• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 281 - Reunion

You all reach the manor.

You were finally here, ready to calm Chrysalis’s heart.

“Woah, this is her house? Man, hide and seek would be a total nightmare in this place.” Sandbar said, amazed at the massive size of Chrysalis’s home.

“How hasn’t Tirek found this place yet? It’s kinda hard to miss.” Gallus mentioned as he flew up a bit to see how tall the manor truly is.

“He’s not exactly looking. As long as that barrier is up, I have a feeling he isn’t willing to do any exploring. Anyway, I need everycreature but Shining to follow me and I can get you all situated. Anon, I assume you know where Chrysalis’s room is, right?” Starlight asked as took a look around, probably to keep an eye out for Trixie and the others.

“I do… I’m ready for this.” Chrysalis…

“Alright, let me just get the door and…” But as Starlight opened the door, you could already hear the sound of someone getting their body bashed in, it sounded familiar even. Starlight immediately closed the door and looked back at all of you with wide, frightened eyes. “Okay, she might not be upstairs… Um, I… I really hope that’s Discord she’s beating on. Erm, Anon?”

“I got it, I got it!” Shit! Oh god, Starlight may have not been thinking it, but you just had this horrid feeling everyone inside the manor was bloodied and dead. Fuck, FUCK! No no no!

“Anon, let me come with you!” Scootaloo ran to your side, offering her aid.

“No, Scoots. Let me handle this, it’s too dangerous. I’m the only one who can calm her down.” You said as you quickly opened the door.

“Bu-hey!” But as Scootaloo tried to rush in with you, Starlight pulled her back as you pushed on inside.


No blood…

No bodies…

Just… Henry’s voice? From Goodfellas?

The TV was on rather loud, and it sounded like it was at the part that Billy Bats just got beaten up.

Why was it so loud? Why was the movie even on? Did someone get curious and turn on the movie without realizing what they were doing?

You slowly venture into the living room. There was no reason for Chrysalis to be watching it at this time, she’s seen the movie a million times and would definitely not be in the mood for it.

But then you heard someone talking.

Not someone.

Two voices…

“Well, there’s enough foreshadowing in this scene to tell me they’re going to face the consequences of their actions. Especially Tommy.” Said… Wait…

No, it couldn’t be…

“How did you figure that out? When I watched up to this point, I thought it cemented that he was an unstoppable force, primed for leadership.” That other voice… Chrysalis? Was she watching the movie with…

“Billy Bats was a ‘made man’, as they say. Someone is going to realize that he’s gone, and someone from that bar is going to remember Tommy and his reaction. As we have seen so far, the mob are cutthroat and ruthless. Tommy is too much of a loose cannon to last that much longer” Tempest? That was her, her voice was coming from the other side of the couch. She let out a slight chuckle. “What’s wrong? Upset that I spoiled things for myself?”

“Hm, I think I am. I never thought I’d see the day when somepony like Twilight Sparkle and her naivete would have been appreciated.” Chrysalis said with a slight grumble. “It was more fun, at least.”

“If you think I don’t want to watch the movie with you anymore, then that is further from the truth. This isn’t like a typical book or film a pony would make, where it’s always the same story and outcome. I actually want to see how everything plays out, I want to see how these humans lived. You got me, Chrysalis, I actually am enjoying myself. Once we save Equestria, if you’ll have me, I’d want to watch some more human films with you.” Tempest said. She actually seemed pretty impressed with ‘Goodfellas’. Damn, you didn’t expect that.

“Hm…” Chrysalis said with a low grunt.

“Hmmm, I know. I didn’t mean to sound like I was replacing him. I’m sorry, I’m still learning to be ‘normal’. To let go of some of my more… unwelcome tendencies.” Tempest said.

“Normal is overrated, I chose to do this activity with you because I find you interesting.” Chrysalis said before letting out a scoff. “And no, I didn’t think you were trying to replace him. No, the only ‘replacing’ that will be done is removing one of my paintings for Tirek’s head mounted on my wall. That big head of his takes up a lot of space, you see.”

“Considering the scene we just saw, we could just beat him into pulp and stuff him into your car, have a scenic drive to a nice swamp to throw him in.” Tempest said.

“Ah ha, now there’s a thought.” Chrysalis said with a chuckle. But then suddenly, she just went silent.

“...I promise, we’ll avenge him. No one can say he wouldn’t want that.” Tempest said to reassure her.

“...It’s not that. I suddenly feel as if… Hm, I don’t know… Even with all this talk of revenge, I think I can understand something that purple princess would say. ‘It won’t bring him back’, I can hear her saying that to me. I know it wouldn’t, and I don’t exactly care. And yet, it’s almost as if I can sense him as well, and he’s telling me all this hatred I still feel; that I need to let it go.” Chrysalis said, her words stilted. “I can’t shake it.”

“Hm, perhaps some sort of feeling of guilt? No, that’s not it. Mercy? But why? Considering what they did, mercy is too good for them.” Tempest stated.

“I know that… That’s why I can’t explain why I sudd-” But Chrysalis stopped, and she began to rise up from the couch to look behind it. When she did, her eyes widened when she spotted you, alive, and mostly intact. “Oh, I think I know what it is. I’ve gone insane. Even more than before.” She sounded so calm all of a sudden

“What? What do you mean?” Tempest asked.

“I see Anon behind the couch. But he clearly can’t be because he’s gone. And now I’m even more confused, I can feel my eyes watering.” Chrysalis said, with a slightly insane chuckle, as her eyes began to tear up.

“Chrysalis, just re-” But as Tempest rose up to see what she was looking at, she saw you, and went wide eyed. “I’m going to tell you, Chrysalis. Unless we’re under a spell, we can’t be sharing the same hallucination. Does he look, well, like he’s missing some parts?”

You waved at them as they spoke. You wanted to say something, and yet, you wanted to say hello to them at the right moment.

“Yes, yes he does. An ear? He has an eyepatch of some sort. Tail is gone… And why does his neck look like it’s been covered in sap?” Chrysalis asked, as her brain wasn’t able to comprehend what she was looking at.

You then smiled wide at the both of them. “Yo, it isn’t a hallucination. I’m back. Have you been okay, Chrysalis?”

Chrysalis suddenly froze, then looked towards Tempest, who sported the same shocked expression. “Is this possible?”

“It could be, or it could be a golem created by Tirek to scout us out.” Tempest’s eyes suddenly sharpened as she looked at you. “You almost had me. But I don’t think the real Anon, the real you, would be so nonchalant.”

“What?!” You suddenly pouted. “Damn, Tempest. I was only goofing around a bit, I just kinda wanted to set up the scene. You know, for my comeback.”

“And why should I believe that?” Tempest asked, still inquisitive of your reappearance.

“It’s him…” Chrysalis said with a sigh as she hopped off the couch.

“What? How can you be so sure?” Tempest asked.

“Because, he’s being what humans refer to as, an ‘asshole’. It’s pretty much how we first met.” Chrysalis said with a sigh as she approached you. She suddenly seemed like her old self, not even surprised that you were back. But then she slowly put her hoof along your chin, moving it from side to side. You could feel how shaky her hoof was, how tense it felt. “How?...”

“Well… Tirek pretty much fucked up. He obliterated me with chaos magic. And my theory is that chaos can’t destroy chaos. It’s why I didn’t destroy the Storm King initially, and why that nuke you fired at Jimmy from way back didn’t destroy him. I got lucky, basically. Um, erm, but as you can see, I wasn’t exactly able to pull myself back together. To tell you the truth, it was the Cutie Mark Crusaders and some of my school friends who managed to bring me back, with the help of Zecora of course. So, yeah, erm… I’m ready to rip them to shreds.” You said with an awkward chuckle.

Chrysalis looked back at Tempest with a stern look. “I can trust you not to spread any rumors, right?”

Tempest nodded “I won’t say a word. But I will hug him next.”

Chrysalis grumbled as she looked back at you. “Right… I guess I’m actually that obvious now.”

Wait, wut? Was she going to…?

Chrysalis reached out and brought you close as she sat down to hug you. It was a gentle hug, and she wasn’t crying, she just sounded deadpan despite how affectionate her hug felt. “This is the second time I’ve nearly lost you, you know that, right? Do I need to put you on a leash?”

You just gently cuddled onto her. “Nah… I know, I screwed up by not using my magic when I had it. But it isn’t over yet, Chrysalis, we will obliterate them. Promise.”

Chrysalis hid a smile as she continued to hug you. “I was going for ‘eviscerate’, but obliteration is good too. So then, Anon, taking the citizen route despite what happened?”

“You know it. We saved Equestria before, we can do it again. Our home timeline this time” You tell her.

“Hm, I almost wish you wouldn’t come with us. But I can tell you already realize this is our last stand. Equestria’s last stand. I’ll never say this again, but I am honestly worried… No… Scared that even if we win, I might lose you again. It almost makes me want to keep you here. But from my understanding, you’ve made quite a human tactician out of that filly. We’ll need you in case something is beyond our scope.” Chrysalis said, almost sorrowfully.

“I understand, and I’m ready to fight. In fact, we actually have a way past the barrier.” You say as you move back a bit to look at her with a confident smile. But she actually seemed pretty confused.

“You do? That’s a coincidence, we also have a way past the barrier.” Chrysalis stated.

Wut? “You do? Oh, right, you probably have some spare anti-magic material from your throne hidden somewhere, right?”

“Er, no. Actually, an old acquaintance is resting below. He has the power to completely bypass the barrier, allowing us to attack while they’re weak.” Chrysalis said as she looked down the living room towards the entrance to her underground basement before slowly letting you go.

“Old acquaintance?” You asked. Who had the ability to bypass that barrier? Who did Chrysalis know that could do such a thing?

“She means Neighsay. We ran into him on our way to town. And despite him rubbing everyone the wrong way, he’s agreed to use his magical artifact to get us past the barrier.” Tempest said.

Wut?! “Seriously? He’s here?!” You look over at Chrysalis. “And he’s seriously going to help us? What happened to that hate boner he has towards anything non-pony?”

“He still has it. But these are desperate times, Anon. He understands what is at stake. But now I’m curious, how ever did you gain the ability to bypass the barrier?” Chrysalis asked.

You suddenly relented as your ear folded back. “Well, y’know, considering what you just said. Erm, you’re willing to let Shining Armor in the house, right? Because, uh, we know what’s at stake, right? He’s got anti-magic armor used from your throne we need powered up to really rail Tirek and Cozy Glow’s magic. He kinda had his guys experiment on it so much that it's pretty much useless right now” You tell her.

Chrysalis groaned as she rolled her eyes. “Of course, leave it to that ignorant dolt to ruin MY nice things. I’d actually be angry if we didn’t already have a way in and…” Suddenly, Chrysalis began to smirk rather cruelly. “You said Shining Armor?”

You nodded. “Erm, yeah. You’re not gonna rip him apart, are you?” Oh geez. Okay, so the armor was a bust. Relax, Anon, it seemed you still had a way to get to Tirek. Now? You just needed to make sure Chrysalis doesn’t rip apart Shining Armor.

Chrysalis raised her hoof and began to gently pat your head. “On the contrary. We have our victory assured. Don’t you remember? Yes… As much as I hate to remember it, it was him and his wife that managed to defeat me and my entire hive with some sort of spell that expanded beyond Canterlot. Don’t you see? We bring them into the castle, they cast that spell, we save Equestria and can get to the chopping.” Chrysalis looked beyond you and pointed towards her entrance hall. “Are they outside? Oh, let the dears in, Anon. I can’t wait to put our differences aside so we can get to crushing our foes.”


You relented so hard that even Chrysalis noticed. “Anon? Why aren’t you fetching them? Just because I…” Chrysalis stopped herself, and sighed. “Or perhaps that is it. No, let me do it myself. You don’t deserve to be treated like a peon, doing what I always tell you to do. You’re better than that.”

You’d love to hear those words if that was the reason you actually relented. “Um, actually. It’s just Shining Armor.”

Chrysalis suddenly became confused. “What do you mean by that? That idiot would never leave his wife behind on a day like this.”

You gulped. ”Well, erm, she kinda ended up succumbing to that spell that affected the other ponies. And she’s, er, apparently in the town, right now.”


You shifted your eyes towards Tempest for a moment, frozen from Chrysalis’s awkward yelling. All she could do is shrug at you. You then look back at the raging Chrysalis, and tried to speak to her. “Y-yeah, I get it, eheheh. But he still might be useful. I mean, I was told the staff is broken, right? We can take them down without the spell.”

Chrysalis stopped, then looked at you with annoyance, growling as she spoke. “...It doesn’t take away how absolutely infuriating that stallion is.”

“Temper yourself, Chrysalis. It looks like we’re going to be planning the attack soon, you’ll need to be calm if we’re going to come up with a battle plan.” Tempest reminded her.

Chrysalis stayed silent a moment more, then looked back at her. “You’re right, he’s not worth my wrath anyway. We have bigger fish to fry. We don’t have time to dawdle. I’ll go fetch the cat and the chancellor from the basement. Finish your small talk with Anon, let in the fool, fetch that other fool, and gather in my room.” Chrysalis said as she looked back down at you. She hesitated once more, and brought you in for another gentle hug.

As much as you appreciated the fact she was showing affection, considering the prophecy, she needed to bring up four more to the planning. “Chrysalis, erm. Some of my friends are down in the basement too, they apparently showed up with Shining Armor earlier.”

“Hm? I wasn’t aware, but that’s fine. Are they battle capable?” Chrysalis asked, her tone more respectful than before, now that she seems to be calming down.

“No, but if you’re willing to believe it, it has to do with some sort of prophecy thing. Very recent development, but it’s the reason they all just showed up in the first place. Pretty much the reason I was able to come back.” You explain to her.

Chrysalis’s muzzle curled to a smirk as she nodded. “Well then, it proves that Equestria itself isn’t willing to go down without a fight. As I thought, evil just doesn’t have a chance of winning as long as good can pull its usual bullshit.” Her chuckle was almost sarcastic. She, of course, still didn’t like that fact. But a win is a win. “What are their names?”

“Yona, Smolder, Silverstream, and… Erm… Ocellus.” That last one, it might be a doozy.

“Alright then, considering I know one of them, it won’t be too hard to gather them.” Chrysalis said as she began to walk off.

Wut? “Wait, you’re not bothered that one of them is a changeling, that, um, doesn’t like you?”

“Anon. I’m going to tell you one more truth. I’m actually so glad that you’ve returned that I’m willing to look past such trivial issues. If she has a problem with me, fine, I won’t press it. But if you’re right about whatever prophecy you’re talking about, then she’s going to have to do the same if we’re going to work together. Now, finish with Tempest, and go say hello to your ‘father’. I’m sure he’s missed you.” Chrysalis said as she began to wander off. Her horn glowed for a moment, as a click is heard and the television shuts off.

“...huh, I never realized how nearly dying a second time would affect her that much. Um, er, anyway, you two seemed to be getting along.” You said as you looked back at Tempest, who just smirked as she hopped over to you, and gave you a gentle and short hug.

“We see eye to eye on certain things. I can see why you’re friends.” Tempest said as she looked down at you, smiling warmly. “You alright?”

“Yeah, I’m good. Honestly, despite how I’ve been acting, I’m scared that we might lose. We seem pretty stacked against those two right now, but Cozy, she’s the one I’m really worried about.” You said.

“Hm, then we’ll have to be very cautious in our planning. Although…” Tempest looks back at the recliner. Spike was sleeping there, he hadn’t woken up at all during the entire conversation. “After the planning is over, we’ll need a few hours of rest. It’s late as is, and even with the time limit, we can’t attack them with such little sleep. We’ll need to be at our best.”

“...Yeah. What about that influence though? Did you guys figure out a way past it?” You asked.

“Mostly. Neighsay is so biased that he’s basically immune. Now that I know you’re alright, I can focus on resisting. Starlight we’re unsure of, I’m told she might have a spell that can resist its effect, although the spell itself is experimental and may prove a problem all its own. Anyone that isn’t a pony is automatically immune. Grubber brought his collection of weapons, so one way or another, we have the numbers and we certainly have the power. As far as I know, their power is severely limited due to the damage to the staff. It stands to reason if Tirek wishes to continue to use his magic to control the town, then the staff won’t have enough power to deal with powerful spell users, an angry changeling queen, and our arsenal of weapons. I won’t stop you, but are you sure you want to come along? To be honest, I feel as if you’d only get in the way, no offense.” Tempest said.

Ouch… “I do. Now that I realize that Cozy knows all the tropes, I need to be there to counter them. I know the risks, and I don’t care, we’re finishing this together.”

Tempest nodded. “Hm, then that’s it, I won’t stop you. You mentioned this ‘Shining Armor’ is outside. Is Starlight with him?”

You nodded. “Yeah, along with a few other friends.”

Tempest nodded. “Alright, let’s let them in and go see Discord. Grubber is with him in the kitchen, so you can say hello to him too, I’m sure he’ll be happy to know you’re alive.”

Hmn, everyone was gathered now.

It was time…

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