• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 113 - The Visit with Chrysalis - Movie Time Part 2

Twilight, now mired by her own frustration, kept her focus on the film without saying a word. Like, hell, even during the laser tag and the head shot during the training bit, she said nothing despite the noticeable twitch at such a horrid and needless death. After another moment, you just had to ask. “Twilight, geez, can you stop? Welcome to how our friendship works, you got teased, so what? You like humans, who cares? Dad bothers you all the time and you don’t usually let it simmer that bad.”

Twilight grumbled, then looked to you with a grumpy stare. “Your father, who isn’t really your father by the way, has never thrown my… Umm.” Twilight had to stop herself as she tried to come up with a word for her lust that didn’t make her look like some sort of freak. “ ‘interests’ in my face like that.”

“What, humans? You didn’t even know you had a thing for them until like, a few minutes ago.” You remind her.

She then throws up her hooves, groaning as she exclaims. “I know! I know that! How was I supposed to know I’d find humans attractive!? And interesting! And strong… No, just no! I refuse to say anything else about it! Let’s just watch the documentary and…”

“You just missed the part where Rico’s entire home, as in, Buenos Aires, was just obliterated by that meteor. My my, look at that death count.” Chrysalis said, smiling and pointing with her hoof as she awaited Twilight’s next reaction.

“Wait, wh-AH!? H-how?” Twilight just watched the horror, the death count, the whole news, the fact that was Rico’s home and he had just… So that’s why things went dark. “They just… All those innocent people. They didn’t even have a chance to…” Twilight put her hooves to her mouth in shock before her eyes shifted to you. “Anon, this life, this world. I never knew it could be so… I’m so sorry.”

Ohhhhhh… Fuck, now she wants to say something about it? This wasn’t like it was with Chrysalis, she didn’t give a shit about what you possibly went through. But for someone like Twilight, it must have looked like you came from a real hellhole. “Oh, uh… Twilight, it’s ok, really. That’s just kinda how things… Er, went?”

“I don’t know how you can say that…” Twilight twitched, as if she was in pain. She brought her hoof to her chest and closed her eyes. “Or maybe I just can never grasp why. We ponies never had to deal with something like that. The closest would have to be the crystal ponies, and even then, Sombra wasn’t so grim as to just annihilate them. I don’t know what to say, I just, I suddenly have a need to protect you. To make sure you’d never have to go through anything like this… Ever.”

Holy shit, relax your fucking tits, Twilight. “I uh… Um, thanks? Twilight, it really isn’t that big of a deal.”

“Hmph, and yet you use the excuse of my children being ‘better off’ despite your mentor essentially destroying our way of life. Typical thoughtlessness of a princess.” Chrysalis said as she continued to focus her gaze on the movie.

Twilight looked to Chrysalis, more serious this time, feeling Celestia was right in what she did. “She made their lives better! And she wasn't the only one there, Thorax helped too. Really, it was your own child that helped his siblings find love and friendship. That’s why he’s the king now.”

Chrysalis shuddered at that, grimaced at the very thought. It made her think for a moment, however. As much as she hated Celestia, Thorax did share a lot of the blame as well. She did want him destroyed, especially for essentially usurping the throne. But she had been so lost in her vengeance that she had not even paid him too much mind compared to the Sun Princess. Now it didn’t even matter, Twilight was her target, and to have this argument now would just lead to an annoying loop she didn’t want to deal with. “I don’t care about that anymore anyway. Just focus on the documentary, interesting things are about to happen.”

Twilight nearly opened her mouth to say something further, but only because she expected a verbal fight with Chrysalis. No, the fact she just resigned to focusing on the documentary just made Twilight feel bad for her. She really had nothing, despite being this evil being, she was still prone to hurt. Twilight knew why she was there, what she had agreed to, so she nodded and focused on the film again. “I will, and will be ready for any more discuss… Are those cutie marks?” Twilight loses her train of thought and then winces on the way tattoos were being inked in. “A-ahm, that doesn’t look very, u-umm, special talenty.”

“It’s called a tattoo, Twilight. It’s just permanent body art representing what we stand for or like. There isn’t any magic in this world, trust me, that’s pretty much just body ink.” You tell her.

“O-oh, ok, that’s simple enough to understand.” Twilight said with a nod.

Further still the movie went, from Rico’s confrontation with Zander, to Rico nearly dying in that night combat. Twilight was amazed at space life, while also questioning the focus on Rico’s relationship with Carmen and why it seemed so rocky. The rejuvenation tank and mini nukes really caught her eye though. Mostly due to the destructive power in such a small device and the healing properties of such a tank without the use of herbs or magic. She asked you for some details on them, but alas, you couldn’t really tell her much about it, for obvious reasons. She was disappointed, but pressed on, up until.

“Ah, there he is. Lieutenant Jean Rasczak.” Chrysalis said with a salute “Of the few humans I have come to enjoy from a distance, he is in my top three. A truly respectable human”

“What? Hey, isn’t he Rico’s teacher?” Twilight asked “That is him, what is he doing here?”

“He’s a soldier, and a proof of concept about being a citizen. This man truly knows no fear and knows what he must do for the sake of his kind.” Chrysalis said.

“I see. Well, in that case, I’m excited to see the kind of man he is.” Twilight said, excited to see what comes next. It seems she was finally getting used to the violence. Up until… “I was wrong! What kind of man is that?! He just shot him! He could have been rescued!” Of course, she was talking about the poor soldier grabbed and mauled by the hopper bug.

“No he couldn’t. The moment that bug grabbed him, that soldier was done for. What he gave him was a mercy killing, something he’d expect he’d get should he find himself in a similar situation.” Chrysalis explains.

“No… There had to be a way. I can’t just accept that humans were essentially expendable in times of war. Anon, it wasn’t like that, right? It just seems so…” Twilight just couldn’t believe it. She already had to deal with humans dying, but for one to be shot by their own for the sake of a mercy killing?

“Twilight, Chrysalis is right. These bugs aren’t like anything you’ve ever seen. You should already know that, they are merciless. If they ever attacked Equestria, well…” You don’t finish that sentence, just those words should paint a picture in her mind.

“I…” Twilight gulped and turned to Chrysalis, wanting an opinion. “Chrysalis, d-do you think that too?”

“Sadly, and as much as I hate to admit, yes. Those things are more numerous than my hive ever was, and their source of food doesn’t seem to require their prey to be living. Earth ponies stand no chance, and the flying bugs are agile enough to destroy pegasi. For magic users, such as myself, unicorns, or alicorns, you would need not only powerful new spells that could wipe out cities, but also the mettle to use said spells to even stand a chance. Hesitate for even a moment and you’re dead.” Chrysalis explained.

“D-dead?” Twilight said, gulping as she brought a hoof to her neck.

“Indeed, I would probably have to shoot you just to give you a mercy killing after your hesitation causes you to be overwhelmed. Or maybe I wouldn’t shoot you. Hmm…” Chrysalis said as she amused herself with the thought of Twilight being torn apart.

Twilight looked impacted by the thought, in a way that suggests inner denial, then looked to the lieutenant on the screen and protested. “Well, he says that, but I guarantee if he was in a similar situation, he’d beg for help! And if I was in the situation of being able to help him, I would, because that’s what’s right! And that’s AGGHHH! GIANT BUG! HIS ARM! WHAT IS IT DOING?!”

“Just watch, Princess. You obviously haven’t learned enough yet.” Chrysalis says as she watches the screen intently. “I love this part, just look at Rico go.”

And the scene plays out like it always does, with Rico jumping on the giant tank bug,shooting through its back, and tossing a grenade inside, killing the bug instantly. Jean makes Rico corporal with the famous line which Chrysalis silently mouths to herself. “You’re it, until you’re dead or I find someone better.”

You look over to Chrysalis, noticing this, and ask her. “Hey, Chrysalis, am I still your corporal?”

“Shut up, Anon.” Chrysalis replied, but it wasn’t in a sour manner. Well, it was, but not in a way that sounded like she really wanted you to shut up at all. This made you smile.

Twilight watched the campout scene contently. You thought she’d question some of the going ons, but kept things to herself up until…

“GYAH! ARE THEY GOING TO…?!” Twilight hid her face. “Why would… I mean, I know Rico and Carmen are over, but they aren’t even married, and AND…”

“Relax, Twilight, nothing is gonna get shown. Unless…” You look to Twilight with a sneaky little grin. “Are you imagining yourself as Dizzy right now? Imagining Rico picking up your small pony body, snuggling you close, those abs warmly pressed across your belly as he lowers you down and…” And as expected, Twilight snaps back, bright red and flustered as hell.

“STOP! STOP RIGHT THERE!” Twilight got up and stomped over to you, yelling and pointing at you. “I said, I SAID, I was NOT interested in humans! And that fantasy is your fantasy that you came up with and it is just SICK that you’d imagine me doing dirty things with Johnny Rico! How could you do that, Anon, just how?!”

You could already hear Chrysalis giggling at this, and it kind of spurred you on to continue. Like fuck man, sure Twilight apologized, but she still used you, so you were going to milk this as much as possible. Hell, she still agreed with Celestia deep down, so fuck her. She may be sorry, but she still believes in Celestia. “I dunno, for all I know you were imagining yourself as a human and him as a pony. I don’t know how you think, Twilight, like damn, you’re the one blushing, so you tell me what’s going on in your head.”

“I’m not blushing! I wasn’t thinking that either! If I was, Chrysalis would know!” Twilight turned to her while she pointed at you. “Chrysalis, tell Anon how wrong he is! Maybe I had something before, but that was probably just due to experiencing something odd for the first time, it was obviously some sort of odd reaction that wouldn’t happen again.”

“You can say whatever you want, Princess. But your taste has piqued. As empty as it is, your lust is making such a delicious little treat right now. So please, go on, I’m willing to let this one go for just a bit longer.” Chrysalis said in a delighted cackle.

“Ngh?!” Twilight felt devastated, if Chrysalis was feeding off her lust, then that meant she really was attracted to him. Twilight fell over on her back and began to squirm. “How could this happen?! This isn’t like me, I shouldn’t be feeling this at all!”

“It’s called a fetish, Twilight. We all have one, sometimes more than one. Yours just happens to be really exotic. It’s normal.” Man, even the Twilight with the… Well, no, she fucking sperged like mad when she BECAME human, but she didn’t react like this when she realized she had a crush on human Flash.

“Normal?! Humans aren’t even part of Equestria! None of how I feel is normal! Why would I even feel this way at all?! Somepony, please, tell me! It’s driving me nuts!” Twilight said as she continued to whine and roll on the ground, haunted by her thoughts.

“Well, Rico is handsome, strong, obviously good with the ladies, athletic, and gets the job done. Seems you’re attracted to males who are actually capable of taking down a powerful threat.” Chrysalis winces falsely as she says that “Oooooh, and here I thought the blue one would become the crazy cat mare. There really isn’t any stallions who fit such a high standard, is there?”

“High standards?! I have normal standards!” Twilight yelled out, standing up so she can point at Chrysalis accusingly. “And if I am to understand what the word ‘fetish’ means, then no, I don’t have a human fetish either! I just… Aghm. Ahrm.” Twilight realized now she was kind of sounding like a raving lunatic. She took a moment, cleared her throat, and calmed down. “If anything, I just have a ‘fetish’ for high achievement.”

“So what you’re saying is that you still have a sexual lust for Rico and, considering what Chrysalis said about Rico and what seems to be your definition for ‘achievement’, your standards are still really high. Got it.” You say to Twilight, raising your hoof to mockingly signify that you understood.

“Yes!... WAIT, I MEAN NO!” Twilight said as she looked at you with such surprise and denial that she began to immediately look disheveled and crazy. “THAT’S NOT WHAT I MEANT! I JUST MEAN… Ogh, oh no. What am I even saying anymore?” Twilight fell on her belly and covered her face in shame. “I don’t want to admit it. But it looks like it might be true. I have a thing for humans. How did this even happen?”

“Well, for one, you decided to watch the documentary. For two… Nope, nah, that’s about it. You decided to watch the documentary and just so happen to have a thing for humans. It’s as simple as that.” You said with a shrug as you hide your smile. God damn, this really was just better than Luna’s spaz. Twilight didn’t even have the will to argue this, she was just going nuts over the thought.

Twilight grimaced, twitched, then finally gave up upon hearing those words. “I feel ashamed.”

“I do too, that was the most shameful display from a royal I have ever seen. Makes us all look bad, even me.” Chrysalis said with a false groan, stealthily using her magic to bring the remote close to her. “But now that I have the remote once again, I DEMAND we continue. There’s not much left and I want you to see something, Princess.”

“I don’t know if I can see anything else, what if I end up being attracted to one of those bug things?” Twilight said, almost to herself, as she shivered in disdain at the thought and at herself for saying it.

Holy damn, is Twilight gonna be broken at the end of this? Who knew Starship Troopers would have been the thing that does her in?

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