• Published 17th Mar 2023
  • 2,564 Views, 53 Comments

The New World | Millennium - Escalator

What if there was another continent in the planet of Equis, one with Humans..

  • ...

Apple-Buffalo conflict

SFN-StarHawk Carrier

The deck was active with military personal and crew men.

Jets were being fueled, helicopters prepped for operations, and amphibious craft preparing to transport infantry and the M1A1 Abrams to it's destination, Appleloosa.

"CREW MEN LISTEN UP!" Shouted a naval Sergeant, while the crew men and jet pilots gathered up around the Sergeant.


"SIR NO SIR!" Shouted back the crew men in response.


The tanks and infantry are loaded on the amphibious craft while the tomcat fighters are lined up on the carriers awaiting the final order from the Carrier captain. During this the naval Sergeant went inside the bridge and informed.

"The Naval forces are ready to launch sir!" The Sergeant reported.

The Captain grabbed the speaker Microphone and shouted.

"Begin launch sequence! Amphibious craft make your way to the Equestrian coast!"

As ordered, the Amphibious craft is deployed from the carrier and headed towards the designated ports in south Equestria, instructed by Celestia, while it was strange for the human military to solve a dispute, it was something Celestia wished to see as a test of how brutal Humanity would be in dispute situations.

Of course, with her theory being that humanity were barbaric, the operation launched on disputes. Would prove less than that.

"Tomcats! Make me proud, the mission is to scour the skies only! No engagements at all! Oh! And take some pictures, I always wanted to see Equestria in it's current state." The Captain ordered, as radio static replied.

"Roger that sir, alright tigers, lets show Equestria a taste of superiority."

The tomcat F-14s ignited their engines and begun one by one, launching from the carrier deck and flying into a formation, the crew men cheered at the jet launch and begin preparing the fuel lines for occasional refueling.

"All birds are in the air sir!" Reported the head crewman.

"Very good, Corporal! Keep me updated on Keeper brigade!"

"Yes sir, on it sir!"

"Now, we sit and watch."

Beastrop, outskirts

"Aaaand now, your local news station with your breaking news! Gerald?"

"Thanks Jenny, we currently have the latest on the situation in Appleloosa, apparently Uncle Sam and Celestia had a sit down today on talks about the situation on the recently settled province, however, the area settled was occupied by a indigenous tribe called the Buffalo. They stampede in the area of concern for generations, but due to settlement, it was now occupied by settlers and their apple trees. Unfortunately however the Buffalo's and the local population had multiple clashes and incidents around the area, some are worried of a potential outbreak of war between the indigenous and the locals that there was case of mass protest calling for support for either side-"

I turned off the radio for the sake of my sanity, the fact that at the biggest moment is missed because of one incident is just annoying on itself, like seriously, first Olenia, and now a border dispute that could potentially break out to a all out war! What's next.. A Dragonesque?

But anyways, as I shake of my anger I pulled up to grandma Meagan, her full name was Meagan Williams, who happened to be my mothers side of the family, ironically though, my grandmother used to fight for Equestria and the Federation back in the.. Well not in a war of course, but more like a mass protest to unite the two countries diplomatically, which while there was some improvements, it would quickly spiral thanks to those dammed communist in the north..

The revolution of 995 would leave the American nation into a state of annoyance with Equestria resulting in cutting of ties, but that to say that didn't mean's my grandmother fought in vain.

But with that out of my chest, I now arrived to her house, a beautiful farm house in the area, atleast somewhat beautiful since the area is desert like, as I entered the house, Mark and Meagan were sitting on the couch watching tv.

While I knocked at the door.

Keeper unit, the Equestria frontier

"Keeper 1! What's our status." The Tank commander asked, as rows of tanks are in a spear head formation in the Equestrian desert.

"Keeper 2 to Keeper 1, I say again, what's our status!" The Tank commander, again, asked.

"This is Keeper 1, we are currently near the railroad, but we may have a situation.." Keeper 1 replied.

"What is it!" The tank commander uttered.

"Sir, we have skipped target town by a mile, we fortunately however found ourselves a railroad according to this here ol' map." Keeper 1 elaborated, while the tank commander is troubled.

"Are you serious... THAT'S IT! STOP! THIS! CONVOY!" He shouted, as the tanks and the JTVLs stopped besides the railroad tracks.

With the crew and convoy confused, the tank commander hopped out of the M1A1 tank and head towards the idiots in Keeper 1.


"Sorry sir! I'm use to piloting pattons sir!" Keeper 1 replied sarcastically in a insult.

"Dag fucking dammit, who the hell let you on a M1A1 then!"

"That was fucking Sarcasm Luke! The fucking Naval Captain now who the fuck else!"

"What in fucking hell of an answer is that private! If you won't lead the convoy correctly! Then I suggest letting someone with experience do it!" The Commander scolded.

"Feel fucking free to sir!"

After slamming the hatch down he then grabbed his radio and ordered.

"Driver, take position INFRONT of Keeper 1, I want to do the convoy right."

"Roger, moving in front now sir!" Replied the driver, as the back M1A1 tank rolled from behind Keeper 1's tank and goes infront of it when a alarm blared.

"Sir! We're detecting something heading our way from the tracks!" The radar men reported, as the tank leaders stick their heads out to look down at the track, while the tank commander ordered.

"It's probably the train, move our vehicles pointing STRAIGHT towards the south of those tracks and move away from them to, we'll make our way there."

The Tanks, JTVL's, and Humvees turned around in a 180 degree move, it would take about 20 minutes before it was fully turned.

When suddenly, a huge buffalo stampede and a train was spotted behind them.

"Huh, a train and a stampede, you don't see that every day." Commented a tank gunner, sticking his head out as both the train and the stampede ran pass the convoy.

"Yea well, lets get moving, raise the white flag and move forward." The tank commander ordered, which the gunner raised the white flag and the national flag.

The tank now started moving forward along with the rest of the convoy to it's destination in a medium yet careful speed.

"Sir, we're detecting 4 flying ob-"

He was then cut off by the sound of 4 tomcat F-14 jets flying over the convoy, while they are only armed with heavy machine guns and not missiles, it certainly scared the shit out of everything that heard and saw it.


Now, to explain about this town, I don't need to explain about the town, it's practically a human southerners paradise there, of course unless you live in the Texan state, which would very make sense but of course subtracting from gun duels, the town is very civilized but a bit disarmed considering that there way of weaponry is apple pies.

But then again, it is linked to the apple family so not really a surprise that their weapon is literally pies.

But yea, that to say it's a nice town from I was told from one of my friends who served in the Keeper unit during the Apple-Buffalo conflict. Of course his unit would not see combat, but the fact that the battle itself is started because of a... Pink pony in a speakeasies dress singing ear bleeding music...

Yea that was weird from my friends experience, but hey. What did I say? Everything is weird nowadays...

"This is eagle 1, we have eyes on armor train, over." Reported Eagle leader.

"Starhawk to Eagle 1, we read you loud and clear, I was given reports from convoy that there was both a train and a stampede, can you take a good look at them?" Asked the Captain.

"Roger, Eagle 4, get a closer look. Momma bird wants to see the earth worms." Ordered Eagle 1.

"Roger Eagle 1, going in to see the earth worms." Eagle 4 acknowledged, breaking off formation from the squadron with the bottom camera on the jet turned towards the train and the buffalos stampede.

A engagement seemed to be happening as it looked, buffalos started ramming against the stallion train pulley's and the locomotive itself.

"This is Eagle 4, train is being attacked by Buffalo's over."

"What!? Say that again!"

"I repeat, train is under attack by Buffalo's sir, I could engage them at given order." Eagle 4 requested, as he flipped the seal from the HMG trigger.

"Negative! Do not engage, this is a peace operation not a intervention!" The Captain reminded.

Eagle 4 flicked the seal back on the trigger top.

"Affirmative, pulling off back to formation."

"Negative Eagle 4, show them of who's watching them, fly pass the train and stampede action." The Captain ordered.

"Roger that, fly by time." Eagle 4 chuckled.

It was then during the conversation, a chase like scene ensued on top of the fucking train when a buffalo child raced a cyan pegasus.

For the sake of my works and smaller phrasing, I'm gonna name the buffalo child Strongheart.

What you expect me to actually know that this was a female buffalo? I wasn't in the operation you know..

Strongheart jumped from a Buffalo ladder and onto the train cart, running down the carriage train when she was approached and intercepted by a cyan pegasus Rainbow Dash. Who seemed to somewhat notice something with the Buffalo's actions

"Hey! Where are you headed in such a hurry!" She smirked, only for the young Buffalo to run right past her, cutting her off guard she was stubborn and followed Strongheart.

"Wow! Your incredibly fast for somebody Bulky... No offense." Rainbow dash offended, which then insulted Strongheart.

Rainbow Dash then planted her hooves infront of the running Buffalo and attempted to conversate with the young Buffalo.

"I just want to know-" She then was cut off by the Buffalo, but that was the time when Eagle 4 was given the order by the Naval Captain for a fun fly by.

But during this in one last attempt to talk to her, she was jumped over by Strongheart and was complete shocked and off-guard, but that was when the two paused when a loud roar was sounded.

A Tomcat F-14 fly's above the train in a fierce roar in the point where everyone including the engineers pulling the train were stopped in their tracks, only to move again because of job wise, the F-14 makes a inclined turn and flew back to the opposite way and flew by the besieged train again, the buffalo kept stampeding but was losing ground because of the sonic boom the F-14 was making which made them cover their ears only to fall on the ground.

Rainbow Dash meanwhile was in shock of the jet flying by the train when she realized that Strongheart managed to reach to the caboose of the train where she uncoupled the train grapples.

By the time she tried to catch up to the caboose she ran into a railroad sign and the caboose flew right by her.

"This is Eagle 4, I sent the message, but it seemed to have been taken the wrong way." Eagle 4 reported.

"Wrong way as in?"

"Sir a small Buffalo detached the caboose part of the train, I think they were raiding the train sir." Eagle 4 elaborated.

"Are you saying that a war had already broken out??" The Captain puzzled.

"Potentially sir, any orders sir?" The Pilot requested.

"Yea, go back into Eagle formation and report back to Starhawk, Sergeant, get me contact with Captain Ingo in Keeper Battalion." The Captain urged, which without further words the Sergeant saluted and went to the radio comms ordering the radio men to contact Keeper Battalion.

"This is Starhawk to Keeper 2, come in, this is Starhawk to Keeper 2, do you read over?"

Williams residence, Louis State

After a welcoming greeting, followed by a tea party, followed by everyone in the neighborhood coming into our house to see me as a Sergeant, I have happened to finally spend some quality time with my old stricken grandmother, oddly she would be the oldest person in the world just by her birth date of being 415 ALB, practically years before the Crystal-Human war

But of course, while I was speaking with my old grandmother who kept muttering "Celestia" and "Luna" and "firefly" and all that when the news just came up on the TV it made my ears pop.


"Breaking news from the station, we interrupt your broadcast for immediate breaking news in developments evolving the situation in the Appleloosa region."

"Just recently, a military expedition was launched by the order of General Macarthur that purpose to be peace operations only. Of course, after a short period of heated negotiations and a near-war incident, word was just received that the military operation was indeed a success, after confirmation from Princess Celestia of Equestria and President Carter of America, coming from Carter's mouth he said in a speech.

"With the state of war that was prevented today thanks to our proud forces of the American army, we prevented what could've been a chaotic event, especially the actions of American negotiators that was with the brigade of men that convinced both Buffalo's and the southern Ponies that they can share the land, through a pathway. And with that, the said term "Apple war" will go down in history as more of a "Apple Dispute." that'll be all"

"And with that, the recent success couldn't be done by America's favorite Captain, Ingo. Prized commander of the Keeper brigade, now we will go to-"

I turned off the TV in frustration, there was a fucking near war incident and I'm missing out on it because of being on vacation! But that to say, it was best to spend time with my grandmother...

But that was when it stopped when..

I picked up the phone and spoke.

"Meagan Williams residence, Yates speaking."

"Mr. Yates, your vacation is over." Said the speaker.

"What? But I just started today?" I replied.

"Sir, it's urgent that you pack your bags." The Speaker said.

"Ok, but who exactly am I speaking to?" I interrogated in suspicion of a prank call.

"Who or what doesn't concern you, all that matters is, you are to grab your bags and report back to duty."

"Fine.. Atleast it's better stationed in Debravill-"

"Your not going back to Debraville I'm afraid." The Speaker interrupted.

"Then... Where am I going then?" I asked, which the conversation was paused for a moment.

"Your going to Washington Capitol, the white house."