• Published 2nd Aug 2020
  • 4,378 Views, 56 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Deltorix

A young man is asked to help save Equestria by someone unexpected, will he save Equestria or will he fail.

  • ...

Chapter 6

Author's Note:

Cross over with the story The golden eyed Sage part 4 of 5

Rodger's POV

It was tough to say how long they'd been gone but we weren't really keeping track of time either. We stared at the scene for some time until our attention was pulled away by a white glow from in the cockpit. i looked over to see Bright Stone fading away.

"Looks like father is safe," he chuckled.

I chuckle and smirk saying to where he was. “And may the power protect you my friend.” Then I sigh and turn to look at Edward’s body.

Celestia and Luna suddenly came from Malice's chest in a bubble of red magic. The giant itself started to crumble and fall apart and shluff off on to the ground. The Demon inside then flew over from the decaying corpse and landed next to the sisters. It shifted its form but not to the Edward I was familiar with. Instead he had shoulder length brunette hair and hazel eye with a pinkish skin tone like normal humans. He wore a red sleeveless shirt with an odd spade symbol on it with a dark gray trench coat with missing sleeves that looked as if they'd been exploded.

"Hey," the man I suspect is Edward jumped on the face of my Megazord. He banged on the glass, "Let us in it colder than hell out here and my wife is pregnant."

Pole, Shining, and Spike all fainted.

I sigh and chuckle. “Sure just give me a minute.” I disengage the megazord and change it back to the five separate zords then remote control the other four to go into the zord bay inside my ship then I turn the ship so Edward can see the airlock and I check the other Systems as I wait for him to get on board.

“Damn...so much damage at least it seems this ship has a Self repair function.” Once I hear the airlock open and close I start the engines and start flying back to the city but we are moving very slowly.

"So this is your ship," Edward' said as he looked around with his wives behind him.

“Yep you can have your wives rest in the living room just go get Shinning, spike and polearm out of their zords for me, they fainted as soon as you were safe.” I tell Edward as I set the autopilot to fly back and then stop then I get up and demorph surprising Edward that I look like a unicorn I stretch then sigh.

“Well first megazord battle and I won.” I smirk and walk to the kitchen to look for something but find everything empty and grumble.

"I know," Edward snapped and the others appeared in the living room as Celestia and Luna walked in and sat down. "But your ship sure took one hell of a beating from Malice. According to the memories I got from him you got a new Megazord mode."

I look at Edward and my eye twitches. “Did you read my mind?” I sigh annoyed. “Yeah I got two thanks to that sword you sent, the Wild Force megazord and the Dino Thunder megazord.” I sit down in my Captain’s chair.

“I think I was given the new megazord by the morphin grid.” I look over at my shelves of keys and see the red, blue and yellow Dino Thunder keys.

“I was referring to when you used the Longinus. No I didn't read your mind; I read Malice's mind," Edward shook his head and rolled his eyes. He looked around. "No food, ship falling apart and Luna said your med-bay is empty as hell too.”

“Yeah but I was kind of expecting it I mean I haven’t even been inside it till today.” I tell him and then smirk. “Sorry about summoning it near the city but I was told you wouldn’t mind, also here.” I throw a orb that is the recording bright left behind. “From your other son.”

"I can't believe Faust didn't tell me she reincarnated him," Edward looked at the sphere and placed it in his pocket. "I'll listen to it later. I was just handed the biggest news since Luna's pregnancy and I face off with my personal demon, again. I'm tired as hell," he sighed as red lightning crackled and he change his form to his blonde hared self. "Luckily we’re in one of the bests places to stock your ship with food."

I smile and get up. “Well seeing how powerful you are and how busy your life is how about I let you copy all the books I found on making and maintaining power ranger technology that way you can make your own teams to have all over the world to solve problems for you that way you have more time with your family.” I smile and pat his shoulder as I walk past him to the stairs going down.

"Well," Ed came down. "What do you want for the books?"

I tap my chin as we walk down the stairs deep into my ship. “Well I still need some combat training and magic training. I mean all I know how to do is gather my magic and that’s only because I asked my displacer for basic knowledge of unicorn magic.” I tell him then we get to the cargo bay and I walk up to the crate and open it showing him it’s filled with books.

“If you can think of anything else that would be cool oh and can you make two copies one for you, and the other copy for the rangers of earth while I keep the originals.” I smirk and lean on the crate as it’s up to my shoulders.

A slot opened up on his metal arm and out came a cloud of silver shifting slime. "Nanites, aka. Liquid metal. Scan the books make two sets, transport one to room in the Spire." he order the cloud. and the immediately went to work. "That's that."

“Wow cool hmm think you could supply me with lab equipment too? I’m gonna get billy to come make me more morphers.” I tell Ed and then I scratch my chest and Edward seems to notice my necklace and the magic inside it.

"Sure, but it'll have to wait until were back in Canterlot, as my tech is in my lab in the lower levels of the castle and we need to let the others rest," He pointed to everypony and dragon who was passed out. "I also need to see Amore, make good on a promise I made MANY years ago." H looked at me. "What's with the jewelry?"

I look down at my necklace and smirk taking it off and the illusion comes off revealing I’m human. “Just something I asked Twilight for, I thought it would be better if I could blend in after all if I was the only human I could be targeted easier by my bad guys.” I put it back on. “I also don’t want to deal with racism, or speciesism whatever you call it.”

“Ponies are xenophobic creatures most in most realities kids, you'll learn to deal with it," Edward sighed. "i knew you were human from the start as did everypony in my group. Good thing about learning how to use magic from the ground up. May I see it for a moment?"

“Sure.” I take it off and give it to him. “The only ones that know I’m human are Celestia, Luna and twilight.” I tell him as I watch him to see what he does.

Edward take the charm in his left hand on holds his right over it. I once more see loose shimmering strings around his fingers the lead to my charm, he quickly pulls back with his right hand tightening the strings and then stats to his hand to and fro. As he does this I see more string added on to the charm until he pulls his hand towards him and clenches it tightly until the strings fade away.

"There we go, here," Edward held the necklace out to me. "I strengthened the spell and added a few more disguises to it in case you need them. I also put in a purifier spell so you won't have to be morphed outside the ship."

I put the necklace back on and say surprised. “You can do that? I thought it was the morphin grid protecting me because this isn’t my home reality.” I ask him and explain my theory.

“Also what other kind of disguises?” I ask as I look at the necklace.

“It is the morphin grid but now you don't have to walk around morphed all the time outside the ship in other worlds as long as you wear the charm," Edward pointed at my necklace. "As for the transformation, you have your standard pony selection, basic gryhon, hypogriff, zebra, Minotaur, centaur, and etc. You can mode them how ever you want to. The spell itself is basically the same as a changlings ability to transform."at the mention of the word Changling Edward's eyes git wide. "If that bastard ever comes back I'LL KILL THREE FOLD!" He vanished only to reappear with a dark skinned green haired woman in his arms.

'How many women does this guy have?' I thought before I got a closer look at her.

She looked in rough shaped, but no more than a few bruises and scratches. I then saw bloody rings around her wrists and ankles. like she'd been restrained and thrashed in the restraints.

I tilt my head confused as I don’t recognize her and ask Edward. “Um who is that and who were you talking about?” As I ask the ship shakes as we are just now passing through the city’s shield but still slowly.

"This is Chrysalis, reformed villainess and queen of the changelings, Tia sort of adopted her after the wedding incident," Edward explained as he placed his hands over her wrist and a light bluish green energy appeared around his hands and I stared in utter amazement as her wounds quickly healed he then moved down to her ankles. "And I was talking about Sombra. The bastard doesn't tend to die easily if you're familiar with the comics."

I tilt my head and think back. “The only thing from the comics that I know is just a few panels showing Sombra’s horn somewhere and he could regrow from that or something, then again the comics aren’t really completely canon, I mean did you ever see Nightmare Rarity in your world? Also if that’s a reformed Chrysalis then why isn’t she all colorful like the reformed changelings from the show?” I ask him as I look her over and start seeing the resemblance.

"I said she was reformed, I NEVER said exactly how though," Edward stood up and brush her hair out of her face and looked softly at the look of pain on her face and placed a hand on her forehead and closed his eye for a moment. I saw the look on Chysalis's face soften. "There; no more nightmare. And if you noticed all ponies in my world have a very so slight coloration to the skin from their counterparts in the show. Chrissy was no different. She was much darker in skin tone though, very deceased looking. She and the others are still the same changlings in biology but not mentality. Which is way they don't look so colorful."

“As for Sombra, there's no telling how he'll come back," He sighed. "Dark magic is practiced freely in this world. So, evil magic like the one he used to keep himself alive isn't unheard of, but its still forbidden and practiced in the underworld."

“Ah I see, hmm I should probably see if I can talk with the changelings to make sure they won’t work with Lord Zedd and his army.” I rub my chin thinking as I start to walk back and forth mumbling to myself.

“Oh and as for Sombra,” I speak up and look to Edward. “If i was him I’d have a blank chimera near by to transfer my mind into in case my first plan failed.” I tell Edward my theory.

"Best try and speak with their queen first, if not then try and find some one who will listen,"Ed said as he looked around the cabin." Lets get them to bed." He snapped and we were now in the crystal Spire in a bedroom and there lying in bed was Princess Amore. He looked over and smiled. "Hey there pretty pink pony princess."

"Ed!" She shot up but Edward rushed over and pushed her back down.

"Easy there. You need rest. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon," He said a she gave he a gentle kiss at the base of her horn. "And I hope you'll consider coming back to Canterlot with me and the others," she looked shocked and a lite apprehensive at that comment. "I'll be back later you rest." He turned to me. "The others were sent to their rooms, lets get food."

I smile and nod and wink at her then follow Edward out. “Oh and I think you’ll be happy to hear one of your knights gave me one of their spears.” I chuckle and put my hands in my pockets. ‘Feels good to walk around without being morphed.’

“Before I forget," Edward said as he reached into his pocket and turned to me. He held out a pocket watch. "This is my token. It triples as a video calles and small item delivery system. Call an Displaced on the list it provides to have found one."

“Oh cool at least this one didn’t hit me on the head like the last token I got.” I say as I take it and out it in my pocket and rub my head at the memory of the last token.

“Thanks, so where do we go from here?” I look around completely lost in the identical hallways. “ Also small question, was it Sombra or your princess back there that has an obsession with stairs?”

“Originally it was Amore, she like to stay in shape and it killed time between meetings, two bird one stone," Edward commented. "Glad to hear that my Knight have inducted you into my order. Though this means your training will be all that hard. You can use Equestrian magic; right?"

I hold up and hand and focus and soon it’s covered in a crimson red magic aura. “Yeah about this much.” I shrug lightly and let it go.

Then chuckle and smirk. “I see and here all the fan’s thoughts Sombra lost his mind and became obsessed with stairs heck I even remember a story where someone got trapped in somebody’s body and every time he walked upstairs he had a euphoric sensation.” I chuckle and shake my head.

Edward raised an eyebrow. "Sombra actually hated the stairs," He deadpanned. "Though it seems his demented mind warped that into a form of torture for others." We arrived at the kitchen. "So tell, how long have you been sick?"

I look over shocked. “H-how could you tell? And...a I found out I have A tumor in my head a few months before my displacement.” I rub the back of my head where it is and sigh. “ I just hope I can save my world before I’m too weak to even fight.”

"My nose thanks to my sense of smell I could smell it one you when you were morphed, but it became ten times strong once you powered down. How long they give ya?," he tapped his nose as he threw me a apple.

'This fruit looked as it's out of crystal, can I even eat this!'

I look over the crystal apple unsure if I could even bite into it while I tell Edward. “The doctors give me six months without treatment and a year with treatment.” I smile sadly.

“I figured if I was gonna die maybe I could get displaced and have a cool adventure before I kicked the bucket but now...now I have to protect everyone around me and stop Zedd before then.” I glare at the apple starting to squeeze it too hard.

"I can fix your head," Edward shrugged as he then bit into a red Crystal apple and it made a crisp crunch.

I look at Edward surprised and just stare for a moment. “Y...you can? B..but the doctors said it is too close to important things to operate on.” I tell him and seeing Edward take a bite I slowly take a bite of the apple and hum as it’s delicious.

"The anime my powers originate from developed all sort of medical procedures that make remove something like a tumor in the head child's play, and I've been using those techniques for over fifteen thousand years now," He took another bite of his apple and I did everything I could to hold onto my apple. "Not to mention my healing techniques can save someone from the brink of death. Illness is still a struggle if its chronic but I can also stave it off enough to find a cure. Cancer is tricky as you can never really cure but it, but there is one way, though I DON'T recommend it." Edward looked at me coldly as he crossed his arms.

I flinch back from the glare he gives me and gulp. “W..would you heal me? It would give me more time to help save my new home.” I ask Edward my apple forgotten as I lower my arm holding it.

"I will. I owe you quite the debt for what you did for me, the Empire, my knights, my family, and most importantly my world." Edward bit into his apple again. "But understand even if I remove the tumor, another may grow in it place or somewhere else in your brain or body for that matter. I can also give a medication that will prevent this for a time. Eventually, it will only slow down as the disease adapts to the medicine. I can provide a longer time solution with an injection of organic nanites that will stamp out that cancer. But know that if they're ever deactivated then that's it the won't come back online period. If the cancer stays on then it stays gone, but there is still the chance it'll come back more aggressive than before, and you won't have the nanites in your body to fight it off." He explained but then he got cold again. "These are the temporary and long term solution, but there is a proverbial cure for cancer, though there is a price for it."

I look down thinking it over then look up at the gold coin. “What is the long turn solution and what’s the price?” I ask Edward then my growling stomach reminds me and I start eating the apple again.

"I can turn you into something more than human, a form of immortality. You'll have eternal life and youth as long as you don't use up your power," Edward finished his apple, core and all but he saved the seeds. "I can bond you with a Philosopher Stone turning you into what's called a homunculus. You'll gain a nearly perfect body completely with regeneration but you can still but hurt via certain means. What those means are will be based on what Homuclus type you become. That will be based on your choices and views of what you want in life. I can determine it usually but in your case, your body is already frail meaning if you are to survive I must give you a very powerful stone. There is still the chance the stone doesn't bond to you and you die."

I was very tempted to take his offer.

"But that is not the only price. The steep price is the fact that the stone is made of souls, living souls. They can both be angry or glad to be with you. Know that when you die as a homunculus and regenerate you're using their life energy to heal. If you continue to live for years without harm then the continue to exist inside you, if you use them then they pass on, die so to speak. You can die if you use up all the life in your stone. So, is sustaining your life with the life of others worth it? Maybe. I say this because I am basically a homunculus but I can't die due to a certain... link of constantly being feed souls. I only use the ones that are okay with it, other than that I heal using magic and other techniques. So," he looked at me dead center and leaned back, crossing his arms.

"I've told all I can. Now you must choose which path to take. Know that this is solely your choice and that it affects only your life at this point and time. What do you choose Rodger?"

I look down and think hard my eyes closed tight as I weigh my options, and after about ten minutes I look up to Edward with a steely gaze. “I’ll choose the stone IF you have a way to ask the souls if they are ok becoming that stone and inform them what my life is going to be like and only if they agree to it, I don’t want to force anyone to be a stone inside me especially if I’m not sure I could even survive in the first place,” I tell Edward being honest and fair to the souls that could end up inside me, I sit down in a chain as my legs are shaking a bit as this is a big decision.

"I always ask them before I make any stone, " Edward gave a heavy sigh. "There is no rush. So feel free to take as long as you need to think."

I look down and think hard my eyes closed tight as I weigh my options, and after about ten minutes I look up to Edward with a smile. “Thank you Edward for the offer but I don’t want to force any souls to be trapped inside me and put them at risk with how dangerous my life is I could burn through them fast if I get captured, so sorry no stone but I’ll take the longest solution that doesn’t involve a philosopher stone you have and go from there.”

"I do have these," Edward held up his right palm and out came a canister. In it was a swirling glowing rainbow-colored metallic slime.

I Lena closer and look and see they are very small marble looking things and I also. “More Nanites? They were close to making this tech on my earth but not this advanced, oh think they could also function as a auto translator so I can understand any language spoken or written?” I ask as I look up at Edward.

"That's a basic function that works both ways so you well speak any language too. You'd also have some increased strength, agility, and sense. Not to mention more powerful magic," Edward shrugged. "These are different from the ones earlier in the fact that they're powered by, use and are infused with Harmony Magic, aka the Power of Friendship, aka the Rainbow Death Lazor. I can't take sole credit for their idea or creation. My master and sworn brother helped in making these possible."

“Wow that sounds very useful and powerful and heh heh heh rainbow death laser really?” I question with a chuckle and sit back and finish the apple. “If you think that will cure me and help then I vote for those.”

“As I explained, these aren't a total cure, just the means to an end," Edward created a syringe from nothing that had a diameter of at least an inched and stuck it in the canister pulling out the plunger and drawing a hefty dose of the slime. He then popped the vial into an injector gun and placed it in front of me. "All you buddy."

I give him a flat look then take the injector gun and look it over then sigh and I move it to my arm and put the needle on a vein Then gulp and pull the trigger and it shoots into me and injects the Nanites into me. “Fuck I hate needles!” I look away as I feel them move through my body.

"You and half the damn multiverse," Edward rolled his eyes as I set the gun off to the side. He went over to a nearby cabin and started to dig around in. "Nah... where the hell is? I know she kept it here. Unless Sombra found it and moved it."

I rub my arm surprised at how quickly the hole closed up and look my arm over not seeing any sign of the nanites. “What are you looking for and if you don’t mind my asking how did you make the savage sword earlier in the battle?”

"Pulled it from my vault, only rangers can pull out the full potential of those weapon," Edward said as he dug in the cabinet. "Ha found!"He laughed and I heard a breaking and out her came with a bottle. The liquid inside shimmered like a living flame. "Dragon Land Fire Brandy!" He pulled a couple of glasses out popped the cork and poured.

I flinch back and hold up a hand. “No offense to you but please I don’t drink, and if you had that would you have the red quasar saber?” I ask him as I move my seat back a little as I can smell the alcohol.

"Suit yourself," Edward shrugged as he took a sip. "AHHH! You can't beat three thousand year old Brandy, " He sat down and held the cup in front of his face and swirled it a bit. "I do have it, along with the others and the Magna blade to. They're in my Vault, i just thought of power ranger weapon and grab the first one that came out."

“Ah well that is cool, I loved in space and lost galaxy as a kid.” I chuckle and smile. “Their endings were perfect to me.”

I watch Edward drink and sigh. “You know with how powerful you are I’m surprised you are part of your world’s pantheon.”

"Why would I want to be a god when I be me and help out here?" Edward looked at me confused.

I shrug and say. “Hey some can be both, I’ve seen stories where a guy becomes one then mostly continues his normal life though with more responsibilities though in those stories the sisters are usually goddesses.” I finish and look for something to drink.

“Hey is it true most Equestria’s run on tv logic? Like being able to invoke Murphy’s Law, good guys always win, and there’s always going to be something that happens to the displaced like a token always hitting them on the head?” I ask Edward as I see a bottle of what looks like water I go over to it.

Edward faced the wall and rested his head on his hand. "They're not gods Rodger, they're women and like to be treated as such. Sure they're royalty but they still want to be treated like normal ponies by someone, even if they know they're powerful. As for Murphy's Law, that's utter crap. I've seen Displaced that full intended to help there Equestria's in the long run only to be labeled as criminal through there actions in the here and now. Iv'e seen Displaced who were heros and turned villian and destroyed their homes. Then there are just outright evil Displaced," He took another sip of his brandy. "I wouldn't touch that bottle if I were you either."

I look at the bottle and see it’s alcohol I set it back and follow Edward. “That sucks, got any names I should avoid ?”

"One in particular you should look out for is Gilgamesh," Edward turned around. "Here, a canteen full of water for ya. Gilgamesh isn't evil and probably one of the fairest guys you'll ever meet, I've never met him myself, but he is a legend amongst the Void Dwellers. I did face off with a Zoro form One Piece the faced him and he'd said he was a good guy but he is very powerful."

I nod to him and drink some water then say. “Sounds like a powerful man I just hope he is good if I meet him.” I look over at my ship as it is slowly repairing itself.

"There's no doubt he's a good guy, but you got to respect his rep, as most Void Dwellers know of of him," Edward enjoyed his drink. "That ship is going to be dry dock for months if you just wait around on its auto-repair."

“Yeah unfortunately,” I sigh and lean on the railing. “But I have no idea how it works and don’t want to make it worse.”

"I can teleport it to Canterlot and fix it up in my lab," Edward offered. "I still owe you for quite the debt. And you said you wanted training."

I nod and smile. “Thanks Edward and yeah I do hell the only reason I survived my first fight was because I got lucky and spooked Goldar.” I tell him and starch my back making it pop.

"Sound like you need a bed," Edward finished his drink. "And there's a certain pony I NEED TO SPEND TIME WITH THAT I haven't seen in nearly three thousand year. I hope she comes with us to Canterlot."

“I do too for your sake, and yeah I think I’ll go back to my ship and watch some Power Rangers and um Study my enemy.” I chuckle a bit. “Oh that reminds me when you work on the ship mind adding the same thing you added to my sword on the big swords on the bow of the ship?” I point them out. “ After all you’ll make getting the giant monsters out of heavily populated cities much easier.”

"Tomorrow, my young friend, tonight, I rest with my lost girl in my arms," He waved as he walked off. "One more thing, best work on you strength control so you don't tear apart you ship. Later."

I watch him go then look to my hand and clench my fist looking up and nod to myself and turn to leave and am lucky enough to run into one of Edward’s knights. “Hello there got somewhere I can do some training?” I ask her.

“The training ground are empty at this time, sir," One of the said. "Shall I escort there, sir."

“Yes please I need to do some training and honestly I feel better if I accidentally break Edward’s stuff then my own, I know he can fix his stuff easily.” I chuckle and start to follow her.

“Nonsense Sir, you're one of us now," She led me out of the castle and to the guard barracks. "Our training grounds are actually underground. Like most of our fields and livestock pens. Due to the snow and ice we had to make due." She led me under the some barracks through a red crystal door the opened on a massive underground area completely with duel circles and crystal dummies. "Thanks to Grandfather though, much was improved. I would say it is the most advanced training ground anywhere, but from what I've seen and heard today, I don't think that's true anymore. Go not and break what you need to sir. The auto-repair spells extend down here and the sparring circles are enchanted for real combat so you don't have to hold back. Once you step out you'll be good as new, but very tired."

“Thank you, and if you see any of Edward’s group let them know where I am please.” I walk in and look around then decide to start with a punching bag the first punch makes it fly up and hit the ceiling I flinch and sigh. ’this is gonna take a while.’

Hour passed as I stayed in the training grounds getting a feel for my new strength. I had company from the occasional passing knight and some would even gather and cheer me on. The real test came when I entered the dueling circle with a few of them. I had a better handle on my strength and was confident in, to confident, I got my ass thoroughly handed to me several times. By the end I had a much better handle on fighting and held my own but I still didn't win a single match. I didn't realize how well trained these guys are, then again they are Edward's descendants and trained for this from pretty much day one.

'Being stabbed fucking hurts' I thought as I hit the showers to wash off the stink. I spent a few minutes in and literally felt my pain and fatigue wash away. "Wouldn't surprise me if those showers are enchanted," I remarked as I walked out drying my hear and thn something black caught me eye in the doorway that looked like a black cat of some kind.

I look closer at it then my eyes widen and I smile. “It’s an Umbreon. Cool, i never thought I’d see one in real live.” I say to my self and kneel down and smile at it. “Hey there my name is Rodger, you have a beautiful coat.” I tell it hoping it will come closer.

It tilted its head to the left slightly, "Um..."

I smile and say to it. “Are you wild or do you live with a pony?, you know the eevee evolutions are one of my favorite kinds of Pokémon.” I say with a chuckle.

It come over and sat right in front of me barely a foot in front of me. It stared at me with an unflinching gaze of red.

I smile and hold out a hand. “May I pet you?” I ask while offering my hand and also think to myself. ’Wow I didn’t even know Edward had Pokémon in his world.’

Umbreon sniffed my hand and leaned its head forward a bit into my palm, 'OH MY GOD IT SO SILKY!'

I grin to myself and gently pet it and say. “I don’t mean to insult you but are you a boy or girl? You’re the first Pokémon I’ve seen.” I ask them and gently scratch under their chin.

Umbreon started to pur lightly and then jumped on my shoulder. "Umbreon... Um..." it pointed to the doorway with its paw.

I chuckle and slowly stand up with a hand on them to make sure they don’t fall. “Ok, let’s see where you want me to go.” I start walking following their paw.

I followed Umbreon's lead until it led me to the to a door with a massive moon on it. It jumped down and scratched at the door.

I look between the Pokémon and the door then I look down at them and say. “I’m not gonna just open it, but I will knock.” Then I knock on the door a few times.

I few minutes passed and then the door opens with a creak but I saw no one there then heard a tiny yawn. I looked down to see a tiny alicorn colt rubbing his eyes.

I smile at the adorable sight. “Hello little one do you know this Pokémon?” I ask as I gently pat the umbreon’s head.

"She Nini, momma's partenr," He said sleepily.

'He looks a lot like Luna.' I thought to myself.

"Um..." Umbreon spoke up.

I look at the Pokémon then smile. “Is your partner princess Luna?” I ask them then turn to the colt. “Is your mom princess Luna?”

Umbreon gave a slight nod

"Uh-huh," he rubbed his eyes. "Momma and Auntie not here though."

“Oh? Do you know if they are still resting with Edward? Or if they are doing something else?” I ask the colt not wanting to keep him up too much longer.

Tears started to form in his eyes and he started to cry. "Want Momma! Want Auntie! Want daddy!"

'Oh crap...'

I look at the Pokémon and whisper. “I blame you.” Then I smile at the colt. “How about I take you to find them huh? Would you like that?”

“Bubby," came the voice of a little girl Soon there was a little alicorn filly next to the crying colt. She resembled Edward with red hair. "Shhhh..." she hugged her brother. "We Find Momma, Auntie, and Daddy with Nini an strange man. Kk..."

"Kk..." He snifffled.

Umbreon or 'Nini'. Looked at me and pointed down the hallway. "Um..."

I smile at how cute the two foals are and say to Nini. “Think you could nod the two of them on your back or should I carry them?” As I ask they come out of the room and I close the door.

Umbreon just gave me a flat look and pointed again.

I sigh and chuckle. “Worth a shot.” I then pick up both the children and look at her. “Can you find Edward?”

She looked at me flatly again and started to walk away down the hall in the direction she'd pointed.

I follow her and smile at the children and say. “So what are your names little ones?”

"I Solar Eclipse," the colt answered.

"I Morning Star," the filly chirped.

“What lovely names, I bet you two are good kids for your mom and dad.” I chuckle as we come into the dining room where Edward, the princesses, and the mane six are all together. “Hi everyone look who I found on my way back.” I say full of cheer.

“I figured they'd be up soon," Edward walked over and picked up his twins. "There my Twins Stars," he nuzzled them causing a giggle from both. "He looked to Umbreon. "Nina did you bother Rodger?" She rolled her eyes and walked over and hopped up next to Luna.

“Nah she is cool, I didn’t even know you had Pokémon till I saw her. So; what did I miss?” I ask as I sit down and take a apple, and start eating it.

“Coffee sir? A maid asked while Edward gave Solar to his mother.

"Nothing really," Shining cut in. "We just woke, most of us don't even remember getting in our beds last night.

"Uncle Ed, who is that guy?" Came a voice from beside Twilight.


"That's Rodger, say hi," He looked at me and motioned with his head to a pair of slit blue eyes looking at me from the other side of Twilight.

I remember my first meeting with her and wave my hand at little Nyx. “Hello little one, and no thank you ma’am water will do thank you,” I say to the maid then look to Shining. “Well you, Spike and Polearm helped me kick butt.” I tell him and smile.

“Hey Edward are there wild Pokémon or is Nina the only one?” I ask with a smile as I continue to eat the apple.

"Nina is Luna's partner and technically she is still wild," He fed his daughter like and airplane. "Yea , pokemon are common here since my Niece affect the world with a months stay, Void Contamination caused the to start to appear. We let them pair with ponies as they wish."

“That’s cool I wonder if I could find some Pokémon that would want to come with me.” I smile at the thought then we hear a loud bird cry coming from outside.

“UMBREOOOOOOON!" Nina howled.

Edward looked over and rolled his eyes. "Better get Clipeum here, to help watch the twins."

"Yea Clipy!" the twins cheered in unison.

"Ed, is Chrissy okay? She was watching the children when?" Celestia looked at her husband.

"He got good but other then begin drained of magic and some heft rings from thrash again the restraints Sombra put her in she's fine," Edward said. "She'll blame herself for not protecting the the kids, but with their support and her drive to overcome defeat, she should be fine. The only thing we can do is be there for her. If she comes to us then we can talk, but she'll stick closer to you and the children for the time being. That's not a bad thing either as you'll need all the help you can get in the coming weeks."

"Did something happen Princess?" Twilight looked to here mentor. "Did Sombra doing something to you?"

Celestia smiled at Twilight. "No Twilight, everything is as is should be, better even. But I will be... a little more on the difficult side to deal with in the coming months."

"Auntie... Are you saying what I think you're saying," Cadence squeed.

"Yes Cadence I'm pregnant," Celestia confirm with a bright smile.

"How long have you know?" Shining Armor looked on in shock.

"Are you going to have twins like Auntie Luna did?" Cadence shuddered with anticipation.

"About a month, but I wasn't totally sure until Luna checked on my one morning," She looked at her younger sister in embarrassment. "And I don't know Cadence.”

"First thing when were back in the city, I want your Sun Stone around you're neck," Edward demanded. "We almost lost Luna during her pregnancy with the twins. I won't risk taking that chance again."

"I understand," Celestia agreed wholeheartedly. "On another note," she turned back to Twilight. "I couldn't be more proud of you Princess Twilight."

"Ah... wha... me..." Twilight said before she froze.

"Is mom gonna be okay?" Nyx asked Polearm.

"She'll be fine sweetheart. She just got handed a lot of information at once and has to reboot," Polearm chuckled. "Not the first time its happened."

"Any ways," Edward snapped and out of nowhere popped a Bastiodon.

"BAAASSSST...." It belted.

"Clipy!" the twins shouted again before jumping from their parents and running to the Pokémon and grabbing onto its eyebrow horn.

"BAHAHAHAHASTIODON..." It bellowed happily as it swung its head to and fro swing the children in the process.

"Let's go and see our new guest Rodger," Edward remarked as he got up.

I nod and follow Edward as we walk to the closest window and he just freakin jumped out sighing and jump out too and land like any super hero should then stand up. “Damn that hurts more then I thought it would, also cool I didn’t think you’d have a Basitodon here.”

After that I look around in the sky and see a large blue bird and my mouth drops open as I noticed it before Edward and I can already feel my inner fanboy squeeeling.

"Yea, Clip helps look after the twins," Edward looked up. "Why the hell is Articuno in the city? It normally stays in the mountains."

“Well maybe it lives near by and could feel the positive emotions from the crystal heart?” I say to Edward with a big smile. “Hey can you understand Pokémon? I want to talk with it.”

"Just so I don't have to play translator all the damn time," Ed remarked as a holo display popped up in front of him. "Download: Telepathy," He typed and then I chibi me with a progress bar over it the blipped from a few seconds and then disappeared. "There, now you can talk to other creatures mentality as long as they give you permission."

“Cool!” I say with a grin and see the Articuno fly up over us and land on the top of the castle. “I never thought I’d meet a legendary Pokémon.” I look to Edward. “How can we get up there without spooking them?”

“If it wants to land it'll land, you don't force anything on the Pokemon here," Edward whistled getting the bird attention. He waved and is descended landing in front of us. "Luckily I've had a had a few encounters with it before. The massive Pokemon towered over us.

"Don't stand there with you're mouth open like a fish. Talk to it."

I blink and chuckle sheepishly. “Right, hello Articuno I’m glad I got the chance to see you in person, I have two requests the first is may I use telepathy so I can understand your thoughts? And may I have a picture taken with you?” I ask the huge beautiful bird.

The Pokémon looks me over for a moment then nods it’s head smiling I think about using the power hoping it works. “Thank you Articuno, may i ask what brights you to this city?”

I see Edward get out a camera so I move closer to Articuno’s legs and face Edward with a big smile, then I hear her mental voice. {I felt a strong power come from this place and can to investigate as it is close to my home though I am surprised to see so many beings out this far.}

“Articuno," Edward called it's attention on him. "I let you roam this icy place because there is nowhere else you can call home in this land. But don't threaten ponies here. Just as our agreement states, you may roam as long as you are not hostile and not threatening ponies, that include the citizens of this Empire. They were here thousands of years before and have returned from being under a CURSE. I will not stand for them to be harmed."

Articuno bows her head and makes chirping sounds but I can hear her thoughts and tell Edward what she is saying. “She said she understands and is just curious about these people but is also saddened that they had to suffer.”

"I know, I can hear her to," Edward tapped his head.

I blush lightly and chuckle. “Right,” looking up at Articuno I ask. “I don’t mean to sound rude but do all Legendary pokemon know each other?”

{Indeed we do, but it is more to stay out of the way of each other as to not encroach upon our territories}

“That is cool.” I look between Edward and Articuno Articunothen ask her. “There is something I would like to ask of you that is pretty big and I’d understand if you don’t want to or can’t.” I see Edward about to take the picture so I smile and after the flash I continue. “ I would like to meet Arceus, in hopes of getting enough Pokémon eggs to populate a whole planet but not today, I have to save my universe first.”

{You are asking the wrong Pokemon for that young human. You would need to speak with one of the three that rule of the Time, Space, or the Reverse before you can even hope to gain access to Arceus's realm.I am merely the guardian of frozen winds.}

I sigh sadly then think for a moment then look to Edward. “Hey Edward think we got enough time to see one of them?” I ask him and then turn to her and say. “Also thank you for the picture, and your feathers are very beautiful.”

{Than you young one} She spread her wing and plucked one of the interior feathers. {Accept this as a token of my friendship.}

My eyes widen and I gently take it. “Wow thank you so much, I will definitely treasure this for my whole life.”

{Take care good human.} She said as she flapped and took to the skies and flew away through the barrier.

I smile and look at the feather then smile at Edward. “So cool!”

"Literally," Edward smirked as he brushed frost off my shoulder.

I chuckle and say. “Mind teleporting me to my ship I want to put this in a safe place.”

“We're already on top," Edward motioned.

'How the does he do that!'

I look around then shake my head both annoyed and impressed then head into my ship and go to my room and set the feather onto a shelf where it can be safe. “There we go.”

I then leave my room and see Edward looking over my key collection and the living room control panel. “What’s up Edward?”

“I think I may have the Knight form teams," He looked at me. "May I see your morpher?"

I roll my neck then nod and summon it to my hand then toss it to him. “Mind telling me how you keep pulling a Batman?”

Edward released his nanites again and the swarmed my morpher, he looked at me and smirked. "Magic."

I roll my eyes and huff. “Of course, you gotta teach me that too I am so gonna do that to my princesses at some point.” I chuckle and walk over to the control panel and check and sigh seeing the ship is still weeks away from being repaired.

I then go over to the table and summon my bag and take out a laptop and start it up and start going through it to see what all is on it.

"You could do it if you hand enough magic," He held my morpher out to me. "That, and studied several different versions of the teleportation spell, movement spells, and silence spells to come up with your own unique spell."

I take my morpher back and snap my fingers. “Damn, I doubt I’ll have time for studying much while fighting the monster of the week, so what now?” I ask, then I think of something and look to Edward. “Hey Edward i hope your deal with the Pokémon is a good one because I can think of a Pokémon that would go ballistic if they run into Discord seeing as he is a spirit of chaos and they are the Pokémon of order.”

"And who would that be?" Edward asked as typed on a another holo-display.

“I believe his name is Zygarde, he has multiple forms, a single cell form, ten percent form, fifty percent form and one hundred percent form.” I say and see my laptop is connected to the internet so I look up the Pokémon to show him what he looks like.

"It's a good thing we don't have it," Edward remarked.

“You don’t?” I ask then close my laptop. “I’m surprised. I mean if this world has a Arceus i would think he would create any Pokémon that didn’t show up with him.”

I stretch then get up and walk over to the airlock and open the door. “You should check on your family and when everyone is ready we can go back to your Canterlot we have a lot of work to do.”

"Seems we only get Pokemon up to Sinnoh," Edward said as he closed his display. "Everypony is decided on staying here for a few days to recooperate after the harshness of the battle."

“Huh, makes sense I suppose, seeing as time is almost frozen back home we can take our time but I don’t want to risk monsters start to show up in your world but they may anyway if you make rangers, after all the morphin grids powered by the Constant battle of good and evil.” I tell Edward as we head back into the castle and run into twilight’s friends and I notice rarity looking me up and down. ’oh no not again.’

“Relax, she won't drag you off," Edward patted my back."Where's everpony headed?"

"I'm going to detox at the library with Nyx," Twilight remarked as she looked at her daughter.

"I'm headed to the boutiques around the Empire and then me and Spiky are meeting up for lunch," Rarity giggled.

"Ah'm checkin out the Apple orchid under the city," Aj smirked.

"I'm checking out the alchemy labs here. No place has had them in thousands of years," Spike rubbed his chin.

"I'll be spending time with the Knights," Pole added.

"I'm going to see the animals," Fluttershy murmured.

"Jousting," Rainbow puffed her chest out as she crossed her arms.

"Sweet shops," Pinkie licked her lips.

I chuckle at pinkie pie’s answer then think for a moment. “Hey Edward got anywhere I can explore that has a high amount of iron in it?” I ask thinking of a specific Pokémon I want to find.

"Iron, that would be toward the Badlands close in the Macintosh Hills on the Appleooosa side of the hills," Edward thought. "Lots of old iron mines there. "You looking for an Aron?"

I shake my head and smile. “Nope I want to find a cute little Meltan or a big strong Melmetal.” I tell him getting a bit excited over a Pokémon adventure.

"What part of up to Sinnoh did you not hear?" Edward crossed his arms

I shrug and say. “Hey just because they are new doesn’t mean they don’t exist here, after all according to what I last saw they don’t belong to any one region.”

"Another thing is Arceus doesn't create the Pokemon here," Edward said bluntly. "They arrive here through the Void, technically they're a sub-race of Displaced."

“Awww” I look down in disappointment. “Damn oh well still might be cool to see if I can find a shiny charmander.”

"Well' found whatever we find and you'll have whatever wants to go with you Rodger, another thing, Pokemon battle amongst themselves and we don't use pokeballs either, well the guards do in order to subdue rowdier pokemon that have issues," Edward explained.

I nod and smile a bit. “That’s fine with me, so long as they are happy and don’t cause trouble.”

"They're Pokemon, of course they'll trouble for you at some point,"Edward Chuckled. "Let's go check in on Amore and Chrissy. then let Tia and Lulu know we'll be headed out for a bit. I also want to pickup Clipeum so will have a way to defend ourselves from the Pokemon should we needed."

“Sounds good, say I have a question I want to ask seeing as you have real alchemy,” I start as we head back inside but as I turn around Edward must have teleported us because I turn right into a pillar.

“Sir are you alright?” One of the nearby Knights rushed to me.

I rub my face and grumble some unkind things under my breath, while holding a hand up. “I’m fine, just a bit of a bump.” I look to Edward with a small glare.

"First Lesson, sensing the what's around you," Edward walked over to me. "Try and have an open mind, feel everything around with not just your eyes but everything even your magic. You'll be able to read and even predict what your opponents are going to say. Then you'll tell them exactly what the will say to through them off there game. For example, you'll say 'What does this have to do with pokemon... What the hell?'"

“What does this have to do with Pokémon.... What the hell?” I say in shock and blink surprised ’He pulled a fucking JoJo!’

"It had to do with perception," Edward said. "Being able to perceive the world world around you as to do with everything. It lets us think, lets to. lets us live our daily lives how we see fit." He looked at me in seriousness. "In order to full understand a Pokemon you must perceive the world as the do. Ponies didn't know of these creatures so the had to start from nothing, while Pokemon had human that look visually similar to humans."

I rub my nose but it seems to be fine. “Fine I get it I need to be more observant.” I sigh and close my eyes. ’why do I get the feeling I’m going to get hurt a lot from this ‘training’ of his.’

"Sir, if i may make a suggestion?" the Knight from earlier cut in.

I look at the knight and nod to her even though I wasn’t sure if they were talking to me or Edward.

"If there is any merit in the stories passed down amongst the Knights its the stories of Grandfather's teachings," He pointed out. "You must consider everything he tells you, not just the general aspect of it. When he was telling you to be prescriptive he meant not just observation. Try and feel the world with everything you have."

“Right, I’ll keep that in mind thank you.” I turn to Edward. “Any advice on how I can do that?”

"Don't get mad, be open minded at all times," He answered. "Like just now. It was a prank and test to see if you we paying attention to his teleportation. Grandfather has a plethora of knowledge and many spells that only he can use. He well test you resolve thoroughly, and you must be open at all time, drop your guard and let the world in." HE nodded and returned to his post.

I think over what the knight said then close my eyes and try to relax and take in as much information as I can.

"Have a nice chat?" Edward asked.

I look over to Edward and nod, following him I say. “Yeah he just gave me some advice.” As we walk I step over a spear pole that was purposely put in my way without me even noticing.

"Good," Edward smirked. He took me through the halls and we soon came to a door that had the same symbols as the symbols from his jacket on it. "Amore is in there recovering, she should be up and about be the end of today, I have to give a fair warning, she... " He scratched the back of his head. "How do I put this... She's not one to be shy. Modesty on the lower end of the scale too, as she wears.... revealing clothing, not extremity revealing but she likes to flaunt her body. At this time I have Tia and Luna confining her to the bed so she won't be problem,,, hopefully. Just in case beware of nosebleeds."

I blush as I am not the best with woman and nod shyly. “O-oh thanks for the warning.”

"K," Edward turned around and opened the door. "How our girls this morning?" he asked coming in to only the sister his twins and Chrysalis on the couch asleep. "Where is she?"

"Bathroom Ed!" Amore sang. "More than enough room in the tub for two!"

"Next time..." Edward chuckled and looked over to Chrysalis "How is she?"

"She woke up screaming and yelling the twins were taken," Celestia walked over. "She was frantic until we calm her a bit and the children helped. If it weren't for them I think she might've torn the castle apart. They hugged and she wouldn't let them go. Luna cast a sleep spell, even then she didn't want to let the twins or Nyx go."

"We managed to get her on the couch after getting the children from her," Luna came over and looked at her adopted niece. "Poor Chriisy, we really took her for granted."

"Indeed," Edward sighed. He held his hands up and three plushies appeared and he layed them in Chrysalis arms. Almost immediately she snuggled into them. "I don't think anyone will be a match for her besides you two due to the love in the air here." He looked over to Clipeum playing with the twins. "Due you think you two can manage the twins?"

"I assure Ed that they will be with us after... everything," Luna sighed.

"Good, I stopped in ad Canterlot and made a few long term clones so you two can relax while here." Edward hugged them both. "I'm going to head out for a but with Rodger, see if we can't find a few places for Pokemon." As soon as Clipeum heard him she got to her feet and walked over.

"Be careful," Luna kissed him.

"Love you," Celestia kissed him.

"Bye bye my little ones, see you later,"Edward hugged his children. He then walked into the bathroom and after a small commotion, came out drenched with a big frown on his face.

I chuckle softly seeing him wet and smile. “I see she loves you very much that’s good.” I say then wave at the princesses but point. “Please make sure ponies stay away from my ship it’s repairing itself.”

“No need to worry about your ship," Edward clapped his hand and placed them on his body and in a flash of electricity the water evaporated off him. "I dry docked in my yard and have my crew work on it and its mods."

I nod and smile. “Good, oh I just thought of something, I have a training room in my ship kinda like the holodeck from Star Trek, think you could have it reinforced so any Pokémon I get can train in there too without destroying it?” I follow Edward out of the room but get tripped by a knight I didn’t notice just outside the door but thinking quickly I move on instinct placing my hands forward and roll forward and turn summoning my gun and aim but thankfully I stop myself from shooting and sigh.

But not soon enough as I was on the ground with a blade at my throat. "None of that ," Edward snapped and I was at his side.

"Sorry Grandfather, reflex, I'll return to my duties. The knights said as he ran off.

'Man, gonna have to be really careful with those guys.' I rubbed my throat and looked at my palm to make sure there was no blood.

"Dom..." came a slight boom from next to us.

I look to where the sound came from and am surprised at what I see. “Um Edward is that with you?”

“Nope, its with you now," Edward remarked.

“Really? Cool, I kneel down and smile at him. “Hello my name is Rodger, did you want to live and fight with me?” I ask the Shiny red beldum as it floats in front of me.

"Rodger, hurry up!" Edward called out. "CLIPEUM!" He yelled and suddenly I felt shaking.

I looked to see Clipeum barreling down at us, "OH SHIT!" was all I could say as I was trampled. As I layed face foot marks on my back and twitching I could here my new friend floating in the air laughing.

I cough and look up at the beldum and say. “Yeah yeah laugh it up don’t forget you have to train with me now.” I get up and grumble then look to Edward. “Let’s go Edward.”

"First stop, The Dragon Lands," Edward opened a portal and we walked through.