• Published 23rd Jan 2022
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 2) - Mister E-Nonymous

The continuation story of the entire continent containing Equestria and beyond being on Earth, and they go on new adventures with what's left of the Freedom Fighters, since there is no need for them to fight for something they now have.

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Episode 23: The Black Comet Saga (Part 3): The Shadow Androids

Episode 23: The Black Comet Saga (Part 3):

The Shadow Androids

At the Pentagon, the Freedom Fighters, the Mane 6, the Chaotix and Shadow were watching the monitors of the Black Aliens attacking famous cities. But luckily, the Royal Guards of Equestria are standing a chance against the Black Aliens.

"Luckily, I informed Shining Armor about the aliens before the invasion started," Midpoint said. Just then, one Black Alien was knocked into the hidden camera, which cracked. After the alien went off the screen, Discord looked into the camera and waved his lion paw.

"Hi, Fluttershy," Discord said on the screen. "Nice haircut." He then went off the screen.

"And I see Discord's on the case," Twilight said.

"There are still some places where the military are trying to stop the aliens," MC said. "But they have lost some people of their own. We need a bigger army."

"I don't think people all over the world will rebel against the aliens," Sally said.

"You thinking it robots?" Manic asked.

"Omega can fend off some aliens, but we don't know how long," MC said. "We don't know if he's indestructible or not."

"I think I know someone who can help," Maria said. She then sighed. "But I know you're not gonna like it."

"What?!" MC asked. "No!"

"Maria, I know you want to see good in people, but he is the last person we should trust right now," Sonic said.

"I know," Maria said. "But... we all need his help. Please." Maria was giving a puppy dog pout towards the group.

MC groaned and said, "Now I regret showing you some modern day shows." He then sighed. "Fine. We'll go asked Eggman for help. But if Eggman betrays us at the end, I'm gonna take him down myself."

"Just don't do anything too drastic," Maria said. "Where do we find him?"

"Omega has been trailing Eggman since the incident with Metal Sonic," Olive said, typing on a cyber keyboard from the desk. "Call Omega."

Just then, Omega's voice came from the computer. "E-123: Omega, call confirmed."

"Omega, are you close to Eggman?" Olive asked.

"I have arrived at Eggman's new base," Omega said.

"Omega, we need the coordinates," MC said. "Where is he located?"

"Sending coordinates now," came Omega's voice. Just then, MC's phone beeped.

"Got 'em," MC said. "See you there." He then looked towards Maria. "Maria, I know you want to meet up with Doctor Eggman, but I don't think it's wise to go up there alone."

"I was just thinking me and Shadow going," Maria said.

"You shouldn't go at it alone," MC said. "Even with Shadow. Who knows what Eggman has up his sleeve there?"

"I might as well go, too," Twilight said. "If Eggman tries one of his schemes again, I better make sure he doesn't try to corrupt either of you."

"We'll try and figure out where the Black Aliens are heading next," Sonic said. "Good luck out there." Twilight nodded in response. MC then pulled out his ring and threw it, and it turned into a portal. Then Twilight and Maria walked through the ring.

MC looked towards Shadow and asked, "You comin', old man?"

"Seriously, why do you call me old man?" Shadow asked.

"To be fair, you were under suspended animation for over fifty years," Sonic said.

"Okay, that's fair," Shadow said. Then he and MC went in through the ring as it closed right after they walked through.

"We better get going," Midpoint said. "There are a lot more places that need to be protected. Starting with the Crystal Empire." The others nodded and headed out of there.

Somewhere else in the world, a ring portal opened up and out came Twilight, MC, Maria and Shadow. As they exited the ring, MC reached his hand towards the ring as it shrunk down and came into his hand.

"Alright, guys," MC said. "We got to get to Eggman. No doubt that Eggman wants to take down the Black Aliens as well."

"I agree," Twilight said. "What good is it for him to try and conquer the world if there are a bunch of aliens trying to do it, too? No doubt that he has something up his sleeve."

"I wonder what it is," Maria said as the four of them were crossing a corner on a floating pathway. Then they stopped and saw something in surprise. "That's something I haven't expected."

"What the...?!" Shadow asked. "How can this be? Who are these guys?" Just then, the sound of a blimp came in from the right. Twilight, MC, Maria and Shadow went to the railing to hide from the blimp.

"Listen up Shadow Androids," came Eggman's voice from the blimp. "The Eggman fleet is strong, but the Black Aliens are a formidable adversary! I must return to base to devise a new plan." The blimp was heading away from the Shadow Androids.

"Shadow... Android?" Shadow asked. "Am I... an... Android... too?" Just then, MC put his hand on Shadow's wrist.

"Nope, you have a pulse," MC said. "Androids don't have pulses."

"So, we're gonna have to go in," Twilight said.

"Do not engage the androids," Maria said. "Oh, wait. MC, do you have something that Shadow can wear that we can tell him different from the Shadow Androids?"

MC then used his power to forge a piece of clothing. MC then tossed it to Shadow. It was a red vest.

"Really?" Shadow asked. "A vest?"

"None of the other androids will be wearing them," MC responded. Shadow then put it on as the four of them went through the Shadow Androids without engaging them. Then when they reached a base, they saw Omega standing there. "Omega!"

Omega looked towards the group. He looked at Shadow and asked, "Are you... the original?!"

"He is," MC said. "I checked."

"So, this is where Eggman's base is," Twilight said.

"I know Julien will help us with fighting the Black Aliens," Maria said.

"Why would Doctor Eggman help us with fighting off the Black Aliens?" Omega asked.

"His robots will do all the fighting with no living casualties from the humans, Mobians or Equestrians living on Earth," Twilight responded.

"Trust me, I'm not as happy about it as you are," MC said. "And that's something because most robots have no emotions. You know what I'm saying?"

"Affirmative," Omega responded. Just then, Maria knocked on the door. Just then, the camera above the door looked towards the group.

"What?! Who's there?!" came Eggman's voice from the camera.

"Julien!" Maria called out. "Let us in. We need to talk."

"Maria?" Eggman's voice came from the camera. "What are you doing here?"

"We need your help," Maria said. "I know we weren't on the same team before all of this, and probably not going to be on the same team later on, but for the time being, we need your help to stop the Black Arms from destroying the world."

"Black Arms?" Eggman asked through the camera.

"She's referring to the black aliens that are trashing the world," MC responded. "She's hoping with your robots fighting the black aliens, there won't be any more casualties to the people living in this world."

"Julien," Maria said, pouting towards the camera. "Please."

There was silence towards from the camera. Just then, there was a beeping noise coming from the door and the door opened. Then the group walked in.

Back at the Pentagon, Sonic, Sally, Midpoint, Olive and the rest of the Mane 6 were walking down the halls.

"Where are we going?" Fluttershy asked.

"Distress call from the Crystal Empire," Sonic said. "We got to get there before the Black Aliens kill the ponies there."

"Twilight would be upset to know that her family is attacked by those creeps," Midpoint said, loading up a quiver full of arrows. "We need to get to them as fast as possible." Just then, there was a flash in front of the group. The flash dimmed down and there stood Princesses Celestia and Luna. "Oh, good. We could use a ride to the Crystal Empire."

"It's been about a year since we retired and the whole world is being attacked by aliens," Luna said.

"We can never get a relaxing time out, can we?" Celestia asked. Just then, the two alicorns lit up their horns and all of them were teleported away to the Crystal Empire.

They saw that the Crystal Empire was under attack. Shining Armor and his guards were trying to keep the Black Arms away from the Crystal Palace.

"Keep the line up, everypony!" Shining Armor called out. "We're not letting these aliens into the palace." Just then, something red came in fast and punched some of the black aliens. It was Knuckles the Echidna.

"No way we're gonna let these creeps take over our world!" Knuckles said.

Then Rouge came in and kicked some aliens in the face, knocking them back. She then said, "Especially if some of this world has wonderful jewels." More aliens came in, carrying some bombs.

"Oh, great, these aliens just keep on coming," Shining Armor said. Just then, a bunch of arrows came in and killed some of the aliens. One arrow hit one alien, making it drop the bomb, starting a chain reaction causing the other bombs to explode, killing the aliens, not damaging the buildings. The group looked towards where the arrow was fired and saw Sonic, Sally, Midpoint, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Olive standing there. Midpoint had his bow extended.

"These things are everywhere!" Sonic said.

"We need to figure out why these things are here," Olive said. "What's their endgame?"

"Whatever it is, it's gotta be big," Rarity said.

"World ending big," Rainbow Dash added.

"Whatever it is, we can't let the aliens win this," Midpoint said. "Tails is getting the President away from the White House, along with Ben Muttski. Hopefully, they can get the president out of there safely." The heroes continued fighting the aliens as they kept coming.

Back at Eggman's base, Twilight, MC, Maria, Shadow and Omega walked into a large room, seeing a large robot in the center of the room, Eggman on the head of the robot.

"What brings all of you here?" Eggman asked.

"Listen, Eggman," MC said. "You don't want me here, I don't wanna be here either, but for the current situation, we're gonna need a truce."

"A truce to fight off the black aliens?" Eggman asked. "Well, I would loath to fight along my enemies, but to stop these black aliens from taking over the world before I get my chance to do it, I won't allow it."

"So, you're gonna help us?" Maria asked.

"If you help me test out my newest... greatest creation," Eggman said. "Behold, the Egg Breaker!"

"Whoa," Shadow said. "Let's see what this thing has in store for us."

"This one's just a prototype in the BETA testing," Eggman said. "The upgraded one is on stand by."

"Let's hope these robots are as good as you say," MC said.

"I know you two will survive this, but it'll be good enough for those black aliens," Eggman said. "Let's see what this thing is capable of." Eggman then launched a mace from the robot's hand, almost landing on the two.

"Oh, boy," Twilight said as she, Maria and Omega were getting out of the way. "I have a feeling that the Doctor is going to enjoy this way too much."

That made Maria nod in agreement.

Meanwhile, back at the Crystal Empire, the rest of the Mane 6, Sonic, Sally, Midpoint, Olive, Knuckles, Rouge, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Shining Armor and the Crystal Guards were continuing fending off the Black Aliens.

"Sheesh," Midpoint said. "These guys keep multiplying like rabbits. No offense, Olive."

"None taken," Olive said, firing lasers from her gloves. "At least rabbits don't multiply this much this fast."

"There's too many of them!" Shining Armor said. "We need to evacuate." Just then, something came in fast, piercing through a great amount of the black aliens. It was a bunch of daggers. The heroes looked up towards the top of the tower, only to see something coming down fast.

"Who on Earth is that?!" Knuckles asked.

The figure then landed in between some aliens still standing, and the figure brought out silver swords from its cloak, slicing the aliens. The figure then turned to the heroes, and the figure was wearing an iron mask.

"Whoa," Sonic said. "That's some mask you're wearing, dude."

"That's... that's the Iron Mask!" Shining Armor said.

"That's the Iron Mask?!" Sally asked.

"The mysterious hero from MC's old kingdom?" Sonic asked. "I thought it was just a myth."

Iron Mask walked towards the heroes and said, "Do I look like a myth to you?" Iron Mask's voice was said with a vocoder, disguising the wearer's voice. "'Cause it looks like I'm real." Just then, a black alien tried stabbing the Iron Mask in the back, but the Iron Mask flipped and a sword came out of the Iron Mask's right arm, piercing through the alien's face, making it fall to the ground.

"Whoa!" Midpoint said. "This guy is good!"

A lot more Black Aliens came in from alleys and corners, trying to go after the Iron Mask. The Iron Mask countered by throwing a bunch of daggers at the Black Aliens, killing them at the process.

"Where does this guy keep his weapons?!" Sally asked.

"According to MC, the gender of the Iron Mask is unknown," Shining Armor said. "Whoever the Iron Mask is, I'm sure he or she will reveal who's under the mask to those the Iron Mask can trust."

The Iron Mask then pulled out a rope dagger and launched it around, cutting the black aliens. The Black Aliens were being cut in half every time they got in the distance of the rope dagger.

"Whoa," Knuckles said. "This guy is good."

"Yeah," Rouge said. "I've never seen anyone with moves like that before."

Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie all went into the castle to see if the Crusaders were okay. They went into one room where a bunch of black aliens were there, surrounding the Crusaders, Guard Armor and Flurry Heart. Guard was holding onto Joshua in fear.

"They got the squirts!" Rainbow Dash said. She then zoomed around the aliens, taking their weapons, and then she and the others started fighting the Black Aliens, getting the Crusaders out of there. The Black Aliens then tried chasing the group.

"Where's Mom?" Joshua asked, carrying Guard.

"She's with MC, Shadow and Maria, getting some backup from someone unexpected," Rainbow Dash said.

"Who would they get to help you all to fight an army of aliens?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Yeah," Scootaloo said. "These aliens are tough. It'll take down an army of people, but all of them don't want their families to worry about those who get killed in battle."

"Well..." Applejack said, cringing a little. "Y'all ain't gonna like it... but..."

"Maria wanted to get Eggman's help to assist with fighting the robots, didn't she?" Nyx asked.

"Yeah, she did," Applejack said. "Right now, she, Twilight, MC and Shadow are at Eggman's base, tryin' ta convince the doctor ta let his robots do all the fighting against the aliens."

"Well, it would be better with not many living creatures taking on the fight," Pinkie Pie said.

Sweetie Belle looked towards Fluttershy and asked, "Fluttershy, did you get a haircut?"

"She kinda had to," Rainbow Dash said. "It got caught under some rubble."

"It doesn't look too bad, does it?" Fluttershy asked, brushing her mane with her hand.

"It's actually a good look for you," Babs said.

"I hope Twilight and the others are doing okay," Nyx said.

Back at Eggman's base, Shadow and MC were sparring with Eggman's battle robot. Twilight, Maria and Omega were watching from across the room.

"So far, Eggman's battle robot is good enough for combat," Omega said.

"But will it be good enough to for larger aliens?" Maria asked.

"That's a good point," Twilight said. "We need to see how they deal against the bigger ones."

"You have a point, Princess," Eggman said. "Michael Crayton, can you try size-shifting to a larger scale to about the same size as certain black aliens?"

"I'd have to mimic the elements around me to do that," MC said. "I'll also decrease my density to match the black aliens. To test this bot's power level against them."

"Exactly what I was thinking," Eggman said. "But I know you can heal from that."

MC then used his elemental mimicry to become the metal that the floor was and made his size bigger. Eggman then fired the mace towards MC.

"Oh, boy, this is gonna hurt," MC said. The mace then collided with MC, tearing him apart.

Twilight and Maria gasped. They then ran over, with Omega following, towards the mace, only to find MC wrapped around the spikes on the mace.

"I was right," MC said. "This was gonna hurt."

"Okay, looks like this thing is battle ready," Eggman said. "Better to have two than one."

MC then got off the mace and said, "This'll help with ground support. But all we have left to do is find a way to stop the black aliens and figure out what their big plan is."

"Their big plan is some sort of ritual," Shadow said, walking up to the group. "But since I lost my memory, I have no idea what ritual they're talking about."

"We're just going to have to figure it out on our own," MC said. Just then, MC's communicator started beeping. MC looked at his communicator and answered it. "What is it, Mutt?"

"MC! We need help!" Mutt's voice came from the communicator. "The Black Aliens are going after the President's escape pod!"

"Aw, crud!" MC said.

"I'll send the Shadow Androids to handle the Black Aliens all over the world," Eggman said. "You all go and save the President."

"Thank you, Julian," Maria said. "Even though you don't like being good, you've always been able to do at least one good thing for me when I need it."

"Only if something else is trying to destroy the world I'm trying to conquer, cousin," Eggman said. "Now go."

MC then grabbed his Super Warp Ring and used it to get to the President's air ship. They saw Tails and Mutt standing in front of them.

"Glad you guys made it," Tails said. "The Black Aliens are trying to take down the President's escape pod!"

"Then we have to protect it from all of those nasty aliens," MC said. "Where's the escape pod?"

"It's heading towards the launching pad," Mutt said.

"Then we get the pod enough time to get out of here," Shadow said. "Let's move it." Twilight, MC, Tails, Mutt, Shadow, Maria and Omega started moving towards the President's escape pod.

Back in the Crystal Empire, the rest of the Mane 6 were getting the Cutie Mark Crusaders out of the Crystal Palace. But the Black Aliens were on their tails.

"These guys just don't give up, do they?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Where's Spike?" Nyx asked.

Just then, they heard Spike calling out in shock. The group stopped to see Spike being taken away by the black aliens.

"Spike!!" Rarity cried out. "You better not hurt him, or else you're gonna get it!"

"Twilight is gonna be upset if Spike is hurt, or worse," Nyx said. They chased the black aliens outside.

One of the Crystal Ponies saw the aliens dragging Spike out and called out, "They're abducting Spike the Brave and Glorious!" The Crystal Ponies were running around in panic.

"Can somepony help me out?!" Spike called out.

Just then, one alien was taken down by a rope dagger from the Iron Mask. The Iron Mask charged towards the aliens and took them down.

"So much for the Brave and Glorious," Iron Mask said. Then a bunch of aliens tried to charge at them, but the Iron Mask jumped up, making the aliens pile on top of each other.

"Whoa," Spike said. "Nice jump." Iron Mask then pulled out some kind of grenade and threw it at the black aliens, and a huge burst of fire surrounded them, all of them disintegrating.

Then a bunch of Crystal Ponies came up to them, one of them called out, "Spike the Brave and Glorious has stopped the last of those black creatures!" Then all of the Crystal Ponies cheered out in celebration.

"SILENCE!!" Iron Mask called out, making the Crystal Ponies stop cheering. "Wow. You ponies aren't all that well sighted, are you?"

"To be fair, they all assume that I'm gonna do something about it when a threat comes to the Crystal Empire and when I'm around," Spike said.

"Just because someone saved your empire from a threat doesn't mean he'll be able to stop all threats," Iron Mask said. "I heard that the first time he stopped Sombra was just dumb luck."

"That's not true!" said another Crystal Pony. "Spike heroically took down King Sombra with the Crystal Heart in his claws."

Spike sighed and said, "No. That's exactly what happened. Twilight was trapped and I had no choice but to take the Crystal Heart down to Cadance and Shining Armor. And I didn't jump down, I fell."

"But what about at the Equestria Games?" an elderly pony asked.

"I kept messing up that day, but when that cloud was coming down, I had to take action," Spike said.

"You couldn't have said something earlier and kept up with what we all assumed?" another crystal pony asked.

"I didn't want to disappoint you all," Spike said. He then sighed. "I know you all were hoping for a lot more of me than I could already do, so I've tried my best to help keep your hopes up."

The Iron Mask sighed and said, "Listen, young man..." Just then, the Iron Mask was shot in the mask, making the figure drop down, the mask landing in front of Spike. The ponies and Spike looked towards where the shot was taken and saw one last black alien standing there with a gun in its hand.

The rest of the Mane 6 and the Crusaders ran outside to see the Iron Mask on the ground, covering the face behind the mask. They all gasped. Just then, the Black Alien who fired the blast aimed its weapon towards the heroes, but an arrow came right through its face, making it fall to the ground.

"That's just nasty," Midpoint said, coming up from behind it, along with Sonic, Sally, Knuckles, Rouge, Olive, Shining Armor, Cadance, Celestia and Luna.

Spike then picked the mask of the Iron Mask up and walked towards where the Iron Mask was kneeling, covering the figure's face. Spike then held out the mask and said, "Here. Your mask." The Iron Mask looked up the slitest, taking the mask and putting it back, covering the face behind the mask.

"Only few have ever seen the face behind the Iron Mask I wear," Iron Mask said. "Only those who I deem worthy are allowed to see it."

Spike then thought of something. He then said, "Are you...?"

"I am," Iron Mask said. "But I'd appreciate it if you keep it a secret as well. I must keep it a secret. Especially to Michael."

Applejack then walked up to the two and asked, "Why would ya wanna keep your face hidden?"

"That's something I'd like to keep for myself," Iron Mask replied. "Right now, you better stop these Black Aliens before they use Earth's greatest weapon against the planet itself." Iron Mask then started running off.

"Earth's greatest weapon?" Sonic asked. "What do you think that guy means?" The others just shrugged their shoulders in confusion.

Back at the President's air ship, Twilight, MC, Tails, Mutt, Maria, Shadow and Omega were protecting the President's escape pod. The Black Aliens were still trying to stop the ship, but their attacks were being stopped by the speeds of MC and Shadow.

"If these creatures are going after the President, they really mean business," MC said.

"We gotta keep this up until the President can escape," Tails said. He then pulled out something from his backpack and threw it. It was his laser boomerang. He threw it and it collided with the aliens surrounding them.

"How are we gonna stop these things?" Twilight asked.

"The most probable option is to keep delaying the aliens until the President's Escape Pod gets off this air ship," Omega answers.

"That's obvious," Mutt said. "But these things are everywhere!"

"Just keep fighting," Shadow said. "We need to keep this up."

Twilight then saw some aliens trying to jump up to the Escape Pod, but Twilight used her magic to grab them before they could even reach the ship.

"These things aren't going to give up!" Twilight said.

"The President's escape pod goes down a tube that'll release it from the air vessel," MC said. "Keep them from the escape pod." Just then, his communicator beeped. "Better make this fast, Sonic!"

"MC, the Crystal Empire in Equestria got attacked by these Black Aliens," Sonic said.

Twilight came up to MC and asked, "Is everypony okay?"

"They're fine," Sonic said. "Especially when we got some backup. The Royal Sisters, and that figure in the Iron Mask that helped you on Christmas."

"Iron Mask?" MC asked.

"Yeah, but one alien shot the mask right off of the figure's face, and only Spike saw behind the mask," Sonic said.

"Who is it?" MC asked.

"Spike was sworn to secrecy," Sonic said. "The Iron Mask said that he, or she, will not say who's behind the mask. Although, it might be someone that he's either met or seen before." MC then pulled Twilight down to get out of the way of a blast from one of the black aliens.

"I'll have to call you back," MC said. He then hung up. MC then fired a blast from his left hand, pushing back a bunch of black aliens, making them go through a door that led outside, the aliens falling to their deaths.

"Thanks," Twilight said.

"No problem," MC said. "We gotta keep the President safe."

"Nicole," Tails said into his communicator. "How much longer until the escape pod is ejected?"

"Approximately, 60 seconds," Nicole answered.

"Perfect," MC said.

"That should get us enough time," Shadow said. Just then, he heard something.

"What are you doing, you traitor?!"

Shadow looked around after he heard Black Doom's voice.

"You alright, old man?" MC asked.

"I... I thought I heard Black Doom," Shadow said. He then saw a few monitors, showing a bunch of Shadow Androids taking down a bunch of black aliens in different areas. Niagara Falls, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Paris, Cairo, even Rio de Janeiro. "Huh. Eggman already sent out his Shadow Androids."

"With that, Black Doom won't be able to figure out which is the real Shadow," Maria said.

"Giving us the advantage against the Black Aliens," Omega said, blasting the last of the Black Aliens.

"Attention everyone aboard Air Force One, all of the Black Aliens have been eliminated on board," came a woman's voice from the PA system. Then a bunch of the men among the ship started cheering in celebration.

"Guess that's it," Twilight said. "We should head back to the Pentagon." MC then used his Super Warp Ring to open a portal back to the Pentagon and they all went through.

Back at the Pentagon, the heroes were having another meeting.

"So the Iron Mask says that we have to stop the Black Aliens before they use Earth's greatest weapon against us," Sonic said.

"That's gonna be hard for them to get," Tails said. "All of the greatest weapons of Earth are all sealed up in the most secure bases across the planet."

"Lynol, what do you think?" MC asked.

Midpoint then removed his rings from his wrists. He closed his eyes and his head started shaking rapidly. He then opened his eyes.

"Oh, crud," Midpoint said.

"What did ya see?" Applejack asked.

"Earth's greatest weapon isn't on Earth," Midpoint said.

"The Eclipse Cannon!" Maria said.

"If the aliens get their hands on that weapon, Earth is doomed," Twilight said.

"Then we're gonna have to get to the ARK before the aliens do," Sonic said.

"It's gonna be a race to the cannon," Twilight said. "We need to get up there before it's too late."

"Of course some of us are gonna have to go up there while the rest stay down here to protect the planet from those space terrorists," Shadow said.

"Good idea," Maria said. "We need to choose to see who'll go up to get to the ARK and stop those aliens."

"It's a good thing that the men on the ship gave us this," Tails said, holding up something.

"A Chaos Emerald!" Sonic said.

"This makes... five Chaos Emeralds," Shadow said.

"I think that we should help with protecting the people while Twilight goes up into Space," Rarity said.

"Good idea," Midpoint said. His head then started shaking again. He then stopped. "Okay, here's the proper group to go up into space. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Rouge, MC, Maria, Sally, Shadow, Olive, Team Chaotix, Twilight and myself."

"That's gonna be a tight fit," MC said. "The Spirit of Freedom isn't big enough for that size of a group."

"But the Freedom Fighters Spaceship is," Tails said. He then handed the keys and the Chaos Emerald to MC. "Get the ship and meet us here."

"Okay," MC said. He then rushed out of there.

"Alright, everyone," Sonic said. "It's gonna be a race to the Eclipse Cannon. And we have to get up there fast before the end of the world starts."

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
The Black Comet Saga (Part 4): Forgotten Memories

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