• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 151 - Kindness Class

Ahh, finally, Fluttershy’s class. This class had the smell of the forest within it. Like Pinkie’s, it was rather open, to allow the animals Fluttershy would bring to scurry or fly around freely without hitting or crashing into something. Aside from the random pony classmates, the friends you had this time were once again Sandbar and Gallus, but with Silverstream and Cozy in the mix this time as well. The smell was familiar, but then again, staying at Fluttershy’s cottage so many times, you were used to the smell of birds, squirrels, mice, a bear, rabbits, and other such things.

You stood proud next to Fluttershy, who was all too eager to introduce you. “Hello class, and welcome to kindness class once again. As I’m sure you all know by now, Anon, my nephew is a student in our wonderful school. But, ahrm, I’m sure some of you might be worried that because he is my nephew, that he will receive some sort of special treatment. I can tell you that it won’t be an issue here, as I consider all my students family. Now, that doesn’t mean Anon shouldn’t introduce himself to his fellow students. So, Anon, would you like to introduce yourself?”

Of course you did. You noticed a few ponies you hadn’t seen yet, so you step forward and do a polite bow. “Yes ma’am. Hello everycreature, I’m Anon, nice to meet all of you.” You had to be extra nice sounding for Fluttershy. You didn’t want to embarrass her and you needed to make sure she was proud of you. Not just for Discord’s sake, but for your own as well.

As the class replied, Fluttershy couldn’t help but smile. She was already feeling overwhelming joy just from the way you seemed to be accepted. “Oh, I so love it when everycreature is already getting along and are oh so friendly with each other. Which is why today’s class is going to be extra special. Now that everycreature understands the basics of kindness, we can start putting it to practice. See, sometimes, our animal friends can use a little help in learning about kindness themselves. Specifically, friends who might try to eat our other friends. That’s why I brought some of my more friendly ‘predator’ friends to learn a lesson from all of you about kindness and not wanting to eat their fellow animals. Now, I know this sounds a little frightening, but I can assure you it’s anything but. These friends of mine already follow a pretty strict regimen of healthy foods that simulate their dietary needs, all made by me, so they won’t try to eat or hurt you. But like many animals, sometimes they get ever so frightened, or remain aggressive towards others, even if they are of their own kind. N-now, I know the word aggressive is scary, but I promise, it isn’t what you think. And as long as you show them loving kindness, then they too will see how good it is to be treated well by so many others, and will want to treat others just as nicely.”

“Oh my…” Cozy said as she hovered upwards, calling to Fluttershy’s attention. “You mean we’re going to be handling scawy animals?”

“Oh no no no, they aren’t scary at all. Like I said, they follow a regimen and are pretty friendly due to all the love and care they get in the sanctuary. But you see, being predators, sometimes they feel that nocreature wants to be their friends. Not only is that wrong, but I’m sure you all can make a real connection with them if you just try, and show them how wrong they are.” Fluttershy said, enthusiasm in her voice as she tried to calm Cozy’s nerves. “And you won’t be doing it alone either. You all will be split into teams of three and-”

“OH! CAN I BE ON ANON’S TEAM!? I WANT TO BE ON ANON’S TEAM!” Silverstream yelled out, at a pitch that caused her fellow students to back off from her. Noticing this, she got nervous and quieted down. “E-erm, I mean, can I be on Anon’s team, please?”

“O-oh” Fluttershy herself was a little startled by that, she couldn’t even imagine how the other animals might feel hearing that kind of yelling. Some of the cages began to wobble, presumably from being startled. Cages, eh? How odd for Fluttershy to put animals into them. “W-well, if that’s ok with Anon, then that’s fine. But let’s not get all excited and hyper, alright? It scares the animals.” Fluttershy says, which causes Silverstream to sink a little lower as she squeaks out a small apology.

Animals, huh? You look around the room from where you stood and looked to the rather large cages near the corner. Not too many, but if it wasn’t for the fact it was Fluttershy, then this whole thing would be more than questionable. “Aunt, er, Professor…” Wait, why were you even worried? You’ve been around Fluttershy long enough and dealt with Angel enough to understand how most animals in Equestria work. Sure, some of the animals at the cottage saw you with disdain. But given you never really been to the sanctuary yourself, then the animals there don’t know of you either, a clean slate essentially. “I’d love to be on Silverstream’s team. And if you don’t mind, I’d not mind having Cozy on my team either.” You had to have her on the team, you wanted to assure her everything will be alright.

“Oh, well, that’s alright. The only thing I have to ask you, Anon, is are you sure you’re ready for this assignment? This is your first day, after all.” As much as Fluttershy felt you were ready, she also had a slight fear of you getting scared or antsy over predatory animals. She still remembered the chimera, and thought maybe you did as well.

“Pft, c’mon, I hang out with animals all the time. Plus, they aren’t dangerous, right? Trust me, I can handle it.” You say, arrogantly.

“Oh, ok, I guess that’s true and- Oh, Sandbar, did you have a question?” Fluttershy asked as she looked over at the sea green pony, who was raising his hoof.

“Yeah, Professor. I just wanted to ask if it’s ok, to like, hug the animals? Y’know, to show em’ we care?” Sandbar asked

“Are you serious? Do you really want them that close to you? I don’t know about you, but every griffon knows you don’t mess with dangerous animals. Unless, y’know, somecreature offers you a ton of bits to do it or something.” Gallus says, ending his words with a shrug.

“C’mon, Gallus! We gotta show them we care, right? Well, whenever I feel down, a hug from my mom always makes me feel better.” Sandbar said, bearing a cheerful smile.

“...I think there’s a difference between your mom and something that’s gonna bite your face off.” Gallus says.

Sandbar eyes go wide for a moment as he slowly touches his own face. “Do you think that’d really happen?”

“Dunno. Professor, are you really sure it’s safe? It’s not like I’m scared or anything, I’m not, but risks are risks.” Seems Gallus didn’t want to take any chances with this, fearing one of the animals may indeed try to attack them.

“Well, if it makes you more comfortable. We do have a hawk, is that ok?” Fluttershy asks.

“A hawk? Eh, sure, why not? I’m practically half hawk anyway. We’ll take the hawk.” Gallus says, nodding.

“Yeah, a hawk sounds good. But doesn’t it have razor sharp talons?” Sandbar asked.

“I mean, so do I, and you don’t see me ripping anycreature’s face off.” Gallus said, playfully bearing his talons towards Sandbar.

“Er, can we stop talking about ripping faces off please? Y-you're making me feel uncomfortable now.” Fluttershy said, feeling a little squeamish over the exchange.

“Sorry about that, Professor. Oh, hey, Silverstream, what animal are you going to go with?” Sandbar asked.

“I… Really don’t know too much about animals other than the ones in the water. Oh, can we pick a shark? I always wanted to try to tame a shark, but I keep being told I shouldn’t.”

Holy shit, NOPE! Given the cages, you doubted there were sharks among them. Actually, fuck that, if you were going to handle an animal. Why not a snake? Snakes were cool. God, you hoped Fluttershy had a snake. “Er, Silverstream, I don’t think there are any sharks in those cages.”

“Anon is right, Silverstream. But I do have a snake, a panther, a fox, a baby crocodile, and Mr. Bear. Mr. Bear will actually be assisting me, making sure none of the other animals get scared or hurt. Erm, that also includes you all as well.” Fluttershy said as she neared one of the cages. "As in, we'll be making sure you're all safe too."

Wut? “You put Mr. Bear in a cage?” Well, he was a bear, but other than the few threats he made towards you due to Angel, the guy was practically a puppy.

“No, he actually volunteered to be in a cage. He didn’t want to scare the students by just walking into the school. Mr. Bear is so nice and considerate.” Fluttershy says as she opens a cage, as a large but pacifistic bear steps out from it. He looked docile, already waving hello as a lot of the class jumps back in fright. The bear just smiles as he continued to wave towards everyone. “This is Mr. Bear, everycreature. And Mr. Bear, these are my students.”

The bear just continues to wave as some of the students seem to notice he is friendly. Though, Mr. Bear does give you a deep stare as he turns towards you. You just raise a hoof at him and shake it, saying. “Er, hey, Mr. Bear.” Yeah, you weren’t going to fuck with this guy or out yourself. You knew saying anything in response, especially in front of Fluttershy, would not be good for you. But then, you also thought on something. A snake? You could handle a snake, you wanted to handle a snake, especially a frie-WAIT DID SHE SAY PANTHER?! Wait, she did, and why did that worry you? Golden Delicious had a panther, or was it a cheetah? While your memory was spotty on that, you knew if she could tame a big cat, then Fluttershy definitely had it handled.

Though, the rest of the class reeled back again when on the same realization you did, that she had a fucking panther. “Woah! You got a panther in those cages?!” Gallus said as he hopped back. “Are you sure that’s safe?! Because that is something that’ll definitely rip off some faces.”

“What’s a panther?” Silverstream asked, the only one who wasn’t responding in fear to anything Fluttershy had to say.

“Oh, they are predatory big cats. But this one’s name is Petunia, and she’d never ever do anything to hurt anycreature. I promise, all the animals are safe to be around.” Again, Fluttershy tried to assure everyone.

“A cat? Like the ones that go meow? Oh! I bet it’s so adorable! Can we make friends with Petunia?” Silversteam asked.

“Well, that’s alright, as long as no-” But before Fluttershy can even go about asking the rest of the class, everyone takes a step back, murmuring or frantically saying that the panther was all hers. “Oh, well ok then. Cozy, Anon, are you both alright with wanting to make friends with Petunia?”

Cozy, who seemed so worried about it before, just nodded and smiled, as if she suddenly had nothing to worry about. “That’s alright with me, I wuv kitties!”

A panther named Petunia? Tamed by Fluttershy? You had nothing to worry about… Though you really wanted to handle a snake. Ah well. “No, it’s fine, I’m cool with it.”

“Alright then, I’ll let her out first, that way everycreature can see just how nice she is.” Fluttershy says as she hovers over Petunia’s cage and slowly lifts up the lock. “Petunia, oh Petunia, come on out. We have so many new friends for you to meet.” And slowly, a beautiful black panther, with a playful expression, stepped out. Fluttershy landed in front of it and started hugging at her head. The Panther immediately began to pur and nuzzle into Fluttershy, Fluttershy giggled as she nuzzled back “Oh, Petunia, you’re so sweet. I hope you didn’t feel bad being locked in that cage.” Petunia shook her head, pointing her paw towards Fluttershy, then back to herself, letting out a soft growl. “Oh, well, that’s very sweet of you to say. Of course you can trust me, I’ll never let anything bad happen to you. Oh, this is my class, by the way, the one I told you about. Well, Petunia, today you’ll be making friends with Silverstream and Cozy Glow.” Fluttershy said as she pointed over to them. Petunia, oddly enough, waved her paw at them. Seems she really was a sweet big cat. “Oh, and you’ll be making friends with Anon too! He’s my nephew, the one I told you about, so I’m sure you two will get along just fine.” Fluttershy then points over to you as you wave to Petunia.

But then something weird happens, something no one was expecting. As you waved and greeted Petunia, she suddenly growled in hostility. “Woah! H-hey, Petunia, I-I don’t kno-HEY WAIT! WHAT ARE YODFGDSASDFSDFS” And before you, Fluttershy, or anyone else could react, Petunia rushes over to you, bites down on your tail, and starts dragging you as she rushes out of the classroom. All you could do was scream for dear life as you slid across the floor, right on top of your face, as you banged against the walls of the school.

“Was that supposed to happen?” Gallus asked. But as he turned to Fluttershy, who had turned white and fainted, he realized something. “I… Yeah, never mind, I don’t think that was supposed to happen.”

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