pink one! Same with you Luna, although I don't see the difference, other than that black mark on your butt."

The two sisters looked at each other and shrugged, and then turned towards the two leaders.

"Did you already tell him?" Celestia asked.

"Told me? About what? The hell is going on!"

"So, Mr. Patton, remember that you entrusted that the 105th division would guard the Crystal City?" Luna queried.


"It's under attack, human enemies have dropped down from the sky and they've deployed tanks, changelings, and the enemies of Twilight and her Friends," Celestia informed, which Holt came with the additional Pineapple fruit cups that he was delivering for Celestia and Luna before...

"THOSE BASTARDS! SERGEANT HOLT GET ME MY COAT!" Shouted Patton, whom Holt saluted and quickly dropped the pineapple cups and dashed from one place to Patton's private coat hangers grabbing a coat and a microphone and back to Patton, which the General obliged and put on his coat and lifted the Microphone to his mouth.

"ALRIGHT MEN PARTY DRILLS ARE OVER, GET YOUR ASSES ON THE DOUBLE! COME ONE COME ONE DOUBLE MOVE IT MOVE IT!" Patton yelled, as the men quickly packed up and loaded up the artillery, tanks, and vehicles while Patton shook his head toward the princesses.

"It'll be a while before we arrive, feel free to soften those jackasses and their pansy toys!" Patton said, as he walked off from the scene, Celestia and Luna then took flight at a fast speed leaving only Reagan and Gorbachev in the field.

"I think they forgot us," Gorbachev pointed out.

"Yeah, so they did... Wanna try out the Aquilian restaurant in Canterlot? Heard they make excellent cuisine," insisted Reagan.

"touche," replied Gorbachev,

Crystal City

After putting these bastards in seats and tying them with old rope me and Gold Star had a little chat with each other.

"So, that is that we've got them tied up and everything, what now?" Asked Gold Star.

"Well I would recommend interrogating them, I heard one of these guys mention Phase 3 of this operation."

"Phase 3? I wonder what the two previous phases were?" Gold Star wondered.

"One was... Well I don't know, but I know that Phase 2 was something and-"

But before I was finished the tied officer chuckled and laughed out loud which stirred some concern with our pony friends.

"What's so funny!" Rainbow Dash Interrogated.

"Hehehe, you have no idea what you've just fallen for," said the Preubic officer.

"Oh yeah? How so!" Rainbow Dash pressed, who was held back by Applejack and Fluttershy.

"To reiterate, who are you, and what did we just fall for?" I asked.

"Let's just say that phase 2 was all a distraction, but I won't tell you what phase 3 is!"

With that sudden response, a Tigr arrived only instead of its gun mount being the usual light machine gun, it was now a literal minigun manned by a chunky Soviet and the passengers, well it was a pissed Colonel and two Special forces posing as bodyguards.

As it pulled up to the fair the Colonel stepped out as an old transport truck filled with the prisoners we've captured arrived and were lined up with the other prisoners.

"Welcome back Colonel Aleksander," I greeted.

"Hello, I assume these are all the prisoners, is that their officer?" Asked the Commie.

"Sure is. Say, how do you guys get your information again?"

"Stubborn I assume?" He guessed.


"Well, this should be fun then, Lieutenant Romanov! Bring me, the gas can!" Ordered the Colonel, which the Rodinik happily obliged and grabbed the can, and had the men present to fill it up with with fuel and gasoline, while also bringing out the other torture devices.

"HA! What are you going to do with a can hmph!? Waterboard me!?" The officer scoffed.

"Oh it's worst," replied the Colonel, before being presented the gas can.

"Now, you're going to tell me what the enemy is planning, or you will feel the flames of hell upon you," threatened the Colonel.

"Wait! You aren't going to pour gasoline on him aren't you?" Twilight questioned, to which the Colonel looked at the distressed alicorn with her eyes fearfully dilating, so with a neutral face he replied with a lie.

"Of course not, I'm not a monster, now answer my question scum! What is phase 3!"

"Never you Rodinik pig! You won't get a word out of me! NEVER!"

After hearing the response from the Preubic officer the Colonel rolled his eyes and grabbed himself a cigarette, and a lighter. In which he smoked he ordered.

"Board him."

Immediately the soviets poured not water from the gas can, but pure full Gasoline onto the Preubic officer which immediately Twilight and her friends caught onto what he planned to do.

The preubic officer kept his mouth closed but also tried to not drown in the gasoline as it kept pouring on his face, and when some of the fuel got into his mouth he would try to spit it out, but when the Rodinian soldiers saw this, they stopped pouring gasoline and applied tape to his mouth which thereafter they continued to pour, and pour, and pour until finally, it stopped pouring.

"Now, untape him," ordered the Colonel, which the Rodinians grabbed the tape from one end and painfully and slowly took it off the officer's mouth.

"AHHHH! FFF- What did you pour on me? Why do I smell like g-g-gaaass...."

Immediately the officer realized what he was covered him and looked at the Colonel who was still smoking his cigar.

"You're mad!"

"Am I? Then what's with the chaos you've brought into this city, and the death of my men? Answer my question and you may live!" The Colonel threatened one more time, and at that one point me and Gold Star, Twilight, her brother, and her friends were all waiting for a response which the officer started speaking.

Phase 3 is a part of the enemy's operation that's to be launched when Sombra is revived, the plan was to overthrow the Alicorns by the use of the chaos minutes ago to draw Celestia and Luna out of Canterlot, of course, given if international powers such as Rodinia or America got involved the Preubics and changelings would pull out.

But with Phase 3, if Sombra was revived, the generator destroyed, and the Preubics and the Changelings retreated to one side of the city, then there's no doubt that a major battle is brewing, and it brings more death and destruction.

"And there's your answer you scum! Now release me and my men from bondage!" The Preubic officer demanded, which Twilight was about to do before she was suddenly held back by Rodinian soldiers.

"Hey! What are you?"

"Oh, I'll release you and your men from bondage. That is, the bondage of life!"

The Soviet Colonel flicked his Cigarette still smoking onto the Officer's face and proceeded to light the gasoline still on the Officer's cloth's on fire, as we heard the fire burning his flesh alive, and the scream of agony as the officer attempted to break himself loose from the chair that was now on fire I tried to shoot him out of misery but I was also stopped.

"Let him burn, he'll learn for his crimes here, and in hell!" The Colonel stated.

"You merciless bitch! Do you realize what you're doing here!"

"What did you expect was going to happen when we took the helm Lieutenant? We're just doing what you've asked of us, and now that we got what we needed we have no further use of them. MAKE READY!" He ordered, which the Rodinian firing squad aimed at the Preubics that were lined up side by side.

As I watched I learned something about these communists and from the knowledge I just learned is...


Never trust a commie. And as I learned that the hard way just from watching it right in front of me Rainbow Dash covered Fluttershy's eyes right before the Colonel said.


And with that, the 6 mares, Spike, and Shining Armor covered their ears when the Rodinians publicly executed all of our prisoners through gunfire from their AK-74s fully automatic. Now the remaining prisoners... Lightning Dusk, Iron Wills, and the Flim and Flam brothers, they were next, and they shivered at the sight of the dead bodies and dreaded that fact as they were grabbed by their cuffs and sat in front, Shining Armor attempted to protest but was held back by the Rodinian guards.

As they brought them in front of the firing squad something I did not expect to happen, Twilight actually gathered strength against a major power by first blowing the guards out of her way from her and flew right in front of the group and With quick speed she raised a shield up the moment bullets were fired.

They were all deflecting. Dumbfounded by this bold move the Colonel quickly reacted.

"Suka Blyet! CEASE FIRE!" The Colonel ordered, which the Soldiers ceased their firing, and awaited further orders from the Colonel who ran right in front of them.


"No they are not! That's just what your people think! And I can tell you they are not, you've all been so brainwashed in propaganda that all of you only think about is murder and death!"

"You damn undersized Alicorn! They collaborated with the death of my men! They deserve to die they sided with these criminals! they should all be dead!" The Colonel further stated arguementally.

"They didn't know better! They may have done deeds that weren't good! Such as Flim and Flam when they tried to pull a stunt with Applejack and her family, or Lightning Dusk who broke the rules of the Wonderbolts by not helping those in danger, or Iron Wills for being harsh! What they all did before was one thing, but killing them is where I draw the line!"

At that point the Colonel could've just said proceed with the execution, but of course not only would he get either shot or punched by Gold Star, but would no doubt jeopardize the whole point of the Rodinian operation which was simple to prove that they were better than America in every way, and so he turned towards his men and signaled them to stand down and lower their rifles.

Once they did he looked at the princess and said.

"We will help you evacuate the citizens, but after that, we won't be of any service after this."

"We'll take our chances," Gold Star replied for the princess.

It was then that Twilight upheld her argument and in a surprise move she released the four which surprised her friends.

"Iron Will asks? Why did Twilight Sparkle free us?"

"You all have a second chance, whether to stay with them or get out of here and make a better choice."

Even though they could've gone rampant, after having to see the consequences of their actions firsthand, the four without a word left, although they did help some of the citizens evacuate as some started leaving en masse now that the barrier was down, the Soviets had however were kind enough to lend us their last BTR-82, but one tank wasn't enough for this, but we had to make use with what we have because once the citizens got out, the Rodinians departed as well.

However, we were being watched the whole time by one of Chrysalis's drones who watched from the roof spying on them.

Chrysalis watched through the eyes of her drone and wasn't surprised.

"I'm not surprised, although the execution is violent it shouldn't surprise me how much cowardice these types displayed."

"Well Queen Chrysalis, I never did either, nor did Rommel, on the bright side the plan will still work even without them."

"So your commander knew already?"

"Always had, shouldn't be surprising."

"I see... After we do overthrow the Alicorn rule what then?"

"Well, after we overthrow them, we will then take our focus primarily toward the American Hegemony, the architects of your failure in the first place."

Chrysalis hissed a bit at the word "American" It made her sick of how despicable they were when they attempted to take over Equestria, if they hadn't been involved it would've worked perfectly, and the fact of how they gloated over superiority makes it worst, and she hopes to gloat how she overcame these insulate beings.

But first, although she rejected Yates and his offer for round two in fighting, she regretted that moment, because she wanted that second chance to slam Yates and his head into the dirt, and the fact that she insulted her honor was the moment she should've just accepted this challenge.

But she knows she would have her chance against him, it's only a matter of time until Radiant Hope brings Sombra into the ring.

Canterlot, Le Aquila restaurant, 2 hours later

After being picked up by choppers Reagan and Gorbachev sat together for lunch discussing political solutions between each other to perhaps and hopefully decrease Cold War tensions.

However, as Gorbachev was about to try the pizza the Equestria Royal Guard Captain guarded by two other guards arrived at the restaurant.

"Mr. President," presented the captain.

"Good evening Captain, why not help yourself with a cheesecake? Griffons tend to love this dessert," the president offered to the pony, but he shook his head.

"No, but thank you sir, but we have a greater situation," the guard tensed.

"Of course, something to do with the Crystal City?" Reagan assumed.

"Yes sir, but things have gotten worse..."

"How so?" Reagan asked, as Gorbachev peaked in the conversation while eating his pizza.

"Sir Celestia and Luna have been turned to statues by Sombra, and as we speak he is about to release the Umbrum." The captain informed, which shocked both leaders, the bodyguards, and some of the onlookers who overheard the conversation while spectating what could be a life changing decision between two major countries.

"Has it been confirmed?" Gorbachev questioned.

"Yes Mr. Gorbachev, Celestia and Luna have been turned to Statues, and at the mercy of Sombra," the captain repeated, which Reagan further replied.

"What about the security forces?"

"We've lost contact with the commanders."


Reagan sat stumped sitting on his chair, and while so the ponies in the background started murmuring about their invincible leaders defeated to a evil shadow king who many thought was long gone. But the princesses wasn't Reagan's only concern, if Sombra released the Umbrum, and if correct, they might launch a globalized invasion to which everyone would not be spared.

But... In case Sombra successfully does this, and the Umbrum roamed free then... There is no option left, and ith decisions like these, it's either the Crystal City and it's beauty, or the world and it's widen view of lives at stake.

"Get me General MacArthur on the phone, I wish to speak to him about..." The president paused and thought out his decision, but it was either that, or the end of the world. "Pineapples... I wish to speak to him about pineapples."

The men quickly called up a man with a brief case titled "The football" and opened the case in front of the president, inside is a phone and codes.

He lifted the phone and spoke in front of Gorbachev who was watching the whole process quietly and attentitvely, along with is bodyguards.

"General," spoke Reagan. "Execute following codes, and prepare launch sequence."

He then reached in the suit case and broke the seal that read.


Reagan then snapped the seal in half, and grabbed the special card which he read out.

"Alpha, Alpha, Dodge, Blanket, Wisconsin, Pony, Cyan, Shine."

Reagan then awaited response.

"Code verified sir... But are you sure?"

"Do it," Reagan ordered.

Gorbachev, now sick to his stomach turned towards his men in a signal that he should head out at once, so he stood and spoke.

"I better be heading out, the Red Mother will want to hear about this."

"She better, because I don't even know if I'm making the right decision, and if somehow the city is liberated, your men may have the gesture of shooting down the bomber, but be sure that the men onboard survives."

"We'll do what we must if it comes to that, but for now, we will be neutral on this stance, and... Good luck." Gorbachev wished.

The two leaders shook hands concerningly with each other, and then waved goodbye.

But as Gorbachev left, Reagan felt a big urge in his throat that he made a mistake.

Because now... The mother of all bombs is on it's way to the Crystal City.

And it brings Nuclear winter.

Author's Note:

The next chapter will conclude the arc.