• Published 17th Mar 2023
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The New World | Millennium - Escalator

What if there was another continent in the planet of Equis, one with Humans..

  • ...

Friends and Rivals (Tirek Arc Part 2)

Demare village, 2:00 PM PST, Zona province, New Mexicona state

Log 034..

The research for Project Sunset begins upon word from congress to start the research for the new weapon that would change the fabric of everything in this world...

I and other top scientists had already begun the final phase of research of the new weapon.

Unknowing to the world... This weapon in particular could destroy this world if used...


"TAKE COVER!" A soldier shouted as a M60 tank was thrown towards the group of defending troops.

A chaotic battle broke out after Tirek and Discord had breached the outer defenses and had pushed all the way inside of Canterlot, his goal and intention is to get to the castle and steal the Alicorn magic, but when he heard about the Americans preparing defenses he raided other towns and villages for pony magic.

And now bullets are only darts to him as they bounced off of his chest, while tank shells continued to explode on impact he would come out unscathed, same with Rocket ammunition.


"FUUUCK!!" Canter Shouted when Tirek fired a magic beam at their defenses and burnt the entire barricaded area into a crisp.

And when Tirek moved forward three M60s arrived and repeatedly shot the large beast in the city shooting shells after shells as Tirek stomped towards them and catched one of the shells with his bare hands and then chewed on it.

"Zesty," Tirek smiled.

"Oh shit! He’s got the taste of bullets sir!" Yelled the soldier.


"But sir! We’ll be leaving castle Canterlot abandoned! The princesses-!"


"Yes sir," acknowledged the soldier as he grabbed the radio and yelled.

"All units in the area have sent out the call for tactical retreat! Tactical number 40!!" Yelled the soldier, as tanks, troops, and armor vehicles steadily retreated to district 12 as Tirek smiles at the cowering human army.

"What's the matter humans? Scared?" He taunted, laughing at the retreating army as Discord hovered behind him and chuckled.

"Don't you love it when you see a superior army get outmatched by the mighty duo?" Discord laughed.

"Indeed Discord, but now for other matters," Tirek vaguely reminded.

"Ah yes indeed," Discord chuckled, as he looked up and saw Shining Armor who is confused with the Sun and moon having seizures.


During the chaos in Canterlot, me and Gold Star were originally going towards Twilight's house if Twilight herself didn't blow up her door and flew in the sky.

We just entered the town after a good while of traffic with missile Artillery encampments being established on the plain fields in preparation, however when I scrolled in channel 5 of my radio we could hear the sounds of gunfire, panic, and screaming.

Everyone in the tank now has a worrying anticipation of their enemy but Gold Star sees it as a sign that time is running out..

"Well, it's been confirmed, the Canterlot unit had just been taken out, and the defending pony garrison had lost their magic," I informed him this as Gold Star placed his head on his hoof.

"And with the entire populace in one place in the embassy they'll lose all their magic at once, and what's worse.. Our bullets can't penetrate Tirek's hardened skin and the creator knows what will happen if he gets what he wants from Twilight," I added, while Gold Star slammed his hoof on the metal bar.

"That's IF he gets what he wants, I won't let him have what he wants, other than what he'll be receiving," Gold Star confidently spoke, as he turned towards the pilot driving the tank.

"How close are we?" He asks.

"Not far sir."

The Castle

After Tirek banished the princesses to Tartarus he was looking at Discord's art when he noticed a shattered window of a purple pony, he looked at Discord and asked.

"I wonder what window is this?"

"That? Huh.. Wonder why they shattered this one?" Discord murmured to himself when he suddenly had a thought of realization.

"Oh.. Right,"

"What?" Tirek asks.

"So... Funny story, it would seem that the three princesses had given Twilight their magic!" Discord admitted, which Tirek who knew only three princesses was surprised by this discovery.

"Why didn't you tell me about a fourth Alicorn!" He questioned, grabbing Discord by the neck.

"I just wanted to be sure that I can trust you after all," Discord replied, to which Tirek dropped him and handed Discord a medallion.

"To ensure trust, I give you this as a symbol of our own friendship," Tirek assured, which he then looked down and noticed that the entire city was empty which raised massive suspicion.

"Interesting... What did those humans say about District 12?" Tirek asked.

"I think that's supposed to be some embassy or something, I think they placed the entire population in that building," Discord assumed.

"Then it shall be their downfall," Tirek laughed maniacally with the intention of attacking the embassy.

District 12, the Embassy

As the final defense line was established Canter looked at what remained of the armor brigade with only 3 tanks left at his disposal, some armor vehicles, and demoralized soldiers who're now on the brink of running away now knowing that Tirek is immune to bullets, however just as they have catched their breaths Tirek stands in the midst of the final line of defense as Canter and his troops looks at the menacing Tirek with the intention of stealing more magic from the entire population of Canterlot as troops raised their rifles towards him.

But Tirek wasn't afraid and they knew that..

Immediately the only thing Canter could do was surrender, but if he did that generations of ponies would lose their magic potentially permanently, and he wasn't going to surrender, but he did hope one thing...

"I hope this works," He said, as he turned to his troops and yelled.

"RETREAT INSIDE OF THE BUILDING!" He ordered, which everyone ran into the deeper side of the Embassy catching Tirek off guard as he looked at the last defending force in pity.

He sees the three remaining defending vehicles point their weapons at him so in an instant the vehicles are destroyed and their drivers are killed, leaving nothing but flat deathly dust and flames.

He then threw a still flaming M60 tank at the doors in front of him where he was met with no resistance other than the empty hallways.

As he entered however, he realized that he wasn't alone in the room...

North wing of the embassy, Bravo Unit

After being secretly dropped down from the Black hawk the special forces troops quickly unpacked their shotguns, MP5s, and a new magic weapon, the MP-10. Equipped with magical ammunition attachments and laser guided sights.

"Alpha-1 are you ready?"

"Copy Bravo-1, we have eyes on Tirek, and Colonel Canter has begun the evac," replied Alpha-1.

"Roger, we're moving in now, expect explosives soon, exfil when ordered," instructed Bravo-1.

"Copy," replied Alpha-1.

Bravo-1 and his squad begin moving up to secure and plant explosive charges as a way to cover the populace's escape.

He can hear gunshots already erupting in the entrance as Assault rifles fired upon Tirek and the sounds of his agitation yelled as he fired Lethal shots at an agile enemy missing every shot he made.

Entrance wing, Alpha unit

Assault rifles continued to fire as Alpha-1 changed position after position every time he gets spotted, one of his soldiers then ran up behind him and aimed a RPG-7 towards Tirek's eyes and fired the missile at his head exploding on impact which he gave a loud.

"AHHHHH! YOU BEAST! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" He cried in pain, which gave Alpha-1 something to note about.

"Alpha-1 to Bravo-1 do you read!"

"I copy Alpha-1. What is it?" Bravo-1 asked.

"Brother, it seems his eyes are the weakness! While he can recover from it for a moment, his head is the weak part of his body!" Alpha-1 informed.

"Interesting.... See what you can do I'm listing all possible weaknesses on this guy, it's time we study him through combat," Bravo-1 ordered.

"Roger that, Alpha-7! Get me another RPG round for this guy's ass!" Ordered Alpha-1.

"On it sir!" Replied Alpha-7, running to load the second missile round.

"Alpha-4! Alpha-9! Lure this guy to the west wing! We need to keep him away from the East wing!" Ordered Alpha-1.

"Sir, yes sir!" Acknowledged the two in unison as they ran to the West wing and shot their Drumbell Rifles towards Tirek's legs to test his skin strength.

"AND WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING!" He yelled, giving chase to the two soldiers whose Alpha unit relocated to the West wing with full fledged equipment and a bazooka.

"Hope the Colonel is doing fine," Alpha-1 said to himself.

East Wing, Expedition unit

"COME ON! COME ON! MOVE IT MOVE IT!" Shouted Canter, as he and his troops started evacuating the sheltering population out of the underground bunker and into the escape passage that was conveniently, yet planned, built within the embassy.

It was built in case the building caves into itself which then the people in question inside the bunker would go to the back edge of the wall, grab a emergency sledge hammer, and smash the hollow wall which leads to the bottom mountain of Canterlot City.

So far giving the account the amount of ponies evacuating is currently almost about ten thousand and while the Bunker was supposedly supposed to store almost about 2,000 bodies it seemed to hold well with ten thousand ponies, although with the majority of Colt's that volunteered to fight Tirek are now weak and drained of their power, their sacrifice will not go unnoticed in Canter's eyes, but that will not happen if he and others are killed by the hands of Tirek the bastard.

"If only Patton was here he would've say-"

Crystal City

"That bastard did it!?" Patton ranted.

"Yes General, we apparently didn't believe it ourselves but it seems that Canter's forces had been dismantled by Tirek, and the ten tanks sir? They've all been destroyed," the messenger reported.


"Is there something you need sent out sir?" He asked.

"No... Just keep me in contact with further word," Patton ordered, which the messenger saluted and left a concern Patton in his office.

Embassy, South wing

"Bravo-2, what's the status on those charges," Bravo-1 asks.

"We've currently have the North and South wings ready to blow, we've yet to reach the East and West wing sir," Bravo-2 reports.

"Copy, I like to see this building collapse on his giant ass head, have your mates move in on the East Wing and start planting charges," Bravo-1 ordered.

"Rog' that boss," Bravo-2 acknowledged, bringing Bravo-3 and 6 with him to the East wing.

"Bravo-1 to Echo-1, what's the status of the East wing," Bravo-1 asks.

"Bravo-1, my team is rounding up the last of the populace, the Colonel has already evacuated most of them, we're currently evacuating the older ponies," Echo-1 replies.

"Well hurry it up, I don't know how long Alpha unit has before they run out of bullets," worried Bravo-1

"Alpha unit is currently fighting Tirek in the West wing," informed Echo-1.

"What the hell is he up to?" Bravo-1 queried, as he and his squad began to search for rooms that weren't ridden with charges.

West wing

As the gun fire continued to be sprayed some of the men started to run out of ammunition as Alpha-1 took cover with a rocketeer man taking aim at Tirek's head Alpha-4 ran to Alpha-1 with a new discovery.

"Sir! We found a new weak spot within Tirek's skin!" Reported Alpha-4.

"Well! Tell me quickly!" Alpha-1 yelled, as Tirek fired his lethal rounds at him and his men.

"Apparently given enough explosives the skin can be pierced given enough explosive force but only given enough fire power, also if we target the horns it could remove his ability to use his magic! If we use enough explosive firepower it could breach his external skin and make him bleed, along with destroying his horns which will make him truly dead!" Alpha-4 explained as an explosion occurs in the background.

"That's brilliant! Quick! Alpha-5 take your aim towards his head and DO NOT MISS!" Ordered Alpha-1, as Alpha-5 nodded and took aim with the bazooka towards Tirek's horns when Tirek fired a lethal at Alpha-5s position and destroys the entire balcony below him causing him to cascade down to the ground floor and injuring his leg, which before he can reach the bazooka Tirek crushes it and it explodes into a fiery burst of flames, giving Alpha team time to evacuate him away from Tirek.

"Fuck!" Alpha-1 said, as he and his team evacuated to the East wing.

"GET BACK HERE!" Tirek shouted, as he chased the team running from him all the way to the East Wing.

East Wing

"LETS GO! LET'S GO! Colonel! What's the status? Did we get them out!?" Echo-1 asked.

"Affirmative, that's the last of them," Colonel Canter informed.

"Good, now get your men out of here, once Bravo and Alpha squads get here we're blowing up the place," informed Echo.

"Understood, good luck to you and your teams," Canter added, which Echo-1 saluted attentively as Canter and the remains of the defending forces escaped through the underground tunnels in the Embassy.

Echo-1 sees the approaching Bravo team placing the last of the explosive charges holding their guns and pointing them towards the hallway entrance as Bravo-1 came towards Echo-1.

"Have the locals been evacuated?"

"Done Bravo-1, we now wait for Alpha-1 and then we'll be heading up stairs, speaking of which have you contacted them?" Echo-1 asked.

"I thought you did?" Bravo-1 asked.

"Wait.. Lemme see," Echo-1 raised his radio when he heard gunshots approaching towards the two teams, the two squad leaders grabbed their pistols and looked down the hallway where Alpha squad was running towards Echo and Bravo, with behind them none other than Tirek, Echo-1 and Bravo-1 were shocked.

"WHAT THE HELL ALPHA-1!" Shouted Echo, as Bravo-1 grabbed a flashbang from his belt.

"THROWING FLASH! COVER YOUR EYES!" He shouted, as he threw the banger and blinded Tirek causing him to crash inside of a wall giving time for Alpha squad to get to the squads.


"HE WAS GOING TO FOLLOW US ANYWAYS! DIDN'T YOU LOOK AT THIS GUYS SIZE!?" Yelled Alpha, while Bravo rolled his eyes.

"Stop Yelling! We’ll discuss this later but right now we need to quickly get to the emergency exit down there! Our helicopter will be waiting for us there!" Echo-1 informed as he and his squad quickly made a run to the exit.

"Come on!" Insisted Bravo, as he and the two squads ran towards exit with Echo-1 smashing the wooden door down and got on board the helicopter that was ready to take off at a moments notice.

All three squads boarded the 4 helicopters that were landed and after that they recon the safe zone established by foreign defense forces and then Bravo activates the remote detonator in which he then said.

"See you in Tartarus, bastard.."


As Tirek finally regained his sight he looked all over what seems to be a library when see's flashing lights..

"Oh Tartaru-"

The entire building explodes into a fiery mushroom cloud of flames as everyone who had evacuated from it sees it collapse in the distance.

Canter looked at the now burning embassy with guilt as it stood and outlived everyone, and its legacy was destroyed with the press of a button as he looked up at the black hawk helicopters flying overhead leaving everyone's sights as Canter stood there in silence at the flames on the mountain.


However Tirek wasn't dead as he stuck his arm out of the rubble and climbed out of it, he looked at the helicopters escaping and smirked.

"Well played humans... Well played..."


"All units what's your status."

*Static noises*

"Sectors 3 and 2 had been secured, we're awaiting word from Captain Gold Star for sector 1, Over."

*Static noises*

"Roger that."


After a drive back to Ponyville, we pulled in on Twilight's house, after arriving I grabbed my MP5, jumped off the tank, and knocked on Twilight's door.

No response.

I knocked again.

Still no response.

"Alright! I warned ya! (Sorry door)"

I kicked down the door shattering its hinges and entered the house, nothing. Nothing other than boring bullshit AKA books.

"Gold Star, I don't think she's here, unless being known as a bookworm I could say her people (the books) are just stiff" I comedically said on the radio.

"Haha.. Funny, try going up stairs," Gold Star acknowledged with an offended tone.

"10-4," I replied back, as I steadily raised my SMG and went up the stairs looking through every corridor, corner, and peek, nothing, it would seem though that Twilight has her bed perfectly made... And organized.. And... Wait? Is that an owl!

"Hoot," cooed the owl, as I looked under the bed sheets and under the bed.

"Yes, nice to meet you too, do you know where Twilight is?" I asked, looking at the chores.


"I- oh wait, hahaha! Very funny, you thought I was going to fall into that comedic joke ey? Well not today Irony! But uh, say that you do like to help me right?" I asked, which it nodded.

"Excellent! You take the roof! I’ll take the ground," I instructed as it flew towards the exit and sat there.

"Or just sit there and do nothing.. Alright then suit yourself," I said to it.

However it was now a dead end as I found absolutely nothing, no Twilight, no Spike, and the only living thing I found was an owl.. Why do I get the feeling that's a sign of a bad omen..

"Gold Star, she is nowhere in sight, she ain't taking a shit, she's not looking at her books, and she is not sleeping neither, same with Spike, I think she may have gone somewhere, over!"

"I copy, that's why I'm currently out in the open and looking for hopefully one of Twilight's friends, maybe they'll tell us where she is," Gold Star informed.

"You better hope so, also if it's the fucking Everfree I'm slapping you again."

"Let's hope it's not. (Oh boy...)"


With troops on the ground digging trenches and establishing barbwire fencing Gold Star had to walk on hoof to find Twilight's friends.

With the solemn hope that they know where Twilight is, or perhaps in the best case that Twilight is with them, troops ran passed him in a single file line formation as he stared at the buildings that had been boarded up by the locals, as he was standing there thinking one of his soldiers ran up to him and asked.

"Captain Star, I came from Sector 2 sir, both regiments are awaiting word whether sector 1 is secured sir!"

"Go ahead and contact the regiment leaders that sector 1 has been secured, be sure to also relay the order to get the new artillery system instituted and online, I like to see how fun he could be with our rocket artillery weapons, one more thing, speaking that Tirek has defeated Canter's unit in Canterlot air support has been deployed to our location, as we speak we have two fighter squadrons loaded with high explosives on their way to bomb this son of a bitch to Tartarus, but I want him to receive a appetizer of what’s to come first," Gold Star informed.

"Yes sir!" Replied the soldier, speaking on his radio and running back to his sector regiment.

As the soldiers ran towards crowds of troops burying themselves in the newly digged trench placing Machine guns on the dirt a familiar group of ponies were walking around to encourage the locals to stay inside, and so far with the dramatic deployment of troops entrenching themselves in the ground they had a easy time with keeping the locals in Ponyville locked down.

"Hey!" Gold Star waved, approaching Twilight's friends. "Have you seen Twilight anywhere? I was assigned to search for her."

"Well, you're asking the right pony for the question! Sort of.."

Sort of?"

"Well as you can see, she didn't provided a specific place that she was going to other than heading down towards the Everfree forest, though I do think she might be going to castle of the two sisters," Rarity explained for Applejack.

"Well, I have to find her before it's too late, she's a target for Tirek, he knows that she has Celestia's Luna and Cadence's Alicorn magic and if I can-"

"Hold on a minute! Did you say has?" Rainbow Dash interjected.

"Uhhh... Yea? Weren't you told about this?" Gold Star asked, which the girls and even Spike shook their heads in a negative way.

"What! Not even you Spike?"

"Nope, though I should see why since she had powers that we didn't know she had?"

"Yea... Now that you think about it, when she zoomed through the sky with a streak! That was not Twilight's magic ability!" Rainbow Dash pointed out.

"Not yet," Murmured Applejack

"But how did you know that Twilight has all three of the Alicorn's magic?" Rarity asked, while Gold Star sighed and grabbed a piece of note from his right Satchel, handing it to Applejack while the girls and Spike looked at it.

"Just know that I didn't share this with you, but I think we now have a similar understanding now," Gold Star guessed.

"Darling, if this is how threatening it is then we should be assisting you in finding Twilight," Rarity insisted.

"Sorry to reject you five (and Spike), but Tirek will no doubt try to find Twilight's weaknesses and exploit them, being that you are alive means he'll most likely try to make you all a bargaining tool, I suggest sticking within high crowded areas while also being under military protection," Gold Star insisted.

"I think we can take care of ourselves," Rainbow Dash confidently says.

"Say that to the royal guards who're drained of their magic, besides I think it is what Twilight would want best for you all until this passes, I'll leave it up to the Colonel but for now, good luck and stay safe," Gold Star exited, leaving Twilight's friends in the midst of the crowd of troops.

"Maybe we should trust Gold Star, he is pretty nice," Fluttershy suggested.

"I don't know about that feller, he looks like he's on our side, but just wait until his human friends turn on us like a stubborn bull in a rodeo," Applejack skeptically said.

"I don't know about that, they seemed more of our ally than an enemy as you've claimed them to be?" Rarity observed.

"Yea.. Besides, Equestria barely has any enemies! Of course other than Tirek who seems interested in turning that phrase into the total opposite," Rainbow Dash phrased.

"Besides, the humans here aren't that bad, right?" Rarity asked.


Ogav looked through his binoculars at the flames that had erupted in a part of Canterlot, with his troops entering Canterlot and checking the corridors they found nothing.

The convoy of tanks, IFVs, and APCs had halted at Canterlot's gates as reconnaissance teams were sent out to see if Tirek was in the city or not.

Ogav walked through a line of trucks that had emptied the troops who're looking around taking pictures of some architect while some kept their rifles on their sides.

Ogav looked at the burning building which was supposed to be Humarica's embassy, but was now destroyed in a fiery inferno..

"We're too late," Ogav said to himself, as he looked at the empty streets of what was once very busy and crowded.

"Sir, the Red Mother has just posted in order, now she wants us to proceed with what you've planned, sir?" A soviet soldier informed, intriguing Ogav.

"Interesting.. I guess I've forced her hand into it, hmph. The Central Committee is going to be pissed with my actions unfortunate, but hopefully we can exterminate Tirek and get- what the?"

He and his troops approached the destroyed M60s that were burnt to a crisp, immediately Ogav opened a hatch on one of the tanks and saw that the crew were still breathing.

"Great Mother! Quick get medical staff here immediately! Get these men out of the tanks now!" He ordered.

"But sir? They're American-"

"American or not, they're still our species, species stick together," he phrased, which the men nodded and quickly got the medics on the scene while the men dragged out the crew men who were partially charcoaled and breathing or plain out dead, 2 dead bodies and the rest is injured, Ogav gazed on how the men in the tanks survived such chaotic flames as the medic's got to work on the injured men.

However as the medics perform the operation on the injured a Crystal-American Jeep convoy is spotted by soviet scouts.

"Sir, the recon team indicates that the Bald eagle is climbing up the mountain," reported the soldier.

"Perhaps we can make a peace deal?" Ogav insisted.

"Sir, considering that we're deep in territory we'll most likely be shot on the spot by Americans or jabbed in the brain by Equestrian royal guard, the best suggestion is getting out of here as fast as we can," suggested the soldier.

"What about the injured?"

"By the time we leave they'll reach their injured men," the soldier replied as Ogav sighed and looked at the injured with emotional passion.

"Very well... Get the troops climbed on board and let's move on, we'll stand our ground in Ponyville," Ogav ordered.

"Very good sir," the soldier acknowledges.

As ordered, the medical team were recalled back into the trucks and the troops loaded on the Infantry fighting vehicles, with Ogav climbing back on board his BMP-1, he then grabs the red and gold flag, and raises it indicating to the convoy to begin movement.

After Ogav and his forces left Canterlot, General Patton and his motorcade of jeeps arrived on the scene as troops took positions all around the general who took a look at his injured men still breathing.

However his soldiers did nothing which aggravated him.

"WELL DON'T JUST STAND THERE! GET THE MEDICS!" He shouted, which the soldiers quickly got the medics on scene, it was then he saw a note with two dog tags on one of his destroyed tanks that read.

"Two had died, the tags attached are the names of the dead, we managed to grab out the pilots, it's all yours, " signed Captain Volklav... Well if I be damned, a commie does have a soul.."

Everfree Forest

After climbing back on board the Abrams I almost slapped Gold Star when he said the words Everfree Forest, I really hate those words, actually I loathe them and the place associated with those words.

Like what the hell is so important with the Everfree forest to Twilight Sparkle! Is it natural beauty? Or that random magic tree that nearly consumed all of Equestria into a Zebrican like jungle.

But if we have to in the duty of our country then I guess we'll do it, can't believe that Princess Celestia had Gold Star on guard duty over one of the strongest princesses in Equestria, if anything I think they just threw themselves under the bus because they could've took him on in a 3v1 combat fight, I guess their ages made them weak which sounds concerning...

"I can't believe you're dragging me and this tank's crew into the most hated place out of all places!" I protested.

"Well, I don't like it here either but we have a duty to fulfill and if it meant having to shoot at the trees then you may do so as pleased, but I prefer that we save our ammunition just in case..."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Because whether or not.. I have a feeling we are not getting out of this forest with Twilight without a fight with Tirek," Gold Star dreaded..

"Are you actually saying we might actually have to fight this asshole?"


As me and Gold Star were silent on the possible chance of fighting Tirek the bastard, the only noise present was the sounds of tank treads grinding on the dirt pathway and some chatting tank crew men about life back home along with the impending doom of death.

We were now on our way to the Everfree forest, hopefully Twilight doesn't fly out from us, if I have to I'll fucking tackle her Gold Star can be chivalric all he wants but I am not going to waste the precious time that's against us because of something non-important, the first time was a exception, but this time I'm not going to let her off at this.

Speaking of the devil, I wonder how her friends are doing?


Back in Ponyville the stationed soldiers, particularly just two, were having a smoke outside with cigarettes' in hand as they tried to calm their nerves with the confidence of slaughtering one red guy who is causing trouble in Equestria.

One of them thought that the men that failed to defend against Tirek in Canterlot were just old and fragile with the non basic abilities of operating modern equipment.

Even though the two were right they'll be finding themselves eating their words when they hear a cage bang and surprised chattering as the two grabbed their assault rifles that rested on the walls and peeked around the corner.

What they saw was when Discord was on the ground weak in front of the cage that had 5 ponies and a dragon, the two soldiers scanned around the perimeter and then spotted Discord on the ground so they held their rifles and pointed at him with the shout as he attempted to get up.

"STAY DOWN BASTARD!" Shouted the trooper kneeing him down on the ground as his partner looked at the cage.

"Fucking bastard, you were gonna rape em were ya!??!"

Before Discord could even defend himself he was kicked in the face and spat on by the soldier who asked the question.

"Disgusting pigs! Get me Colonel Alex immediately, we'll make this one a example to the fucking rapist around the world!"

"No need to contact me, I'm already here," entered Colonel Alex, staring at the scene with a pistol in his hand.

He looked at the caged ponies who're scared and shocked by what they've just seen with their former friend as the trooper kept Discord down while the other soldier awaited orders from Colonel Alex.

"Get the civilians out of the cage, and you soldier, stand him up and have him sit, I want a formal interrogation on him at once," the Colonel ordered.

"Why not just shoot him to save the trouble!" The Soldier aggressively insisted on pressing his rifle deeper in Discords skull as Alex noticed that the yellow pegasus pony, drained of her magic, watched in horror as the trooper instigated an immediate execution, an execution that the Colonel doesn't see no purpose for. While Discord seemed to have betrayed them he possibly didn't think it would've led to this moment.

"No, follow my orders Private!" Alex added.

"But si-"

"That's an order dammit! Follow it!" Alex barked towards the soldier, which made the trooper pause and nodded in a glare.

"Yes sir.."

Immediately as he raised Discord from the ground and led him to a seat a engineer arrived on scene with a A.M.M.T. to break through the magic induced metal casted by Tirek to capture the ponies and the dragon.

"Stand back, we'll get you all out," Alex assured as the engineer lit the torch.

"On an off context but, why are y'all helping us when you could've fought Tirek first?" Applejack asked, still skeptical with humans.

"Because, we wouldn't be the foreign fighters that saved your kind from the Zebrican terrorist, we could've left you, but then again why do that when we could save generations that aren't our kind but perhaps inspire them more that perhaps inter-species could live peacefully," Alex inspiringly explained which made Applejack gulped a huge lump of her pride down her throat.

"And to think you assumed they were still our enemy?" Rainbow Dash criticized.

"Hold on there partner, you've doubted too don't forget that," Applejack replied in a reminder.

"Yea, but- uhh.. Okay so maybe we had a part in that," Rainbow Dash admitted.

"I wouldn't give a damn who was who, you didn't blow up tanks or jeeps, or killed anyone (yet) you all seem fine in my book," Alex replied with forgiveness as he took part in torching the cage.

Applejack was about to say something when suddenly the entire cage and everyone in it disappeared catching the men off guard.

"What the hell!?" Alex reacted in complete surprise.


"HE'S ESCAPED!" Shouted both the soldiers as Alex got up and replied.

"Hell no he didn't, I have a feeling Tirek is using a trump card with them, quick! Get those Bradley's and tanks into positions now! You! Have the Himars ready to fire! Aim for the head!"

"SIR YES SIR!" Shouted the men in unison as they scattered to the division squad leaders.

"You better hurry up Captain, because I think we're too late.."

Starhawk carrier

"Code four, code four, all pilots man your stations. You've been redirected to Ponyville under code four, please report to your squadron leaders for mission briefing."




As the pilots scrambled for their gear some fist bumped in good luck, some grabbed their copilots, and some grabbed a pistol for special occasions, Falcon and Eagle squadrons ready their jets as the deck crew men scattered restlessly for takeoffs as the jet's both F-14 and F-15s started to line up.

The admiral meanwhile looked at the fighters which were waiting on his command to launch, the admiral had never seen the day that he had to send the literal air force on one specific creature that somehow disturbed the entirety of international politics, and now it was time to show everyone the American version of it's definition of 'freedom' with the use of it's airforce and everything at its disposal.

"Launch the fighters," ordered Admiral Hughes.

"Launch the fighters!" Repeated the deck sergeant.

"Launching fighters!" Acknowledged the flight crew as they swung their HUD's to signal the fighters to launch off the carrier.

In an instant the jets launched one by one as the F-15s and 14's regathered and regrouped in the skies in formation to their located target in Ponyville.

10:43 am, New Mexicona state

Log 035...

So far we've had formed the final design of the weapon that the government had hired us all to do and researched, now is
the matter of creating the weapon's design into this world..

Albert Einstein has warned that the weapon will work.. But at a cost that I fear might happen when we start the first test of this weapon in question..

I wonder sometimes if the princesses of Equestria had found out about our research.. What is our punishment for the sins we will be committing to create this weapon that we've been tasked to make? Would we be spared? Or perhaps given no mercy for the great sin.

I don't know what everyone's reaction will be once the existence of the bomb is revealed, but if project Sunset were to really exceed expectations from its original purpose...

Then there will be no hope for no one on this team to be sanctified from this deed...


Twilight was on the edge of a cliff trying to keep the magic that was given by the three Alicorns in check so it wouldn't spiral out of her control.

Just as she was about to do a teleport spell she heard the sounds of trees falling over on the ground as if something had shoved it aside, she put aside her current spell she almost casted and had herself prepare for combat with her horn lit ready to fire her barrage of spells towards Tirek.

However the trees stopped falling as a moving heavy armor weapon appeared from the tree line with its turret and machine gun pointed at nothing but Twilight kept her ground and kept her horn active, however a hatch opened with it coming out was Gold Star fully equipped with his tank gear with his hooves in the air.

"Don't shoot It's us!" Gold Star verified, which Twilight sighed in relief and deactivated her horn she would be curious about the tank if not excited about the technological weapon made by humanity, but unfortunately the worry that she was consumed with kept her down.

"Keep the engine running just in case," Gold Star ordered.

"Understood," I replied, being left in command while Gold Star jumped off from the tank with a pistol only as he raised his goggles up on his helmet and trotted towards Twilight, he never thought that despite everything going around Twilight would still bring herself to the bottom levels, sure she was just given the task of Alicorn Hood but with the friends she has she hasn't even bother to consult with them properly about her role.

And as I watch from the tank I can understand what Gold Star was thinking, apart with the event in the Everfree apparently the mane 6 were originally somewhat defenders of Equestria from the enemies that want to conquer it and the ponies, while the American government would act upon retaliation there was some things that were meant to be handled by stronger power groups.

Such as Discord, he was a menace to both Equestria and the Humarican dollar economy, and then there was the nightmare moon.. The single piece of history that started everything between Humarica and Equestria altogether and now we're now defending what was once considered our enemy at the time... But with thoughts of what I had, Twilight lit her horn in concentration while Gold Star sat back and spoke.

"I know what's been hurting you, I've been there once but a bit worse than what you're experiencing," captain Star expressed deeply which prompted Twilight to look at him with a unencouraged face, she never said anything so Gold Star continued.

"Back when I became America's first pony officer of it's history I was given humanly tasks like carrying water gallons across the field or overseeing entrenchment drills, at first I thought they were a piece of cake, no trouble with the role so far at least until my first taste in war was when I realized that perhaps some rethinking was needed, in the summer heat of 1002 and the 105th was sent to the Argendinian-Thestria frontlines to peacekeep in the war, but it was then that me and-"

"PRINCESS TWILIGHT!!" Shouted Tirek in the distance as he approached the area.

"TIREK!" Yelped Twilight while Gold Star unholstered his pistol.

"Dammit he must've followed us!" Reacted Gold Star.

"I need to get back to my home! Meet me there!"

"Twilight! WAIT~!"

But before Gold Star could finish his sentence Twilight engulfed herself in a brief blink of purple light and disappeared.

"DAMMIT!" He said to himself which he then ran towards the parked Abrams as I listened into the radio comms.

"I don't know what you said to her but if you told her to go back to Ponyville you've doomed her," I warned.

"I didn't, she teleported there herself and I didn't even get a chance to say shit! By the way? What makes you say that?"

"Because Tirek has already arrived to Ponyville, her friends and Discord got captured by him, Colonel Alex is rallying up all units to point Alpha, and the soviet convoy is about 3 miles away from us, and he's near Twilight's home," I explained.

"The Soviet convoy will have to be dealt with last, we need to take down Tirek and end this once and for all!"

"But captain? We need to protect Twilight, our tank has been excluded from the rally orders but going up against Tirek is suicide!" I warned worryingly.

"I'm following present order's I've been given to by Princess Celestia and I'll follow through with them whether you like it or not, I'm gunning for Tirek's throat," Gold Star vowed.

"Sounds a bit reckless, but you know what? I think we can give it a try, but we may not make it out like I said this could be a suicide operation," I hypothesized.

"I'll take whatever odds, but something must be done or by the time he's finished with the ponies of Equestria no one can stop him."

"I think I know which soundtrack to play," I smirked, opening up the VHS tape player and inserting a music track in it.

"Yates you really have the best taste of music!" Gold Star grinned.

"Yes, sir I fucking do!" I replied.

"Pilot! Get us to Ponyville! We got an asshole to kill! And get home like Johnny!" Gold Star ordered.

"Yes sir!"

With joysticks pulled and parking brake off the Abrams started moving out of the forest and into the plain fields that wasn't far from our west as the tank treaded the ground knocking down the trees to the ground as the navigator kept us on course with our objective, meanwhile I don't have tank gear or equipment but I can as easily man a machine gun better and load the shell. Meanwhile I turned up the volume making the entire field around us replaced with the sound of patriotic music and duty.

"Alright listen Yates, when my gunner says HE load the Heavy explosive round that looks entirely round without a butt, if he says armor piercing it would look like a thin shell that looks like it lost some weight, get the picture?" Gold Star instructed.

"Yep I think I can handle loading sir," I replied as I gripped the machine gun tight.

"Good on you now, we can-"

Suddenly a massive explosion erupted from the town of Ponyville as a mushroom cloud raised in the sky and Gold Star gazed in horror as to what could've created such an explosion.

"FUCK! What the hell happened!?" I reacted.

"That smoke, I think Tirek found her!" Gold Star said as the tank rolled out of the Everfree forest and entered Ponyville as the sky is nothing but red and when they've arrived to Twilight's home they find nothing but ash and flames.

"Holy shit... How the hell?"

Suddenly sounds of fighting erupted behind us and we turned towards the backside and see Twilight and Tirek fighting.

It was now or never as me and the Captain nodded and rolled into the fight as our tank turned sideways and moved straight into a prepared formation.

However as we approached Twilight fired a hyper sonic laser towards Tirek consuming him full of lethal magic as it burnt his skin and his horns leaving him with wounds but not enough to knock him down, followed this a massive mushroom cloud of unstable magic exploded behind him as Gold Star looked on with surprise and intrigue, considering Twilight's magic abilities Great grandfather Canter wasn't kidding when he said the Twilight possesses the powers of all three Alicorns, with that in mind it made Gold Star gulp with anxiety but also in a trance thinking of a strategy.

Finally he moved and ducked inside of the tank, I followed suit considering the risk of being roasted by whatever magic Twilight has been using, and while the AMVs could withstand standard lethal it couldn't tank the lethal magic this size so large.

"So what's the plan?" I asked.

"As Twilight continues her fight with Tirek we move in flanking his tail, no mercy, but first I'll give him a special introduction for us!" Gold Star smirked in confidence, turning towards the pilot and ordering. "Full ahead! Take us to his front and prepare to fire!"

Immediately we took up position behind a rock as Tirek and Twilight Sparkle are on a stand off with each other preparing to fire at the passing of each moment when rocks from small pebbles to regular sized rocks lifted up around Twilight marking her first move.

Tirek vs Twilight Sparkle

Twilight flew up in the skies with the intent to use a charging ram at Tirek as he took aim with his own magic to counter hers and fired his bigger lethal. However unexpectedly she uses a strong forcefield which blocks the lethal off of her and then magically teleports to his feet and fires her shot.

Her move burns half of Tirek's face leaving him bleeding in the mouth with scolded heat that ate away of his skin, enraged from the pain he lifts her from the ground and swung her around like a yo-yo.

It was then Gold Star shouted in the co-pit in a rushed and demanding voice.


As the shell landed right onto Tirek's chest he dropped Twilight who then rebounded herself in flight as she looked for the source of the gunning weapon when she spotted the Abrams with the familiar gold star.

"LOAD HE!" Ordered the gunner as I slid in a HE inside of the tank cannon and clicked the loader.



As the tank changed it's position and into a bush line Tirek sought to destroy whatever shot him in the chest as it burnt in pain, but first he has a princess to deal with as he made his next move to charge head first and ram her into a mountain which Twilight had gotten out of his way quickly with the given Alicorn magic.

Tirek, who is filled with rage shot his laser at Twilight who she then shot hers towards Tirek which the two spells had collided into a chaotic bubble of magic being destabilized even more in minutes as the collision turns into a possible obliterating explosion.

Meanwhile we managed to complete our position change as we took aim at Tirek's head and lifted the cannon as far as it can lift before hitting its max.

Gold Star shouts.


The gunner prepares to fire the cannon.


Immediately the tank blasted it's shell towards Tirek and misses which didn't go unnoticed at the last minute as the magic destabilized fully and destroys the entire area that surrounded the two rivals as the shockwave blasted on the tank melting everything in it's hull, the hatch, and fries the engine to the point of being burnt leaving us stranded in the combat zone.

As everything cooled down Tirek turned towards the source and fired a beam of lethal magic towards the tank, in reaction Twilight tried to block his magic but was too late and the tank blew up into smaller pieces leaving only the turret and Chassis left as the flames erupted inside our alleged deaths left Twilight speechless and shocked as she kneeled on the ground ready to cry as she watched the tank burned to the ground.

While enjoying her suffering, Tirek peered behind her with a smile.

"Not bad, but of course it appears we're at an impasse.. How about a trade Princess Twilight?" Tirek offers her friends to Twilight as he teleports them in front of her which surprised her even more.. "Your friends for all the Alicorn magic in Equestria!"

As she was presented with this choice her friends immediately tried talking her into not taking the deal but thinking back of what just happened to the tank that had two of her friends inside of it, she feared what would happen if she didn’t take the deal, the fate of her other friends and how much they mattered to her, how much they’ve been through as friends despite the elements of harmony given up for the sake of Equestria’s safety beyond doubt she and her 5 friends are her life.

She also sees horrifyingly that her half-brother Spike was captured, and surprisingly so was was Discord.

And so it was clear what her choice was.


Meanwhile though.. I was briefly knocked out.. Unconscious.. And yet still alive as I finally awoken myself and tried to get my bearings straight only to find nothing but open flames inside of the cockpit..

I should be dead but I Aint.. And I don't know how but I'm alive but damn, I knew that Owl was a sign of a bad omen!

But enough with that owl, I am alive but as for the crew though.. They are not, however It would seem that I wasn't the only one alive, Gold Star had also survived while his uniform was burnt up and torn he was still breathing.. So I grabbed his collar and tried to drag him towards me but my left arm was in severe pain..

It seems that it is broken, I don’t know, however I can barely use it without being seethed in pain unfortunately, but I'm alive and so is Gold Star at least so pain or no pain I need to get us both out of here somehow.

So I looked around and examined myself, the flames inside of the tank are getting intense in the front as the smoke started to get more thicker and thicker, at this rate I lost my sense of smell and the best I can do is keep myself and Gold Star on the ground level, however I looked around the cockpit and..

The crew is dead.. The Pilot is torn to shreds to the point of showing skeletal parts, the gunner's entire skin on his face has been entirely blown off, and the radio man's head is decapitated...

A cruel horrible fate worse than physical death, and yet me and Gold Star are still alive, while he's unconscious I'm alive to see it all myself..

But now the only thing that matters is getting the hell out of this tank before it completely burns through the hatch and incinerates both of us in an ironed grave!

So after getting my bearings together I looked up and tried to open the hatch with my one arm but it wasn't budging, immediately I panicked and tried to get myself straight and attempted again by kicking the hatch off with both of my legs onto the roof.

But it still wasn't budging... And that was when I thought to myself that I might not make it.. This is how I die, a slow and painful fiery death inside of a metal tomb with no escape and no chance of survival...

I guess I could've said it would have also been my last until I heard a familiar voice from princess Twilight..

"HEY! HEYYY!" I shouted in hopes that they could hear...


Twilight gave up her magic the moment I woken up to the nightmare of the death of my fellow crew men, she got up and was scolded a bit by her friends in their confusion of why she gave up her magic, but as she discovered her true role for Equestria and scolded herself of how blinded she was Discord gave her the medallion that was formally Tirek's now given to Twilight.

She had a realization but the moment was ruined then when I yelled out my vocal chords out to the point that everyone could clearly hear me say.


"Is that??"

"No bucking way! They survived!?" Applejack said in amazement.

I heard their voices and I looked up in glee that they’ve heard it, but I wasn’t out of this yet so I started banging on the metal parts of the tank and immediately she and her friends figured out who I was and ran towards the flaming tank, if it wasn't for Tirek Rainbow Dash would've been told to move a rain cloud on the tank to extinguish the flames but their hope now is to get me and Gold Star out before we both will die a horrible painful death.

"HEYY! I'M IN HERE! ME AND GOLD STAR ARE STILL ALIVE BUT WE'RE TRAPPED IN HERE!" I coughed as the smoke started to fill the remaining cabin deeper with blacker smoke.

“We can hear you!” Yelled out Fluttershy as the 6 ponies climbed up and examined what was blocking the hatch and what blocked it the whole time was a huge tree limb that was stuck on the hatch.

"This here old tree is stuck on the Hatch!" Applejack pointed.

"We need to push it out of the way! On three!" Twilight responded.

Twilight counted to three and then immediately Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash pushed as hard as they can while I helped them as well and pressed on the hatch with my legs as the Smoke started to cover Gold Star's Nostrils and so immediately I grabbed his face and did a mouth to mouth session to keep him breathing all the while keeping my strength directly on getting the hatch opened.

Discord and Spike joined in the fray and pushed the massive tree off until finally it rolled off to the back of the tank and the hatch was opened but the flames got even more chaotic as it consumes everything including the dead in the cockpit as I quickly grabbed Gold Star and lifted him and myself out of the tank and onto the ground weakened.

The mane 6, Spike, and Discord smartly backed up from the tank as it fully exploded into an inferno as the flames screeched in a hellish squeal before fully dismantling the tank into ashes.

I wasn't unscathed in the initial blast from Tirek, nor did Gold Star, but we were lucky to be alive in one piece though not to say towards the dead crew.

"Are you two alright?" Twilight asked.

"I'm fine, and so is he, he's unconscious but he's breathing and that's good enough for me," I replied as I got up and snapped some stems from it's roots to make a natural cast on my broken arm. "Although I am somewhat injured I don't know his problem."

Their eyes flashed into a somewhat rainbow color, it made me wonder if I did something or that's usually pony pupil reflection but something tells me I'm in the middle of something important..

"We need to get to the tree of harmony, Yates do you need any assistance carrying Gold Star?" Twilight asked.

"Eh, not to say I can carry him with one arm, but yea Discord is capable enough," I replied as me and Discord lifted Gold Star off the ground and followed Twilight and her friends into the forest.

"By the way! I have a lot of words for you about the Everfree Forest after this!"

Rally point Alpha

After planning and strategizing the order was given by Alex for the tanks, Bradley's and the rocket Artillery and other weapon systems to take positions inside of Ponyville and the outskirt areas as Tirek went rampant in the Everfree Forest when he was suddenly intercepted by the Variant 2 Abrams unit.

The troops hopped off of the tanks and took positions around the area as machine gun nests were built and rocketeers found themselves in the trees with their bazooka's aiming at Tirek's horns.

The division Colonel leaped off of the tank with a microphone in his hand guarded by two soldiers as he patted at the speaker and lifted it up to his beard-covered mouth.

"Attention Tyrannus Tirek! In the name of the American army of the Federation you are ordered to cede the magic you've stolen back to the locals in Equestria! Comply with our demands and you will be given amnesty and free will! Failure will result in painful consequences!" Alex negotiated on the microphone as troops stumbled through the ground to find a perfect stable conditioned area to fire from.

"Scared that I might use the magic that rightfully belonged to me? Face it human, there is no earth pony, pegasus, and Unicorn that could stop me! Not even Twilight Sparkle!" Tirek laughed and snorted as the Colonel realized something when he said Twilight Sparkle, which means not only did he blatantly confirmed his fears that he knew Twilight Sparkle is a princess but it also meant that the divisional captain and Lieutenant may have gotten in his way.

"How did you know Twilight Sparkle was the princess of Equestria?" He asked.

"Let's say a certain draconequus provided that answer," Tirek smiled.

"I knew it sir! We should've killed him when we got the chance!" Reacted the soldier in aggravation.

"Not now private! Tirek it doesn’t have to be this way! Return the magic now! You have one last chance! Comply with our demands or die!" Alex threatened as the troops loaded their rifles, and tank barrels raised and aimed at Tirek's head.

"Then allow me to respond kindly then!" Tirek said as his horns formed a ball of dark matter magic energy that formed into a straight fire laser that shoots directly towards a tank and disables it into flames.

"Holy shit! SHOOT THAT MOTHERFUCKER!" Shouted Alex as all the tanks, troops, and rocketeers fired towards the beast that killed one of their comrades into a fiery metal tomb as combined arms concentrated their fire on Tirek's head however the bullets started to bounce off of Tirek's chest but the troops were focused on taking him down with standard assault rifles to not realize this.

But the Colonel, after being jerked back from his tank shooting a shell towards Tirek's crotch, realized this and that the only thing slowing Tirek down was the highly explosive tank shells impacting his chest, but even it isn't keeping him back. And as he approached the offensive army shooting his magic towards the scattered Abrams tanks, Alex grabbed his radio and ordered.

"Pull back to Bravo point! IFV and Rocket Artillery! Fire at will!"

Immediately the Abrams and the troops tactically retreated to the second defense line which Tirek gave chase, however he pauses after seeing a barrage of fire being launched from the hills and mountains followed by small light flashes which impacted his head in a explosive like seizure as the heavy missiles launched from the HIMAR rocket artillery landed on his face directly with some either missing or hitting somewhere on his body.

He was in pain as the missiles landed on his body parts which made his skin partially melt from the explosive flames and open wounds from the missile impact.

Alex's plan was working very well as his unit arrived at the second fall back line but suddenly he heard music from the distance which confused the soldiers as they looked around to find the source when a recon soldier pointed and there it was..

The Soviet division arrived and immediately they open fired on Tirek giving no notice to the American army that was literally a inch away from them as the T-64B tanks rolled into combat with a man on top of one of the tanks double wielding two katana type swords shouting “Заряжать!” in a Rodinian voice. (In English it's Charge)

As the entire soviet army charged head first towards Tirek a BMP-1 arrived at Colonel Alex's fall back line which to the Americans couldn't even express what the hell was going on as the Rodinian captain of the convoy poked his head out with his hands slightly up to prevent alarm or distress.

"Good evening comrade, need some assistance?" Ogav waved, shaking his arms to show that he was not harming the American's.

"And what in Creator's name are you fucking doing here?" Alex interrogated.

"Let's just say that we both have a score to settle, after all, the American phrase is the enemy of my enemy is my friend is it not?" Ogav Affirmed his purpose and presence while Alex was reluctant about letting their sworn enemy to help them fight against an individual enemy, however it could perhaps benefit to assert dominance technologically to the Soviets since some would possibly study or perhaps copy, but either way it would help to have additional support.

"Alright fine.. But one fuck up! And you're toast, got it Rodine!?" Alex affirmed.

"I swear to my daughter in law Natasha not to 'fuck up,'" Ogav reassured.

"Alright, then I have an idea on what to do here with your unit."

The Tree

Jogging and running through the forest we've approached a chasm which houses the magical tree in Equestria which is called the tree of Harmony, only.. I don't really think of harmonious as more of a gun pointing at Equestria's head considering the incident that occurred weeks ago before the diplomatic mission was launched.

If anything the tree is possibly called by many of us as the Anti-peacekeeper since really the elements are just weapons to banish anyone who opposes into a stone prison, there were even murmurs within the eclipse brigade (Now the SAU) about searching and destroying the tree entirely.

Although while the plan was formed Reagan was elected into office when they've introduced it to him and it was basically what made the president nearly disbanded the unit if it wasn't General MacArthur's usual pizzazz and constructed argument so it was basically reduced to being a airborne company, or so I've heard.

But the day the Everfree incident happened was what made me hope I didn't get near it at all, and it would seem that irony took a turn as we're now having to rely on it for the survival of Equestria..

Weird for me to say that, but then again it would've been very wrong of me to abandon my post, not that I was contemplating it.

Although it was the day when I truly discovered something even more than an average tree...

After arriving at the tree I managed to snatch a med kit at the last minute before the tank exploded, although I could've used the bandages to create a cast for my broken arm, but it was one use for one person and obviously I wasn't greedy since my friend is unconsciously injured.

As we got inside of the cave where the Tree of Harmony glowed in I and Discord rested Gold Star on the cave wall as I place a blanket on the ground and then laid his body on top of it, I then examined his hooves both front and hind, unequipped his satchels and... There's wings??

I sat there confused in what the hell I just saw on his sides, but regardless I had to continue to examine his wounds but before I could check his head Twilight Sparkle raised the medallion and it turns into a key which inserted itself inside of the chest which in total all 6 keys had now entered the slots, however just as the happy moment came recon troops jumped out of the bush behind us with rifles with them as they pointed towards the sky, they seemed battle weary, distressed, and fatigued as they tried to keep themselves rested when they caught a glimpse of me and Gold Star they were surprised.

"You're alive!?" Said the tired soldiers as some still kept their guard up.

"Surprised?" I replied as a missile flew overhead passed us and exploded in the distance, possibly destroying some of the environment while I stood there like everyone else, confused.

"What the HELL WAS THAT!" I yelled, grabbing one of the men by their collars.

"High explosive missiles sir! The Himars are equipped with them, they’re working sir! We’re kicking Tireks ass! But by the minute he continues to resist us!" The soldier responded.

"Damn, well Twilight! If you have an ace up your hoof sleeves you better use it, It's now or never!" I suggested.

"He's right, we must turn the keys together!" Twilight added, as she and her 5 friends held the keys and simultaneously turned them together which made the chest brightened into a holy brightness, so bright it made my eyes watery though then again I could be crying and not know as to how bright is was.

The six ponies referred as many back home as the hero's of Equestria and possibly the world, possibly? Nah, definitely the heroes of the world, and damn how Gold Star would've loved to have seen what was inside of that chest, if only if he wasn't unconscious though he could've said something like holy shit.

But they have their role in taking care of that bastard, and I have my role as well, and that's to take care of Gold Star, and then after that's taken care of. He has a lot of explaining to do...

Like seriously I thought he was an Earth Pony? But wings? There's something else he might not be showing me... And I have a feeling it'll haunt me for the rest of my life..

Heh.. Now I really wonder if that was his secret the whole time, if that's his secret then he was right on the money when he said I would never forget it.. Because I never will...

The battlefield

"ALLAHU AKBAR!" Shouted a Caucasian trooper firing a RPG round to Tirek's face as the battle transformed into a all out war zone as two unmarked white helicopters arrived to the scene in the skies shooting at Tirek with it's entire cartridge of missiles while the American troops were side by side with Soviet troops shooting at Tirek together while Captain Ogav and Colonel Alex participated firing their tanks at Tirek as well.

However as the combat was ongoing channel 10 was active and spoke.

"This is Eagle and Falcon squadron bringing you heavy support, how can we assist you sir?" Asked Eagle-1 as Alex snatched the radio from his left cheek pocket and placed it over his mouth.

"Eagle Squadron target is marked in red flare! Be ready to shoot at the marked positioned target!" Urged Alex as he scampered to look for red flares.

"Roger that, and what about the Soviet targets over?" Eagle-1 asked.

"They're in the clear, they are with us, do you copy that Eagle-1!" Alex affirmed.

"I read you loud and clear awaiting for green light," replied Eagle-1 as two formations of F-14 and F-15 jets flew across the skies circling Tirek like a pack of vultures ready to dive bomb for their next meal for the day as Alex grabbed a red Flare and turned towards Ogav who's BMP-1 was besides his Abrams shooting at the similar target.

"Ready for a little retribution?" Alex smirked.

"You bet your American dollars I am my friend," Ogav replied, as Alex threw the flare and Ogav slapped the top of his BMP-1 to order a head first charge towards Tirek in which the crew acknowledged and charged towards Tirek gun blazing.

Even to some who stick their hands out of the Cockpits equipped with pistols taking a shot at Tirek.

Meanwhile for Tirek he is completely overrunned and had not anticipated such intervention from the human race, he thought that the Pegasus, Unicorns, Earth Ponies, and the Alicorns were what he had to worry about, but something that he hasn't realized up until now seeing the writing on the wall that his doom draws near and it was only a matter of time before the final nail lands in his coffin of his defeat, he thought back on how he fought Twilight and destroyed one of the wretched human tanks that interfered with him earlier in Canterlot, but now he also wonders what he has done when entering the castle he remember the same pony he had fought with earlier with five other ponies in some type of union that taken down what was the Blue pony he had injured and fought once.

"Fox! Fox! Fox!"

Realizing this, he truly realized that the day of reckoning is near, but as he pondered in his mind as explosions from the missiles continued to blind his eyes and possibly blew his skin he felt something thrown at his foreleg, and it was when the explosions stopped ringing was when he saw true horror of Humanity as he sees metal birds charging at him with spits of fire shooting towards his eyes as if two hot pokers were being lodged inside of his eyes which gave him great pain, but not as worse as what was next when the metal bird pour liquid followed by the worst pain possible as he can hear the wretched humans chanting it's name that he will loath for all of eternity...


He cried in pain in great agony as the napalm burnt through his skin, Alex and Ogav watched emotionless as Tirek wreaked in pain.

But it was then that a bright bubble of magic appeared from the Everfree forest and hovered above Tirek, however usually the villian wouldn't give up, but after the torture released upon him he was turned from a buff fearful creature to a total wimp at the might of the combined human armies of the Rodinian Soviet Army, and the American Armed Forces.

Tirek didn't fight, he didn't monologues, he didn't even put up a proper defense, it was as if he was standing there embracing his total defeat and putting him out of his misery.

And so his reckoning came as the Mane 6, empowered by the magic of friendship, fired one by one their magical power and shrinked Tirek to the smallest point that he was once...

But before they could send him back to Tartarus he was quickly apprehended and detained by agents in black suits marked F.M.T.F. As the two white unmarked helicopters landed and surrounded the weakened and horrendously mutilated Tirek the black uniformed soldiers exited the helicopters with plasma rifles that aimed towards him while the men cuffed him.

The commander in chief Ronald Reagan stepped out into the open, sunglasses on as he looked around the chaotic scene and gazed at the mane 6 as they landed on the ground meeting the president face to face.

"Mr. Reagan!?" Remarked Rarity, as her friends gazed in surprise at his visit.

"Greetings bearers of the elements of Harmony, you six all have my gratitude, you've fought well to defend and save your lands, and this world and so to not tire you any longer we'll take Tirek somewhere else, where he will never hurt anyone else ever again," Reagan assured.

"But he should be back in Tartarus where he was?" Twilight said.

"Rest assure princess, and friends, I already have a place more suitable than Tartarus for him," Reagan frowned as the men in heavy equipped black took Tirek into custody in the white helicopter.

Reagan then stared towards Twilight and her friends and then said.

"Best get to moving, there's ponies in need of their magic restored."

Twilight and her friends smiled as they disappeared from Reagan's sight while he looked at Alex and Ogav who just hiked towards the caravan of black infantry troops which by now the White Chopper took off to deliver Tirek back to wherever the 'special' place was.

"Captain Volklav I assumed? I talked with the Red Mother and she explained everything. I have to admit if it wasn't for you Patton would've lost 5 young men who were volunteers, they're in your debt Captain," Reagan smiled.

"Well, it's my obligation Mr. President, despite what my co-officials say about the government here we're all in the same species in the same world," Ogav replied.

"Indeed, you may get back to your post, I fear that once the Royal guard figures out that you're here it might stir an international incident, we don't want that happening do we?" Reagan added.

"No sir, thank you sir, we'll depart immediately," Ogav waved.

"Until we meet Captain," Reagan waved back while Ogav climbed aboard his BMP-1 as the soviet convoy started lining up and moving back towards the Equestrian-Stalliongrad border, Alex saluted towards Ogav and Ogav saluted right back towards Alex as the two men respectfully saluted each other until Ogav disappeared in the horizon.

Reagan boarded the helicopter as Alex walked towards him with a question in mind.

"What now sir?" He asked.

"Now Colonel? Simply move on," Reagan responded as the door closed and the helicopter took off from the ash field battle field as troops started scrambling to rescue the men injured from the battle along with salvaging destroyed vehicles damaged or mutilated from Tirek's desperate laser attacks, however the Colonel turned to see bushes shuffling around as me, Gold Star, Discord, Spike, and other troops that found themselves lost in the battle appeared in front of him out of the bushes.

"Lieutenant glad to see you alive~"

"No time to explain Colonel! I need a medical team STAT!" I grunted in pain, as my left arm started to get worn out from the immense pain and stress of carrying the injured tan stallion on my back as Alex turned and yelled.


And with the response to the Colonel's panic the medics quickly swarmed over towards the injured captain as I setted him down, then for some odd reason they kept him concealed from Discord and Spike and carried him over to the medical Humvee which just pulled in with it's green camouflage coating with the white and red cross on the door as they slid him on the stretcher and put him in the back seat of the Humvee before driving off to base.

The rest of the medics on the field tended to my arm as for Discord and Spike, they left us to meet Twilight and her friends as they've completely restored every pony's magic across Equestria, but with that it left me thinking a lot about Gold Star..

He hid something from me he didn't want to show, and I'm getting to the bottom of this.

F̷̡̤̻̘̮̰̦̺̩̜̎̇͗̑̓̏͝ǒ̸̢̜̌̓͊̚͜u̷̡͖̗̤̝̖̹̱̐̏̈́̓̃͐̆̇ṉ̵͔͔͚̤͐̽̎̇̎̆̂͝d̵̺̣͛͠ä̶̫̥̺͕̣́̄̑͑̄̅̃͝ͅt̸̛̥̤̦̖͉̫͂̋̍̑͆͌̄i̸̳̇́͐́͒̓͌̃͝ô̸̧̡͙̺͕̲̇͐̍͋ň̵̬͆͌͌̂͆͝ ̸̛̖̫̯͆̃̅̄̉͝B̶̙̯̞̱̬̂̓̒́̃͠à̴͓͎͓̟̤̋̊̆͑́̂͠ͅş̵̢̖̣̼̭͚̥̊̌̃̂e̷̛̙̹̥̳͗̂̽͌̋̏̋͘

The helicopter landed inside of the hangar bay met with troops carrying the same plasma rifles as they awaited for their compensation to step out of the helicopter while Reagan's helicopter landed as well besides the other one.

Reagan stepped inside of the metallic building as he looked around at the black uniformed troops aiming their plasma rifles towards Tirek as his neck had been pressed down towards the ground where all he could see was the floor and not what was in front of him for a brief moment until they bagged him.

As he entered the prison hallways Reagan frowned upon what was going to be his fate in the prison as the head chief of the unit that imprisoned him came towards the president.

"The Foundation will certainly benefit from this capture Mr. President," phrased the commander.

"Indeed so.. What is his fate though?" Reagan asked.

"Worse than Tartarus if I can describe Mr. President, but rest assured, despite the secret of our existence spoken out and exposed to the Colonel, the compensation you've provided will do well for us and this nation's military," the commander remarked.

"Indeed, I must get back to my duties as president, Tirek is all yours to keep, I wish you the best of luck," Reagan granted.

"You too, Mr. President.. You too.."

It was then after Reagan had left, Equestria's princesses Celestia and Luna in 1006 would start requesting a visit to the prison that held Tirek in.. However their request would end up going unanswered despite Equestria's current state in world affairs..

But it would be only 1009 when Equestria's princesses realized the terrible fate of Tirek who died in captivity from head trauma in 1006...

Base Alicorn

Arriving at the base with a cast on my left arm after the Doctors had told me that the bones cracked when it was banged real hard on the metal walls of the tank.

But as I entered the base established medical clinic asking where Gold Star is I was politely pointed towards his room where he is resting in, although the nurse warned me that the Military Police is stopping anyone who approaches and other information that Gold Star is currently having his medicine for his wounds, but despite their advice not go to his room I saw myself in to the hallway and the nurse blatantly ignored it.

As I walked through the hallway I couldn't feel but sorry for the men who risked their lives to fight Tirek as they laid in their beds sleeping off from the pain the wounds gave them with some having bandages on their hands or cast on their entire bodies, it was sad to see them in their state.

As I approached the room that the nurse pointed at two MPs who were listening to their radio's and walked towards me with ACU patrol caps spelling "Military Police" along with Black vest and everything, one raised his hand which stopped me in my tracks.

"Sir you're not allowed past this point, turn around before we get dirty here," warned an officer.

"Do you know what rank I am? I'm the divisional Lieutenant of this base!" I argued.

"We have orders not to let no one in, especially you," he informed.

"What the hell? Why the hell am I given this treatment when I clearly saved his life! If you two won't let me pass I will-"

Immediately they upholstered their pistols and pointed them towards me in the form of a major threat to shoot me, it was clear they weren't playing around but I intend to find answers, but this may complicate things by a lot...

"We didn't want to do this sir! Get back or we will shoot!"

"Shoot me? Shoot me and you'll find yourselves working at a prison cafeteria!!!" I replied as they held their guns tight ready to shoot me, although I could've pulled mine out I've felt more pain than I've fucking had so in the end no one wins.

At Least until the door to Gold Star room opened and a white unicorn nurse hovering a plate with empty cups exited out was immediately horrified at the breakdown and immediately yelled.

"Dear Celestia! Don't you two have anything better to do than to point your humanly weapons at visitors!! ARE YOU TWO INSANE!" She yelled.

"But ma'am we were told to stop anyone from passing, mainly hi-"

"What in Celestia's name do you mean by that! The Captain requested his presence moments ago! And who was it that told you this order may I remind you!?" yelled the unicorn.

"Umm.. The Captain? But ma'am he-"

"Not another word! He changed his mind after some counseling and some second thoughts, so let him pass if you may please," she interjected, as the two officers lowered their weapons and rolled their eyes and let me pass through them.

I looked at the nurse with gladness.

"Thanks! Miss?"

"You can call me Red heart, and It's not a problem mister, I'm just doing my job as all should do properly," she chortled as she walked away from my sight.

But with that luck and nearly getting shot, I better be careful next time I see those two or creator knows what, so I entered inside of the room and Gold Star was laying on the bed reading a magazine as if he was legitimately expecting me as he lowered the magazine and sighed.

"Hey, I hope you're feeling well, despite narrowly getting myself killed just to visit you," I said, which he breathed calmly and replied..

"I thank you with everything you've done, you didn't leave me to die in the tank when you could've saved yourself.. But I am not a paranoid pony or a conspiracist, but I am truly happy that you've risked your injury to save me.. But I should say sorry for what you had to go through just to.."

"Save your strength friend, it's good to think but not good to stress.."

"I know.. *Sigh* but something had been bothering me.. You've seen my secret have you?" He speculated, which caught me off guard..

"H-how did you?"

"I saw it too.. For a brief moment I felt the magic of friendship, it was.. Unique, nothing like before, but when no one looked I noticed that my satchels were removed and I passed back right out with no reason to explain, other than anticipation and fear.. You want to see the truth do you?" He reckoned.

"I.. Ugh.. Yes! I'm sorry to answer it that way but the whole time I've been stoked on trying to figure out your secret and I can never figure out or guess what it is! Other than knowing so far that you have wings which clearly reveals your a pegasus... Right? Hehe... Right?" I awkwardly asked, which Gold Star blankly stared at me with the 'are you serious' face, so perhaps there's something else I'm missing here this whole time.

"Out of respect, consider it as a repayment for rescuing me.. Now, lift my head cast up," he requested.

"Uhh.. I'm sorry what?"

"You heard me, lift it," he repeated, which at first I was a bit hesitant as I stretched my arm out but then I noticed that when I touched his head it felt like a lump going upwards...

"Dear Creator..."

I lifted the cast up and it gave me the answer here on out this entire time..

Those ages he kept himself hidden from everyone, no one really knew who he was this entire time, and it was clear why he hid it from everyone...

"Fucking hell.. You're a Alicorn!?" I panicked whispery cus I don't want no sneaking scumbags hearing in on our conversation.


"... But... Why did you hide it from us! From everyone else?"

"Because that was the plan," Alex stepped in on our conversation with fingers on his chin. "And honestly I warned Uncle Sam that concealment wasn't a good idea in the first place."

"Colonel? You knew?"

"Yes indeed.. You see back when Gold Star was introduced to me he wasn't concealed back then but was accompanied by Uncle Sam and General MacArthur, but anyone who saw him personally during the visit had to swear never to tell a single soul about him, and so had I, in fact it was so much of a secret we had to place our hand on the holy books to swear solemnly not to tell, but even then I tried to argue that it was a inconspicuous plan that would fail eventually, but they never acknowledged it and just left me with him, and threw me clothes that he had to wear the whole time," the Colonel explained.

"Damn.. Including the shower??" I asked.

"Unfortunately.." Gold Star added. "Yes.."

"Damn.. Sorry you had to go through that buddy, but I'm not going to fucking swear a oath that is fucking flawed, while it may be for the greater good Celestia sooner or later will know about this," I stated.

"That's typically the thing though.. The F.I.U. May has figured out that she already knows, but clearly hasn't said anything about it, not yet at least," Alex interjected.


"In conclusion, I hope that you do understand how important this is at this time and period, but hey, I might tell you how this happened in the first place, but right now I need rest," Gold Star requested.

"Indeed," replied the Colonel.

"Yea... I think after today, I'm going to need some RnR, A LOT of RNR..."

And so, after the Colonel left I hoof-hand shaked Gold Star and wished him best of luck on his recovery in which after I left to, this entire time I thought he just like to over extend his uniform wearing but this whole time he was forced to wear it this whole time, not because of uniform regulations but because of the fact that it may confuse or even ensue some chaotic conspiracy theories of some sort.

Although really, I never knew why or what prompted the government or Uncle Sam to have him just hide his identity..

But as I exited the base clinic I watched towards the horizon, a new castle!

A new installment to Ponyville as if they haven't gotten enough structures they now have a crystal type castle, it was a nice addition to be honest but Ponyville was formally just a village...

Give a person, pony, or griffon a piece of land, and they'll figure out how to turn it into a community..

Give a farmer a seed, and he'll create food.

Heh, phrases my grandfather use to tell me are ironic within themselves, what does it take for flat lands to become well known? And how big is the seed given to a farmer to create such amount of food?

No answers, yet vague phrases, that's the purpose of them, but looking at our military might, my mind subconsciously created a new phrase...

"Give mankind intelligence, and soon he will ultimately destroy he.."

New Mexicona


We did it, the task that was given to us by the American government, with funding directly from tax payer dollars and even donations from the higher nobility but finally we've done it..

The classified weapon is an atomic bomb that is built for the occasion of desperate measures against the enemies that would even attack the American Federation. With years of studying, hypothesizing, and theorizing we would eventually put together this new weapon to it’s combinative structure that now awaits for detonation.

With no time soon, the Griffonian army has continually built up their forces on our border with Mexicona, the government fears an all out war with the entire empire of Griffonia and to which the hope relies on the creation of this weapon successfully.

After years of research looking for what resources needed we found that our continent alone has the resources needed..

Uranium, a lot of Uranium, no other continents but Humarica both North and South have Uranium resources located in America, Rodinia, Gradenland, and some parts of Parsley.

Today was testing day, the day I fretted when I was informed that a representative named fancy pants and with his wife lady Fleur de Lis, Fancy pants is the head of the Equestrian constitutional council that runs the whole internal matters within Equestria.

It seems that the government that I've worked with is not holding back anymore, they're letting everyone in on the secret, it's clear that the goal is to assert dominance when the button is pushed..

There can only be one world leader in the world.. And if that's the case, then if I push this button, I may either start a chain reaction that destroys this world and kill everyone in it, or Nothing happens and we become the world's laughingstock.

I would lean to option 2 only if it didn't meant that America becomes the world's laughing stock and beyond all my colleagues that had worked on this project for far too long and even they consider it a gambit but if it goes well option 1 is more favorable to me subtracting the end of the world part.

As my co-workers welcomed the representatives from all over the world including the communist leaders, one in particular had came in in representation for his state of New Luna, west coast state of the American Federation, we chatted about the bomb and how long the project took, along with other political matters and how recent events unfolded in Equestria.

But after our chat he waved goodbye and took his seat in the viewing section of what will be the world changing feat.

The General overseeing our test waited and asked us upon our readiness..

I said yes, and he ordered his men to bring me the control panel that would signify the beginning of an age...

A age new to the world that it learns a new name, a name many will call it by. A title of the Superpower..

I steadily raised my finger over the button that'll trigger everything off, with my mind circulating of what was going to be, the countdown begun...

"Beginning countdown...





The moment I pressed the button nothing happened until a bright flash engulfed the skies as the spectators who're safe behind the glass walls as the Griffons, ponies, and all creatures that represented their countries watched and gazed upon the weapon we've built as the explosion formed a mushroom like cloud above the ground level.

I and General Leslie and other scientists who weren't spending time at their homes watched the detonation with exceeded expectation, and as the explosion dissipated some of the creatures chuckled silently as the ponies sat there on their seats concerned while the Griffons clapped at the general velocity of the invention.

I said to the general, "Well, it works." And he and I laughed...

But in the post test I looked at the person I spoke with a while ago, he was a Hoseanian but the sight of the explosion made him from a talking man to a silent one as he just left the room and the military site..

I can see his worry, as while I am happy the project has not gone to waste I've also felt the sudden dread of what I may have done... Albert Einstein's theory on a chain reaction may have not immediately gone into effect but rather started the countdown to this world's destruction.

We knew the world would not be the same, as a few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent.

Now... I've become death... Destroyer of worlds.....

Author's Note:

Hello readers! Thank you for being patient with me to create this two part chapter which took weeks to make with the help of my artist.

With the chapter of course being delayed because of some discrepancies that were needed to be addressed in a form of a rewrite. (Like seriously the EAW community did not appreciated my mistake with MGS,) but with that clearly out of the way as you've also saw I've remade the art cover to fit in into a more 2d type world scenario to keep it normalized within the MLP world but also keeping in the realism as well.

But with that said thank you for your patience as things start going nuts from this point from serious political situations to almost near war events.

I will see you in the next chapter!