• Published 2nd Aug 2020
  • 4,378 Views, 56 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Deltorix

A young man is asked to help save Equestria by someone unexpected, will he save Equestria or will he fail.

  • ...

Chapter 18

Roger glared at the two enemies in front of them. “Asta and I will deal with purple, the rest of you will deal with Flurious, then join us.” Roger ordered.

"I'm with you on that." Asta nods, drawing his sword as he stares intently at Purple-Psycho. "We need to be careful though. His Qi is strong, stronger than Ice-man over there. If he wanted to, he could've easily killed Capt. Cold. I'm fighting back the exhaustion from my earlier attack too so I'm nowhere near my best."

Roger nodded and spun his sword in his hand. “That's fine, we just need to hold him off long enough for the others to kill Flurious, then they can join us.” He aimed his gun at Purple. “Attack!” Then shot at Purple while the others charged at Flurious.

The shield opens to reveal the eye of the master. "Shadow Wolf Assaults!" Asta shouts as hundreds of dark magic wolves shoot from the shield at Purple who dodges them. "Don't think you're getting away that easily!" He says as he gets behind the evil purple ranger as they start to exchange blows, Psycho only using his hands and feet

'Need some space.’ Asta thought. 'His fighting is too neat for random martial arts. I'm not familiar with his style but it is eerily similar to Mauy Tai.'

"Roger coming at ya! Now Howling Slash!" Asta says, charging his blade with dark magic and sending Purple straight for the captain with a purple whaling crescent slash.

“Right!” Roger thrust his sword to intercept Psycho Purple but much to Roger's surprise Psycho Purple grabs his sword and flips himself over Roger getting behind him. “What the hell?!” He turns around before getting kneed in the stomach and then roundhouse kicked.

Roger is knocked back and hits a wall. “Fuck he hits hard.” Roger said while holding his stomach.

Asta lands next to Roger. "No kidding." He agrees. "My self-hardening kicked in to help absorb his blows. He's a martial arts master that much I can tell for sure from his moves. What style, I can't tell but he specializes in close-quarters combat with his fists and feet for power moves while using his kneecaps and elbows to block or catch attacks."

Roger coughs then frowns under his helmet. “Then maybe I should try something else.” He pushes the button on his belt and his belt buckle spins around showing the red SPD key. “Let’s make some room, try to get him against a wall, then when I say so move out of the way.”

"That's a lot easier said than done Red Ranger." Asta slightly turns his head. "I'll do what I can." He charges in.

Purple again starts to exchange blows with the Knight Wolf. Asta mainly relied on his shield to do the attacking and the sword to block. The wide girth of the shield was too unwieldy and made it impossible to stop or block while the sword was quick and easy to maneuver, plus it still had its edge that could do damage if the attack was flipped in the attacker's direction.

Purple used a double palm thrust while Asta blocked with his blade. Purple snickers evilly grabbing the blade. "Don't laugh. I knew you were going to do that, take this, Dark Shield Catapult!'' The eye once more glowed and covered the shield in dark magic. Asta quickly lifted his sword, lifting Purple's arms, then he bashed the shield into Purple's chest. He launched the evil ranger flipping him in the process as a dark shockwave was sent out.

“SPD emergency!” Roger called out as he changed into the red SPD ranger. ’Dekaranger!’ His Morpher called out. “Alright next, S.P.D Battlizer!” A portal opens and a robot dog comes through, this is R.I.C, and then R.I.C gave Roger the Magna Morpher. Roger catches the Morpher in a stance and presses the red button while saying. “Cyber Mode Activate!" Gaining an Energy Sword, Metallic Gauntlets, and Metallic Greaves.

“Now!” Roger calls out as he runs at Psycho Purple before jumping and yelling. “Dynamic entry!” While performing a flying kick hitting Psycho Purple in the chest knocking him against the wall and then through the wall outside.

'Oh no...' Asta thinks as his eyes widen in his helmet.

He sensed Purple through the cloud of dust and debris, still on his feet. The Psycho Ranger then takes off with blinding speed, coming straight for Roger like a bullet fired from a loaded gun.

"You fool!" Asta shouts as he rockets in front of the red ranger and quickly throws up his shield just in the nick of time to meet the double force thrust of the Purple Psycho ranger. The force of the attack completely shatters the shield, knocking Asta right into Roger, rocketing the duo back several feet to lie on the ground.

Asta forces himself up. "Are you okay?" He asks, looking at Roger.

Roger shakes his head a bit. "Yea, thanks for the save..." He trails off looking at Asta. "Your armor?!"

"Yea." Asta nods, standing up. "I felt it as soon as the shield broke." He says holding to reveal his exposed left arm. "The attack shattered the shield, the entire left arm, and severely damaged the whole left side of my armor. If my skin hardening hadn't kicked in my entire left side would've gone splat all over you and the ground."

“Geez, this guy is no joke. Do you need a new key or are you good to keep fighting?” Roger asked as he stood up. R.I.C comes over to them barking.

Asta demorphs and looks to the Korag Key. It had several cracks all over it. He then fell to his knee as he was hit with great exhaustion from the strain he'd put on himself during the fight with Purple.

Asta shakily gets to his feet. "Give me the other one for the Wolf Warrior, now!"

“Right!” Roger trades keys with him, giving Asta the red wolf knight key. “Damn, hope these can repair themselves.” He mumbles before facing psycho purple. “I’ll pay you some time.” Then he runs at Psycho Purple and the two begin to exchange blows. Roger managed to deflect most of the attacks and land a few good hits himself, slowly pushing Psycho Purple back.

Asta catches the key. "Magical Source, Mystic Force!" He calls out and is engulfed in a roar of red flames as steps out in a red variant of his previous armor. "Wolf Warrior!"

Asta looks at Roger as he lands next to him. "Christ he's something else! I think even at your earlier power level he'd still give you a run for your money."

"I think I can better even the playing field." Asta looks at the red ranger. "I can use my Teach skill to have you learn Muay Thai. It won't be much, but it'll better let you counter his moves. What do you think?"

Roger nods his head. “Do it, we can use any edge we can get.” He takes a fighting stance ready to rush in.

Asta quickly slapped his hand on Roger's back. "Teach Muay Thai!" He shouts and a flood of new information fills Roger's mind with a bit of new vigor in his body and respect in his soul.

Roger grins under his helmet and rushes Psycho Purple once again, this time their blows matching and almost evenly matched. “What!? How can you get this good so fast?!” Psycho Purple demands in a growling voice.

Asta quickly places his shield and sword on his back before he flies in with a trail of fire behind him as he lands a flying kick right to Purple's face sending the evil ranger flying back again in a rush of red flames.

"Should've gone with this form from the start." Asta says to Roger. "And that's because he has a great Sensei asshole!" He says with a raised hand and quickly clenches it. "Let's see if you can keep up with the fire style!"

Asta rushes in and then takes off with firebending again quickly getting behind Purple. "Roger! Heads Up! Exploding Flame Wolf Palm!" Asta roars as fire covers his palm and morphs into a wolf's head that he buries the attack in the Psycho Ranger's gut and it explodes sending him into the air towards Roger.

Roger grins under his helmet and turns the handle on the Magna Morpher before unleashing a barrage of punches at an incredible speed hitting psycho purple first of the air created from the punches and then the punches themselves.

Psycho Purple growls as he stumbles back. “Enough! RAH!” He roars as a dark purple mist covers him before clawed gloves, and spiked knee pads appear on him. “Time to kill some rangers.”

"Great, we finally pissed him off enough that he's taking us as a serious threat." Asta rushes over to Roger. "We're going to need to mirror each other and sync up in order to fight him like that. I'm pushing this as is and if need be I can always pull my trump card but I'd rather not, at least not until the right opening comes up. You think we can fight as mirrors until then. I'll need a sec to power up the trump card."

Roger nods and the two rush at Psycho Purple, blocking or dodging his attacks while returning their attacks while starting to sync up. Roger ducks down and kicks Purple’s jaw making him stumble back, letting Asta hit him from behind.

Asta ignites fire behind his elbows and delivers a rapid succession of blows all over Psycho's body. He then jumps up into the shoots down towards Purple with another fire-fueled barrage of blows driving the evil ranger back.

Asta gathers flames into his palm and tightly compresses them as he closes his fist. “Try this! Kaitai Tenohira(Demolition Palm)!” Asta yells, opening his fist and allowing the compressed flames to erupt into Psycho's chest in a fiery explosion sending him flying into a wall.

“I don’t know how many more of those attacks I have left in me.” Asta huffs. “You think you can keep him busy while I pull one more out of my ass?”

“Yeah, I got him covered. Battlizer, Sonic Mode." Roger jumps into the air and R.I.C follows him disassembling himself and attaching himself to Roger as new armor with red and blue flashing lights. His head also forms a sword for Roger, which Riger uses to attack Psycho Purple, cutting him across his chest.

Asta reaches over his shoulder to pull the shield and sword from his back, “One minute.” He iterates. “That’s the time I’ll need to get things set.” He says as he concentrates, “I’ll need all the power I can muster. So… Sacred Treasure, Kai…” He says and a wash of power pours into Asta as his eyes start to glow, the white yin symbol appears on his forehead along with several light blue markings all over his body, glowing vibrantly to the point they are visible even through his armor.

The lines grow reaching outward and cover the armor in an all-consuming light. The shield and sword are enveloped as well. Suddenly, a click was heard and the shield’s centerpiece opened to reveal a bright blue light. Sending out a pulse from the shield causes the light to flake away and reveal a new set of white wolf armor with red accents. In the center of the shield was a crystal blue eye.

“White Knight Wolf of Light!” Asta calls out as he draws his sword from the shield revealing its shimmering blue crystal blade.

Roger looks back and grins under his helmet. “Nice dude!” He gets punched in the face but before Psycho Purple can use this distraction to escape, fire comes out of small rockets in Rogers' feet launching him forward and slamming into Psycho Purple, making him crack the wall. “You can't get rid of me that easily!”

“Now it's my turn! Face The Eye of Raava!” Asta shouts as he holds up his shield. “Light Wolves!” Suddenly solid white wolves of light shoot from the shield’s crystal eye and proceed to lay out a quadredinated attack on the Psycho ranger.

Purple punches at one of the wolves only for it to veer out of the way as another comes out of nowhere to sink its fangs into the ranger's arm. Another comes up and latches onto his leg while another does the same on the opposite leg.

Purple cries out with a sonic howl destroying the light wolves. “Hehe… Those things were stronger than I’d anticipated." He looks done at the glowing bite marks and then grapes his chest, stumbling back in pain. “What… what is this?!”

“That would be my Wolfsbane." Asta retorts. “Neither I nor Rodger could handle you at full power seeing as how we’re not a full strength so I thought I’d level the playing field.”

“Nice work Asta, maybe now we can beat him.” Roger said before charging energy into his sword. He then flies towards Purple and slashes the sword down trying to cut him in half.

“No, we will be him." Asta remarks, sheathing his sword in his shield before he proceeds to turn the set of weapons upside down as the eye on the shield closes. He then takes a hold of the sword’s hilt and pulls it out halfway as light erupts from the shield’s corners and base while the eye opens once more. “Blade of Enlightenment!” Asta roars as he swings the massive energy blade on the opposite side of Roger’s going upwards.

The two blades slice into Psycho Purple, the two displaced turn their backs to him as an explosion goes off and Psycho Purple falls to the ground before his armor disappears revealing a Wolfman type of monster. He was wearing ripped purple clothes and had gray fur.

“Not good." Asta says as he looks over the wolf monster. “That armor must’ve been an inhibitor to restrain the animal power while keeping his mind in check. Without it, he’ll rampage!” He then notices something by Psycho’s foot. “A grenade.” Without wasting time Asta pulls out his digivice and summons Behemoth from it, he jumps on the beast machine and grabs Roger quickly, and throws the captain behind him. "Hold on!” He revs the bike and it rockets out as the grenade detonates. Asta and Roger make it out of the building just as it collapses but quickly find their troubles have only gotten worse as they look up to see a giant wolf monster. “Fuck…”

“Well...we really should have seen this coming.” Roger said, looking up at the monster. “Megazord time?”

“What’s a ranger battle without it?” Asta shrugged as light comes from his belt. “The hell.” He says, reaching down to pull out a white wolf wand from Mystic Force. He looks up at Roger. "Any clue what this means?”

“Seems you got a new spell, my guess is you get your own Megazord form.” Roger said, then hopped off Behemoth. “Go ahead and try it out, I need time to summon a zord.” Roger also rubs his chin. “But which one?” He starts to walk away thinking.

Asta hops off his mount, knowing just what to do. “Let’s do this then." Asta nods as he then hits several numbers on his wand and holds it to the sky allowing lightning to shoot from it.

Behemoth then revs to life as a giant red spell circle forms in front of it. “Okay.” Asta notes as the bike takes off on its own, drives straight through the magic circle, and transforms.

His bike grows huge as the wheels split apart and four legs unfold from the halves. The handlebars shift back and attach to hinges that unfold into draconic wings while the rear wheel hub unfolds into a long bone whip-like tail. A skeletal horse's head then comes forward as the windshield splits apart down the center. The eyes light in a burning red as the Behemoth whinings to life as a giant thestral.

“A thestral! Now that’s awesome.” Asta smirks under his helm as he punches in another code on his wand and says, “Uthe Mejor Ultimas." And the Behemoth starts to transform once more.

The beast rears back on its hind legs as the front legs then split apart from an empty cavity as the front legs adduct further into what looks like shoulders as the legs extend into arms. Asta then jumps up through another magic circle that increases his size as he lands in the cavity and places his shield in front of himself, locking him in place. The wings and tail detach from the Behemoth. The wings combine to form a shield and the tail straightens to become a sword. Asta uses his new form’s arms to grasp his weapons.

“Behemoth Knight Megazord!” Asta roars as the chest plate activates to reveal a giant blue crystalline eye.

The Wolfman howls before growling at Asta. It then runs at Asta dragging its claws on the ground before lifting them up, throwing rubble and dust into Asta’s face. Meanwhile down on the ground, Roger powers down to his base form and pulls out a red key. “Yeah, this is what I should use! Wild access!” He called out turning the key, while the Morpher called out, ‘Gaoranger!’ And in a flash of red he stands in the Wild Force red suit. The suit was mostly red and gold, with a gold lion logo on the chest with a five gold and black striped strip going across its chest.

“Wild force!” Roger called out as he slammed his hands on the ground, then he pulled out a small knife with a green crystal in the pommel. “Wild Zords descend!” And a musical tune plays.

A portal opens and the green Gorilla Wildzord, white Polar Bear Wildzord, blue Rhino Wildzord, purple Armadillo Wildzord, and Black Bear Wildzord come running out of the portal. First, the gorilla wildzord punches the wolfman knocking him back, then the two bears fire ice and fire beams knocking the Wolfman even further back.

Roger jumps up into the air as a smaller zord comes flying through the portal and he lands on it. This wildzord is silver and seems like a bird. “Wild zords combine!”

The gorilla wildzord roars before it folds its legs up against its chest and turns around while having its arms rotate to face its new chest while a new head lifts up from the chest, resembling a knight's helmet.

The black bear and polar bear wildzords fold their legs up against their bodies before wiggling their front halves forward before their backs lift up forming shoulders. They then connect to the gorilla wildzord’s sides becoming the arms.

The rhino wildzord runs forward before splitting into two halves still connected as it transforms into the legs of the Megazord and starts to run. The top half of the Megazord comes up to the legs and attaches themselves together and finally the armadillo wildzord rolls into a ball and slides into the left foot of the Megazord. The Soul Bird Roger is riding then flies into the Megazord's back and fuses together forming the cockpit. “Kongazord Striker mode online!”

“So ya want to sling rocks aye?” Asta smirks from his position as the wolf monster charges and collides with the knight’s shield. “Then how about you try mine out.” He uses the shield to push the monster back while placing the tip of his sword in the ground causing several boulders to spring up, “Boulder Rush!” He yells as he reels his sword back sending the boulders hurtling into the monster. The monster staggers backward taking heavy damage from the assault but is still snarling and roaring to fight.

“Time for you to face the wild side of boxing!” Roger said.

Roger makes his Megazord run up behind the wolf monster and starts delivering punch after punch, leaving burn marks, and frost marks. The black bear fist burns and the polar bear freezes the wolf's fur.

Asta raises his sword in the air as it curves. He throws his arm and the sword extends forward and wraps tightly around the monster “I’ll put my own spin on it too!” Asta remarks as he pulls on his weapon causing the wolf monster to spin around like a top.

The monster staggers around, disoriented from the back-to-back attacks. It shakes its head shaking off the bends before looking up at the Megazord and snarls enraged. It takes in a deep breath and then lets out a sonic howl creating a whirlwind.

“My turn again." Asta steps in front of Roger and throws up his shield while planting his sword into the ground. He blocks the incoming debris as best he can. Roger grabs Asta’s back to help brace him, it works as they aren’t knocked back by the attack.

Roger steps beside Asta and he knocks the fists of his Megazord together. “This guy seems like he is on his last leg, let’s fini-” Roger is cut off as the building behind them explodes outward as Furious grows to giant size. “Crap, who do you want, the wolf or the snowman?”

“You’re the right person to reach wolfie over there." Asta comments. “I’ll take the overgrown Frosty the Snow Rex. I’m the best fit with my wider range of Elemental powers that don’t require magic, and I still have one more thing to give me an edge if I need it.”

“Whatever it is, I will take it.” Roger said as he turned the Megazord to face the wolf monster.

“Roger.” Asta gets the captain’s attention. “There is something about that monster like it doesn’t really want to hurt or fight. If I had to guess, I’d say he’s being forced.”

Roger frowns and looks at the wolf monster. “Damn, I hate it when bad guys do that. Fine I will only kick their butt enough to shrink them.”

“What about snow Godzilla over there?” Asta motions with his head. “I know he has the Corona meaning his magic is through the roof. Worst comes to worst I may have to destroy it.”

“You can fight and kill him, I don't think he has the crown, his brother was yelling at Rita about taking it from them.” Roger told him before he blocked a punch from the wolf man.

“Sounds like a plan to me." Asta snickers under his helmet as he uses his shield to block an incoming blast from Flurious’ ice breath.

Roger uses the Megazord's black and polar bear arms to punch the wolf man a few times in rapid succession. “Let’s see if your fighting style can handle the Kongazord’s fighting style.”

Flurious growls and swings his staff at Asta. “You damned rangers always ruin everything!”

“Jokes on you, frosty!” Asta laughs as he lifts his sword and it lights on fire, “I’m not a ranger.” He says as he takes a kneeling stance and fire erupts from his back and launches forward and delivers a barrage of several fiery slashes upon the massive Flurious. “I’m a knight!” He says as the cuts erupted all over Furious's form.

Flurious yells in pain and tries to blast Asta with his ice staff. “Whatever you are, you will fall by my hand!”

The staff and sword collide sending a whirlwind of ice and fire outward. “You think I’ll fall so easily, iceman.” Asta laughs mockingly. “I look forward to what you can bring to the table. With my body in the shape it's in and the previous battles I’m at my limit." He says from inside the Megazord with a smile and a bit of blood starts to drip from his nose.

“Then I shall enjoy killing you then the rest!” He said and the two fought with ice and fire, melting the area around them while also making jagged ice spikes surrounding them.

“I don’t think you can!” Asta laughs as he throws the giant off and then motions with his shield causing an earth spear to erupt from the ground and puncture Flurious’s shoulder, spilling frozen blood all over the ground.

“Gah! You damned brat!” He breaks the rock and holds his shoulder. “You will pay for that!”

“I’m a lot older than some kids." Asta raised an eyebrow. “How about a bittersweet move.” He says darkly as he throws out both his arms. Snow, ice, and water started to gather behind the mage king. Soon many ice spears were behind Asta and he then launched them at an astounding speed at Flurious.

Flurious had no time to react and was skewered by the spears. With the last of his strength, he laughs and fires an ice beam, freezing the other rangers as they come out of the building. “You may kill me, but I have killed your allies you fool….” He said before going limp.

“That’s what you think…” Asta says as his Megazord glows and transforms into a large cannon with the Eye of Raava becoming the barrel. Asta is then seen inside the barrel of the weapon. “Asta Canon, Kai-ho!” Asta is shot into the sky above the battlefield and then he says. “Sacred Treasure, Release…” He enters his Black form while blue lines cover his body. His eyes are red with a cross star pattern on a glowing white background while on his forehead is a glowing yin-yang symbol.

He flaps his wings forcing himself to rocket down. He pulls his demon slayer from his grimoire and raises it above his head while covering it with black Antimagic. The Black King holds the massive sword above his head and it starts to grow with red and orange pulsing fiery veins covering the weapon.

"CONTINENTAL DIVIDER!” Asta roars as he makes contact with Florious and cuts the giant in two. As soon as the attack hits a wash of flames covers everything on the field melting away the ice and freeing the rangers too.

“That… takes… care… of…. That…” Asta breathes heavily as blood runs from his nose, mouth, and eyes as he falls back to the ground.

Udonna uses her flying broom to fly up and catch Asta as he falls. “I’ve got you.”

“Set me off to the side for now." Asta says. “Roger needs help with the wolf. I have something left in the gas tank. I’ll be fine…” He remarks as he falls over the side much to Udonna’s shock. She looks down and sees that Asta landed on top of Rayquaza with Lucario next to him. “Healing Pulse Lu. Do what you can to get me back up to low condition…”

“Raoooo…” Lucario nods as it holds up its paws to cover Asta in a green pulsing light. His overall complexion starts to improve right away.

Asta wipes the blood from his face and smirks at the upcoming fight. “Good enough, Thanks Lu.” He says glancing over for Lucario to happily give a silent nod. “Use Aura to connect me with the others please.” Lucario places a paw on Asta’s head and concentrates. Slowly a blue aura covers him. 'Asta to all forces, Flurious has been disposed of. Keep up the assault on the base. Destroy any monsters you encounter. If they surrender, place them in containment until such a time they can be dealt with. Asta to pokemon, coverage on the old monster to back up Roger immediately.’

Lucario removes his paw. “You two ready?” Asta smiles at Lucario and Rayquaza who give harden resolve-driven looks. “Alright then, Let's do this!” Asta calls out crossing his arms and two stones on his wrists glow along with Rayquaza and Lucario.

The pokemon are soon covered in spheres of rainbow light only to crack and shatter away to reveal them both in their maga form.

“Braviary, Dragonite.” Asta calls out. “From up with Rayquaza.” The two others emerge from the clouds to take up on either side of the massive red dragon pokemon. “Lu, Sword Dance. Braviary, Double Team. Dragonite, Light Screen.” Asta throws his arm out to the side and the pokemon quickly follows orders. Soon there is a whole squad of pokemon in the skies. “Our job is to distract the Wolf while Roger goes in for the offensive. Rayquaza, Braviary, Dragonite, Trinity Burst!”

All three flying pokemon open their mouths gathering red blue and green energy and then launch in beams that spiral into one at the Wold monster Knocking it off Balance. With it recovering the Pokemon swarm. With most of them only being facts the wolf is simply swatting at Air.

“Lu, Mega Aura Sphere time." Asta looks at Lucario who smirked evilly. Rayquaza lifts them high into the sky where Lucario Starts to gather its aura. ‘Roger, this is Asta. We’ll keep big boy distracted long enough for you to deliver the finishing blow. Then we use Lu Meag Aura Sphere to cleanse Wolf of his bad juju.’ He says, reaching out with Lu’s aura again.

Roger grins and nods. ‘Right, time to finish this fight.’ He then had the Megazord run forward before jumping into the air and kicking the wolf monster a few times, knocking the wolf monster back against a tall building. “Time for the big finish!”

Roger’s Megazord lands a bit away from the monster then the armadillo zord comes out of the right leg of the zord and rolls into a ball. The Megazord runs and kicks the armadillo zord three times before it's launched right at the wolf monster and explodes on contact. The armadillo zord lands in the foot of the Megazord as it stands on one leg. “Did we win?” Roger asked before the Megazord started to shake. “Uh oh.”

The Megazord falls apart and the wild zords return through a portal, leaving Roger to fall, thankfully he lands on his feet. “Guess I can’t pilot a five-person zord for very long." He said scratching the back of his head as he looked to the sky as a bright blue glow catches his attention. “How the hell… is that even possible?”

In the Sky…

In the Sky, there was a massive swirling ball of aura being held aloft by Lycario, Rayquaza, and Asta.

“Time to finish this!” Asta calls out, causing Rayquaza to rocket down while Asta and Lucario held the massive Aura Sphere in front of the massive rocketing red dragon. The wolf monster was starting to get back up from the place it’d fallen when the sphere hits it knocking it back onto its back.

The monster however is still unwilling to stay down and starts to push the Aura Sphere back.

Meanwhile in the basement of the now destroyed Ice Castle a certain Eevee and Dragonair come to a sealed room. This had been the door they’d been searching for since Lucario overheard something about how the enemy had captured a strange creature and had been keeping it down here until it could either be dealt with or turned into a monster.

The duo looked at each other and nodded. Dragonair hit the door with a Fire Blast while Eevee follows up with Swift, the combo easily breaking the door. Dragonair uses its tail to knock the door down and the duo looks in to see a massive anthropomorphic silver cat.

“Zerrrrrr…..” it growls.

Eevee uses growl letting its presence be known. VVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!”

Dragonair flies over and uses Iron tail to break the cat's bonds, freeing it. Eevee explains in pokesepak what's going on and that they could use his help

“Aura.” It reluctantly agrees and follows the duo out.

[b[The Battlefield…

“GO DOWN DAMN YOU/RRRAAAOOOOOOO!” Asta and Lucario yell.

There was a sudden flash of blue lightning on the ground by the monster's leg and then an explosion as something rammed into the creature's lower leg causing it to buckle.

'This is our chance.' Asta thinks as he looks over at the exhausted pokemon. 'No, this is my chance… I can’t let them push themselves anymore.'

“You two, get out of here!” Asta commands as he looks forward. Lucario and Rayquaza look at their friend shocked but don’t move an inch and instead push harder. “I told you two to leave!”

The pokemon ignored the command again when suddenly Asta’s other pokemon came in and started to push on the Massive Aura Sphere with all their might. Asta looks around in shock and then smiles.

“Well, it's our funeral then.” He chuckles, then hardens his face. “Just once more, Sacred Treasure, Release!” Asta calls out and is covered again in Anti-magic becoming Black Asta while blue lines scrawl across his body while his eyes light up once more. On his forehead, he also gains the Yin-Yang Symbol.

“Forward!” He roars as he and his group push the sphere down into the weakened monster. As soon as the monster’s back touches the ground the sphere makes contact with his gut and explodes in a white blast of outward energy. Asta’s entire group was caught in the blast as well.

“ASTA!” Roger cries out.

Inside the explosion, Asta and his companions float in white energy when they are suddenly grabbed in a flash of blue electricity and brought to Roger by Zeraura. It sets them all down at the ranger’s feet.

Roger runs over to join them. “Holy cow! How the hell did you survive that?! And who is your new friend?” He asked, pointing at the new pokemon.

“Did anypony get the number on that carriage that hit me…” Asta remarks with swirls for eyes.

Lucario shakes off and tries to stand only to stumble while Zeraura catches it. Lucario pulls away from it and walks over to its group and uses a mass Heal Pulse to get them back in standing shape before falling over huffing.

“What happened?” Asta sits up holding his head before looking at Lucario. “Lu!” He tries to get up but falls over. “Damn it. Sore.” He still gets up and walks over to his friend pulling out a blueberry from his grimoire. “Here eat.” Asta says before plopping on the ground. Lucario doesn’t even give it a second thought and bites into the berry. “All of you guys okay?” He asks the others, getting half groans from them. “That’s the first time we’ve ever been pushed that hard before." He looks over to see the new pokemon.

Asta tilts his head. “Where did the Zeraaura come from?”

“I was gonna ask you that, seeing as pokemon aren’t a part of my universe.” Roger said, then scratches his chin and looks over at his pokemon friends. “Unless having them here made it so pokemon will start appearing in this world.”

Roger then looks at the new pokemon. “Hello, and thank you for your help with the monster. My name is Roger.” He offers a hand to the Zeraora.

Zeraora growls at Roger. “Where did you get your pokemon anyways?“ Asta asks, shakily getting to his feet. “And those aren’t known for trusting people.”

Roger sighs and powers down. “Fair enough, still you have my thanks.” Roger said to the Zeraora, then he turned to face Asta. “I got them from your brother’s world. Ed helped me find them and I asked them to join my crew.”

“Your theory might hold true then.” Asta points out. “He told me that his pokemon started showing up suddenly due to the prolonged stay of our nieces who in turn had pokemon." He cracks his neck. “I don’t want to be that guy but is there someplace we can go and rest for a bit? These guys are in pretty bad shape and are in need of serious treatment, and my ki healing won’t work on them or me in my current state either.”

“Ora…” Zerora points to the crater where the wolf monster exploded.

Asta looks over and sees something or someone in the center. “Looks like we’re not the only ones either.”

“Oh man, please don’t be still evil.” Roger groans as he summons his sword and gun before walking over to the crater. He slides down into it and once he gets a good look at the cut and bruised blonde man in a purple robe laying in the center of the crater, he gasps. “No way! It's RJ!”

Roger picks up the injured man and two ranger keys appear in his hand, the purple jungle fury and purple psycho key. Roger slides them into his pocket before he carries RJ out of the crater. By the time he makes it out, the others have demophed with Rarity and Spike laying on the ground panting. “Ok, we are heading back to my ship, no arguments.” He starts and then looks at the Zeraora. “You are welcome to come along, in fact, I suggest you do after we're on my ship you're free to do whatever you want so long as you don't hurt anyone. There's a nice forest nearby that I'm sure a wild Pokémon would love.”

“Veeee." comes a confirmation next to Roger’s foot.

“When’d you get there?” Roger raised an eyebrow only to be met with a grin on his partner's face.

“No arguments from us." Asta agrees. “I’d be worse than dead if I show up back home with these guys and myself looking like we do now. Fluttershy would dig the hole kill me, then put me in said hole all while treating the pokemon.”

Rarity and Spike stare. “She would.” Asta points to the sky. “Ow, pain, only pain…”

“Right, well let's get everyone back...hey.” Roger starts before he looks at the ground at Asta’s feet. “Is that a cell phone?”

Udonna comes over and looks before picking up the white and red cell phone. “It's not just a cell phone, this is a Mystic Morpher.” Everyone looks at Asta while Roger opens a portal to his ship’s med-bay.

“What?” Asta looks at everyone. “What’s with the stares?” He hisses as he returns the pokemon to their pokeballs. “So much pain.”

“Dude, I think you are officially part of the Ranger club. Congratulations man, you're a Power Ranger.” Roger said before he uses his magic to help Asta through the portal along with RJ and he lays them both on beds.

Udonna follows along with the rest of the rangers and pokemon, the last to enter the portal was Zeraroa. Udonna places the morpher next to Asta. “It is true, you are a power ranger now.”

“Yay…” Asta smirks before falling over on the ground, again as he reaches for the Morpher only to miss it. "OW! ALL I KNOW IS PAIN!”

Roger sighs and is about to help him up before a holographic anthro Fluttershy wearing a nurse's uniform appears and frowns at Asta. “What am I going to do with you?” The hologram picks him up and sets him on the bed as medical instruments come down from the ceiling and come up from the floor. “Now, no moving around till you don’t feel any pain, am I clear mister?”

“Hellllloooo nurse!” Asta sighs wide-eyed with a nosebleed.

All of the pokemon then come out of their pokeballs and get individual holo-Shy’s.

“HEEELLLLLLLLOOOOOOO NUUUSSSSRESSSS!” Asta repeats as his nurse Shy hooks him up to an IV of morphine. “I… I’ve gotta… get Rarity… to make Shy a… nurses outfit… now!” he holds up a finger before shakily lowering it. “And… Twi…. and Aj…. fun times… Ahoy matey!”

Roger chuckles and shakes his head. “Leave the pirate lingo to me buddy, and glad you enjoy my medbay. You get healed up. I would hate to find out what Ed would do to me if he found out I sent his brother home all banged up.”

“Something really, really bad… birdy…” He points at Braviary. “Hi Ed!” Asta waves into the blue.

Roger raises an eyebrow. “Did the ship give him something that makes him loopy? Ed isn’t here.”

“S-says you hehehe..” Loopy Asta chuckles.

“Yes, says you.” comes a familiar voice. Rogers turns to see said person. “Hi…”

Roger blinks and smiles a bit waving. “Hey Ed, uh...before you do anything, I was in a giant robot fighting a Wolfman while Asta ended up like that.” He said a bit nervous of the older brother.

“Asta’s choices are his own." Ed remarks. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t keep an eye on my little brothers, or those I consider my friends.” He placed a hand on Roger’s shoulder. “I’m here to give you this." He says holding up a pink gem.

“Is that?” Roger asks.

“One of them, yes." Ed smirks, placing the gem in a containment unit. “That will hide its power for now but not forever.” He says, giving the container to Roger. “With it, you have a bit of an edge and the enemy can’t access the Corona’s full power. You did good today Roger, you too Asta.”

“Weeeee….” Asta remarks shaking back and forth slightly.

“There are harder fights ahead of both of you.” Ed warns as he fades away.

Roger rubs the back of his head and lets out a long sigh. “Another thing to add to the list...this is starting to feel like one of the endless fetch quests in RPGs.” He mumbled the last part.

Roger noticed the Zaroara still standing around looking at everything and he said to it. “If you want I can show you out of the ship, or you can follow one of my friends once they are healed up.” He pointed at his pokemon friends.

Zerora snorts before walking over to a wall and sitting on the floor. Eeevee then gets in front of it and glares at it. Dragonair and Roger look at each other and Roger just shrugs.

“Evee Veee!” Eeevee scolds.

The silver pokemon grumbles before getting up and going over to sit on a bed before a holo-Shy starts attending it.

Roger smiles a bit. “I will be right back, Eevee you are in charge, make sure no one does something stupid please.” He then walks out and heads to the kitchen before starting to prepare a lot of pokechow.

“Ve." She nods.

“Pillows!” Asta remarked. “Hey Shy, when did you get here? Some many Fluttershies!”

Spike chuckles a bit as he has a hologram Rarity taking care of him. “He sure is strange.”

Rarity smiles and nods. “Yes, but he seems like a good stallion and it seems he loves Fluttershy.”

“Hey!” Asta says hearing the conversation. “I don’t just Love Shy! I love Aj and Twilight! Why do you think we got married? Pudding!” He exclaims as the Holo-Shy brings him chocolate pudding cups.

“Eeveeee….” Eevee remark shaking her head.

Rarity and Spike laugh a bit at how silly Asta is being, and after a while, Roger returns with bowl after bowl of poke chow floating in his magic. “Alright, I know you all don’t trust me but you need to eat to recover so enjoy.” He sets the food in front of each pokemon.

“Hey Roger.” Pinkie says as she pops in from the kitchen. “Here that cake you ordered!” She remarks, giving the captain the cake.

“Wait… But I didn’t-” Was all he could say before a drooling Rayquaza had him in its mouth, “MMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” was all that was heard as his legs flailed about from the pokemon's maw.

“I WARNED YOUOOOOOO!” Asta sings as he eats his pudding, “Hm…. pudding…”

Roger uses a lot of his magic to force the pokemon’s jaw open before pushing himself out covered in saliva. “Gross! Seriously, if you wanted the cake, you could have just asked for it!” He yelled at the Rayquaza.

“Hey, Roger." Asta calls out. “Hey! Hey Mr.Rogers!”

“What Asta?” Roger sighs.

“It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood...” Asta starts to sing.

“Aaa… Goddamn morphine high." Roger buries his head in his spit cover hands. “MAN THIS IS NASTY!”

Eevee had finally had her fill of the nonsense too. So she walks over to Roger. “Vee, Eevee, Eee..”

Roger looks over to his partner. “Good Idea.” He sighs as he walks over to a cabinet and pulls out a box then gets a pair of earplugs out and stuffs them in his ears. “Go for it.”

Eeevee then proceeds to us Sing and lulled everyone in the median to sleep.

Rogers pulls out the ear pulls and tosses them in the trash. “I’m going to go take a much-needed shower. If they wake up… just knock them back out again.”

Eevee nods as Roger walk out of the room. “So gross!” He calls out as he slurps down the halls. After a nice hot shower, Roger decides he could use some rest as well and heads to his room after leaving a note for anyone that comes on to his ship to let the people in the medbay rest.


The next morning Roger is already up and making breakfast for every ranger and Pokémon. “Man, I have missed doing this.” He said with a smile looking at all the food he had made.

In the meantime down in medbay a certain King stirs from his morphine-fueled coma. “Ohh…” Asta groans as he sets up holding his face. “What the hell did I drink last night to get such a hangover?” He asks as he waits for his eyes to focus. As soon as everything comes into view he soon recalls what and where he was. “Oh yea, power ranger world, and giant monster bullshit. I guess I pushed a little too far past my limits then.” He says looking down at the IV in his arm.

“Morphine.” He says, reading the bag. “I hope I didn’t get too loopy.” He remarks, pulling the needle out and noticing his new wand Morpher. “Oh yea got that thing too." He chuckles as he reaches over and activates his grimoire, placing the device in the book. “You guys look like you had a good rest.” He says looking at the pokemon. “Return.” Asta points the pokeballs at his partners, sending a red beam at them and pulling them back into their capsules.

“Let's go see what our friendly neighborhood Roger is doing." Asta says as he hums the Mr. Roger’s theme song for some reason. He soon finds him in the kitchen. “I take it you are used to making extremely large breakfasts?” He asked the red ranger.

Roger turns around seeing him and smiles softly. “Yeah, large family get-togethers were very often at least until everyone started getting sick and dying.” He sighs and leans on the table. “I am the last member of my family, and before this-'' He taps the back of his head. “-I would take care of everyone I could and cook large meals almost every day.”

“At least you stuck together through it all though." Asta says, taking a seat. “After Ed was ousted we all kind of separated. Our parents wanted nothing to do with him to the point they outright ignored his very existence, even when I mentioned going to see him it was like he never existed to them. They let me be but as soon as I started taking my own path they stepped in and so I should do this instead.” Asta whirled his hand. “They thought they could get me to do what they wanted if they guided me instead of outright trying to ‘build me’. Still didn’t work for them though. They still considered me a success as I made a good living as a stand-in secondary actor though and they take credit for it.” He sighs.

“Man sounds rough, but at least you can visit your brother whenever now.” Roger said as he started to set the table. “Oh and you can let your pokemon eat too, I made poke chow for them too.”

“You heard the captain guys.” Asta says and the pokemon all shoot from their balls. “Dig in." He smirks and they oblige. “What all happened last night anyways? Morphine mind wipe I’m afraid.”

“Well let’s see, you flirted with the holographic nurses, said something about asking Rarity for some nurse outfits for your wives, your Rayquaza almost ate me to get a cake Pinkie handed me, hmmm oh yeah and Ed popped in for just a moment to give me one of the crown jewels and that was about it.” Roger told him, listing things off on his fingers before he walked over to an intercom on the wall and pressed the button before saying. “Breakfast is served, come and get it.”

“Hmmm….” Asta says as he digs into a stack of pancakes. “So basically I just acted like I normally do but with a bit more of an open mindset. Although, I have to ask… what made me want to flirt with holograms? I am plenty happy with my girls back home. As for Rayquaza, I did warn you she likes cake. She did the same thing to me when I first got her too, so don’t feel bad.”

Roger frowns at Asta. “I may have ranger strength, you may also want to test out your physical strength to see if you're even stronger now by the way, but I had to use a lot of magic to open her jaw and get out.” He shakes his head and sighs. “As for why you flirted with my medbay hologram, it would probably be because they were all Fluttershy's except for the ones taking care of the injured rangers.”

“Well, if they’re modeled after Shy that explains why.” Asta points out. “She is the one who heals me usually back home for the more grievous injuries. If I have a Morpher then that means I have a link to the grid now so most definitely stronger.” He waves it off. “But I will need to practice to get it under control. And Rayquaza wouldn’t have eaten you, just the cake. She spat me out right away and I was full in her mouth.”

Roger huffs and sits down at the head of the table as the other rangers and pokemon come in. “Right, so how are you feeling after a night of rest?” He looks over as the rangers join them and frowns, he asks Kat. “Is RJ still not well enough to move?”

She shakes her head. “From what I saw he is still hurt but can move, he is just processing things right now I suppose.”

“Give him some space.” Asta suggests. “There’s no telling what they had him do when he was under their control and as for last night… Other than a bit of a hangover I’m fine. Still sorer than if I went nine rounds in the sack with the girls, but considering I helped take down two giant fucking monster demorphed I’d say that's a plus.”

Some of the female rangers complain about Asta’s comment and throw some food at Asta while Roger chuckles. “Well seeing how most of us are here, I am going to suggest we take a break and rest up for a few days before we head back to earth.”

“I don’t get what’s wrong with telling the truth." Asta remarks, catching a biscuit and biting into it. “I have three wives back home. They all have needs like any woman does. It gets rough behind closed doors, especially since one of them is a literal goddess!”

Roger shakes his head. “Asta let it go, not everyone is comfortable talking about such subjects when they're eating.”

“Honesty due, married to her." Asta held up a finger. “But I understand and it’s not the best convo for the table unless you're falling down drunk. So other than dropping off an edge for you what else did big bro do or say?”

“He just gave me the jewel in a container to hide its energy for now, said the two of us did well and that he watches his family and friends.” Roger said with a shrug.

“That’s odd." Asta says rubbing his chin. “He usually stick around longer than just to do a little bit. As for the watching thing, I already knew that. The bastard rebuilt my entire city back home and then acted as a commentator for my mock fight with a goddess displaced verizon of Twilight. She turned my Twi into a goddess. He did save our asses from a hollow invasion and gave us a ride back home on some sort of gody big red train.”

Roger chuckles and looks away. “He is still using that thing?”

“Oh so you're where he got it aye.” Asta eyes Roger. “Yea, he’s uses it alright. Say’s it's easier than travel long distances through the void on foot. Let him sleep on long trips he says.”

“Well it is good he is making good use of it, and basically he took the Solaris Knight’s train and changed it red due to my magic fire.” Roger said and summoned the red mystic force key showing it to Asta.

“Anything that involves Ed turns red.” Asta shrugs. “Thanks for the patch up too. I say I’d like to leave but I’m still in no shape to travel at the moment. If you don’t mind I’d like to stick around at least until this afternoon.”

“Sure, I should spend a bit more time here in Equestria anyway.” Roger said and sighed. “I am just not looking forward to most of the ponies either being worried for my safety or scared of me if I go out without my disguise.”

“You can wear a disguise if you want or you can be yourself and let them see you're not a threat." Asta advises. “It helped me to be open. The sisters did try and kidnap me at first but I made my stance quite clear to them. I didn’t get involved unless necessary, which it was from time to time. Until I… started acting on my own and wanted to try and help… not my best moment there…”

Roger chuckles and taps his necklace turning into a unicorn stallion. “I just don’t want to deal with racism, also the princesses know about me and they even pay me to protect this world.” He said with a smirk.

“As I said.” Asta shrugging. “I won’t hide who or what I am so don’t ask me to and I’ll leave the matter be. Besides, magic disguises don't mix well with anti-magic.”

“I won’t ask you to hide yourself. But while you're here no spoiling future events about MLP ok?” Roger said before finishing his meal.

“Ha, jokes on you.” Asta points. “I barely know anything about the future!”

“Alright, well we are somewhere after a time traveler tried to change the past.” Roger said, shaking his head.

“Oh great time travel." Asta deadpans. “I’m not touching that shit. A time mage in black clover is trouble enough for me as is.”

Roger sighs and shakes his head holding up his hands with seven fingers up. “Yeah well if you want to stop her before she gets the idea you can stop seven new timelines popping up in your universe.”

“Is there a key object to this event?” Asta asks. “Time magic is such bs that unless you know a pivotal artifact to destroy to stop things from happening you’d still have to deal with the event happening anyway.”

“Well, there are two, first the map in Twilight’s throne room, and a spell scroll that should still be in your Canterlot’s Starswirl section of the library or archives. But if your Twilight just got her wings you could meet Starlight and stop her from going from cult leader to evil time traveler.” Roger explained.

“Ugh I hate talk about time travel, it always gives me a headache.” Eric said before getting up and leaving. “I am going to train some more.”

“Hmm…” Asta thinks. “Hard to say. My Twilight may not even get a castle." He says, shocking Roger. “She doesn’t live in Ponyville anymore but in Waillen with me and the other Elements. They all make occasional trips to Equestria from our kingdom, but it's more for family trips than to help Equestria. Ed already gave us a castle. I do know about the Archives though and Twi has near-constant access to them except on very certain things. Being her husband I get some of the privileges too but not a lot. Perhaps I can talk with the sister about when I get the time back home.” He sighs. “Like I said time travel is bs, even more so due to being a displaced. This is a problem for future Asta, who I HOPE to never encounter. For now breaky!” He says chowing down.

Roger chuckles as he shakes his head. “Well a few tips, speak with the sisters about old enemies of theirs, a few do come back. And the scroll you are looking for is the same one Twilight used to go back in time a week just to tell herself not to worry.” He starts to laugh. “She basically made a stable time loop.”

“Oh yea she told me about that one.” Asta points with his fork. “I don’t know about asking about their pasts. I’m not exactly high on their friend list. And neither are they on mine. I tend to stay out of Equestrian problems if I can help it.”

Roger raises an eyebrow. “But Twilight should still be close, or at least close enough to do the asking.”

“What she does with her former teacher is her business, not mine." Asta holds up a hand. “Luna is the only one of the two I consider my friend. Cadence and Shining are on better terms than even the sisters are and that's because they were honest with me. You get one chance to earn my trust, one." He holds up a finger. "And if you lose it then you’re on my watch list for good.”

“Good to know.” Roger nods his head and smiles. “How about we meet my Celestia and Luna then? With me next to you they won’t do anything. I mean I can understand thinking you're a threat at first with your anti-magic but mine seem to be more calm and willing to talk.”

“My anti-magic is only active when it covers me or unless I activate it.” Asta waves it off. “Even the swords don’t give it off unless it is invoked, but my ancient magic may pose an issue. With me being here I’ve been cut off from my dragon and so I don’t have a way to drain it.”

Roger stands up and says. “Well we have a few things we can do, speak with my princesses, you can meet the mane six, and we need to find out what Zarora wants to do.”

“Your world, your call bud." Asta shrugs. “I follow you.”

“Alright let's speak with Zaroara first, then you can meet the mane six, and finally go meet Celestia and Luna.” Roger said and put his long coat on.

“Sure." Asta nods.

Roger looks around. “Now where did they go?” He asked.

“Where do that boss of an Eevee and hardcore trainee of a Dragonair of yours usually hand out when they’re together and not with you?” Asta asks. “Cause I bet that’s where Zerora is gonna be 'cause it's not in the kitchen with mine.”

Roger taps his chin and points at the stairs. “I know they use the training room, it's like a holodeck from Star Trek. but other than that I am not sure.”

“Wow.” Asta deadpans. “You’re a horrible trainer…”

Roger frowns and crosses his arms. “I don’t see myself as a trainer, they live with me and are part of my crew but I don’t give them any orders besides on the battlefield. That and it's only been like a few days since I've gotten them, and most of that has been saving the empire, and helping the rangers on earth. They've been here getting used to my home.”

“I let mine do as they wish to.” Asta shrugs. “But they usually like to stay pretty close to me. They travel through the void more than my dragon does now that I think about it. Ymir is just lazy though. She traveled and met my niece on her Equestria once and decided not to do it again unless I absolutely wanted her.” Asta thinks as he looks up to the ceiling. “She really is a lazy dragon most of the time, but she’s very loyal. Not just to me either but also to Shy, Twi, and Aj. She likes to nap with my daughter too.” He smiles widely as he rubs the back of his head.

Roger smiles a bit. “Sounds like a good partner.” He starts walking down the stairs. “So how do you feel about being a ranger?”

“No offense big guy but I really don’t feel any different than from when I first got here.” Asta shrugs. “I mean I do feel stronger but I think that’s my connection to the morphing grid. I also feel that my pokemon truly trust me. Lu especially, though he seems to have reverted back to his lone wolf personality of only to seem like the cool guy.”

“Well, that's good at least.” Roger said as they headed down to the training room. “You can ask the mystic force rangers for spells that you can use before I send you home, that way you have another edge.”

“Well do.” Asta gives a thumbs up as the two enter the holodeck. “Looks like you were on the money.”

Zeraora dodged a Tackle from Eevee but was then hit from behind as Dragonair came up and used Wrap to constrict it. Zeraora then used Thunder to shock the dragon type off its body. It then uses close combat to get in close to Eevee who uses Astonish to cause Zeraora to flinch. Eevee then used Hyper-voice to Knock the electric pokemon into the wall next to Asta and Roger.

“Damn.” Asta smiles. “That was a great fight, even if it was just the end of it. The Eevee is something else though dude. It’s definitely up there in terms of power, probably the mid-seventies or lower eighties in terms of level.”

“Yeah she is very strong and she is very proud of that.” Roger said, chuckling, then he looked at Zeraora. “Hey there, are you alright?” The pokemon merely snorts and get to its feet.

“I think we should leave it be and let it come to you in time Roger.” Asta advises as he activates his grimoire to pull out a couple of aron berries. “Give these to it." He says as he hands Roger the fruit before walking back into the hallway.

Roger nods and looks at the pokemon. “If you want these you can have them now or later.” He shows the berries to it.

“Ora." The pokemon scoffs walking away.

“We should get going." Asta says from the hallway. “I think it’s pretty clear where you stand on its shitlist right now. I leave my group behind too. How’s that sound?”

“Sure. they probably think I am like the psycho Rangers if they ever encountered them.” Roger said as he followed Asta up to the main room of the ship. “So mane six or princesses?”

“Your world you pick." Asta shrugs. “But if we’re gonna be smart about this we should see the sisters first. That way we can give them an update on what went down.”

“True, well let's take the shortcut.” Roger says and summons his sword into his hand and cuts open a portal right into the throne room. “Ta-da!”

“I’m guessing that’s one of my brothers.” Asta sighs. “You take all the fun out of travel with things like that. I was hoping to surf.”

Roger chuckles and smirks. “You wanted to use the Galaxy Gliders didn’t you?” Roger said while he peeks into the portal not seeing anyone.

“No, I want to use my sword.” Asta raises a finger while Roger just looked at him confused. “You know how Behemoth can ride through the air well. I did it first with my Demon Slayer.”

“Ah alright, it might be a good idea to go to Canterlot like that anyway, no one is in the throne room yet.” He closes the portal and walks over to some tall large shelves. “Let me get a key and we can go.” He picks up a key.

“Ya got your key, got my sword." Asta smirks as he pulls out the massive anti-magic blade.

“Let's go!” He points with the weapon as he thoughtlessly swings the blade around and effortlessly cuts into the wall of the ship. “Sorry…”

Roger sighs and rubs his face. “It's fine, the ship has an auto repair function just come on, follow me.” He walks to the airlock and opens it.

“Ooo are we shooting out of a tube thing?” Asta asks with stars in his eye. “Don’t look at me like that, I haven't seen power rangers in a long time. The last time I had anything to do with them was when I was asked to play a stunt man for that super mega force crap. Took one look at the script, no thank you!”

“Thank goodness, but no this is the Gokaiger Galion, not the Astro Mega ship.” Roger said and pointed at the door. “We are just walking outside to fly.”

“Cool.” Asta nods as he opens the door. “Do you have to morph to do your thing or do you want to ride with me on the Slayer?”

“Yeah I have to morph to use the Galaxy glider, it's technically not my power set that I'm going to be using.” He said, then held up the black key and his Morpher. “Let's rocket!” He turns the key in the Morpher and the Morpher calls put, ‘Megaranger!’ and in a flash of black, he is standing in the black space ranger suit.

“Nice trick." Asta says walking over to the side of the ship. “We are over Equestria right?” Asta then turns to see a crystal tree castle with a flag with Twilight's mark on it. “That answers that question. Okay then.” He says as he lets himself fall over the railing and he shoots into the sky on his sword. “Later slowpoke!”

“Cheater!” Roger calls out before getting a running start and jumps off the ship. “Galaxy glider!” A portal opens and a black galaxy glider comes flying out moving below Roger letting him land on top of it. He shoots forward leaving a black streak afterimage behind him as he catches up with Asta.

“I never said it was a race.” Asta remarks as he leisurely surf through the skies. “But if you want it to be." He smiled as he grabs a few handfuls of clouds. “Got love weather magic!” He laughs as he through several thundercloud balls at Roger.

“Not cool dude!” Roger flies around the thundercloud balls and keeps up with Asta. “You are the one that called me a slowpoke, and I ain't no pokémon.” He then leans forward and he shoots forward faster.

“I wouldn’t go too fast lest you catch the attention of a certain Pegasus pony." He smirks as he slaps a nearby cloud causing thunder to roar. “I missed doing that. Now enough playing around." He says as he jumps off his sword onto a cloud. “I’m gonna go all Goku up in this bitch!” He laughs as he uses air bending to rocket off through the air on his cloud.

“I am not worried about Rainbow, I am only fast in the air when using devices or vehicles, I can't fly on my own.” Roger looks over and gasps under his helmet. “What the hell? How are you doing that?!”

“Innate weather magic I get from Ymir combined with Avatar power!” Asta smirks as he shoots past Roger. “I mean, I’ve been bending since I got here! How do you think I made the earth umbrella and the fireballs I shot into the sky?”

“I was kinda focused on fighting the large wolfman.” Roger said and went faster to keep up with Asta. “Also you know these things can be used to travel from planet to planet, right?”

“I do." Asta smirks as he readies his sword. “I’m well aware.” He says throwing his sword and jumping on it. “I also have no idea how fast I can go on my sword as I’ve never pushed my limit on it before!” He says as he rockets forward sending a shockwave out

Roger is rocked by the shockwave but then he presses a button with his foot and he shoots forward as a black blur and passes Asta completely. He passed Canterlot and circled back before he came to a stop above the castle.

“I give him hitting the stratosphere before realizing he went too far." Asta smirked evilly as he simply stands there on his sword for a minute before taking a seat on a nearby cloud.

“Oh shut up.” Roger said as he came over to Asta. “Let's land and go meet the princesses.”

“Well, we’re literally right next to Celestia's balcony.” Asta points. Roger looks over and wonders how he missed that. “Or should we use the front door?”

“Probably best to go to the front door considering I'm basically a hired mercenary for them at this point I've only met them a few times.” Roger said and flew his galaxy glider down to the gate, got off of it, and powered down.

“You da boss.” Asta says before jumping off the cloud down into the streets of the city. “Hurry up!” He calls out and then a high-pitched scream was heard. “Good morning to you too LADY!”

Roger shakes his head and opens the gate and the two walk into the castle. “I wonder how long before we run into anyone.”

“I keep hearing how Blueblood is a stuck-up pansy in most worlds." Asta says as he admires some flowers. “Can I bitch slap him into the middle of next week if he’s like that here?” He asks as they came upon a squad of maids. “Ha… french maid ponies, cute!” He points and they all faint immediately. “Is that normal?” He points as he looks at Roger.

Roger sighs and nods. “Unfortunately yes, and if you run into Blueblood go ahead and give them a scare but don't actually hurt him.” He walks over and pokes one of the maid’s cheeks. “Hey, would you please mare up and wake up so you can show us to the princesses?”

“Weeee…” Asta says as he slides through the halls in his socks. “Never been here more than once back in my world, This marble is great!” He stops. “I think I might still be on a bit of a morphine high… Oh well! WEEEEEE!”

Roger sighs and rubs his face. “Oh boy.” He then uses his magic to make magic walls to keep Asta from leaving. “You can have fun but don’t leave me behind.” He looks around before making a small magic spark and makes it zap one of the maids.

“I never said I was leaving." Asta deadpans as he hangs upside down from a light fixture. “Looks like she’s up." He points.

“Oh my horn.” A mind says as she stands up. “What happened? Where am I? Oh yea my shift at the palace.” she blinks and sees Roger. “Don’t you work for the princess as a mercenary or something? What are you doing in the hallway? Are you hunting a monster? I could've sworn I saw one just a moment ago?”

Roger frowns a bit. “In order of your questions, no I am not a mercenary, I am looking to meet the princesses, no I am not hunting anything at the moment, and he isn’t a monster.” He looked over at Asta and added. “He is a friend and just a bit loopy due to some leftover morphine.”

“Hi little guard ponies!” Asta says as he twirls upside down for the light fixture
“How is THAT?! Not a monster!” She points. “It looks like a hairless ape! Do you know how dangerous those things can be when they have hair?!”

“I resent that!” Asta remarks.

“Ahhhh… fine, his you’re responsibility though." she points. “If he makes a mess in the castle you clean it up!”

“Hey! I know how to use a toilet, thank you very much!” Asta jumps down and glares at the mare who steps in between him and Roger. Asta raises a hand and. “Boop..” The maid on the nose. “I can see why people like that, it's the expression on the face HAHAHA!”

“I’ll take you to see the princesses in the dining hall now.” The maid glares annoyed as she rubs her nose. “This way please…”

Roger shakes his head with a chuckle. “Like I said he isn’t a monster, he is what’s called a human. They're just as smart as Ponies, and they don't have magic of their own, usually anyway. He is a friend of mine and I just want him to meet the princesses before he goes home.”

“WEEEEEE!” Asta says as he swings from light fixture to light fixture.

The maid gives a deadpan stare. “Could’ve fooled me.”

“I did say that he is a bit loopy due to some leftover morphine in the system.” Roger said with a chuckle.

“Not anymore I’m just being a jackass now.” Asta smirks.

The maid just stares at Roger who was whistling to himself. “Your door sir.” she points. “Have a good day…” She trails off.

Roger raises an eyebrow. “What's wrong miss?”

“You’re a stallion with an odd creature in tow going to see the most powerful creature in this world.” She raised an eyebrow. “You tell me what’s wrong.” She snorts then walks off.

“Man she’s got a stick up her butt.” Asta raised an eyebrow. “Shall we?”

“Meh from what I have picked up this world is one of those reverse gender roles universes where stallions are pretty much cowards and sissys.” Roger said, grabbing the door handle. “Well, most of them I guess.” He opens the door and smiles when he sees Celestia and Luna. “Ladies, I have a friend for you two to meet!”