• Published 7th Sep 2022
  • 3,660 Views, 186 Comments

A Dragon's Soft Spot - Mister E-Nonymous

The staff and some of the students find out that Smolder has been hiding a human turned dragon in the catacombs underneath the School of Friendship, and they want to know how it happened. And eventually, why she agreed to help him.

  • ...

Chapter 19: Viva Las Vegas

Chapter 19: Viva Las Vegas

With permission from their families, and Grandpa Gruff for Gallus's sake, Smolder's friends arrived in the Castle of Friendship. They were currently talking to Smolder and Aaron through the communication book.

"And then, Aaron used the slingshot to pull the rope closer to him, swing across the pit, go back through the crypt and run out of the temple just a few seconds after the first minute," Smolder said.

"Wow!" Gallus said. "That must've been a walk in the park for him."

"Well, we did do a lot of practice before the big day," Smolder said. "It's been a while since we've seen each other in person."

"If only there was a way for us to open up a portal to that world without that Ragnarok dragon finding out," Ocellus said.

"Does Aaron's aunt know about Ragnarok?" Sandbar asked.

"We thought it would be best if she doesn't know about the giant, evil dragon who wants to kill Aaron," Smolder said. Just then Smolder heard a knock on the door. "Alright, guys. I gotta go. Bye." She then closed the book on her side and then Twilight closed the book on their side.

"Well, looks like Smolder is doing just fine in Aaron's world," Twilight said. "But don't worry. I'm working on a spell to see if we can bring Smolder back home. But that is of course she wants to return back here to Equestria."

"Eventually, she will want to come back to see her family," Silverstream said. "I know I'd miss my family if I was stuck in another world."

"Me, too," Ocellus said.

"Yak agree as well," Yona said.

"I would also," Sandbar said. Then the four of them looked at Gallus.

"I don't have a family, but I would miss my old friends," Gallus said.

"Well, perhaps I can figure out a way to get you to Aaron's world, and bring you guys home if you want to," Twilight said. "Just for a visit."

"Well, I'm sure that you can find a way," Ocellus said. "You are the most magically gifted pony we know."

"Well, I'm glad you think so," Twilight said. "I'll also make something to disguise yourselves as humans while you're there. But there's the fact that I have to use it to activate the transformation spell."

"Wait, what about something similar to Silverstream's necklace?" Ocellus asked.

"Oh, yeah!" Silverstream said. She then sat on the steps. "I almost forgot about this." She then activated her special seashell and she changed into her seapony form.

"So, we're gonna need something to put the transformation spell into," Twilight said. "Why don't you all head onto your homes and I'll send some of my royal guards to pick you up."

"Okay," the five students said. They were then escorted out of the Throne Room. As Gallus was leaving the room, he was looking towards the Royal Guards and he got to thinking.

Back on Earth, Aaron and Smolder were playing a video game on Aaron's Nintendo Switch. Smolder was in her dragon form. They were playing Mario Kart. Aaron was playing as Yoshi while Smolder was playing as Peach.

"How are you beating me?" Aaron asked. "This is your first time playing."

"Meh, I was paying attention to the way you play," Smolder said.

"So, how are the others doing?" Aaron asked.

"They're doing fine," Smolder said. "I'm sure they're gonna find a way to come here. Along with something to make them blend in."

"I'm sure that Twilight will think of something," Aaron said. Just then Aaron jumped in frustration. "Gah! Seriously?!"

"You snooze, you lose," Smolder said.

"You've been hanging out with Rainbow Dash too much," Aaron said. "Kinda wish I would've seen you in that cute dress in person."

"Oh, that?" Smolder asked. She then blushed. "I... wish I could have brought it with me. But it's been so long since I put that on." Aaron was confused about that. She then quickly looked at the bottom of her bed and looked back at Aaron. Aaron then looked towards where Smolder looked. He then smirked and quickly jumped towards the bottom of her bed. "No!" Smolder then tackled Aaron, but Aaron grabbed something from the bottom of her bed. It was a small suitcase. Aaron then opened it and saw a light blue sparkly dress.

"You made a dress here?" Aaron asked.

Smolder blushed in embarrassment and said, "I... might dress up in it when you're not in the hotel room."

"Don't worry, Smolder," Aaron said. "If it's what makes you you, I'm fine with it." Smolder smiled at Aaron's comment. Just then, Marissa knocked on the door.

"Knock knock," Marissa said.

"What is it, aunt Marissa?" Aaron asked.

"I'm going to be doing a fashion show of my line of teenage clothing for my fashion company," Marissa said. "And that show is going to be in Las Vegas, Nevada."

"Las Vegas?" Smolder asked. "Is that similar to Las Pegasus?"

"Sort of," Aaron said.

"Well, two of my teenage models cancelled, so I want you two to fill in," Marissa said.

"Really?" Smolder asked.

"Yes," Marissa said. "So that means, we're all going to Las Vegas."

"Sweet," Aaron said. "We should pack up." Aaron and Smolder then started getting their stuff ready. Marissa then noticed Smolder's dress and smiled.

"I see you discovered Smolder's dress," Marissa said, making Smolder blush.

"You knew about that?" Smolder asked.

"I've seen those parts in the two episodes of the show Aaron watches," Marissa said. "Why did you think I left out those specific fabrics and my sewing machine out that one day?"

Smolder's blush faded. She then continued packing her stuff.

A couple days had passed, and the three of them arrived at the Wynn Resort in Las Vegas. The three of them headed into the hotel and went to the check-in desk.

"Welcome to the Wynn Resort, how may I help you?" the man at the desk asked.

"Reservation for Marissa Blazer," Marissa said.

"Marissa Blazer, Marissa Blazer," the man said, checking on his computer. "Ah, yes. Room for three. Okay, and here is your room key card. Would you like me to give two more for these two young ones?"

"That would be good for them to have," Marissa said. Then the man gave Aaron and Smolder some key cards.

"Enjoy your stay," the man said.

They eventually walked towards an elevator and went up. Soon they went into the room they were staying at.

"Whoa," Smolder said. "This room is huge."

"Yes it is," Marissa said. Then there was a knocking at the door. The bellhop brought in a luggage cart full of hung clothes. "Oh, thank you, sir." She then tipped the bellhop as he headed out.

"So, what can we do first while we're here?" Smolder asked.

"Well, there are a lot of things to do here in Las Vegas," Marissa said. "Aaron, what are you interested in doing?"

"Well, we can do some zip lining down Fremont Street another time," Aaron said.

"Yeah, we can do that some other time," Marissa said. "But for right now, let's go explore the strip." Then the three of them headed out of there.

Aaron, Smolder and Marissa were walking around the Las Vegas Strip. They eventually made it to the New York New York hotel and went up to the arcade.

"Whoa," Smolder said. "This place is amazing."

"Yeah," Aaron said. "Now this is an arcade."

"Alright, you kids," Marissa said. "You two have some fun. I'm gonna go look around."

"You're not gonna gamble, are you?" Aaron asked.

"This is a business trip, not a money seeking trip," Marissa said. "We've got a fashion show to do tomorrow. Don't do too much today. We'll do a lot more the day after tomorrow."

"Okay, aunt Marissa," Aaron said.

Aaron and Smolder then started playing some video games. Aaron and Smolder had gained a lot of tickets from the games they played. Smolder's phone then started ringing.

"Hello?" Smolder asked, answering the phone. "Oh, hey, Marissa." She then listened to Marissa. "Uh-huh. Okay. We'll meet you there." He then looked towards Aaron. "Hey, Aaron."

"What is it?" Aaron asked.

"We got to meet your aunt at the Hershey's shop," Smolder said. "Let's go." Then the two of them walked out of the arcade, heading downstairs, heading towards the Hershey's shop. They went inside to meet with Marissa.

"Alright, you two," Marissa said. "We'd better head back to the hotel. We've got to get ready for the show tomorrow. We'll have some dinner there, and you two have to get bathed before the show."

"Okay, Aunt Marissa," Aaron said.

"Now, c'mon," Marissa said. "I've already called for a Lyft to pick us up. Now, let's get going." Then the three of them headed out of there.

Back at the hotel, Aaron and Smolder were getting ready for bed. Marissa went to check on the two.

"Are you two kids ready for bed?" Marissa asked.

"Yeah," Aaron said. He then sighed.

"What's wrong, Aaron?" Marissa asked.

"He's only known so much about his mom from you, but never learned anything about his dad," Smolder said.

Marissa then sighed. She then said, "I guess it's time for you to learn the truth. Your father... he wasn't... interested in having children."

"What?" Aaron asked.

"What do you mean?" Smolder asked.

"When my sister found out she was pregnant with Aaron, she was ecstatic to having a child of her own," Marissa said. "But when Aaron's father found out, he wanted her to abort Aaron. Aaron's mother, Ronnie, really wanted to be a mother. But she knew for her to do so, she had to break up with Brad. She hasn't seen him since then. That is until when Aaron was four. She was called by Brad, and he threatened her to end Aaron's life. But she wouldn't allow that. She had no choice but to go into hiding."

"So that's why she left me with you that day," Aaron said.

"Yes," Marissa said. "But that night, Ronnie was on her way out of there, but Brad thought that you were in the car. The police saw him attacking Ronnie and attempted to arrest him, but he..." She then sighed.

"Let me guess. He did something that was unforgivable and he eventually got killed?" Smolder asked.

"He didn't want any witnesses, so he almost killed the cops," Marissa said. "But in the end, he was the one who got killed in that battle." She then shed a few tears. "Ronnie and I were..." Aaron then walked up to Marissa and hugged her.

"I understand, aunt Marissa," Aaron said. "And it's okay. I'll be fine. Thanks for taking me in."

"Of course I'd take you in," Marissa said after giving a small smile. "I loved you just as much as your mother did." Smolder was shedding some tears of her own.

"W-well, we should... get to sleep," Smolder said. "We've got a big day tomorrow."

"She's right," Marissa said. "You two head for bed. I'll see you in the morning." She then walked out of the bedroom for the two to head to bed."

Back in Equestria, Twilight was testing out some enchanted metal piece on a string on Spike, hoping that it would work.

"Okay, this should do it," Twilight said. "Try it out, Spike."

Spike then tapped on the metal piece necklace, and a spell was cast, making him a human. He even had clothes on. He then said, "Whoa! Cool!"

"Good," Twilight said. "It works. Now, tap it again." Spike then tapped it and he returned to normal. "Okay, the enchantment is there." She then looked towards the five friends of Smolder who were there. "Now that the necklaces are ready, I'll send you to Aaron's world." She then remembered something. "And you're gonna need these as well." Twilight levitated five wristbands over to the five of them.

"What are these for?" Gallus asked.

"They're to make sure you're ready to return," Twilight said. "Just tap on them and I'll use the returning spell to bring you all home."

"Yona understand," Yona said.

"Okay, here we go," Twilight said. "I'm gonna send you all to where Aaron lives. Once you're there, be sure to keep your real identities a secret." At the time, Twilight was levitating four necklaces to the students, Ocellus the only one not getting one.

"How come you didn't give me a necklace?" Ocellus asked.

"You're a changeling," Twilight said. "You can basically look like anything you want."

"Oh, that's right," Ocellus said in realization.

"Okay, now to start the spell," Twilight said. Twilight then lit up her horn, trying to concentrate on sending the five students to Aaron's world. But as she cast the spell, she somehow surged. Instead of transporting the five students to Earth, she accidentally made the entire Equestrian Continent vanish from where in the multiverse they were. Twilight then stopped the spell and groaned, holding her head.

"What was that?" Sandbar asked.

"I... I don't know," Twilight said. "I must've... surged."

"Another surge," Spike said. "Okay, that could be a problem. Depending on how much magic was used, it might be a problem." Just then, there was a small quake. All of them fell onto the floor. "What was that?!"

Just then, a couple royal guards ran in. One of them said, "Princess Twilight! There's a problem!"

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

"It would seem that... Ragnarok... has broken out of Tartarus," the royal guard said.

"What?!" Twilight, Spike and the five students asked.

"But how?" Gallus asked. "That shouldn't be possible unless..." He then thought of something and flew out and onto the balcony. He looked up and saw an airplane. "Oh, no." The others ran outside.

"What is it, Gallus?" Ocellus asked.

"I think I know what the surge did," Gallus said. "Instead of transporting the five of us to Aaron's world... she accidentally transported all of Equestria to Aaron's world."

Author's Note:

Okay... that's a bit of a problem. But At least you'll get to see the fight you've been waiting to see. Aaron vs. Ragnarok. So, there's just one thing that needs to be done.


Aaron and Ragnarok are gonna have to take this fight. Which of these places should Aaron take the fight away from Vegas?

Option 1:

Hoover Dam

Option 2:

Red Rock Canyon

Option 3:

Old Las Vegas Mormon Fort Historic Park

Most votes will make it to the battle, but you can only make one choice. Can't wait for this battle to be done with.