• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 88 - The Hyrule Campaign Finale

You had had stood on top of the teleport pad and ended up in a grand lobby. Around the party were horrible statues of the great demon king Ganon in various monstrous poses. The teleport pad back to the main room was behind you all. You all appeared right in front of it, all of you standing on a grand red carpet that went up a staircase.

You all prepared yourselves as the party cautiously climbed the stairs. As you all began to reach the end, you could see the grand doors to the next room had already been opened. “Hoo boy, she just couldn’t wait, could she?”

“Applejack has always been pretty stubborn like that. Ok team, so he already knows we’re all here. We lose the element of surprise, but it’s still four against one! Alright! Is everypony ready?” Garbuncle asked as he raised his staff, ready for a brawl

“I totally am! Let’s roast that pig!” Moonlight said as she hovered upwards and brandished her dagger.

“Well, we need to skewer him first.” Captain Wuz said with a smirk as he took an arrow into his talons, twirled it around, and placed it back in his quiver.

“Nope, we gotta tenderize him first! HAHA!” You cackle as you slam your hoof onto the ground.

“Alright then! Let’s go!” Garbuncle yells out as he kicks the doors open and rushes inside, all of you rushing in behind him.

The room you all rushed into was a large audience hall made up of spiked pillars, black stone walls and floors, and the red carpet stretching out to a large dark throne that looked cursed with its twisted design and spikes protruding from the sides. There were also doors behind said throne, opened towards the room as if someone had come into the room from the backside. Near the wall on the side of the throne laid Jackapple, knocked out cold. However, right next to the throne, was a brown coated unicorn in a dark desert colored armor with a dirty white cape flowing back. His mane flared red and flowed back, his eyes a deeper crimson red of evil. His horn however, was rather odd, it was black from the base and quickly transitioned to red as it went to the tip.

“That’s him! ” You pointed out, knowing for sure that was Ganon… Or rather, Ganondorf… Who you noticed also wasn’t made of paper. Whatever, you step forward from the group and point over at the evil wizard unicorn. “Alright Ganon, we’ve come to take you down! Your reign of terror ends here!”

“Reign of what now? Ugh… Why is there nothing normal in this tower? Look, whoever you four are, I demand to know what’s going on here.” Ganondorf said in a rather… flamboyant yet demanding tone, something you found really confusing, especially since it immediately sounded like he had no clue what was going on.

“Are you sure that’s him?” Garbuncle eases over towards you and whispers “I was expecting a giant pig monster.”

“Yeah, that’s him, for sure. This is his hum-... Er, pony form. His pig form is his second one.” You explain in a whisper.

“Oh… In that case…” Garbuncle hopped forward and pointed his staff towards Ganon “You know exactly what’s going on here, Ganon. Give up now or face the awesome power of Garbuncle, the most powerful wizard you’ve ever seen!” Garbuncle told him as he struck a heroic pose.

“Ganon? Ganon… Just like I told this fool, I’m not Ganon! Look, I don’t know how I got here, but if you can tell me where the exit is then I promise to make your servitude to me less painful than it usually is.” Ganon said to your party as he looked over at the throne. “And tell me who rules this land, I wish to bring him under my control as well.”

“Uhhhhh…” Moonlight was heavily confused, hell, you all were. “You do? This is your tower, right?”

“No, this isn’t my tower. I don’t know what you all are playing at, but I’m getting tired of it. Last chance, tell me how to leave this place or else you will suffer my wrath.” Ganon was getting annoyed, looking down at the party with growing disdain for the group.

You move over to Discord and begin whispering to him. “Yo, Discord, the hell is up with this guy? You didn’t foul up the final boss, did you?”

“Normally, I’d feel insulted by those words… But… I honestly have no clue. But he seems so familiar… I would even hazard a guess that he isn’t a game piece.” Wuz stated as he began to stare harder at the unicorn, trying to figure out from where he remembered him from.

“You’re not gonna fool us! You’re gonna fall here, Ganon! You’re gonna pay for hurting our friend!” Garbuncle announced to him as he prepared to jump back and cast a dark barrier spell.

“Hurting who? You mean the stupid earth pony? Oh please, she didn’t even give me the pleasure. She attempted to buck me and somehow ended up blasting towards the wall. Ha, it was rather funny actually, as it seems I have become more powerful through my mysterious revival than I had thought, even gaining a barrier to do away with any pests who try to harm me. But as amusing as that is, I truly do tire of this. I suppose I should at least subjugate you pathetic heroes and add you to my ranks, as I wish to have the Crystal Empire under my control before the next day starts.” Ganon stated as he brushed his cape back, looking like he was about to prep himself for a fight.

“Crystal Empire?...” Garbuncle suddenly stops, a horrid foreboding filling his mind as he points over to Ganon “Do you mean… the Crystal Empire Crystal Empire? As in the Crystal Empire Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor rule over? You don’t mean that one, do you?”

Ganon’s eye twitched when he heard those words, he slammed his front hooves down in annoyance as he proclaimed “No! There is only one ruler! One who rules over the Crystal Empire and all the pathetic crystal ponies who live within it! And that ruler is me! Learn my name well, simpletons, because I will no longer tolerate any mistakes. I am King Sombra, the one who rules over all your miserable lives, and you will obey me!”

“King Sombra… D-did you say, King S-S-Sombra?” Garbuncle suddenly felt his bravery fall as he took a step back, fearing that Ganon’s proclamation may in fact be the truth.

“I did… So, you have heard of me. Well then, will you finally surrender and show me the exit? Or do I have to crush you first? Both choices will have you under my control, it’s just one is significantly less painful than the other. So think carefully, this is your final chance.” Ganon said with an evil hearty laugh, finally feeling he was getting somewhere.

WHAT?! That couldn’t be! That couldn’t be the actual FACTUAL King fucking Sombra! You looked back at Garbuncle, who seemed to be reeling back now that an actual threat has presented itself. However, that didn’t stop Moonlight from stepping forward and bravely attempt to talk him down. “You’re King Sombra? The one everypony says Spike beat? Pah! I guess that means you don’t stand a chance against us if a baby dragon can take you down!”

“D-diamond… E-er, relax there. Not like we have a Crystal Heart to beat him with right now.” Garbuncle said in a fearful stutter, trying to calm her down.

“How dare you! How dare a foal even suggest such a thing! I was never truly defeated, I merely disappeared and bided my time until I could return and exact my revenge on those who ATTEMPTED to seal me. Do not think just because you are young that I will show mercy, all will bow before me, no matter whom it may be.” Ganon, or rather, King Sombra was losing the last bit of patience he had, he wasn’t exactly going to let a little foal boss him around or tell him what’s what.

Could you beat him? Could all of you beat him? What was the power scale between him and Discord…? Wait. You look over to Discord, and start barking at him. “HEY! GEEZ! ARE YOU GOING TO DO SOMETHING HERE!? THAT’S KING FREAKING SOMBRA! HOW THE HECK COULD YOU EVEN GO AND REVIVE HIM?! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!”

But Wuz just shrugged with a smirk “I wasn’t, at least when it came to how much magic I was using to create this campaign. As for doing something, well, I thought things were going swimmingly already. But if you insist, I suppose I can do something.” Wuz stepped forward as he fiddled with his paws and talons. When he stepped ahead of the group, he simply waved to Sombra as he spoke in a loud and obnoxious voice. “SOMMBYYY, HOW ARE YOU?! IT’S BEEN WAAAYYYY TOO LONG!”

“Too long? What makes you think you’d even be worthy enough to even be remembered? Do you think I’d take the time to remember such a misshapen thing like you? I wouldn’t even consider you to clean the royal latrine, you’re that ugly.” King Sombra stated. Huh, either he somehow doesn’t remember Discord, or he just doesn’t recognize him.

“Oh come on, Somby, don’t be that way. I’m trying very hard not to break character here, since we’re still in the middle of our game. You really don’t recognize me?” Wuz asked, still keeping a rather pleasant tone towards Sombra.

“...I’ve lost my patience! As I said, why would I ever remember a worm like you!” Sombra said as he stomped his front right hoof forward, exhausted with all the shenanigans at this point.

“Ugh…” Wuz snapped his talons, causing his clothes, weapons, and hair to disappear as his true form is revealed. “And I’m getting tired of how blind you are. Really, how many beings do you know that look even half as amazing and handsome as I do?”

“The lord of chaos…?” Sombra said under his breath in surprise. He then narrowed his eyes towards him, and began to speak. “Discord? Ha, well pardon me oh chaotic one. Last I heard of you, the princesses had sealed you away.”

“Well…” Discord produced a black pot and kettle and scoffed at Sombra “Isn’t that calling the kettle black? Last I checked, the princesses had done the same to you, and then a baby dragon a thousand years after. Ohhhh, Somby, you were never one for humility. Which, quite frankly, just makes you look more foolish. King? More like jester.” Discord said with a hearty laugh.

“Grrr! Don’t mock me!” King Sombra growled “If you must truly know, setbacks DO happen. You were defeated, I was blindsided. I was busy forming a larger army to bring you down, and then use you to solidify my place as king of the Crystal Empire. I had no idea those worthless princesses would get the jump on me. You were a much bigger threat to deal with and therefore required absolute focus.”

“Excuses... And what do you mean by ‘were’? I’m still the greatest threat the world has ever known! I’m the spirit of chaos, remember? I could turn your precious empire into a strawberry in an instant if I so wanted to.” Discord crosses his arms, becoming less amused as the conversation went on.

“Oh, you know what I mean by 'were'. Entertaining foals, Discord? I can already tell the ponies of Equestria have tamed you like the mutt you are. I wonder what pathetic pony managed to do you in. HA! I bet she was ohhhh so sweet and lovable that you couldn’t do a thing to her. Oh wait, I meant pathetic and weak. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You’re playing silly games with fillies and colts, Discord. Face it, I am the true lord here! Master of darkness! The REAL ruler of not only the Crystal Empire, but ALL OF EQUESTRIA! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” King Sombra laughed maniacally as he mocked Discord, sure that he was much more powerful than he was.

Discord suddenly went silent, his face filled with a dark essence, his eyes boiling on the inside. He not only got insulted, but Sombra also insulted Fluttershy, something he would not take lightly. At first, he just thought about doing Sombra in right then and there. But then something clicked in his mind. He was saving the time door to a future ruled by Sombra for you, just to see what would happen. For shits and giggles essentially. But here he was, the genuine article of this universe, and what better way to humiliate the fuck out of him than to have you do it. Discord steps back, and beckons you over with a talon. “Anon… Front and center.”

The hell? “Uhhh… What’s going on? C’mon, this is serious, just blast him! The guy just mocked you and Fluttershy!” You yourself didn’t want to take any chances. And while you were angry that he mocked your friends and family, you were still wary of the situation. Could… Discord really not beat him?

“I won’t ask again… Here, now.” Discord pointed directly downward in front of himself, looking very serious and furious.

“Discord, dude… Whatever you’re thinking, now is not the WHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAA!” Spike, in worry for you, tries to get Discord to calm down and try to figure things out. But Discord would have none of it, and sent him flying back through the doors.

“D-daddy Discord? A-are you ok?” Diamond’s ears folded back. She had never seen Discord so upset and angry before, it was actually scaring her, especially knowing what he was capable of.

“Not particularly… Please leave the tower with Spike, things are going to get very serious and I don’t want you to get hurt.” Discord told her, his tone of voice still ominous and terrifying.

“But what about A-” Diamond tried to ask about you, what he planned to do with you, but Discord stopped her as he pointed towards the door and yelled out.

“GO! I WILL NOT ASK AGAIN!” Discord growled at her, like a very angry father towards a timid daughter.

Diamond squeaks as her survival instincts take over. She starts running back towards the door, but then suddenly stops and looks back at you, she didn’t want to leave you alone, and was trying to force herself to come back to help you. But just as she took her first step, the door suddenly swings shut, smacking her backwards. Discord cringed at that, and sheepishly looked to the right as his near demonic mood suddenly left him. “Ohhhh, did not mean to actually hit her. She’ll be alright though. Anyway, on to business. Anon, go take care of Somby, will you? I’m getting tired of him.”

“BWHAHAHAHA! That was quite a show, Discord. And for what? For you to send a colt at me? Ohhhh, I’m soooo scared! The lord of chaos, relying on a foal? Oh, that’s just rich! Never mind, I need a warm up. Go ahead, send him here, we can make a real game out of it. We’ll time how long it takes for me to destroy his mind with my magic.” Sombra was suddenly quite jovial, relishing at the thought of Discord suddenly being so pathetic and weak that he had to send a foal after him. Relishing even more to see his reaction after he decimates you.

“Discord, are you nuts?! This guy is probably a lot more powerful than the Storm King, and I don’t have my horn in this dimension. What do you expect out of me?” He couldn’t be serious, because it looked like he was gonna send you at him as is.

“Anon, my adopted child not child, my chaos buddy, my pincushion.” Discord leaned down, and gently placed his paw on your shoulder, looking at you with the caring face a real father would make. “You have all the tools you need already to bring him down. For me, I could end him in an instant, but true glory will come to both of us if you, a colt, are able to bring him down. He has insulted our family, Anon, and I know that means something to you. Besides…” Discord stands up, and shrugs with a grin on his face “I actually got Twilight to agree to a bet about who would win, you or Sombra. I admit, she was under duress, I may have annoyed her a bit, and it wasn’t so much a bet more so a long explanation on how, without the crystal heart, he’d kick your butt. But to me, it’s still something I could hold over her for the fun of it.”

Christ… “You know she’s gonna freak when she finds out you even revived the guy, right?”

Discord nods profusely, without even saying a word.

…Typical, albeit hilarious.

“Are you serious?! ARE YOU TRULY SERIOUS?! BWHAHAHA! THIS IS YOUR SON?! THIS TINY THING?! THIS IS THE HEIR TO YOUR THRONE?! AHAHAHA! HAHAHEHEHEHAHA!” Sombra was laughing gleefully, tears actually running down his face as he waved his hoof forward. “No! Nohahaha! That’s simply too much! I might disappear into the ether from laughing too much! And you’re sending him at me?! You’re putting the fate of Equestria in his hooves?! Oooooh Discord, how far you have fallen. You are truly pathetic compared to me. The pony that tamed you, oh yes, I’ll make sure she has a special place scrubbing my dungeons. And this colt? Ha, I’ll destroy him in front of you, just for laughs. MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

Ok, now he was really getting on your nerves. Fuck, you’d have preferred if he just grunted and said ‘crystals’ every five seconds. This was Sombra? THE Sombra? This gay, up his own ass, retard motherfucker? No, fuck this, this was not in your headcanon and you would not stand for this. He has insulted you, Discord, and Fluttershy long enough. So yeah, you start stepping forward towards him angrily and begin to yell at him. “LAUGH IT UP, MOTHERFUCKER! GO AHEAD, LAUGH! BECAUSE THAT’S THE LAST STRAW! NOPONY, AND I MEAN NOPONY, MAKES FUN OF MY FAMILY AND LIVES TO TELL ABOUT IT!... Yeah, you heard me, LIVE! L-I-V-E! Because guess what? I’m gonna chop off your fucking head, I swear it!”

Sombra’s laughter suddenly ends as he actually brings a hoof to his neck, then looks down at you, a little confused. As evil as he was, he never expected a colt to speak in such a horrid and violent manner. “Not that you will be able to, but don’t you think that’s a bit much?”

“Ha! You think that’s a lot? I didn’t even get to the part where I’m gonna take your head and shove it up the ass of an ursa major! And your body? I’m gonna cut it up and use your coat to line my bed. Oh yeah, fuckface, you ain’t seen the kinda shit I’ve seen. You gonna die, not get sealed… Die.”

Sombra actually felt uncomfortable with you and your mannerisms, but it wasn’t enough to get him to back down. No, in fact, it actually interested him to face off against an opponent he thought was a simple colt. He still felt he was going to crush you, but he was impressed by the darkness that seemed to be in your heart. “Die, you say? Now I’m interested. Tell me, Anon… What could have possibly happened to you to turn your heart so black? I’ve never seen a colt so angry in my life, so full of hatred. I could use you, actually. Don’t throw your life away now, you know you can’t beat me. But with your hatred infused with my magic, you could grow up to be the most powerful stallion in the world!... Next to me of course. My powers can create strength from hatred and darkness, and you, I can tell, would be the perfect candidate to use my gift to bring me the throne to this entire world. Come now, Anon, don’t be foolish… Make the right choice.” Indeed, Sombra had considered it right there, at this moment. His powers can strengthen those inclined in the darkness, and he felt he could use you as his pawn. In all the time he has ever lived, he had never witnessed ANYTHING like you before, he had never heard such fearful and evil words out of anyone, not even himself… He simply had to have you.

“Fuck off, how about I put my axe in your face?” You growl at him as you brandish your axe.

“Do you truly have it in you to end my life? No hesitation whatsoever? Tell me, Anon… You’re very young. Doesn’t the thought of snuffing one out, even one as evil as I, terrify you? Look into my eyes, Anon, and look into your own despair. See that what scares you most!” Sombra said with a cackle… But oddly enough, his eyes weren’t glowing or emitting any magic whatsoever. He was trying to lock you within your own nightmares to be able to control you, but it was failing. “What?! What is going on?! What happened to my powers?!”

“Oh, you’re still playing the game, Somby. I’m afraid your role doesn’t exactly have such a power.” Discord said as he gave an uncaring shrug towards him “Which means, it is Anon’s turn to do as he wishes.”

“Oh? And he really is going to try to defeat me with an axe? Even after knowing what happened to his friend?” Sombra said with a dark chuckle. "How droll"

Discord just shrugs at him “Dunno, that’s up to him.”

“That’s right, fucker, and I’m going to murder you so damn hard that even the hardcore bronies can’t fucking argue the possibility for you to come back for another season!” Oh yeah, you were bloodthirsty alright. You wanted this fucker dead.

“That doesn’t make any sense… But alright, give it your best swing. Just be warned, I have given you your chance, and I will be taking your dark essence for myAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” Sombra was now screaming in pain as your axe slammed and embedded itself into his forehead. He was staggering backwards in pain, unable to even see due to it being so blinding. “AHHHH! IT HURTS! IT ACTUALLY HURTS! GET IT OUT! GET IT OUT! I CAN SEE A BRIGHT LIGHT AND I DON’T LIKE IT!”

Geezez christ, even when he’s dying he acts like some prissy wuss. “Can’t you at least die with dignity?”

Sombra didn’t respond, he was just screaming in pain as his body began fill with a bright light, almost as if he was about to explode into stardust. And then? He actually did, he exploded into stardust…. Whoopee.

“Holy shit… What a joke! This was fucking Sombra?” You grab your axe, then look to Discord with dismay and disappointment “That was fucking Sombra?! Christ, Discord, how easy was he back then? Why didn’t you deal with him before the princesses did?”

“It’s called giving him a sporting chance before I hilariously humiliated him. Not my fault that I decided to deal with the princesses first and got cheap shotted by a bunch of stones. He wasn’t even anything back then until I was gone, that’s when he really became a threat… To ponies. Compared to me, Sombra is but a mere ant. As evidenced by your splendid if anticlimactic finish.” Discord started to scratch his head as he looked upon the stardust floating around the room. “Odd though… I swear I had the role of Ganon inserted into the campaign correctly.”

“Yeah, the hell is up with that? Shouldn’t he have a second form or something? Ugh, I really wanted this to be an epic battle. Fuck man, the ACTUAL Ganon would have been more fun to fight than Sombra. How the fuck did anypony have trouble with that guy?” Like seriously, he just let you kill him.

“Well, dark magic is a powerful force when put up against normal unicorn magic. It takes something much greater to defeat it. And then there’s my magic, which trumps everything. Ahhh, but we all already knew that. Hmmm… A pity, I was really hoping for more banter out of this. But he really asked for it, didn’t he?” Discord shook his head “Tsk ,tsk, tsk… Didn’t even get a chance to catch up with good ole Somby.”

“Yeah well, I doubt there was anything THAT interesting about him. Shit, he tried to pull the whole ‘join me on the dark side’ bullshit. He’s so full of himself too, I don’t even think he realized he was affected by your magic. What a putz” Really, what a goddamn loser. He was such- Uh oh, just as you were starting to relax, the tower began to quake and shake. Goddamnit, you knew what that meant! “Never mind, fuck it, time to go!”

As you and Discord began to rush back towards the door, Spike and Diamond had managed to get it open as it seemed they didn't leave the tower. Spike looked frantic, scared, but still ready to fight. “Guys! Is Sombra summoning up a lot of power?! The whole tower is shaking! We can’t let you-OHHHH!” Discord just grabs Spike like a football and rushes towards the teleporter as you dive under Diamond to get her on your back.

“A-Anon?! What’s going on? Why are we running? S-shouldn’t we go back and fight Sombra?” Diamond asked as she held onto you tightly.

“Already beat him! Need to focus! Tower falling apart!” You said in between breaths as you rush towards the portal behind Discord with Diamond in tow. Even as you all appeared in the main room, you both wasted no time running towards the front doors of the tower as everything started to fall apart.

“You beat him?! Sombra?! Just like that?! How did you beat him without the Crystal Heart?!” Spike was utterly surprised, even as he bobbed up and down in Discord’s grip.

“It wasn’t as cool as you think it was…” You mutter to yourself as you reach the drawbridge. Ah hell, it started to fall apart behind you. “OHHH NOO! RUN RUN RUN!”

“Wait… Why do I have to run? I’m not even in costume anymore…” Discord stops and snaps his talons, causing him and Spike to appear at the other end of the drawbridge.

“What?! DARNIT! WHY COULDN’T YOU DO THAT FOR U-UUUAAAHHHH!” Both you and Moonlight didn’t quite make it. Well, you thought you both didn’t. But you were somehow still in the air. How? When you look back, you could see Diamond was holding onto you as tightly as she can as she fluttered her wings as quickly as possible. “Diamond… Heh, you’re amazing.”

“D-don’t say that right now! I-I’m trying to focus!” Diamond was, as usual, lovestruck by your words. But she couldn’t let herself fall for you or else it’d be the hottest fall both of you would ever have.

Eventually, you all stand at the edge of the crevice of the lava pit as you all watch Ganon’s tower fall into ruin. “Welp… I suppose we win. Not bad for a beginner campaign.” Discord said with a nod.

“Yeah… I mean, I really expected things to get rough when it turned out you revived Sombra. I was like, super scared. Guess he really isn’t much when it comes to you and Anon. Chaos magic is pretty scary.” Spike said, impressed by you and Discord’s efforts. “And it was an accident, right? I mean reviving him?”

“Trust me, Spike, it was. It made things TOO easy…” You say with an arrogant chuckle “The real Ganon would have put up a better fight.”

“I wish I could have seen you fight him, Anon, I bet it was really epic. Either way, this was a lot of fun! And we all managed to get out together!” Diamond said with glee, very happy to know she actually completed her first campaign, and even happier to know you outrank a powerful villain like King Sombra.

“Yeah… Wait.” Your eyes suddenly go wide “All of us? Uhh…” You looked around, and noticed a party member was missing. “Where’s… Uh… Applejack?”

“Oh no! We left her in the tower! Oh man! What do we do now?!” Spike was flabbergasted that he somehow forgot about her. Sure, at this point you couldn’t truly die in these campaigns unless Discord willed it, but it can still hurt. Hell, maybe Discord did will that she could die considering Sombra seemed to be gone.

“Oh, I’m sure she’ll be alright. Strange though, the campaign should have ended right about…” But Discord’s words are cut off as a large pig like monster broke free from the rubble of the tower. His power so strong, it sent flying boulders of stone all over the place. And among the boulders was Applejack, hurtling towards the party and landing behind you all. “Oh, see? I told you she’d be a-” And before anyone could even react, a boulder comes down and utterly crushed Applejack into nonexistence. “Ohhhhhhhh, that’s gonna sting.”

“This power… THIS POWER! IT IS BEYOND ANYTHING I COULD HAVE IMAGINED! HAHAHAHA! YOU FOOLS! YOU HAVE MADE ME EVEN STRONGER THAN EVER BEFORE! WITH THIS NEW POWER, NOT ONLY IS EQUESTRIA ITSELF WITHIN MY GRASP, BUT THE COSMOS THEMSELVES WILL BE MINE! OOHHHHH, IT MAKES ME FEEL SOOOOOO GIDDY! MWHAHAHAHA!” Oh god, it was the actual form of Ganon… With Sombra’s mind. He stood towering on his two feet, still in his desert armor, as a trident began to form above him within the bolts of a wicked lightning storm. He must be at least twenty fucking feet in size too.

“Oh, there’s his second form.” Finally, now it looks like you guys can have an actual fight!


“Well, we do have our legendary weapons. Come now, my comrades, let us throw away our fear and defeat this villain once and for-” But Discord is cut off as Sombra begins to scream and wail.

“WHAT IS GOING ON?! WHY CAN’T I WALK RIGHT?! GY-HAAAAA! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Sombra, it seemed, was not actually used to being bipedal. He immediately trips over himself, rolls forward, and falls off the edge of the cliff and into the lava below. Immediately the land around the fallen tower began to brighten up as the evil clouds above began to clear.

“...And there he goes…” How… Lame…

And with that, everything returned to normal. You all appear back in the cutie map room in normal attire. Applejack was knocked out cold apparently, snoring, as her back was being ruined due to her sleeping on the backrest of one of the seats… Like, her head and ass were hanging downwards as her spine was right on the backrest… She was gonna wake up awfully sore in the morning.

...Well, that was a thing. It was certainly... A thing.

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