• Published 23rd Jan 2022
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 2) - Mister E-Nonymous

The continuation story of the entire continent containing Equestria and beyond being on Earth, and they go on new adventures with what's left of the Freedom Fighters, since there is no need for them to fight for something they now have.

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Episode 3: The Chaos Saga (Part 3): The Egg Carrier

Episode 3: The Chaos Saga (Part 3)

The Egg Carrier

At a waterfall somewhere in the Mystic Ruins, Applejack, Rarity, MC and Knuckles were standing in front of it. Knuckles was holding the shard of the Master Emerald.

"So, let me get this straight," MC said. "Some kind of red light surrounded your head and the next thing you knew, you found yourself in the past?"

"That's exactly what happened," Knuckles said. "It was like I could see what happened in the past."

"Perhaps that experience of the past was a sign," Rarity said. "Perhaps there was something in the past that could help you with this current predicament."

"Like there's something back there that can tell ya 'bout that creature's origin?" Applejack asked.

"Exactly," Rarity responded.

"You might have a point, Rares," MC said. "Anyway, we should get back to finding the Master Emerald shards."

"Good call," Knuckles said. Then they headed away from the waterfall.

In the garage of Freedom Fighters mansion, Tails and Maria were working on the X-Tornado. Maria was helping as much as she could.

"Why would Julian take a little bird?" Maria asked. "It's not exactly big enough to be roboticized."

"You're right about that, Maria," Tails said. "Somethings up with him." He then turned towards Maria and said, "Hand me the five-eighths inch socket." Maria then handed him a socket. Tails inspected it. "Sorry, Maria, but this is three-quarters. Good try, though."

"Sorry," Maria said. "I'm not good with tools as good as you are." Maria grabbed the right socket and handed it to Tails.

"It's alright," Tails said. "A lot has changed since your time."

"I know," Maria said. "I never imagined Earth would be this magnificent. But it's all so advanced." She then sighed. "I just wish 'he' could be here with me to see it."

"Who are you talking about?" Tails asked, looking at Maria.

"It's... well..." Maria said. Just then, Sonic rushed in.

"Hey, Tails," Sonic said. "Is it ready?"

"All set," Tails said, closing the engine cover. He then looked back at Maria. "We'll talk about that later, Maria." Maria nodded.

"Maria, you watch over Cream and Cheese until we get back," Sonic said.

"Okay," Maria said. She then headed out of there as Twilight and Rainbow Dash came in.

"So, where are we going to find the doctor?" Twilight asked.

"We don't know," Tails said. "We'll just fly over the place, and we'll find where Eggman's base is."

"Hopefully, Nyx, Joshua and the other Crusaders have luck on finding that frog," Twilight said.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Emerald Coast, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Big were all looking around the coast line.

"Are you sure that your frog is here?" Nyx asked.

"Yup," Big said. "I usually bring Froggy here whenever we get away from our troubles."

"Wow," Apple Bloom said. "Heck, this would be one good place fer a picnic. Too bad we didn't bring anythin'."

"Hang on," Joshua said. "Let's take a selfie." Joshua then held up his arm with a communicator on his wrist.

"Where did you get one of those?" Dinky asked.

"I got it from the Freedom Fighters before we left," Joshua said. "Nyx has one, too. In case something happens, we'll call the Freedom Fighters, and they'll come pick us up."

"Good call," Babs said. "So, where should we start?"

"Oh, we won't have to go looking," Big said. He then attached something to the hook on his fishing reel. "Froggy always comes to this whenever we need to go on home." Just then, they saw the X-Tornado flying over them. On the wings, they could see Sonic and Rainbow Dash waving towards them. The kids responded back.

"Okay, that's awesome!" Scootaloo said.

"Alright," Nyx said. "Let's just sit on the beach."

"Wish we could've brought some lunch," Apple Bloom said. Then a flash of light appeared in front of Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom saw that it was a large picnic basket with a note on it. "'Thought ya kids would be hungry. All snacks have been labeled. Good luck getting that frog.' Thanks, Twi."

"Twilight must've been in the X-Tornado with the others," Nyx said. "We'll wait until we start to get hungry before we eat."

"Good call," Big said. "If I get a fish, I can at least cook it and get a meal."

"You do you, Big," Scootaloo said. "What is it with cats and fish?" Scootaloo looked at Babs, who just shrugged her shoulders.

Meanwhile, aboard the Egg Carrier, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Amy and the bird known as Lily were all stuck in a jail cell, waiting for a sliver of hope to come.

"What are we going to do?" Fluttershy asked. "What does Doctor Robotnik want with us?"

"I don't know," Amy said. "But, whatever it is, it can't be good."

"We need to get out of here!" Pinkie Pie shouted. "I can't stand being locked up like a crazy pony!" She then grabbed the bars and started shaking them. But then, an electrical shock came in, and she went towards the wall on the other side of the cell. "Ow."

Amy sighed, looked at Fluttershy, and asked, "You got any better ideas?" Fluttershy shook her head.

Meanwhile, in another room of the Egg Carrier, the five robots from before were all standing in a line together in front of a stage. All in numerical order. Then Doctor Eggman appeared on the stage.

"Attention, my loyal robots," Doctor Eggman said to the five robots. "I have some instructions that I need you all to listen very carefully." All of the robots stood tall. Then an image of Froggy with a tail came up. "This is your target. This frog has an unusual appearance as you can see. This frog has grown a tail. The frog has been possessed by Chaos's tail. Your mission is to grab the frog, and get it back here."

The robots saluted and all of them said, "Yes, doctor."

"Good," Doctor Eggman said. "Now, go!" Then the robots headed out.

Somewhere in the Mystic Ruins, Applejack, Rarity, MC and Knuckles had arrived in an old temple.

"Ew, gross," Rarity said.

"Oh, please, Rares," MC said. "You've been outvoted whenever to get to the castle through the sewers. The sewer is more dirty and stinky than an old temple. Besides, there's so much history in places like this."

Rarity then thought about it and said, "Meh. Might as well." Then the four of them headed into the temple. They looked around until they saw a huge column.

"Wait a minute," Applejack said. "Ah see a glow up there."

Knuckles and MC stood back to look up there. Knuckles then said, "It could be a piece of the Master Emerald."

MC's eyes then started glowing in a golden aura and said, "More like most of the Master Emerald shards. " MC then used his powers to make a wheelbarrow. Then him and MC got up on the column. MC then looked down as Knuckles was still climbing. "We'll drop the Emeralds towards you, and you put them into the wheel barrow."

"No problem, Sugarcube," Applejack said.

MC came to the top of the column to see Knuckles laying down on the top of the column, in a trance.

"Knuckles?" MC asked. "Knuckles!" He then tried shaking him awake. "Not again!"

Knuckles found himself in the past. He looked around.

"What is this place?" Knuckles asked. He then noticed something that seamed almost familiar to him. "Wait. Is that...?" He then started running towards it. There, he saw a bunch of Chao and the girl echidna from before.

"My father just won't understand, Chaos," Tikal said. "He'll be arriving soon with an army to get what you're protecting. We have to run. Please." But then, the chao around her looked up at her with a sad smile. "It's going to be okay. I promise. We'll find a more peaceful place to live." Then the chao started pushing her up the steps of the shrine. "Whoa! Where are you taking me?" They reached the top to see the Master Emerald. Tikal then gasped. "I see now. The servers are... the seven Chaos. Enriched from the heart."

Then it faded around them. Knuckles found himself being carried by Applejack and Rarity as they were heading off somewhere. He then looked around.

"What the heck?" Knuckles asked.

"Ah, good," Applejack said. "Yer awake."

"Good," came MC's voice from in front of them. "We're almost back at the shrine."

Knuckles looked towards the front and saw the shrine. Knuckles then got up, and headed for the right side of the wheelbarrow.

"Let's get this up to the top," Knuckles said, lifting the right side of the wheelbarrow. MC did the same with the left. They climbed the stairs to the top. Applejack and Rarity followed. Knuckles then picked up the Emerald shards. "Time to repair the Master Emerald." The shards then floated towards the shrine, and the Master Emerald became restored. But not all the way.

"Gracious!" Rarity said. "It's still not finished!"

"You're right," Knuckles said. "We need to find the rest." Then an image of something appeared on the Master Emerald. "What is that?"

"Wait a minute," MC said. "That's Eggman's symbol on it. That's an airship. We need to get back to the mansion and get into the Spirit of Freedom."

"Good call, Sugarcube," Applejack said. "Let's get goin'." Then the four of them headed down the steps.

"Although, how are we going to find the doctor's base?" Rarity asked.

"That's a good point," MC said. "We're gonna need some help."

Back over at the coast, the robots arrived there to search for Froggy. It was the same coast that the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Big were in. All of them were saying different ways of finding the frog.

"Find the frog," Gamma said. "Must find it for the Doctor." He then heard something.

"Hey! I got him! I got him!" came the voice of Big. That made Gamma look towards the group. They saw Big holding his Chaos tailed frog.

Gamma started walking towards the group, but then he stopped when he heard his robot teammates said something.

"I have Froggy," said Epsilon.

"No, I have Froggy," said Beta.

"It is I who have Froggy," said Zeta.

"No, I have Froggy, said Delta.

Gamma looked back at the other robots, seeing that the others didn't have Froggy. Gamma then looked back at the Crusaders and Big.

Big and the Crusaders were all walking away together and Nyx said, "This is a good day. At least we won't have to worry about Doctor Eggman getting him."

"Yeah," Joshua said. "Who knows what would happen if he did get it?" Just then, Gamma's robot arm reached in and grabbed Froggy and ran off. The Crusaders then looked towards Big, and saw that Froggy was gone.

"Hey!" Dinky said. "That bot got Froggy!"

They looked towards the Robot.

"I have the real Froggy!" Gamma said. Big and the Crusaders ran towards the robots. They chased the robots into a door that led to the Egg Carrier. Just then, the Egg Carrier took off with Big and the Crusaders inside.

"I think we're gonna be late for dinner," Twist said.

"We have to find Froggy!" Big said.

"You're right," Joshua said. "Look." Joshua pointed at something. There was an Eggman logo.

"We're in Eggman's base!!" the Crusaders said in unison.

In another room, the robots were complaining about which one of them have the real Froggy. Just then, Doctor Eggman walked into the room. The Robots stood in attention, holding out the frogs they had. Doctor Eggman looked at the frogs.

"You fools!" Doctor Eggman shouted. "None of you got the right frog! Neither one of you has the real frog I'm looking for! You all failed me! I should have you all torn apart!" Just then, he saw the frog that was in Gamma's hands, which was Froggy. "Gamma! You got the right frog!" He then took the frog in his hands. "Gamma, you surprised me." He then turned towards the others. "All four of you are done for!" Then lights came down from over Beta, Delta, Epsilon and Zeta. They were teleported away, Beta lasted longer on being teleported. Then they were gone. Then Gamma looked back at Doctor Eggman. "Gamma, there's one more thing I need you to do. In the prison room, there are three girls, and a little bird. Bring me the bird."

"Yes, doctor," Gamma said. He then walked off. Gamma then walked off.

Somewhere in the Egg Carrier, Big and the Crusaders were looking everywhere.

"Man, this place is so big," Scootaloo said.

"Yeah," Babs said. "This place is bigger than the park back in Manehattan. And the one in New York City."

Just then, the sound of robotic foot steps came to their attention. Then all nine of them hid when Gamma came past them. They stayed hidden.

"We better find Froggy before it's too late," Joshua said. Then the nine of them started searching the place.

Gamma walked into one room, but instead of a prison room, there was a robot being torn apart. Gamma noticed that the robot was...

"Beta!" Gamma said. Gamma was shocked by the dissemblance of Beta. He then left the room quickly. He then said, "This is the wrong room." He then headed away from there. He then walked into another room.

In the room was Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Amy and Lily. They all came together when Gamma walked in. They watched as Gamma approached them.

"Give me the bird!" Gamma said.

"Not gonna happen!" Amy replied angrily.

"I repeat my command! Give me the bird!" Gamma said.

"And I said no!" Amy shouted back.

"You don't have the right to take this bird!" Fluttershy said.

"Why not?" Gamma asked.

"Why do you even need the bird in the first place?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Objection: Unknown," Gamma replied.

"You don't even know?" Amy asked. "You know what, if you don't know, then why don't you let us out?"

"Not apart of task," Gamma replied.

"Seriously?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"You have been doing nothing but following the doctor for his own selfish needs," Fluttershy said. "Why not do something for your own good?" Then Lily flew up to Gamma, chirping in distress.

"Warning: Logical circuits overloading!" Gamma said. "Must follow protocol. Must follow protocol. Must..." Multiple images was showing up in Gamma's database. He saw the dissemblance of Beta, his robotic brothers being teleported away, Amy, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy begging, and Doctor Eggman commanding him. He then stopped at one image, that involved Amy, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. "Must... let you go." He then fired a blast at a control panel that opens the door. The door opened.

"You're... letting us go?" Amy asked.

"You must run," Gamma said. "Go." Pinkie, Fluttershy and Amy looked at each other.

"Thank you," the three said in unison before running off. Gamma than looked at his robot hand.

"Must understand more," Gamma said.

Meanwhile, in a canyon, MC, Knuckles, Rarity and Applejack were walking to get to the train station.

"This is taking us too long," Knuckles said.

"We're never going to find Eggman's base!" MC said. Just then, MC's communicator beeped. He then answered it. "Hello?"

"MC, we got a problem," came Joshua's voice.

"What is it, Joshua?" MC asked.

"Eggman has the Frog," Joshua said. "A bunch of robots came and took him from us, and we followed him into this weird garage thing, and we found ourselves on Eggman's airship."

"Great," MC said. "That's just great. Now what are we...?" MC then got a realization. "Wait a minute. Wait a minute. We can use that. Nicole, activate Joshua's tracer."

"What's that gonna do?" Applejack asked.

"It'll lead us to Eggman's base," MC said. Just then, the X-Tornado came in.

"Hey, guys! Goin' my way?!" Sonic called out.

"Perfect!" MC said. "Tails, Nicole has activated Joshua's tracer. He, the Crusaders and Big are on the Egg Carrier as we speak, Which means..."

"We can use his tracer to get to Eggman's new Egg Carrier!" Tails said, finishing MC's sentence. "Great idea!" Applejack and Rarity got into the last two seats while MC and Knuckles were standing on the right wing of the X-Tornado. The X-Tornado then took off.

In the Egg Carrier, Doctor Eggman was looking at the screens. But then, there was a beeping noise. Doctor Eggman checked the radars and got angry.

"What?!" Doctor Eggman shouted. "How did they find my Egg Carrier so fast?!" He then pushed a button and a bunch of laser turrets fired towards the X-Tornado.

"Whoa!!" the eight heroes called out.

"We got to board his ship!" MC called out.

"Luckily, Maria and I made some modifications to the X-Tornado," Tails said. "Behold!" Tails then pushed a button and the X-Tornado changed. The two jet boosters transformed into arms. One with a blade, and one with a shield. "Behold: X-Tornado Battle Armor Mode!"

"Sweet job, Tails!" Sonic said.

"I'll add some finishing touches," MC said. He then had his hand started glowing and then he put his hand on the wing, and the glowing extended to the rest of the X-Tornado. "X-Tornado is now indestructible."

"Sweet!" Sonic said. "Let's go!" Then the X-Tornado started flying faster. The Egg Carrier started firing more missiles. The X-Tornado's sword sliced through the missiles.

"Nice move," MC said.

"Yeah," Twilight said. "That was almost like MC's Chaos Claw."

"Where do you think I got the data from for this sword?" Tails asked.

The Egg Carrier then brought out it's cannon.

"Looks like it's that cannon again!" Rainbow Dash said.

"I got this!" MC said. He then fired a blast towards the Cannon, and it exploded.

"Whoa!" Sonic said. "Nice shot, MC!"

"Alright, Tails!" MC said. "Take us for a landing!"

"Landing?!" Tails asked. He then screamed. "Oh no!! Maria and I forgot to install the landing gear for this mode!"

"WHAT?!" Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Sonic, MC and Knuckles all asked in unison. Then the X-Tornado came down and crashed onto the Egg Carrier.

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
The Chaos Saga (Part 4):
Bringing Down the Carrier

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