• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 173 - A Drink You Shouldn't Drunk

Applebloom and Chrysalis sat across from one another. You had mixed the drinks into a custom concoction you called the ‘Chaos Champagne’ in which you poured into two cups. Nothing fancy, just an alcoholic drink that auto sets itself to the amount of alcohol needed to make its drinkers drunk. “Alright girls, listen up. I gave you both a cup of this stuff, custom made, to get you both acceptably drunk. Understood?”

Applebloom nodded, then brought her nose to the drink and took a sniff, causing her to immediately recoil in disgust. “Agh! Anon! Why does this stuff smell like rubbing alcohol?”

“Pathetic,” Chrysalis said with a snicker as she brought the drink up with her magic. “All that talk, and you can’t even stand the smell.” Chrysalis said as she took a sniff herself, her nose only scrunching for a moment. “Smells divine” She said, with a hint of falseness in her voice.

“Oh yeah?! Well watch this!” Applebloom, not wanting to be topped by Chrysalis, began to swig down the drink as much as she could, which wasn’t much, because the moment the first drop touched her tongue she immediately slammed her cup down as she began to spit out the small amount she managed to get into her mouth, coughing and hacking. “GYAH! UGH! Anon! What was that?! Are ya tryin’ to poison me or somethin’?!”

You roll your eyes at Applebloom. Hell, you were relieved she didn’t like the drink, it meant you didn’t have to deal with her being drunk and getting into trouble. But christ, what a wimpy drinker. “There’s a reason I didn’t want you drinking this stuff, Applebloom. It isn’t meant for foals.”

“That’s right, ‘Applebloom', it isn’t meant for pathetic little foals. Hence why this is a drink only royalty can handle. Observe.” Chrysalis said with a sly snicker as she used her magic to raise both cups.

“Wuh? Wait, Chrysalis you’re not supp-Oh no, you totally did.” She did it, she drank both cups! Oh no, this isn’t good.

“Ah, refreshing. See, Anon? I was perfectly capable of handling myself just fine.” Chrysalis said, as she sat there, proudly.

“Chrysalis, geez! No, no, no. You don’t understand, Applebloom’s drink was actually stronger because, well, because you’re a freaking bug! You absorb that stuff like, like, how you feed on love! I have no idea how it’s going to affect you!” Oh god, please, please, let it not kill her!

Chrysalis began to laugh heartily “'How I feed on love'? Really? You make it sound like it's some sort of poison. As you can see, Anon, this had n-” And then suddenly, she slammed right onto the table, twitching.

“Anon?! What did you do?! Oh no, you really poisoned her?! Really?!” Applebloom cried out as she began to check on Chrysalis, waving her hoof in front of her. “Oh no, ah can’t believe I’m sayin’ this, but ya gotta be alright! Come on, say something!”

“I didn’t… Geez! Chrysalis! Grrr! Why?! Ok, ok, hold on, let me just use my horn to make a pump and try to-” But as you slapped your horn on your head, Chrysalis began to open her eyes as she looked onto Applebloom with a sudden wild expression.

“You, y-you, it’s you.” She muttered as she began to make an attempt at standing, wobbling, unable to keep herself still.

“Chrysalis, you ok?” Applebloom asked.

“Chrysalis…” You let out a deep sigh as you begin to prep the spell correctly, or as correctly as you think you can cast it. “Hold still, ok? I’m gonna try to suck the alcohol out of you.”

Suddenly, Chrysalis hopped onto the ceiling, staring down at the both of you with a crazed and angry stare. “Celllleessstttiiiaaaa, Thhhooorrraaaaxxxx.”

“A-Anon? E-er, w-why is she getting scarier?” Applebloom said as she began to shiver, looking upon Chrysalis as she hid behind you.

Indeed, as Chrysalis grew closer, she began to be covered by random flames of green as she started to become a grotesque amalgamation of monsters and ponies, both of those you knew and didn’t know. From a quarter of Twilight’s face to the legs of a manticore. The fuck was going on?! “Chrysalis? Er, what are you doing?”

“You two, you t-t-twoooo. You b-both took everything away from me. And you dare, YOU DARE, show your faces here?” Chrysalis began to drool as her jaw began to contort, her eyes becoming more vicious as they grew. Was she drunk?! Or was she turning into a monster?!

“Anon?” Applebloom began to tremble more as she noticed Chrysalis suddenly stopped moving, only staring.

Shit! You two? Thorax? Celestia?! Dammit, did Chrysalis think you both were them?! Not good, it meant she was going to get violent! “Applebloom, run! RUN!” You had to push her to get her going, because the moment you made a sprint towards the door, Chrysalis crashed down on your position and began to rush towards you and Applebloom as she began to grow larger, growing more legs, screeching like a demon.

“CELESSSSTTTIIIAAAAA!” She bellowed out in a million screams at once as you and Applebloom jumped to the side after escaping her bedroom.

“Anon! Ah thought being drunk made you friendly! What’s happening!?” Applebloom yelled out as she began to hide on the wall next to the door.

You knew what was up, Chrysalis must have been having a alcohol induced PTSD moment. Which, as scary as she was right now, made it more dangerous for herself as well. All she had to do was attack you or Applebloom once and it was over! “Applebloom, this is why I said it wasn’t meant for you. Being drunk doesn’t make you friendly, it just makes you highly emotional. And Chrysalis hasn’t really had a reason to be in a good mood for awhile. C’mon, we have to get downstairs be-” But before you could finish your sentence, you hear a crash at the door. “What in the?”

You take a look over to see Chrysalis had crashed on the doorway itself, unable to fit through due to her increased size. “How in? Who put this door here? Stupid door! I am the queen, and you will not stand in the way of my revenge!” Chrysalis’s twisted horn began to glow, then sputter, then shoot out a useless bolt that did nothing. “When did doorways get so sturdy?”

“What in the hay? Now she’s calm? Ok, now ah really wanna know what that potion did. She ain’t acting right at all.” Applebloom said as she began to give you a hard stare. “We’re you tryin’ to give me a stupid potion?”

What?! Goddammit, didn’t she pay attention the first time?! “Applebloom! I said it makes you highly emotional, and yes, I guess it also makes you kind of stupid. But it isn’t a potion, it is just how the chemicals in the drink work! Now you listen to me and you listen to me good, get out of here, now!” You demanded.

“I-I can’t, it’s already gettin’ to sunset, ah can’t go now! It’s sorta dangerous.” Applebloom said as she looked back towards the stairs, then back towards you. “Besides, ah can’t leave you here alone. Ah gotta help somehow!” Applebloom gave you a stern look “I’m stayin’!, and you c-” And then suddenly, she looked past you, her pupils shrinking as her coat began to turn white. This was not a good sign.

You didn’t even ask Applebloom what was wrong, as it was obvious. But come on, how scary can it be? You look back, and could see Chrysalis looking directly at you, her head was huge, her eyes venomous, thin, red, as her smile was a crescent wide terror of sharp teeth. She was slowly slipping through the doorway as she seemed to flow to the ceiling. You begin to turn pale yourself, you look towards Applebloom, and squeak out. “Run!”

Chrysalis let out a mad roar as she slammed down from above you. You dive into Applebloom, and try to pull her along, screaming at her as Chrysalis began to prep her elongated, skewed, and multiple legs to rush towards the both of you. “Applebloom, now isn’t the time to freeze! We gotta go!”

Applebloom could only stand in place as Chrysalis began to drool, ready at any moment to strike. Dammit! You try pulling at her again, but she wouldn’t budge. So, as a last ditch effort, you rush in front of her and dive into her to try to get her to move. A bad idea, as you both just end up on your bellies, Chrysalis leaping to strike. And leap she did, right over you both, as she ends up crashing down near the edge of the stairs, and then begins to roll down, yelping in pain with every bump, transforming back to her original self with every bounce. You raise your ears, look around, then head to the stairs to see what was going on. By the time she was at the bottom of the stairs, she was looking like her original self, still yelping, until she finally plops to the bottom, groaning in pain.

“Shit…” You say to yourself, looking down at Chrysalis as she just laid there. “She really is drunk, that was fucking terrible. I hope she’s…” And that’s when you hear it. Was she, was she crying?

“Anon!” You hear behind yourself “You ok?! What happened?!” Applebloom asked, bewildered to be ok after what she saw. “I thought we were done for! Ah didn’t know Chrysalis could turn into that!”

“She normally can’t…” You say as you look back at Chrysalis, who continued to weep. “Applebloom, Chrysalis isn’t really herself right now, ok? I really need you to go home and let me handle this.”

“Anon, ah told you, ah can’t go home right now. It’s too late, and really dangerous. Zecora and my sister always tell me not to go into the forest this late by myself. And trust me, ah have experienced the forest enough to know they aren’t kidding with how dangerous it is.” Applebloom said as she gave you a determined look “And besides, I’m ready this time, ah think I can really help!”

Ugh, at this point, you were either willing to let her use Scrappy’s map to teleport into your room, or just use your second charge to send her home yourself. But given you may need that charge, and you don’t want her risking traversing the house by herself… UGGGHHHHH. “Fine, but I’m taking the lead from now on, understand? You follow me, and that’s that. I can send you home instantly if I want, but I need a charge just in case something goes wrong. So, yeah, don’t force me to use it on you.”

“Yikes. Ok, ok, ah get it. But… Is Chrysalis gonna be ok? Is she… Crying?” Applebloom asked, confused and amazed as she too looked down the steps to see a sobbing Chrysalis.

“Yeah, hence why I’m saying to stay behind me and let me check it out. I’m serious, Applebloom. If she hurts you, she’s gone, and I am very not ok with that happening.” You say as you begin to walk down the stairs, stopping for a moment to make sure she acknowledges your words.

“I’m Pinkie Promising here, Anon.” Applebloom says as she does the regular motions to the tried and true Pinkie Promise. “Just make sure you don’t get hurt yourself, ok? Sometimes, ya just don't get how dangerous things are.”

“Heh.” She says that as if she still had a crush on you. Adorable, but dammit, Anon, focus! Your friend was down, and she was fucking crying. You had to make sure she was ok after… Whatever the fuck that all was. Christ, she thought you were Thorax, and Applebloom was Celestia. Dammit, you should have realized getting her drunk at this stage of her life was a bad idea. “No, I get it. Wow, it almost sounds like you’re saying it as my marefriend or something.”

“No! I’m just worried, ok! I just want to make sure you don’t get hurt, that’s all!” You look back to see Applebloom blushing just a little bit. She was probably telling the truth, but just mentioning it embarrassed her. She looked at you as you looked at her. “What are you starin’ at?”

“Nothing, nothing, just double checking that you're alright.” You chuckle, but then sigh, as Chrysalis’s sobs grew as you drew near. “Ok, Applebloom, stay back, ok?” You whisper to her. “There is a possibility she may be faking it, just so we can be close enough for her to strike. Let me go in and see if I can talk to her, alright?”

Applebloom, not only does she nod, but she takes a few steps back up the stairs. “Ok, but be careful! For both yours and her sake.”

“Got it…” You nod towards her as you slowly approach the sobbing queen. “Chrysalis, y-you ok?”

Chrysalis, woah, she actually had tears in her eyes as she began to slowly rise, then fall back on her side. “Grrr, Ngh, Gertrude! You miserable excuse of a queen, how can you be me when you gave up fighting?!” Chrysalis began to try to stand again, only to wobble and fall forward. “Ngh, Why?! Everything is gone, my hive is gone, my children. My children betrayed me, all because of that horrid princess! She must suffer, she must feel my pain!” Chrysalis tried dragging herself across the floor, only to slip and fall back. “After everything I’ve done for them, they all betrayed me. Even… Even…” Chrysalis curled up and began to whimper “Even Scrappy turned into one of them. How can he love me when he’s turned into that abomination?! Why would he?”

Holy shit, she was actually crying. And what she was saying. She was showing she was actually in pain, pain from loss. You’d never thought you’d see the day she was broken up like this, even if she is drunk. Like, fuck, she was even referring to Scrappy as Scrappy, and not her Captain. “Chrysalis. A-are you alright? It’s me, Anon. You ok?”

“Anon? Anon!” Chrysalis cried out for you, even trying to reach for you. “Where are you? You have to hide with me here… In the... “ Chrysalis dizzily looks around as she sniffs, her nose dripping with bright green boogers as tears still continued to stream down her eyes. “Main hall, t-the perfect hiding spot.”

Oh yeah, she was drunk. “Chrysalis, I don’t think-” But she cuts you off.

“I know you don’t think, that’s why I’m doing it for you. You have to hide here with me, or else Celestia will see you’re ready to destroy her. I can’t… I can’t risk her eliminating you.” Chrysalis said as she dragged herself over to where she could hear your voice.

She can’t risk you being eliminated by Celestia? Is that what she thought? In her moments of drunken PTSD, you were amazed she’d be worried about you so deeply at all. Sure, she’s risked her life for you, but she’s always had an excuse as to why she did it as to not to allude to the fact she just liked you. In fact, it prompted you to see what else Chrysalis thought. Maybe, just maybe, even if she didn’t remember it later, it’d stay with her subconsciously that she admitted her true feelings. Plus, it might be safer just to humor her thoughts anyway. “What do you mean, Chrysalis?”

“Of course y-you’d ask that. She’s come for us, Anon, she wants to finish me off.” Chrysalis said drunkenly “But… But, fine, let her. I’ve lost everything, e-very-thing. All I have is you… And to lose you, to ruin your life due to my justified plans for revenge. I can’t let it happen. Anon, do you remember that other Equestria?”

“Yeah, I do. But why do you-OOP!” Suddenly, you feel yourself nabbed by Chrysalis’s magic as she brings you to the grip of her legs. She was suddenly nuzzling you, cuddling. And yet, she wasn’t draining you, at all. She was just holding you, like she was your mother. “C-Chrysalis?”

“Shh, shut up and let me talk. Anon, you… You, I have a confession. I… I enjoyed our adventure, not in an evil sense, b-but in a fun sense. Learning to love cars, teaming up with you to scheme on a plan, pulling it off together. It was all so thrilling, and different. It was strange, as you’d think I wouldn’t have had fun, given Discord just threw me in with you like the callous jerk he is. Yesss… Anon and Nymous. You and me. Anon, I wish… I wish I could have pretended to be your sister more. It was, well, it was like… Like… It felt like I had a real brother. Sure, I hated some of it, but even when we did that whole stupid arcade tournament thing… I had fun. I had fun with you, Anon. But you, you made friends with the ponies, and I have not. I need to end Celestia here, or be ended… It’s the only way to protect you.” Chrysalis said as she began to run her hoof gently through your mane. “You never gave up on me, even after I tried to end you. Anon. S-so, I can’t give up on you. It’s just us against Equestria.”

W-woah, ok, hold up. Although she wasn’t really holding her thoughts together, she just pretty much admitted you were family to her. Did she mean it? How could she not? The alcohol, maybe it was preventing her from holding back on her thoughts after all. If that was the case… Chrysalis, she actually cared, like, cared more than you realized. She loved you, like a sister would love a brother. “Chrysalis, I could never give up on you. You’re one of my dearest friends. You’re like a sister to me. And Diamond cares about you too, remember?”

“I do…” Chrysalis said with a sniff, before breaking out in wild sobbing. “Why, Anon?! Why can’t you just destroy Twilight for me?! No, why… Why won’t you help me take over Equestria? We have the magic, the power, the talent! Annnnon, they’d never accept me for what I am, so how could you so easily just accept my evvvvvilness? How can you, and yet not join me?” Chrysalis was practically begging to know, holding you close as she massaged your head, slowly dragging her hoof along your mane and to the back of your ear. “I just don’t understand. Is it me? Did I do something wrong? What if I threatened you more? Would that help?”

Chrysalis… “Chrysalis, It’s nothing like that. I’m your friend because I like you, because you’re fun to be around, I’ve told you that before. But I can tell, especially at this moment, that you don’t really want to be evil. You just want your life back. And you know what? You could, and more! You can win your children back, still be my friend, and have new friends among the ponies. Chrysalis, you know what I’m talking about, right?”

“Getting rid of Twilight Sparkle to make Celestia miserable forever?” Chrysalis asked, almost sounding like an ignorant child.

“No. It’s by being good, reforming, bettering yourself, and becoming more friendly. Chrysalis, you could even be part of my family if you wanted, I wouldn’t mind having you as a sister. And you know Diamond would love to have you as a sister in law. Look what being evil has gotten you. You’re alone, you don’t know what to do, I don’t even think you have an actual plan to get to Twilight. So please, if you care as much as you say you do about me, just stop, lose to Twilight, and let's go home together, ok?” You give it your all, nuzzling your head under her chin, making your voice sugar sweet. Anything to at least get your feelings down deep into her subconscious.

But all you get in reply is snoring. Goddammit! Fuck! She fell asleep at the most crucial moment! “Ugh… Of course.”

“Wow, ah didn’t know she could actually like anypony that much. Ah mean, she’s still sounding evil about it, but it sounds like you’re everything to her.” Applebloom chimed in as she carefully came down the stairs, being cautious in case she had to run back up.

“Yeah…” You say with a sigh. “I always figured she did, but given all this, I guess this is why she usually put herself at the forefront of her usual schemes. Maybe she didn’t want to lose any of her children to anything… You heard what she said right?”

“Ya mean about not losing you? Yeah, sounded like she was willin’ to go hoof to hoof with Princess Celestia if it meant you’d be ok. Kinda sounds like something Scrappy would do. So then, does being drunk just mean ya tell the truth? Because if Chrysalis is tellin’ the truth, then it means, maybe, she can be convinced to be good. All she has to do is see that you’re more important than being evil.” Applebloom said, as hope began to shine forth through her expression.

“Easier said than done, especially since she probably won’t remember most, or even any of this when she wakes up. Probably won’t even admit she blacked out.” You let out a sorrowful sigh. “She’s going to really give it her all to destroy Twilight. Which makes me scared, I need to hope Twilight will do what is necessary to at least defeat Chrysalis without bruising her ego… Or worse.”

“Ah shucks, Anon, Twilight always knows what to do, it’ll be fine. You should be happy, because once she loses, she’ll definitely choose you over being lonely again! So don’t worry, everything is gonna be fine.” Applebloom said as she tried to cheer you up.

“You say it like it’s so simple. Emotions are pretty complicated, Applebloom.” You tell her.

“Ah know, but it ain’t like I’m wrong. Wasn’t it your idea that if she loses, she’s gonna reform anyway? Why are ya suddenly doubting that?” Applebloom asked you, confused on your sudden flip flop.

“I… Don’t know. I dunno, I guess I’m just afraid of her being stubborn, and making things worse. She pretty much put her emotions on the table there, and I’m just afraid she isn’t willing to forgive Celestia or Thorax.” You respond. “I’m afraid it’s due to that that she isn’t really willing to reform. I thought she was willing, but it just sounded like she’d just go back to the drawing board… Or go crazy and risk her life just to end Celestia, period.”

“Now yer overthinking things, Anon. Let me tell ya, if I was Chrysalis, and I failed in my last chance at ultimate revenge, ah would just reform. It’s what yer dad pretty much did, it’s kinda how Luna became good, sorta. Look, case in point, they saw that reforming was the answer. Besides, let’s say I was really evil. Do ya think I’d just go to a fight ah can’t win? What better way to humiliate Celestia than to beat her at her own game? By bein’ friendlier than she is!” Applebloom explained to you, hoping to get your spirits up.

“Not really Chrysalis’s style, Applebloom. She just wants her destroyed, or just suffering as bad as she is.” You tell her, putting your head down, feeling defeated.

“...Anon, c’mon, you can’t go thinkin’ so negatively on something that ain’t even happened yet. Chrysalis obviously cares about you, and I bet deep down, she’ll think about that, and will just want to be yer friend over anything else. Heck, maybe she don’t even gotta reform, maybe she just becomes somepony who just lives out here and just has fun with the friends she already likes. She’s got a nice house, it ain’t like she has to give it all up.” Applebloom was now trying to be as sensible as she can… And for once, that actually sounded pretty damn sensible.

“Woah… that’s not a bad idea, actually. A neutral solution. She leaves all of ponykind alone, becomes a hermit, and me and Diamond come and visit at our leisure. Everypony wins! Applebloom, I could kiss you!” You even tried to move, but you were stuck tight in Chrysalis’s grip. “Er, metaphorically speaking. Not like I could go and do it anyway.”

“Well, er, shucks, Anon. But er, do you think she’d agree to that much, though?” Applebloom asked, feeling a little unsure, quickly shrugging off your awkward response. “She might just lie, and try to go after Celestia anyway.”

Wut? “Then why did you even make that suggestion?!”

“Because it can still be a thing, Anon. Do you got any better ideas?” Applebloom asks.

“No, so really, I’m going to have to hope she cares more about me than she does about revenge” You let out a small sigh, and snuggle up on Chrysalis. “Maybe I can do that much though. I already know she cares about me. Maybe, just maybe, that is enough that if she decides to go after Celestia anyway, that me threatening breaking my friendship with her would make her reconsider. Underhooved, but she may actually like me doing that.”

“Then you think everything is gonna be ok then?” Applebloom asked, hoping she had helped calm your nerves.

“Yeah, yeah, I think I can make sure everything will be alright.” It isn’t like she’s going to get the upper hand on Twilight or anything anyway. Twilight's victory was pretty much locked down.

“Yeah! Wait, what do we do now, though? Ah kinda got to get going soon, and er, you look kinda stuck.” Applebloom, now sure everything is ok, realized the situation at the current moment needed to be resolved.

“Well, er, looks like I’m kinda sleeping here then. It’ll be fine, I’m hoping she at least remembers some of this. Like maybe she’ll be all angry, but deep inside, she liked snuggling with me.” You say.

Applebloom began to ponder on that, then nodded to agree with you. “Well, she was the one who pulled you in to snuggle with in the first place. You know my sister can be stubborn too, but if she was in Chrysalis’s horseshoes, she’d probably do exactly what ya think Chrysalis would do. About the whole snuggling thing, ah mean.”

“Yeah, that’s why I’m not even gonna bother leaving. Better for her to appreciate the company then just leave her here to sleep on the ground on her own. Anyway, er, about the meetup tomorrow, are you and the girls really good to go for that? Like, meeting up at the old castle in the forest?” You ask Applebloom.

“Of course, part of being crusaders isn’t just about helping others get their cutie marks, it’s also about making all kinds of new friends. So yeah, you can count on us to be there. Er, but, Anon.” Suddenly, a spark of worry began to fill Applebloom’s head. “Er, about you and Chrysalis right now. Is she still drunk? Cuz, well, what if she wakes up and thinks you’re Thorax, and tries to end you or something?” Applebloom asked as she approached Chrysalis’s face. She noted she was out like a light, but without knowing what being drunk truly feels like, was afraid Chrysalis would just wake up and be as scary as she was when she actually took the drink.

“No worries about that, Applebloom. She’s just going to wake up with a hangover.” You tell her

“A hangover? What’s that?” Applebloom asked as she tilted her head

“She’ll be herself again, but with a really bad headache.” You explain to her.

“Oh, but doesn’t that mean she’s just gonna be all mean anyway?” Applebloom asked, being a rather inquisitive sort.

You twitched at that. She probably would be mean… Maybe even toss you out while you yourself were sleeping, or maybe just kick you… Or something... Kicking would be bad. “Er, it’ll be fine, Applebloom, Promise. Look, you're right, it's getting late, so I'll send you home myself.” And with that, and despite Applebloom’s worry, you send her home using the last charge you had. You then just lay there, on the floor, cuddled by Chrysalis. Well, at least you were going to get an early rest, despite it being uncomfortable on the floor.

Chrysalis, you could only hope for her now.

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