• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 144 - Everything is just Cozy

Snowball war, when that happened, you had to be prepared. No cannons on your back, that is a bad move. Indeed, a really really bad move. Could use an auto-turret, or use your magic to just cast a ‘flurry’ spell to obliterate your opposition with a barrage of snowballs. But eh, Diamond and Bonbon would probably get on your case and…


And then there’s the fact that using chaos magic would actually make things too easy. Nobody would acknowledge your actual skills and…


Wha? You break out of your thoughts to see your friends looking at you, confused. Ocellus looked especially confused, not even getting a read on your current emotional state.

“Anon, your head ok? Yona not cause it to hurt and become lost later after challenge?” Yona asked, looking at you like you were crazy.

“Huh? No, no, just got lost in thought. Uh, we were talking about the story’s morals, right?” You asked.

Yona nodded “Yes, and Yona already greatly understand it. Yaks have always understood working together and being there for one another. Yaks work hard to keep Yakyakistan strong and good. Yaks always work together because it’s what’s best. Although, Yona admit we have hard time working together with others who are not yaks, because they not understand yaks.”

“Oh, yes, I understand how that is because we changelings used to hate everycreature, we believed in only ourselves, so I kind of get the whole ‘not working together thing’. But ever since we changed, and Thorax became our king, we have been learning to accept help while doing our best to help any in need. It’s still kind of hard, since somecreatures don’t completely trust us. But if it is anything like that story, then maybe, one day, we’ll be seen just like everycreature else. We’re already willing to help when we can, erm, mostly. We do have some trouble with more scary things.” Ocellus says.

“Well, Hippogriffs have worked together for a super duper long time!” Silverstream said joyfully before coming to a halt in her mind, then shrugging. “Though, I guess that’s because we were together for a super duper long time. Not much you can really do when you’re hiding from an evil king all your life.” Silverstream’s endless energy finally seemed to lose steam for a moment before she looked back up to you all with a hopeful smile. “But I hope, with all these lessons and all the time I have to spend with you all, that I learn everything I need to help all hippogriffs become super duper, er, super, uh, everything! That’s right, everything, every element ever! That’s how you would say it, right?”

You almost laughed. Silverstream was strangely adorable, had she really been underwater and secluded from the world for so long that these kinds of concepts were foreign to her? Weird. “Sounds right to me. Well, to put in my two bits, I get the moral of the story and all.” Hell, you were even surprised by it. For a good while, you pretty much thought that the ways of this world, as kindly as many a pony can be, would lead to success for Silver. But you should have realized that the kind of business model he was using would never actually work no matter the universe it was used in. “Being generous can have its own rewards, and even then, it is self fulfilling as well. I’ve done things like that myself, so I get it.” You look over to Cozy with a smile. “Cozy Glow here was looking for a hero to help her with her own friendship issues, and of course, me being me, I was happy to help.” You say, feeling rather fulfilled and a little pompous about it all. Why wouldn’t you? You were doing good deeds, and you were awesome. “Given how last class went, I can safely say I already know and understand this and every future lesson, if I do say so myself.”

That cockiness, it resonated with Cozy and Silverstream to revere you even more while Ocellus seemed a little sickly about it, perhaps feeling, or just knowing, you were being overly arrogant about it now. Of course, with Cozy speaking next, it only served to boost your ego. “Oh yes, Anon has been oh so very generous to me. When I needed help, he was there. When I was sad, he was there to cheer me up. When I needed advice, he was there to tell me exactly what I needed to know. It’s why I like to call him ‘Professor Anon’, at least outside of class. I hope, one day, I can repay him. I want to show Anon that I understand everything about friendship. In fact, and golly, I hope it doesn’t make me sound too ambitious, but I want to show everycreature that I can be just as good at it as Headmare Twilight. T-that isn’t too much, right?” She asked, looking sheepishly at everyone.

“Nah, it just means you have big dreams. But big dreams means you have to work extra hard to get to them.” You say as you give Cozy a gentle rub on the head. Although, now you began to feel guilt settle in. Why did you say that? How was she even going to react once you told her the compass was the last magical thing you were going to help her with? Poor thing… But, she did seem in much better straits now. She didn’t need your magical help anymore, so you were sure you could word it in a way that would be encouraging to her. “You’re up to the test, right, Cozy?”

Cozy looked at you with a great big smile, flapped her wings, and nodded. “Mhmm! Gee, sometimes I feel more than ready after all your help.” She said as she hovered over to you and gave you a gentle hug. “Once I make my big dreams happen, I pwomise to find a way to pay you back.”

All that optimism, it made you feel genuinely good inside. Perhaps this is how Silver felt when he was running his business. Yeah, Anon, you did good, you’re doing everything right. “Aw, you don’t have to do that, Cozy. I’m just glad I was able to help you out.”

Ocellus could sense genuine care in you this time, no lust whatsoever. She smiled, and looked at you, not only happy with you, but even feeling proud of you. “Anon, that’s so sweet. I didn’t know you were helping her that much.”

“Well, she kind of needed it, Ocellus. She was having trouble making friends here in school.” You say, which, for some reason, prompted Cozy to speak once more, her tone being just a tiny bit faster paced than before. Almost as if she was trying to correct you.

“M-mhmm, but everything is ok now. I even had Counselor Starlight to help me too. Now I already have more friends than I ever ever thought I’d ever have.” Cozy said, making a bright smile towards all of you.

“Ah, Anon…” You suddenly hear from your side. It was Rarity. She seemed rather concerned as she approached your group. “How are you doing?”

“Huh? Oh Mi-, er, Professor Rarity. I’m doing fine, just discussing the lesson with my friends.” You tell her.

Rarity suddenly calms down, she then gives you a bright smile. “Very good, exactly what I like to hear. Pardon me for interrupting you then, to all of you, actually. Given that nasty little incident from before, I was honestly afraid you may feel uncomfortable with our school in general. That is why…” Rarity’s horn begins to glow as small cups of tea gently land on each one of your desks. “...I thought some tea would be good for everycreature. It’s calming, helps relax the nerves, and is excellent to drink during conversation. I just want to make sure everycreature is comfortable in my class, especially after any possible stressful events they may have gone through.”

Once again, Rarity shows her class. You all take your tea as Rarity leaves a teapot for you all to use as she makes her way to give another set to the next group. You all thanked her, of course, and resumed your conversation. Which, really, didn’t have much else to go. Ocellus talked about how thankful she was that the generosity of ponies allowed her race to continue. Yona talked about more yak stuff. Silverstream was just enamored by it all, always commenting how hippogriffs didn’t know this or that for the longest of times due to their predicament. Really, perhaps things would have been more interesting with Smolder or Gallus present, given the fact their societies aren't exactly 'generous'.

Then there was Cozy Glow. She didn’t have too much to say at all, only making cute comments or always agreeing with everyone in the group. Hell, the only real thing she had to add herself is that in the future, she wanted to show everycreature a meaning of friendship from her own mind. She didn’t elaborate too much on it though, even after you asked what she meant. You expected some cutesy answer, but instead she only said “Silly Anon, it’s a super secwet surpise!”. Poor Cozy, whatever it was, you hoped it didn’t blow up in her face too badly.

In fact, as class ended and Rarity addressed everyone, mostly telling them to have a ‘fabulous’ day, you couldn’t help but think about your discussion with Starlight about Cozy again. And that was on top of Silverstream trying to pull you away once you stepped into the hallway, to discuss more about you and your ‘crazy adventures’. Ocellus, thankfully, was able to convince her to talk to you later, if only perhaps due to the reason that she didn’t want her alone with you until you ‘sort yourself out’. You wanted to talk to Cozy, but you’d save it for after school, you didn’t want to upset her and ruin her mood for the rest of her classes.

“Anon, golly, what are you doing just standing there? Are you being silly again?” Cozy said, suddenly staring up at you as she broke your train of thought.

“Huh? Oh, er, Cozy? Yeah, heh. ‘Silly Anon’, lost in thought is me. But hey, how are you feeling? Loving your new friendships?” You ask her, feeling a little awkward, doing your best to seem like you’re in better spirits.

“Mhmm, you’re all the bestest friends a pony could ever have ever! That’s why I wanted a chance to talk to you. Lucky I caught up with you, right?” Cozy asked as she looked up to you with a great big grin. Christ, you could already feel the guilt settle in. And yet, hearing that, at least you knew she was happy, that was a plus, right?

“Huh? What about?” You ask her.

“Well, it’s about your magic. I think I shouldn’t ask you to use it to help me anymore. I was reading up on your lesson thingy with your dad, and I didn’t realize how much work went into chaos magic, it made me feel oh so awful. You put so much effort into making sure nothing bad happens when you use it, and asking you to help me with anything that is supposed to be full of harmony is dangerous, I felt so bad over it. I’m so sowwy, d-do you forgive me?” Cozy looked up at you with big eyes, big teary eyes as her ears folded back. D’awwwww. Welp, looks like you didn’t need to break her spirit, she did that herself.

You gave her a warm smile and gave her a pat on the head. “Don’t cry, Cozy, if anything, you, er, passed my first lesson! If, well, I was a professor.” You say as your smile turns into a near sneaky grin.

“Passed your lesson?” Cozy asked, confused.

“Yeah, like, you should never rely on magic to make friends when you already have such a wonderful personality. Well, the compass was fine, as it looked like you needed just a tiny bit of help, and magic is an element of harmony, I guess. But yeah, you just can’t rely on it and all that. Seems like you passed my lesson with flying colors, and even made friends doing it. If I had the authority, I’d give you one hundred ‘A’s’.” Damn, Anon, you are so goddamn smooth. No way the little cutie is going to be depressed after that.

“W-wow, d-do you really mean that?” Cozy stuttered, looking utterly amazed.

You nod. “Yeppers, good job, Cozy.”

“Golly, I-I guess I really am getting a hang of this whole friendship thing. Yay!” She said with an adorable flutter hop. “Thank you, Professor Anon, for all your help!” She said as she jumped into you and gave you a hug.

Oh, Anon, you fucking rule. You have this whole school wrapped around your hoof at this point. You’re practically a god. Fuck being a professor, you should be Headmare, er, stallion. Oh, wait! She mentioned your lesson with Discord. You really should ask about that, but if you did, she’d know you were spying on her. Best to keep it to yourself for now, even if some of it seemed suspicious. But the compass, that was an oddity you could ask about. Because as you thought more about it, it made you wonder why it would lead to your own new friends if she already has classes with them. Surely she should have been able to make friends with them without the compass pointing to them. Like, Ocellus and Silverstream are friendly as hell, there’s no reason as to why Cozy shouldn’t have been able to at least talk to them. “Aw, no problem, Cozy, it’s what I do. I’m just glad the compass was able to help you. Speaking of, I gotta ask, are you sure you really had trouble making friends? You weren’t just shy, were you? C’mon, you can tell me, I won’t tell.”

Cozy recoiled for a second. Oddly, it didn’t seem out of embarrassment, as she didn’t blush. No, instead it seemed like she wasn’t expecting this inquiry at all, and almost seemed like she had to think about it. Maybe she was just nervous, as you probably had it all figured out. After that moment however, she looked up at you, smiled nervously, and nodded. “Y-yeah, I-I guess I was. I-I just didn’t think I’d make a good friend. I should have said something to you, Anon. Gee, I’m really sorry.”

You smile, shake your head, and once again hug the downtrodden filly. “Relax, Cozy, no apologies needed. I’m not mad, ok? I can understand why you’d be shy and nervous. But hey, now you have friends! Lots of friends! And I think that’s great. Really, I’m just glad the compass helped you out.”

Cozy’s ear twitched as she looked up at you, sniffed, wiped her eyes, and slowly began to smile adorably. “Professor Anon, you really are the bestest. And yeah, the compass really did help me out…” Cozy’s smile, for a quick moment, suddenly felt a little eerie before she tilted her head and began hugging the air adorably. “...More than you can ever know.” She then looked back at you with a determined look and nodded “But you can count on me. I won’t ask for any magical help! Just regular help, ok?”

“Ok! And I’ll always make sure to give you as much ‘regular’ help as I can.” You tell her with a wink.

“Yay! And, oh! Professor Anon, we better get to our next class! Do you have Professor Pinkie next?” Cozy asked.

“Nah, I got Professor Rainbow Dash. But hey, don’t fret, ok? It’s not like we have to have the same classes to hang out. And hey, I got friends outside the school you can meet, just saying. So don’t worry, Cozy, ok? Just focus on your classes, it’ll be alright.” You reassure her.

“I know, I wasn’t going to get upset or anything. How can I? You care about me so much, there’s no way I can be sad now!” Cozy says with another adorable hop. “But you have a good day with Professor Rainbow, Professor Anon! We’ll see each other during lunch, ok?” Cozy says as she begins to walk off.

“Gotcha, I’ll see you there!” You tell her as you wave goodbye. So far so good. But as Cozy began to walk off, you began to get a familiar ringing in your ear…

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