• Published 17th Mar 2023
  • 2,569 Views, 53 Comments

The New World | Millennium - Escalator

What if there was another continent in the planet of Equis, one with Humans..

  • ...

Bales Adventure

Previously in The New World Chapter:

Yadda yadda yadda, yeah I'm just going to be simple with this category.

Basically, I was assigned to build a farm, Gold Star had his RNR, met a girl whom I am now in love with.

What else? Oh yeah, the fact that Gold Star barely told me shit about who "they" are.

But you know I'll be polite and rewind of what happened on the same day.

Earlier the Day

First, we go back to that first part in the last chapter, the part where Gold Star is told the news that his RnR was approved.

"Major Star, I have good news for you," Alex informed.

"Colonel Alex, what is it sir?" Gold Star replied.

"Ben Carville has accepted your request, with an extra note saying "have the week off you magnificent bastard, you have earned it," Alex read from the letter.

"Sounds very positive, I guess," I commented, as Gold Star jumped in the air in happiness.

"Finally! I hope to see you guys in a week, I better get packing!"

As Gold Star got his essentials together Alex flipped through the letters and found an envelope that had a stamp of approval, he then unwrapped it and read it.

"Good luck Star, I assume you're staying over at Twilight's place," I implied.

"That would be correct, maybe something mystical might happen, or something," Gold Star added, but before he left the door Alex halted him with a pistol laying its body on his neck.

"Not so fast Major, in case Twilight and her friends, gather up together, there's bound to be some sort of shit show that tends to go down around these parts, here take this pistol, you two seem safer with it than without it," Alex insisted, as Gold Star grabbed the pistol and placed it inside of his saddle bag.

"I assume you've set it on safety?" Gold Star asked.

"Of course, why else has the damn thing didn't go off, you think I'm out of my mind?" Alex Queried, which Gold Star shrugged, and trotted off to his Humvee.


Gold Star watched the road mindlessly, it had been a while since he had a proper day off, although considering that he was suspended from his rank, only to be unsuspended by Uncle Sam's demand, at the same time though, he thought, he realized just now that he has an entire week off!

And he didn't even get his Informal's on either!

So immediately he pulled over to the side of the road and got his formals off and the moment he did his wings were freed from his sides as if they were gasping for air, he looked at them with pity and grudge, although the wings were apart of his whole expenditure out of Equestria, he felt sick to his gut thinking about the many that he had lied to and for what, the security to not frighten a world already under the thumb of several rivaling nations?

At times when he first met Twilight he considered a lot if he should tell Twilight everything, from his wings to his horn. From what happened on that fateful day to the next, all he was given in his mind was the benefit of the doubt and a fear that he may still be called something he despised that same day.

A Changeling...

Yet, one thing was for sure, he blames Luna for his misery, whether she meant it in other ways or not.

He wonders what the Blue Alicorn Menace is up to right now as he gets his boots on.


Well, to answer my friend's question.

Princess Luna at this time had been trotting and wandering around and down the hallways looking at the old tapestries that had hung from the walls since before, dawn, and after her return.

It doesn't surprise her that she had seen the moments when tapestries magically change in a lot of ways, but it is how Celestia kept track of Twilight Sparkle's Accomplishments in missions or tests of course along with other ponies that had accomplished a lot as well.

Regardless, it makes Luna jealous of her sister though, unlike the last time, she was jealous before transforming Nightmare Moon, only to witness war like never before, this time however her jealousy was Celestia and Twilight Sparkle, ever since Twilight's foal hood she had been Celestia's protégé which to Luna it made her as confused back when she was dark and evil even though Celestia assured her that Cadence wasn't a replacement, Twilight on the other hand, was a different story towards Nightmare Moon, and when she first saw her sister adopting yet another pony into royalty was when she seethed with rage thinking that Celestia, her sister, was using all methods of replacing her. The Princess of the Night.

Of course only when Luna did return and forsake the evil that she was consumed by as she was told that Twilight and her friends were the destined chosen ones to reactivate the use of the element of harmony.

Of course, considering the potential future that Luna and Celestia would be outdated for their royal duty, Luna tried to find ways of looking for a protégé, and she did. But the day when she read reports that the pony that was supposed to be her own protégé was imprisoned, Luna didn't even want Celestia finding out, and so with no choice she burnt the report and forsook Gold Star in the style of throwing one under the bus.

Only now she feels that Harmony is about to trigger a Karma on Luna once the moment is right, and Luna wouldn't care less at this point. Even she understood that she had made a bitter choice when she found that same familiar pony, decorated in the uniform of an American, at a scheduled surprised peace summit.

But before continuing those thoughts, it was short-lived by a pony guard running by the princess and heading to the throne room with the sounds of Golden Metal clanking on the marble floors.

Insisting that it's probably urgent Luna teleported to the room and at the same time, it happened to be that Celestia was on her usual cake-eating diet.

"Having your evening frosting I assume sister?"

Of course, Celestia looked at Luna with the usual "you have offended me good sir! (or ma'am)" expression.

"It's better for the energy, why else do I always eat as many sweets as possible!"

"Whatever you may say sister, but a royal guard is heading for us here," Luna informed.

"Must be the report I requested," Celestia replied.

"Report Sister?"

"Yes, and I'll explain in a moment, the guard should be here in 3... 2... 1..."

And on cue, the doors opened, and came the royal guard.

"Princess Celestia, the report as you requested," presented the guard, giving the scroll to the princess.

"Many thanks, you may be dismissed."

The guard bowed and left the room, as for Celestia, she unraveled the scroll and read the report, although Luna looked at it and all it was to her was a map.

"As suspected," she showed.

"What is it?" Luna asked, looking at a map.

"The ancient city of Bales is now visible enough to send at least one or two ponies through the barrier, I suppose you recognize this city?" Celestia assumed, which Luna gave a confused incomprehensible horse tone.

"Would it surprise you to know that I never did?" Luna replied.

"Oh... That's right you weren't there at the time since most of your days were spent inside of the castle," Celestia recalled, though this gave Luna a deadpan expression of ignorance, because of the mood Luna was displaying Celestia changed her tone. "But since I also spent most of my time in the castle as well it wouldn't hurt to explain what this city is, but first."

Celestia grabbed an empty piece of paper with her magic, and also the quill to write on.

Sitting there watching from her throne, Luna could only painstakingly watch as her sister further gave her anxiety through the sounds of unbearable chalk-like noise.


After changing from his standard uniform and into his Informal's, he had finally got back on the trail and reached Ponyville proper, at the moment ponies had been trotting around minding their businesses and whatnot, but before he continued further he decided to pay a visit to the old tree library.

This would be his first time visiting the tree home unless you count the time when he walked Twilight back last year, and two nights, before Tirek's rampage in Equestria and the incident of Yates, me, discovering a truth that he continues to hold.

As he pulled to the side of the tree house it was, as usual, closed and sealed off by the local authorities in Ponyville under Twilight's request though barely anyone patrols the land, he ducked under the police tape and set hoof on the charred ground of what was left of old memories.

Looking at the treehouse itself was another nostalgic blow to him, or at least what was left of it considering that it had been uprooted by Twilight's friends to put in display as a root chandelier on the roof of the castle, what was left was a crater and smashed bookshelf's that had been in the way.

It was then, however, that one book caught his attention.

It was by a long shot, but it was covered by char burnt ground yet somehow it was in one piece, and not a single flame on the cover either.

However, there was nothing for his hooves to grab on so he resorted to picking the book up with his mouth and then spat it out.

"BLEUGH! Damn, that tastes horrid! Though typically that happens when dummies like me pick up a damn book from a charred-up pile! ... And now I'm just talking to myself... Great!" He said to himself.

So instead of his mouth, he used his hooves, the problem though was that the cover was flat, so flat that only a Unicorn can levitate the damn thing, whoever made it surely didn't think an Earth Pony like him would bother to read it! Of course then again he was an Alicorn in disguise, problem is that he has no shit of an idea how to properly use his horn or his wings, and even if Twilight discovered him and she happened to be forgiving, even then it may be months before he can master any single basic abilities. (If not a year or two)

Regardless he grabbed the book using both of his hooves though he had to walk back to his Humvee bipedally, which wasn't a problem since he was trained how to anyway just to fire his firearm.

After getting in the car with the book, he swiped the dust off and read the cover.

"How to spot an Alicorn, 5 signs that indicate that somepony is a being of high power? What nutcase covers an entire book cover with only words! The hell is the imagery in all of this!" He ranted, somewhat ignoring the fact that Twilight may or may not have started digging into Gold Star's personality.

So he flipped to the book.

"Page 1, secrets, if the pony in question happened to cover or hasn't told you anything that a friend would usually provide, that means that they may be hiding something... Okay? So what does that have to do with figuring out your not-so-secret admirer is an Alicorn I wonder?" He asked himself, continuing to read. "There may be signs from this whether it'd be denial, family problems, or incidents regarding strange attitudes, consider questions such as. "What were your parents, and what are they like, or-"

Immediately Gold Star shook his head in disbelief.

"I can't fucking believe this! Twilight is trying to dig in and figure out that I'm some sort of Alicorn! But of course, she does have a habit of coming up with every contingency so this shouldn't surprise me at all... But who in the hell made this!"

He looked at the author and to his dismay.

"Comet Tail the Starry-Eyed... More like Comet Ass the crazy, who the hell is he? Some random guy off the streets? Well I mean, I guess he put some effort into this I'll give credit for, but what made him decide everyone would want to read this?" Gold Star then looked around and forgot that he was with no one.

"Talking to myself... Great! Never a good sign, anyways, still yet to reach Twilight, should probably shut up now and get my ass over there."

And so he sped off to the castle without a word. Other than his continual talking.

In the apartment complex, Yuri had been preparing for the mission at hand, and by preparing, I mean eating chips and complaining about the news depicting "Mare 6 rule and the villains drool" and all that typical BS.

It was then that his ground-level window was knocked on by the Rodinian air soldiers who seemed to have brought a BPM-97.

Yuri opened the window and listened in.

"Da, what is it?" He asked.

"Comrade Yuri, the commander has ordered that the mission is to be launched immediately," informed the soldier.

"Why so?" Replied Yuri.

"Our spy planes had done another run, and they've spotted Golden armored ponies led by what is assumed to be Captain Armor, sir, they've authorized the use of the BPM-97 Autocannon type," added the soldier.

"Alright then, let me get suited up, and then we'll be on our way."

"Dasdonye comrade Yuri."

After a minute's drive Gold Star arrived at the castle, and so after parking his vehicle and hopping out of it.

He went to the door and knocked.


Twilight Sparkle perked her ears up at the sounds of knocking.

"I'll go answer it," insisted Spike, as he walked to the doors and opened them.

"Oh, well high Mr. Star! It's been a while," Spike waved.

"Good to see you too Spike, is Twilight-"

"Don't say further," Spike interrupted, as Twilight walked to the door.

"Gold Star, you came in an odd time?"

"What do you mean? Something going on?" He asked.

"Well, I- well y-"

"Uhh Twilight," Spike interrupted, pointing at a fake watch.

"Alright alright fine! I'll just take you with me then!" Twilight rushed.

"Take me? Take me whe-"

Without finishing his sentence Gold Star and Twilight disappeared from Spike's face, leaving him alone with an owl who happened to fly right beside him.

"Finally, alone again!" Said Spike, as the room went silent with no voice other than wind, and a random tumbleweed that floated by majestically.

"Want to play board games," Spike asked.


Canterlot Castle throne room

In a blink of Celestia's eyes Twilight appeared with her wings opened and eyes closed upon teleporting to the castle, you know; presentation, as she folded her wings and walked towards Celestia.

Gold Star dropped from mid-air and fell face-first into the marble floor.

"AH! Gold Star are you alright!" Twilight pipped, turning around as he got up from the ground.

"Damn it to hell! I think I broke my nose!"

"Then I may be of assistance then," Celestia entered, using her magic and healing his nose in an instant twilight.

Gold Star was very dumbfounded.

"Woah... I mean, WOW! Where the he- I mean, (good Faust this is going to take a lot out of me) uh, h-how did you do that?" Gold Star asked in a more surprised attitude towards the princess in front of Twilight as she knees him in the hind legs.

"Well, this spell had been produced since before I was born, the Alicorns of my time were great at coming up with ways with healing magic, although the one I placed on your injured tissue is nothing compared with the types of magic that my relatives had made, of course, I assume you are here because of your new security assignment, correct?" Celestia asked.

"Well, Twilight just spelled me here, so I'm right here. Hehe..." The Stallion chuckled, and Twilight cringed at the interaction even though Celestia was having a fine time getting to know the Stallion.

"Well Twilight, I also know that you've come upon my request, if you do not mind Gold Star, this is a private conversation," Celestia informed.

"Oh alright then, I'll sit here, in this... Empty room."

"It won't be long, Twilight, please come with me."

As Twilight and Celestia trotted out of the throne room, the only ones in there were just Gold Star and Princess Luna...

And oh boy does this turn into an awkward situation.

At the window room itself, you know the one with the whole images on windows that shapeshift for every accomplishment, the former protégé and the former teacher, Twilight and Celestia, were trotting down the halls in a brief quiet silence until Celestia spoke.

"So Twilight, I see you and Gold Star have been getting closer lately," she pointed out. "Have you also been keeping up with my mission?"

Twilight Sparkle was a bit stoked about the last sentence Celestia spoke.

"Wait, that was a mission!?" Twilight exclaimed, making Celestia chuckle.

"Don't be silly! I was only joking, of course, there are other issues at hand that I must speak with you about in private."

"Such as?" Twilight asked.

"I do not suppose you remember the city of Bales?"

"You mean the book city that disappeared! Of co- WAIT I MEAN!"

"It's alright, you were right anyways with the book title," chuckled the princess. "But in serious terms, the scouts I've sent led by your brother, had found an almost distorted city in the distance, yet when they got close to it, it disappeared from their view, your brother tried to use his magic but it wasn't enough to counter whatever was blanketing the city."

"My... BROTHER! Found it?!" Twilight exclaimed again, Celestia's response was a simple nod.

"That's why I have summoned you, your brother wasn't able to lift whatever was covering the city, if anypony I know now can figure a way inside of the city, get in contact with the locals trapped, and unveil the city from its thousand-year disappearance, it is you." Celestia encouraged, but this left Twilight with one question.

"Can I bring my friends?" She asked.

To the Alicorn Princess's dismay she was going to eventually break the news that Twilight was not allowed to bring her friends on this adventure, though by the looks of things it would seem that they (the mare friends) had been busy themselves, Applejack for one overseeing the joint project that Luna had proposed, Fluttershy is doing her usual animal feeding, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are in Griffonstone regarding a friendship mission, and as for Rarity, well she's just taking a Spa day.

All the amount that the only one that she would be fine with however is Gold Star, sure, he isn't much of a stranger when it comes to typical styles of adventure considering he's an army of himself, but Celestia also felt that this was an even better opportunity for a proper bond between the two, plus at least this would assure Celestia that Twilight has at least somepony accompanying her than nopony. And also as mentioned, since he's army he can keep a secret.

Unknowingly he's already keeping one in his mind.

"No." Celestia firmly replied.

"What?" Twilight queried in both shock and confusion.

"This mission requires secrecy, nopony not even your friends could know about this, but... I have thought of only one exception."

"What is it!?" Twilight begged.

"Well, assumedly since you did bring Gold Star here when I only requested you," Celestia pointed out, giving Twilight a bit of a cringed feeling.

"I-I'm sorry about that! I didn't have time and I-"

"Oh don't be so worried about it my faithful student I have concluded that now or then he and you will be in a paired adventure. It was only a matter of time until now, this is an opportunity for you and him to bond!" Celestia finished with an exciting wing burst.

"Oh... I see, so when do we depart?"

"As soon as you leave of course."

"Right, hehe... Alright then."

Back in the throne room, it was just only Luna and Gold Star, just them, no guards, no secretaries, and no dwellers.

Just the two.

"It was going to be a matter of time before we meet again," Luna said, breaking the silence as Gold Star stood in the castle mesmerized by the castle's interior and the changes it had undergone.

" And for what exactly?" Gold Star replied, turning towards Luna with glaring eyes. "To Apologize? To repent, to expose me and say who I really am?"

Luna is steadfast in his reply.

"If anything I should probably be thanking you for ruining my life in my own home, otherwise I wouldn't have the opportunity to learn what hell is truly, or the matter of being hunted down because of a secret identity, THAT YOU BESOUGHT!" Gold yelled in spite, looking at the princess of the night as she stood tense. "Princess of peace... Hmph! All I see is a wolf in sheep's clothing."

Taking in the last sentence with dignity Luna asks him a question. "And to what gain do you have arguing over who has seen much more Tartarus evil than what we have seen! We've kept peace between nations, the one that houses you and its proclaimed enemy in the north, we have tried our dearest to keep peace and to help other nations when we can, but in the times when we have to be in the midst of what would be considered the countdown to what would be the end of peace!"

Luna paused and looked at the Stallion who stood unamused at the statement that she spat out of her mouth.

"I sense a great grudge in you Star, I understand what you had gone through but this wasn't my sister's doing, nor Twilight's, or any pony's it was-."

"You, and don't worry, I never had a single hate for them, because I was once a guard, I was once an Elite Guard for that matter, they were doing their job, I understood what Shining Armor was doing when I met Twilight face to face on the day peace was restored between my new home and my old home. But the whole time I've been there Luna, you knew me because of the stare of surprise you've given me the whole entire time!" Gold Star exclaimed as Luna felt her gut on fire.

"You and I know that you have a massive chip on your shoulder and you and I also know that eventually these!" He briefly exposes his wings and horn. "These will eventually have to be revealed to everyone Princess!"

"Not if you show them in this place of public," Luna replied, as Gold Star tucked his wings back in his uniform, and buried his horn with his mane.

"I understand your hatred, but only there is no way to reverse the transformation, it is permanent."

"I am not asking to transform me back," Gold Star interjected, which Luna was stoic on his reply.

"Then what is it?"

Just as Gold Star was about to speak Celestia and Twilight exited the hallway corridor and back into the Throne room.

"Now that we have everything settled I bid you good luck Twilight, and remember to keep this mission a secret," whispered Celestia.

"I will not let you down," Twilight smiled determinedly, as the two hugged in the background both Gold Star and Luna looked on with envy and jealousy as they watched the irony right in front of them, of course for Gold Star it was brief as he turned his head back at Luna with his still-faced glare and added.

"We will speak again, do not think this conversation is over."

"I intend to."

As the two parted ways Twilight performed her teleportation spell and the two left from the sister's sights.

"I do wish the two the best of luck," Celestia said, looking up at the ceiling at nothing.

"So... Do I."

Back to Ponyville

The two teleported inside of the castle, and this time Gold Star landed on his hooves without falling mid-air, however, Twilight noticed something off with Gold Star's character.

"Hey? Are you okay?" Twilight asked, which broke Gold Star's tensive face.

"Hm? Oh sorry, I was just thinking, we should probably pack some provisions," suggested Gold Star.

"Great idea! I'll start packing and we'll be on our way, oh! But before I do that." Twilight then used her telepathic spell to lift a map that she had in her saddle bag that she had with her the entire time and gave the map to Gold Star.

After she handed Gold Star the map she trotted off to Spike, who was playing Monopoly with Owlicious, to grab supplies for the journey, meanwhile Gold Star examined the map seeing the gigantic red circle that seemed to be at the south of Whinnypolis, luckily though since the Humvee is an off-road vehicle and as long as they don't encounter traffic it would take about some hours to arrive.

But he wasn't the only one looking at the map though...

Behind Gold Star is a window that happened to be where Yuri spies on the mane 6 with, only this time he is now accompanied by a group of 6 men who are specialized in tactics both Blue Berets and the Rodinian Special Forces: Spetsnaz, the Gorka Division.

After finishing his self-examination of the map that Gold Star was looking in, he nodded to himself.

"So it's true, and it seems they've also decided to bring an American to this... This... Purple Pony's adventure, well then it shall be her last, prepare to move out! We leave when they leave."

After turning on the Humvee, and grabbing everything valuable and shoving them in the glove compartment, Gold Star was waiting for Twilight to make her way to him as she was gathering materials for the spell she will perform once the duo got there.

However without noticing he forgot to put the book in the compartment as well and had left it in the back of the Humvee, sure he and she wouldn't notice it, but if she did that would probably be obviously suspicious.

BUT NAH! I'm sure she won't even notice it at all! (Maybe)

Anyways after waiting for what seemed to be a good while Twilight Sparkle came out of the castle and entered the Humvee as she sunk into the chair cushioning of the seat.

"Never felt comfortable riding vehicles like these, but they surely like to comfort their army," Twilight commented.

"The magic of Taxpayer money does wonders," chuckled Gold Star. "But of course it's not just the cushioning of the seat though you know?"

Gold Star then started driving down the road going past a military convoy, that happened to be heading for Apple Acres for the construction project that I was placed charge of, past the base, and finally onto the main trail that leads to the ancient city of Bales, that happened to be in the desert...

Behind them was the BPM-97 that went the other direction to avoid detection, and due to the driver's expertise, the men knows exactly where to go, as for Yuri, he has been busy keeping up to date with reports coming from Rodinian intelligence services.

"So to say this again, there are growing rumors of a rebellion erupting from the Serbijan Military Company and we aren't doing nothing about it?" Yuri questioned.

"The Red Mother would rather see the problem rear it's ugly head rather than try to repress it, these are her orders after all Yuri," the directorate replied.

"I get her plans because I worked with her closely and personally, but what gets me is why? Why betray us for independence?"

"That is unknown at this time, unfortunately, but there are other things for you to do back home after this mission," the directorate informed.

"What do you mean?" Asked Yuri, as the BPM hit a speed bump.

"This will be your last mission on Equestria for a while as we have other targets we would wish for you to hunt down," the directorate stated.

"Hmph... So it seems, then that explains why you've sent Spetsnaz isn't not?" Yuri queried.

"That would be correct, for now on Lieutenant Colonel Leonid Khabarov will be overseeing all operations within Equestria unless otherwise, until then you may proceed with this mission, but the Red Mother has warned that if you fail this, you will be sent to work off your failures by suppressing this rebellion I've told you about," the Directorate then left the call leaving Yuri in a state of anger as he punched the metallic wall infront of him.

He now has one last chance to deal with Twilight Sparkle and complete his mission once and for all, or it would be the end of his career.

Back in the Humvee Twilight Sparkle had been reading her books on force entry spells that could permit her to enter the invisible field dome that covered the ancient city, meanwhile Gold Star had been appreciating the view but also keeping his eyes on the road ahead of him.

The Humvee he is driving is a tan colored vehicle, though for military reasons it was turretless so obviously he can't use a machine gun unless he's on duty, though he was granted this Humvee because Equestria had yet to make their own vehicles, the problem however is everyone had been busy with their own money they didn't bother using said money in investing industry's that would benefit the Equestrian people. (Talk about Oligarchy's) Although there is a car company named The Renault Group, which is a automobile company that is currently making cars used only by pony's, to Gold Star's relief it sounds like a nice way to not stretch his back all the time while also envy the way Twilight sits on all fours reading her book in the passenger seat while Gold Star sits bipedally.

But with that in mind, Gold Star now decided now was a time to perhaps now soothe her into the surroundings for once.

"So Twilight, how's the view from there?" He asked.

"Hm-what? Oh I think it's pretty nice," replied Twilight, as she buried her head in the book while Gold Star shook his head.

He remembered the time when he used to be like Twilight when it came to books, and it intensified from there when he was in the library of congress in the New World, only once he did read half of the Library he kinda felt a big fixated on life, although to Twilight's perspective it may have seen that she is more of a... Well typically he couldn't call her a bookworm because he's one himself, so obviously the only type he could call her are either apathetic, or a Aloof, or something along the lines of Webster's dictionary.

But still she could do this stuff when they do get there.

"Twilight I think you should really appreciate the view you know-"

"I said I did! And it's pretty nice!" Twilight violently interjected, looking at Gold Star aggravatingly.

"You're looking at a book, that is not a view that is a book!" Gold Star argued, trying not to insult the very thing that he loved considering that it built up his mind.

But to no avail Twilight just ignored him and just kept on reading, unfortunately what was odd is that a memory popped up in his head, it reminded him of the time when he and his Dad would literally have a fight over something like this, his dad would call it "words on paper" his mother would argue it is knowledge on flatten scroll, or something like that it was his grandmother.

But the thing was about his father, was that he knew that one of those days he wasn't going to be alive for long, and Gold Star took it for granted when he left that same home and ever since he learned about books and their knowledge he stayed attached, but at times he sometimes wondered if he read too much.

Either way it didn't stop the news of his parents being killed in a Village fire, all they found was burnt bodies turned to ashes, devastatingly scarring Gold Star mentally. While he doesn't wish it for anyone else, Twilight might as well be a brick wall.

"Fine, keep reading, hope you find whatever you're looking at," Gold Star said, giving up on even breaking her mind off of the book, although that may have done it because Twilight curiously looked at him with wonder, and even though Gold Star was focusing deeply on the road ahead he even knows that she is looking at him weirdly.

"What's the matter with books? I thought you like reading them?" Twilight asked, to which Gold Star grunted.

"Of course I like reading them! But not as a source of life habit, I read when I have time, and the time I had in the army, well let me tell you they do not just hand out break time at random you have to earn these break times!"

"But isn't your assignment to guard me personally?" Twilight asked, giving Gold Star a sigh.

"Yes while that may true, I have looked over that message a lot and come to terms that it is not really what you think it is, basically I'm not suppose to talk to you at all, not like this! The letter clarified that I can't speak, I cannot interact, I'm just suppose to be some blur in the background ready to pounce on anyone with a dagger or some black market handgun, but even then it's more restriction than freedom," Gold Star spoke, depressingly sighing again at the noted restrictions that the memo has described for him to do.

Twilight also listened and worried over this restriction, to think that you couldn't do anything but to sit and watch as everything around you moves or unless your client moves. Personal diplomacy was one thing in a suspicious set up, but a restriction such as, "shut up, be quiet, and do what they do and don't say nothing about" sounds more like 984ish than anything. She sometimes feels that perhaps she may have put more weight on somepony rather than herself.

She now feels the need to apologize for this, but in a way she doesn't even know how to, she feels like she indirectly enslaved a pony into servitude even though that pony accepted it for the benefit of others. And Twilight knows that if he were to turn this down it would've compromise the substantial relations between the two common superpowers, and especially when there's one on a quick rise in silence. (Also noting a subsequent rise in the Hive lands.)

"But on some good points, you won't notice me get in the way of things, and I won't be bothering you like I just did just right about now," Gold Star said, staying quiet when he looked back at the road infront of him.

"...Gold Star, I-"

"We can talk later, we're here," Gold Star interrupted, as the two made it to the desert wasteland part once known once as the ancient city of Bales. Because by now readers are probably getting sick and tired of seeing "Ancient city" all the time so I'm just calling it book city.

After rolling up the hill, Gold Star pulled in at what looks like a checkpoint, and of course Shining Armor waves at him to stop the vehicle and so he obeys and halts the vessel, although really it's just Shining Armor in a happy attitude wanting to see his sister, but with a mix of concern and distress on his face.

As Gold Star stopped, he noticed that one of Equestria's well known General was on the scene.

"Twily!" Shining Armor yelled out in joy as Gold Star rolled down the window and both Shining Armor and his sister embraced each other in a bear hug. Something that Gold Star usually looks away from for some reason.

"Brother! Why did you go and search for something when that something is special for my best trait!" Twilight scolded as her brother let out a laugh.

"Can't stay in that castle all the time, plus Cadence told me to explore things around here so I took her advice and went out in the middle of the desert and then wouldn't you know it? Apparently this city that happened to have thought to been a myth came out of no where!" Shining Armor pointed at the visible city that looks like a mirage rather than a actual thing.

"That huge thing?" Gold Star interjected. "Good grief even if we get in that huge thing how do you suppose that we go in and figure out what made it disappear in the first place!"

"I don't know," replied Shining Armor, looking at the left of the group. "But whoever did this must be a powerful Unicorn, maybe a Alicorn who knows! But if I know anything, it's that my sister is great at this type of stuff."

"...Right... Here how about I park this thing and then we can discuss on how we're going to get this case solved."

"Great idea, here Twily let me help you off," Shining Armor insisted.

"No no, it's fine! I can get down myself," Twilight interjected, as she gathered her books and placed them in her saddle bags and then stepping down from the Humvee, closing the door behind her as Shining Armor trotted to the other side.

"Follow Blueblood and his two body guards, he'll show you where you park this thing," Shining Armor exclaimed.


As Gold Star followed Blueblood and his two bodyguards Gold Star actually remember the time back in his equestrian years. Those unbearable years where Blueblood would occasionally call him up 24/7 just to give him a damn hoof bath, and yet when he argued back Blueblood would at times threatened to call him up to the princesses themselves, a snobbing idiot is what Gold Star called him.

And it would seem that once again the Elite Royal Guards are now kissing his ass once more just by the looks of the familiar deep orange armor, even though the last commander, which to Gold Star's thoughts he chuckled, socked it to Blueblood when he figured out that he had been using the Elite regiment as his personal maid staff.

Gold Star chuckled a lot from this inside of the car, only to also realize that either that same commander had been either threatened into submission, fired, or worse... And by the tell of the day of how everyone back in 1002 was, Gold Star was afraid of that third fate. Worse.

After finally pulling into was looks like a artificial natural parking space, Gold Star stepped out, but came something unexpected.

As Gold Star was grabbing his rifle two Elite royal guards quickly snatched him and knocked him onto the car door.

The Tan stallion struggled before he was gutted by a AK-47 by the Elite Guards, and then after he was forced on his knee and was forced to look at Blueblood.

"Great work boys, the Queen will be very happy."

It was not understood yet by Gold Star but this was not Blueblood or pony's. They were actually Changelings. And in Gold Star's mind, and he knows that Blueblood would never betray Equestria because then he would've lost his royal privelege. Meaning that the original must've been bagged or otherwise they would've have taken the shape or form that they're taking now.

"Who the HELL-" Gold Star's yelled was suppressed by another gut throb from the Elite guards, who by now transformed into Blue Armored Changelings.

"I was assuming you were going for, who the hell? Are we? Glad you ask, though by now I think these two are should be the formal introduction, I'll see myself out."

Immediately the fake Blueblood transformed into a bigger changeling, possibly half as big as Chrysalis, and a bit more... Knowledgeable.

"The name is Trimmel, the newly appointee of the the Queen's new Armored division, and the new replacement for that foolish Cynthia, I assume you knew her yes?"Trimmel walked around, monologuing as Gold Star continued to struggle.

"Bring him up on his hind legs, I like to speak to him, stallion to stallion, or atleast to the human perspective man to man."

"What the hell do you want with me, what the hell does your kind in total want with me!"

"Well in simple style, we know that your a Alicorn," Trimmel revealed plainly and simple, as Gold Star was shocked at this news. "Ah, and you didn't tell no one did you? This makes it even more fun than expected, although unlike the rest of my colleague's I'm a patient bug."

"So what."

"So what?"

"So what if you are, you're the same as all of you damn pests! You have no soul, you have no mercy, and you have no patience!" Gold Star rebutted, spitting on Trimmel's face.

"Hold him," Trimmel ordered, as the changeling bugs held him on the wall of the car.

"You will learn, RESPECT!"

Trimmel then punched Gold Star in the underbelly so aggressively he could feel his rib cage cracked, piercing his organs and causing him to bleed from his mouth, but taking the pain without a grunt, to Trimmel's dismay he doubted the blow did any significance, so instead he pulled out his luger and pointed it at Gold Star's head.

"The Queen rather needs your head, rather than alive, it's not personal, at least that was of course, but it's all just business, personal, or not."

"Go to Hell!"

"The only hell I know is Tartarus."

Before he could even pull the trigger Changeling One gets shot by a bright purple laser, and Changeling Two gets shot by a deeper purple laser pulling Gold Star down into the dirt, struggling to get up from the pain.

"What in!"

Immediately Twilight and Shining Armor with their teeth grinding pointed their horns directly at Trimmel. But before the two could say anything Trimmel spoke first.

"I have to admit, you found the body's much faster, don't worry they're only hibernating, and they'll be awake beyond the hour."

"And what says you!" Twilight aggressively replied.

"All I can say is, well played."

Immediately Trimmel and the two changelings teleported out of thin air, followed was a group of Royal guards arriving at the scene while Twilight and Shining Armor lifted Gold Star from the ground.

"Oh no, oh no no no, Gold Star are you alright!"

"Dear Celestia, he's bleeding from the mouth, I should probably get you to a nur-"

"NO!" Gold Star coughed. "I AM FINE!"

After ferociously coughing and cacking he shoved his hooves off of their necks and limped to an empty field.

"I... I just need time to breathe, that's all, just... Just go on without me!" Gold Star stuttered as Twilight walked towards him.

"I said no Twilight! Go and deal with the city!"

"But I-I Y-"

"Twily, I think it's best to leave some room for him, I'll have a guard pony keep watch, and I mean a real Guard pony this time, in the meantime, we have a city to rescue."

As Twilight and Shining Armor, with determination on their faces, walked towards the Mirage-like city Gold Star was sitting on a sandy dune concerned while also grasping in pain, although it wouldn't take a while until his Alicorn immorality ability kicked in and quickly healed the internal bleeding as well as the excess blood that had escaped.

But even when he was just healed he hated himself, he hated himself and wondered why. Why was it fucking him, why couldn't it just be Twilight and Twilight only, why the fuck is he going through this fucking trauma, and what was the purpose for him.

As the group approached the entrance of the miraged book city, Twilight opened her spell book one last time and performed a spell that would open a passageway, and so she did, using her horn in the correct way and pattern, she fired the spell at the Mirage city and opened a passageway inside.

However, as she tapped her hoof inside of it, it seemed that it could only support her weight due to whatever spell was using a mirage to cover an entire city decompressing the 'magical' passageway bridge.

"It's all up to you Twily, good luck," Shining Armor smiled to which Twilight smiled back and stepped inside of the passageway before being closed up from his sight.



The Ancient City of- I mean, Book city!

As Twilight enters into the passageway she sees a city filled with brown hooded ponies with no idea that they're even trapped inside of the city. Still, from Twilight's point of view, however, it almost turned into a song. Still, because I have no idea how she sings her songs other than tape recordings of confusing lyrics I won't even try to decrypt whatever the hell she sang in there so I'll get to the part where she actually meets the asshole responsible for the mess.

Or should I just say an accident I guess?

Anyways, as Twilight trotted around the city she bumped into a pony who didn't have a hood at all, but rather a young yellow mid-adult-like stallion unicorn with a blue mane, a beard with some Egyptian like clothing, and a constellation for a cutie-mark. (Oh Creator above) But in some context his eyes seemed to literally have pupils as of a Star.

"Sorry ma'am-" he turned around saying that only to pause at the sight of Twilight Sparkle, not just because she's without a hood but-

"GOOD CELESTIA! IT'S A ALICORN!" Said some random stranger.

"AN ALICORN!!?!" Said a entire choir sound of hooded pony's as they gathered around packed near Twilight.

"Umm... Yeah?"

"Princess of Equestria what's your name!" Said a pony.

"My name? My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle, and I came to rescue your city and get it back on the map!"

"Thank you, princess, then we know EXACTLY WHO TO BLAME!"

Everyone cleared the spot and pointed at one unicorn pony who happened to be the one who cast the spell, next came anger and rioting from a crowd-turned-actionless mob.




"WOAH WOAH WOAH! Easy everypony! It's alright! I'm here to fix whatever problem he may have caused, I am not here to start fights with whoever said that!"


"What's important is getting to the bottom of this once and for all before it progresses into something worse!" Twilight lectured, as some murmurings erupted until finally that same Unicorn asked.

"Sorry to intrude on the silence, but how did you find us, Princess Sparkle?" The unicorn asked.

"It's Princess Twilight, I'd rather use my first name."

"Ah, apologize Princess Twilight, well let me reiterate, how did you find us Princess Twilight?"

"Well, it didn't take long, but your city at some point showed itself in the form of a mirage and now it seems to have attracted not just us but the changelings as well."

The crowd confusingly murmured the word "Changeling" as for the Unicorn.

"Fascinating, lemme write this down real quick."

As he wrote down notes in his journal Twilight took note of his handwriting in horn form, and the fact that there is no hoof suction piece for the book...

"What's your name?" Twilight asked.

"Oh me? My name is Comet Tail, The Starry Eyed! Or just Comet since that's really what everypony calls me."

The reveal of his name surprised Twilight, he was the author of that book that she was reading before Gold Star came to Equestria, whether it may be nonsensual or not she typically wonders if Gold Star himself may have read one of his pieces before but Comet was sure one of those types that would come prepare to recognize something out of the ordinary and also to call it out as it is.

Although this was an exciting moment to the point that Twilight was hopping around in circles in front of everypony and even Comet like Pinkie Pie on a Saturday Weekend. She had to pause herself and focus on the task at hand.

"Right! Show me the spell you used and I might be able to come up with something to reverse this effect," Twilight requested.

"Certainly, quick somepony! Get me my spell book!"

The crowd dispersed and started searching violently, tearing apart their own homes and other pony's homes looking for the spell book as Twilight stood there in both dumbfounded shock, and a ridiculed face.

"This is the inhabitants of a city filled knowledge!?" Twilight asked.

"Welcome to Bales Princess."

Gold Star continued to pondered, and he pondered, his mind raced wondering however the hell he had gotten to this point, and his life choices.

But surprisingly another pony was there.

Yes it's Blueblood, and yes the real one.

"Do you really have to sit there all the time Sergeant Star?" Blueblood called out, catching Gold Star off guard as he stared behind him.

"...Are you the real one?" He questioned.

"What do you think I am? I would ever be with one of those low life rotten creature we call living? Please! I'd rather be back at the castle rather than dealing with this mess I've got myself into!" Blueblood complained.

"Yep... You're definitely Blueblood, the hell do you want another hoof scrub? Fuck me."

"No no, I'm just curious that is all, you could've stayed in the land of "freedom" and "Prosperity" but no, you up and gave those two benefits up for their army, why?"

"I didn't have no choice, it was that or I'd be back in Equestrian authority, probably be rotting in your damn dungeons over the belief that I was a changeling."

"And you still came back here, predictable humans, they always force something down some pony's throats don't they not mate?"


"But, I guess I'm a survivor to, although my auntie's back home would scold me for this, but I don't really think royalty is typically my thing."

Blueblood sat beside Gold Star looking at the empty fields while Gold Star turned his neck with a surprised and dumbfoundment.

"You? The great prince Blueblood? Rather abdicate than being in the high class structure of the Hierarchical class?"

"That was merely what I think, but this is not about me it's about you, sure the structure itself is wrong doesn't mean I'll leave it's benefits."

"Yeah because you like to have your pretty hooves scrubbed!" Gold Star exclaimed, as Blueblood chuckled rather than offended at the phrase.

"You said it, not me," Blueblood replied.

"...Okay, so what's this all have to do with me in the first place!" Gold Star asked in aggravation as Blueblood got up on his hooves and shook off the sand that was getting into his armor.

"That's something beyond the lines of you figuring it out, but just know that Twilight Sparkle, a pony I've always seen in the castle, she is interested into you whether you do not know it or not, and she cares for you, I've always seen random Stallions trying to date her but every time they were either rejected or just teleported out of her sight."

"Gees, that's harsh."

"Well that's the truth, but looking at her with you nowadays, I see that she's found a match, because of some point whether it'd be some other universe or perhaps this is the only universe where she may have found her one and only!"

"And what makes you care about that all of a sudden?" Gold Star questioned.

"Well I don't know perhaps I may be a little harsh with the cider or the fact that I got my brain knocked in by those pests called bugs, I don't know either way I'll just leave it at that."

"That's it? And also, how the hell do you know about my Alicorn form!"

"Because you just told me that right now..." Insulted Blueblood which Gold Star was deeply regretting saying that in the first place out loud. "But don't worry," Blueblood winked. "Your secret is safe with me."


"What? Just because I'm known to be a little bossy, doesn't mean I'd break my word, I may not be respectable because of my personal beliefs, but I am respected for keeping secrets."

"I suppose I guess, (also more like a total tyrant) I'll take your word on it though, but if you ever tell a single living soul I will!"

"Relax! I can assure you, I won't."

As Blueblood trotted away from Gold Star, leaving him alone with his thoughts once more, it made the tan stallion bitter, however it was then that he heard a distinctive vehicle noise from a distance. It was getting closer, and closer.

"Oh... Shit..."

The Juggernauts marched off from the BPM-97 and secured and area as Yuri looked around at the desert wasteland.

"Dry, useless, and... Desolate, Hmph. Just like my grandmother, of course minus the sandy texture," Yuri judged.

"Commander Yuri, we have eyes on a Equestrian squad," reported a Spetsnaz soldier, pointing at the group of gold armor guards unaware of Yuri and his men's presence.

"Allow me to make some new friends for our little cause," insisted Yuri as he walked off from the BPM-97 with the juggernauts.


"Captain look!" Said a pony guard, as Yuri approached the group.

"What's your buisness here human," Shining Armor interrogated, as the Guards stood stern at Yuri's presence.

"Hm, I think that mirage behind you speaks all to itself, I've simply come here to aid in the efforts to bring the city to light."

"Are you American?" Asked Shining Armor, tilting his head.

"Much more better, Rodinian," Yuri answered.

"...Sorry, but this is a operation between us an-"

Without warning Yuri used telekinesis and threw the guards into a ball and shoved the body's into the sand below them, drowning them into the sand, reacting to this Shining Armor pointed his sword at Yuri but was met by Rodinian Juggernauts pointing their AK-12s towards the Stallion ready to shoot at a moment's notice.

"Now you have two choices Captain Armor, surrender me yourself and these pony's who are grasping for that sweet delicate oxygen will survive, refuse and well, I think the sounds of agony speaks for itself," Yuri demanded, as the sounds of guards pony's choking from sand become louder and louder along with cries of help.

Shining Armor knows what would happen if he gave in to this demand and it would be devastating, but while he and them would survive they would no doubt be tied down by the Rodinians and this stranger no doubt would do something terrible with Twilight inside, but he also fears that if he rejects he and his men would be killed, and the thought of Cadence and his family was what really made his mind up.


"Wise choice stallion."

As per deal, the guard pony's were taken out of the sand and were quickly restrained by the Rodinian Juggernauts, with Shining Armor being butted in the head by another Juggernaut before waking up to himself tied in rope, and a anti-magic ring tightly braided on his horn.

"It's really unfortunate that our first meeting had to be like this, but I have a mission to full fill, oh and if anything happens to me and I do not return within an hour, well..." A Juggernaut pulls up and down the handle, loading a bullet into the AK-12s chamber emphasizing consequences. "But do not fret my little pony, if I do come back I'll make sure you mourn your beloved Princess at her funeral, and then arrange for a prisoner swap."

"NO!" Struggled Shining Armor, as he and the rest are given tape applied to their mouths, silencing them.

"Have the BPM-97 clear out, and have the air division on standby for pick up, I will be enjoying this final mission here on this wretched continent," Yuri then walks to the Passageway previously opened by Twilight Sparkle, as he turned particular to Shining Armor and waved. "Dasvidaniya."

In the distance Gold Star was terrified at what he had just seen, a brutal take over and a forced surrender, whoever this guy was is a threat, and what was worse was when he heard him mention Princess, it was at that moment Gold Star knew that he was after Twilight Sparkle.

So he looked to his right and miraculously it seems Blueblood caught attention to this.

"Back so soon?" Gold Star commented.

"I-I heard the ruckus out there and wondered if I should go check!"

"As hell you did," Gold Star scolded, looking into his binoculars and seeing basically everyone taken captive by the Rodinian Juggernauts.

"I'll have to call this up, wait here Blueblood."


So immediately Gold Star dialed my number and waited for me to pick up, which thanks to me being happy I did.

"Oooooh Goldie! Guess who just got hooked!"

"Not now Yates! This is important that you get to Alex right now!"

"What? Gold Star what's going on!"

"Yates! It's a emergency, they've set a trap for Twilight!"

"Trap!? And who's they!?"

In the midst a Rodinian soldier noticed him and Blueblood and shouted.


"Dammit! No time to explain I have to go!"


And immediately Gold Star hanged up, and this is where we now left off at.

So immediately Gold Star and Blueblood ran from the hill they were just at and reached the Humvee which sat in the empty spaced parking, which Gold Star opened the Truck, grabbed his revolver that Alex gave him, however he also noticed that there was two guns with a note that said.

"Since Alex has a knack for conservation I decided to put both a M16A2 and a scoped AR-18, you know in case some heavy asshole happened to be in the streets or you want to duel wield, or not, you can give the other one to Twilight, or someone else, up to you, -Signed Yates"

"Yates you done damn son of a gun thank you! Hey snob head think fast!" Gold Star then threw the M16 towards Blueblood which bonked him on his nostril, ignoring the pain though he picked it up with his magic.

"Such a barbaric weapon, and you're giving me it? No thanks, I'd rather-"

"Would you rather try to stab a pole into the worlds most deadliest special forces species or shoot the bastard with high chance of success," Gold Star queried.

"Well I-"

"Of course, I doubt that whatever armor they're using wouldn't be pierced by the likes of a sword or a spear, and I doubt that interestingly bright blue armor is much more easier to keep your fur clean with when bloody you know becau-"

"Alright I get it! Fine! I'll use your country's pesky gun! But I'm not going to like it!" Blueblood ranted.

"Hehehe, we'll see," Gold Star chuckled when he heard a voice.


And without further question Gold Star unloaded a semi-auto worth of 10 bullets worth of ammunition aimed onto the Juggernauts head, legs, and stomach. Although the bullets didn't penetrate both the Head and the Stomach due to armor and vest material protecting the inside, the legs however were completely covered in blood as the Gorka soldier collapse on the ground crippled, quickly Gold Star shot the soldier's hand off of the AK-12 he was holding and due to the Gorka soldier grabbing a knife Gold Star forcefully took off the Gorka's helmet off, and shot him through the chin with his revolver.

All the while Blueblood watched in immense horror, but also shook his head off because of the greater good.

"That's one down, some guys to go, now stop standing there and help me with his armor."

"Wait wait wait! This isn't what Celestia would do!"

"Celestia my ass... It's call army for a FUCKING REASON BLUEBLOOD!" Gold Star shouted into his face. "I thought you learned this fucking stuff when they promoted you as a General!"

"Oh... Uh... Sure, but why take his armor it's unethical! It's dishonorable!"

Gold Star who by now is getting sick and tired with his own people talking down on what he was told turned towards the General and slapped him in the face and then grabbed him in the collar.


After shouting and spitting on Blueblood's face during the whole speech on ridiculous honor inquiry's the snobbish general shook his head and growled.

"Fine, I'll help then!"

And so Gold Star snatched the dead mans Atlyn Helmet, cleaned the blood splatter that got inside of the helmet and then placed it on his head, then he grabbed the vest. Despite it having dents and holes on it due to the bullets from earlier, it as still useful.

Finally after equipping himself of essential materials for a surprise attack Gold Star grabbed his rifle and signaled Blueblood to follow him.

The Rodinian's were standing around secretly betting to see who would get shot or stabbed first and who would get the person's rubles. However without knowing in their backgrounds, Gold Star and Blueblood had infiltrated their area.

Shining Armor layed back still tied as he worried immensely over the safety of his sister. However it was then that his mind was interrupted when Gold Star surprised him by grabbing the tape that was covering his mouth and tore it off in a blink leaving a red mark of pain on his mouth.

Although it was painful Shining Armor kept his inner scream of pain inside long enough for the pain to stop.

"Celestia and Luna above! Where were you!" Shining Armor scolded.

"Came to my senses when I saw what went down after being given a pep talk from Blueblood," Gold Star replied, which Blueblood looked at him confusingly.

"I did?" Blueblood said.

"Yeah? Weren't you talking to me about going for Twilight and, and..."

Silently staring at Shining Armor who was jerked back a bit when he mentions the fact that he was literally given a advice about his own sister, this leads him to suspect something of a brewing relationship between him and his sister Twilight. Nonetheless he'll have to discuss it later as they have others to free.

"Can we do this later, we need to free the others and help Twilight!" Shining Armor suggested, as Gold Star untied him from the ropes.

"Alright then, who do we start with."

Back inside of the city Yuri rolled inside and stuck the landing on his feet, looking around he moved his lip around at the view of the city, he also notices that the majority of the populace wears hoods rather than the usual nude.

"Have you heard of that princess Sparkle?" Said some hooded pony.

"Of course why didn't I! We might be able to be freed from this nightmare!"

"I think this city had kept our age young, how long has it been?"

"I... Don't know?"

After hearing the word 'Sparkle' it lead Yuri to believe that these pony's know where he can find her, so he approached the two couple.

"Excuse me, ponies, but do you happen to know where Princess Sparkle is?" Yuri devilishly asked.

"Oh uh... You seemed new? What type of species are you..?" The Stallion local asked, giving Yuri a confused tilt.

"Do you not know what type of species I am?" Yuri asked, which the two pony couples turned to each other and then looked at Yuri which a shake.

Yuri may not know this, but the reason why the citizens of Bales do not even know about the human existence was because before Humarica was even ever discovered by the Pillars the city disappeared, and because of this they haven't gotten a chance to actually knew that there was a fourth continent, or third continent for that matter other than their own and Griffonia's.

And now as Yuri stood there aggravatingly and impatient, he drew out his knife and pinned the mare to the wall and knocked out the Stallion beside her.

"Now listen here! I have no time for your damn games!" Yuri threatened, as he pressed the knife to the Mare's neck as her eyes were now filling up with tears of fear. "WHERE. IS. TWILIGHT. SPARKLE!"

So it was by then that Twilight had been working on a spell, during which Comet explained to her that the reason why the city itself had been taken out of the image of existence was because of a spell gone wrong, he was applying Gusty's spell of invisibility and tried to enhance it, the reason for this was because during the time of Grogar's reign he wanted to destroy the city with his army of demons.

Of course while the spell successful at first it soon came apart, and when Gusty had died in the final fight with Grogar he lost all opportunity for her support and so when he came back into the city the spell turned into a uncontrollable curse which would last up to 2000 years.

"And if you waited a little while it would've been freed in two hundred centuries!?" Twilight exclaimed, after having to quickly write everything down on her journal.

"Yeah, of course this did spare us destruction, but I never thought that after Grogar's reign that there would be anything left after it!"

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked, curious about the being name Grogar.

But to her dismay Comet was a bit silent to the subject, but considering that it was all over eons, and for what seemed to them like a eternal hell hole, he came clean.


During the time before your teacher you called Celestia and her sister Luna became the rulers you said they are now of this land. Grogar had ruled the same lands, only instead of the title 'princess' he called himself a emperor.

"A... Emperor?" Twilight paused. "In Equestria?"

Yes, and during his reign Tartarus was where he would at times rally those who had been damnated and integrate them into his army, both undead and demonic.

"And what about the living?"

...They were used in slave labor, and I can tell you it did not end well for them when they lost the strength, in fact if any pony that were enslaved either grew old, weak, tired, or even try to reproduce they would be thrown into a volcano as a way of maintaining order and make a example to those who threatens "peace" in his image, this city, the old city that stood against the testament of time was a forward base that lead for the movement for true peace and true freedom, and the last I saw it, it was as if Tartarus invaded the world, now of course what I told you was all I knew, other than this book that Gusty made.

Comet then handed Twilight the book that described the entire history of Grogar, and how he was ultimately casted into the Lake of fire (humanity's version of Tartarus) by will of the all mighty God of Creation. The Creator.

And after Grogar was banished into the Lake of fire was when Gusty was given his bell and was tasked by the Creator to hide it, while also prophesied that one day, Grogar will be arisen once again to reclaim his bell, and attempt to rule the world once more through agents of evil, and that some day a greater hero would rise and vanquish him to death once and for all.

And that Grogar shall be brought down into the deeper depths of hell.

And yes Twilight read that entire 340 page book and was deeply awoken and shocked by the outcome.

"Whatever he may be, I'm sure it couldn't happen in our lifetime, right?" Twilight conversed.

"Perhaps maybe not, but if that book that you just read infront of me in a speed of light said so, it is bound to happen, now there is just one thing I wonder."

"What's that?" Twilight asked.

"Who's the Creator?"

Twilight stood there deadpanned and shuttered.

"This might take a while... So you might want to sit down for this."

The Rodinian Juggernauts turned around and found that all the pony Royal Guard escaped.

"AH BLYET!" Panicked the guard. "WHERE DID THEY GO!"

Without looking Gold Star stood above them with behind them a entire legion of Royal Guards ready to pay them back.

"Right here communist assholes!" Gold Star quipped, as the Rodinian Juggernauts slowly turned around to see angry pony's, with swords, spears, and the two of them. Guns.

"BLYET! BLYET! RUN AWAY!" Cried out the Rodinian soldier, as he dropped his gun and ran for his life only to be stunned by Shining Armor's spell.

As for the Juggernauts they started shooting their AK-12s at the pony's who started fighting back, and because of this most of them were pinned down.

Gold Star, who is happened to be pinned down from the fire, grabbed his AR-18 and turned towards Shining Armor, who he and his fellow guards pony's are firing beams of magic which seems to be deflected by the Juggernauts Kevlar vests. So seeing that magic will not budge on a heavy Rodinian he lowers his Atlyn and gripped his Assualt rifle tight.

"Blueblood!" Shouted Gold Star. "When I give the signal haul your ass towards Captain Armor and have the Pegasus fly around to draw their fire!"

"BUT WHAT ABOU-" In a inch close a bullet smeared infront of the rock Gold Star and Blueblood were covering behind, Gold Star then grabbed Blueblood by the neck and...


"YOU WORRY ABOUT GETTING TO THEM AND NOT GETTING YOUR ASS WHIPPED BY ME DAMMIT, AND I'LL WORRY ABOUT THESE COMMIE ASSHOLES! Oh and give me my fucking gun back!" Gold Star demanded, which Blueblood gladly obliged and handed Star his gun. "Thank you, NOW GO SHIT HEAD! RUN LIKE YOUR FUCKING LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!"

As Blueblood made a mad dash to Shining Armor's rock Gold Star suppressed the Juggernauts fire by using the AR-18 to shoot at the vest directly in hopes of penetrating the vest inside of the soldier, and when he runs out of bullets for the AR-18 he switches to his M16A2 which to his dismay it was a burst shot rifle, but considering that he had to use what he could make due he used it anyways.

Meanwhile Blueblood made it to the other side of the hell hole.

"General Blue Blood are you mad! You could've gotten yourself killed!" Shining Armor scolded, leaving some of his fellow subordinates disgruntled.

"Look I know this is far stretch but you need to get the pegasus in the air to draw their fire!"

"WHAT!?" Shouted Shining Armor. "You really are crazy! That's a death sentence!"


That one speech could make Gold Star's old superior officer happy, to the pegasi though, they were concerned but the plan is simply to draw fire from the ground to the air long enough to tackle the Juggernauts to the ground.

So without further argument, the Pegasus took to the sky and disturbed the Juggernauts off of their iron sights and onto the sky.

"They're trying to attack us from the air!"


The two Juggernauts lit up the sky unknowingly falling for a trick which Gold Star had planned out, he and Shining armor crawled slowly to the distracted soldiers and then without further hesitation they quickly grabbed their Atlyn helmets off, though in the process Shining Armor was thrown down into the sand and was pinned by the Hindlegs as the Rodinian Juggernaut crushed them down into the down.

"AAAGGH BUCK!" Screeched Shining Armor, trying to struggle himself off of the Rodinian's grip.

As for Gold Star he strangled the Juggernaut by the throat until finally he had enough and shot the Juggernaut dead in the throat, as for the other Juggernaut, he slowly got up and pointed his Makarov Pistol towards the White Stallion who was trying to get up.

But before the Juggernaut manage to take the shot Gold Star blasted him in the brain, killing the other Juggernaut, which then after he ran to aid Shining Armor.

"Are you alright?" Gold Star asked, lifting Shining Armor back on his hooves.

"Yeah, I've had a lot more pain than this, (dammit)" he answered, groaning from the pain, endured from getting his hind legs crushed by a Human boot. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine, but my sister! She-"

"Just rest, I will not let that bastard touch her," Gold Star pledged.

"And if he does?"

"It'll be the last thing he'll ever do! And you can count on that!"

Gold Star noticed though that his AR-18 and M16 rifles only had one mag, so they were obviously left useless, and so were the AK rifles which was apparent that they to had been used up, leaving Gold Star with a pistol which hasn't been used for the entire time.

"Well, I guess it's the M9 then," he said to himself again. "I should really stop talking to myself..."

And so he ran into the passageway disappearing from the world, and into the mira- book city! I meant book city!

Final showdown

After taking hours, Twilight and Comet were just about to apply the newly created spell that could free the city from the mirage prison, however...

Just as Twilight and Comet got off the makeshift elevator and into the place where the spell was casted in a unexpected guest arrived, and he brings two hostages.

"Well, well, well," Yuri entered, surprising Twilight and Comet off guard as they turned around towards the Rodinian man.

"So this is the place where this whole adventure, this... Brutal awful adventure, had left to... Is it not?"

Immediately Twilight shot first at Yuri but it froze in place mid air, making Yuri chuckle.

"Oh really now? You the princess of Friendship? Decide to shoot first now did you?" Yuri sarcastically scolded.

"You had your chance when you decided to attack the most peaceful place in all of Equestria!"

"What? Canterlot? Oh please, don't lecture me on the self-proclaimed titled city, I've heard enough false pity for one day, like that White Stallion pony, what was his name I wonder?" Yuri smirked.

"No... WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY BROTHER!?" Twilight shouted.

"I'm not the one to judge but-"

"Ah, I see you've made a new friend, say didn't you already have a stallion pet?"

"You mean the one right here!" Entered Gold Star, holding a gun with one hoof, bipedalled towards Yuri.

"Ah there he is, so we've met at last yes?" Yuri greeted, in his sort of way at least.

"I don't even know who the hell you are! But the shit I've seen, not in my entire life have I seen you cruel enough to drown an entire legion in the sand!" Gold Star exclaimed while Yuri looked at him emotionless, and left Twilight horrified at this account.

"So you've seen it huh? Well then, let me introduce something else then," Yuri then presents his hostages bondaged up with chains shocking Comet.

"Blue Wave!? Pink Berry!? WHAT DID YOU DO!"

"Oh you'll see, Blue, Pink is it..? DESTROY THEM!" He ordered, as the mind controlled Unicorns charged towards Comet and Twilight firing their spells mindlessly as Twilight formed a protective barrier around herself and Comet.

This leaves Yuri and Gold Star alone face to face.

"You know it's ironic, the changelings seemed to have a crutch against you for your actions in Canterlot, pretty impressive don't you say?" Yuri foretells, as Gold Star fired his pistol aimed directly at Yuri's forehead but misses.

"You missed," Yuri pointed out.

"What the f-!? How did you!?"

"I can slow the bullets down and move out of their way, now enough talking, now lemme show you what I can really do!"

Yuri then uses his telepathy to his fullest extent lifting rocks from the ground in massive boulders and throwing them at Gold Star who ran towards the flying rocks and jumps on them speedily to avoid being crushed while also sucker punching Yuri in the face, Yuri spat out his blood covered gum.

"Well, impressive, now, you've officially pissed me off."

In the other side of the temple Twilight and Comet made a bolted dash to the top where the spell had to be cast while also dodging multiple spell blasts that particularly penetrated and smeared on an object.

"I wasn't expecting myself to run! Not like this at least!" Comet commented, dodging a unicorn laser penetrating below him.

"Welcome to my world!" Twilight responded, deflecting a laser with her shield.

As the two ran a laser flew above them and directly hit a pillar which came crumbling down and blocked the two from the only stairway available to the top, leaving them cornered with mind-controlled Unicorns who cornered them like a pack of wolves ready to pounce any given moment.

Without question, Twilight lit her horn and aimed at the two unicorns before Comet stood between her and the mind-controlled unicorns.


"Then what can we do!?" Twilight replied, keeping her stance on her horn activated as Comet turned around.


Oh for fucking sake... It looks like he's about to go into song form. Fuck this I really should figure out shit like this, so we're just going back to the part where Gold Star is fighting Yuri.

Ah much better, anyway-


As Gold Star broke through the wall with a blunt impact to his back blood leaked out from his nose and mouth as he stared at Yuri defiantly who looked at the Pony with surprise and disgust.

"You clearly are persistent, I'll give you that," Yuri commented, slashing and throwing rocks at Gold Star continually.

"Thanks, that makes both of us!" Gold Star replied, shooting his pistol at Yuri.

"Whether or not, it's not enough to postpone my wrath, TAKE THIS!"

As Yuri summon more rocks and random debris from all over the surroundings, Gold Star quickly made a dash for Yuri's stomach pushing his entire weight on Yuri and forcing the two to fall deep into the cavern walls of the Temple collapsing the roof on top of them.

Miraculously Gold Star was still breathing, but he also knows that Yuri will reciprocated from the pile of temple debris he made mess of.

So after Gold Star got free from the pile of debris Yuri lifted everything off of himself and turned swiftly and violently to find Gold Star, however to make sure Yuri stayed occupied and to not wander off to find Twilight Gold Star hid himself in the roof and made use of Yuri's paranoia through noises and shifting's.

"So what if I want to kill Twilight Sparkle, sure she may be a tragic loss for a entire nation as big as the country you currently serve as, but you should be happy, atleast she wouldn't find out who you really are," Yuri boasted, walking around trying to search for the tan stallion.

"And besides, you merely if not at all a chance to acquire her as someone that would stay with you forever!"

"Does that make you any better?" Gold Star echoed, attracting Yuri to his present location.

"That is... Beside the point I am trying to relay, even if she knows who you truly are and accepts this knowledge of you, it would change nothing. She will abandon you or even forget you entirely, you are no match to gain her friendship fully anyways, if anything, such as a stallion yourself, you understand her personality that she would rather die alone without a couple relationship, than to be with anybody for the likes of you."

Gold Star felt like he had been punched in the gut there, what he speaks of is true, but he wasn't going to allow him to kill someone because of a vendetta.

"I wouldn't give a shit what you say! I would rather die alone anyways!"

"...Maybe so, and perhaps she might want you to- DIE!"

Immediately Yuri threw every rock, material, stone, pipe, pillar, and everything at one spot leaving nothing but a massive crater, once littered with boxes and crates, now laid to waste. To Yuri's dismay he didn't see guts, but instead he sees a Stallion gripping for his life on the roof above the crater.

"Impressive, most impressive, but it's not enough to spare you from more of my wrath!"

With a quick whiplash of rocks they smashed against the roof collapsing what remains of the support structure down onto the ground burying Gold Star. Despite the victory Yuri notices that Gold Star is still breathing, yet supported and weighed down by the rocks on the top of his hind legs. But this gave Yuri a funny yet satisfying sight to see.

"Unfortunate that our time had to end like this, but I do hope that you come to understanding that this may prove more beneficial than problem."

As Yuri turned and head down the hallway he notices the M9 that Gold Star dropped in the first bout with each other and so he picked it up as a gesture.

"And... Don't worry, I'll make sure this pistol that you've politely brought to me be used in a proper manner."

As he finally left the site where Gold Star was buried in, the pony leaned his head back in momentary silence.

Meanwhile, after that pointless song form which involved Twilight lowering her guard and singing along, the unicorns were no longer mind-controlled and was back to their subconsciousness.

"W-what happened! W-where are we-"

"It's okay, I can explain everything, but me and her need help with this pillar," Comet interjected, the Unicorn couple looked at the large pillar with a crazed confused look on their faces.

"D-did we do that!?"

"I know it wasn't in your conscious to do this, but we need your help to lift this and allow us to free your city!" Twilight inquired, to which the two unicorn couples nodded and answered.

"Where do we start!"

Back to the other side of the temple Gold Star was laying in the rubble not even thinking about crawling out, atleast not for this moment when both of his legs are under heavy rock. But rather examining himself, was... Yuri right? Was he perhaps onto something when he mentioned the fact that no matter what Gold Star presented himself he would be merely a background nothing? That was typically what Gold Star received, and of course he really just accepted the fact just through what he said. But that was a case of his own arrogance, which Yuri had saw through him.

He can't defeat him, not as a Alicorn in disguise, but he clearly couldn't blow his cover and obviously he has no knowledge or capability of using or even performing magic spells or for that matter to fly, sure he read books, but most of them were base on facts and details of these spells and rather not entailed how to perform these. (Due to American continental law)

But now he lays in the ruble, and with at odds with himself, and the damn rocks.

Was this how he dies? Kind of a stupid way to die, he rather be shot then decay on the planet, wouldn't mean he would idiotically run into machine gun fire, but what hope did he have?

Well, that dimished hope came, just not in a way he expected.

Out of the shadow's he sees... Blueblood? He seemed different, he was smiling and peaceful? What was he Gold Star would think, as the Blueblood turned into someone else... A bright light being with a body, this wasn't a average being it was a ghost like holy, a holy ghost, and the inidividual lifted the rocks off of Gold Star and healed the wounds that covered his body.

"Wh- who are you? Why did you help me? What do you need for me?" Gold Star asked, gaining the attention of the holy being.

"All the answers you seek for this time, will be answered, but only when the time comes, by Creator's will," replied the Creator's Angel.

It was then that noise can be heard on the roof top turning Gold Star's attention away from the individual for a split second before turning back to find him gone, and what was left of his presence is a voice.

"Thou shall be done."

Gold Star gave a momentary silent respect, especially when processing the fact that he just met a serv- no, not a servant, a Angel from the Creator, and that is something, however after the silence, he looked down the hallway and his face was filled with determination.

"I'm coming Twilight, and I'm coming for you Yuri! Mark my words!"

Twilight and Comet, after getting help lifting the pillar out of the way and getting the two locals out, had now arrived on top of the roof where the wind is strong blowing both of their manes.

"There!" Comet pointed, trotting to the spell circle and examining it.

"Watch my back, I need to redraw it, and I cannot lose focus either, one mistake and we'll both suffer for it!" Comet warned, lighting his horn and carving the ground with it.

"Don't worry, I got your back, but please hurry, I have a bad feeling that-"

"That I'm here?" Yuri interjected, pointing a gun at Twilight.


"What a surprise isn't it? As you can tell Sparkle, just from your face and expressions, I've bested that weakling stallion."

"What have you done to him!" Twilight furiously asked, lighting her horn.

"Oh don't worry, he's safe and sound buried under the ruble, and even more, unable to stop what is inevitable," Yuri smirked, nearly pressing the trigger, as he looked at Comet, who is mainly busy with trying not to mess up the spell.

"After this is through, I'll be sure to make use of him as well!" Yuri stated, implying to Comet.

However Twilight took to the air, horn lit and poised to strike.

"Ah yes, this again," Yuri said, as Twilight charged war crying all the way down towards Yuri with the intent of finishing him off once and for all.

Yuri with the latest knowledge on her spearhead charge ability, air punched her out of the sky and pinning her down onto the ground, this was proven to be a temporary victory however as Twilight air bursted Yuri off of her and fired a hellfire of spells which Yuri was not successful of deflecting all of them and is overwhelmed by her streak of energy penetrating his head and body.

Despite his weakness, he grabbed her telepathically and threw her 30 times onto the wall repreatedly before he threw her up into and through the roof shed window, leaving her injured on the ground.

Twilight had to come up with something before he arrived, and fast, so the options she has would be a whiplash strike, or a stealth option to fool him. So once Yuri entered into the shed and started looking around Twilight resorted to using whiplash as it is her only supposed chance of getting him off his legs and decapitate him.

To her dismay... It failed, Yuri had came up with every possibility in his head due to he telepathy, and the device attached to his head that calculates his moves for him, the finest of top secret Rodinian technology of course, but only minds, like his, are capable of using it without getting the head to detache from the body. (Trust me this happened before apparently)

And so, he throws her out of the shed and blows her back onto the chimney where she looks at a gun barrel pointed at her chest. Filling her with dread, defeat, and emotional fear as her eyes dialated.


"FUCK YOU!!!!" Gold Star shouted from the top of his lungs jumping off above Twilight and tackling Yuri down to the ground and shooting all but one pistol rounds into the air.

With Twilight weakened from her fear she tries her best to speed up so she can join Gold Star in the fight for the gun, but she was going to be too late. As the two tackled hard Yuri decided how to use his last bullet in the American gun that Gold Star used.

Gold Star in the tackle punched Yuri in the face many times he lost count, and when he would be knocked off he would pounce again, over and over and over again, after being pinned for the tenth time Yuri made his move to a end of the fight.


Yuri then pinned Gold Star to the ground, as the Stallion struggled to get up Yuri shoved the gun deep into the Stallion chest and shot him, following the shot was a croak, Gold Star had been shot.

He tried to resist the pain, placing his hoof on the chest and trying to get up, but he was then kicked by Yuri in full force, throwing Gold Star's body infront of the horrified Alicorn.

"GOLD STAR!" Twilight shrieked, seeing Gold Star laying lifelessly infront of her.

She got up and ran towards him while Yuri mercilessly summoned more rocks and debris to crush her down only to be deflected by her shield which wrapped above her and the bleeding Gold Star. Twilight rolled him over to her hindlegs were she sits despite the raining rocks all around her area in Yuri's brute wrath, she mourned for someone she had never thought she would ever met in her life, and for the first time ever, she felt misery.

It was then that images of her and the Stallion popped into her mind, she remembered him, her magic remembers him, and now both of her strength and spirt remembers him, he had stucked up for her, she felt love from him, even if he wasn't trying to show it because of his duty, and while he may be a bit reckless, if not at times crazy or nuts, he at times saved her, the first time was when she nearly was killed by the Nazi lady, or when Tirek attacked, when it looked like she was in a losing battle but with him Gold Star went all hell high on him, although arrogant, he showed hope courage, and bravery, and he still kept those ideal spirits with the village, when he orchestrated the plan to rescue her and her friends at the risk of his rank and career, and the time of the Crystal Fair when it was just not too long ago attacked by Sombra and the forces of evil, and even when he was fighting a enemy that is as superior as Humarican technology could bring he came to rescue her at the deep hour, or atleast did tried, but he saved Pinkie's life so that did count in a somewhat big way.

In times like those she wondered what went through his head when he had made those choices, she couldn't tell if it was self gain or just plain duty, or... Perhaps there was something more than meets to eye.

Something... Was tinting- no it was growing, it was forming within her body, at first... She thought that this power that she was experiancing was Friendship, but then she remembers back on that day when Shining Armor and Cadence were suppose to be married, she had been studying the power that Chyrsalis had possessed from her brother but it was quickly denounced by her own well being, but then there was that moment when Cadence and Shining Armor did came together, after I had forcefully had Chrysalis release Shining Armor off of her spell, the shield dome was reactivated faster than Shining Armor's recovery rate.

But after the years flew by, she understood what it was, it wasn't friendship, courage, or anything...

It was love. And Cadence was teaching this the whole time and she never understood it up until now! (Talk about irony) friendship is one thing, but love is it's own, and if that was what Gold Star was towards her then...

That would mean he has a crush on her she could now remember that same day a year later when she visited him in the field hospital at base after Tirek's attack, it was as if he saw her form as a super elemental, a harmonic being in a shape of a pony, andas he said this he rested his hoof on her wing glazing at her eyes with the view of her friends who were with her cheerily happy at the sight.

And that, hope, trust, faith, and love, was what made her feel power once more since the day of Tirek's attack.

And with this bolt of love, out of no where a lightning bolt struck at the spell circle that Comet was recreating, destroying the entire mount that the spell was suppose to take place at, luckily Comet hopped off before he was brought down with it. However it was then that he noticed a great beam of light was blasting into the forcefield curse that held the city hostage for thousands of years, and many pony's saw this light and were astounded.

And force once in their lifetimes, they see the glory of Celestia's sun light as the light fully dispersed the entire forcefield into nothing but a distant memory.

The pony's witnessed the great unveiling of the city by the will of God the Creator, and as he tore the forcefield into pieces of ashes the desert landscape that sorrounded the city turned into a green plain field.

During this transformation Yuri looked around and at the sky in full on terror.

It was then that when he looked to see Twilight not on the ground, but in the air holding on her wing Gold Star, who she healed and placed down on the ground.

Her mane was striped with Yellow, Purple, Pink, and her hooves representing her Cutiemark, and her wings and horn patterned with the same color pallete as as her mane, and fur, purple, pink, and Dark Purple.

As she floated above him with fury in her eyes.

This was the moment Yuri knew...

He was fucked up.

Big time.

As she hovered above the ground Gold Star woke up as if he just got out of bed, when he noticed his gun wound was... Healed, but not by his own flesh but by Twilight, which he stood stiff in total surprise, as for the first time in his life, he sees Twilight in her greatest form, Princess Elemental of Friendship.

And he can feel himself getting personally touched by Harmony as Comet stood beside him shocked as well.

"Well if I be..." Comet commented, confusing Gold Star.

"I'm sorry who are you?"

"Oh my name is Comet the Starry-"

"Nevermind! Forget I asked!" Gold Star interjects, turning back to Twilight staring down at Yuri.

"...How the hell is this? Has the Creator himself turned against me!?! Or is this Harmony in disguise!"

"Neither are the ones you should be worried about! After these times you have went after my friends, and those that had aided, you have went as far into your evil to take another life of a pony through dark and extreme ways from mind control to bending dark magic in the ways that go along unspeakable! your vendetta ends here Yuri!" Twilight Condemmed to Yuri as he attempts to-


He device is removed from his brain stem and is crushed, leaving him vulnerable to a hell wave of attacks, strikes, and beatings of his life as every rage that he has stirred in his life time is returned in greater mass, as Twilight's magic beats him down into the ground, the air, the ground again, air of course, and East and West, North and South, until finally what was left of him was his humiliation of his body that sunk into the grass outside of the city, which he got up and found himself sorrounded by Shining Armor and his unhappy guards who stared at him with grudged faces, growing like dogs.

"Hehe... So about that dea-"

In a quick turn the EUP guards quickly restrained him and applied metal chains on him to make sure he can never move again, placing him under custody of Equestrian forces, shortly after me and the troops that Alex had assigned with me arrived in a M1126 Stryker, supplied with troops and heavy soldiers as they ran out from the tarmac behind the Stryker and securing the area as I looked around my sorroundings at the dawn of day.

Now upon arriving I noticed some sort of vehicle was driving away so the Stryker opened fired at the armor vehicle, however it seemed to have returned fire, however to the surprise the autocannon that was firing at our ride had indirect hits and ricochets, so we returned fire and shot a Javelin at the bastards and upon impacting directly at the Autocannon top of the BPM-97, it blew up into tiny pieces killing everyone inside, and leaving a burning metal tomb in the grass range as some of the men cheered at the excitement.

However as I turned I think by now I figured out who 'they' was, and why Gold Star was concerned...

It was Yuri, and... Heh, bastard got chained up inch by inch by Shining Armor and the Equestrian guard pony's, now considering that by now I've kinda forgotten about him this whole time up until this point so I really don't know what to say about him then.

But of course I wasn't passing this oppurtunity up to confront my former attacker, so the only thing that I did say to him, was a wave.

"Hi :D 👋"


Back at the city, the pony's cheered as they tore off their cloaks and threw them in the air in celebration, as for Gold Star, he watched as Twilight breathed heavily and her form that she had the entire time finishing the fight with Yuri dissappated, Gold Star wouldn't care less as he ran and hugged her.


Twilight rolled her eyes in a pleasant happy mood as Gold Star cut himself off from his foal hood invading his brain and eating up the excitement that happened infront of him, he never saw this before and he was so excited he thought he was watching a scene from a movie, only he was living in something of a movie himself, but basically lost his formality there.

Still it was exciting as hell to Gold Star, but he was in the presence of Twilight so...

"Hehe, uhhh... *AHEM* I mean, you did great out there!" Gold Star reiterated, as Twilight placed her wing on his back.

"It doesn't matter how formal you have to be Gold Star, I know deep in your heart that you have something for me, I should've understood this the moment we met, and... I think we should properly do this over, without the military, Celestia, or anyone or anypony interfering with us," Twilight smiled with her pupils widened.

"Does... That mean we have to go over all that stuff again?" Gold Star teased, as both chuckled.

"No, but perhaps we should have a proper date, outside where the everfree flower fields are, how long do you have until you have to return?" Twilight asked, which Gold Star chuckled to that question.

"A week, and I was called a magnificient bastard!" Gold Star proceeded to laugh his ass off before he stopped himself and turned to Twilight, clearing his throat.

"Eh, yeah a week, I think we have plenty of time," Gold Star said.

"Sounds like a date," Twilight replied with a smile, kissing Gold Star on the cheek hugging after which while they made it all out I looked through my binoculars with retort.

"Damn! He got himself fucking kissed to!" I said to myself.

"You know sir, you could always ask him if he ever got Twilight to kiss him and he could deny it," suggested some soldier.

"Don't you have a damn prisoner to transport!"

"Yes sir, but I'm also paid by the hour," the soldier replied.

"So are we, but that doesn't slacking off! Get back to work!"

"Yes sir."

As the soldiers placed Yuri inside of the Stryker Shining Armor approached me, and looked up at the city skylines.

"Beautiful isn't it?" He said.

"Heh, the city? Yeah, it really does bring the Equestrian old age in ya soul doesn't it?" I commented.

"I wasn't really talking about the city," replied Shining Armor, staring at his sister from the distance as she and Gold Star stepped down from the roof of the temple.

"Oh, I see, must be a happy moment eh?"

"The more you could imagine, and I thought the random stallions were just obnoxious, and I even thought of him as one of them."

"Gees... Right infront of my face."

"Well you know how it is, the bigger brother has to watch out for his sister, I'm... Just happy she found somepony who appreciates her talent," Shining Armor rejoiced, shedding a tear. "Sooner or later she'l-"

"Hey, lets not go that far yet, they met like a year ago, and obviously stuff like this is not written in stone, atleast not yet."

"Yeah... Maybe you're right, but you know what? If it does happen, you can bet that I'll be strong," Shining Armor smiled.

"Alright then tough guy, we'll see," I replied.

After finishing our conversation, Shining Armor left me alone to assist with the men and pony's loading up to Yuri, I guess I have two stops today, one for Canterlot to unload this bastard to the Equestrian dungeons, and back to base to file reports regarding this situation. (Great) On the bright side of things, I think this might be a renewed start of a greater relationship between Twilight and Gold Star.

Just as long of course that nothing bad happens...

Hehe... What could go wrong?

Post adventure

Within hours of Bales city being unveiled once more, Gold Star, Twilight, Shining Armor, the EUP guards, Blueblood, and my men were given a hero's welcome as they lifted them from the air.

For me I was just sitting on the nwrecked BPM-97 documenting this in my journal as the cheering went on, I found it interesting that yesterday was a start of something for me.

Eventually after a entire day everyone left the city, me, the men, and the prisoner Yuri left to Canterlot to drop him off.

Shining Armor and his group started clean up with the populace before returning back to Crystal City.

As everyone left the city was quickly booming with archeologist from accross the world arriving to explore the city that had been invisible and hidden from the world for centuries like none before, even General Patton and MacArthur for the first time came upon each other in that city, which was tense at first before they shook hands for the first time with each other in a matter of respect.

Meanwhile in Canterlot, Yuri is taken to the dugeons where he is personally locked up by Celestia who had him sealed up in a barrier, and was left chained in the cell, his trial comes in two days on charges of Espionage, attempted assasination, attempted kidnapping, and violations of international law making him a official war criminal. Which the penalty would be life in prison. (Due to death penalty to the pony's being to unethical, which he would've faced execution in American standard)

Rodinia has not reacted or responded since...

And as for Twilight Sparkle and Gold Star.

The humvee pulled into the front of the castle, it had been a long day and it had turned night, and Gold Star looked to his right where Twilight gently slept on the window.

Without trying to wake her up, he gently opened the door and lifted Twilight on his back, resting her chin on his mane unknowing that she was resting at the edge of his hidden horn, luckily she was deep asleep so this wasn't something to worry about, quietly he closed the door of his car and head to the castle entrance.

After entering quietly into her room, she place her down on the bed all tired like and deep asleep.

Seeing Spike sleeping in his spot blanketless yet shivering, he places the blanket on top of his body and patted him on his spikey head.

He then turned around and tucked Twilight in her bed, and in a returning gesture, he kissed her on her forehead and then without leaving a sound, a peep, or a creak, he closed the door behind him and left Twilight and Spike to sleep.

Looming around the castle as the sounds of his hooves clacked on the crystal ground he could feel a sense of peace everytime he was here.

It was then that it came to mind that this castle has a library in which he entered in and found a entire stock of unlimited books.

And to his thought... If he were to be exposed he should be somewhat prepared, because if Twilight does forgive him she would want to take a hit on training him to use his magic, and most likely Rainbow Dash who would also have the knack of training him to use his wings.

He wouldn't mind though, he looked up the M category and found books riddled with spells.

"Let's see what I got," he whispered to himself, grabbing the first book from the bottom shelf and sitting down with it.

The book is titled.

"Are you serious... This damn thing again!"

Yeah it's how to spot an alicorn again, made by Comet, of course Gold Star didn't gotten the chance to read it, and since it's night he shrugged and opened the first page.

And wouldn't you know it, it has a "technique" section in the book, something he really needed, and with no doubt throughout the night.

He spent the night, reading, and reading.

Until even he to went to sleep.

Author's Note:

Aaaaaand that is once again another chapter down (bingo!) say did yall saw that eclipse? Gotta be cool right, saw it myself.

Anyways next chapter will be Cutie remark, the moment you've probably wondered? What the hell happens with Humarica in this episode? Find out.