• Published 23rd Jan 2022
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 2) - Mister E-Nonymous

The continuation story of the entire continent containing Equestria and beyond being on Earth, and they go on new adventures with what's left of the Freedom Fighters, since there is no need for them to fight for something they now have.

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Episode 25: The Black Comet Saga (Part 5): Fate of the Iron Mask

Episode 25: The Black Comet Saga (Part 5):

Fate of the Iron Mask

The Freedom Fighters Spaceship was flying towards the Black Comet. MC and Tails were piloting while the rest were behind them. Shadow's face was cringing.

"You alright, old man?" MC asked.

"I'll be fine," Shadow said. "Doom. He's definitely in the Comet. For some reason, I can sense him."

"That means we have a chance to take him on when we get there," Twilight said. "We got five Chaos Emeralds and the Iron Mask has two. That means we have to get the Chaos Emeralds before Black Doom does."

"They won't stand a chance against us," Amy said, pulling out her hammer. "I'll just pile them into the ground."

"You guys focus on getting Doom," MC said. "I'm gonna see what the Iron Mask is doing here." He then sighed. "I also want to know who's under the mask."

"There's also why he brought Spike with him," Twilight said. "I want to know why he brought Spike."

"Guess we won't know until we get there," Sonic said. "Those aliens are going down."

In the Black Comet, Iron Mask and Spike were fighting the Black Aliens, trying to get into the X-Tornado.

"Why are they trying to get into the X-Tornado?!" Spike asked.

"They're after the Chaos Emeralds!" Iron Mask answered. "Doom wants all seven emeralds. We have to stop them from getting them."

"But there are too many of them!" Spike said.

But then, one alien went onto the X-Tornado and grabbed the two Chaos Emeralds. It then started running away.

"It's got the Emeralds!" Spike said.

"NO!!" Iron Mask shouted. Then the Iron Mask pulled out the rope dagger and started spinning around, Spike ducking, and the dagger started cutting through the aliens there. Iron Mask then grabbed Spike and they pursued the Black Alien that took the Chaos Emeralds.

Then the Freedom Fighters Spaceship flew in and landed near the X-Tornado. The heroes came out and Sonic asked, "What happened out here?"

"Looks like these aliens got cut by something," MC said. "By my guess, it's a rope dagger."

"What's a rope dagger?" Twilight asked.

"It's basically a dagger at the end of a rope," MC answered. "It's one of the Iron Mask's weapons that he or she knows how to use." He then started sniffing around. "Looks like Iron Mask and Spike are going in the same direction."

"Yes, you're right," came a new voice. "They're going straight to their doom."

"Who's there?!" Knuckles asked.

"Show yourself!" Sonic called out. Just then, a figure in a cloak came from above and landed at least 5 meters away from the group. "And who are you?"

The figure removed the cloak and removed a different kind of alien.

"What the heck is that?" MC asked.

"I am Eclipse," the alien answered. "Eclipse the Darkling. And I will be your doom."

"I don't think so," Shadow said. "Why are you here?"

"Shadow, Shadow, Shadow," Eclipse said, walking towards the heroes. "You really don't remember anything, do you..." He then appeared next to Shadow in a flash. "...brother?"

"What!?" Shadow asked.

"That's right," Eclipse said. "You and I have Black Doom's blood in our veins."

"You lie," Shadow said.

"Am I?" Eclipse said before moving back to where he was before. "You don't even know what your true purpose is. Black Doom has big plans for you. I don't know why, but I should be his alpha instead of you."

"We'll see about that," Shadow said. He then moved his right arm to the left, then he swung it out, calling out, "Chaos Spear!" Nothing happened. "Huh?"

"What the heck?!" Sonic asked.

"That's not possible!" Maria said.

"Oh, did I forget to mention that if Shadow and I are in the same room and we aren't on the same side, his Chaos Energy doesn't work?" Eclipse asked, smirking. "Oh, I didn't? Well then, I guess I'm gonna have to destroy you all!"

"Not gonna happen," MC said, stepping forward. He then brought out his fists, and they started glowing in a golden aura. "My power is much stronger than what you've ever experienced."

"We shall see," Eclipse said. "But later. For now... I'm gonna have to fight off that creature in the Iron Mask and that pathetic little dragon."

"No!" Twilight said, lighting up her horn. "I won't let you!"

"Forget it, Sparkles," MC said. "I'll take him on and defend Spike and the Iron Mask. You guys go after Doom."

"MC," Twilight said. "You don't have to do this."

MC faced away from Twilight, his eyes starting to glow in a golden aura, and he said, "Yes I do." He then rushed through the Comet.

"Let's hope that MC can get to them before that Eclipse guy," Tails said.

"He's a hunter," Sonic said. "He's trained all five of his senses for years. He'll just follow Spike's scent. Now, let's get to Doom before he starts off with destroying the world." Then the heroes started running through the Black Comet.

Meanwhile, back on the ARK, Midpoint, Olive and the Chaotix were walking through the halls. That was until they heard a noise.

"What was that?" Charmy asked.

"Perhaps we're not alone up here," Espio said.

Midpoint prepared his bow, and an arrow with a light at the arrow tip, aimed it towards where the noise was coming from. He then released it and the arrow lit up the path, showing a bunch of Black Aliens hiding in the dark.

"Crud," Midpoint said.

"Run. Run!" Olive said. Then all of them started running away, the Black Aliens on their tail. Olive then ran backwards, facing the Black Aliens. She extended her hands and lasers came out of her gloves, killing some of the aliens.

"That was a good effort, Olive," Espio said. "But not all that effective."

"My turn," Midpoint said, turning around quickly, preparing an arrow. He then released the arrow, and the arrow released eight circular pads, preparing an energy barrier. "We've got two minutes until the barrier starts to go down. One if they hit it with enough force."

"Then we keep moving," Vector said. "Where do we go?"

"The computer room," Midpoint said. "It's hidden deep within the ARK. It's basically between the control room and the Eclipse Cannon."

"So we get to the computer room and hide?" Espio asked. "That doesn't seem like a good plan."

"I've made modifications to the security system to the controls of the Eclipse Cannon," Midpoint said. "They found out the hard way. They need my handprint to deactivate the security system."

"And why are we heading to the computer room?" Charmy asked.

"There's a file hidden deep within one of the computers database that Shadow needs to see," Midpoint said. "He needs to know his real purpose of life. Protecting... our... planet."

Back on the Black Comet, Spike and the Iron Mask were running through the catacombs of the comet, looking everywhere for that one Black Alien with the Chaos Emeralds.

"It's gone!" Spike said. "What do we do now?"

Iron Mask just groaned and punched into the ground with frustration. "Those aliens are going to pay for taking away Earth's last chance of survival."

"Only for the better," came another voice. Spike and the Iron Mask turned to see Eclipse walking towards them. "You Earthlings will never be a match for the Black Arms. Now... prepare to die." Just then, a golden flash came in and slammed Eclipse into a nearby wall.

"Not on my watch, creepshow," came MC's voice. He came from the tunnel, making Spike smile in delight.

"Oh, yeah!" Spike said, jumping up and flapping his wings. "Just what we need. The powerhouse of the Freedom Fighters! This should be easy with him here!"

Iron Mask started walking towards MC and stood next to him. Iron Mask then said, "Your father knew that one day, you'll be the greatest Crayton of the Crayton Family. I know that he was right."

"I won't fail him," MC said. "Or my mother."

"I know you won't," Iron Mask said. "You... are... destined to be... Dragoon's Greatest Creation."

MC turned his head with a bewildered look. He then looked towards Eclipse and thought, "It can't be..."

Eclipse recovered and said, "You will both perish!" He then transformed into a much bigger version of himself.

MC and Iron Mask then got into a fighting position and they started charging at Eclipse.

Elsewhere in the Black Comet, Twilight and the others were running through the Comet with Shadow taking the lead. As they were getting deeper, Shadow could feel Black Doom's presence.

"I can feel him," Shadow said. "He's nearby!"

"Then lead the way," Twilight said. They then started following Shadow in another direction.

Back over with MC, Spike and the Iron Mask, MC and the Iron Mask were fighting off Eclipse, but their punches weren't doing any damage to him in the form he was in.

"This guy's tough!" MC said.

"We have to get through!" Iron Mask said. Iron Mask then pulled out a sword from the sleeve of the coat and he tried cutting through, but the sword broke. "Dang!"

"My turn," MC said, baring his claws. "Forever, the Crayton Kingdom!" He then charged at Eclipse, who was about to slam down on MC, but MC dodged the attack and sliced through Eclipse's left side.

"Raaaaargh!!" Eclipse roared. He then looked back at where he was cut, and saw huge claw marks on his side. He then looked at MC, furious. "You're gonna pay for that, you pathetic animal!"

Eclipse went to slam him down, but Iron Mask pulled MC out of the way. Iron Mask then said, "Clever counterattack. But it's not gonna be enough to take this creature down."

"I know," MC said. "But this guy isn't like any of the Black Aliens we've ever encountered. This guy's smarter."

"But it doesn't mean we can't out-smart him," Iron Mask replied. Then the two got out of the way from Eclipse's next attack. MC and Iron Mask got into a defensive pose. "What's the plan?"

"Distract and Attack," MC said.

"That could work," Iron Mask said. "Who's the decoy?"

"You are!" MC said. "Because you hid yourself from me since my 7th birthday. I figured out who you are."

"Fair point," Iron Mask said.

Then the two of them started charging. Iron Mask took the lead and MC was behind the masked figure. Eclipse was about to punch Iron Mask, but MC jumped up from behind, headed towards Eclipse's face, and with a golden aura surrounding his left foot, MC kicked Eclipse in the face, him seperating from the monstrous form he was in.

"Oh, that's just gross," MC said.

Eclipse recovered and said, "You hide behind a mask and attack my face? You really are complicated, aren't you, earthlings?"

"Earth is not meant to be taken away from us," MC said. "Peace is meant to be kept. You... you just seek out war and destruction. And that is something I will not allow." MC then raised his left hand, and golden energy emitted from it, and from the energy came a huge golden battle ax. "Prepare to be taken down."

"This is your time to die," Iron Mask said, pulling out two swords. MC and Iron Mask then charged as Spike was hiding behind a pedestal.

Over with Twilight and the others, the heroes went into a room and saw the Black Alien with the last two Chaos Emeralds.

"It's got the Chaos Emeralds!" Rouge said.

"Then let's get it!" Knuckles said, charging towards the alien. Knuckles then punched the alien into the wall, and the alien dropped the Chaos Emeralds, sending them into the air. Shadow caught the purple one, but the yellow one went down into the pit below.

"Oh, that's not good," Sonic said.

"If Doom gets that last Emerald, it'll be a matter of time before he comes for the other ones," Twilight said. "We gotta get it. Quickly."

"She's right," Shadow said. "We need to get it."

"MC better join us quickly," Amy said. "He's the greatest fighter among the Freedom Fighters."

Back on the ARK, Midpoint, Olive and the Chaotix were hiding from the Black Aliens that were looking everywhere for them. The Black Aliens were running down a hall to find the heroes, but no such luck. They didn't know that there was a secret door in the wall of the hallway. The door opened up and it showed Midpoint, Olive and Espio.

"That was close," Espio said.

"What's the plan?" Olive asked. Midpoint then pulled out a red arrow. Olive got confused and asked, "What is that?"

"This?" Midpoint asked. "This is a special arrow I've been wanting to try out for a while." He then pushed on the larger triangle on his headband, making it glow. The arrow did the same as well. "Time to test this thing out." He then faced the computer and turned on the security cameras that are throughout the ARK. Midpoint then did a high pitched whistle and went through the walls. The arrow then appeared on one of the screens, moving to another and another. It then went through the chest of some black aliens.

"Wowie zowie!" Charmy said, looking at the screen. "That's an amazing arrow."

"Using the computer screens to see where the aliens are and killing them with a special arrow from a hidden room is genius," Espio said.

Olive looked all over the screens and said, "Looks like that's all of them."

"Good," Midpoint said. He then whistled and the arrow returned to him and he caught it. "Let's just hope the others can handle what's on the Black Comet.

Back with the battle with MC, Iron Mask and Eclipse, they were all fighting until one side wins. MC then pinned Eclipse to the wall with his foot.

"What is Doom's plan?!" MC asked angrily. "What does he want with Earth?!"

"Your planet is now ours!" Eclipse said. "It's time for you all to fall to the will of Black Doom!"

"That's not an answer to my question!" MC said, preparing to swing the ax towards Eclipse's head. "What is Doom up to?!"

"Let's just say... you won't recognize the world when Doom's done with it," Eclipse said. He then tripped MC and took the ax. He then tried to cut MC in half, but the Iron Mask blocked the attack with the two swords Iron Mask wielded.

"Michael Crayton does not die today," Iron Mask said. "Or at... all."

Eclipse then tried attacking the Iron Mask, but Iron Mask kept dodging.

"You can't keep dodging forever!" Eclipse said. "You will die!" But then MC jumped on Eclipse's back, and then he threw him towards a wall.

"Not gonna happen!" MC said. He then roared like a dragon.

Eclipse then tried attacking MC, but MC kept dodging. After a swing of the ax, dodged and did an uppercut attack, sending Eclipse to the ceiling.

"Whoa!" Spike said. "Okay. That was awesome."

"I knew it as well," Iron Mask said. "He's already become great."

"We need to get the Chaos Emeralds and stop Doom," MC said. "We gotta get to..." MC was interrupted when Eclipse was coming back down. He landed on MC, and pinned the fox to the ground.

"You'll die for that, earthling!" Eclipse said. MC then headbutted Eclipse, making him lose the grip on MC. MC then sweepkicked Eclipse and then dropkicked him to the nearest wall.

"I've never been able to experience death," MC said. "My healing factor basically keeps me alive."

"I'll find a way around that!" Eclipse said. He then raised his right hand and he had sharp claws coming from it. But MC kicked him off before Eclipse could strike.

"You're not the only one with claws," MC said, baring his claws from his left hand. Then the two charged at each other.

Meanwhile, with Twilight and the others, they reached some kind of battle arena of some kind.

"Is this an arena?" Sonic asked.

"It looks like it," Shadow said. "But what's it doing here?" Then something came from above and landed behind the group. They all turned around and saw something.

"What the heck is that?!" Knuckles asked.

"Julien?" Maria asked.

"Sorry, Maria," Eggman said from the top of the mech. "But if anyone's leaving this place with the Chaos Emeralds, it's me!" He then held up the Purple Chaos Emerald. "I managed to swipe this before any of you can. Now, hand me the rest of the Chaos Emeralds, or be destroyed."

Sonic groaned and said, "I should've known that trusting you was a bad idea!"

"You're right about that, my trusty blue adversary," Eggman said, rubbing his mustache. "But I'm afraid that today, I'm going to be taking what rightfully belongs to me! Now, get out of my way!" Then the slots on the machine started spinning. Then the slots stopped.

Then missiles fired from the mech and went towards the heroes. Twilight tried using her magic, but the missiles exploded, sending most of the group down into the abyss. The only ones who stayed were Shadow and Maria.

"Maria, are you alright?" Shadow asked.

"I'm fine," Maria said.

Shadow then faced Eggman and said, "You're going to regret that."

"We shall see," Eggman said. "Now, hand over the Chaos Emeralds. Now!" Shadow stood his ground, preparing to fight.

"I don't know about you, doctor," Shadow said, "but I won't let you have the Emeralds. Time to take you down."

Then the slots on the machine started spinning, Shadow got ready to fight.

"Please..." Maria said. "Please don't do this." But it was too late. The mech started moving backwards with Shadow in pursuit. Maria groaned and followed Shadow.

Back with MC, Spike and Iron Mask, the battle against Eclipse continued. MC and Eclipse were trying to claw each other. Iron Mask grabbed Eclipse from behind and having MC punch Eclipse in the stomach. Eclipse then kicked MC in the face, making him go above Iron Mask's head.

"You can't defeat me!" Eclipse said. "It's time to die! Prepare for the destruction of everything you know!"

"So that's Doom's game," MC said. "Too bad it's Game Over!" MC then charged at Eclipse. Iron Mask then noticed something behind Eclipse's back. There was a huge plasma sword.

"This... is my fate..." Iron Mask said. Iron Mask then got up and charged towards MC as he was running towards Eclipse.

MC noticed what Iron Mask was doing and got confused. Iron Mask pushed MC in a different direction away from Eclipse. MC turned his head quickly to see Iron Mask get pierced through from the back by Eclipse by the plasma sword.

"NOOOOOO!!!" MC shouted.

Iron Mask groaned in pain. Then Eclipse threw the Iron Mask off the blade, the masked figure rolling on the ground. MC ran towards Iron Mask to check on the figure.

"No, no no no no no!" MC said. "Please. Please don't die."

Iron Mask groaned and moved the figure's hands to the mask. The Iron Mask pulled a couple locking mechanisms from the cheek areas of the mask. And it turns out, the entire mask and the wig was a helmet. It then revealed someone MC hadn't seen in a long time. It was a gray vixen with long, red, braided hair, and eyes the same color as MC.

"Mom..." MC said. "You... you didn't have to do that."

"I know, Michael," Iron Mask, now really known as Queen Sarah Crayton, said. "I wanted what was best for you." But then she noticed Eclipse walking towards the two.

"Time for you two to die!" Eclipse said, holding up the plasma sword. He was about to do a downward swing, but then a normal sword came from his chest, making him groan in pain. Eclipse turned around to see Spike holding the sword handle.

MC then used his elemental mimicry to become the elements around him. Then he grabbed the end of the sword in Eclipse's chest, making Eclipse face towards MC, and MC pulled the sword upward. Eclipse then fell down to the ground. MC then went back to normal.

"Mom..." MC said, looking towards Sarah Crayton. "Please don't die. I... I still need you."

"No," Sarah said, putting a hand on MC's cheek. "I knew that this was who you meant to be, Michael. I'm sorry I never told you I was alive."

"But, why?" MC asked. "Why didn't you come back to me?"

"If I did, you would've ended up just like that one pony from Equestria," Sarah said. "You know, that one who tried to knock down Twilight's School of Friendship."

"Blueblood," MC said.

"Exactly," Sarah said. "You... were destined for greatness. And to make that destiny come true, I had to fake my death that day. The Oracle of Delphius... kept me hidden from you, so you can be a much better prince. A magnificent king."

Spike walked up to the two and said, "She wanted you to grow up. See the world. And have good friends. Like the Freedom Fighters."

"Michael..." Sarah said, starting to lose consciousness. "Promise me one thing."

"Anything," MC said, gripping Sarah's hand, tight.

"Promise me... that one day... you'll actually start a family of your own," Sarah said, her head falling back, her eyes still open. Sarah's hand slowly descended.

MC closed his eyes, tears coming from them. He silently said, "I promise." Just then, a portal opened up, and out came the Oracle of Delphius.

"I'm sorry, Michael," the Oracle said. "But this was for the best."

"So, she's really gone?" MC asked. "No tricks this time?"

"I'm afraid so," the Oracle said, using his magic to lift up Sarah. He then grabbed her. "I'll make sure that her, and all of the deceased people of your kingdom get a proper burial after the Black Arms are defeated."

"Thank you," MC said. The Oracle then stepped through the portal, taking Sarah with him. MC then turned around and picked up the ax he forged with his power. Spike followed him.

"So, when did you figure out it was her?" Spike asked.

"When she said that I would be Dragoon's Greatest Creation," MC said. "She said that the night before my seventh birthday. But right now, we have to get to the others, and stop Black Doom." MC then picked Spike up and they started speeding out of there.

Back with Shadow and Maria, the two were pursuing Doctor Eggman when he was in the Egg Dealer. Shadow jumped towards the buttons on the Egg Dealer and the images stopped on Shadow's face.

"What?! No!!" Eggman shouted. "Not Shadow Fever!" Then a bunch of red energy came out, and went into Shadow. Shadow then got angry.

"Time to finish this!" Shadow said. He then vanished and appeared under the mech. "CHAOS... BLAST!!" Then an explosion came from Shadow, destroying the mech, Eggman and the Egg Mobile falling from it and into the pit below.

"Noooooooooo!!" Eggman cried out.

"Julien!!" Maria called out. Maria started crying.

Shadow stopped and looked towards Maria. He then remembered something. He then said, "Maria... I'm... I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me."

"I just hope he's alright," Maria said. She then saw the Yellow Chaos Emerald next to her. She grabbed it and stood up.

Meanwhile, down in the pit, Eggman was laying in his Egg Mobile as it was wedged into the ground.

"Things possibly can't get any worse," Eggman said. He then looked ahead of him, seeing a magenta light. That light was coming from Twilight's horn. Twilight was flying, and below her were Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Sally and Rouge. "Oh, I had to jinx myself."

"Yeah, you did," Sonic said.

"Guys!!" came MC's voice. The group looked up and saw MC and Spike coming down, MC climbing down the wall with his claws and Spike flying down.

"Spike!" Twilight said. "What were you doing with the Iron Mask?!"

"Oh, no reason," Spike said. "Just taking out Black Doom's most powerful fighter."

Twilight looked towards MC and asked, "You took out Eclipse?"

"Yes," MC said. "I also learned one more thing. The Iron Mask... was my mother."

"What?!" Twilight, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Sally and Rouge asked in unison.

"But that's impossible," Eggman said. "No way she would've survived the destruction."

"She faked her death... to make me a better version of myself," MC said.

"That is some seriously disturbed parenting," Rouge said.

"Yeah," MC said. "She... she just died." The other heroes gasped.

"She died saving MC's life," Spike said. "Eclipse almost had MC with some kind of plasma sword, but I took one of her swords and pierced Eclipse through, and MC pushed the other end up, cutting the top half of Eclipse in half.

"Mom also said if she hadn't faked her death, I would've ended up like Blueblood," MC said.

"Ohh..." Twilight, Sonic, Tails and Amy said in unison.

"Yeah, that wouldn't be good," Twilight said. She then walked up to MC. She then put a hand on MC's left cheek. "You're a special creature. I'm sure what your mother did, she did it out of love."

"I know... Sparkles," MC said, smiling.

"She would be proud... for the hero you've become," Twilight said, getting close to MC's face.

"I think she would..." MC said, before Twilight kissed him on the lips.

"Whoa!" Spike said.

"Aww..." Amy and Sally said in unison.

"It's... about... time," Sonic said. "The one thing I never thought I'd live to see the day." MC was surprised at the sudden action from Twilight. But, he just went with it. He kissed her back. "And both of them are royalty. So it would work out for both of them." Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Rouge and Spike nodded in agreement.

MC then pulled away from the kiss and said, "Right now we need to get moving." He then started moving. "Doom's planning on destroying the world. He's probably going to use the Comet to do so."

"But how?" Tails asked. "The Comet can only enter the Earth's atmosphere, but not go into it all the way. How is he planning to do that?"

MC stopped to think about it. He then said, "He's gonna need something that's able to move the Comet to Earth. Like a tractor beam... a bunch of rockets... something powerful..." MC then stopped. "Oh no. That's why he needs the Chaos Emeralds!" He then looked up. "We need to get to Shadow! Fast!"

Back with Shadow and Maria, Maria handed Shadow the yellow Chaos Emerald. Just then, the six other Chaos Emeralds appeared around him. Then they started floating above him.

"Finally... I've got all the Chaos Emeralds!" Shadow said. "Now, I can uncover the truth about my past. All of it..." Then a shadow covered the two hedgehogs. Shadow and Maria looked up.

Maria gasped on who she saw.

"Well done, Shadow..." came Black Doom's voice. Black Doom appeared and hovered in front of the two hedgehogs. "Our ritual can now commence as planned. Give me the Chaos Emeralds."

Author's Note:

Next Episode: Season Finale:
The Black Comet Saga (Part 6): It's the End of the World!

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