• Published 2nd Aug 2020
  • 4,378 Views, 56 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Deltorix

A young man is asked to help save Equestria by someone unexpected, will he save Equestria or will he fail.

  • ...

Chapter 8

I walk through the portal that Ed opened for me and when I come back to my world I see Rita standing there and groan but aim my gun at her.

"Why don't you just run away and tell your ugly husband that you failed; bitch." I say to her then smirk in my helmet when I see her eyes widen and then she growls slamming her staff down and teleports away then I slump.

"Thank god she left. Power down." In a flash I return to civilian form then I look over and watch as Celestia and her sister do the same following my example.

"It's good to see you again we thought you lost to the void; young warrior." Luna says to me but I wave her off.

"I would have been but I got lucky. Now if you excuse me; I need to find my bed before I pass out." I start walking back to the castle but shamble along the way completely.

After making my way back into the castle I stumble into my room and just flop onto the bed and groan. 'who knew being a power ranger was this exhausting. I just hope I get stronger and build up more endurance so I won't be this tired every day. '
I yawn and close my eyes and go to sleep having a peaceful dream.

I wake up the next day to an odd feeling. I sit up and rub my eyes and see my room glowing red. I look around confused but see a red silhouette of my ranger key fly out of the door. My eyes widen and I get up fast and open my door and see the silhouette go towards the throne room I grit my teeth and run down the hallway seeing the door to the throne room open I rush in and gasp seeing the time portal sucking Twilight in so I quickly jump towards her and morph.

"Set sail!" In a flash of red energy I am in my ranger form and grab her leg and am pulled into the time strip with Twilight and Spike. "Twilight I'm going to need a cloud walking spell as soon as possible!" I yell over the rushing air around us, she looks down and blushes lightly. It’s then that I realized I'm looking up her skirt and looked away.

"Sorry didn't mean that." I keep my head turned away then we exit from the time portal in the sky we start falling but Twilight flaps her wings harder and lights her horn and I feel her magic around me then she sets us down on a cloud.
"What are you doing here and where is here?" Twilight asks me looking around.

"From the looks of things I'd say Cloudsdale; but why would Starlight come here? She doesn't even have wings." Spike says and before anything else happens a sky blue filly rushes past us, making Spike spin but I stop him with a hand to his head.
"Was that Rainbow Dash? Did she look younger?" Twilight asks us.

I choose not to speak. "Yeah that was Rainbow and she is younger because we traveled through time." I look up and catch the time travel spell and hand it to Twilight.

She gasps and Spike starts walking off. "Where are you going Spike?"

"To watch the race, duh. I don't want to miss the rainboom!" He says excitedly and falls through a cloud but Twilight catches him with her magic and lifts him back and holds his hand.

I keep my arms crossed as we get closer to the race and watch it start. I tense my muscles stopping myself from jumping after filly Fluttershy knowing she will be fine while Spike stops Twilight.

I watch Rainbow closely and as she is forming a mach cone I see her get blasted with magic that stops her in place I follow the beam to starlight floating in her own magic I tap Twilight's shoulder and point her out so we go to confront her.

Twilight rushes up to starlight and demands. "What did you do?!"

Starlight smirks and points at twilight. "You are about to find out."

Then the time portal opens again this time all three of us get sucked in.

When we exit out of the time portal Twilight lands in a broken throne, Spike lands on the ground and I flip and land on my feet next to the map table that is glowing red.

Twilight rubs her head and sits up seeing the map she says. "I don't know what Starlight is up to yet but we better figure it out before it's too late."

Spike looks around and speaks up while I look at the map. "Um, Twilight; I think it's already too late."

I speak up to save some time. "Starlight used a spell to go back in time to change the past. She did and now because the three of us were in the past with her we remember how things are supposed to be but in this new timeline you and your friends never meet, you don't become the element bearers, and you don't save Equestria. And judging from this new map; I'd say this world is at war with Sombra."

I point at the map and then I see a ranger figure standing where Twilight's castle should be. I pick it up and smirk in my helmet. "Fitting. Time for, Time Force!" My morpher calls out ’Timeranger’ just as I morph into the red Time Force ranger and Twilight jumps back in surprise.

"Fascinating, but why did you change into that form?" Twilight asks me and I turn to her.

"Which would you trust more; this or the pirate themed one? Besides, we are dealing with different timelines so it makes sense to use Time Force." I answer.

"All this talk about timelines and time travel makes my head hurt." Spike says while holding his head.

"Well too bad. Look we are going to find Celestia to warn her of the danger that is coming before we go after Starlight." I then try to summon my bag and it works so I look through it and sigh.

"What's wrong?" Twilight asks and I rub my faceplate.

"I don't have any paper. Do you Spike?" I look at Spike and he nods and opens his backpack and pulls out paper and a quill.
"What do you need written?" He asks as he gets ready to write.

"Dear Princess Celestia; we are travelers from a different timeline. We are going to where you are so please inform your guards and or soldiers to not attack the flying red ship that will be coming soon. That's all. Spike and Twilight put a tracking spell on the letter before he sends it.” I tell them while pacing back and forth.

Spike writes everything down then gives it to Twilight and she lights her horn and puts the tracking spell on it then Spike sends it.

"You mentioned a red flying ship. Why? We don't have one." Twilight says as we watch the scroll fly off towards Celestia supposedly.

I chuckle and smirk in my helmet." Don't we? " I walk away from them and lift my hand out and call out. "Gokai Galleon!" A huge portal opens up and my ship comes flying out and then I grab Spike's and Twilight's arms then jump high pulling them with me up onto the deck of the ship.

I take them inside and smile. "Welcome to my home away from home; the Gokai Galleon." I show them my Ranger keys on display and then I go to the helm and I look to Twilight.

"O-oh right. Um head north west." She says a bit flustered I nod and start the ship up and start flying it that way.

"Twilight I need you to fly the ship while I do something alright?" She looks at me and nods. I show her how to fly it then go into the living area and pull out my laptop and get some paper.

I spend the whole trip writing down all the activation code phrases for each of the ranger teams and drawing the symbol for each next to them and I finish just in time as I hear Twilight call for me so I put the laptop away and take the notes with me.

"We are here. I think there is a camp down in the snow; see?" She points out the window.

I nod then say. "Twilight if possible I need you to copy the map Celestia and Luna gave me with the same spell on it" I give her the map then start walking out onto the deck.

"Come down once you're done." I then walk to the edge of my ship and look down, finding a spot empty of soldiers. I jump down and land on my feet kicking up some snow.

"Intruder! One of Sombra's super soldiers is here!" I hear some of the guards yell and I slowly stand up and look at them as they get spears and swords and aim them at me.

"Surrender and you won't be hurt!" Says a stallion in armor while aiming his sword at me.

"I am not working for Sombra, I sent a letter earlier to Princess Celestia. I'm here to meet with her." I say calmly and carefully trying not to make any sudden movements.

I watch as they keep their weapons aimed at me until I see a scared Princess Celestia walk up holding a huge claymore. "One of Sombra's super soldiers thinks they can just walk into my army's camp and not pay the price?"

My eyes widen and I slowly raise my hand. "I am not one of that asshole's soldiers; I'm a power ranger. Just hear me out." I try to explain but she lifts her claymore and the soldiers spread out making a circle around us.

"I refuse to listen to any more of Sombra's lies!" She rushes me. I jump to the side and grumble then tap the time force morpher on my wrist.

"Chrono Sabers." And two red and silver swords in the shape of clock hands come out of the time force morpher on my wrist and grows to full size then I grab them and get ready for a fight.

"I see you decided to stop hiding your intentions Sombra scum." Celestia says before her claymore starts to glow with heat.

"I'm not going to attack you Princess Celestia, I just don't want to be killed because you’re not listening." I tell her then when she lifts the claymore to strike me I cross my blades and stop her attack and groan using my new strength to keep her at bay.

"I won't let you kill any more of my ponies!" She yells as she pushes down harder and I start to kneel still holding the claymore up.

"I. AM. NOT. A. BAD GUY!" I yell as I push up and to the side making her claymore slide off my swords and slam into the ground then I jump away from her.

I pant and keep my blades aimed down at the ground. "Celestia I am not working for Sombra, and if you would wait a few minutes you'd see I'm with a alicorn princess named Twilight."

She scoffs and pulls the claymore out of the ground. "There are no other alicorns anymore. Your lies are obvious."

I groan and lift my swords in a defensive position. "I told you in the letter we are from another timeline now please just wait a few minutes that's all I'm asking."

"Enough of your lies it's time for me to end this and knock you out." She rushes me again but this time I jump to the right only to be blasted by her magic and knocked into some shields that the soldiers are holding then they push me back into the circle.

'God damn it she isn't listening, what am I gonna do?' I think while standing back up and crossing my swords ready for another one of her attacks.

Before she can attack again Twilight flies down with Spike yelling "WAIT! He isn't a bad guy!"

I relax my stance and let the blades return to the morpher then look to Twilight. "Took your sweet time. Mind talking to her? She won't listen to me." I throw my hands up in the air then cross them as I walk behind Twilight with my back to Celestia and listen as Twilight tells Celestia what's going on.

"So...it is true you three are from another timeline... One without this war.. You need to go back and fix the past so this war never happens." Celestia orders us.

"Of course Princess we are already planning on doing just that. Don't worry soon everything will be back to normal." Twilight tells her but I decide to cut in.

"Not exactly. Even if we fix the past; this world will still exist. They won't be erased or rewritten. Starlight may have created this new Equestria but even if we fix history this place will remain while we return to our world." I turn around and hold out a hand to Twilight and she gets the hint and gives me the copy of the map and notes I made.

"Here Princess this will help you prepare for a greater danger that is most likely already here." I give her the copied map and notes.

"Now that that is taken care of Twilight we can go." Just as I was about to jump up onto my ship this timeline’s Rainbow Dash lands near Celestia.

Saluting before reporting something troubling. "Ma'am those two super soldiers are back. This time headed right for us I've sent Pinkamena and Maud to stall but they are still injured from their last run in with them ma'am. What are your orders?"

I turn to Twilight and say. "Come on Twilight we need to catch Starlight."

She looks shocked and points at Rainbow. "We can't just leave them. Can't you help them?!"

I sigh and slump a bit then say. "Get on the ship Twilight, I'll deal with them, and if I say run; you run." I turn and start walking while asking Rainbow. "Which way are they?"

She looks shocked like she didn't notice me before but when Celestia nods she points north east.

I sigh one more time and tap the morpher and summon the red vector cycle to get to them faster. A portal opens and out comes a motorcycle. It is mostly white and gold with red highlights. I get on and drive off.

After a few minutes of driving, I see them fighting Pinkie and Maud and the two ponies don't seem to be winning, I stop and get off parking my motorcycle in the snow then they stop when they see me and turn to face me while the two ponies run behind me and get in fighting positions facing me and the two evil Rangers.

"Oh great the Thunder Ninja Rangers." I mumble to myself, then look at them and say. "I'm assuming you’re under some kind of spell but if you can fight it maybe Celestia can help you." I tell them and they silently summon their weapons.

Then I run at them and punch the blue one in the chest, sending him sliding into a snow pile, the red one rushes me and uses his staff to hit me but I jump back and summon the Chrono Sabers again.

I have a gut feeling and jump to the side and see Pinkamena punch the ground where I was leaving a crater. "What the hell pink pony I'm on your side or did you not see me attack them??" I yell at her, then turn to the Rangers as they run at me using their ninja speed so I activate my executed time again to keep up blocking their attacks with my swords then I kick the red one away and cut the blue one making sparks fly from his chest.

"We don't trust you! You look like them!" Pinkamena yells at me ready to attack me again but Maud grabs her shoulder.

"Wait....let them fight. If he is one of Sombra's soldiers we can take him out once he is tired." Maud says completely emotionlessly.

I roll my eyes and dismiss my swords and summon my Vector Weapon, and aim it at the evil Rangers while they are pulling themselves up looking shaky.

"V1 fire!" I fire it one and an energy ball shoots at them and explodes. I lifted the blaster and watched the smoke clear to show them barely standing, but they charged at me, weapons in hand as I prepared my Vector Weapon again only for the Crimson Ranger to kick it away, and started to try and hit me with his weapon.

I grit my teeth and jump back as I summon the chrono sabers again and our weapons clash, sending sparks everywhere. “Damn your strong, too bad your evil.”

He remained silent as he pushed my sabres to the sides and kicked me in the chest, before hitting me with his sword. Sparks fly off my chest as I'm knocked into a snowbank and look up in time to see the navy one coming at me with his sword ready to impale me. I roll out of the way and use my swords to cut him across his side before roundhouse kicking him away.

“I need an advantage..lets hope this works.” i say before calling out. “Red battle warrior!” fire shots out of my hand as lightning strikes around me forming the battlizer on me. I have red, gold and silver armor added around me and what seem like wings made of fire.

“All right it worked! Now then. Battle fire saber!” I reach behind me and grab the hilt and pull it off my back, a huge golden sword that lights on fire.

The two Rangers didn’t say anything but did take a step back before charging at me, before the Navy Ranger went to his knees as the Crimson jumped from his back and into the air, weapon raised and ready to strike as the Navy Ranger continued his charge.

I swing my sword in a way to strike both of them and I cut right through their swords. “You two are no match now!” I lift my sword high and it charges with energy before I swing it down diagonally cutting across the Crimson ranger and then I swing it back up the other direction and cut the Navy Ranger causing both rangers to be surrounded by explosions and sparks flying off their suits. The two of them went flying before crashing into the snow, they shakily got up and readied their weapons once more, then they fell down and demorph, I sigh in relief and dismiss the blaster and walk over to them.

"If you have some rope or better handcuffs we should tie them up. I'll make sure they are less dangerous." I tell the Pie sisters as I get to the unconscious ninjas I remove their morphers and hold onto them as Pinkamena and Maud come over and tie them up.

They both still look at me suspiciously; well I assume Maud is as she still has that deadpan look on her face. "Ok I know you two don't trust me, but you need to know this."

I hold up both morphers. "These are called morphers, they are how these two get their suits and weapons, but they are still trained ninjas so don't underestimate them." I finish as I give the morphers to Maud, and two new keys appear in my hands.

I quickly speak up when I see her hands start to tighten too tight. "Best keep those safe so your people can reverse engineer them and make more for your people to use against Sombra don't you think?"

She stops and looks at the morphers for a second then nods slightly. "Good now then I must be going. You two take these two back with you and free their minds, hopefully they will help you after that."

I watch as they slowly walk off toward their camp then hold up my left arm and activate the communicator. "Twilight come pick me up we are done here." I then sent the motorcycle back to where it came from. I also deactivate the battlizer returning to base time force.

I wait for a minute then look over to where the camp is and see my ship coming once it is close enough I jump up onto it and head inside. "Ok Twilight, next we stop Starlight."

After a while of flying we get to where the map is and I nod to Twilight and we leave my ship then I send it back through the portal and then me, Spike and Twilight stand in front of the map. "Ok Twilight lets go."

She nods and pulls out the spell and casts it and the time portal opens sucking Twilight, spike and myself into it this time I'm next to Twilight, "I don't plan on fighting starlight for you, just so you know."

She gasps and looks to me, "but why?! With your powers you could stop her easily!"

I look to her and hold up three fingers, "one, because I hold no legal authority and she would be let go on a technicality, two, if I were to fight her as a power ranger i could accidentally kill her, and Three: You have more to prove as an alicorn than I do."

She looks at me in surprise and her ears lower when she thinks about what I said. "R-right I understand Jolly Roger, but please protect Spike if she goes after him."

I nod as we come out of the portal and we all start falling but Twilight manages to catch me and Spike then says. “All we have to do now is find Starlight and st-“ that’s when we are blasted with magic and I feel it harden around us forming a transparent crystal trapping Spike, Twilight and myself. then we fall onto a cloud and slowly start to sink through it.

“Well, finding her will be easy. But stopping her’s going to be harder than you think!” Starlight says as she comes floating over in her own magic. She then starts to monologue while circling us. I roll my eyes as that’s all I can do.

“Sorry to disappoint you, but I created that spell to send myself back in time. So even when you cast it, I still get sent back here. It wasn’t difficult to change Starswirl’s spell; he’d already done the hard part. But figuring out I could use the map to go to any time or place and pull you along with me?” She then laughs and floats over us.

“I even impressed myself with that. I knew you’d try to stop me. You're so predictable. Why else would I leave the scroll behind? Touching it triggered the map to whisk you here and watch me erase the one thing that linked you with your friends.” She then lands on the crystal trapping us and I can feel it slide deeper into the clouds faster.

“My village was a sanctuary of equality where no pony’s cutie mark allowed them to feel superior. It was a special place, and you and your friends took it away.” It was then we couldn’t see her as the crystal had slipped all the way through the cloud now just the top part is keeping us from falling.

Then I spot Starlight floating down under the cloud where we are then she continues to monologue. “Now it’s my turn to take something special from you. Without the rainboom, you and your friends will never form your special cutie mark bond.” She then gets closer to twilight and grins as she yells. “Cutie marks for cutie marks. Sounds like a fair trade to me.”

Then she tapped the crystal holding us and we started to fall now free of the cloud. I start to flex my magic but unfortunately I can’t feel it leaving my body. ’What the hell!? Damn it don’t tell me I can’t use magic while I’m morphed.’

As we are falling I see a glow and look over to see Twilight building magic up in her horn then with a bright flash she breaks us free but me and Spike continue to fall and we both call out. “Twilight!”

I see her coming so I grab hold of Spike and we fall through a small cloud before Twilight can catch up and grab hold of us and fly us back up to cloudsdale. “Thanks.” Me and spike say together.

“No problem Spike, Rodger. At least now we know exactly what we have to do.” After that we start sneaking back into the race track by Twilight teleporting us.

“Ok you two keep your eyes peeled.” Spike and myself nod to her and we start looking for Starlight. “We have to stop as soon as Rainbow Dash and those bullies race by. “

Spike looks through some binoculars I didn’t even know he had then he speaks up but Twilight keeps cutting him off. “Um, Twilight...”

“So be ready.”

“I know but..”

“Because she could pop up anywhere.”

I grab Twilight’s head and turn it to face where Starlight is talking with the bullies and Fluttershy.

“Just remember how you’d feel if someone said those things to you.” Starlight said to the two colts and they seem to look down for a moment.

“What’s going on here?” Twilight said as she landed near them and pointed at Starlight.

“Oh, I was just reminding these two colts how hurtful teasing can be.” She said, waving warmly at the colts.

“Well, don’t!” Twilight said aggressively. All three foals looked confused. “I mean... You were?”

“Of course. In a world where every pony is unique, some are bound to feel more special then others. But that isn’t a license to be cruel is it?” Starlight said getting in twilight face.

“No. Of course it is.” Twilight says looking troubled.

“Isn’t it a shame we don’t live in a world where everypony is equal. No one would ever tease anyone there. Wouldn’t that be nice?” Starlight said to the foals. And they nod their heads.

“No. It wouldn’t!” Twilight said, starting to panic. I cross my arms and sigh softly. “I mean, it’d be nice not to be teased, of course, but that’s not the same thing.”

Then the light brown colt held his hand out to little Fluttershy and said. “Come on, Fluttershy. Maybe you can help you get through the course this time.”

She then smiles and follows him saying. “Well, I sure could use the practice.”

Twilight then walked up to Starlight and said, “I know you only convinced those bullies to not tease Fluttershy to stop the rainboom.”

Starlight looks at Twilight smugly and says. “Oh, that’s not true. I convinced them not to be bullies because everypony should be equal.” She bobs her head side to side on the last part. Then she glares at twilight. “Stopping the rainboom is just a bonus.”

Then we hear rainbow fly by and Spike points her out. “This isn’t over yet!” Then she takes off with Spike holding onto her back.

“If you say so.” Starlight said, then looked at me and lit her horn. “Now that she is gone are you gonna try to stop me too?”

I shake my head and say. “Not yet I’ll only step in if things get too far.”

She snorts and just watches Twilight as do I and we watch as Twilight talks with Rainbow but she is far enough I can’t hear them. I watch as Twilight tries to convince the young rainbow dash to do the sonic rainboom but she flies off and I shake my head but watch as Starlight floats herself over to Twilight.

“Oh sure just have a conversation away from where I am. Not like I need to hear it.” I grumble to myself.

Then the time portal opens up sucking Twilight and Spike in while I am also sucked in I saw Starlight's smug face as I am pulled into the portal.

Soon we fall out of the portal I flip myself and land on the table and look around seeing the overgrown forest around us and when I look down at the table I see the green time force key. I get off the table and pick it up. That's when I sense people around us I put the key away and try to stay calm.

“Well, that didn’t work.” Spike said while brushing himself off.

“This is going to be harder then I thought. We’ll have to try again.” Twilight said as she takes out the spell I turn around and cross my arms seeing we are already surrounded.

“Hey Twilight.” Spike tried to get her attention but she is too focused on the spell.

“I don’t want to live in that awful future we saw.” She said, still looking over the spell.

“I don’t think you’ll have too.” Spike said then twilight looked up from the spell and saw we have spears pointed at us.

In front of us are five ponies covered in green paint like stuff holding spears aimed at us but we all see two somewhat familiar faces and Twilight speaks up. “Pinkie? Fluttershy?”

“SILENCE, CHANGELING!” This pinkie says.

The flutter shy says. “All servants of Queen Chrysalis found in these woods must be destroyed!”