• Published 7th Sep 2022
  • 3,672 Views, 186 Comments

A Dragon's Soft Spot - Mister E-Nonymous

The staff and some of the students find out that Smolder has been hiding a human turned dragon in the catacombs underneath the School of Friendship, and they want to know how it happened. And eventually, why she agreed to help him.

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Chapter 14: Dragons on Earth

Chapter 14: Dragons on Earth

In Equestria, at the Castle of Friendship, Garble was trying to convince the ponies to bring back his sister. Although, he was being a bit rough on the convincing part.

"Bring her back!" Garble said, pinning Twilight to a wall.

"I'm sorry, Garble!" Twilight said. "She cares a lot for Aaron! There was nothing we could do to stop her! Besides, if she didn't, we'd all be killed by Ragnarok!"

"I just had her back!" Garble said. "I can't lose her again!"

"I know, Garble," Twilight said. "But it's not going to be as simple as that. I've been trying to convince Star Swirl to try and find an alternate way to make the portal a two way so the other students, including Smolder, to visit Aaron in his world, but with Ragnarok alive, he'll be awake whenever a portal to that world opens up."

"But my sister is..." Garble said, being cut off.

"There's a good chance that she's doing what her heart is telling her to do," Twilight said. "And according to Cadance, she has really deep feelings for Aaron. She's... in love."

"Smolder? In love?" Garble asked, smirking. "Yeah, right. You don't know what you're talking about. Smolder doesn't fall in love."

"Well, it seems she has," Twilight said. "Why else would she drag Aaron into the portal?"

Garble was about to protest, but then he thought about it. He then let go of Twilight, groaned and said, "Oh, if he does something to her on that side, I'm gonna beat him up."

On Earth, in the hotel room that Aaron and his aunt live in, Smolder was coming to. She sat up, stretched herself out, yawned and looked around. She saw that where she was wasn't her dorm room at the School of Friendship. She then remembered.

"Oh, right," Smolder quietly said. "I'm in Aaron's world." She then looked down at Aaron, who was still asleep, and still in dragon form. "What?" Smolder then got out of bed. "He's still a..." She then looked down at herself, seeing that her body was still a dragon's body. "Why am I still a dragon as well?" Just then, she heard the sound of a door closing on the other side of the closed door of the room the two were in.

Smolder walked out the door and looked out to see if anyone was there. She then started flying around to see if there was anyone there. She flew into another room of the hotel, seeing another bedroom. No one there. She then flew into the kitchen and living area, no one. And she went into the master bedroom of the hotel suite. No one.

"Weird," Smolder said. She then walked out of the room, and then she saw a note on the fridge. She walked over towards it and started reading the note aloud. "'Aaron, I've gone to work. I need to make some new designs for my company's outfits. Once I'm done, I'll call you and then you and I can head out for breakfast. Your Aunt Marissa.'" She then got worried for Aaron. She had no choice. She had to wake him up. She then walked into the room where Aaron was asleep in the bed she shared with him. She then shook him awake. "Aaron. Aaron, wake up."

Aaron groaned and said, "Ow. My... head."

"It's okay, Aaron," Smolder said. "I got you."

Aaron opened his eyes to see Smolder. He then smiled, but then he got a shocked expression. He then said, "Smolder?! What? Why are you...?" He then looked around. "Why are you here?"

Smolder sighed and said, "Ragnarok shaking the barrier caused you to bump your head on a wall. You went unconscious and I had to pull you through the portal to get you out of there before he could get you."

"I guess that explains why my head hurts," Aaron said, feeling his head, wincing in pain where the bump was.

"Let me help with that," Smolder said. "Does this place have an ice pack?"

"Under the kitchen sink," Aaron said. Smolder then flew out of the room, heading towards the kitchen. During the time, Aaron looked at his hand, still seeing that he had his dragon body. "Hey, why are we still dragons?"

"I don't know!" Smolder called out. "Hey, what's this thing attached to the left door of this fridge?"

"That's an ice and water dispenser!" Aaron called out to her.

"Oh, I see it," Smolder said. Just then, the sound of ice coming out of the ice dispenser came in. "Whoa! Okay. Next time, into the ice pack." The ice dispenser then went off again and later, Smolder came back into the room with the ice pack. She then put the ice pack on the spot where the bump on Aaron's head was. "There you go."

Aaron winced for a bit when the ice pack was placed on his head. He then said, "Thanks." He then looked at his hands. "I don't understand. The spell that Twilight was supposed to do was make me human again. It should have made you human as well. Why didn't it?"

"I don't know," Smolder said. She then looked at the closet. She then grabbed Aaron's right arm and put it on the ice pack. "Let me check something." She then opened the closet up to see the portal no longer there. She then thought about it. She then got a realization. "What if... and I'm just spitballing here, but what if the transformation spell was supposed to be meant only for one?"

"What?!" Aaron asked.

"Yeah, I mean, if the portal was supposed to send only you here, it would've transformed you as soon as you got on the other side," Smolder said. "But since we both went in..."

"The transformation spell wasn't strong enough," Aaron said. He then groaned. "I can't go out there as a dragon! Who knows what they'll do to me?"

"Who are you talking about?" Smolder asked.

"The government," Aaron said. "You see, dragons don't exist on Earth. They're mythical here." He then leaned back onto his pillow and said, "If only the spell was strong enough. I wish I was human again!" He then groaned. Not knowing that he changed back into a human before.

"Whoa!" Smolder said, jumping up and flying.

Aaron looked towards Smolder and asked, "What?"

"Aaron... you just changed," Smolder said. Aaron then looked at his hands and saw they were human hands. He then looked down at the rest of his body, seeing it was all human as well. He then saw that he was completely naked.

"Whoa!" Aaron said, covering up. "You're not supposed to see that."

"You... need me to step out of the room?" Smolder asked.

"Yes, please," Aaron said. "I need to get dressed."

"Right," Smolder said, stepping into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. She then thought of something. "So, if you can transform into a human like that, does that mean I can, too?"

"Maybe," Aaron said on the other side of the door. "But I don't want to see a naked girl, who's human by the way."

"Right," Smolder said. "Not mature for that yet. Humans."

"Hey, where'd you put my backpack?" Aaron asked.

"I put it between the beds in there," Smolder said.

"Oh, yeah, there it is," Aaron said. "Alright, Smolder, I'm all dressed." Smolder then walked back into the room. She then saw Aaron. Aaron's brown hair was a little messy, but not too much of a mess. He had on a plain green shirt with brown cargo pants, and a pair of blue and white running shoes.

"Wow," Smolder said. "Is that what you humans usually dress like?"

"There are a lot more different styles of clothing for boys and girls," Aaron said. "You'll see. That is until Aunt Marissa knows about you."

"She's gonna freak out," Smolder said. "Since this world's knowledge, I'm a fictional character from a TV show."

"Yeah," Aaron said.

"Oh, by the way, your aunt left you a note," Smolder said. She then grabbed the note and gave it to Aaron. Aaron grabbed it and read the note. Smolder then took a look at Aaron's hand. "How does it feel to have five fingers again?"

"It's good having it back," Aaron said. He then looked at his hand. "I wonder..." Aaron then changed back into a dragon, and his clothes vanished. "Whoa." He then looked down at his body. "Huh. My clothes disappeared." He then changed back to his human form with his clothes on. "Cool."

"That... would be useful," Smolder said. "Although, I'm gonna have to wait until your aunt Marissa gets home." Just then, the sound of an iPhone ringtone came in. "What is that?!"

"That's my phone," Aaron said, pulling out his phone. He then pulled out his phone. "Oh, it's my aunt Marissa." He then answered the phone. "Hey, aunt Marissa."

"Hey, Aaron," Aunt Marissa's voice came from the phone. "Listen, I'm on my way home. One of my employees needed to see if she did it right. She did it correctly. So, right now, I'm coming home. Are you up for some breakfast at IHOP?"

"Actually, Aunt Marissa, something happened last night," Aaron said.

"What is it? What happened?" Marissa asked on the phone.

"Well, you'd think I sound crazy, but..." Aaron then sighed. "Remember that TV show, My Little Pony?"

"That show you've been watching since you were four?" Marissa asked. "Yeah, I remember. Why?"

"Last night, I made a wish, and somehow, I ended up in that world," Aaron said. "I even turned into a creature of that world. Which was a dragon."

"Oh, Aaron," Marissa said. "It was just a dream. There's no way something like that can happen."

"He's telling the truth!" Smolder called out.

"Who was that, Aaron?" Marissa asked.

"Aunt Marissa, that... was Smolder," Aaron said. "She... she helped me out when I was there. For four months when I was there."

"It's true," Smolder said. "Your nephew has been in Equestria for four months, and some ponies there had to use a spell to send him back here. On this specific date and... back as a human. Although, the transformation spell might have been... a little messed up."

"What?" Marissa asked. "What do you mean?"

Later, Aaron and Smolder were sitting on the couch in the living room while Marissa was still trying to process. She was walking back and forth trying to understand what was going on.

"So, let me get this straight," Marissa said. "You've been transported to the world where the series, My Little Pony, is based." Aaron nodded. "And she..." Marissa pointed at Smolder. "...found you and took care of you."

"I took care of him secretly for an entire month," Smolder said. "That is until my friends and teachers found out about him."

"Right," Marissa said. "And you were only there until you had to come back here."

"Basically, yeah," Aaron said.

"Did... something else happen while you were there?" Marissa asked. Aaron and Smolder looked at each other, Smolder was blushing. Marissa noticed and asked, "Wait. Did you two...?"

"Ocellus tricked us into it," Smolder said. "Although... I've been... so interested in Aaron ever since I found him that night. I still don't know why..."

"Sounds like the Florence Nightingale Effect," Marissa said. "It usually happens when doctors fall in love with their patients." That made Smolder's blush go deeper than it already was.

"R-really?" Smolder asked. "Is it... that obvious?"

"Looks like it," Marissa said. She then looked at Aaron. "Did you two... you know. The K word?"

"Honestly, at first, it happened when we were too close to each other," Smolder said. She then covered her face with a couch pillow.

"Well, at least Aaron's still human," Marissa said. She then looked at Smolder. "It would be easier to let you see the rest of this world if you were human as well."

"Actually, aunt Marissa," Aaron said. He then transformed back into his dragon form, shocking Marissa.

"You can... change from human to dragon anytime you want?!" Marissa asked. "That's..." Aaron then changed back. Marissa then looked at Smolder and asked, "Does that mean... you can do it, too?"

"Probably," Smolder said. "But, I haven't done it yet."

"And why not?" Marissa asked.

"I was still a dragon this morning," Aaron said. "And when I first changed back into a human, I was naked."

"Oh," Marissa said. "And... you don't want to see her..."

"Yeah," Aaron said.

"Okay, that's a good call," Marissa said. "Well, first, if she's going out as a human, we need to get her some proper clothing. First, I need to get her measurements."

"Measurements?" Smolder asked.

"No one wants to see a naked human teen," Aaron said.

"Oh, okay," Smolder said. Smolder's arm was then grabbed by Marissa.

"Let's get your measurements," Marissa said. "When I get them, I'll go out and get you some clothing for the first day. Then we'll get you some more clothing when we go out this afternoon."

"Oh, boy," Smolder said, being pulled into Marissa's room. Marissa then closed the door after she and Smolder went into the room. Aaron then looked out towards the balcony.

"Hopefully, she can adjust here like I adjusted there," Aaron said. He then went back to the couch and turned on the TV. He then said, "Well, there's not much to catch up on when you've been gone for a few seconds on the same day."

Author's Note:

Well, looks like Smolder is about to experience being a human girl. And Marissa is being okay with this. This is something a parent would not be okay with if that parent knew that their family member had a cartoon character under his or her roof. But for now, we'll just have to wait to see what happens. See you next time.