• Published 2nd Aug 2020
  • 4,378 Views, 56 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Deltorix

A young man is asked to help save Equestria by someone unexpected, will he save Equestria or will he fail.

  • ...

Chapter 9

“Wait! We’re not changelings! I’m a pony! And he’s a dragon!” Twilight yells panicked pointing at herself and then Spike.

“A likely story!” Pinkie pie said as she pokes Spike with her spear. “Do something dragonish!” To which Spike burps up a flame and the smoke hits her face. “That works.” She said coughing.

“The servants of Chrysalis will do anything to save their evil skins and what about him?!” Fluttershy said as she points the spear at me I cross my arms and sigh.

“STOP!” We hear a voice call out and when we look we see Zecora in a tree. “If they are changelings, we’ll soon see. Though I think they’re not what they appear to be.” She jumps down and I blush lightly as she is wearing very little and look away but keep my head facing forward.

“Zecora! Please, you have to listen.” Twilight tried to talk but is cut off as the others raise their spears again.

Then Zecora walks forward to us. “Beneath this salve no changeling hides, for it reveals the truth inside.” She said as she takes out a Gord that’s cut open and has a green goo inside of it. She then sticks her fingers into it and reaches for Twilight. She and the others cover Twilight and Spike with the goo but I back up when one tries to put it on me. “Something to hide? Are you afraid we will tan your hide?”

I shake my head. “Not in the way you’re thinking. This suit that I’m wearing, I will remove it, but there will be a flash of light. Do not attack me and then afterword I will remove a piece of jewelry, that is enchanted with unicorn magic to act similar to changeling shape shifting. Once it is removed then you can paint me.”

I wait for Zecora to nod then I power down and as I thought the ponies almost attack but luckily Zecora holds up her hand and stops them. I then remove my necklace showing my true human form and hand it to Twilight and then I am painted as well.

Then all three of us start glowing white. The ponies all gasp and back up but Zecora looks worried and rubs her chin. “What does it mean?” Pinkie asks.

“The meaning is far worse, I see. For it is we who should not be.” Zecora answered walking closer to us then turning to face the crowd.

Twilight steps forward. “I think I can explain.”

“I’m sure you can, but let’s not talk here. Chrysalis and her army will soon draw near.” Zecora stops her and then starts leading us back to their camp but I walk a bit faster and get closer to her.

“I know you don’t want to talk right now so here, take these and keep them safe. Read them when you can.” I give her another copy of the map and notes.

She nods and puts them away. we continue walking for a few more minutes. “The changelings took over not long ago, though I’ll wager in your world that isn’t so.”

Twilight joins us and speaks up. I pay more attention to our surroundings my instincts telling me somethings wrong. “Chrysalis and her army tried to take over Canterlot, but my friends and I stopped her.”

I look over and add. “I thought it was Cadence’s and Shinning’s love powered shield that stopped them.”

But Twilight and Zecora seem to ignore me and continue their conversation. “Those friends as you know them are not here, alas. But tell me how all this came to pass.”

Twilight looks down as she answers. “Starlight Glimmer. A pony who traveled back in time to stop my friends and me from ever coming together.”

“And it is these friends you have in life, that keeps Equestria free of strife?” Zecora asked.

“I guess so. But this is the second time I’ve come back and this world is even worse then the last. If Starlight keeps doing the same thing in the past, how could the present be so different?” Twilight then asked.

“Ahhh, time is a river where even the tiniest changes seen...” Zecora starts as she stops by a small stream and puts her hoof down in the streams path making it bend around it. “Can lead to a cascade of effects downstream.”

After a bit more walking we get to where we are going and Zecora walks up to a living curtain of plant matter and pulls it away saying. “This part of the forest is dark and damp, but it’s done well to hide our camp.”

I look around seeing lots of ponies and feel their magic and can already feel some of them are wrong. We walk into the camp and I hear Spike say. “This is cozy.”

Then we hear a scream and I look to where it’s coming from. And see Rainbow Dash and Rarity run out of the bushes. “Please, you have to help us!” Rarity begs.

Then I see Applejack come up behind them as Rainbow says. “The changelings attacked Ponyville. We barely escaped with our lives!”

“The only changeling attack I see is the one that come here looking for me.” Zecora said as she stops Twilight from running to her friends.

“It’s taken quite a while to find you, Zecora.” Applejack said as she walks forward then she starts laughing and green flames cover her as she turns into queen Chrysalis. “What a lovely village you’ve chosen to stage your little resistance. It looks absolutely delicious!” she said as she walks towards Zecora and grins at her only backing up when the other ponies step forward with their spears.

“Oh come now, Zecora, you’re vastly outnumbered.” Chrysalis said as the two beside her change into their true form and that’s when I look up to see not just changelings but Stingwingers.

I grit my teeth and clench my fist then look around and whisper to twilight and spike. “If things get bad run to the portal and Spike use this.” I hand him the green mighty morphin key.

I then look up to the changeling queen and smirk as I walk forward. “Hello, your highness I would like just a few moments of your time before you decide to attack Zecora.”

She looks at me like I’m trash and points to me and one of her guards rushes me but I side step them grabbing their leg and slam them into the ground and summon my gun and sword putting the blade to his neck. “ If you insist on doing it the hard way fine I’ll just blurt it out. You do realize that Trakeena will betray you, correct?”

This got her attention as she And her changelings are focused on me. “ Explain what you mean human.”

‘So she knows what I am that must mean she knows about other worlds.’ I think to myself then say. “it’s very simple, Trakeena, desires to rule the universe do you want really think she’ll let you keep this planet the moment your usefulness has ended? She’s using you and your people to take over this planet once you have her army will turn on yours and because you’ve been using them with your army.” I point up at the Stingwingers in the air. “ She will know your tactics and will be able to take you down within days.”

I can see Chrysalis looks upset, but I can also tell it’s that she hasn’t thought of that. “What makes you so sure she would turn on me? I lend her my soldiers and she lends me hers together we will conquer the universe.”

I smirk and point at a gap in the air where a group of Stingwingers was. “Then why did a whole group of them just teleport away?” I ask smugly.

She looks and growls as she lights her horn but before she can do anything a single Stingwinger flys down and aims for her I run up past the changelings and cut the Stingwinger in half as it’s top half lands near Chrysalis.

Her eyes widen and she turns to her changelings and her horn lights. Suddenly all the changelings start attacking the Stingwingers. “ I will not be betrayed! if that little bitch thinks she can outplay me I will show her how wrong she is.”

“One problem with that, judging by how well the Stingwingers are dodging Your soldiers I’d say that know how to fight you, I suggest working with the former leaders of this planet working together is your only hope one world under one ruler it may not be how you wanted to take over right now you either work together or you all get worked out.” I say to her and then Zecora walks up to us looking unsure.

“And why should I trust any of these ponies? They’ll just as soon as I put a knife in my back, then attack Trakeena or her forces.” Chrysalis demanded of me but before I could answer I see a flash of light and see someone else teleport into the clearing and it’s Trakeena herself with more Stingwingers and to my shock on her hip is a Quasar Saber.

“God damn it, look either fight together and have a chance at living or fight each other and all die.” I tell them then fire my gun at her but she blocks my shots with her staff. “What are you waiting for?! RUN!”

With that both the ponies and changelings leave the area and Trakeena laughs. “Run little ponies soon you’ll all be mine.” She doesn’t seem to notice me even though I tagged her so I take this chance and run back to the portal had to fight my way through a few Stingwingers but make it to see the map still there and when I touch it i and pulled through a time portal.

I come out of the portal to see a sweaty Twilight looking at young Rainbow Dash who is eating popcorn and hear Starlight say. “See? You can’t stop me no matter what you do.”

And before anything else the three of us are sucked back into the time portal and I sigh. “Roger you made it!” Twilight hugs me and i chuckle and nod.

“Yeah I was lucky hopefully things work out in that timeline but that’s two timelines we have been to and two troubling pieces of information I’ve gotten about my enemies.” I tell her just before we exist the portal.

Like last time they bounce off the map as I land on it and walk off it. I see the map is surrounded by dark woods and look up to the sky to see it’s the middle of the night. when I look back down to the map I see the blue time force ranger key. “Twilight I’ll need my necklace back.”

“Hold on who the hay are you?” Spike yells but Twilight puts a hand on his shoulder and gives me the necklace. After putting it back on I return to my unicorn form and Spikes eyes widen. “Oh.”

I look to the left and see a timberwolf and shot at the ground with my gun. “Run now talk later!” The three of us take off running.

After a while of running we come to a cliff and when we look up we see the castle of the two sisters but this one is not destroyed and fully inhabitable. After hearing some more howling we run across the bridge and get inside the castle and I almost fall down from the magical pressure I feel.

“This place looks a lot cleaner then I remember.” Spike says as we walk up some stairs and I manage to use my magic to block out the magical pressure just enough I can walk normally.

Then we see a tapestry glow blue with magic and be levitated over to where it belongs. then we see this world’s Rarity. “Rarity?” Twilight asks as she walks up to the unicorn who has her mane and tail up in buns and has a dark blue dress-suit on.

She turns to face us. “The castle isn’t open for viewings today. The tapestries all need changing...again.” She said obviously annoyed. Whether it was from us or that she had to change the tapestries again or even both I was unsure of.

“Rarity, it’s me.” Spike said excited as he walked up to rarity arms open for a hug.

“ I don’t socialize with dragons. I don’t know anypony who would.” Rarity tells him then turns away to continue her work.

“Rarity, you have to listen to me.” Twilight said as she rushed in front of Rarity. “The future of Equestria is at stake.”

“I don’t know how you know my name, but I’m far too busy to entertain some tourist’s ridiculous fantasies.” Rarity said as she turned away can continues to work.

“I have to get back to the map so I can stop Starlight from changing the past because every present I come to is worse then the last!” Twilight tried to explain to rarity and I feel a strong magic signature behind us and look over to nightmare moon.

“Time travel, you say?” Nightmare Noon said making Twilight and Spike turn around to face her and so did I.

We see her on a large throne that is obviously night themed. “Now that’s something I would like to see.” She said with a wicked grin.

She then waves a arm and her soldiers come in and surround us. “Tell me how you came by this magic to travel through time.”

When none of us answer one of the guards says. “The Princess asked you a question!” Then she removed her helmet revealing she is this world’s Rainbow Dash. “And unless you want to end up in the dungeon, you’ll tell her what she wants to know.”

“No pony in my kingdom but me should possess a magic powerful enough to change time.” Nightmare Moon speaks up making us focus on her agin.

“Your kingdom?” Spike asked while hiding behind twilight.

“Who else?” Nightmare asks sounding Angered.

“Um, Celestia, of course.” Spike answers.

The whole room is quite for a whole minute before nightmare moon starts laughing. “ My sister has been imprisoned in the moon for years!” She points to the moon in the window and I see it has Celestia’s mane colors over laying the Image of the mare in the moon. “ But it is no less a feat then she sentenced me to. Now, revealed to me the source of this time magic.”

I clear my throat and say. “Sorry but not gonna happen and you would be better off not knowing.” I say as I step between Twilight and Nightmare Moon. “ Time travel doesn’t work the same way most ponies think it does. Time travel doesn’t change the world around you merely moves you to a new time where those events take place.”

Nightmare Moon seems upset but intrigued so I continue. “For instance let’s say you went back in time to help your past self win against your sister. If you returned to the present not much will change but let’s say you accidentally hit your past self in this fight, whether it be by accident or Celestia tricking you, there’s a good chance that when you return to the present you will return to a world where you still have that injury; only there’s now two of you you can never return to your original timeline because you’ve interfered in the past, and it’s my job as Time Force to stop people from messing with the timeline.”

“ And what pray tell is Time Force some obscure member of my sisters guard?” Nightmare Moon asks her horn lighting up.

“ No in fact time force is from the year 3000 they’re in charge of all time travel related crime. I’m merely helping Miss Sparkle here capture a dangerous criminal who is altering time.” I tell her then pull out my morpher and the blue time force key. ‘Please let this work.’

“I can show you my uniform if you’d allow me to change, there would be a flash of blue better than that nothing will happen.” I say to her.

Nightmare seems to think it over then waves her hand. “ Very well you may demonstrate this time force to me however as you are just a unicorn if you attempt to assault me I will kill you.”

Nodding I hold up my morpher and pray it works as I slide in the key and turn it. “ Time for, time force!” My morpher then called out ’Timeranger’ as a flash of blue energy I am now in the blue time force uniform. “Time force blue. As you can see your highness equestrian technology is not even close to being able to produce something like this we have no interest in interfering with your timeline, at least we don’t plan on interfering with your rule. however I will give you these.” I give her the map and notes.

“Rodger what are you doing that’s Nightmare Moon!” Twilight yells at me but I hold up a hand to her.

Then I look to Nightmare and continue. “ I will also warn you of an incoming invasion they could also already be on your world they are powerful magic users capable of conquering planets with a huge army. I’m really suggesting that you for your sister and work together to protect this planet, and select those with strong hearts in the world to fight and protect others to find those keys and transform into Power Rangers to give your world a fighting chance.”

“Free my sister?” She laughs and grins. “ Why in the world would I do that but I am the most powerful magic user on this planet.”

“Exactly you’re the most powerful magic user on THIS planet.” I tell her then turn my body hand way. “I’ve given you the map and the notes that has all the information I will give you if you try to stop us from returning to our mission then I will show you what a ranger can do.”

I turn fully now and start walking. “Come on Twilight; Spike we need to catch Starlight.” The three of us walk out while the guards and nightmare herself was shocked.

We walk for a while but soon I hear yelling so I grab Spike and pick him up. “Twilight get on my back we need to leave now.” She panics and gets on my back. once I make she is holding on tight I press a button on the Chrono morpher and speed off using my accelerated speed.

It doesn’t take long before we make it back to the map. I set them down and quickly take out the timber wolves. “Let’s get out of here.”

I look back as I see a furious Nightmare Moon flying towards us but then the time portal opens sucking the three of us in. The last thing I head from that timeline is Nightmare Moon’s furious yell of. “NOOooooo!”

Soon we come out of the portal and Twilight immediately fires magic at Starlight trapping her in the same crystal that we were trapped in once. “Now more than ever, I know how important it is to stop you.”

Starlight brakes free easily and flys up in her magic. “Well, good luck!” I watch as Starlight and Twilight fly off.

I see Starlight trip Rainbow Dash. Then the time portal opens and sucks us in we then land in a world being destroyed by Tirek fully powered up with magic. “Twilight stay here and protect the map.” I pick up the Pink time force key then pull out the green mighty morphin key and slide it into my morpher. “Dragon zord power!” My morpher calls out ’Zyuranger’ And change into that form.

I then walk forward and pull out the dragon dagger and start to play the familiar tune. This of course gets Tirek’s attention on me.

And then out of Ponyville Lake rises the dragon zord in all its might. The Dragon zord lets out a roar and using the dragon dagger command the zord to attack Tirek. Tirek turns just in time to get a metal fist to the face pushing him back. “ what manner of trickery is this!? This world has no more magic how can you come to possess such a powerful golem?”

Instead of answering him I continue to play the dagger and the dragon zord fires missiles at Tirek’s head blowing up in his face and braking one of his horns making him scream with rage and pain. “Argh! Damn you! I will destroy you for that.” He starts channeling magic into the space above his head between his horns.

I quickly command the Zord to break the other horn. Which it does by swinging its tail directly at Tirek while the tip spins as a drill and once the tail hits the horn it cuts it right off. Tirek roars even louder but now I can see, his horns were his focusing point without them he can’t control the magic and it is already starting to leave him. As he slowly shrinks trying to fight the Dragon zord i command it to destroy him and the Zord grabs Tirek and lifts him up before slamming him onto the ground. Then aims both hands at him firing all five missiles at once right at Tirek killing him and making him explode releasing all the magic at once.

I look up to the Dragon zord and bow my head. “Thank you dragon zord, for lending me your power in this fight. Go and rest I may call upon you again one day.” I say to it then the Zord nods and returns to the lake sinking back into it and disappears.

Twilight and Spike walk up to me and Spike is the first to speak. “That was bucking awesome!”

To which Twilight immediately grabbed and pulled on Spike’s ear fin. “ language Spike!” Then she turns to me as I power down completely. “What I want to know, is how can you do that? How did you command that giant dragon?”

“ i’ll explain everything when I can Twilight. But right right now we need to send off the next bit of information to this world’s Celestia and Luna, then go back to try to stop Starlight. Spike get me some paper please.” I tell them and after a few moments Spike gets out some paper for me and I quickly write out a message. It explains with the keys are how they work and the threat that is coming to this world if it is not already here then I roll it up and hand it to Spike along with a spare map and a copy of the notes.

Spike sends them off and the ashes fly off south. Then I nod to Twilight and she sighs and readies herself before opening the time portal.

Like last time when we come out of the portal Twilight has your horn ready and immediately fires her magic. Unfortunately this time Starlight moves out of the way making twilight hit young Rainbow Dash. Trapping her in the same crystal as before. And Starlight starts to mockingly clap her hands looking quite smug at us.

We were pulled into the time portal and when we exited the time portal this time it was a world ruled by Discord. Everything was in chaos. We looked over and we could see Discord riding a unicycle wearing a kingly cape and a crown along with holding a scepter and running around him are Princess Celestia and Princess Luna dressed as clowns.

I put a hand on Twilight to stop her from taking us out of this timeline and calmly walked up to the other three. “Discord I’ve come to bargain!”

Discord immediately turns to me put a Griffin hand to his chest. “Excuse me?! Do I look like a giant flaming headed creature voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch? No; so don’t be pulling any of those references around me Mr. whoever you are.” He then pulls out a huge magnifying lens and looks at me me over. “ huh, interesting, uh-huh, hmmm.”

“Dis-“ I start but immediately I am cut off when Discord pouts.

“You’re not from this timeline. since when could humans time travel? Oh I get it. You’re with that ‘time force’. Well I’m not missing around with time beyond my planet so go back to the year 3000 on planet earth.” He says to me then proceeds to eat the giant magnifying glass like a lollipop.

“You are correct that I’m not from this timeline but I’m not Time Force either. I won’t say much about when I’m from but I will say this this world’s in danger and it could be quite entertaining for you to watch.” That got him to turn around and look at me with a new look. A look of interest.

“What exactly do you mean by that human?” Discord ask while stroking his goatee.

“Do not try to make deals with Discord whoever you are he is a trickster!” Celestia tries to warn me but is silenced with a pie to the face from Discord.

“What I mean is quite simple there’s going to be an invasion of some of the most dangerous people in the universe. Now you could easily just snap your fingers and make them go away but where the fun being that.” I say to him and he grins.

“You know, I know you’re playing me, but you’re right! go on.” Discord says excitement with a mad grin.

“I propose to you a deal, you sit back and watch the chaos that is going to happen naturally. not helping either side and when all is said and done, you get to have fun with the winners. of course, if you agree I get to give this Celestia and Luna a map and a sheet of paper filled with notes so that they will have a fair chance. what do you say?” I say with a mad grin of my own and hold out my hand looking Discord right in the eyes.

He thinks it over for a moment stroking his goatee before grinning and shaking my hand. “Very well we have a deal although a little add on to this deal, if things start to get too boring I may just help out both sides at the same time just to spice things up.”

I nod and Discord grins and snaps his fingers returning everything to the way it supposed to be this world Celestia and then I’ll look at me in shock. “How is it that you were able to convince him?”

“You just need to understand chaos and Discord he said almost a mortal spirit that loves chaos every day life bores him that’s why he does all this. But if you were to provide him with him entertainment he wants then he is no danger to you.” I explain my thinking and reasoning to them as I pull out another map in another sheet of note paper and give it to them.

“When I told Discord is true a threat is coming if it isn’t here already find those with strong hearts and the desire to help others find those keys and you’ll have a chance at winning. Good luck your Highnesses.” I bow then turn to walk back to the map and look down and see the SPD Omega Ranger key and pick it up. ’huh. Didn’t expect this key.’

I look to Twilight and nod she nods back to me with a smile and we go back in time again.

This time when we return to the past Twilight was ready for another fight but instead she sees Starlight helping Fluttershy through the obstacle course of her magic. She looks over to where we are smugly just before referral back into the present.

This time when we arrive the worlds not being destroyed by some great threat. instead by pollution. In this timeline the Flim Flam brothers have control over the Sweet Apple Acres. We send another note and copy of the map and notes to this world Celestia, then I pick up the yellow time force key.

Twilight takes us back to the past again, and we just barely miss shot by magic. “Up for another Race-ending fight, Twilight?” Luckily I found a small cloud to land on close enough to hear.

Twilight flies up onto a cloud near Starlight and looks down in defeat. “No. You were right. I can’t stop you.” Starlight tries to blast her with magic but she puts up a shield. “But you can’t stop me from trying and we could be stuck doing this for all eternity.”

Starlight grins as if she has won. “If that’s what it takes to keep you and your friends from getting your cutie mark connection, then I’m game.” She then blasts magic at Twilight again.

Twilight makes another shield in time then says. “What you’re doing goes way beyond cutie marks.” Making a Visual aid made of cloud to demonstrate what she’s going to say in the form of a snowball going downhill and hitting a house. “ everything we do here in the past, even the smallest change, can snowball into an avalanche of trouble for the future.”

Starlight destroys the small cloud twilight was using as Visual aid then says. “Oh. Next I suppose you’ll tell me that the fate of All of Equestria hangs in the balance.” In a mocking way.

“It does!” Twilight insists.

“Spare me your over-blown ego. No group of friends, not even Princess Twilight, is that important.” She yells aggressively and just as Rainbow Dash is flying past she blasts her with magic knocking her off course.

The time portal opens up again and we start getting sucked in when Twilight says. “ I don’t know how important other ponies’ friendships are to the future, but I can show you what the world is like without mine.” This time Twilight grabs onto Starlight and pulls her with us back to the present.

The world we arrive in next in my opinion is the most depressing I look around in every direction nothing but mountains and dead soil I can barely feel magic in this world I looked at the table and see the quantum time force key and pick it up just a Starlight yells. “Where are we?”

“The future. Or rather, the present.” Twilight says sounding and looking depressed as she also looks around.

“But there’s nothing here.” Starlight said looking around.

“ I wish I could say I was surprised. but every world I come back to is worse than the last.” Twilight said looking down at first then looks back up full of determination or anger I can’t tell. “ I don’t know why my friends and I are so important to Equestria, but we are.”

“I don’t believe you!” Starlight yells pointing at twilight.

“Come on, Starlight. Look around.” Spike speaks up.

“Like I said, everything in the past affects the future, even the tiniest act, and what you’re doing leads here.” Twilight tells Starlight picking up some dirt in our hands and letting it blow away in the strong breeze. “ I know I can’t stop you, but I thought showing you this might change your mind.”

“Change my mind? You don’t know anything about me.“ Starlight says angrily as she turns back to face Twilight stomping her hoof as she gets closer. “ I was perfectly happy before you and your friends ruined what I built.”

“ I don’t know what happened to led you to make and I’m sorry my friends and I had to take it away.” Twilight said and by the look on her face she is feeling sympathy for Starlight and while those two talked I pulled out the red SPD key and my morpher.

“You want to know what happened to me? I’ll show you!” Starlight said as she starts to float with magic again. She then moves over on top of the table and blessed with magic and it lights up. Soon new new time portal opens and the four of us are sucked into the new portal.

When we exit the time portal we’re in a calm looking village Twilight asks. “Where are we?”

“That map of yours is connected to every part of a Equestria and this part is my home.” Starlight said pointing at the village then we followed her to a house. We looked in through a window and saw two goals playing a game where they seem to stack blocks as high as they can. “ sunburst and I did everything together.”

“In fact, I don’t remember us ever being apart...until today.” She points at what’s about to happen.

Young starlight pulls out the wrong block and the whole tower starts to fall towards her. Young Sunburst holds out his hands and magic surges around his whole body as he stops the books, then they start to bend around his body before going back onto the bookshelf where they belong. When is surge ends we all see that a cutie mark appears on his shoulder.

The excited colt runs out to show his parents. Soon the whole town starts taking them off to celebrate unfortunately leaving young Starlight behind. “And just like that, my friend was gone. His family recognize his magical talent and sent them off to Canterlot. I never saw him again.”

“Why not?” Spike asks.

This seems to set Starlight off. “ because of his cutie mark! He got his and I didn’t.” She says getting in spikes face. “He moved on and I didn’t.” She added getting in twilight’s face.

She backs up a bit and puts a hand on her chest. “ I stayed here and never made another friend because I was too afraid another cutie mark would take them away too!” She yells with tears in her eyes.

“That’s ridiculous. A cutie mark can’t take your friends away.” Twilight said trying to calm starlight down.

Starlight wipes her eyes. “Not everypony’s lucky enough to get her cutie mark at the same time as her friends.” Starlight then opens the time portal taking us back to just before the sonic rainboom.

“You don’t know what it’s like to lose a friend because of a cutie mark. But once I stop the rainboom, you will!” She then teleports spikes backpack off him and digs through it pulling out the scroll holding the spell. “And when I destroy this scroll, there’ll be no way for you to change it!”

She starts to rip the scroll. “Starlight, you’re right. I don’t know what you went through, but I do know you can’t do this.” Twilight tries to reason with starlight practically begging. “I’ve seen where this leads and so have you.”

“I only saw what you showed me. Who knows what’ll really happen?” Starlight says in denial.

“I’ve seen it a dozen times. Things don’t turn out well in an Equestria without my friends.” Twilight says trying to slowly get closer.

This whole time my body is ready to spring into action if I have to, eyes on the scroll.

“Agh! What’s so special about your friends? How can a group of ponies that are so different be so important?” Starlight stops her hoof and balls her fists in anger.

“The differences between me and my friends are the very things that make our friendship strong.” Twilight says as she continues to get closer.

“I thought Sunburst and I were the same, but we turned out different and it tore our friendship apart.” Starlight yells now openly crying and she rips the scroll halfway.

“So try again. Make new friends. And if something that you can’t control happens that changes things, work through it together. That’s what friendship is. And it’s not just my friendships that are important to Equestria. Everyponies’ are. When yours ended, it led us here, but just imagine all the others that are out there waiting for you if you just give them a chance.” Twilight tells Starlight and I can see it’s working so I relax and smile.

“How do I know they won’t all end the same way?” She sobs.

“I guess it’s up to you to make sure they don’t. “ Twilight offers her hand and Starlight hesitantly takes it releasing the scroll from her magic. The scrolled starts floating down but Spike fortunately catches it. Just in the sun a green boom goes off below us and and the last time portal opens up sucking us in and taking us home.

Once we get home The time portal stays open for a bit as the scroll levitates over the map and all the magic that was poured into it throughout this adventure is sucked into the scroll and then the scroll enters the time portal and it closes permanently.

I turn to Starlight and morph. “SPD, Emergency.” My morpher calls out ’Dekaranger’ and in a flash of red energy I am in the red SPD suit and I pull out the judgment scanner and aim it at Starlight. “Starlight Glimmer you’re charged for the crimes of altering time for your own selfish gains.”

Before Twilight can interfere the area around Starlight in myself goes pitch black in the judgment scanner flashes a green circle and a red X back and forth back and forth until it stops on a red X. “Guilty.” I then press a button on the judgment scanner and blaster with an energy from it trapping her within a confinement card.

I walk over and pick it up powering down and press the button on the back and she is frozen in time. “Here you go Twilight. This is just to make sure she can’t escape while you decide what to do with her.” I hand her the card as her friends walk in and I sigh waving at them but I am shocked when I see, shining Armor, and another another unicorn stallion both in armor.

I walk up to them while the girls talk with Twilight and Spike. “Afternoon gentlecolt, I’m assuming you’re here to meet with either Jolly Roger or the red ranger.”

They look at each other then shining speaks up. “We were told to meet a stallion named Jolly Rodger, something about a rescue mission.”

I nod and roll my neck. “OK then nice to meet you too I’m Jolly Roger let’s go to a different rooms so we can talk about the Mission i have a lot to fill you in on.” Without the three of us leave the map room and make my way to my room.