• Published 23rd Jan 2022
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 2) - Mister E-Nonymous

The continuation story of the entire continent containing Equestria and beyond being on Earth, and they go on new adventures with what's left of the Freedom Fighters, since there is no need for them to fight for something they now have.

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Episode 14: The Sonic Heroes Saga (Part 1): A New Threat Rising

Episode 14: The Sonic Heroes Saga (Part 1):

A New Threat Rising

At the Castle of Friendship, Sonic and Rainbow Dash were starting off a race. Pinkie Pie was holding the flag that starts the race.

"All right, you two," Pinkie Pie said. "The race will start here, head through Ponyville, head on over to White Tail Woods, the flag pointed there is the halfway marker, and race on back here! Ready, set, go!!" Then Sonic and Rainbow Dash rushed off. Twilight, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy were watching when sitting on the steps to the Castle of Friendship, watching the two racers rush off.

As they were racing, the X-Tornado was flying overhead. Tails was in the pilot seat with Knuckles in the seat behind him.

"Hey, look! It's Sonic and Rainbow Dash!" Tails said. He then piloted the X-Tornado over by Sonic and Rainbow Dash.

"Yo, Tails!" Sonic said. "Long time no see!"

"Sonic! Check this out!" Tails said, holding out a letter. Sonic jumped up and took the letter and saw it was a letter from Doctor Eggman with a moving picture.

"Muhahahaha!! Guess what, Sonic Heroes... I've finally developed the ultimate weapon! In three days, I'll conquer the world. Think you can stop me? Ahahahaha!!"

"Hmm... sounds like an invitation to party!" Sonic said.

"I bet Pinkie Pie would enjoy that," Rainbow Dash said, smirking.

"What are we gonna do, Sonic?" Tails asked.

"No worries," Knuckles replied. "We got this one."

"Heh, think I'd miss this?!" Sonic asked. "Time to crack that Eggman wide open! Yeah, let's party!" Then the two racers stopped, did a complete one-eighty, and headed back towards the Castle of Friendship, the X-Tornado following.

Somewhere on a beach, and SUV pulled up. The doors opened up and out came MC, Olive, Maria, Starlight, Sunset and Trixie. They walked up to a door, where Rouge was standing.

"What is it you wanted to show us?" MC asked. "I heard from Tails that Eggman's planning something big."

"I need your help getting into this base," Rouge said. "I got word that Omega is locked up in here."

"Makes sense, since MC was the one who turned Eggman's own robot against him," Olive said. "Which is also the reason Canterlot Castle came down the mountain."

"Whatever it is, I hope that it doesn't remind me of Shadow," Maria said.

"At least you won't have to worry about what he and Eggman did to the moon anymore," MC said. He then dug his hands into the door seals, and he pried the door open. Then a huge burst of wind came. "Dang. This place was airtight. Someone must've used up all of the air."

"I hope that whoever was in here got out before he or she ran out of air," Starlight said.

"You better be right about that, Starlight," Sunset said.

"Well, the Great and Powerful Trixie would be surprised if someone did," Trixie said as the seven of them entered the base. As the seven of them went down the hall, Starlight, Sunset and Trixie lit up their horns, lighting up the way. They then came across another door.

MC bared his claws and called out, "CHAOS CLAW!!" He then slashed the doors and they broke apart. When they walked in, something moved. The group looked to the right and saw Omega. "I was wondering where he was."

"Doctor Eggman had locked me up in here two weeks ago," Omega replied. "Must terminate him."

"Wow," Starlight said. "And in front of Maria, who is the last living relative of the doctor."

Omega then looked at Maria, who was giving a sad expression. He then said, "My apologies. I will not terminate him, but bring him to prison."

"Hey, what's in here?" Trixie asked. The group looked at what Trixie was looking at. MC gasped.

"That's the same kind of capsule that Maria was in back on the ARK," MC said. "But who's in it?" MC then went to the console connected to the capsule. The liquid inside the capsule was drained and the capsule opened up, surprising everyone. "It can't be..."

"It's Shadow!" Maria said. She then tried running up to Shadow, but Rouge and Olive stopped her.

Shadow opened his eyes and looked around, seeing the group.

"Never thought I'd see you again, old man," MC said.

"Who are you?" Shadow asked, looking towards MC. He then looked at the group. "Who are all of you?"

Maria gasped and asked, "You... you don't remember me?"

"I'm sorry," Shadow replied. "I don't." He then started walking out of the capsule, but he was weakened. He was about to fall, but MC caught him.

"You alright?" MC asked.

"I'm... I'm fine," Shadow replied. "Just a little weak." MC then noticed that he didn't have the Inhibitor Rings on his wrists.

MC looked towards Maria and said, "Maria! His rings!"

"Right," Maria said. She then walked towards Shadow and she put Shadow's rings onto his wrists. Shadow then got more energy in him.

"What? What are these?" Shadow asked.

"Those rings are what keep your power in you and not burn out so easily," Maria said. "I know because they originally belong to you." MC then pulled Maria over to a corner.

"I checked him over," MC said. "It's him, alright. But it would seem that he landed on his head, causing him to get amnesia."

"I didn't even think that Shadow would be able to survive a fall like that," Maria said. She then sighed. "It feels like he's here, but he's lost as well."

"We'll find a way to get his memories back," MC said. "Sometimes, the best way to regain forgotten memories is to have him return to certain areas or repeat certain actions. Even repeat words from the past to him." Then there was a beeping coming from Olive.

Olive checked her scanner and said, "Eggman's been spotted in those old ruins on the beach."

"I don't have any room in my car for everyone here," MC said. Just then, his keys were levitated out of MC's hand in a red aura.

"We'll follow you in the car," Sunset said. "I'll drive." She then ran out of the room, Starlight and Trixie following.

"Hey! Don't you scratch it!" MC said, following. Then the others followed.

At a Hawaiian themed restaurant on a beach, Amy, Cream, Cheese, some of the Crusaders and Spike were there. The only Crusaders there were Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Nyx and Joshua.

"It's too bad that the others couldn't join us," Sweetie Belle said.

"Yeah," Apple Bloom said. "Ma, Pa, Big Mac, Sugar Belle and Granny are helpin' out with the repairs and refurnishin' o' Babs's apartment in Manehattan."

"Not to mention that Twist is on vacation with her family," Scootaloo said.

"Goes for Dinky and her family as well," Joshua said.

"Boy, this is one boring visit," Nyx said.

"Don't forget the real reason why we're here," Spike said, pulling up the newspaper. "It appears that somebody looking like Sonic has taken a little helpless Chao and the frog belonging to Big the Cat."

"Chocola is Cheese's twin brother," Cream said. "We have to find him and Froggy before something bad happens."

"FROGGY!!" came Big the Cat's voice. They all looked towards the voice and saw Big the Cat walking towards the group.

"It's Big!" Joshua said. The group walked towards Big.

"Are you okay, Big?" Amy asked.

"I need to find Froggy!" Big said.

"Maybe we should work together," Nyx said. "We'll go a lot more faster if we work together."

"That's a good idea," Amy said. "Alright, everyone. Let's get going." Then the nine of them headed out.

"Oh, boy," Spike said. "Twilight's not gonna be too happy about this."

It then went to another place.

The Young 6 walked towards the place with Ocellus holding a list.

"Okay, guys," Ocellus said. "This is the last place that will want us to do some community service."

"I still don't see why we got fired from all the others," Gallus said.

"That's because that every other place we went to ended up torched, smashed or drowned," Sandbar said.

"How was I supposed to know that the penguins weren't so fond of seaponies?" Silverstream asked. Then they headed for the door. Ocellus knocked on the door. The door opened up and revealed a certain character with headphones.

"Oh, you must be here for the community services," Vector replied. "I was told you would be coming here."

"So, what do you do here?" Gallus asked.

"Well, we usually get called for cases, but nobody has been calling us lately," Vector said. Espio then walked out of the place.

"We've been trying to do other jobs just to pay the bills," Espio said. "Since there's no job for us to do, there's not much you all can do." Just then, there was the sound of buzzing. The group looked towards the buzzing and saw Charmy holding a box.

"IT'S HERE!! YEAH!!" Charmy said, before crashing into Vector.

"Whoa!!" Vector called out. The box that Charmy was holding was sent flying into the air, about to crash into the ground, but Espio threw a dagger towards the box, the blade catching the rope and the dagger connecting to the tree.

"Okay, that was pretty cool," Gallus said.

"I wish I could do that," Smolder said.

"It takes years of practice," Espio said. "Unless you're Alex Lynol."

"What's wrong with you?!" Vector shouted at Charmy.

"It's here! It's here! We got work!" Charmy said.

"WHAT?!" Vector asked in shock. Then the box started shaking, the lid opening up, and a walkie-talkie flying out of it, heading towards Vector. "Whoa!!" Vector then caught it and a voice came out of it.

"I've heard good things about you and require your detective services. And I can pay handsomely!"

Vector and Charmy were getting excited, their eyes changing into dollar signs.

Espio walked towards the group and said, "I got a bad feeling about this."

Vector walked towards Espio and said, "Espio, don't be silly. Besides, you know our policy! We never turn down work that pays!"

"Yeah, you know our policy!" Charmy said.

"C'mon, all of you. Let's go!" Vector said, walking off.

"Yes, sir!" Charmy said, following Vector.

Espio looked towards the Young 6 and said, "I'm certain that there's something up with this new client. Besides, I'd rather work with a client I'd actually see first."

"Lizard really concerned?" Yona asked.

"I'm a chameleon," Espio said.

"A chameleon?" Ocellus asked. "You mean you can blend into the background?"

"That's right," Espio said. He then vanished from sight. "Now, we should get going." The sound of footsteps came. The Young 6 looked at each other and started following the Chaotix.

The Mane 6, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles arrived on a beach area somewhere.

"According to Nicole, Eggman has been spotted around this area," Tails said.

"This is going to be one heck of an adventure," Rainbow Dash said. "I can't wait to take down Eggman again."

"Hopefully, not too much for Maria's sake," Fluttershy said.

"Oh, right," Applejack said. "Since Eggman is Maria's only living relative."

"Well, we'll only capture him," Twilight said. "We need to get going."

"You're right, Twilight," Sonic said. "Let's get moving." Then the group started heading down the area together. What they didn't realize was that three other groups were going through the same area. One group being Shadow, Rouge, Omega, MC, Maria, Olive, Starlight, Sunset and Trixie. Another being Amy, Cream, Cheese, Big, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Spike, Nyx and Joshua. And the last group being the Chaotix and the Young 6.

Somewhere on the beach area, Shadow's group arrived at a place. MC's car was pulling up behind Shadow, Rouge, Omega and MC.

"Olive, you sure that Eggman was spotted around here?" MC asked. "I don't see, hear, or even smell him." Olive, Maria, Sunset, Starlight and Trixie got out of the car.

"I'm pretty sure that he was spotted around here," Olive said.

"Sensors detecting an aircraft coming towards us," Omega said. Just then, the sound of engines whirling came to them. They looked around and saw something coming towards them and hovered in front of them.

"So, you're the ones playing games with my army!" came Doctor Eggman's voice.

"Primary target detected," Omega said. "Apprehend Doctor Eggman."

"You must be Omega!" Eggman said. "Hmph! Is that anyway to treat your creator? Now, witness your master's real power!" Eggman then pushed a button on the control console, and a missile came towards them. It only hit the car, blowing it up.

"No, no, no! Not my car!" MC called out. He then looked towards Eggman with an angry expression. "You're gonna pay for that." He then bared his claws.

"Come and get me!" Eggman called out as the Egg Hawk was flying backwards. The group started chasing the Egg Hawk.

The heroes continued chasing the Egg Hawk through the ruins. The Egg Hawk was firing at the heroes, but they kept missing or Starlight and Sunset kept teleporting out of the way.

Omega fired missiles towards the Egg Hawk, the Egg Hawk taking little damage.

"Egg Hawk taken minor damage," Omega said.

"If it's immune to missiles, then I'll slash it!" MC said. He then sped up and took out the jets so it wouldn't move away.

"Why you!" Eggman said angrily. "Initiate Rotary Attack!" The Egg Hawk then started spinning counterclockwise, slowly. It was also firing bullets and laser blasts towards the group.

"This thing isn't giving up so easily," Shadow said as he and Maria were running around. MC then joined the two. He started sniffing.

"What the heck?" MC asked.

"What is it, MC?" Maria asked.

"I can't seem to find Eggman's scent," MC said. "That doesn't make any sense."

Rouge was flying over the Egg Hawk, carrying Olive and Trixie. Rouge then said, "He must be masking his scent so you wouldn't track him."

"That is a possibility," Olive said.

Sunset and Starlight went along with Shadow, MC and Maria.

"How are we going to stop that thing?" Starlight asked.

"MC destroyed the moving mechanism so it wouldn't be going anywhere," Sunset said. "We need something to take it down. Possibly, something very heavy."

"I can manipulate my density to make myself very heavy," MC said. "It's how I was able to walk across the moon like it was normal gravity. But I need to get up really high!"

"I got your back," Starlight said. She then looked towards Sunset, Shadow and Maria. "Just give us some time."

"On it," Shadow said. The three then charged at the Egg Hawk, Rouge, Omega, Olive and Trixie joining in. They took out the guns and other weapons. Olive then went towards Eggman and tried punching him, but Eggman deflected every attack.

"You think that's going to stop me?" Eggman asked. "I hold all the power, which is my perfect mind! You are so done for!" He then punched Olive off of him, making her land in the sand. "Now, to bury you!"

What Eggman didn't expect was Starlight teleporting MC 150 feet up above him, and he was coming down fast. He came down and landed on the spine of the Egg Hawk, bending it and it exploding, Eggman in his Egg Mobile going up from it.

"This isn't the end!!" Eggman called out as he was hovering away.

MC came out of the wreckage and came towards the group.

"That was a good plan," Shadow said. "Good job."

"No problem, man," MC said, holding out his fist. Shadow was confused by that. "You pound it lightly with your fist. It's called a fist bump."

"Oh," Shadow said, doing the motion. "Guess there a lot more things I have to learn. Even if I have to remember my own past." Then they all started walking away.

"That was so easy," Trixie said. "The Great and Powerful Trrrrixie is so much more powerful than she thought she was."

"I think it wasn't as simple as we thought it was," Sunset said. "It's like... he wanted us to stop him."

"You're right," Olive said. "Almost like he was collecting data on us for the perfect weapon, whatever it is."

"For whatever it's worth, we weren't battling at full strength," Shadow said. They all started walking away.

"Luckily enough, we can track where he's going," Olive said. "I put a tracer in his Egg Mobile when I went up to the controls."

"Good," Rouge said. "Let's follow his trail."

As Eggman was flying away, he looked down at the heroes walking away from the wreckage. Then he said something, and not in his normal voice, "Ultimate Life Form Data... has been copied."

Later, The Mane 6, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles arrived at the wreckage. Sonic then asked, "What happened here?"

"Looks like there was a battle here," Twilight said. She then flew over the remains of the Egg Hawk. "Looks like something thin yet heavy landed in the middle of it."

Tails then hovered towards where Twilight was and looked at the dent. He then said, "MC was here."

"I'm also detecting some magic use from here," Twilight said. "Two very talented unicorns." She then smiled. "Starlight and Sunset."

"We also got some traces of Chaos Energy," Knuckles said. "Maria must've been here. Unless they found Shadow. But, I'm guessing it was Maria."

"Well, looks like the others are getting in on this party as well," Sonic said. "No way we're gonna miss it." Then he started running off.

"Wait for us!" Pinkie Pie said, following Sonic. The others then joined in with following Sonic. Twilight then looked around.

"What are you up to this time, Doctor," Twilight said. She then started following the others, heading off for the remainder of the adventure.

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
The Sonic Heroes Saga (Part 2): Energy Collision

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