• Published 23rd Jan 2022
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 2) - Mister E-Nonymous

The continuation story of the entire continent containing Equestria and beyond being on Earth, and they go on new adventures with what's left of the Freedom Fighters, since there is no need for them to fight for something they now have.

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Episode 5: The Chaos Saga (Part 5): Rogue Robot

Episode 5: The Chaos Saga (Part 5):

Rogue Robot

MC was still in the tree, fixing the X-Tornado, it ending up in the X-Cyclone mode. MC finished fixing it and he wiped the sweat out of his eyes.

"That was a tough one," MC said. "But, it's done." MC then got into the cockpit and installed the Chaos Emerald into the socket where the Chaos Emerald goes. "Time to find the others." MC then activated the X-Tornado, and took off.

Meanwhile, at the Freedom Fighters mansion, all of the people in the city were outside, calling out for Tails and Joshua. On the news, Scarlet Garcia was also in front of the people and the gates to Freedom Fighters mansion.

"I'm Scarlet Garcia, and I'm standing in front of Freedom Fighters Mansion, where earlier today, young inventor, Miles Prower, and Joshua, the adopted human son of Princess Twilight Sparkle turned pony, have disabled a missile. All of these people are here to see the two young heroes."

"Wow," Rarity said. "That's a lot of people. Sooner or later, the people are gonna get in here."

"I don't think I can handle all this fame," Joshua said.

"You're right, Joshua," Tails said. "Besides, I got to go and find Sonic."

"Let's get you all out of here," Rarity said.

"How are we gonna do that?" Applejack asked.

"Oh, I know a way," Maria said. She then went over to a book case and she tipped a book. Then the bookcase moved and a secret elevator revealed itself. "MC wanted us to use this secret elevator in case we needed to get a clean getaway."

"Good call," Applejack said. Then she, Rarity, the Crusaders and Tails went into it and the bookcase closed.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Mystic Ruins, Gamma was hovering down to the ground. He then looked around.

"Doctor Eggman... enemy," Gamma said. "New mission for my own. "Rescue other E-100 series robots. He then scanned around. E-100 series robots detected. E-103: Delta and E-104: Epsilon. Mission, rescue the two of them." Then Gamma started heading off somewhere.

Meanwhile, somewhere else in the Mystic Ruins, Sonic recovered somewhere. He looked around.

"Where am I?" Sonic asked. Just then, he heard a voice.

"That temple's gotta be here somewhere." Sonic looked around and coming towards him was Mutt, looking at a tablet computer.

"Yo, Muttski!" Sonic called out.

Mutt looked up from the tablet his tablet and saw Sonic. He then said, "Sonic! What are you doing here?!"

"I was about to ask you the same thing," Sonic said. Just then, Twilight and Rainbow Dash teleported in. "Twilight? Rainbow Dash?"

"Whoa," Twilight said. "That was intense." She then looked around. Then she saw a temple. "What is that?!" Just then, the temple started rising, and the doorway opened up. "Okay, this must be the temple."

"And here's where we'll find out about the Chaos Creature," Mutt said. "Let's go." Then the four of them headed inside, not knowing they were being watched by a bunch of Chao. As they headed in, it was getting dark.

"Man, it's getting dark in here!" Rainbow Dash said. As they went in, only they eyes could be seen. "Twilight. Ya mind lighting up your horn so we can all see?"

"I'll try," Twilight said. Just then, a red glow came in.

"Thanks, Twilight," Rainbow Dash said.

"This isn't me!" Twilight said. Just then, they saw a huge mural on a wall. On it was a huge sea serpent. "What is that?!"

"Is that... the Chaos Creature?!" Sonic asked.

"Oh, my gosh!" Rainbow Dash said. "Is that what happens if he gets all seven Chaos Emeralds?!"

"A great calamity will come. Sadness and Anger will eventually overflow like a mighty ocean." The group looked around and wondered who said that.

"Who's there?!" Sonic called out. Just then, the red light surrounded both Twilight and Sonic. The two of them got knocked out.

Twilight and Sonic woke up and found themselves where Knuckles found himself.

"What is this place?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know," Sonic said. He then looked around and saw the Shrine of the Master Emerald on fire. "Look! Over there! There's trouble!" Sonic and Twilight ran towards the shrine and saw Tikal with a bunch of unconscious chao. "What happened?"

"I... I couldn't stop them," Tikal responded. "Father was always power hungry. I tried to convince him that violence isn't always the answer." Just then, there was a roaring noise. Tikal gasped. "I gotta stop this!" Tikal then ran up the steps.

"Hey, wait up!" Twilight said, but both her and Sonic went unconscious.

Sonic and Twilight woke up with both Mutt and Rainbow Dash standing over them.

"Are you two okay?" Mutt asked.

"I can't believe you two passed out on us," Rainbow Dash said.

"What?!" Twilight asked. "Passed out?"

"I'm not sure what happened," Sonic said. "It's like... we saw something in the past. The far past."

"We saw... the Shrine of the Master Emerald," Twilight said. "But, it was restored, and it was also on fire."

"Perhaps it has something to do with Chaos," Mutt said. He then looked up and saw something. "It's the doctor!" Mutt pointed up. The others looked up and saw Doctor Eggman in his Egg Mobile, heading off somewhere. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Sonic and Mutt followed Doctor Eggman and they saw an Eggman Base.

"Looks like we found Eggman's base," Sonic said. They then headed in.

Meanwhile, with Amy, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Lily, they were resting on a park bench by the beach when they finished looking for Lily's brother and sister.

"Guess it wasn't that easy to find Lily's family," Amy said.

"Wait a minute!" Pinkie said. "Maybe we weren't looking in the right place. Lily came from the Egg Carrier, right? So..."

"Perhaps Lily's brother and sister are somewhere on the Egg Carrier!" Fluttershy said.

"Of course!" Amy said. "But, where are we going to find the Egg Carrier." Just then, the sound of a cell phone started ringing. Pinkie Pie grabbed her phone and answered it.

"Hi! Pinkie Pie here!" Pinkie responded. Then it went to a split screen of her and Midpoint.

"I was wondering that you would make your next search at the Egg Carrier," Midpoint responded. "Just to let you know, the Egg Carrier is 2 miles off the coast of your location."

"Really?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Did you use your Precognition to see this moment?"

"Yes, but my precognition can be a problem," Midpoint said. "If someone's in a time loop, it's gonna be a problem for me. It'll give me a headache. So, I invented these rings on my wrists to keep my precognition from making me able to not see all futures all the time."

"Alright," Pinkie said. She then hung up and looked towards the others. "We need to get a boat to get to the Egg Carrier. Which is two miles in that direction." Pinkie pointed towards the sea.

"Alright," Amy said. "Let's get going." Then they headed over somewhere.

Somewhere in Windy Valley, Gamma had found E-103: Delta, stuck to a cliff side.

"E-103: Delta, found," Gamma said. "Must reprogram." Gamma's arm then extended, and two wires came out of the fingers and connected to the two holes in between Delta's eyes. "Reprogramming Delta. Deleting Doctor Eggman's command." Then Gamma deleted Eggman's programming from Delta's mainframe. "Eggman's command deleted. Rescue mission complete." Then Delta fell down to the ground when the two wires disconnected. Then the back opened up, and a rabbit jumped out of it.

Then it went to Eggman's base in the Mystic Ruins. Twilight, Sonic, Rainbow Dash and Mutt were heading through the place, looking everywhere for Eggman.

"This place is huge," Twilight said. "How are we going to find him?"

"Ha ha-ha ha ha!" came an annoying laugh. From above came Bokkun with a TV.

"You again!" Mutt said. "I haven't seen you since you got Stygian with that black goo!"

"Yeah, yeah," Bokkun said. "You don't have to worry about that. Since you blew it up. Anyway, I got a message for all of you." The TV then turned on and revealed Doctor Eggman.

"So, you all think you can get the jump on me, eh, Sonic?" Doctor Eggman said on the screen. "Well, if you want me, come and get me. Bokkun, lead these pathetic heroes to their doom."

"Yes, Doctor!" Bokkun replied. "C'mon, suckers!" He then led them through the place.

Later, somewhere near a volcanic hot spot, Gamma found Epsilon tied up to a wall.

"Epsilon found," Gamma said. He then extended his arm and wires came out of his fingers, attaching to the two holes between Epsilon's eyes. "Deleting Doctor Eggman's programming. Programming deleted. Rescue mission complete." Epsilon then fell down to the ground, and a little robin flying out. "E-103: Delta, E-104: Epsilon, rescue missions complete. E-101: Beta, E-105: Zeta, locations unknown." Then a memory came to him. "Perhaps... aboard the Egg Carrier." He then started walking away.

Back in Eggman's base, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Sonic and Mutt were led into a huge room, where a huge machine was floating in front of them.

"Ah, Sonic," Doctor Eggman's voice came from the machine. "You and your friends came... to your funeral." Then the machine fired a blast towards the heroes, all of them dodging out of the way. Twilight used her magic to fire at the laser cannons, all of them getting crushed, and no way for the lasers to come out. "What?! No!! Eject! Eject!" Then the Egg Mobile flew out of the machine and the machine blew up.

"Alright!" Rainbow Dash said, patting Twilight's back. "You stopped it."

"This isn't over!" came Doctor Eggman's voice. "I will destroy you all!" Then Doctor Eggman flew up through an escape hatch.

At the Egg Carrier, Amy, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Lily were on a motorboat being driven by a human man. When they arrive, the man's phone started beeping. He then looked at his phone.

"Oh, great!" the man said. "I agreed to watch over my niece tonight! I have to go!"

"Hey!" Amy said. "What about us?!"

"I'll send someone to come and get you," the man said. "I gotta go." Then the man drove off in the boat. Amy, Pinkie and Fluttershy sighed in frustration and headed towards the back of the Egg Carrier. Not seeing that Gamma was heading towards the Egg Carrier.

"Searching for E-100 series robots," Gamma said. "E-105: Zeta detected. In the Hot Shelter." Then Gamma headed towards the back of the Egg Carrier.

Meanwhile, on Angel Island, Knuckles had successfully restored the Master Emerald.

"The Master Emerald is restored, but Angel Island isn't going back into the sky," Knuckles said. "I don't know what to do." He then looked around. "Perhaps I should take the Chaos Emeralds to Sonic and the others." He then grabbed the sack containing the Chaos Emeralds and headed away from the alter.

Back in the Egg Carrier, Amy, Fluttershy and Pinkie came up to a computer and seeing it's data.

"Look at this," Amy said. "It would seem that those robots are powered by animals," Amy said.

"Why would they do that to poor animals?" Fluttershy asked.

"Wait, does that mean that that robot that saved us probably has one of Lily's siblings?" Pinkie asked.

"It could be possible," Amy said. Just then, there was the sound of metal bending. "What was that?" The three of them huddled together. Just then, the door to the room was bashed open and in came the robot that took them to the Egg Carrier in the first place. "Oh, no. Not this guy again!" Then the robot started chasing them.

Meanwhile, in the Hot Shelter, Gamma had came across something.

"Zeta!" Gamma said. He then hovered up to Zeta, and wires came out of his fingers and attached to the holes in between Zeta's eyes.

Just then, Amy, Pinkie and Fluttershy made it outside. Amy then got out her communicator and called for someone.

"This is Amy!" Amy said. "Calling out to any of the Freedom Fighters. Pinkie, Fluttershy and I are on the Egg Carrier. We need an immediate pickup!"

"MC, here!" came MC's voice from the communicator. "I'm in the X-Tornado. I'm on my way."

"Thanks, MC," Amy said. Just then, the robot known as Zero came in, and tried to smash them. Amy, Fluttershy and Pinkie were running away from Zero. Amy then got out her hammer and slammed him away. "Nice try." Zero then charged at Amy, and then Amy countered the robot with her hammer.

Gamma walked out of the hallway and into another room.

"E-105: Zeta, rescue mission complete," Gamma said. "Remaining robots..." He then looked at his hand. "Gamma." Then a rumbling came. From the ceiling, in front of him, came another robot.

"Beta!!" Gamma said.

"Rogue robot detected!" Beta said. "Must destroy!" He then fired at Gamma. Gamma jumped out of the way and fired at Beta.

"Beta! Stop!" Gamma said. "I'm trying to help you!"

"Gamma not master! Eggman master!" Beta replied. "All enemies must be eliminated!" Their fight eventually made it to the outer decks. Gamma had fired a blast at Beta, who dodged, and accidentally bashed into Zero. "Eliminate all enemies of Doctor Eggman!"

"Another robot?!" Pinkie asked.

"E-100: Zero, and E-101: Beta!" Gamma said. "Must stop them! Must rescue Beta!"

Just then, the X-Tornado came in. MC saw the battle from above. MC then said, "Amy, I see three robots. Should I smash them all?"

Amy then pulled up her communicator and said, "No! The red and black ones have animals in them! The green one on the other hand..."

"Say no more!" MC said, smirking. The X-Tornado then transformed into the X-Cyclone, and it landed on Zero, crushing it. MC smirked and said, "One down." He then got out of the X-Tornado. "Alright, how do we take down these bots."

"Let the two robots fight each other," Amy said. "The red one is the one who freed us."

"A rogue robot, eh?" MC asked. "Allow me." MC then charged towards the two robots. MC then dug his claws into the back of Beta. "Now!"

Gamma then fired a blast towards Beta, and it made contact, making Beta explode. Then a bubble with a green bird similar to Lily came out. The bubble popped and headed towards Lily. The two chirping in happiness.

"Nice shot... bud?" MC noticed that one of Beta's arms pierced into Gamma's body.

"E-101: Beta..." Gamma said. "Mission compleee..." Gamma then fell over, and blew up. MC, Amy, Pinkie and Fluttershy all gasped in shock after Gamma's explosion. Then another bubble came out, and a pink bird came from the bubble. Then the three birds chirped in unison.

"I'm happy that you all are back together," Amy said. She then looked over at Gamma. "You were a very good friend. I really thought that you would be able to come with us. But I guess that's all different now. Goodbye, my new friend." Pinkie and Fluttershy pulled Amy in for a hug.

MC sighed and said, "Alright, girls. Let's go back to the mainland before this thing starts to sink." MC and the girls then climbed up into the X-Tornado, and it took off.

Meanwhile, on a hillside in the middle of the forest, Sonic, Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Mutt were all looking out at the sunset over the forest. Just then, Tails came up to them, along with the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Hey, kids," Twilight said. "Joshua, I heard that you helped Tails with disarming a missile."

"Yeah, I had to help with Tails with finding which wire was connected to the explosives," Joshua said.

"This kid is smart," Tails said, rubbing Joshua's head. "I guess we won't have any worries from now on." They looked over the horizon to see the sunset. Just then, a storm cloud came in, shooting out a bolt of lightning.

Somewhere else, Knuckles was watching the lightning bolt as well. He was also holding onto the sack containing the Chaos Emeralds he had.

In another part of the forest, Doctor Eggman, in his Egg Mobile, was going through the forest, an irritated look on his face.

"Darn those heroes," Doctor Eggman said. "I'll get my revenge on them if it's the last thing I'll do." Just then, he noticed something. It seemed to be a puddle of water. "What's this? Chaos. Is that you?" Then the water started rising up, taking the form of Chaos. He then stepped towards Doctor Eggman. "What are you doing?" Doctor Eggman was starting to get scared. "No. No no! NOOOOOOO!!"

As the doctor was screaming that last part, a bolt of lightning shot out from the sky.

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
The Chaos Saga (Part 6):
Perfect Chaos

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