• Published 7th Sep 2022
  • 3,672 Views, 186 Comments

A Dragon's Soft Spot - Mister E-Nonymous

The staff and some of the students find out that Smolder has been hiding a human turned dragon in the catacombs underneath the School of Friendship, and they want to know how it happened. And eventually, why she agreed to help him.

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Chapter 10: The Legendary Star Swirl the Bearded

Chapter 10: The Legendary Star Swirl the Bearded

In the cafeteria, Aaron and the Young 6 were all finishing up their lunch. As soon as they put their lunch trays on top of the trash cans, there was an announcement on the PA system.

"Aaron Blazer, report to my office!" Starlight said over the PA System. "Aaron Blazer, report to my office!" Aaron and the Young 6 got confused. Then they all walked towards Starlight's office. They eventually made it to the Headmare's office.

"She asked for only me to come," Aaron said. "Wait here." The others nodded as Aaron went in. "You wanted to see me, Starlight?" Aaron said. He then stopped when he saw somepony else was in the room.

"No... way..." Aaron said in surprise.

"So, this is the dragon that used to be human, huh?" Star Swirl asked.

"Aaron, I'm sure you know who this is?" Starlight asked.

"Yeah, I know of him," Aaron said. "The Legendary Star Swirl the Bearded. Although, he did make some hurtful comments in the past."

"Oh? And what would those hurtful comments be?" Star Swirl asked.

"Once a villain, always a villain?" Aaron asked. "That was really hurtful to those who had made bad decisions in the past and left them in the past. In fact, one of them is in the room right now." He then tilted his head towards Starlight.

Star Swirl looked towards Starlight and said, "Oh. I am so sorry I said that. Guess I didn't think about those who turned over a new leaf as you young folk say. Are there any other characters that reformed since I've been stuck in limbo with the others?"

"Let's see," Aaron said. "There was Luna when she became Nightmare Moon, Discord, Gilda, Trixie, Sunset Shimmer; who helped with stopping the Sirens in the other dimension by the way, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, and about 99% of the changelings. And that was all before you, the other pillars and Stygian returned."

"Wow," Star Swirl said. "Are there any other figures that..."

"Well, there are, but they're either in another dimension or known throughout Equestria as works of fiction," Aaron said. "But you didn't hear that from me."

"Understandable," Star Swirl asked.

"Star Swirl has been tasked by Princess Twilight to help you with finding a way back to your world," Starlight said. "And to do that, we're gonna need to know where in Equestria you ended up when you came to our world."

"I'm afraid that I can't help with that," Aaron said. "I don't even know where I ended up before waking up in the caverns underneath the school."

"Oh, right," Starlight said. "It was Smolder that found you. I better get her to come here as well."

"She's right out the door," Aaron said.

"Oh," Starlight said before teleporting by the door. She then opened the door, looked out of it and said, "Smolder. Mind coming in, Smolder? We're gonna need some information from you." Smolder then walked in as Starlight was heading back to the desk.

"If this is about the..." Smolder said before she saw Star Swirl. "What's going on here?"

"Smolder, we're gonna need you to show us where you found Aaron the night he arrived," Starlight said.

"Why?" Smolder asked.

"Because I'm gonna need to see if there is any residue left of the portal that brought Aaron here in the first place," Star Swirl said. "That way, I can replicate the portal to get him back home."

"Oh," Smolder said. "Well, I guess I should. This should be interesting." Then she, Aaron, Starlight and Star Swirl left the room, on their way out towards the Everfree Forest.

Aaron, the Young 6, Starlight and Star Swirl were all in the Everfree Forest, Smolder taking the lead. Smolder was looking around, trying to find out where she found Aaron on the night he arrived in Equestria.

"Are you sure this is where you found me?" Aaron asked. "I swear, throughout the show, the Everfree gets darker and darker in the day time every time they put it on the screen. And it seems darker than it was last time."

"Yona agrees with Aaron," Yona said.

"I'm pretty sure I'm getting close," Smolder said, still looking around.

"Well, if we don't get there soon, I'm gonna..." Gallus said before tripping on something. "Waaah!" Gallus fell over and looked at what he tripped on. He then picked it up and said, "Some kind of cloth or something."

The group looked towards Gallus and saw him holding something. Then Aaron said, "Are those my jeans?"

"Jeans?" Ocellus asked. "What are jeans?"

"They're a piece of clothing," Aaron said. "They go on your legs, up to your waste, if you were a biped."

"Oh, right," Smolder said. "I left your clothes here to know where to find where the spot I found you was. I can't believe I forgot about that."

"Well, to be fair, it has been three and a half months since you found me," Aaron said.

"True," Smolder said, nodding her head.

Star Swirl then lit up his horn, looking for something. He then looked around and came across something. It was a very small portal, nearly closed.

"Well, the portal is just nearly gone, but I believe I can replicate it," Star Swirl said. "That's what I did when I made that one portal."

"Wait," Aaron said. "Are you saying that the portal that led to that deserted island in the other dimension came first?"

"In a way, yes," Star Swirl said. "Although, I had to place the other end of the portal somewhere where there was more... public."

"That explains why the other end was placed in front of where a high school now stands," Aaron said. "Which... is basically the same dimension where you and the other pillars sent the sirens."

"The sirens aren't a threat when they're there," Star Swirl said. "After all, there's no magic there."

"Not until a few years ago when Princess Twilight went there the first time," Aaron said. "And when they tried taking that magic, they were defeated, and the rubies on their chest, they broke. And they can no longer feed on negativity."

"Oh, right," Star Swirl said. "Their rubies allow them to make creatures around them fight verbally and they could feed on their negativity."

"I'm surprised those three still lived for a thousand years," Aaron said.

"They were still alive?" Star Swirl asked.

"They're still alive," Aaron said. "The rubies made them look like teenagers through centuries. But now, since the rubies are done for..."

"They'll get older and older like any normal human and eventually die of old age," Smolder said.

"And besides... without their rubies... they're also really bad singers," Aaron said.

"That would make sense," Star Swirl said. "Anyway, I should find a way to replicate the spell and send you home. It'll take a while for me to recreate it with magic, but I believe it can be done."

"Alright, everycreature," Starlight said. "Back to the school." She then lit up her horn and found every piece of clothing that was around the area.

Back at the School of Friendship, Star Swirl was using his magic to do a magical scan on Aaron, trying to figure how he became a dragon in the first place.

"It would seem to be that whatever brought you here wanted to make you fit in as a creature that is intelligent here," Star Swirl said. "Although, it must've been weird for you to be a dragon."

"At least I'm still a biped," Aaron said. "Although, at first, I was really off balanced with this tail I have coming from my backside. Along with these." Aaron then unfolded his wings.

"Yes, I suppose being transformed into a different creature must've been a completely new experience for you," Star Swirl said.

"Yeah, it was," Aaron said. He then thought of something. "Is it possible to make that portal a two way portal, that way my new friends can come to my world to visit?"

"I don't see why not," Star Swirl said. "Although, I might have to find a transformation spell for them to blend in like you humans."

"Speaking of which, you might want to modify the transformation spell," Aaron said.

"And why is that?" Star Swirl asked.

"The transformation spell in the mirror turned Spike into a dog when he went through," Aaron said. That made Star Swirl snicker. "A little purple and green dog." That made Star Swirl laugh.

"He didn't eat dog food, did he?" Star Swirl asked.

"He was still eating dog treats, even when he was a dragon," Aaron said. That made Star Swirl laugh harder.

"What was wrong with him?" Star Swirl asked. "That should've been disgusting for him."

"Trust me, he ate worse," Aaron said. "If you don't believe me, ask Twilight Sparkle about the 'Baked Bads' incident."

"I'll have to look into that," Star Swirl said. "For now, I must return to Canterlot. I shall see you another time." He then lit up his horn and teleported out of there.

Aaron then walked out of the room and saw Smolder holding Aaron's laptop. She then said, "Starlight wants to know if there's something in here that might entertain us for tonight."

"What do you mean?" Aaron asked.

"Everyone wants to see a movie from your world," Smolder said. "How about you show them all one movie tonight?"

"Where?" Aaron asked.

"Amphitheater," Smolder replied. "They're already gathering up there."

"Okay," Aaron said as Smolder handed him his laptop. "I better see what's good to show the students and faculty." He then saw something that came to his attention. "Oh, this one will do."

Later that night, Aaron, Sandbar and Gallus were all heading to the room they shared. Aaron was already getting into his bed.

"Boy, Aaron," Sandbar said. "That movie you showed us was incredible."

"Yeah," Gallus said. "Although, I doubt that Smolder was happy about that one dragon acting like a dog."

"Yeah," Aaron said. "I guess that was a bit of a sick twist in that movie. Although, it was all interesting."

"Like that rock dragon curse near the end of that movie," Sandbar said. "That was one crazy twist that Onward had in it."

"I still don't see why they had a centaur for a police officer," Gallus said.

"Hey, that centaur wasn't Tirek," Aaron said. "Although, I have been wondering about something."

"And that is?" Sandbar asked.

"In the show, no one has ever shown Cozy Glow's backstory," Aaron said. "What troubled past had she gone through before showing up?"

"Hey, he's got a point," Sandbar said. "We actually never heard what really happened in her past."

"Well, when Twilight comes back to the school, we might have to ask her about that," Gallus said. "For right now, let's get some sleep." He then shut off the lights as the three of them headed on to sleep. "Night, guys."

"Good night," Aaron and Sandbar said in unison.

Back in Canterlot, Star Swirl was working late in the study that Twilight had let him use. That is until Twilight walked in to see him hard at work.

"Star Swirl, are you still working?" Twilight asked. "It's late."

"I know, Twilight Sparkle," Star Swirl said. "I just want to make this portal perfectly correct, and quickly."

"Oh, c'mon, Star Swirl," Twilight said. "How bad can it be?"

"Very bad," Star Swirl responded, making Twilight go wide eyed.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked.

"Before the pillars and I had trapped ourselves with the Pony of Shadows in Limbo over a thousand years ago, I heard the tale of a beast of a dragon known as Ragnarok the Reaper," Star Swirl said. "And I can tell you, it was no myth."

"What?!" Twilight asked, shocked. "You mean there's a killer dragon out there who's probably on the hunt for Aaron as we speak?!"

"Yes," Star Swirl said. "And to make sure that he doesn't get the human turned dragon, we must perfect this spell."

"But, Aaron's friends would be wanting to visit him on his world," Twilight said.

"That's something we cannot allow," Star Swirl said. "For if there is a way to get Aaron home, it has to be one way. No exceptions."

Twilight couldn't believe what she heard. In order for Aaron to get home, he'll have to leave the first real friends he made behind, never to see them in person again.

"There... there has to be another way," Twilight said.

"I'm afraid that there is no other way, Twilight Sparkle," Star Swirl said. "This has to be done." Twilight then walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. She then went into her room and read the reports of Aaron's time in Equestria. There were even pictures of him with the Young 6. And in some pictures, it was just him and Smolder.

Twilight sighed and said, "There has to be another way. No way a friend should be permanently separated."

Author's Note:

Okay, now this is gonna be a huge pickle. Twilight knows that Star Swirl is trying to protect Aaron from Ragnarok the Reaper, but she still wants him to be able to see his friends from there. She might be the high princess of Equestria, but she is also still the Princess of Friendship. No way she'd want to permanently disconnect the Young 6 from seeing Aaron again. Basically, Star Swirl isn't seeing the consequences of his actions... again. We all remember what happened last time.

Let's hope it doesn't happen again.