• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 188 - Trixie Saves the Day

Author's Note:

Ok, so the cleanup of the whole jet thing took up more time and thought than I thought. So, yeh, Chrysalis next chapter... It's gonna be time.

“...And that’s pretty much what happened. We had to walk all the way back here after the jet, got, well, put in a bag.” Starlight was explaining to the group while Trixie continued to do her best to entertain the crowd.

Fluttershy was the first to speak. The moment she saw you, she had taken you into a tight embrace as her tears never stopped flowing. Even now as she keeps you close between her forelegs, you were nearly soaked to the bone in tears. Sunburst has to lend you his cloak just to keep you warm. “So the jet was going to explode? Are you telling me…” Suddenly Fluttershy leered at Starlight, full on ‘The Stare’, as she became mostly understandably angry. “IT WAS going to explode?! How could you be so irresponsible, Starlight! You could have gotten Anon blown to itty bitty bits because you wanted to fly in the ‘Danger Zone’ or whatever you called it! I’m so so angry at you, so very angry! A colt, Starlight, a colt! It doesn’t matter if he’s from another world, he’s still a colt!”

Starlight jumped back in fright, holding her hoof up to protect herself, despite the fact Fluttershy was ninety nine percent not the fighting type. “Gyah! Fluttershy, I said I was sorry! B-besides, Anon is mature for his, um, age! It’s not like he hasn’t been in danger before!”

“Y-yeah, Aunt Fluttershy. It wasn’t scary or anything like that. I knew what I was doing, you don’t need to be mad at Starlight.” Like really, you felt really bad here. Starlight was getting the brunt of the anger simply because Fluttershy wasn’t in the know.

“No, Anon, just no. The danger you get into is because meanie bad guys just show up and do horrible things to everypony. This kind of danger is reckless and dangerous. And no, I don’t care if it’s chaotic or not, it is unnecessary. Starlight, you apologize to Anon for putting him in needless danger, now!” Fluttershy said with a stomp of her hoof. “I want him to know that this isn’t ok.”

Starlight looked over to you with an awkward stare, a stare you shared with back at her. She took a deep breath without exhaling, and simply let out a low unheard. “Ok, whatever. Just get it over with, Starlight.” She then takes a step forward and says. “I’m sorry, Anon, I shouldn’t have put you in danger like that.”

“...And been a bad influence.” Fluttershy interjects.

It almost looked like Starlight was mouthing bad words there for a second before taking another breath. “And being a bad influence. That kind of danger is awful and I should have thought it over better.”

“Erm, it’s ok, Starlight, I forgive you. I uh, I now know not to do unnecessary dangerous… Er, stuff?” God, if only Fluttershy knew half the shit Discord put you through, she’d have a meltdown.

“Good. And I never want to hear about something like this ever again.” Fluttershy said with an authoritative nod.

“I… Ok.” Starlight said with a sigh as she looked over at Sunburst, who was also giving her a hard stare. “Ugh, c’mon, Sunburst, I know already. I should have paid attention to you.”

“Well, yes, that is absolutely true, given the planning and calculations we made pointed to this very event happening. Well, the event happening if that chaotic anomaly hadn’t occurred. In any case, I had already deduced from Rainbow Dash’s challenge that something like this was going to happen before I could further caution you on the dangers of racing with an experimental engine that uses dragonstones. However, most of all…” Suddenly he dived in and hugged Starlight as tight as he could.

“S-Sunburst?!” Starlight let out, confused by his action.

“I’m just glad you’re still here, and not strewn around the landscape from a horrible and terrible explosion.” Sunburst said as he continued to cry.

Suddenly, you had hooves cover your ears as Fluttershy said. “C-can we not say such things in front of Anon, he doesn’t need to hear about such gruesome things either.”

“I…” Suddenly Twilight took a deep breath, as Starlight just looked upon Fluttershy with an awkward look, knowing how much of that is an understatement to your very own knowledge of ‘gruesome things’. “I don’t think we really need to worry about… Er, I mean, lets just change the subject, ok? We’re glad you’re both ok and that nothing happened. Seriously…” Twilight let out a sigh of relief. “I thought I was going to lose my mind when you mentioned the explosions too. But, given, um, some recent events from a little while back… I just… I… Don’t know what I’m talking about.” She really didn’t. Twilight did, herself, feel that kind of anger Fluttershy felt. But being in the know, she had wanted to yell at both you and Starlight. But seeing Fluttershy react first, and knowing everything was ok, and knowing she herself realized she needs to be more calm about such situations, she just opted out of that conversation and wanted to move on to the next.

“Ok, ok, calm down everypony. Look, we’re all glad you’re both ok. But, uh, what happened to Rainbow Dash? You guys said you passed by her getting to Manehatten, but then… What happened to her after that?” Spike asked.

“Beats me.” You said with a shrug. “Once we passed her up, we just blasted right towards Manehatten. We passed by the Mare Statue, started our way back, and that’s when the engine started to go nuts.”

“Hmmm, you don’t think she’s still racing then, do you? Ah geez, I feel bad for her now, she either got tired and took a nap or she’s already in Manehatten and sweating buckets.” Spike said, astonished at the thought.

“Woah, actually, wow.” Suddenly, something hit Twilight’s thoughts as she looked over to you and Starlight. “You two actually did it! You both reached Manehatten and got back here before Rainbow Dash did. I guess, technically, that means you both won that race. I’m, wow, that speed, it's unheard of. No, seriously, I have read up on tons of anomalies and creatures of natural ability and I’ve never read about something capable of that kind of speed. Fluttershy, please don’t be offended when I say this, but I’m impressed with the both of them.”

“That… Erm, considering how fast Rainbow Dash is. Erm, that is, um, very impressive.” Fluttershy was reluctant to agree, but even she had to admit how crazy and amazing it sounded.

“Indeed…” Sunburst said as he suddenly looked like he was running a million calculations in his head. “The speed needed to beat even her normal pace is great. If she hadn’t reached Manehatten yet, and you two passed it, it means you were maintaining speeds faster than that of sound. Fascinating, simply fascinating! Starlight, however were you able to maintain that speed without passing out?”

“Oh, erm, that barrier to resist those G-forces really helped. I guess with my magic powering the barrier, it really managed to hold that much back.” Starlight answered.

“Wow! I… er, well, perhaps I shouldn’t be getting too excited, given that may lead to more trouble. Either way, we lost the jet, so any further testing is currently impossible anyway. Still, we can record the data you do have and review it over and over, like a fantastic storybook! Despite the negatives, today has gone really well.” Sunburst said, with full enthusiasm.

“Yeah, for you maybe, but what about them?” Spike pointed to the disgruntled crowd. “Twilight, what are we gonna do?”

“I… Don’t know. Without the jet, the thing they all came here to see, I… I really don’t know what to do.” Twilight said with a gulp, forgetting that the crowd had been getting angrier and angrier the more the jet was out of sight.

“Well well, it seems Princess Twilight is unable to do what any princess should do. Not surprising.” Trixie said… What?! Holy shit, she was behind you all, looking annoyed, especially with Twilight. “All that work I put in, and you couldn’t think of anything to follow up with?”

“Trixie?... Er, no. I... “ Twilight was at a loss of words here, she really had no idea on what to do for the crowd.

“Typical. You’re all lucky I’m here, given I am the greatest travelling performer in Equestria… Even if my reputation was destroyed by an Ursa Major. Among other things...” Trixie said, pointing to herself to accentuate her amazingness while still being annoyed and unimpressed.

“Er, I thought it was a Ursa Minor.” Spike corrected her.

Trixie froze, wide eyed, then dismissed Spike’s words quickly. “W-whatever, the point is it was dangerous and out of my scope, at the time anyway. As for this situation, I only need to make one thing clear. You both passed by Manehatten, right?”

“Yes, why? What does that have to do with anything?” You ask. Why did she want confirmation on that? What did it matter to her?

“Then problem solved. Watch and learn, Twilight, this is how you fix REAL problems.” Trixie said with a grin as she began to walk back on stage.

“What?! What are you even planning to do? Trixie!” Twilight called out to her. But for Trixie, she was already listening to no one but herself as she picked up a mic with her magic and called out to the crowd.

“Attention! Attention everycreature! This is the GREAT and POWERFUL TRIIIIIXIE! If you were expecting more amazing magic, then Trixie must disappoint you, my show is over…” Trixie announced.

“Thank Celestia!” Someone, with a rather loud voice, called out from the crowd.

Trixie groaned, and began to shout. “Silence! Grrr, well, I forget that many a pony lack good taste. But I digress, I know what you all came here for, and I am sorry to disappoint, but the jet is gone.” And to that, the crowd began to really get loud, with ‘WHAT’ ‘COME ON!’ and other such things coming out from them. But Trixie didn’t falter, and continued. “Yes, I don’t know what you were expecting, given it was that odd machine versus Rainbow Dash, a race to Manehatten may I remind you all, something none of you would be able to see from here.” And to that, Twilight nearly fainted, highly upset that Trixie was seemingly making things worse. Hell, you were ready to bolt, wanting to get out before the crowd formed an army and attacked Trixie all at once. “But I can assure you, the jet has reached Manehatten, and then some. In fact, if you look behind me, you can see that the pilots are here, fine and dandy. ‘But how is this possible?’, you all may be asking. Well, given they had to be reaching speeds well beyond the Element of Loyalty could only DREAM of achieving, it is only natural to come to the conclusion that the jet went so fast that it entered another dimension. Now, I can hear you all ready to tear this entire stadium apart, but let me say this; There is no reason to do that. Consider this, if they reached Manehatten, then that means the active press there has taken pictures and are ready to put out papers describing a ‘mysterious flying object’ passing through. Oh yes, I can promise you such an astounding thing will even be in your local newsreels within the week. That makes sense, doesn’t it? So please, if such things don’t happen…” Trixie points over to Twilight. “Please feel free to raid Princess Twilight’s castle with your complaints.”

And with that, the crowd fell silent, seemingly discussing with each other about the possibility of Trixie being right. Then, out of nowhere, they began cheering, cheering you and Starlight on, amazed that you both could move so fast.

Trixie, smirking almost evilly, hopped down from the stage to a gawking, jaw dropped Twilight. She put her hoof under her chin and closed her mouth for her. “Well, how was that? Are you that amazed, Twilight? I knew you would be, overwhelmed by my true power as an entertainer.”

Twilight’s eye began to twitch, she slowly looked towards Trixie, then began to shout. “RAID MY CASTLE?! Trixie! What have you done?! You don’t even have any proof any of that is going to happen! I can’t handle that many complaints at once!”

“Twilight, it’s Manehatten, I’d bet my reputation that I’m right.” Trixie assures her.

But that was a failure to calm her down as Twilight yells out. “What reputation?! You just said it was already ruined!”

“Well… Yes, so at this point, it’d be erased from existence, giving me a whole new chance to make a name for myself. See? If I win, everypony will know I’m right. If I lose, well, I still get a chance at redemption. See? We all win!” Trixie said with a big grin.

“TRIXIE! WHAT ABOUT ME?!” Twilight growled.

“You’re a princess, handling complaints is your job, so what are you complaining about? As much as The GREAT AND POWERFUL PRINCESS TRIXIE rolls off the tongue, well, it is not a title I have… yet.” Trixie said, with her ever ignorant grin.

Twilight was slowly turning purple to red, growling more and more as steam came from her nose.

“Well…” Spike looked over to Trixie and gave her a salute. “It was sorta nice knowing you, Trixie.”

“N-now, Twilight, calm down. Y-you don’t want to say anything bad in front of Anon… Or go off on Trixie… Or, erm, level the stadium.” Fluttershy said in an attempt to calm Twilight down.

You, Starlight, and Sunburst stepped back as Twilight finally exploded, almost literally, as she started yelling at Trixie about what had just occurred. Even threatening to slap on the wings you have onto Trixie and making her princess for the moment the crowd arrives to complain. Something Trixie seriously was considering if it’d be a good thing as Twilight became even more furious.

“Well, considering the c-c-c-circumstances. A-as much as I’d not want to leave them here, may I-I s-s-suggest a hasty retreat?” Sunburst said in nervousness.

“Yeah, I’m good with that. Anypony wanna go for lunch?” Starlight asks the two of you.

Oh, no no no, you do not want to be here at all for this. You don’t want to be disciplined, yelled at, or even possibly blown up. “Um, nah. I’m just gonna go and er, check on Chrysalis. Y’know, see if she’s planning anything today.”

“Ah yes, I have heard about that from the prince and princess. Given the circumstances, since you cannot be hurt by her, especially in comparison to right now, that may be a good idea.” Sunburst said in agreement.

“So that’s it, Anon? Gonna leave me here to deal with this in case it goes nuts?” Starlight asked, annoyed with you.

“I thought you said you were going to lunch!” You shouted back at her.

“I mean, yeah! I just… Don’t know if I’m going to reach the eatery in time… in case Twilight literally blows up.” Starlight said with a gulp. “And that’s with teleporting. I-I don't even know if there's going to be a Ponyville at this point”

“Look, just find a place to er, lie low I guess. let me go check up on her for an hour, and then we can all go out to eat. How does that sound?” Yeah, fuck that, you didn’t want to deal with any of this.

“I… Ok, but hurry back soon, ok? Or maybe not too soon.” Starlight said, as Twilight’s mane and tail suddenly burst into flame. “Ooooh boy.”

“Yeah… I’m out of here. Here’s your cloak back, Sunburst.” You say, scared of the rapidash Twilight. It was funny in the show, not so funny within 'blowing up' range. You toss the cloak towards Sunburst, put on your horn, and teleport the fuck out of there.

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