• Published 2nd Aug 2020
  • 4,385 Views, 56 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Deltorix

A young man is asked to help save Equestria by someone unexpected, will he save Equestria or will he fail.

  • ...

Chapter 13

I am woken up by Odona and sit up rubbing my eyes. “We are back to the town, it's time to get off the train Roger.” She said.

I nod and yawn standing up. “Right, let's head back to my ship. We need to make a plan.” I follow everyone off the train and we all head back to Twilight's castle before me and the rangers head to my ship.

We soon reached my ship and had got on it and headed off towards the living area. I then called a meeting and once everyone was there Kat asked. “Alright, what kind of plan are we going to make?”

“Well, right now we are going to split up. Some of us will stay here to defend my world, while the rest will go to Earth and move from town to town collecting power rangers and anyone willing to fight and make our way to Angel Grove they'll be our last stop.” I explain to them.

“Alright, so where are we going first?” Eric asked me while crossing his arms.

I look over them all. “Ok, who made the map as I asked? If you could hand it to me that would be helpful.” I lean back while I wait and add. “The reason I need a map is that the show was never detailed enough to know how close each city was to each other. So I don't know which cities are closer to another city or if they're on the other side of the country or not.”

I was then handed a map thanks to Kat, “You’re welcome.” she said.

“Thank you.” I look it over and hum softly. “Ok seeing as we can only get there using my sword, I think we start here at Briarwood.”

“What? Why not go to Silver Hills first?” Eric complained.

I point to where Silver Hills is. “It is in the middle of multiple Cities we are gonna go to. If we go there first we would have to backtrack to cover them all.” I shake my head then point at Briarwood. “While Briarwood is on the edge so we can travel from one to the next without having to backtrack.”

Eric crossed his arms and started to mumble angrily to himself, while Odona looked at me, “So Briarwood will be the first stop, then where to next?” she asked me.

“We go to San Angeles, Ocean Bluff, Panorama City, Harwood County, Reefside, Blue Bay Harbor, Turtle Cove, Silver hills, Mariner bay, and lastly Angel Grove; in that order. All the other cities on the list are either not on this map or not on this planet.” I tell them while tracing the path with my finger.

Everyone nodded their heads in understanding, “Alright, is there anything else we need to talk about?” Cam asked.

“We need to choose who is coming with me.” I said and tap the table. “I want at least Odona, Mike, and Cam to stay. Kat and Cruger for sure will stay here.” I added but then the door opens as Applejack and Rainbow Dash come onto my ship.

“Ya ain’t going anywhere without us.” Applejack said.

“Yeah! If you think you’re leaving without, think again buddy!” Rainbow Dash said.

I groan and rub my face. “Look you two, we are going to a world that is being occupied by evil aliens. The civilians will probably think that you're evil as well….because you are aliens to them.” I look over at Kat. “No offense.”

Kat shrugged her shoulders while Applejack began speaking again, “We are going, if ya don’t like it, tough.”

I sigh and rub my face. “Fine but you follow my orders.”

“If that's what it takes to go, then fine.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Yep.” Applejack agreed, nodding her head.

I roll my eyes and look at Kat. “Seeing as these two are coming along, Cruger may as well too. Best to have the best coming with us. After all, we are going into enemy territory.” I close my eyes. “So aside from who I have named, who wants to come?”

“I do.” Andros said.

“No way in hell I would miss a chance to save my city!” Eric said.

“If he is going so am I.” Wes said, smirking.

“Alright, now that makes a four-man team here on Equestria, and a five-man team-” Applejack clears her throat. “Seven-man team going to earth. Can we agree to this?” I ask them.

Everyone voiced their agreements at the same time, showing that they were fine with this. “Alright, Andros while we wait for Cruger to get back, can you please take Applejack and Rainbow Dash into the training room, and show them what we will most likely be up against?”

Andros nodded his head before turning to the two mares. “Come on you two.” Andros said to the two and led them to the training room.

I watch them go before looking at Kat. “I don't know if your mophers can still work as communicators without being connected to this world's communication network or not but if you can, contact Cruger and tell him that he's been included on the Earth mission and to get back as soon as possible.” I told her and she nods.

I then look at Eric and Wes. “And you two, I don't want you running off as soon as we get to earth. The only way we will win is if we all work together.”

The two nodded their heads, “We won’t run off.” Wes said.

“Good, now everyone that is going, start packing supplies. I am gonna see if I can get some more.” I get up and start heading to the door.

Everyone nodded and went off to start packing for the trip, while I left the ship and headed towards Twilights for some other supplies we may need. Once I reached her castle I knocked on the door and answering it was Spike. “Hi Roger.”

“Hey Spike, is Twilight free? I need to ask for a favor.” I ask.

“Yeah, she’s in the library, I can take you to her if you want?” Spike asked me, letting me inside.

“Sure, sounds good to me.” I said as he started leading me to her.

After a few seconds of walking, we eventually reached the library, where mountains of books lay scattered across the room, with Twilight in the middle. I chuckle a bit and lean on the wall. “Looking for something Twilight?” I ask her.

She looked up from the book she was reading and looked at me, a sheepish grin on her face, “Hey Roger, and I was just looking at some spells.” she said, closing the book, “So what’s up Roger?”

I sigh and rub the back of my head. “I hate to say this, but I need a favor already.”

“What do you need?” Twilight asked me.

I look away. “I am taking a trip to Earth and need some supplies, enough to feed an army while still being able to be carried on foot. If that's even possible.” I said, rubbing the back of my head. I nervously look back at her, to see her reaction.

She had a thoughtful look on her face then she nodded, “Yeah, I think I can help with that.” Twilight said.

I cough into my fist. “Also...Applejack and Rainbow Dash are coming with.”

Twilight looked a bit surprised when I told her, “Really? Why?” she asked me.

“I don't know!” I groan and cover my face. “I tried to tell them it will be dangerous but they demand to come.”

Twilight shakes her head, “Well, they are more stubborn than a mule that’s for sure, just make sure they don’t get into trouble alright?” Twilight asked me, “Or at least make sure they don’t get hurt.”

I sigh and look away. “The best I can do is promise to try. We are going into a war zone, Twilight...Think what we saw in the changeling timeline but far worse.”

Twilight nodded her head, “I see, just do what you can Roger.” Twilight said, then left the room to no doubt get some stuff.

I sigh and go over to the books and look through them till I find a spellbook on combat magic. ‘Hmm might be a good idea to brush up on some of this, I only had three months of training with Ed after all.’ I think to myself. I sit down and start reading while I wait.

After a few minutes of waiting, Twilight eventually came back with some supplies, “Here you go, I packed some food, medicine in case you guys get hurt, as well as some camping equipment.” Twilight said.

I look at the few bags and blink. “I am guessing these are bags of holding?”

“Yes.” Twilight simply said with a nod.

“I see. Well thank you Twilight, do you mind if I bring this book with me?” I ask, showing her the book.

“Sure, just don’t ruin it!” Twilight sternly said.

I hold my hands up. “I will do my best, I just need to brush up on some spells while I am away.” I take the backs and smile as they aren’t too heavy. “Well, I will see ya later, and I will try to send Applejack and Rainbow back every few days.”

“Alright, be careful ok?” Twilight said.

I smirk and give her a two-finger salute. “Always am!” I then head back to my ship. Once inside I set the bags on the table when I see Kat coming. “Hey Kat, any news on Cruger?”

“Yes, I just contacted him, he said he finished his investigation and is already on his way back thanks to Princess Cadence letting him use her private train car.” Kat said, “He should be back in a few hours.”

“Good, good.” I nod then rub my chin before saying. “Say Kat, mind doing me a favor while I am gone? In the lab there is an unfinished Morpher. Do you think you could try to finish it?”

“Sure, what does this Morpher do?” Kat asked me.

I point to the wall of ranger keys. “It is for the silver Gokaiger ranger. The sixth ranger for my team.” I told her.

Kat nodded, “Alright, I’ll see what I can do.” she said.

“Thanks, and...maybe you can answer a question I have.” I pick up the shadow ranger and kat ranger keys and show them to her. “How come when Cruger morphs his helmet doesn’t have a muzzle, but when you morph your helmet has extra space for your ears?”

Kat rubs her chin before she says. “I made his helmet so it appears to be normal-sized, so he would be more uniform with B-squad. But I also made it so his Patrol Morpher would morph his physical body in addition to activating his Ranger form. As for my suit, it was given to me by supreme commander Fowler Birdie. So it was most likely custom made for me and that's why it fits my ears.”

I nod and rub my chin. “Huh, I suppose that makes sense. By the way, if you haven’t checked your Morpher please do, I want to know if you still only have a one-hour time limit on it or if it is a full Morpher like the rest of us.”

Kat nodded “Sure, I’ll take a look at it while you’re gone.” she said.

“Alright, If you can also run some tests with some volunteers, I want to know how long someone can use the ranger keys without being a ranger first.” I look at the ranger keys.

Kat looked at them as well before nodding her head, “Anything else you need me to do?” she asked me.

I shrug and say. “That's all I can think of, sorry if I am giving ya too much to do.” I apologize to her.

She waved her hand dismissively, “It’s fine Roger. I needed something to do anyway.”

I chuckle and smile. “I bet but don’t be afraid to help us kick bad-guy butt. I saw your fight on the tv show, you kicked ass.” I smirk and walk over to my kitchen. “Though a lot of fans have debated whether you're a white ranger or an orange ranger and even through canon material your canon color has been flipping back-and-forth between the two.”

“You lost me at fans debated.” Kat replied.

I chuckle and smile. “Well, remember when I said that most Power Rangers are TV shows on my original earth? Well, a lot of the big fans of these shows have created websites where they categorize just about everything, weapons, ranger suit colors, all that sort of stuff. And because your suit is white and orange people have been debating whether you're a white ranger or an orange ranger and if you are in orange ranger you would technically be the first canon orange ranger.”

Kat nodded, "Alright I get it, people are trying to decide if I'm a white or an orange Ranger." she said.

“More or less, yeah.” I said then start making some lunch. “Say do you have any dietary restrictions?”

"Not really." Kat replied, leaning against the wall.

“Alright, because I am cooking today.” I chuckle as I start making lunch for everyone. The smell of food must have gone throughout my ship because soon, every ranger, pony, and pokemon is in the dining room waiting for food.

I set the table and clap my hands. “Dig in everyone!”

Not soon after I said that everyone started to dig into the food. I also sat down and started to eat. After about half an hour Cruger comes in through the door. “Hey big guy, come have lunch and tell us what you found out.”

Cruger nods his head and sat down at the table, “Guess I came back at a good time if there’s food already made.” he said.

“I figured that we could all use a good home-cooked meal before we head off to earth.” I said with a soft chuckle. “So what did you find out?” I ask him.

“Well, I asked around the Empire to see if anyone saw anything being stolen, broken, or destroyed until I came across a salesman.” Cruger said, “He said his shop was vandalized and the only thing missing was an old gold coin.”

I drop my fork as I sit there in shock. “A...old gold coin?” I gulp and look at him. “Was there a description of what it looks like, any engravings, anything like that?”

Cruger shook his head no, “Nothing, just a solid gold coin, no markings, writing, or engravings.” he said.

I look down at the table and frown in thought. “Hmmm, well we will have to keep an eye out on more coins like that, see if they are what I think they are.”

“And what do you think they are?” Odona asked me.

I sigh and look at her. “I think it was a power coin, but that is just a guess. The mighty Morphin Power Rangers as well as the Aquitar rangers and technically the Turbo Rangers used power coins. For those of you who don’t know, power coins are a way to access the Morphin Grid.”

Everyone went wide-eyed, “And those monsters have one of the coins.” Kat said.

I nod but hold a hand up. “As bad as it sounds, that's just my guess at what it is. It could be an Equestrian artifact, some magic item that does some random thing.” I tried to calm them down.

“But we still have to be cautious just in case though.” Cruger said, “If it is indeed just an Equestrian artifact, then we need to be careful still.”

“I do agree, before we leave, try to write down all the details you know of the artifact, then while we are gone the others can ask Twilight to help investigate it. She's fantastic when it comes to research. If it's in an Equestrian artifact she'll find out what it is and what it does.” I tell him as I start to continue eating.

Cruger nodded his head and continued eating as well as the others, soon we were done with our food. I sigh and pat my belly. “Alright, Applejack, Rainbow, last chance to stay home...or go pack anything you want or need.”

“Yeah, you’re not gonna get rid of us that easily." Rainbow Dash said.

Applejack nodded her head in agreement, "Yeah, it'll take a lot more than a warning to get us to leave."

I shake my head and smirk. “Alright fine, but I want you to do whatever we say.” I turn to Odona. “I will need you to open the portal for us.” I summon my sword and hold it out to her. “Try to be on the outskirts of the town, the rest of you grab one of those bags and anything else that you've packed we're leaving.”

Everyone that was going nodded their heads and did what I said, while Odona opened the portal. After a few seconds of waiting, everyone was ready to go.

I nod and take my sword back and say. “Alright everyone, time to start the reclaiming of earth.” I said and point my sword at the portal and on the other side is a welcome sign for Briarwood.

Everyone cheered in agreement before we went through the portal, on the other side the air was smokey and I could see the town nearby was damaged badly. “Alright, first rule.” I start as the portal closes. “No morphing unless there is no other option.”

I start walking to town. “Second rule, stay out of sight and keep a low profile.” I look back at them. “And lastly, we are heading for the forest.”

“Why are we heading there?” Rainbow Dash asked me.

I look back at her. “That is where the Mystic Force Rangers are based.” I told her, then face forward and keep walking.

"And you want us to go there to set up a base or something?" Applejack asked me as she and the others followed me.

“No, we are going in there to look for the Rangers and anyone else hiding in there. Then we will move on to the next town.” I told her but stopped when I start seeing people. I reach into my bag and pull out some tarps. “You three wear these.” I give them to Rainbow, Applejack, and Cruger.

The three did what I told them and put the tarps on while leaving a spot open for them to see. We then walk through the encampment, some of the people look up at us. Then we come up to a metal gate. “Well damn, any of you know how to pick a lock?”

Everyone shook their heads no in response to my question, making me groan in annoyance. “Alright...well, time to make a little noise.” I summon my gun and aim at the locks and hear the people gasp and start running. I look behind me before I fire at the locks.

"Why did those people run?" Rainbow Dash asked me, "they think we're bad guys or something?"

“Most likely this gate is the one thing keeping them out of the monster-controlled areas and now that it’s open.” I open the gate and see down the road some foot soldiers known as Piranhatrons moving carts full of technology out of buildings and down the street. “Oh great, Piranhatrons.”

The Piranhatrons were a dull grey color with dull bronze armor, the heads of the Piranhatrons were fishlike with large yellow eyes. “The bad guys will think they broke the gate.” I finish but then use my magic to close and slightly repair the gate behind us.

"Well, we can't have that happening, good thing ya fixed it." Applejack said, "Man the sooner we get rid of these no-good varmints, the better for this planet."

I nod then lead us down the street. “Alright keep an eye out, we don’t want to get spotted, but also look for a music store.” I told them as we made our way down the street hiding whenever more Piranhatrons got close.

"Why do we need to look for a music store?" Andros asked me.

“Because the closest entrance to the magic side of this town is right across the street from it.” I said and once the path was clear we ran down the street.

"Hey, is that it?" Cruger said, pointing at the building we were looking for.

I grin and nod just as we step out into the open a group of ten Piranhatrons jump out of some water on the ground. Then land in front of us and take fighting stances. “Well damn, time to fight.” I spin kick the closest one into the others.

"Finally, I was starting to get bored with all this sneaking around." Rainbow Dash said, flying at a couple of Piranhatron and punching them before grabbing them and bringing them into the air then dropping them.

“Heh, I think I like that one.” Eric said as he used his quantum blaster to shoot the Piranhatrons. Wes grabs a wooden board and starts smacking some of them around with it.

I smirk but fool my eyes. “Oh, great two people with massive egos.” I said jokingly.

"I bet they're gonna argue who's better after this fight." Applejack said as she kicked a Piranhatron into another, causing the two to be sent flying.

“Or who got in who’s way.” I add as I punch one in the face then grab his arm and flip him over my back. “God help us if she ever becomes a ranger.”

Applejack laughs as she grabbed two Piranhatrons and slammed their heads together, knocking them out before uppercutting another, "Ah can just hear the boasting of Rainbow if she does become a Ranger."

I chuckle and look around to see the Piranhatrons are all out cold. “Alright, into the woods.” I said keeping an eye out for trouble as we crossed the street into the park-like area.

"Those Piranha-things were fun to fight, I easily took them out in ten seconds flat." Rainbow Dash boasted, a smug grin on her face while I could see Applejack roll her eyes.

“Only ten? I finish off my group in five seconds.” Eric said, spinning his gun on his finger.

“Save the flirting for later you two.” I said then look around at the trees before I point at one. “Ok, everyone place a hand on this tree and hope the magic works.”

Everyone nodded and did as I said and placed their hands on the tree, I was the last one then adding a bit of magic into it we are all sucked into the tree and travel through its roots till we come out of another tree in a darker looking forest. “Trippy, it worked.” I said.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Rainbow Dash said, then gave me a weak glare, "Warn me next time we're gonna travel through a bucking tree like that."

I chuckle and smirk at her. “You mean like how we are gonna leave here?”

Rainbow Dash gave me a glare in response, "Yeah no, I think I'd rather fly."

"Dash, we're on a different planet. How in the name of Celestia are ya gonna find us if you have no clue where ya are?" Applejack asked the pegasus, causing the rest of us to chuckle a bit.

Our laughter is cut short when we hear the snapping of a twig. I turn around and look around. “Hello?” I call out but my only response was silence, for a while at least then tree roots shot out of the ground and tried to grab us. “Move!” I jumped over the one that was after me.

"What the buck?! Why are there tree roots chasing after us?!" Applejack asked as we ran from the roots.

I look around before I see the green mystic force ranger. “Whoa calm down the magic! We are friendly!” I call out to him but the roots keep attacking. “Fuck it, it’s Morphin time! AJ, RD catch!” I summon two keys and throw them at the two ponies.

Both Rainbow Dash and Applejack caught the Ranger keys while the others began to morph. Cruger held up his Patrol Morpher and pressed the middle button on the top of it. "S.P.D. Emergency!"

Wes jumps over a root and reaches up touching his Chrono Morpher calling out. “Time for, time force!”

While Eric shot the root chasing him before doing the same with his Quantum Morpher calling out. “Quantum power!”

Lastly, I cut through a few roots. “Girls, the morph call is ‘wild access’!” I tell them before pulling out my Morpher and slide my key into it. “Set sail!” And so all the Rangers morph first in flashes of red and black.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack nodded their heads and said together, "Wild Access!" they both said, then a glow covered them, two giant Morphers appeared before they had a holographic shark and bull appear around them, causing them to change into a shark and bull before transforming into a humanoid, another glow and the Morphers were replaced with Rainbow Dash, wearing the Blue Shark Ranger suit, and Applejack, wearing the Black Bison suit. The shark and bison heads formed around theirs, making the helmet and completing the transformation sequence.

“Whoa! What a rush.” Rainbow said before she pulls out her Blue Shark Fighting Fins. “Alright let’s cut some weeds!”

Applejack looks herself over before nodding to Rainbow. “Ya are right about that Dash.” Then she pulls out the Black Bison Axe.

Rainbow Dash flew in the air and started to divebomb the weeds, using her Blue Shark Fighting Fins to cut the roots that either got too close for comfort or tried to sneak up on any of us, while Applejack used her Black Bison Axe to carve a path to the Green Mystic Force Ranger.

Once we get close enough I run past them and try to punch the green ranger but a pink wind pushes me into a tree. “Ooof! We got a pink ranger around here somewhere!” I warn my team.

"Oh great, what does this one do?" Wes asked me, taking out a bunch of roots that were close to him while Rainbow Dash flew by and slashed at roots that tried to attack him from behind.

I get up just in time to see a surge of water hit Rainbow Dash and knock her away from the green ranger. A Blue ranger walks out from behind a tree. “We won’t let you psycho rangers come here and destroy our home!” She said.

"Psycho Rangers? We're not the Psycho Rangers!" Cruger said to the Mystic Force Rangers.

I step forward. “He is right, look at our uniforms, we are Rangers like you. Look if we were psycho rangers none of us would even be interested in any of you most of us are Red Rangers. Hell, those two aren’t technically even rangers!” I point at Rainbow and Applejack.

"Yeah, we didn't know how to uh, what was it called when we transform?" Rainbow Dash asked Applejack, who shrugged her shoulders.

"Ah think it was called morphing?" Applejack said.

"Yeah! We didn't know how to morph till now!" Rainbow Dash said.

The mystic force rangers looked at each other but the green one kept his wand aimed at us. “Prove it. Power down and show us your faces.”

I look back at my team before nodding and am the first to power down. “See? Huma...oh right.” I take my necklace off and the illusion around me disappears. “Fully human.”

One by one each of us power down, and show we are not a threat. Though we did have to vouch for Cruger, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack. “So, can you stop with the killer plants thing?”

The Mystic Force Rangers looked at each other before Green made the roots go away, much to the others' relief. I walk up smirking as I hold out a hand. “Hi there, the name is Roger.”

"I'm Xander Bly, Green Ranger." Xander said, shaking my hand.

"Vida Rocca. The Pink Ranger of Mystic Force." Vida said.

then the blue Mystic Ranger said. "Madison Rocca."

“Nice to meet you all, I have a very long and complicated story that I need to tell you all and I will explain things but right now I need you to lead us to your base of operations so we can talk this over.” I told them after shaking Xander’s hand.

Xander nodded his head as he and the rest of the Mystic Force Rangers led us to their base. I look back and see Rainbow and Applejack looking all around seeming to be nervous. “What’s up you two?”

"It's this forest, it's just like the Everfree." Applejack replied.

"Yeah, except not as creepy, as the Everfree but still." Rainbow Dash said next.

I look around and shrug. “Seems like a normal Forest me...oh wait, that’s right, you guys always control the weather, animals, plants, and all that stuff back home here on earth, The whole ecosystem just takes care of itself.”

"Yeah, it just ain't natural." Applejack said before Xander said.

"Well, controlling basically everything like the weather and other stuff is unnatural to us." Xander said.

I nod and add. “That is true, here on earth things work together almost perfectly, and if we mess with anything too much it can cause disasters.”

"If that's the case, why haven't there been disasters on Equestria? We've been controlling things for a long time." Rainbow Dash said.

“Maybe because of Discord? My guess is when he ruled he fucked everything so bad once he was defeated, the world couldn’t function without someone taking care of it.” I said with a shrug as we approached a large tree with what looked like a dragon head at the bottom of it.

"Maybe we can ask Twilight when we get back." Applejack said, looking at the dragon head.

The dragon head opens up revealing a door. All of us head inside and I look around and smile. “Cool place.”

"Yeah, it is cool. But still, you said you'd explain some stuff." Vida said to me.

I nod and sit down. “First off, you will be happy to hear Odona is safe now.” I start with.

"That's a relief." Madison said as she and the others let out sighs of relief.

"Where is she?" Xander asked me.

I smirk and point at Applejack and Rainbow Dash with my thumb. “On their homeworld. She and a few other rangers are watching over it while I do some stuff here. Mainly uniting all the surviving rangers.”

The three nodded their heads, "Alright, we're just glad she's safe." Vida said.

"So you're trying to unite all surviving Rangers on Earth? That's gonna be a difficult task." Xander said.

"Oh you have no idea." Eric replied, crossing his arms.

I slap Eric’s chest. “We have a map with the locations of each team's location. Are you willing to join us?”

The three looked at each other before they started to talk amongst themselves, and after a few seconds, Xander said, "If we join you, this means the monsters attacking Earth will be taken care of right?"

"If so, then yes we will." Vida said.

I nod my head. “Yes, we may not be able to stop the monsters right now but by uniting all the Rangers together you’ll be able to strike much harder and much easier.” Then add. “By the way, do you mind if I touch you three? I wish to get your ranger keys.”

"What do you mean Ranger Keys?" Maddison asked me.

I hold up the red mystic force key. “These, they let me access the powers of past rangers. Of course, I can’t use them while you're using them.” I said.

"Hmmm, alright I guess." Xander said, "You can get our 'keys' if you want."

“Sweet, you wouldn’t happen to have the yellow wand and Koragg’s shield, would you?” I ask them as I walk over tapping each of their shoulders making their key appear.

Xander nodded his head, "Yeah, we do have them." he said, then went off to grab the items I wanted and after a few seconds returned with the Yellow Wand and Koraggs shield. "May I ask why you need them?"

“Because I want the yellow and red wolf ranger keys.” I touch them making the yellow mystic force and the red wolf ranger keys appear. I hold them up and smirk. “Long story short without the intervention of the evil alliance and if Nick would’ve stayed you would’ve ended up purifying Koragg and he’d help you fight the bad guys.” I told them as I pocket my new keys.

"I see." Vida said.

"Well is there anything else you needed to do?" Xander asked, "Cause we still got monsters out there."

I tap my chin then ask. “Do you know why the Piranhatrons are stealing technology from everywhere?”

"No clue honestly." Xander said, "We've been trying to figure that out for a while."

I rub my face while thinking. I then look over at Rainbow and grin as I get an idea. “Say...do they ever look up?” I ask Xander.

Xander looks at me in confusion, "Not that I have seen." he said, "What do you have planned?"

I chuckle and point at Rainbow. “Yeah, we have her cover up her colorful hair then fly over the city and find out what they are up to. Once we know we can try to cripple their operation here, then move onto the next city.”

"Hmmm, the plan sounds crazy, yet it could work." Vida said, then nodded, "Alright, let's do it."

“Alright, Applejack help us hold Rainbow down while we cover up her mane and tail.” I say with a smirk.

"Wait what?" Rainbow Dash asked, just as Applejack grabbed her, pinning her arms behind her back. "Hey! Let me go!"

"No can do Dash, we need ta cover up yer mane and tail. Don't worry, it won't take long." Applejack said.

I chuckle and dig around in my bag looking for the extra clothes and pull out some light blue jackets and a hat. “Geez, either Twilight wanted to pack for everything or Rarity happened to be over and decided to help.” I then put the hat on Rainbow before wrapping a scarf around her head. Then I give her a jacket. “Alright just tie this around your waist and it should hide your tail.”

"Man, why do I have to wear this stuff?" Rainbow Dash whined.

I roll my eyes and cross my arms. “Would you rather be spotted and shot at? This is camouflage because I am pretty damn sure you won’t be able to touch the clouds on this planet.”

Rainbow opened her mouth to retort before Applejack stopped her, "Dash, for the love of Celestia, don't be stubborn and listen."

Rainbow Dash glared at Applejack before groaning in annoyance. "Fine."

I pat Rainbow’s shoulder. “Hey look at it like this, you do recon before your pranks, right? Paying attention to what others do so you can time your pranks perfectly does the same thing except our prank is going to be destroying whatever they’re building or stop them from finishing it at least.”

Rainbow Dash blinked a few times before grinning, "Well when you put it that way." she said, flying into the air, "Where do I go first?"

I chuckle. “First we need to get back to town, then you will fly up into the sky and spy around the whole city. Once you come back you will tell us everything you see, so be sure to pay attention, just like every time you fly.” I tell her then look at every one. “Xander please get a map of the town, the rest of you just rest up for the fight to come.”

Everyone nodded their heads while Xander went to get a map, returning a few seconds later. “Here you go.” he said, handing me the map.

“Thanks.” I say looking it over, before giving adding. “Alright, if Rainbow is ready we can do this.” I look up. “But first we have to make a trip through the trees.” I said with a smirk.

“And how do we do that?” Applejack asked.

I raise an eyebrow. “Same way we did before. Touch a tree and think of where to go.” I told her.

“Oh man.” Rainbow Dash whined, “We have to do that again?”

‘Quit yer whining Dash.” Applejack said.

I chuckle and say. “Hey look on the bright side. After you do some scouting we will most likely go kick some bad guy butt. So before we go I want to change the keys you girls have.” I told them while summoning two other keys. “If the wild force rangers are alive and using their powers the keys won’t work. So use these.” I hand them the blue and yellow dino thunder keys.

“What Rangers are these?” Rainbow asked me, looking at the keys with curiosity.

“Those are the Dino thunder rangers. A team of five rangers using the power of the dino gems.” I told her then add. “Rainbow, you get the triceratops, and Applejack gets the pterodactyl. The morph call is ‘Dino thunder, power up.’ got it?” I ask them.

“Dino Thunder Power Up, got it.” Applejack said, nodding her head.

“What’s a triceratops?” Rainbow Dash asked.

I blink then facepalm. “Right, you girls are from another world, so it would stand to reason that you would have different dinosaurs if any dinosaurs.” I shake my head and say. “Basically a four-legged lizard with three horns on its face.” I told her.

I then stand up and say. “Alright me, Rainbow, Applejack and...Xander will be going out now.”

“Alright.” Andros said, nodding his head.

“Be careful.” Cruger said next.

“Don't screw up.” Eric said.

“Call if ya need us.” Wes adds.

“Wait, why am I going?” Xander said.

“You are the local and with your plant magic if we get attacked you are like having an army, well as long as we are near nature.” I say, adding a shrug at the end. Then the four of us head outside and I smirk at Rainbow before placing a hand on the tree.

“See ya on the other side.” I told her before being sucked through the tree root network and came out back in front of the music shop.

After a few seconds of waiting, the others appear next to me, with Rainbow having an annoyed look on her face, “Come on Dash, it ain’t that bad.” Applejack said.

I chuckle and say. “She probably doesn't feel that well because she's a Pegasus and traveling like that would be considered land-based magic or nature magic, which is why you don't feel any negative side effects Applejack.” I told her then tap my chin and lean over to Xander and ask. “Hey, any liquor stores nearby?”

“Should be, why?” Xander asked me.

I smirk and whisper. “I want to hit the place up for two things to bring with us, Applejack for Applejack.” I snicker at my pun. “And some rum for me.”

Xander shakes his head with a small smile, “I don’t know whether to laugh or cringe at the pun.” he said.

I chuckle and shrug. “Eh, not my best but enough fun and games.” I turn to Rainbow. “Rainbow, you're up.” I point to the sky.

Rainbow Dash nodded her head and immediately flew into the sky.

3rd POV

Once Rainbow was sure enough she was high in the air that she wouldn't be seen, yet close to the ground to spy on the enemy with ease, she flew around the city, watching as the Piranhatrons kept stealing tech for something. “Just what the buck do they need all that?” Rainbow asked herself.

She followed the Piranhatrons through the city till she stopped seeing a large robot, with scaffolding around it and more Piranhatrons working on it. “Holy Celestia, that thing is huge.”

Rainbow also saw someone commanding the Piranhatrons, the guy was bald with a large head and was currently grinning, he was wearing a red suit with gold shoulder pads, “Man, that guy is ugly.” Rainbow said to herself.

Rainbow looked around one last time spotting a few landmarks before flying back to Roger and the others. Once she lands she grins. “Wasn’t even spotted.”

“Enough with the bragging and tell us what you saw.” Eric said in annoyance.

Rainbow looks over surprised. “When did you get here?” She asked.

“He got impatient so he came here, we came with him.” Andros said, “But besides that, what did you see?”

“Oh right! They are building this giant thing! It's like what you guys used to fight that giant monster, back at the Crystal Empire.” She starts to explain, then goes into more detail explaining everything that she saw. She also helped mark where the robot was being made on the map.

“Hmm, so Elgar is here.” Roger said, rubbing his chin. “Makes sense seeing how the Piranhatrons are everywhere.”

“And now we know why they are stealing too, they’re building a Zord.” Wes said.

“That is going to be a problem.” Roger said, frowning. “Alright, who here is good at inspiring and leading a group of people?” He asked them.

“I am.” both Andros and Cruger said, making them look at each other in surprise.

Roger nods and points at them. “Then while the rest of us are dealing with the zord and Elgar, I want you two to head back to that camp we passed and start a resistance. Give them some quick training and inspire them to fight back. They may not be Rangers but they can handle themselves in a fight when it comes to the foot soldiers. The same thing happened in the show during the episode ‘Countdown to Destruction’.”

Cruger and Andros both nodded their heads, “Alright, we will do that.” Cruger said.

“Good, go ahead and go now. We will give you a head start.” Roger told them then looked at Eric, Wes, Xander, Madison, Vida, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. “As for us, we will head into downtown and try to blow up that robot.”

“And how are we going to do that?” Eric asked.

“Obviously with explosives.” Rainbow said to him.

Eric glared at Rainbow. “Do we even have any?”

Roger holds up his hand. “Look I may have a way...if it works.” he scratches his cheek. “But plan B will be, I use a Megazord to destroy it.”

“And what is this plan?” Applejack asked Roger.

Roger lights his hand with magic. “I use magic to blow it up.”

“Ok that’s a good plan.” Wes said, “But I think you better make sure the explosion isn’t that big that it takes out a few buildings as well.”

Roger nods and cracks his neck. “Let's make this showy!" He grabs his sword and gun off of his hips.

Everyone nodded their heads before Cruger and Andros went off to the camp. While Roger and his team head deeper into town. Along the way they fight off some Piranahtrons, soon they get close enough to see the robot. Roger lets out a low whistle. “That is a big robot. Hmmm.” he looks it over.

“Alright, I will try to destroy it from the inside out, RD and AJ will join me. Wes, Eric, you two are the distraction, and you three.” He points at the mystic force rangers. “Will attack once these two get most of the forces after them.” He looks around. “Any questions?”

Everyone shook their heads no while Rainbow Dash said, “Let’s just kick some bad guy butt already.”

Roger chuckles and nods. “Alright, let's go.” They head out towards the robot before splitting up. Roger watches as Wes and Eric do their job and get most of the foot soldiers to chase them. “Ok let's go.”

“How are we going to get in the robot?” Applejack asked, “I doubt they’ll leave it unguarded.”

“They might if they’re stupid enough.” Rainbow Dash said.

“That is what the distraction is for, it gets most of the enemy to chase them leaving only a few if any to guard the robot.” Roger said as he turned the corner only to run into Eldar.

“Ow! Hey watch where you’re... Hey, what are you doing here!?” He said, pulling out a whip.

“Oh hey, it’s that ugly guy I told you about.” Rainbow said, flying towards Eldar and kicked him in the face.

“Gah!” Eldar yells holding his face as he stumbles back. “That isn’t very nice!” He pulls his arm back to use the whip. “Maybe I should teach you a lesson!”

Roger aims his gun. “Freeze or you are gonna get a blast to the face.”

“Just try it! I’m sure the Piranhatrons would hear you and come running!” Eldar said, “Then you’ll be sorry!”

Roger narrows his eyes. “Or maybe we can knock you out, stop this robot from being finished then your aunt Divatox can kick your ass for failing her.”

“You wouldn’t dare! We’re so close to finishing!” Eldar said in fear.

Roger smirks and nods. “Oh yes but I’ll tell you what, tell me why you’re building this thing and give me all your money and I'll let you go.” He said, keeping his gun aimed at Eldar’s head.

“I don’t know what’s worse, you stupid Rangers trying to blow up the zord, or me getting mugged.” Eldar said, shaking his head, “I don’t know why this thing is getting built, all I know is that those Psychos want it built.”

Roger raises an eyebrow. “The psychos? that can't be good. I thought they could already grow into giant monsters without needing a Megazord.” Roger frowns but then puts his sword to Eldar’s throat. “Also who said we are power rangers? I am just a pirate, and ya took too long to give me your money.” Roger drops his gun and blasts Eldar with his magic point-blank range knocking him into the metal wall hard enough to leave an Eldar-sized hole.

“Let’s keep going.” Roger said walking deeper into the robot.

“So how are we gonna get out when you blow this thing up?” Applejack asked Roger, “Got an escape plan in mind?”

Roger stops in his tracks with a blank look on his face. “Uhhhhh.”

The two mares looked at him wide-eyed, “You seriously haven’t thought of that?!” Rainbow Dash said, “Are you kidding me!?”

“You plan to blow the darn thing up! How can you not have thought of an escape plan?!” Applejack said next.

Roger shrugs. “Hey, this is the first time I have done something like this. I am sure I will come up with something, besides if I don't Rainbow can just Applejack out of here once I make a hole. Then I can jump.” he then continues down the hallway they are in till it leads to a mishmash generator room.

“If we die, I’m gonna kill you.” Rainbow Dash said, “So what is this place?”

“My guess? The main power core.” Roger said, looking things over and frowns. “Geez, it looks like they threw every power source they could find in here, hell I see some car batteries.” Roger shakes his head.

“Alright, Applejack keep an eye on the door yell if anyone comes. Rainbow you fly up to the higher levels and see if there is anyone up there. I will see if I can mess with this power supply.” Roger told them as he walked over to a control panel.

“No one up here.” Rainbow Dash said after flying up to the upper levels.

“And no is coming, better hurry up Roger, who knows how long the others can keep them monsters occupied.” Applejack said.

Roger nods as he finds the controls. “Thank god for simple commands.” He said as he found the cooling system and turned it off before opening the systems files and deleting that program. “Alright let's go.” he aims his gun at the core and fires at it a few times as the room starts to warm up. Then he makes a portal with his sword. “move, move, move!”

The two mares ran toward the portal, just as two Piranhatrons entered the room, “See ya suckers!” Roger said before shooting the control panel and running through the portal closing it.

He looked forward only to see the rangers fighting a monster. “Huh, out of the frying pan and into the fire.” He jokes as he walks next to the mares.

The monster was almost like a green walking mouth with large sharp teeth and had some kind of helmet on its eyes. “That thing sure is ugly.” Rainbow said.

“Can’t argue with that.” Applejack said, then turned to Roger, “Know what or who that is, and is it strong?”

Roger shrugs. “He was either not in the show or just one of the monsters of the week. Either way, I don't recognize him but we should move and help the others finish them off.” Roger said before something hit him in the back making a small explosion and knocking him forward. “Guh!”

“You're the one that’s gonna be finished, pirate punk!” Eldar said standing at the entrance to the robot with his sword made of playing cards.

Rainbow flew at Eldar and kicked him in the face and Applejack punched him, causing him to fall to the ground in pain, “You ok Roger?” Rainbow asked Roger.

“Yeah, damn gonna need a trip to my med bay after this.” He said as he stood up and pulled out his Morpher. “What do you girls say to using some dino power on him?”

Rainbow Dash grinned and punched her opened palm, “Heck yeah! I’ve been wanting to beat these guys up for a while!”

“Same here.” Applejack said.

He smirks and holds up the red dino thunder key. “Then let's morph. Dino thunder power up!” He swings the key and Morpher together in front of him before turning it. His Morpher calls out, ”Abaranger!” and in a flash of red light he is suited up in a mostly red suit with a white scale-like pattern on the arms and legs, and a gold three-toed dinosaur footprint on the chest.

“Our turn.” Rainbow said.

“Dino Thunder, Power Up!” both her and Applejack said, then the two did a backflip while blue and yellow flashes around them, when they landed, their helmets in the forms of a triceratops and pterodactyl formed around them, the golden three-toed dinosaur foot on their chests.

“Wha! Hey, no fair! You said you weren't rangers!” Eldar yells waving his sword.

“Well, that’s not gonna stop us from kicking your butt.” Rainbow said, shooting Eldar with her Thundermax Saber.

Roger nods to the other two. “Ok, this might leave you tired after but follow my lead.” He put his arms in an X in front of his chest before calling out and stretching his arms out. “Super Dino mode!” Rogers helmet let out a roar as the white pattern grew into spikes pointing back.

“Whoa! That’s awesome!” Rainbow Dash said.

“You can say how awesome it is after we beat up the bad guys' Dash.” Applejack said, making Rainbow nod her head before the two said.

“Super Dino Mode!” the two shouted as their helmets roared, then smaller spikes formed from the white patterns, but instead of facing backward they pointed out and Applejack got wings.

Roger pulls out The Tyranno Staff and aims it at Eldar who was picking his nose. “Oh uh are ya done?” he asked.

“Dude, that’s disgusting.” Rainbow Dash said, then shot Eldar in the nose with the Tundermax, “Stop it.”

“Guh! Hey, that's it!” Eldar charges them with his sword lifted for a strike. Roger thrusts his Tyranno Staff at his chest and the dino head at the end if it bites Eldar.

Before Eldar could say anything, Rainbow had punched him with her Tricera Shield while Applejack used her Ptera Grips to slash him, “Stay down this time.” Applejack said to Eldar.

Eldar is pushed back from the attacks and growls. “You are so annoying! Everything was so much better when there weren’t any rangers! Now my aunt is gonna be mad at me!”

Roger grabs the two mares and says. “Time to finish this, combine our weapons.”

“How the hay do we do that?!” Rainbow Dash asked him in confusion.

“Like this!” Roger said as he guided them. First, he attached the ptera grips to the tricera shield, then his Tyranno staff to the bottom and top of the shield.

“Whoa, this thing is awesome!” Rainbow said.

“Is awesome yer word for the day?” Applejack asked her with a shake of her head.

“Focus!” Roger said as he aimed the Z-Rex Blaster at Eldar, who is panicking and looking around for cover and ends up picking up an old orange construction cone.

“Protect me cone!” He yells in fear.

“Like that’s gonna help.” Rainbow said.

“Z-Rex Blaster fire!” Roger yells before the weapons change an attack and fire it at Eldar. The energy blast hits him and explodes. “Please stay down.”

Rogers' plea fell on deaf ears as Eldar grew to giant size, “Hahahahaha! Now I’m gonna squish you like bugs!” Eldar said.

“Damn, well girls time for you to help me, pilot.” Roger said before holding out his hand. “Dino zords now!” and three portals open up in the sky. Out of the first drops a blue triceratops that Rams into Eldar. The second to come out of the portals is a yellow pterodactyl that flies around Eldard distracting him. And the last to come through the portal is a red T-Rex who charges and rams into Eldard knocking them over into the robot.

“Alright, now comes the fun part, jump and let muscle memory take over.” Roger said before jumping and once he was close he faced into the red T-Rex.

“Right!” Both mares said, before all three jumped up, portals appeared behind them as they entered the zords, then in small flashes, orbs formed in front of them.

Just as Terror Tooth grew as well, “Now you’re gonna get it! You have to deal with two giants and you only have one Megazord!” Eldar said.

Three voices can be heard calling out “Galwit Mysto Prifior!” and down below three magic circles appear and the Green, Pink, and Blue mystic force rangers grow into titans. “Don't worry we can hold this guy off for a bit.” Xander said.

“Right! We will try to finish this fast then.” Roger said. “Time to combine!”

“Right!” Applejack and Rainbow Dash said, then all three said, “Combine power!” the T-Rex zord roars as it began to transform into the main body with its drill tail forming the left arm and the head moved to the chest, the Tricerazord jumps and forms the right arm, making the almost complete Megazord jump into the air, the Ptera zord screeching before splitting in half, the upper body and wings forming around the T-Rex zords head while the lower half forms the helmet.

“Alright girls, time for a mega beat down.” Roger said, then the Megazord punches Eldar in the chest with the tricera arm.

“Buck yeah! Let’s kick his butt!” Rainbow Dash said.

“I agree, time to teach this no-good varmint a lesson!” Applejack said, the Megazord spinning the drill arm and slashing Eldar’s chest.

“Guh! Damn rangers!” Eldar growls and swings his sword at the Megazord, cutting it across the chest.

“Geez doesn’t this guy take a hint? He lost! He’s up against a bunch of good guys!” Rainbow Dash said, just as the Megazord uppercuts Eldar with the tricera arm and jabbing the drill into his chest. “How much of a beating will it take to get it through his thick skull?”

Eldar falls back and crushes the robot they were building and yells in pain as sparks fly from his chest armor. “Oh no, The robot! Aw man, aunt Divatox is going to be so mad!” He said looking under his butt at the crushed robot.

“Someone’s gonna get in trouble.” Rainbow said in a singsong tone, the Megazord stomping on Eldar, forcing him to the ground with the drill aimed at his face.

“Oh, you think you're tough?!” Eldar grabs the drill arm and pushes it away before kicking the Zord’s chest pushing it off him.

As Eldar gets back up Roger hums. “How about we try out a different limb?” He holds his hand out and calls out. “We need more dinosaur power, come Dimetrozord!” A portal opens and out comes a cyan auxiliary Zord patterned after a Dimetrodon. This zord then transforms into an arm with a saw blade on the end of it, then it replaces the drill arm of the Megazord. “Alright, time to end this.”

“Alright! Now, this is what I’m talking about!” Rainbow said, the saw blade spinning, “Let’s finish this guy off!”

“And hopefully he’ll stay down this time!” Applejack said.

The T-Rex head firing a blast of fire at Eldar, causing an explosion and giving Roger, Rainbow, and Applejack time to use their final attack, “Dimetro Blade! Full power!” all three of them said, making the Megazord slash at Eldar horizontally then vertically, making an electric cross that caused Eldar to spark the explosion.

When the smoke clears Eldar is cut into pieces and dead. “Geez, they didn’t show that on tv.” Roger said before they were hit in the back by Vida’s Zord form. They turn around and help her up seeing the other monster fighting with Xander.

“Oh great, we still got this varmint to take care of.” Applejack said.

“Hey Roger, got any more of these ‘dinosaurs’ that can help us take care of this guy quickly?” Rainbow asked him.

Roger thinks for a moment. “Well there are a few more but they just turn into a spear, a shield, a battering ram, a pair of scissors, and lastly a carrier zord.” he told them as they watched the mystic force rangers fight the monster.

“Let's do the battering ram. I’m sure it can help out.” Applejack said.

Roger nodded his head, then called in the Cephalazord, a small blue dino zord with a dome-shaped head and yellow boxing glove shaped fists, it lets out a few roars as it punches the air while jumping over to the Thundersaurus Megazord, then the tricerazord sparked as it detached itself from the Megazord and the Cephalazord took its place.

“Alright, let’s finish this once and for all!” Applejack said.

Roger nods and the Megazord lifts its right arm as it slides back. “Cephalo power punch!” They say together before the Megazord throws a punch and the Cephalazord is launched forward rapidly a few times creating powerful jabs and the last one punches right through the skull of the monster.

“Geez, is every monster we defeat gonna end up like that?” Rainbow asked, grimacing at how Terror Tooth was defeated.

Roger groans and slaps his faceplate. “Not anymore; miss jinx.” he said before he grabbed them and jumped out of the Megazord just as a large group of armed people are running into town attacking the Piranhatrons.

He turns around and waves at the Megazord as it walks through a portal. “Alright girls power down. Fighting is done for now.” Roger said.

Both mares nodded their heads and powered down, almost passing out as they did. “S-sweet….Celestia….I’m so tired!” Rainbow said.

Roger powers down and helps them sit down. “Yeah sorry, I should've told you when you're not connected to the Morphin grid and you morph your body is put under a lot more pressure and you are much more exhausted than normal range or would be. The same thing happened to an alternate Shining Armor.”

Roger’s POV

“That would have been very helpful Roger.” Applejack said to me, “If ya told us, we would have been prepared for this darn exhaustion.”

I pat her back as the others come up to us. “Kinda slipped my mind, but I will tell ya what, I can send you two home and you girls can rest before we get to the next city.” I told them.

“What's up with them?” Eric asked.

“What does it look like? We’re extremely exhausted after that fight.” Rainbow replied to Eric.

Eric smirks. “Aww, are the little ponies tired after one fight?” He teases them.

“Careful Eric, even exhausted they're both strong enough to knock you flat on your ass.” I warn him with a smirk. “Girls wait here and Eric, you don't let that mob touch them, got it?”

“I’m guessing that mob might think we’re monsters right?” Applejack asked me.

“Pretty much. They may or may not have seen you fight with us and with Cruger out there with them, they may accept you but keeping Eric with you is just a precaution, scared humans can do stupid things.” I tell her before walking over to Xander with a grin. “Hey, buddy! So about that liquor store?”

Xander let out a chuckle as he made a follow-me motion with his hand, and after a few minutes of walking, we eventually reached said store. I smirk at him and see the place is closed and locked but I can see inside. “Well, seeing as we helped save this town, I will take my payment.”

I smirk as I use my sword to open a portal that leads inside the store and step through and look through the drinks before I grab a few bottles of rum and applejack. “There we go.”

“You better leave some money for those, otherwise, I’ll have to kick your ass.” Xander jokes.

“Not unless they accept gold coins from another planet, plus I'm a pirate, a few bottles of alcohol is a decent price for saving the whole town don't you think?” I told him as I put the bottles in my bag.

“Eh, that’s fair.” Xander said.

I tap my chin as I walk back through the portal. “Hmmm, I think that is all I wanted, for now, alright let's head back and keep an eye out for any semi-trucks that work.” I said before heading back to where I left AJ and RD.

“Hey, guys.” Rainbow said to me as I walked up to them, “How’s it going?”

“It's all good, I got something for you to take back with you Applejack.” I said before pulling out the bottle of applejack. “Here ya go. Now to make you girls a portal home, I will open another when we get to the next city.” I told them.

“Alright.” Applejack said, then looked at the bootles and had a deadpan look on her face, “You trying to be funny or something?”

I chuckle and smirk. “Honestly I didn't know if you guys had that same drink back in Equestria. So I figured why not send you home with a few bottles, maybe you can reverse engineer it if you don't have it. I mean it is your namesake after all.” I told her.

“Eh alright, sounds like a good idea.” Applejack said.

I nod and make a portal right outside Twilight’s castle. “Alright, I will meet you at Twilight’s place when we make it to the next city, take care, you two.”

“We will.” rainbow said as she and Applejack started to enter the portal, but before they left Rainbow said, “Oh, and don’t forget to get me when you need some help kicking bad-guy butt!”

I and some of the other rangers chuckle at that. “Sure Rainbow, stay safe.” I wave her off and once they are through the portal it closes. “Alright, seeing how many people are with us now, we are gonna need a faster way to travel and I have just the idea.” I look at my hand and in it is the red dino thunder key.

“And what is this idea of yours?” Eric said with a frown.

I smirk and slide the key in and call out. “Dino thunder power up.” and my Morpher calls out. ”Abaranger!” and in a flash of red light, he is back in the red dino thunder suit. “My plan is this.” I tap the Morpher on my wrist and say. “Come to me, Triceramax Command Center Truck.”

I look up as a large red semi-truck with a trailer comes out of a portal and stops in front of us with the engine running. “Ta-da!” I say with a smirk then frown. “Now the only question is how long will it stay here if I power down.”

“Why not check to see?” Wes asked me, “You never know unless you check.”

“True, alright everyone we have one big problem.” I said as I powered down and looked at them all. “I...don't have a driver's license.”

Everyone gave me what the fuck looks, “You can change into any ranger, yet you don’t have something as simple as a license?!” Eric asked me.

I hold my hands up. “To be fair, I never needed one before.” I told him. “I mostly took the bus or rode a bike everywhere.”

“Whatever, so who’s gonna drive?” Eric asked.

“Yeah because there's no way in hell I'm driving when there's a cop literally right over there.” I point at Cruger. “I may be a pirate, but I'm not a dumbass.”

“That’s good, but still, who’s gonna drive?” Cruger asked, “If no one is gonna volunteer then I will drive.”

I shrug and look around. “Alright, then Cruger and Eric will take turns driving.” I look at Eric. “And before you start, I am assuming you know how to drive a semi because it's similar to military vehicles which you should have been given some training to drive when you joined the Silver Guardians or whatever they're called.”

“Of course I know how to drive a semi.” Eric replied, crossing his arms.

“Good, then if that is settled. Everyone in the truck, we are leaving!” I said as I opened the back and climbed inside.

Everyone did as I said, with Cruger and Eric sitting in the front, the others getting in the back. “Alright Roger, where to next?” Cruger asked me.

I give them the map. “San Angeles, home of the overdrive rangers.” I said.

“Alright, San Angeles here we come.” Cruger said, driving down the street and towards our next destination.