• Published 23rd Jan 2022
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 2) - Mister E-Nonymous

The continuation story of the entire continent containing Equestria and beyond being on Earth, and they go on new adventures with what's left of the Freedom Fighters, since there is no need for them to fight for something they now have.

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Episode 2: The Chaos Saga (Part 2): Pure Chaos

Episode 2: The Chaos Saga (Part 2):

Pure Chaos

At the Freedom Mansion, the Mane 6, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, the Freedom Fighters (minus Tails) that were living there, Knuckles and Big were all in the laboratory talking about what some of them experienced.

"Basically, whatever this thing is, every time it gets a Chaos Emerald, it's gets more powerful," Sonic said.

"It's known as Chaos," MC said. "Some kind of god that's literally made of water and it has a brain to prove it's alive."

"Chaos?" Maria asked. "When you guys got me, did you get the data from the computers in the ARK?"

"Yes," MC said. "Nicole has it in her data."

"Nicole, show us an image of an Artificial Chaos," Maria said. Then a holographic image of an Artificial Chaos came up in front of them.

"I knew it," MC said. "It must've been that god thing that these things were based off of."

"Yes," Maria said.

"And this thing is basically dangerous," Knuckles said. "Where did the scientists of the Colony find out about this thing?"

"I don't know exactly," Maria said. "Grandfather said that before I was born, he came across an old temple somewhere in the Mystic Ruins."

"Interesting," Sonic said. "So, Knuckles, you said that that thing stole the Master Emerald."

"He didn't steal it," Knuckles said. "He smashed it."

"Smashed it?!" the other heroes, minus Big and the Crusaders, asked in unison.

"I was guarding the Emerald as usual from threats as usual," Knuckles said. "He caught me off guard and when I turned around to the sound of something breaking, I saw him standing in front of what's left of the Master Emerald."

"Whatever this thing is, we can't let it get any more Chaos Emeralds," Twilight said. "How are we going to stop this thing?"

"By finding the rest of them," Sonic said. "We better go find them."

"I have confirmation from Tails that he just found a Chaos Emerald near his lab," Nicole said.

"Good," Sonic said. "I'll go to the Mystic Ruins to check up on Tails."

"I'm going, too," Twilight said. "You're going to need all the help you can get."

"I'll go as well," Rainbow Dash said. "No way I'm gonna miss out on an adventure like this."

"Well, if those things are anything like that stone Froggy took from me after he drank that stuff, should I tell you?" Big asked. Then they all looked at Big.

"You're saying that your frog swallowed a Chaos Emerald?!" MC asked. He then groaned in frustration. "Every time." He then sighed. "You know what, I'm gonna go out with Knuckles to find the rest of the Master Emerald."

"Good call," Knuckles said.

"I can be of service for that," Rarity said. "As long as I don't have to get too dirty."

"Ah'll help as well," Applejack said.

"Fluttershy and I can go check up on Amy and tell her what else is going on," Pinkie said.

"That'll do," Sonic said.

"I'll just stay here," Maria said. "I don't want to risk Julian seeing me."

"You can stay if you want," Sonic said.

"Alright, Crusaders, you got the most important mission of all," MC said, looking at the Crusaders. They all got excited while the Mane 6 got worried. "You all are gonna help Big find the frog." Their excitements and worried looks dimmed.

"Seriously?" Apple Bloom asked. "Y'all are sendin' us on a frog catchin' task?"

"That frog has a Chaos Emerald in it's stomach," MC said. "Besides, you have to get it without the Doctor finding out."

"He's got a point," Scootaloo said.

"Yeah," Sweetie Belle said. "We can't let the evil Doc get any more of those Emeralds."

"Where can we start looking?" Nyx asked.

"I know a good place to start," Big said.

"Alright, guys," MC said. "Let's head out." Then all of them got up and headed out of there.

Sonic, Twilight and Rainbow Dash were heading to Tails's lab in around the Mystic Ruins. They stopped at the shack there and saw Tails working on the X-Tornado.

"Hey, Tails," Sonic said.

Tails turned around to see the three of them and said, "Hey, guys! I heard about that weird creature on the news, and I decided to help you guys find the rest of the Emeralds."

"Huh," Rainbow Dash said. "Looks like Tails is up to date."

"I made some adjustments, and..." Tails said, then he pulled out a Chaos Emerald.

"I'm gonna use this to not only let the X-Tornado go fast, but to find the Chaos Emerald as well," Tails said.

"Then let's get going," Twilight said. Tails and Twilight got into the front two seats of the X-Tornado and Sonic and Rainbow Dash were riding on the wings. The X-Tornado started taking off, and it headed into the sky. Twilight looked towards Tails from behind him and asked, "So, where are we going?"

"According to the Chaos Emerald, the closest one is in... Windy Valley," Tails said. "Oh, boy. And it's Tornado Season there."

"I got your back," Rainbow Dash said. "Let's just get there, and I'll get you through." The X-Tornado kept flying towards Windy Valley.

Meanwhile, with Applejack, Rarity, MC and Knuckles, they were coming into an area of Casinos in MC's truck.

"According to the Police Chief, yesterday, something flew in and crashed into one of these Casinos," MC said. "Some people say it was a shard of a green gem."

"Then it must be a piece of the Master Emerald," Knuckles said. The truck pulled up to the side walk and they got out of the truck. They all headed towards the building and a police officer stood in front of them.

"I'm sorry, Mobians, but Casinopolis is closed," the officer said. "We're just waiting for some investigators to come and see what it is."

"Franks! That's them!" said another officer.

"Oh," the first officer said. "Then, go on in." Then Applejack, Rarity, MC and Knuckles went in. They saw the place took a straight line of damage.

"Sweet apple sauce," Applejack said. "Look at all this damage."

"Yeah, it would take them weeks to make repairs and replace the stuff," Rarity said.

"Let's get searching," MC said. He then started picking up some debris at the end of the damaged path.

Rarity tutted and said, "You are all looking at it the wrong way." Rarity then lit up her horn and a beam came out of it, looking all over the place, trying to find something. Then a green gem appeared to sight. "There it is."

Applejack, MC and Knuckles walked over towards the end of the beam, and lifted a slot machine up, and threw it away. They looked and saw a green gem shard there.

"That's it," Knuckles said. He then grabbed it and then a red flash of light came from the sky, surrounding Knuckles's head. Just then, Knuckles ended up somewhere. "Where am I?" He looked around and saw a temple that looked somehow both old and new. "What is this place?" He then looked around and saw two echidnas standing at a stone gate.

"No, father!" the girl echidna said to the older echidna. "We can't just invade another place for no reason!"

"Our tribe needs those Emeralds for our very own survival, Tikal," the older echidna said. "Our tribe needs to be stronger than any other tribe in the world."

"Father, please!" Tikal begged. "These foolish plans of yours will only bring destruction and pain to both tribes during this invasion! I'm begging you! We can work something out!"

"There is nothing that can be done, Tikal," Tikal's father replied. "The invasion must press on."

Just then the world faded around Knuckles, and he found himself laying on the ground, being slapped by MC.

"C'mon, Knuckles...! Wake up...!" MC was trying to get Knuckles's attention. He succeeded, because when he was about to do one more slap, Knuckles grabbed MC's arm.

"Hey, why are you slapping me?!" Knuckles asked, sitting up.

"Ya just passed out after you grabbed that shard," Applejack said. "What happened?"

Knuckles put a hand to his head and said, "I... I don't know. I just found myself somewhere in the Mystic Ruins, but they didn't look like ruins at the time. When I heard two echidnas talking about an invasion, one not wanting to pull through, I came back here, to him slapping me." Knuckles pointed at MC.

"Sorry," MC said. "If that happens again, I'm taking you back to Angel Island."

"Alright, alright," Knuckles said. "Let's go and find the rest of the Master Emerald."

Meanwhile, when the X-Tornado was flying through some tornadoes. The X-Tornado was having trouble, but Rainbow Dash was zooming through the sky, preventing the X-Tornado from being sucked up.

"Whew!" Tails said. "That was close! Thanks, Rainbow Dash!" He then looked down at the Chaos Emerald, which was glowing brighter. "Hey! We're getting close!" Then the X-Tornado landed with Rainbow Dash coming down. Twilight, Sonic and Tails came down from the X-Tornado.

"We better find the Emerald fast," Sonic said. "Eggman has that Chaos creature. If he gets any more Chaos Emeralds, it'll get stronger."

"Whoa!!" Tails called out as the wind was blowing him away. Twilight used her magic to catch him.

"I gotcha!" Twilight said. Twilight then looked around and she saw a faint purple glow. "Wait a minute! I think I see it!" Twilight pointed towards the glow." Sonic then rushed towards the glow and grabbed it. He then showed it to the others.

"Got it," Sonic said. Then he and Tails held out their Chaos Emeralds. "We have two, and Eggman has two."

"Why, Sonic. You shouldn't have," came Eggman's voice. Then a missile went towards them, and landed by the group, making Sonic and Tails drop the Chaos Emeralds and them going into a pond.

"Eggman!" Sonic said. He then smirked. "Looks like you won't be giving Chaos any more Emeralds." Sonic was looking towards Eggman in his Egg Mobile.

"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that," Eggman replied. "Come on out, Chaos 4." Then coming from the pond, there came the Chaos Creature. This time, it was different.

"Oh, no! It changed again!" Twilight said.

"Let's get started, shall we?" Doctor Eggman said. "Chaos, take them down!" Chaos then charged at the heroes.

Chaos 4 charged at the heroes, trying to smash them. But they kept jumping out of the way.

"Twilight, can you use your magic to take this thing down?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I don't think magic can help here," Twilight said. "When MC tried to use his power to turn that thing into ice, it absorbed the power."

"What?!" Rainbow Dash asked. "This thing absorbs magic and power?!"

"Apparently so," Sonic said. "But we know its weakness. We have to attack its brain."

"Oh, I don't think so!" came Eggman's voice. They looked up and saw that the Egg Mobile was in a new battle machine.

"Prepare for your doom!" Then Eggman came down, trying to stab them with spikes.

"Whoa!" they all shouted when getting out of the way.

"This is crazy!" Twilight said. "We can't stop both of them like this!"

"Not if we split up," Sonic said. "Tails and I will handle Chaos."

"Then we'll handle this conquering creep," Rainbow Dash said. Then Twilight and Rainbow Dash started flying and fighting Doctor Eggman.

"Alright, Chaos," Sonic said. "Time to take you down!" He then started spinning around and he directly hit Chaos's head, pushing it back.

"Huh," Tails said. "Guess it's defenses aren't that strong in this form than it was when you last fought it."

"That we can work with," Sonic said. "Let's move!" Sonic and Tails then started going after Chaos.

Meanwhile, in the air, Twilight and Rainbow Dash were being chased by Doctor Eggman.

"Oh, you're not going to get away from me that easily!" Doctor Eggman called out. "I got you now!"

"I don't think so!" Rainbow Dash called out. Then she and Twilight split up, and Doctor Eggman flew right past him and he flew into a tornado.

"Whoa!!" Doctor Eggman shouted before he flew into a twister. And when he came out of the other side, only him and the Egg Mobile came out of the other side. "Those two are more trouble than they're worth."

Back with Sonic and Tails, they kept on battling Chaos. Just then, Twilight and Rainbow Dash then started coming in. Twilight and Rainbow Dash split off. Rainbow Dash flew up into the sky, and came down.

"Time to take this guy down!" Rainbow Dash said. She then did a Sonic Rainboom, vibrating Chaos.

Twilight, Sonic and Tails then charged at Chaos, and it turned into a puddle. But still no sign of the Chaos Emeralds.

"Find the Chaos Emeralds before...!" Tails called out. But then the water was brought up by a tractor beam coming from the bottom of the Egg Mobile.

"You haven't seen the last of us!" Doctor Eggman called out. "And besides, you'll never get to me in my new... base." Then coming up from the sky was an air base.

"What is that?!" Twilight asked.

"Behold, my new base! The Egg Carrier!" Doctor Eggman announced. "Good luck trying to catch me!" Then a tractor beam sucked up Eggman and into the Egg Carrier.

"We got to stop him!" Twilight said.

"To the X-Tornado!" Tails said. They all headed on over towards the X-Tornado and started flying up into the sky.

Meanwhile, back in Station Square, Amy, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Cream and Cheese were all walking through the city. They were walking through the streets of Station Square. All of them were carrying groceries.

"Thanks for helping me with the groceries," Amy said. "Ever since the Freedom Fighters split up, we've been struggling on trying to stick together."

"Although, you and Cream did get a lovely apartment," Fluttershy said.

"Yeah," Pinkie said. "Although, it isn't my sister Maud's cave."

"She lives in a cave?" Amy asked.

"Here's a picture of it," Pinkie said. "It was taken before Equestria came to this world." She then showed a picture of Maud's cave.

"Wow," Amy said. "That's a pretty good cave." Just then, it went dark around them.

"What's going on?" Cream asked, getting scared.

"Chao chao chao!" Cheese said. Cream and Cheese were holding onto Fluttershy. They looked up and saw a huge air ship flying over the city.

"It's Eggman!" Amy said. She then saw the X-Tornado flying in pursuit of the ship. "The X-Tornado!"

In the sky, the X-Tornado was following the Egg Carrier. Tails and Twilight were in their seats while Sonic and Rainbow Dash were hanging onto the wings.

"We can't let them escape," Twilight said.

"Hold on," Tails said. "We're about to take fire."

In the bridge of the Egg Carrier, Doctor Eggman was watching from in there. He had a smirk on his face.

"Funny that you should always be careful what you wish for," Doctor Eggman said. He then pushed a button, and from the exterior, a bunch of laser turrets fired towards the X-Tornado.

"Whoa!" the four of them said. The X-Tornado started dodging the attacks.

"Alright, Eggman," Tails said. "Take this." Tails then fired laser turrets towards the turrets on the Egg Carrier. Then it went to the side of the Egg Carrier, and the X-Tornado fired a missile, destroying a part of the ship. And something fell out of it, coming towards Amy, Cream, Cheese, Pinkie and Fluttershy. Pinkie's tail started twitching.

"Oh! Oh! Twitchy Tail!" Pinkie called out. Then that something landed on Amy's head. "Whoops." Then she and Fluttershy helped Amy up.

"Are you okay?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm fine," Amy said. She then noticed something. "Oh, my. Look at that." Amy then picked up what fell, and it was a little blue bird with a necklace.

"Oh, my," Fluttershy said. "She looks hurt."

Back in the battle of the sky, the X-Tornado pulled up in front of the Egg Carrier. But then the front opened up, revealing a huge cannon.

"Uh oh," Tails said.

"That's a huge cannon!" Sonic said.

"Get to the back seats! Quick!" Tails said. Sonic and Rainbow Dash then got into the seats of the back of the X-Tornado as the Cannon was about to fire.

From the bridge of the Egg Carrier, Doctor Eggman was looking at the screen.

"Arrivederci, heroes," Doctor Eggman said before pushing a button. The cannon then fired and the X-Tornado got hit, the X-Tornado going down.

"Whoa!!" the four heroes screamed as they went down.

From below, the group looked up in worried.

"Sonic!" Amy called out.

"Twilight! Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie and Fluttershy called out. The Egg Carrier then flew away.

"We gotta go help them," Amy said.

"Alright," Pinkie Pie said. "Let's go." Then the five of them, headed off, Fluttershy carrying the bird.

Later, back at Freedom Fighters Mansion, Tails was laying on the couch with a rag put on his head. It was then taken off and a new one was put on him. It was Maria treating him. He then opened his eyes.

Tails groaned and sat up. He then said, "What happened?"

"You were brought in by the others," came Maria's voice. Tails looked towards Maria. She was wearing overalls and a tool belt. "You've been knocked out for hours."

"Where's the X-Tornado?" Tails asked.

"I tried repairing it as much as I could," Maria said. "Nicole was trying to help me trying to understand this technology, but it's very advanced to me."

"I was trying my best to get her to understand modern technology," came Nicole's voice.

"Where's Sonic and the others?" Tails asked.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash came out of the kitchen. Twilight then said, "After Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Amy, Cream and Cheese brought us back here, they went out to get us some food so they could make us something that'll make us feel better."

"Okay," Tails said. "What about Sonic?"

"He's out looking for Eggman," Rainbow Dash said.

Back with Amy, Cream, Cheese, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, the five of them were walking through the city with the bird flying next to Amy.

"That little bird sure has recovered quickly," Cream said.

"Yeah," Amy said. "She really has been through a lot of trouble. But she doesn't have to worry about that anymore. Don't you, little birdy?" The bird replied with some chirping.

"She said that her name is Lily," Fluttershy said.

"You can understand her?" Amy asked.

"Fluttershy can understand all animals," Pinkie Pie said. "That's why she's so good with them. It's part of her special talent."

"Well then, Lily it is," Amy said. Just then, they were startled when something came from in front of them, startling them all. In front of them, there was some kind of robot.

"What is that thing?!" Pinkie asked.

"It's one of Eggman's mechs!" Amy said.

The robot was scanning the group until it's scanner was came to the bird. It then said, "Target found. Mission, obtain the bird!"

The group then screamed. From somewhere in the city, Sonic heard the screaming and rushed towards it. As soon as he got to where the group was, he only saw Cream and Cheese there, with a bunch of spilled groceries.

"What happened?" Sonic asked.

"Some robot just came and took Amy, Pinkie and Fluttershy!" Cream said. She then pointed towards the robot.

"Help! Sonic!" Amy called out.

"Let us go!" Fluttershy cried.

"Mission accomplished!" the robot said. Then it went up into the sky as Sonic was in pursuit. But it was too high into the sky. Sonic then tried jumping up, but it was long gone before Sonic could touch it. Sonic saw that he was about to go into the ocean.

"Oh, shoot!" Sonic called. But then he was caught by Cream. "Thanks, Cream."

"You're welcome, Mister Sonic," Cream said. They looked ahead and saw the Egg Carrier off in the distance. The robot that was taking Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Amy and the bird was flying towards it. "Eggman, you're gonna get it."

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
The Chaos Saga (Part 3):
The Egg Carrier

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