• Published 2nd Aug 2020
  • 4,378 Views, 56 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Deltorix

A young man is asked to help save Equestria by someone unexpected, will he save Equestria or will he fail.

  • ...

Chapter 5

Author's Note:

Cross over with the story The golden eyed Sage part 3 of 5

I finished eating my food and stand up to stretch. “Well I might as well take a look around my ship while I have time.” I first take a look around the living area and find a chest and when I open it; I find all my keys inside it but not liking how they are just laying in there randomly. I look around and smile once I spot some shelves.

I spend the next few minutes moving the keys onto the shelves in order of their series and once finished I nod to myself. “Much better; now let’s check out the lower decks.” I head over to a staircase and go downstairs, finding a hallway and after checking the doors I find they lead to six different bedrooms though one was far nicer and was obviously mine.

After that I go deeper into my ship to find a door with a control panel next to it looking it over I find that it is a training simulation room. “Cool. At least I’ll be able to train when I’m back home. Huh, cool; there are lists of monsters and foot soldiers from every series, even from Super Sentai.” I smirk and make sure the simulator is off before I move on.

It isn’t long before I find a medbay and lab on two sides of the ship. I check the medbay and see I don’t have much. “Huh I’ll have to see if this worlds’ princesses or my own would be willing to supply me with medical supplies.” Adding it to my mental list i then move over to my lab and check things out unfortunately I don’t know what most of these things are however I also see a incomplete silver Gokaiger morpher.

“Damn too bad this is unfinished. Maybe I can get Billy to take a look at it after he finishes the others.” I then leave the lab and go down to my cargo bay and look it over and sigh when I see it’s mostly empty except for a spear one of the knights left behind and a box full of books.

Taking one of the books out I look it over and find it’s a manual for building and maintaining Power Ranger equipment and this book in particular is for the Gokaiger equipment. “Huh this could come in handy. Too bad I wasn’t always the best at tech.” I set the book back in the crate and then grab the spear and head back up to the living room and set the spear next to the air lock. I yawn and rub my eyes.

“A nap shouldn’t hurt.” I then head down to my room and strip down to my boxers then lay down in my king sized bed and stretch then slowly fall asleep.

Crystal Empire

Bright Stone steadily walked off the Gokai Galleon. He headed for the Crystal Palace and immediately went to look for Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. The first ponies he came across were Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Amore, who was still mildly suspicious of the silver alicorn and his claims.

"Hello, your Highnesses," Bright Stone bowed.

"Ah... Bright Stone was it?" The Princess of Love guessed only for the you stallion to give a single nod to confirm. "How can we help you?"

"What's your angle?" Shining squinted. "I know Ed has a big family but I know for a fact that he'd never cheat on Princess Luna or Princess Celestia. What are yo-OW!" Cadance put a swift stop to her husband's nosing with a swift pull of his tail with her magic.

"Sorry, but you can't really blame him for his suspicions," Cadance sighed.

"It's quite alright. I would to be suspicious if somepony just appeared out of nowhere with the royal family claiming to the son of the reigning prince" Bright Stone gave a soft smile. "But if you wish to learn my story then you sit in with the other princess while I speak with them."

"Is that why you're wondering the castle?" Cadance guessed again and once more Bright Stone gave a curt nod. "Come; we will show you the way, and I sure Shiny will want to keep an eye on you anyways." She looked at her husband, who was still rubbing the base of his tail.

The couple led their guest through the halls halls of the Crystal Palace. Shining ever closely watching the self-proclaimed son of his uncle. He knew Ed was a good man and wouldn't cheat on the princesses but figured that this stallion was either telling the truth or he was after something. The trio soon came up on a large set of ornate red wooden doors with a black cross and silver crescent moon embedded in them. It was Ed's room during his stays in the Crystal Empire during his reign as the Crimson King.

"We put them in Ed's old room for comfort and familiarity's sake," Cadance said to to Bright Stone who was staring at his father's symbol. Cadance lightly knocked on the door. "Aunties, Princess Amore; I 'm here with Bright Stone. He wishes to speak with you."

"Come in Cadence, but quietly," Celestia said as she slowly opened the door. "The children are sleeping."

"How are they?" Cadence asked ash she went over and checked on her little cousins.

"A few scratches, but nothing serious," Luna ran her fingers through her children's hair. "I was able to pull the bad dream away and erase most of Sombra's evasion from their minds and little Nyx, but they will still have the fear for a while."

'Nyx, is Twilight and Polearm's daughter, she seems older than the the twins but wasn't she born around the same time?" Cadence tiled her head.

"Her birth is a complicated tale," Celestia sat on the bed wear Princess Amore was resting, but still awake. "She is Twilight’s biological daughter yes, but through a blood ritual. She's is Polearm's adopted daughter. Nyx actually started to call him her father before the paperwork was even drawn up." She giggled as she looked to Amore. "How are you doing?"

"Stiff, but fine," Amore smiled. "But we are here to listen to Bright Stone's story; yes?"

"Indeed," Luna's gaze shifted to the male alicorn with a bit of distrust and disdain, but also one of familiarity. Though she was sure they'd never met before. "Tell us, Bright Stone; how is Edward; your father?"

Bright Stone told them the details and didn't hide anything when he retold his story. The story of his creation and first experiences as the Mind Stone and his time with Edward and the other Displaced during the war of Cybertron. Then he told them of his death. Luna couldn't hold back and held him tightly in a hug as her wings surrounded him.

"Thank you," he returned her hug.

"I'm so sorry Stone," Luna held on tighter as tears fell from her eyes. "Ed... he was devastated," She pulled back and looked down at him with a rear filled gazed.

"Sometimes we'll see him at your grave in the gardens," Celestia was sad but couldn't bring herself to cry as she never actually knew Stone in his past life. "But how did you come to be an alicorn and be here?”

Stone told them of meeting his grandmother's spirit, shocking the sister thoroughly, in the world between worlds and how when she reincarnated in this he was reincarnated into a new one of his own. He told them how he still remember Edward and Luna some of the the Displaced but most of his knowledge was gone upon his birth. He told them of his birth father and his earlier death in his life and his mother Mystic Hammer. His good friend Crystal Hymn, and his animal friend Grover the Bear. Pulling back his cloak he showed his cutie mark on his shoulder, a white diamond on a golden shield with a fire below it and a pair of black smith tongs holding one corner of the shield and a sledgehammer beating in the other side setting the gem in place with sparks flying off the strike.

"I don't know how much time has passed for you here; but in my homeworld it has been around seventeen years since my death," Stone pulled his cloak back over his shoulder.

"You're alive Stone and that what matters," Celestia walked over and placed one hand on his shoulder and another on his face. "Ed will be so happy to see you."

"My father won't be able to see me," Bright looked down in disappointment. "The white being that brought me here... said as soon as he is safe I will fade away back into my own world."

"Truth?" Amore said as she sat up holding the blanket up to keep herself covered.

"A powerful being that we know very little about," Luna expanded. "Ed deals with it and won't let us near it. He refuses to let it near it and absolutely hates it."

"If he keeps you two from it and say he hates it then this... things must...let's just do as Ed asks and stay away from it," Amore sighed. "In my time with Edward I've ever known him to hate or despise anything but if he even keeps you two from it then it’s best we stay away." She looked at stone. "What are the details of this meeting and your arrival here young one?"

Earlier in the Void Truth's Region

"What?!" Bright Stone said as he looked around to see nothing but empty white. "Where am I? Mother? Crystal? " He called out in shock and fear. "Anypony? Someone please answer me?"

"Awwww.. Does someone miss his mommy?" a sadistic voice called out.

"Who's there?" Bright Stone called out with a scowl. "Where's my family and my friend?"

"Hehehe... You sound just like your father when you talk like that," the voice snickered.

"SHOW YOURSELF!" Bright Stone yelled in anger.

"Hush...' A white silhouette appeared with a wide toothy grin. "I am Truth, a void Dweller and I ... well, your father needs your help and I rather not lose a nice toy and source of knowledge like him. hehehe..."

"My father as in my first father? He's in trouble?!" Bright Stone said in horror.

"His mind is breaking, and I'd rather not have him loose in the Void causing trouble for others," Truth rolled it head in a motion as if it rolled its eyes. "I can send you there but as soon as he's safe, you well fade away back to where you belong..."

"If I can save him then so be it..." Bright Stone looked at the Truth with determination.

"Very well..." The Truth smirked. "I will also give you temporary knowledge of what has happened to him but nothing more. This knowledge will be erased as soon as you leave too..." the Truth snapped as everything Faded into a snow mountain side.

Back to the present

"And that is how I arrived here," Bright Stone said with a warm look. He looked over to princess Luna who was looking a little disturbed. "Princess Luna are you alright?"

"Not really," Luna looked at Bright. "I sense a very dark nightmare close by. I think I should go into the dream realm."

"Be careful sister," Celestia looked at Luna with worry. "We still need to use Longinus." Luna nodded and laid down on the couch and closed her eyes and started to roam the Dream Realm.

Rodger's POV

I am having a nice relaxing day at a lake; but soon black clouds cover the sky. I look up and frown then I look to Rainbow about to complain but then I see her in chains and heavily bruised. In my shock I fall off my chair and when I stand up there’s no one around but I see a fire in town so I run over to help only to see puddies grabbing people. I grit my teeth and try to summon my morpher but it doesn’t come.

When it doesn’t come I look up and run over, kicking one of the putties, knocking them into each other. I go to help the ponies but they seem terrified of me. Before I can ask what’s wrong; I get shot in the back and fall into the dirt. “Well well well, seems we have a hero.” I hear a very familiar voice.

I am forcefully rolled over and my eyes widen when I see a darker version of my red gokaiger suit; almost blood red. “What the hell?!” He aims the blaster at me but I grab a rock and throw it making him miss but the shot hit a innocent pony instead. “No!”

He laughs and kicks me. “Even when you try to be the hero you’ll hurt those around you.”

I grunt from the kick and try to fight back but by the time I stand up he shoots my leg then grabs a filly and puts the gun to her head. “Keep fighting and she is next to pay the price for your behavior.”

“Damn you! Who are you!” I yell at him, He starts chuckling then powers down and I see he is me but looks similar to lord drakkon as he has black veins around his neck and face.

“Me? I’m the Pirate King of the Universe!” He says then laughs as he kills the filly.

"ENOUGH OF THE THIS," Came the booming voice of Princess Luna from all around. "BEGONE FOUL REFLECTION!" A blinding light enveloped every thing and I soon found myself in the company of Edward's Princess of the Night. "Dear Rodger are you alright?" She reached her hand out to me.

I blink and shake my head before taking her hand and standing up. “Thank you Princess, I’m alright now, I guess Sombra’s trap had a bigger effect on me then I thought.” I sigh sadly.

"It seems so dear captain," Luna sighed. "It looks like my grandson wasn't able to purge you of the curse completely at the time and I can not fault as he is a more skilled magic weaver and alchemist than I. You shouldn't have to worry about it now as I am sure I purged the rest of the curse from your mind."

“Thank you, how are things in the waking world? As you can tell I’m taking a nap. Oh that reminds me, one of Edward’s knights left their spear in my cargo bay.” I say to her as I take this chance to control my dream making it the inside of the Gokai Galleon.

“Was it a crimson one with a gold blade?" Luna asked.

“Yeah it was. I took it up into my living area and set it next to the airlock.” I tell her then make a copy of it appear in my dream to show her.

“I also found a medbay but unfortunately I barely have any supplies in it.” I tell her then sit down and rub my face.

"We can stock you medical supplies in Canterlot once the repairs are made to your vessel," She said nonchalantly as I froze. "Before you ask I can guarantee you that your ship will need major repair from the upcoming fight. As for the spear, it was a gift from one of the knights, they see you as one of them and left you an enchanted spear to mark you as a fellow knight in the Crimson Order."

I nod and smile a bit. “Thank you for telling me that. I’ll find a good spot to keep it safe, I assume Edward loves knowledge; is this true?” I ask as I move us to the cargo bay with the crate and walk over to it.

“Edward is a quite the knowledge whorse, very much like our niece is with books," Luna giggled as she joined me. "I can also guarantee that he'll know how to build this vessel and many more like it in... no time at all. He has what's called a Gundum Death Scythe in once of the hangers in his lab area."

I tilt my head but shrug. “I don’t really know that much about Gundums; but think he would be willing to give me a bit of training in exchange for copy’s of all these books?” I open the crate and she sees it is full of books each one about building and maintaining equipment.

"I assure you he will be more than joyed to," Luna nodded. "I must leave as I must recover more magic for the Speaar and this has cost me what I had manged to gather. Rest well Rodger as we are counting on you in the coming battle." She faded away.

'Can't blame her for that.' I shrugged.

I go back to my bedroom and lay down and start to rest in my dream.

Around five hours later

There was a slight thunder in the distance followed by slight rumbling through out the Empire. I went to the window and looked out to see a mass in the distance, spread open like a flower blooming.

"Edward must be walking up," I quickly turned and was met with a set of burning gold eyes in my face. "JESUS!" I shouted falling back on my ass.

"Don't sneak up on a ranger like that Stone," i grumbled.

"Forgive me Red Ranger; but it is time," Bright Stone said as he helped me to my feet.

“Yeah I guessed now let me get dressed!” I push him out of my room then quickly get dressed before coming out and rushing up to my living area, seeing all the princesses and stone together. “So what’s the plan?”

“Fight with my father and keep him occupied long enough for while the princess finish forging the Longinus and get it to your machine," Bright said as we moved along. "They are almost done casting the spell. Then your machine must wield it while I channel my magic into it so it doesn't destroy your ship. It will be much faster than father's train and easier to maneuver with the massive spell in its grasp."

“Right. Well; unless you want to be inside my ship when I start; I suggest you all get off while I set up and set course for the edge of the city.” I say as I summon my key and morpher.

"Why would I leave?" Bright Stone tilted his head. "You need me here to channel magic into this machine to wield the Spear. It would be better to use this boat than the Crimson Streak due to it’s speed and accuracy over the power of father's train."

“Right. Well come with me.” I slide the key into my morpher and morph calling out. “Set sail.” My morpher calls out ’Gokaiger’ as red X and V flys up and when the X lands on me I get my suit then when the V hits me my helmet appears and I start walking to the cockpit of my ship.

“We're coming too," Shining's voice came from behind us. We turned to see Shining, Spike, and Pole standing in the ship. "I morphed so I KNOW having a team of five in here will make it a lot easier on you."

"He told us that; but we were planning on coming anyways," Spike smirked. "Ed's family, and I don’t want to see mom in anymore pain. They just got together not that long ago. Besides, I think she has something she really needs to tell him in person."

"Spike's right; he's family, and he's my mentor," Pole said. I noticed that he was gripping something under his shirt, some sort of pendant obviously. "I wouldn't have Twilight as my girl and Nyx as my daughter if it weren't for him.”

I think for a moment then nod and point to my shelves of ranger keys. “Right then. Each of you pick one and once your morphed we will get moving. Being inside a megazord isn’t a smooth ride.” I tell them.

Polearm grabbed the Black Dino Thunder key and Spike took the Green Mighty Morphin key. While Shining once again took the Magna Defender key and Bright Stone took the Overdrive Mercury sliver key.

I smirk to myself seeing the ones the picked then point to each one telling them how to morph. “Shining already knows but for the rest of you hold up the key and call out,” at this i point to them in order. “ Dino Thunder, Power Up; Dragonzord Power; Magna Power, and Overdrive, Accelerate.”

I smirk as they call out and morph, Polearm doing a back flip as black energy flies towards him and sticks to him forming the suit and once he lands he lifts his head and the spirit of a brachiosaurus comes up behind him and bites his head forming the helmet.

Next Spike was covered in green electricity as it formed his suit and the dragon armor around his chest and the arm bands, shining was also going through his morph again and the green energy hits him forming his armor again.

And lastly Bright was surrounded by silver energy and was slid forward as the suit formed on him and was standing in full ranger suit that consisted of shiny silver primary coating and a black secondary color and Orange lines.

I clap and nod. “ Excellent now that you’re all morphed let’s get ready. The zords that you will be piloting even if only for a few moments can be found in the hanger bay one level down and through the big doors that say hanger bay. You should be there by the time I make it to the edge of the city.”

"Let's get this show on the road," Shining held his fist out. Then the others put theirs out waiting on me to join in.

I chuckle seeing as a bit of ranger spirit has sunken into them but bump my fist with theirs. “Right, let’s save Edward!” And with that I run to the cockpit and take my seat starting the engines. “ Attention! Any civilians nearby; the ship is about to start moving. Please make away, I do not want to accidentally hurt you.” I call out over the megaphone then the ship starts moving up and towards the edge of the city.

It didn't take long for the ship to reach the outskirts of the Empire and it was after we passed through the barrier when I finally saw what exactly it was that we we'd be up against and it shocked me to my core. There, coming at the Empire, slowly, was a massive red armor giant medieval knight style of samurai. Its entire right arm and third of its left leg were silver as well as a large set of wings on its back. In its right hand was a large katana. I could just make out a strange symbol on its chest and upon closer inspection I saw the demon possessed Edward, still in his demon form.

"This... could be a bigger problem than I'd originally thought," I said to myself.

I take a deep breath then smile. “Ok time to form up!” I press a button and the deck of the ship opens up and out of it flies the four other zords first the blue mega jet, then the green mega racer, after that the yellow mega wheeler and finally the pink mega sub.”alright guys let’s do this, form Pirate Force Megazord!”

And with that, the wings on my ship lower down while the sail turns around and folds flat against the deck, then the pirate sub and pirate wheeler front ends fold upwards forming the legs and feet, while pirate racer and pirate jet link with my ships sides.

Then the bow of the ship splits open forming shoulders and the head while the legs link to the body and Polearm, Shining, Spike, and Bright all rise up in the main cockpit in their own seats. Finally; the zord put on the pirate hat and pulls out two swords and land in the snow standing between Edward and the city.

“Pirate force megazord online! Alright guys let’s start by trying to get Edward to wake up a bit. Whoever has the recordings play them now.” I tell them as I move the zord closer ready for the fight.

"INCOMING ROAR!" Spike shouted.

Suddenly the red giant literally roared sending a tempest of red magic at us, knock the Megazord flat on its back.

"That hurt," Pole groaned.

"Looks like Malice has failed to access some of Ed's dragon Slayer magic," Spike shook his head.

“Well isn’t that just peachy.” I grumble but spin the control wheel making the zord stand back up. “I need that recording!” I make the zord run forward and slash at the arm holding the blade hoping to disarm him.

The was a loud shing and I looked to see that Malice had counter the strike with a second katana.

"We must wait," Stone chime in as he adjust the power out put. "Malice's influence is still too great."

I grunt in annoyance but push forward lifting malice’s sword out of the way then use the second sword to cut across his chest. “Then we have to fight as hard as we can!” I make the megazord jump over malice and cut his shoulder with both swords then quickly turn around but I’m not fast enough as Malice turns and cuts the zord across it’s chest sending huge sparks across it and shaking us inside. “Fuck! Damn it Edward; you owe me a new paint job!”

The giant's wings then expanded. Malice jumped in the air a rose far above use and spread its wing to cover, god's knows how big the distance.

"Feather Rain!" We heard it shout and with a massive flap, Malice sent large red and silver feather hurtling at the Megazord.

"FUCK!" I yelled as I spun the wheel, dodging most of the feathers, but a few still manged to embed themselves into the Megazord.

"Rodger, can this thing channel magic and has a voice outward option?" Spike looked at me over his shoulder.

“Possibly not sure if I can without all the mystic force keys though.” I say as I grab one of the feathers before it hits us then spin around before throwing it back at malice. “But it’s worth a try. Hold on.” I take out my red Mystic Force key and slide it into my wheel and turn the key energy fills the megazord as the chest opens up revealing a dragon’s head.

The feather hit Malice but he merely absorbed it back into his body and let off a snide smirk.

"Didn't think that would work anyway," I deadpanned. "How’s it coming Spike?"

A microphone pops up in front of Spike, "You may want to cover your ears," He said with a bit of a nervous chuckle. "Here goes nothing," Spike said taking in a deep breath, "Amethyst Dragon Slayer ROAR!" Spike roared into the microphone.

The dragon's head came to life and the megazord reeled back with its elbows out and its arms pointed the dragon’s head upward at Malice. The dragon channeled Spike roar into a purple flame breath lazor hitting Malice dead center.

"RAAAAAA!" Malice roared in pain as he hit the ground, hard.

"Lets see if I can help," Pole said pulling out the Brachio-Staff.

I nod to him and remove the key and the dragon head pulls back in and the chest closes then I have the megazord lift both swords up and gets ready. “Ok Polearm; give it your best shot.”

"Only got one options on this," Pole said as he change a dial on the staff. A port opens in front of him. "Let's go! WIND STRIKE!"

Whirlwinds covered the Megazord's swords and it sent a wind slash attack at the still recovering Malice. Malice was still covered in purple flames as he was steadily raising to his feet as wind the slash hit him knock him back. He used one of the katana to stead himself as he panted.

"Pathetic Displaced, you dear meddle in my affairs! Take this," he yelled in anger as he made hands signs. "Fire Style: BRILLIANT DRAGON DANCE!" Malice spewed fire from the Giant's mouth and it took the form of a blue flaming dragon and began to assault the Megazord and heat the machine as it collide around us.

My eyes widen in shock and I think quickly and make the megazord jump back as the flams hit the ground but we are still hit by the splash damage and sparks fly everywhere in the cockpit. “Aaahh!”

The megazord falls onto its back sparks flying from the arms and legs then I feel something and look up to see a huge key start to appear I smirk and stand the megazord up and say. “ We may not be able to hurt him with the Pirate megazord; but let’s try something else!”

Our megazord grabs the key and holds it out as a key hole appears in front of us I slide it in and turn it and a beam of light shoots up around us and actually hurts Malice’s wing enough to where he is forced to land. As the light clears we are in a new stronger megazord. “Wild Force megazord mode!”

"You think changing your form will matter," Malice laughed. "I will continue no matter what you pathetic creatures look like! CRIMSON DRAGON SHOCKWAVE!" He roared as he send flying punches of red electrical magic from his fist.

I quickly roll the megazord to the left out of the way of the attack but it hits the city shield. “Shit! Damn it...I got a plan channel your magic into this next attack.” I turn the megazord to face malice and all the animal heads open their mouths as energy charges. “Wild Force mega roar!” All five heads fire beams of energy at malice pushing him back and starting to break the energy armor around him.

"Pathetic creatures! You dare think you can damage me!" Malice yelled enraged as he held up his katana, the bladed turned solid red. "CRMSION CROSS SLASH!" He roared send a cross of red magic at us.

It was too large an attack to dodge and if we tried to jump up then we be hit along with the Empire behind us. I used the shark tail blade to try and hold it off.

'Christ! I knew Edward was strong but this is unbelievable!' I said gritting my teeth as sparks flew in the cockpit. 'We need a stronger sword, and a shield to block with!'

We manage to redirect the attack up "UARH!" Bright huff. "This isn't good. Even if Malice can't access many of my father's powers; he is still much stronger than us."

"It's like he's getting stronger the more we fight him," Pole huffed.

I think fast and spin the wheel forcing the energy attack to go over us and the city behind us then I see another key start to form in front of the zord and feel three hands on my back I look behind me only to see nothing thinking quickly I grab the key. “Ok, let’s try this zord out!”

The giant key fully forms and our zord puts it into the keyhole and turns it. Malice tries to stop us but is knocked back by the beam of light coming from below our zord and when the light fades we are in a new zord i smirk and say. “Dino Thunder Megazord online!”

“Take this Malice! Dino drill!” The left arm starts spinning faster and faster then we rush forward and hit malice in the chest the drill arm starting to go into his energy armor. “Yes it’s working!”

Malice was pushed back and slightly slumped over, thinking it was just over I readied another strike and then I here Malice laughing. "NAHAHAHAAHA!" He belted. I noticed something was off and then his armor started to crack on is own.

"It's like he’s happy we cracked him open," Pole noted.

"Is it just me or are those crack expanding outward as if they can't contain what's in the armor of that thing!" Shining blurted out.

He was right. I spun the wheel getting as far back as I could and then then the giant burst sending a wave energy out. Suddenly Malice stood even taller than before. He now had two sets of wings, one set of feathers and another bat like. He was standing tall like a predator on the pads of his feet. He had two sets on monstrous arms with giant spikes on his shoulders and a massive tail covered in thorns. He looked like when Ed first transformed but worse as eyes were in the creases of his body and a massive singular eye was in his chest. His body covered in a suit of twisted metal. He was now twice the height of the megazord. In the center of the giant's chest was still the symbol with the new looking Malice inside it.

"Thanks for releasing that accursed seal," Malice chuckled with thunder.

I gulp and say. “Damn I think we got played...what now?” I ask them as I make sure our megazord is between malice and the empire behind us while I also lift the right arm ready to block any attack.

"You fight on," Boomed Luna's voice from above.

I am shocked to hear her and look up but that moment of distraction malice takes to hit us knocking us back but I stabilize our footing before we fall over and frown then the megazord runs towards malice and we punch his face with the triceratops shield all three horns digging into him before we swing the other arm across his legs trying to immobilize him.

Suddenly, a giant gleaming white slash comes from above use striking the monster in the symbol causing him to actually wail out in pain. Then a series of radiant golden slashes rain down cutting Malice's body all over. I see both Princesses land on the shoulder of the Megazord. Luna dress in a black metal armor in a form similar to Nightmare Moon, but much softer and with no slit eyes. In her left hand was the keyblade and steamed with the heat of a fresh attack. Celestia was wearing a set of rose gold armor and was in a form similar to Daybreaker but brighter and no slit eyes either. In her right hand was Edward's sword that he'd used in he battle, it too steamed with signs of a recent attack.

The megazord nods its head at them and in a flash of light we are changed back to the pirate force megazord I put my key into my wheel and turn it. “Take this, Malice!” The chest opens along with the arms and legs, showing cannon balls in them while a huge cannon comes out of the chest and then I fire repeatedly hitting Malice over and over with huge exploding cannon balls.

"Have at thee," the sister said in unison as the took flight.

"LUNAR CRESCENT!" Luna yelled send the same gleaming crescent slash out again but much more powerful. It looked as it if were the moon itself colliding with Malice.

Celestia held the sword above and the blade glowed with a bright heated gold color, "SOLAR RAIN!" She called, send a rain of solar light spears and slashes struck the monster.

We stood back watch as the smoke cleared from our volley and the stood Malice huffing with cracks and cuts all over his body. Unlike like last time, he genially seemed hurt from our combine power.

'This Celestia and Luna are no joke," I thought to myself. 'And they're not even at full magic power either.'

I smirk getting confident and the cannon retracts and the megazord steps forward then stabs the swords into malice’s shoulders pinning him to the mountain behind him. “You ladies ready to get your husband back?” I ask them.

The two princesses flew above the Megazord and crossed their weapons and from them spiraled and extended a massive rod of white light, Soon the rod turned in a double helix and spiraled into a two pronged spikes at one end and a massive javelin with a green jewel in it at the other. There was a bright flash of bright red and the spear changed to have a red hew.

"Take it," they yelled in unison again.

"On it. Stone you’re on," I looked over.

Stone nodded, then demorphed and channeled his magic straight into the megazord. A new key appeared in the form of the Spear of Longinus and I took hold of it and engaged it. The megazord's color shifted to a bright shining silver then dawned a flowing golden cape and took hold of the lance. "Pirate Megazord, Holy Paladin Mode!" I yelled.

"I won't let you stop me!" Malice yelled in rage while charging forward.

"Final Crusade!" My team and I yelled as the megazord held up the spear and red lightning flashed around the machine and we threw the spear straight into Malice's chest, dead center into the symbol. The light flowed into the javelin and fried the beast.

Celestia and Luna looked on as Malice stood froze in place with the Longinus rammed into his chest. They looked as if they were about to cry from the sight of their husband like this but their resolve stood true. Suddenly the voices of Edward's friends and family started to play from the megazord. i looked over to see a heavily breathing Bright Stone huffing with his fist on the play button. Suddenly the colossus started to stir and tremble. It sounded like creaking metal and then I head weak voice.

"Destroy...Sombra...Must...Destroy...Sombra...Couldn't...Save...Them..." the giant wheezed in Edward's voice.

I smile as we are getting him back slowly I add my voice too. “Edward don’t you dare lose yourself! You have a loving family waiting for you; so don’t make them cry! Wake up!”

"Sister," Luna looked to Celestia and she nodded.

"You have done enough, Rodger. Thank you," Celestia smiled warmly. "Now it is our turn to save him."

The sisters suddenly transforms into balls of light and proceeded to in enter The demon's body after going through the wound in the colossus that had been made by the Longinus.

3rd POV

The sister's in their light ball forms descended through the thick ocean of Malice's negativity.

"It's so thick," Luna remarked. "It's like wading through molasses in winter."

"Endure it Lulu," Celestia said as she pushed forward. "Ed needs us."

"I wish you would've stayed with Amore; Tia," Luna came closer to her sister. "You're in no shape to battle and you know you shouldn't be putting your body through this at all."

"I know it's dangerous Lu, but I must do this for all of us!" Celestia said as she continued on, but strained. "I wanted to tell him right away. Now I'm glad I didn't."

"I hope its enough to break him out of Malice's control," Luna sighed.

"Look up ahead," Celestia noted with excitement ass eh noticed the dark red area the pulsed with negativity.

"It seems to be the core," Luna added with glee when a great burst of negative emotions from the dark pushed the lights back only confirming that they'd reached the core. "Oh Edward, what has Sombra shown you and what has Malice been doing to drive you even further in the depths of your own hatred and rage?"

Celestia and Luna managed to navigate through the waves of negativity but it took them several attempts to reach the core of the sea. Every time they'd managed to get close to the core they were once again thrown back by a pulse of negativity, the sisters had figured that Malice had put their beloved alchemist under some sort of loop and was using him as a battery to fuel his power. Finally; on their hundredth try; the sisters had manged to took the core and quickly changed back into their pony form and held on as tight as they could.

"We must get in here,"Celestia said with a look a determination.

"The Longinus is still in effect," Luna thought. "Perhaps if we used the weapons, we could channel some of the spell's power and pierce through this evil muck."

"It would shorten the time on the seal as will as how long we could be in here without becoming trapped," Celestia looked at her sister. "But it must be done!"

They threw their hands out to their side and summoned the Diisword and Keyblade to their hands and then raised them above their heads. The blades of the weapons started to glow with a whitish-red glow. Soon the weapons' light started to cut through the wicked emotions that the sisters had swam through in order to the core.

They brought down the swords blades at the exact same time, "Longinus Slash!" The sisters said at the same time, cutting into the core carving out white 'X' shaped opening. In no time at all the hole started to shrink. They wasted no time and jumped right in.

The sister glided down all while their body felt the negative effects of the anger, hate and sorrow. The felt chills run down their spines, their very skin seethed with anger as if it were there own. Finally they noticed a figure in the distanced and glide down to see not Edward; but someone else.

It was a man, shorter than Edward but yet still a few feet taller than he was when they'd met him once he'd been freed from his stone tomb. The man's attire was that of a red sleeves shirt with a intricate black Celtic style spade on it with a pair of black pants and a pair of brown boots with a black tipped toe and heel. Over his clothes her wore a dark gray cloth trenchcoat and a matching fedora with two purple deep bright stripes and a vibrant cyan stripe in between the purple ones. He had shoulder length brunette hair the was just a little below his shoulder line while it also slightly flared out on the ends. He had a hazel eyes but a lightless gaze about them.

"Who..." Celestia looked on in confusion. "Sister,"she looked to Luna, who also had a look of confusion. "Who is that?"

"I... don't know," Luna looked down in a confused worry. "But he seems familiar, does he not. Like we've met him before but a very long time ago."

"Indeed, let us see what is going on, and find out if he can lead us to Ed," Celestia said but cautioned her little sister. Luna nodded in agreement and descend to to reach the floor, their feet squelching under them as the touched down and walked

"Excuse me," Celestia said as she and Luna walked over to the unknown yet known man. The man turned his head and looked to the pony princess. "My sister and I have lost something, or rather someone. Would you mind helping us find them?"

The man stared on. "Can't say I've seen anybody for..." he tiled his head slightly and scratched his neck as he thought. "Hell, I can't even remember how long I've been walking through..." he looked around. "whatever this place is. Seems like days know, maybe even years."

"Will, would you mind helping us look, just for a little while?" Luna pleaded, not wanting to lose sight of this man for reason. Rather it be that it was he was the only person in this endless negativity, or their only lead to their husband.

"I don't at all," He gave a smile, but there was no emotion behind it. "Especially for a couple of pretty ladies like yourselves." The was a sudden was of lust in the air, the sisters felt the man eyeing them as if examining their bodies all over, but it didn't make them feel uncomfortable at all.

"We haven't told you our names yet, I'm Celestia," Celestia placed a hand on her chest. " And this is my younger sister," she motioned to Luna.

"Luna,"Luna gave a slight nodded.

"Celestia and Luna, heavenly names for heavenly beauties such as yourselves," The man smiled again but this time there was a little warmth in it and the core slightly shook. He pulled his hat off his head and placed it at his chest and gave a bow, throwing his hand off to the side in a familiar fashion. "My name is Allen Ferris." The sister stood there in shock for a moment "Shall we started looking for this person your looking for?" he stood back up. placing the hat back on his head.

"Aaa... Yes," Luna said as she snapped out of him, "His name is Edward. We came here to find him. I must speak with my sister for a moment Allen. Excuse us but don't go to far. Sister," Luna said to Celestia finally pulling her from the shock.

"Sister, this man... is this our husband?" Celestia whispered to her sister. She'd never seen what he'd looked like before he came to Equestria, mainly because he'd never showed her and ever since his death he'd said that his old life as 'Allen Ferris' had denied, refusing to change forms.

"It is him," Luna sighed. "I've only seen this face one time, but it was so long ago that I'd forgotten about it. It was at nighttime and I'd just been woken from a terrible nightmare," She explained as she looked over her shoulder as Allen called 'Edward' out causing an echo."I left my room and started to wander the castle in search of father, but got lost. I was already scared but the fact that I couldn't find any pony caused me to become even more scared. I curled up into a ball and stated to cry uncontrollably, I don't how long it was but it felt like hours, until..." Luna sighed. "Edward, but as Allen found me. He said hey there little, scared. I nodded. He picked me up in his arms and the moon light hit his face she a warm gaze and warmer smile. He took me back to my room and tucked me in. Allen stayed with me me until I fell back to sleep, the next thing I knew... I was waking up and Edward as we know was sitting tin the chair that Allen had been sitting in."

"That when you fell in love with him,"Celestia looked at Allen.

"That was what started it,"" Luna nodded. "She we try and jog his memory. Celestia nodded and they they turned to face Allen and walked over to him.

"Done with your chat," Allen crossed his arms and they nodded. "Sorry ladies, but I don't think your friend is in this area. Want to move on?"

"There is no need," Luna said summoning the keyblade while Celestia summoned the Diisword.

Allen flinched slightly but as if on instinct jumped back and readied for a fight,"I don't exactly what you two are doing but know I won’t go down without a fight."

The sister chuckled and brought the weapons up and crossed them. Suddenly a rainbow aura field bubble came from the swords and enveloped the three of them.

"We want you to remember," Celestia said warmly as images started to appear around them. "We're you're loving wives Edward."

"We're here for you, to bring you back home," Luna added as her own memories flood the space.

"Edward? I'm Allen. I don't know either of you. I've never been married before, or even been close to being engaged," He threw his hand out to the side.

"You're Edward Elric, our husband and father to Stone Elric, Solar Eclipse and Morning Start Elric. Uncle to Adam Winger, Natalie Bastion, Sorano Elric and Alexandria Justine. Sworn brother to Optimus Prime and disciple of Pyro," Luna shouted. "Please remember, come back-"

Allen was in front of them hoisting the sister above him their necks. "I don't know who you are or what you think you're doing. I am not the man you think nor will I ever be this man. I have no such family," He gritted his teeth as he held the women above him, while tears ran down his face.

"Edward," the wheezed as the sisters placed their hands on either side of his face. He let them fall to the ground and they coughed, catching their breath.

"Why?" He asked. "Why does it hurt me so much to see you two here? He looked over and saw Luna's memories of the he'd found and the next morning. "Can't I be left to wander the darkness?"

"He... He took you two from me..." Allen wept. "I can... remember... I know you... but... you can't be here. I saw that chimera's memories.... Sombra..." a sudden rush of anger filled Allen as an image of the dark king appeared again. One second Allen was gone and at Sombra's image. He reeled back withe his right hand and layed in to the image, "NAIL GUN!" Allen punched to image with so much force he completely obliterated it along with his own arm, horrifying the sisters.

A red aura could be seen around Allen as it flowed out of him and upward. More images of Sombra quickly appeared and Allen destroyed them just like the first. As soon as one was destroyed another appeared. All the time this went on they heard Malice laughing.

"We must stop this," Celestia said in horror, hitting her knees and throwing her hands over her mouth as tears ran down her face, as the did Luna's. "He wanted to stop so badly that he reverted back to way before he came to Equestria, to when he was Allen; sealing off his memories." "She looked over to her most recent memories from earlier today. One of Stone Bright Stone and Amore. Of everpony together she then placed her hand on her stomach. "Luna," Celestia stood up in
determination. "We're taking Ed home, to see his children and to be with Amore again. We can't let Malice do this to him," she held out her hand.

Luna sniffled a bit and wiped her eyes, dawn her on steadfast look, "You're right sister, Let's get get our husband back!" She said summoning the keyblade as she entered her Midnight form once more while Celestia enter Midday Form. "How long and how much magic do you have?"

Celestia summoned the Diisword to her hand, "I can do one minute, that's all. Not much magic left either."

"Then let us not teary dear sister, our man needs us," Luna said as they vanished, determined to get the man they loved back.

They shot off and were immediately in front of Allen. He looked horrible as both sleeves of his coat were now gone and his hat had blown off with his first attack. His face wore a look of anguish and rage not even the sight of Celestia and Luna stopped his fists as he punched. Luna took the blow using the Baku to take the hit but it still sent them both flying. All the meantime more red aura wafted from Allen upwards.

Allen suddenly stopped moving and the floor rippled in front of him. From the floor rose a solid black large-bladed sword with a large ring was used as a pommel is made entirely from of what looked to be solid darkness . The blade and edges were thick but sharp for either slicing or outright bluntness, yet they do not add a great weight to the weapon.

Allen took a hold of the weapon and rushed in again. The sister having trouble matching their husband’s speed as he flew through the air and slashed the slimy blackness of the core. Faster and faster they went, magic flying around heat melting anything, cold freezing it just as fast. Harder and harder the pushed to reach him but he was just to strong.Taking advantage of the images of Sombra that would pop up occasionally, the sisters try and land blows in Allen's lapse in attention to them, and it work but he would heal instantly.

The sisters broke away, for a moment when an image appeared to catch their breath. Celestia staggered shoving the Diisword's tip in to the muddy ground to catch herself her time limit just about reached.

"Luna," Celestia huffed. "I have.. enough left for one more major spell and if we... use that spell on him we might bring him to a moment of clarity."

"But we never perfected that spell, and what good will a moment do? Even without access to all of his power we're still no match for him!" Luna panicked then Celestia outright slapped her sister.

Luna stared at her sister holding her face, "Right now we need to try anything to bring him back. This is not for us, but for the world as we know it, for the your children to have their back."

"You're right as usual sister," Luna sighed. "Fine, we use it; then what?"

"We flood his heart and mind with our love and memories new and old," Celestia threw her weapon out to the side and reverted to her normal form as the blade glade with and intense golden light, then pointed it straight forward .

"We'll give our everything then," Luna sighed with a smirk as she dis the same while her blade glowed a intense deep blue.

With both weapons side by side the sister's concentrated their magic into a fix point at the tips of the swords. The rushed forward landing the ball of magic in Allen's chest but continued to push on until he couldn't pull away.

"TOTAL ECLIPSE!" They yelled launching Allen up as he was consumed in a black of intense black solar and lunar magic.

As soon as the magic sphere started to dissipate the sister threw their weapons off to the side and rushed to Allen holding the broken man close to them. They touched their foreheads to his and used what magic they head left to show him all of their memories, good and bad, no secrets. Allen's eyes shot opened and he looked at his wives. Then, they sang him a song.

(Play song wait till the end.)

Once they were done singing Allen reached up and placed his and on Celestia's and Luna's faced as tears streamwed down his face. "thank god you’re both safe..."

"Ed," they both said.

"It's me," he smiled at them. Celestia took his hand and placed on her stomach. "Tia?"

"One thing we kept as a plan B," She smirked. "I'm...pregnant."

Allen got a big smile but before he could act, the core rumbled and nearby a skeletal figure emerged from the muck and eyes grew to cover the entire thing. It had jagged teeth and easily stood twelve feet tall.

"NOOOOOO! HATE, IT'S A LIE ! THEY'RE NOT REAL!" The voice of Malice came from the figure.

"I guess I need to face him again," Allen's sword from his fight with Luna and Celestia appeared at his side to his shock. "You tapped into my skill and dragged me here and drowned me in my own despair." He took hold of the weapon and the darkness burst away from it reveal the menuki to be silver along with the fuchi and hanaki. The tsuba was a bright red the shimmered and shined as if on fire while the blade was a very dule dark gray. The tsuka remained solid black and there appeared to be black ribbons made of darkness coming from the ring.

Malice seemed to cower back as Allen brought the blade in up in front of him placing his other hand on the hand centering the sword.

"I'm taking it back," Allen stated firmly. "I'm take back my world, and changing it into a world where the souls in my body can enjoy the warmth from the brightness of my Tia's sun." He slowly raised the sword above his head. "A world were they can bask in the cool radiance of my Luna moon. A shinning city where my little ponies are happy and friends to all." A sudden pressure was exerted over the whole area Allen tighten his grip on his sword. "The name of this Zanpakuto is Yake-shoku(Burning Eclipse)." .

Allen appeared behind Malice and slung his sword off to the side "Flash in the Darkness, Yake-shoku." he said softly. Malice quickly turned but stopped as there was a sudden burst of light down his center and a he was engulfed in a red ball of fir that blackened with a red out line to is. "Now," Allen turned and pointed the tip of the sword down and placed his left hand on the ring, "Devour, Yake-shoku! The black ribbons wrapped around the sphere and crushed it and quickly pulled it into the ring where it vanished. "Rest for now, Malice" Allen said peacefully and turned to his girls with a smirk. With a flick of his finger they were encased in a red bubble of magic. "I love you both and I look forward to seeing Amore again. See you on the outside." He waved his finger up and sent the out as the core crumbled away to reveal Canterlot at dusk as the sun and moon were trading positions.