• Published 23rd Jan 2022
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 2) - Mister E-Nonymous

The continuation story of the entire continent containing Equestria and beyond being on Earth, and they go on new adventures with what's left of the Freedom Fighters, since there is no need for them to fight for something they now have.

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Episode 16: The Sonic Heroes Saga (Part 3): Eggman's Terminal

Episode 16: The Sonic Heroes Saga (Part 3):

Eggman's Terminal

In a train car, MC was fast asleep, in between Maria and Sunset. He was woken up when Shadow kicked his foot slightly. MC's sudden wake woke up Maria and Sunset.

"What's up, old man?" MC asked.

"The trains got split up," Shadow said. "We're in some part of an old canyon. Eggman carvings all over the place."

MC then walked over towards the door, Maria and Sunset following. They saw what looks like a train station that the train stopped in.

MC then started sniffing around and said, "Odd."

"What's odd?" Starlight asked.

"I don't smell Eggman," MC said.

"Eggman's Egg Mobile detected," Omega said. "Must pursue."

"MC is the most skilled tracker we know," Olive said. "How can he not smell him if he's here?"

"We'll figure it out later," Rouge said. "Right now, we need to find him and take him in before he starts his evil plan."

"Then we should head out immediately," Shadow said. "We don't know how far we'd have to go to get to Eggman from here."

"Alright, everyone," MC said. "Let's go."

The Mane 6, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles were running through the canyons where the train led them.

"So big, and yet it's not going to be easy to find the doctor," Twilight said.

"We'll find him, Twilight," Sonic said. "Hopefully before anyone else does. Maybe this time, we'll beat MC's group."

"You trying to compete with MC?" Applejack asked.

"Ever since we met, he was one of the only creatures to even catch up with me," Sonic responded.

"Tails, how much time is left?" Sonic asked.

"We got until sunset," Tails responded.

"Then we need to give it all we got, full speed ahead," Sonic said. Then the nine of them started running.

In another part of the Canyon, Amy, Cream, Cheese, Big, Spike and the Crusaders were running through the canyons. Big was sniffing.

"Hmm... I smell Froggy!" Big said.

"Chocola, chao chao!" Cheese said.

"Cheese says that Chocola is real close," Cream said.

"All right, let's go," Amy said. They ran through the canyon with Spike and the Crusaders following.

"Ya think we'll get ta Eggman before the others?" Apple Bloom asked.

"We're about to find out," Amy said. "Let's get there."

In another part of the canyon, the Chaotix and the Young 6 were running down a metal path.

"This has got to be Eggman's base," Vector said as the walkie-talkie was beeping.

"Security is tight around here, so watch your backs," came the client's voice through the walkie-talkie.

"Just the way we like it!" Vector said.

"Cool!" Charmy said.

"All right, let me take point," Espio said, charging ahead. The Young Six followed Espio, keeping up with him.

"So, you think there's something up with the client?" Sandbar asked.

"I don't really trust my clients until I see them in person," Espio said. "I need to know who the client is."

Back in another part of the canyon, MC's group arrived at a butte with a cannon at the top. There was a door at the bottom of the butte.

"What the heck is in there?" Trixie asked.

MC then used his golden aura eyes to look inside. MC sighed and said, "It's an ambush." He then sighed. "I'm gonna use my matteriokinesis to pry open the door. Omega, you use your..." He was interrupted by the sound of bending metal. Then the sound of bashing metal came from behind the door. MC and Starlight looked in through the hole to see Shadow standing at the end of a hall. Then the metal doors fell inward.

"You were taking too long with a plan, so I had to take action," Shadow said. Then the others went in, heading towards Shadow.

"Wow," MC said. "You've got some skills, old man."

"I'm not that much older than you," Shadow said.

"That he knows of," Maria whispered into Sunset's ear, making her giggle.

"Right, because of the fifty years of suspended animation," Sunset said.

"Let's go," Rouge said. They all headed into the butte. They all headed in and it was completely dark for any of them to see.

"Sensors are being blocked," Omega said as his eyes were glowing.

"This entire butte must have a metal shell underneath the rock," Olive said. "I can't even get a cell phone signal."

"Stick together, everyone," MC said. "We don't want to trigger any traps."

"Whoa!!" Maria's voice came.

"Maria!" MC shouted. Sunset, Starlight and Trixie lit up their horns to light the way. They all looked and saw six holes in the floor. Maria was in one of them. Then all of them fell into different holes went something under them was moving. Just then, whatever was in the floor started rising and headed up to the cannon on top. The cannon fired, sending the nine of them towards somewhere.

Coincidentally, they all got fired past the Mane 6, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles. They looked back to see what the noise was.

"What was that?" Fluttershy asked.

"Meh, probably nothing involving Eggman," Pinkie Pie said, shrugging her shoulders. Then the nine of them continued on moving.

At another butte, MC's group were lodged in a crater, all of them in a stack of each other. In front was Maria. Then there was Shadow, Sunset, Olive, Starlight, Trixie, Rouge and Omega. They all, except Omega, got out of the crater on the side of the butte. Just then, they all looked around.

"Hey, where's MC?" Starlight asked. Just then, she heard groaning. They all looked back up at Omega and saw that he was pushed out.

"How did I end up a cushion for a rogue robot?" MC asked. He then stretched. "Oh, man. This is gonna be a lot tougher for me to loosen these joints."

"Why not just go get a massage?" Trixie asked.

"I tried all of them, but none of the masseuses were able to remove all the stress I have," MC said. "Not unless that person is really strong."

Starlight and Trixie looked at each other and smirked. Starlight then said, "You haven't tried Bulk Biceps's massage. I'm sure he'll be able to loosen you up."

"After the mission, I'll do that," MC said. "C'mon. Let's go." Then all of them headed off, but Shadow stopped him.

"First, let me get you as loose as you can," Shadow said as he had his arms wrapped around MC's body. He then picked MC up and then a popping sound came from MC.

"Ooh!" MC said. "Whoa. That feels so much better. Alright, let's go." Then they all continued walking.

The Crusaders, Spike, Amy, Cream, Cheese and Big arrived at a long metal path. Just then, something came flying in front of them.

"Whoa!" Spike said. "What is that thing?!"

"It's Eggman!" Amy said.

"Cheese, you'll be reunited with Chocola very soon!" Cream said excitedly, Cheese dancing around.

"Froggy, too?" Big asked.

"Oh yeah!" Scootaloo said. "This is gonna be awesome!"

"Ya got that right, Scoots," Apple Bloom said.

"If we can stop Eggman..." Sweetie Belle said.

"Then we can be respected as heroes," Nyx said. "Kinda like Spike in the Crystal Empire." That comment made Spike chuckle and rub the back of his head.

"Let's do this," Joshua said.

"Alright, everyone," Amy said. "Follow my lead!" Then they all started running towards the flying machine.

"Ready all cannons!" Eggman called out from the top. The top looked like the Egg Hawk. "Open fire!" Then a spiked ball came from the cannon in front of the bottom of the flying machine.

"I got this!" Amy said, pulling out her hammer.

She swung the hammer, and the spiked ball headed back towards the cannon, destroying it.

"Was that under her dress the entire time?!" Spike asked.

"I think it's best not to question it when she's holding that thing," Joshua said.

"C'mon!" Amy said. Then they continued running. Big on the other hand grabbed his fishing rod and reeled a lure and hooked it on the cable from the bottom of the flying machine that connects to the balloon part. He then pulled on it, making the cable snap. The flying machine was getting off balance. Then the machine disconnected the other cables.

"You're going to regret this!" Eggman said as the flying machine kept flying away.

"Nice job, Big!" Joshua said. Big chuckled at that.

"What are we gonna do next?" Nyx asked.

"I'll fly towards that balloon and let out some air," Spike said. He then started flying towards the balloon, dodging some more spiked balls. He then reached the balloon and used his claws to cut the balloon, letting out a lot of air.

"Ah! Retreat!" Eggman called out when the top part came off the balloon. The Egg Hawk Mark II was flying away as quickly as possible.

"He's trying to get away!" Amy said. Then they all started running after the Egg Hawk.

From another platform, the Mane 6, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles looked down to see Amy's group chasing Eggman.

"No way," Knuckles said. "Those kids are going after Eggman?!"

"Looks like they're going to need some help!" Twilight said.

"Hold on, Twilight," Sonic said. "I wanna see this play through."

In another part of the canyon, the Young 6 and the Chaotix were destroying a bunch of capsules. Yona was getting excited about smashing them.

"How is smashing a bunch of capsules going to stop Eggman's plan?" asked Espio.

"It'll stop him from using his backup plan," came the client's voice from the walkie-talkie. "Continue smashing them before he thinks of using what's inside!"

"Sounds like a plan to me," Vector said.

"Yona loves to smash!!" Yona shouted.

Sandbar sighed happily, knowing that Yona was having a great time.

"Oh, brother," Smolder said, leaning on a capsule. Just then, the capsule started falling over, Smolder almost falling with it. "Whoa-oa-oa!!" Gallus and Silverstream caught her before she fell over. Smolder then started flapping her wings. "Thanks for the quick help, but I got it."

But down below, the capsule landed right behind MC's group, startling all of them. They all looked over at the capsule.

"Whoa!" Maria said. "I'm so glad we weren't standing there when it came down."

"Yeah," Rouge said. "C'mon. Let's continue." The others continued walking, but Maria saw something from the capsule. She then looked inside if and saw something, screaming after seeing what was in it.

MC noticed Maria's scared voice and rushed towards her and what she was looking at.

"Son of a jackal," MC said.

"What is it?" Maria asked.

MC picked up what was in the capsule and saw it was a copy of Shadow, at least the top half of Shadow. MC then said, "Must be some kind of android copy."

"A Shadow Android?" Maria asked. "Why would Julian want to make one?"

"Perhaps to throw us off with the real Shadow being locked up in that base," MC said. "That capsule he was in... It wasn't just to contain him, it was also to scan him, making a bunch of copies in other bases."

"What are we going to do?" Maria asked.

"Once we stop Eggman's current scheme, I'll go around and destroy every base that's possibly mass-producing these things," MC said. "That way, there won't be any more of these things." Maria then got upset. MC then looked back towards the group. "C'mon, let's get to the others before they notice." MC and Maria then used their super speed to get back with the others.

Amy, Cream, Cheese, Big, Spike and the Crusaders continued chasing Doctor Eggman.

"He's trying to get away!" Spike called out.

"I'll teleport Amy to the controls of that thing!" Nyx said.

"You can do that?" Amy asked.

"Oh, please," Nyx said. "It's not the first time I've teleported someone from one place to another. Although, I was exhausted from teleporting my entire class from that base back to Ponyville."

"Alright, teleport me!" Amy said.

Nyx then lit up her horn and the aura surrounding Nyx's horn appeared around Amy. Then Amy vanished. Amy then reappeared over the Egg Hawk and landed in the cockpit.

"Whaah!!" Eggman cried out.

"Hyaaaaaaah!" Amy said before swinging down her hammer on the controls, making the Egg Hawk self destruct. Amy was lucky to get out of the explosion in time. The Egg Hawk eventually crashed on the path. The others got to Amy.

"Nice job, Amy!" Scootaloo said. "That was awesome!"

"Hey, I wouldn't have finished him off if it weren't for Nyx's magic," Amy said. She then handed Scootaloo her phone. "Here, I wanna live stream this." Scootaloo was confused at that, but Joshua helped her out with it.

"And we're rolling in 3... 2... 1..." Joshua said.

"Hey, everyone!" Amy said, looking at the phone. "Amy of the Freedom Fighters here. And here we have one of Doctor Eggman's fighting vehicles. And my friends and I here have just defeated Doctor Eggman." The other groups were watching the live stream. One was watching on Tails's tablet, MC had it on a holographic screen coming from his right glove, and Sandbar had his tablet out for the group to watch it. "Now, we're going to confront the doctor."

Amy was then walking over towards the body of Doctor Eggman, which was laying belly up. Amy was about to grab it but before she touched it, a little Eggman head with a sprung out eye sprung out of the chest.

"Muhahaha! Muhahaha!" a recording came from the Eggman decoy.

Amy stomped her foot angrily and shouted, "Hey! It's just a stupid copy!"

"Muhahaha! Once again, you fools have been tricked!" the recording from the Eggman decoy said. "From these canyons, watch as I conquer the world with my air fleet... And this time you can't stop me!"

Everyone who was watching in the canyon looked towards the sky, seeing something flying.

The Mane 6, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles looked at it angrily as Sonic said, "Drat! A trap to stall for time!"

Back with MC's group, Omega clenched his robot hand in anger as MC growled. MC then said, "He's gonna get it."

It then went over to the Chaotix and the Young 6. "Guess that Eggman was a fake after all," Vector said.

"Of course it was!" the client said, confusing the Chaotix and the Young 6. "Listen carefully... there's a jungle just to the north of here. Go there immediately!"

"Got it," Vector said. Then they started heading north.

Back with MC's group, MC was noticing something. "Guys, I see some air ships still rising."

"So there's a possible way to get us up there," Shadow said.

"Omega, you're still connected to Eggman's mainframe, right?" Rouge asked.

"Affirmative," Omega said.

"Are there any other Eggman bases around here?" Rouge asked.

"Scanning," Omega said, scanning around. He then stopped. "One base close by. In an old mansion north of here. We have to go through a forest just to get there."

"Alright," MC said. He then typed on Amy's live stream. "Everyone... head... north... through... forest. Egg Fleet... launching sight... located in... mansion... on... other... side."

Amy saw the comment on her live stream. She then said, "A Chao-napping."

"But, why?" Cream asked.

"I'm not really sure, but betcha Dr. Eggman has something to do with it!" Amy said. "And we're not gonna let him get away with it. C'mon, let's get outta here!"

The others in Amy's group called out in excitement and started running off in a certain location. But what they didn't see was the Eggman decoy melting into a silver goop and reforming. Then a voice was coming from it.

"All life form data... successfully copied."

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
The Sonic Heroes Saga (Part 4): From Old Friends to Freaky Things

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