• Published 2nd Aug 2020
  • 4,385 Views, 56 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Deltorix

A young man is asked to help save Equestria by someone unexpected, will he save Equestria or will he fail.

  • ...

Chapter 12

I am blinded for a moment as I exit my portal. Covering my eyes from the sun I see I arrived right in front of Twilight’s castle. “Alright, time to see how my new friends are holding up.” I head inside and see Spike run by. I follow him and see Twilight and Spike packing up some books. I noticed Starlight there as well.

Twilight saw me and waved at me, “Hey Roger! Glad to see that you are back.” Twilight said, still packing.

I nod slightly. “How long have I been gone? Last time I was here She was still in the confinement card.” I asked while pointing at Starlight, who flinched when I did.

“Well, you’ve been gone at least a day.” Twilight replied,

“Really? Huh.” I scratch my chin. “Well, what's with the rush? Are you going on vacation?” I ask her.

“Well, we are going to the Empire to see the Crystalling, but also to see Shining and Cadence's baby.” Twilight replied, a large smile on her face.

I tap my chin. “Oh? Mind if me and a few rangers come along?” I ask, knowing something bad will happen because of the brat.

Twilight seemed to think about it and nodded her head, “Sure.” she said,

“Sweet, how long are we gonna be there?” I ask, then I walk over to see my ship out of a window.

“I don’t know, maybe for a while.” Twilight said,

“Alright.” I move away from the wall. “Well, I will go speak with the others.” I start leaving the room. “See ya at the train station, oh, and seeing as I haven’t been paid yet, you will have to pay all of our tickets.” I say with an evil laugh as I leave the room.

“What?!” I heard Twilight shout, causing me to laugh some more.

I walk outside and head up onto my ship. Once inside I call out. “Hey, I am back. All rangers come to the living area, I got some news.” I then repeat myself over the intercom.

A few minutes later, all the Rangers were in the living area, “What is it?” Eric said, crossing his arms.

I frown at him before sighing. “I have good news and bad news.” I sit down at the table. “The good news is I got the kids to their world and helped them get a foothold on their home turf.”

“That is good to hear.” Odona said,

“So, what’s the bad news?” Cam asked,

I tap the table a few times. “Do you all remember when I told you about power rangers being a tv show back where I came from?”

They all nodded their heads in response. “Yes, what about it?” Andros asked me,

“The same can be said for this world we are on, but with a lot of differences. But the reason I bring this up is one of the ‘season starters’ is going to happen soon, and I want some Rangers there. I'm going and wanted to ask if any of you want to come with me.” I told them using air quotes for season starters.

They started to talk amongst themselves before Odona spoke up, “I will go with you.”

I nod and smile. “Thank you, anyone else?” I ask them.

Cam, Cruger, and Mike volunteered, leaving Eric, Andros, Wes, and Kat to defend Ponyville. I get up. “Alright, I thank you all. Go ahead and get ready to go, I will take us to the train station once I drop off a few things.” I told them and head to the key shelves and start putting the keys I got from the other world on it.

They nod and go to get ready. After I finish putting the keys away I then put the Kamen rider driver in my room. I then head back to the living room and look over at the Rapparatta, debating if I need it or not.

I then decided to take it and put it in a bag, after that, the others soon returned to the living area, all ready to go. “Alright, a bit of a heads up, ponies are a bit xenophobic and Cruger you will most likely be confused for one of the local species called diamond dogs, they aren't very bright and they're not very nice.” I open the door and use my sword to open a portal to the ground.

“Diamond Dogs? What kind of name is that? Are they dogs made of diamond or something?” Cruger asked,

I shake my head. “More like they are obsessed with all forms of jewels. They usually capture and enslave anyone then take them underground to force them to mine for them.” I tell him as we start heading into town and I can already see the ponies in town running.

“You weren’t kidding when you said they were xenophobic. What caused them to be so afraid of other creatures?” Odona asked me,

“I am not sure, I think it is a mixture of them being mostly isolated from other species this far into their own country, and the fact that they are a prey species technically. As far as I know, every other species on this world are predator species, except for a handful of others.” I tell her as we head for the train station.

“From what I remember, the list of sentient species shown were, five kinds of Ponies, minotaurs, griffins, dragons, diamond dogs, changelings, and a lot of others but most of them are even further away.” I tell them all as we pass three mares that are passed out on the ground. “Also don't mind those three, they are just overdramatic.”

“We can see that.” Mike said,

I can see the train station up ahead. “Do any of you have any more questions before we get to the station?” I asked them.

“Not that we can think of.” Cam replied.

I smile and wave at Twilight and her friends as we walk up to her. “Hey everyone, this is Cam, Cruger, Mike, and Odona.” I say pointing to each ranger. Then I turn to the rangers and start pointing at the ponies. “And this is Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow dash, Starlight Glimmer, Spike, and Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

The two groups exchanged greetings to each other before Twilight turned to me, “So these are the Rangers you wanted to bring with you?” she asked me,

“Yeah, the rest will be staying in ponyville to keep it safe.” I told her, then I smirk. “Hope I don't bankrupt you princess.”

Twilight gives me a deadpan look, “You’re lucky I have this.” Twilight said, holding up a pass, “It’s a Royal Train Pass.”

I chuckle. “You could always tell Celestia to hurry up and pay me.” I look down the tracks. “Once I am paid then I can pay for my own stuff.”

"Hey, I'm sure she is working on it Roger, but she also has other responsibilities as well." Twilight said,

I shrug and say. “I know that, don’t worry about it. So mind telling me about this Crystal empire?”

“Well, I don’t know much about myself as it had literally vanished off the face of Equestria. But it’s a beautiful city made entirely of crystals, hence the name, the Crystal Empire, but the most fascinating thing about it is the Crystal Heart, which is a powerful relic that defends the empire from evil.” Twilight said,

“Sounds useful, maybe try to copy it one day.” I mumble to myself as the train starts to pull up.

“What was that?” Twilight asked me,

“Hmmm? Oh, nothing just thinking out loud.” I smile and change the subject. “Do you have any questions about power rangers?”

Twilight had a thoughtful look on her face before nodding, a pen and paper appearing next to her, “Yes, yes I do.”

I chuckle and spend the next half hour answering questions to the best of my ability. Thankfully she gives me some time to myself and I take that time to think while looking at the silver Gokiager key.

“What are you thinking about?” Odona asked me, causing me to look at her. “You’ve been staring at that key for a while. Something on your mind?”

“Hmm? Oh sorry Odona, I was just thinking about the silver Gokiager’s ability, and I was wondering if I have it now.” I told her.

“Oh? And what ability would that be?” she asked me,

“Well, he had the power to fuse keys together.” I start chuckling. “It started when he couldn’t decide if he wanted to use the silver or gold rangers from the RPM Universe.” I smile. “He ended up fusing the two keys into a new form and was able to use it.”

Odona nodded her head, “I see, well, you never know if you have the ability if you don’t give it a try.” she said, “You may need to use that ability someday.”

I nod and close my fists and close my eyes and summon two keys. The red mighty Morphin ranger and the gold zeo ranger keys. “Alright, let's see if it works.” I clap my hands together and close my eyes focusing on the two keys fusing together.

Slowly a light shines from my hands and gets brighter before I feel two keys become one. “I think it worked.” I open my eyes and hold up the key that looks like the red ranger with a gold chest shield and a head crest. “Holy cow, I made a King Tyranno key!”

“King Tyranno?” Odona asked me,

I look up at her. “It was a fan-made ranger that fused the red mighty Morphin ranger with the gold zeo ranger. It was inspired by a comic character named Lord Drakkon. He was an evil version of a Power Ranger that fused two powers together and conquered his world.”

Odona nodded her head, “I see, so what does this Tyranno King key do?”

“Well, like all my other keys it will give me access to his powers. As for his powers, I am not sure. He was only shown on a fan web show for one fight then he was killed off.” I shrug and pull on the left and right sides of the key and it splits back into the two original keys. “Neat.”

“It is indeed.” Odona said, “And this also proves that you can fuse two keys whenever you wish.”

I nod and smile. “That will come in handy, and I will have to experiment with combos to see which work best.” I said leaning back into my seat.

The train shakes and rattles as a bright blue light blinds and flashes from behind the door to the train kart. A body being slammed against the door broke its window, before being forced open as a tall boy with brown hair and a black pair of jeans walked through. He shook his head as his blue jacket with a 23 on it shook with him, a dark blue shirt is clearly seen underneath it. "Ugh God damn it paradox, warm me before throwing me into another dimension!"

I stand up as the other rangers stand up. “Who are you?” I ask, surprised to see someone just appear when I didn’t summon them. I also pull out my Morpher and key ready to morph if this guy is trouble.

He groaned and looked at me as if he was bored, a scratch going down his left eye as shaking his head a bit. "Names Dillan, I'm a Ben 10 displaced." He said, shaking his head again. "Damn I think he gave me a concussion?"

“So you are a Displaced.” I stand down and look at the others. “It's fine, he is ok..for now.” Odona nods and sits down. Cruger keeps an eye on him as he sits down next to Pinkie pie. Cam seemed to go back to his conversion with Twilight, and Mike went back to looking out the window.

I look at this Dillan guy and ask. “So what or who is a Ben ten?”

"Never seen the show?" Dillan asked me, raising an eyebrow as he looked around at the different rangers. "wow Cruger and Mike, two of my favorite rangers from two of my favorite teams."

I shake my head. “No I haven’t heard of it, and yeah they are the real deal but try not to bring up the show around them. It is still new to them and they haven’t had good endings to their adventures.” I told him while putting my Morpher away.

Dillan nods. "Got it, also Ben 10 is a franchise where at the beginning a ten-year-old kid named ben Tennyson gets an alien device that lets him turn into ten different aliens. Over the series he gets close to I think eighty aliens and different visions of his watch, I have the third one."

“I see, well my name is Roger and we are on our way to the Crystal Empire for Flurry Heart's Crystalling.” I said to him then sat down.

He nodded and sat next to me in the seat across the aisle, still rubbing his head. "I'm sure you're wondering why I'm here? Truth is, no idea. A time traveler from the Ben 10 franchise named Paradox loves throwing me into different dimensions either to help with something or to get a new power after helping."

I groan and lean back rubbing my face. “Fuck.. that means my gut was right. Zedd is going to attack when the crystal heart breaks.”

"Zedd? The original villain?" Dillan asked, glancing at me.

“Not just him.” I point at the rangers behind me. “From what I have learned, I am dealing with an evil alliance. Zedd seems to be leading it, but there's also Rita, Grumm, Astronema, and Trakeena so far.” I rub my face.

“And if my guess is right, there are even more.” I look at Dillan. “Thankfully I have one of the strongest ranger power sets.”

"Megaforce, loved that one." Dillan chuckles. "And hey I'm dealing with literally every villain from my franchise, and some new ones they're making."

I flip him off with a frown. “First off that sucks, second off, my powers are from Gokiager, not that screwup of an adaptation.” I smirk and show him my red ranger key. “And this is my token.”

Dillan smirked back at me and flipped me off as well. "I liked the adaptation so forget you, and." He said spinning his wrist as a blue hourglass thing appears in his hand, before tossing it to me. "This is my token, it's an Omnitrix dial pad."

“Huh neat, well here is my plan for now.” I toss him my key. “First we will do things as they go in the show, once the crystal heart breaks me and the rangers will focus on any monsters or foot soldiers show up. The big problem will be the storm.”

"I can handle that with my Celestialsapien powers." Dillan said, studying my token as if trying to see something. "I don't usually use them but lives are at stake."

“Hmm, well I know that Celestia and Luna will try to keep the storm at bay. I just hope the ponies don't get hurt.” I tap my chin then grin and reach over and touch Dillan's shoulder and there is a blue flash as a key starts to appear in my hand. I look it over and see a blue finger with an hourglass on its chest.

"Made a ranger form of my powers?" Dillan asked me, looking at the key.

“Seems so, I just tried it, you would be the third Displaced key I have.” I tell him then slide the key into a pocket then smirk and summon my ranger key back to my hand from his.

"Wow, I wonder if Azimuths upgrades will work with ranger keys." Dillan said, while the scenery outside became a winter wonderland.

I shrug then think about it. “Well, why not try it out? You should have my token right?” I hold my red key up while looking at the copy in his hand.

Dillan nodded and looked at my key. "Welp here goes." He said hooking the key into his watch. A few moments passed as nothing happened until his watch beeped a bit and spun.

"Upgrade accepted, connecting to the morphing grid." His watch beeped, gaining the attention of all the rangers on the train.

“Well, I would say it worked. Welcome to the power rangers family.” I said then rub my neck. “Once we get back to Ponyville I can give you copies of manuals for ranger tech.”

Dillan fiddled with his watch for a few moments. "Ultimatrix, how do I access the morphing grid?"

"Simply state ‘it's Morphin time’, and say the call for which team you wish to use." His ultimatrix beeped.

"Huh, like the Megaforce rangers without the keys." He said scratching his cheek. "Though according to these readings I might be able to access ones after your show."

I nod and show him some of the future ranger keys I have. “Yeah, I can use future rangers too. I can give you a copy of every super sentai episode before you go home.” I put the keys away and lean back.

Dillan nods slowly, his face turning into a huge smile. "Oh man, I wonder if it lets me use colors for rangers that don't exist yet!" He said.

I roll my eyes. “If you mean like, mighty Morphin brown. Then no, they have to have existed and be connected to the Morphin grid for you to access their powers.”

"Oh, bummer. I was hoping to try and use an oc ranger if possible. Connecting my ultimatrix to Raph could probably give me a sabertooth tiger Jungle furry form." He said. "I always wondered why the tiger ranger was red instead of orange, and why they didn't just use the normal gorilla for it instead of the jungle master mode."

I chuckle and hold up the red Mighty Morphin and gold Zeo keys. “You may not be able to but I can make some like this.” I close my hands around the two keys and they fuse again. I show Dillan the King Tyrano key. “Ta-da!”

"That's awesome!" He said chuckling, as the train comes to a stop.

I split the key and stand up. “Well, time to see the Empire.” I smile then look to Dillan. “If you scan new aliens, try scanning Cruger.” I point at the dog as he stands up.

Dillan nods and holds up his watch to Cruger. "Genetic signature already cataloged."

"Huh?" He said scratching the side of his head before pushing a button, a hologram propping up from his watch before he pushed some buttons on the hologram. "Oh, you know Draco?"

“Yeah, he and a dragon named Deltorix helped me save the rangers a day or so ago.” I said as we all start leaving the train.

"Oh that's cool, I gave Draco his 'poketrix' and when he scans DNA, it is automatically sent to my ultimatrix, and actually Deltorix gave me the powers of both limited alchemy and the avatar from last air bender." Dillan explained as his watch scans an anthro crystal pony.

The pony jumps and then he runs away in fear. “Oh yeah I should tell you, we are in a reverse gender roles world, so expect to be treated like a child.” I told him and shake my head.

Dillan blinked and looked at me like I was crazy. "huh?"

I shrug and say. “Basically males on this world are wimps most of the time. There seem to be a few exceptions but as you just saw.” I point at the running stallion. “They are more cowardly than normal ponies.”

The young man next to me shakes his head with an annoyed look. "I swear if I get looked down on I will earthbend the pony who does it into the atmosphere… hopefully they can fly." He quickly added.

I roll my eyes, “it is annoying sure but don't hurt the ponies.” I tell him and cross my arms.

"I was joking and… wait we're here for the crystalling right?" He asked me, before hanging his head. "Crap, babies are my kryptonite. Warning, I might gush."

I chuckle and smile. “Hey, as long as you don't try to kidnap the baby powerhouse I doubt the new parents will mind.”

"I won't." He chuckles before we enter the castle.

We walk up some stairs and I can hear giggling from behind a door. “Well, I think we are about to see two very tired parents and a hyper baby.” I said.

I could see a very hyper and excited person next to me as I look at Dillan, giving him a look before he sighs. "sorry, before being displaced my whole family was killed in an explosion. Including my nieces so babies and small kids are really hard for me to not be happy to see…"

I flinch and sigh. “Damn that sucks.” Twilight opens the door and we see Flurry flying around with Shining trying to catch her.

I heard Dillan chuckle before he flew into the air and caught Flurry making her giggle. Wait he flew!?

I stare at Dillan before shaking my head chuckling. “Greez.” I wave at the tired parents who look at Dillan confused.

Dillan smiles and gushes over flurry, tickling her and making her laugh. “Sorry about him, he really likes kids.” I said to them.

"Who is he?" Cadence asked as Dillan floats down with flurry as he plays with her.

"My name's Dillan, I'm a displaced from another dimension." He said to them, laughing as Flurry climbed on his head. "Hey be careful up there."

They look at each other confused before Shining steps forward. “What in Faust’s name is a displaced?”

I groan and walk over and pull on Dillan's ear. “Forget him for now, how have you been Shining?”

Dillan looks confused before Shining spoke. "Been ok, a bit tired but nothing compared to what Cadence has been through."

I nod and smile. “I bet, but hey that's what you signed up for when you two wanted to be parents.” I told him with a laugh. “Anyway, we came here with Twilight.” I point at her with my thumb.

“Oh that reminds me, Shining has already met them, but Princess Cadence meets Mike, Cam, Odona, and Commander Cruger.” I say pointing to each one.

"Pleasure to meet you." Shining armor said nodding.

"Um, Shining who is this man?" Cadence asked her husband.

Shining looks at his wife. “This is the man I helped with a rescue mission to save these people.” He said.

“Ma’am this place is very beautiful.” Odona said with a bow.

"Oh, t-thank you." Cadence said while Dillan tickles Flurry more making her laugh loudly.

Cruger bows his head. “Thank you for allowing us to be here, your highness.”

"It's not a problem, you’re welcome to be here. We need to get the crystalling ready, it's been so long since one has taken place we need to make sure everything is perfect." Cadence said.

“Well, I am sure it will be quite the show.” I said then I walk over to the rangers. “I think we will go explore the party downstairs.” I start leading the rangers out.

Dillan stayed with Flurry, who was currently playing with his hair. "Wanna go see a party?" He asked Flurry heart, before turning to her parents. "If you two are ok with it."

The two nodded their heads, “You can take her.” Cadence said,

“But if she so much as sniffles, I’ll kick your ass.” Shining Armor said,

I chuckle and smile. “With how he is acting I don't think even Lord Zedd could touch her.” I said before we leave the throne room.

Dillan's aura and deminer completely changed after I said that, his smile vanishing as a red aura sparks from the scratch on his eye. An uneasy otherworldly feeling washing over everyone, even though Flurry just looked confused. "If anyone tries anything they will be disintegrated."

“I point at Dillan. “Like I said, no one is gonna hurt your daughter with him as her babysitter.” Then I look at the rangers, “We need to talk.”

The rangers nodded their heads, “Alright, but should we move out of earshot is this something that can be said in front of others?” Odona asked,

“We should keep this hush hush.” I said as I head into the hallway.

Dillan starts following. "This includes me or is it about my aura?"

“You should hear this too, but I assume you already know.” I said to Dillan. I lead us down the hallway to another room. Once I check for anyone and see no one I head inside. Once everyone is inside I start. “First off, you need to know that the crystal empire is protected from evil as well the wild weather of the north. The protection comes from the Crystal Heart.” I point down at the floor.

“Today, this little one will accidentally destroy it.” I point at Flurry Heart. “While the ponies try to fix it, I want us out in the city looking for any dangers that will come.” I cross my arms. “If I was in charge of the villains I would send someone to attack.”

"How would the villains even know of the event?" Dillan asked, bouncing Flurry a little in his arms.

“They won’t till it happens.” I point up at the air. “They are most likely watching every city, waiting for an opportunity to attack.”

Dillan nods in understanding, while his ultimatrix glows. "Morphing grid energy integration at Thirty percent, possible transformations must be from morphers on the wrist."

“Well, that is an interesting device.” Cam said, looking at Dillan’s watch.

“Alright, you four can cover parts of the city you want. Me and Dillan will be together.” I said and then looked at Flurry Heart. “After he drops off the little one.”

Flurry giggles and tries to grab Dillan's nose, making him chuckle before Cadence and Shining Armor came downstairs. "We're ready for the crystalling, we just need Flurry."

Cadence's horn began to glow in her magical aura, before the same aura formed around Flurry and lifted her out of Dillan's arms. The young baby alicorn whimpered and reached out for Dillan frantically, tears in her eyes before letting out a loud wailing cry.

I groan and facepalm. “Alright team, split up and keep the city safe. Dillan, you are with me.” I open a window and jump out of it, using my magic to slow my fall.

I noticed Dillan followed me and flew down, not using magic. “Cheater.” I say to him with a smirk. Once we land I tap my necklace and change from a white unicorn stallion to a black crystal pony with red hair.

"Why do you need that? Also, how is using KI cheating?" He asked confused, before popping up his watch and dialing through to the crystal pony scan he got, turning into a crystal pony pegasus with a light blue coat and black hair.

“I don't want the bad guys to be able to ID me later.” I summon my sword and gun. “Keep an eye out for trouble.” I look up at the sky and see the shield is gone and storm clouds are coming into the city.

Dillan glanced up as well, rubbing his head. "I'd use one of my aliens to stop the clouds but I'm worried your team will mistake me for a villain alien."

“Yeah, that would be a problem but let the ponies handle the storm.” I look forward. “We are focusing on any monsters and foot soldiers.” I start walking down the street.

"Right so what foot soldiers do they have? Putties, vivics, tyrannodrones what?" He asked, cracking his knuckles.

“From what I have seen, Putties, Tengas, Quantrons, Stingwingers, and Krybots.” I list off before looking over at Dillan. “But there are most likely more.”

Dillan nodded before multiple putties and tengas appeared, as he returned to normal. "Then it's Morphin time!" He yelled out as his watch beeped. "Jungle fury wolf Morpher!" He called as his watch morphed into the wolf Morpher from jungle fury. "Jungle beast spirit unleashed!" He called morphing into the wolf ranger of jungle fury. His wolf Morpher glowed with purple energy, creating a purple suit around him with silver gauntlets, boots, knee pads, and elbow pads. A vizor forming with three white whiskers-like markings on each side and wolf ears on the top.

I frown and aim my gun at one of the Tangas and fire at them. I then cut a Puttie that ran at me. “First rule of being a power ranger.” I roundhouse kick another. “Only morph if you have to.”

"Yeah I know, but I mean I wanted to try out my new powers." He said before dashing at a putty and delivering multiple blows to it with his fists before spinning and also roundhouse kicking one into a tree

“I am surprised how fast they got here.” I said as I shot a few more.

"Yeah, almost like they were waiting." Dillan said, kicking and punching a few more.

“Oh, we were.” Said a synthesized voice. I look over to see psycho blue with his battle-ax walking towards us.

“Damn, kicking it right into high gear.” I holster my gun and sword before pulling out my Morpher and key. “Don't let him touch your head.”

Suddenly, large ice sparks flew at us, causing us to dodge them and look to see who sent them, it was a monster with its body made of dark clouds while its arms were made of solid ice.

“Damn, I guess I better suit up.” I slide my key into my Morpher and call out. “Set sail!” Turning my key makes my Morpher call out ’Gokaiger’ and in a flash of red, I am suited up.

“Where’s your four-armed dragon friend? Did he run away after our last fight?” Psycho Blue asked, getting into a fighting stance as well as the monster.

I frown under my helmet as I hold up my sword. “Nah, he is off fighting evil somewhere else, said he needed an actual challenge.” I start to step to the right away from the ice monster.

“Is that supposed to be an insult?” Blue asked before running at me and swung his ax, hitting me in the chest and causing sparks to appear, while the ice monster charged at Dillan.

I focused on Psycho Blue and shot my gun at him as I ran at him making him block the bullets with his ax. Once I was close enough I jumped and delivered a flying kick to his face. “I am surprised Red didn’t come after me himself. He must be scared to face me.” I look over at Dillan for a second.

Dillan smirked and dodged an attack as his Morpher sent out a yellow beam and went over the monster before he spun and kicked it off away. "Cool a new scan." Dillan commented before purple energy surrounded him. "Spirit of the wolf!" He called before punching the air as a giant purple wolf came out of his arm and attacked the ice monster.

After that, I turn back to Psycho Blue just in time to block his ax with my sword. “What's the matter blue? Did Zedd get tired of all of you fighting so he made you not able to talk as much?” I taunt before pushing his ax away and spin around slashing his chest.

Blue shouted in pain before trying to hit me with his ax, “You think you’re funny? Well, you’re not!” Blue said angrily before head butting me and hitting me with his ax.

I grunt in pain before jumping back. “You’re right, I shouldn’t be fighting you as a red ranger.” I pull out the blue samurai ranger key. “How about I fix that, go go samurai!” I put the key into my Morpher and turn it morphing. ’Shinkenger’ my Morpher called out as I hold my sword out and smirk under my helmet.

The ice monster slammed into Psycho blue before Dillan ran up to me and de-morphed. His wolf Morpher returning to normal before he held up his ultimatrix. "It's Morphin Time!" He called again, as his watch turned into the Red dino thunder rangers Morpher. "Dino thunder power up!!" He called before morphing into the red dino ranger, a slick red suit with white triangles and gold bands around his wrists and boots. "Ready to kick their butts?"

I chuckle and smirk pulling out a trumpet and two other keys. “Let me give you some backup dino boy.” I put the yellow and blue dino thunder keys into the trumpet’s slots before blowing and in a flash of white light, the two rangers appear next to Dillan. “There you go.” The yellow and blue rangers matched Dillan's outfit identically, blue having a vizor with the outline of a triceratops and yellow a pterodactyl.

“Bring all the Rangers you want! It’s not going to change a thing! We will win this fight!” Blue shouted at us, then he and the monster charged, Before being stopped by blaster fire. I look over and see the others running over with Mike aiming his sword/gun at the ice monster.

“Well, seems we have even more backup than you.” I said before I pull out a black box and attach it to my sword. “But you are mine blue.” I then press a button and spin part of my sword. “Super samurai mode!” making a white jacket appear on me and give me more power.

"Super dino mode!" Dillan yelled as his power increased as well before he launched at the ice monster with his tyranno staff. The white markings on his sure extended outwards into spike's, as his visor roars like a t rex.

I ran at Psycho blue and we clash weapons but I overpower him and cut his chest before kicking him away. “Why don't you spill the beans and tell us why you are attacking.”

“Like I’ll tell you!” Blue replied,

Dillan slashed at the ice monster's chest with his staff, spin kicking it away. "They must be after the crystal heart or." He stopped suddenly freezing up.

I look over getting distracted by him freezing up before I am blasted by blue’s energy ball attack knocking me over by Dillan and de-morphing me back to my base suit. “Ouch..that...hurt.”

“It’s supposed to.” Psycho Blue said, raising his ax up and bringing it down at me.

Dillan stopped the attack, keeping the ax from hitting me. "You're after Flurry heart aren't you."

Psycho Blue scoffs and backs up. “Like I told that wannabe, I ain't tellin' you shit.” Just then more foot soldiers start appearing and Psycho blue puts a hand to his helmet. “You got it? Good, I was getting bored.” He starts charging an attack but before he fires he tilts his head before groaning. “Fine! You got lucky kid next time you die.”

Psycho blue teleports out leaving us with the ice monster. “Damn, I will have to worry about that later.” I get up and think of a plan, pulling out another key. “Dillan you have the blue and yellow rangers, if you can handle it, go Triassic.”

Dillan nods looking to the other dino thunder rangers. "Time to go Triassic!" He said holding up the shield. The yellow and blue dino thunder rangers nod and hold their hands to their dino symbols before the energy surged into the shield Dillan was holding. Dillan's helmet became golden dinosaurs, while the markings on his suit turned from white to blue and gold.

I nod to Dillan and pull out a red key. “I think I will join you.” I put the key into my Morpher and turn it, me and my Morpher call out, “Lightspeed, Rescue!” and ’GoGoFive!’ There is a flash of red then I stand in a red and white suit with a shield-shaped vizor. “Lightspeed red!” I salute for a moment then I pull out a gun.

"So, ice age, ready to meet some global warming?" Dillan asked with a chuckle.

The monster roars, which sounds like thunder, in response before sending several ice spikes at Dillan.

Dillan raises his bladed shield, blocking the ice spike's before he roared and slashed at the air sending a wave of energy at the monster.

I hold out my hand and call out. “V-Lancer!” and a staff with a blade on one end and a red V in the middle appears then I fire blasts of energy at the monster.

The monster roars in pain and anger, then charged at me, claws ready to strike. I front flip over the monster letting him run into a wall then I spin around switching my V-lance to blade mode and slash his back. I jump backward and say. “Your turn Dillan!”

Dillan nodded within his helmet, jumping over the monster as his blade became engulfed in flames. "Triassic strike!" He called, slashing across the monster's back.

As the monster yells in pain I summon the Trans-Armor Cycle. A red motorcycle with blasters on its sides. I then get on and drive towards the monster. “Armor mode!” I press a button on the dash and the front part of the motorcycle detaches and moves forward before linking onto my chest.

Two pieces detach from the wheels and I backflip off the motorcycle and land on those pieces as they lock into place as boots. I slide to a stop as the motorcycle slams into the monster pushing him into a wall, then it flips around and drives towards me. “Complete transformation!” The bike breaks into pieces and flies over and attaches onto me forming the Trans-Armor. I smirk under my helmet and aim the blasters at him.

"Time to show this monster not to mess with the power rangers!" Dillan called, pushing some buttons on his Morpher. "Battlizer engage!" He called, his suit turning into armor as the sleeves on his arms and legs becoming hose-like as the blue spikes on his sides extended, two blasters forming on his shoulders. "Flame kick!" Dillan called spinning around as flames erupt from his feet, kicking into the monster and sending him in the air. "Final attack time, you game?" Dillan called over to me, as his blasters began charging up.

I nod and charge my blasters and fire at the monster knocking them against the wall as the blasts explode against him. “This isn't the strongest battlizer, so go ahead and finish him off Dillan.”

Dillan nods. "Battle blast!" He yelled, firing multiple beams of power at the monster. The strikes landed head-on before it began sparking with electricity and exploded.

I walk up to the crater seeing what was left of the monster. I power down to my base suit then I quickly use my sword to create a portal into the frozen wasteland outside the empire. “Quick, push everything through.”

Dillan nods and pushes the bits through the portal before he reverted to his human state again. "Hey, mind if I use that ranger key you got from me? I wanna see how the powers will work together."

“Fine, just be ready.” I toss the key to him then use my Morpher to talk with the other rangers. “Meet me at the east side of the empire, chances are there will be a zord fight coming.”

Dillan nods holding the key up to his ultimatrix, hooking it in like a key and turning it. "Um seeing as this isn't a normal morphing key what do I say?"

I look at it and shrug. “I have only used one displaced key before now, and I kinda heard the voice of the Morphin grid tell me.” I close my eyes and tap a finger on the key focusing. “Ah the morph call is, ‘omni force, go ultimate!’ got that?”

"Weird doesn't it normally rhyme?" Dillan asked

I shrug again. “Sometimes?” After I say that I see something fall from the sky out in the wasteland. “Shit, suit up or something robot fight time.” I pull out the red lightspeed rescue key and morph again. “Lightspeed Rescue!” ’GoGoFive!’

Dillan nods. "Omni force, go ultimate!" He called, a light blue suit forming over his body as a dark blue hourglass shape formed on his chest, with black and grey lines forming around the hourglass distinguishing it from the rest of the blue. A sideways black hourglass forming on his navy blue helmet forming his vizor as machine code flows down from the top of his vizor. "Ok, so this form allows you to access some of my aliens but five at a time as weapons. And it randomizes each morph."

“How do you know that?” I ask as we start running to the edge of the city seeing the monster grow large and let out a roar.

"According to this, seeing as I morphed with it in my ultimatrix it gives me the ability to tap into Azimuth’s data banks. Which are constantly updating with each new token added." Dillan informed me, pointing to the machine code readings on his vizor. "It also has two zords and a mega zord they form into. The two zords are based on Humungousaur and big chill, and when they combine into the Megazord it uses Waybig’s DNA to… oh wait you have no idea what aliens I'm referring to do you."

“Not a clue, so shut up and summon the zords.” I tell Dillan before holding a hand up. ‘Please work’ I think before yelling. “Super Train!” A portal opens up next to the train tracks before a new set of train tracks shoot out of it. The new tracks then start rising up to make a large ramp as a large black train with colored stripes on each train car, comes out of the portal and stops.

I look behind me to see the others. “Ok, those who can summon their zords or become them do so, Cam here.” I summon my pirate sword and throw it at him. “Think of where your zord it and make a massive hole for it.”

I turn then jump into the train. “Time to fly!” I start the train and send it forward. It flies up the ramp before separating and then each train car moves into position, the train car with the green stripe moves to the middle forming the body and head, the yellow and pink train cars form the legs while the blue and red train cars form the arms and together they form the super train Megazord.

(Author’s note, please ignore everyone in the video except the red ranger and stop at 1:41)

I heard a large roar before looking to where Dillan was, a large bipedal dinosaur-looking creature made of metal grew even bigger. A smaller blue and white zord with wings flying beside it, in a flash the two combined into a huge humanoid creature with a large frill on its head. "Omni Megazord ready!"

I turn to the monster and make the Megazord punch it away from the empire. “Don't let it near the city!”

“Don’t worry you are not alone.” I hear Odona’s voice and turn to see she has grown massive and stands between the monster and the city. And she wasn’t alone, next to her is Mike and Cam in their megazords.

"This should be fun!" Dillan's voice called, catching an energy blast from the monster with his Megazord's hand. "Nice try, but this thing is made to survive in space, your cold does nothing!"

“Ok everyone, let's end this fast, everyone fire together!” I charge the turbines and start firing my zord’s right fist as a machine gun then I fire the missiles from my zord’s left fist.

Dillan's zord crossed its arms as energy began charging energy. "This could take me a few moments, this attack requires a lot of energy!"

“We have you covered!” Mike said as his zord starts to spine around and like a top he slashes at the monster. Cam makes his zord pull the shuriken off of the front of his zord before throwing it and cutting the monster who roars. While Odona uses her magic to freeze the monster's feet to the ground.

“He is all yours young man.” Odona said.

"Get out of the way!" Dillan called, forcing the rangers to quickly move out of the way. The ice monster has scratches and dents though minimal damage due to its ice. "Omni cosmic eraser!" Dillan yelled as a large concentrated blast of energy erupted from his zords arms, coloring with the monster and shoving it into the upper atmosphere. A bright blinding explosion erupted from its spot as a miniature galaxy formed from the explosion, Dillan's zords disappearing as he fell to the ground.

I watch as the light fades away as it was just for show then I get out of my zord and send it back through the portal. I look over as the others get out of their zords and demoph. “Good to see you guys got your zords.” I said to Cam and Mike.

The nod and Cam speaks up. “Yeah, if it wasn’t for your sword being able to make portals we wouldn’t have our megazords at all.”

Dillan walked up to my side and handed me the Omni key again. "I think combining the key that's based on my powers with my powers made it overpowered."

“Damn right it did.” I said then pocket the key. “No more key for you.” I say then cross my arms and look over at the city just as the shield goes back up. “Seems they fixed the heart, let's all demoph and head back for the party.” I tap my necklace and change back to my normal disguise of a white unicorn stallion with black hair and red highlights.

Dillan pushed down his watches dial again, transforming into the crystal pony pegasus with a blue coat and black mane. "I wonder what they took…"

I sigh and look at Dillan. “I don't know, but I have a feeling that whatever it was, the bad guys are looking for something. Maybe some ancient device that is powerful enough to conquer worlds but some goody two shoes decided to break it apart and hide it rather than flat out destroying it as a smart person would.”

"Maybe we should investigate the heart itself or any powerful crystals that went missing. I remember the dino charge rangers use crystals to make a zord, maybe they're trying to do that." Dillan suggested.

“Maybe, but who knows.” I said as we head back into town. “So Dillan, what did you think of your first Megazord fight?”

Dillan chuckles. "It was awesome, and if you ever need help don't be afraid to call." He said, as we approach the city and see shining, cadence, and Flurry waiting.

“I will remember that.” I said to him. I then wave at the ponies with a bright smile, while saying seriously. “Cruger, if you don't mind could you stay in the empire for a while and do some investigating to find out what the bad guys took?”

“Of course, I don't mind at all. I want to catch these villains as well.” he said.

Dillan walked up to me and opened his mouth to speak until a certain baby teleported onto his face giggling. "Really Flurry?"

Me and the other rangers laugh at Dillan for a while. We head inside and have dinner with the prince and princess before getting on the train to leave later that night. I wave at Cruger as the train leaves. “Hope he will be ok on his own for a while.”

"He's the leader of an entire-time patrolling agency, he'll be fine." Dillan said, a blue vortex opening behind him once he was about to get on the train. "oh looks like it's time for me to go home."

I look surprised then shrug. “Alright. Also, he was in charge of Space Patrol Delta, not Time Force.” I then hold my fist out for a fist bump.

"Oh, right." Dillan chuckles. "But still what I said stands." He said fist bumping me. "Thanks for the fun time." He said.

“Yeah, give me a call if you ever need a ranger.” I said. “See ya around.”

"Right back at ya." Dillan smiled, turning and running through the portal.

I turn to look at Mike, Cam, and Odona. “You guys sure your zords will be fine here?”

“Yeah, we’re sure.” Mike said, Cam, nodded his head in agreement.

“Alright, though you may want to have Kat look them over while I am gone.” I sit down in the seat. “So I bet you three are glad to have your powers again.”

“We are indeed.” Odona said with a nod,

I yawn and lean back into my seat. “I don't know about you three but I am pooped. Wake me when we get to Ponyville.” I close my eyes and start to fall asleep.

Author's Note:

This is a crossover with The ultimate surprise