• Published 7th Sep 2022
  • 3,661 Views, 186 Comments

A Dragon's Soft Spot - Mister E-Nonymous

The staff and some of the students find out that Smolder has been hiding a human turned dragon in the catacombs underneath the School of Friendship, and they want to know how it happened. And eventually, why she agreed to help him.

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Chapter 20: Equestria Comes to Earth

Chapter 20: Equestria Comes to Earth

Aaron and Smolder were asleep in the same bed. Smolder was in dragon form. She was then awoken by her phone ringing. She then reached for it as she grumbled. She then tried to answer it, but her phone wouldn't accept her thumb claw swiping it to answer. Smolder sighed, transformed back into her human form, and answered the phone.

"Hello?" Smolder asked.

"Smolder, I'm glad you answered," came someone's voice.

"Who is this?" Smolder asked. She then yawned. "Why'd you wake me up so early? It's... 5:30 here in Las Vegas."

"This is the President," answered the voice. That woke Smolder up completely.

"Mr. President?!" Smolder asked, sitting up. "W-what's going on? Why are you calling so early?"

"Have you seen the news lately?" the President asked. "Turn on the news." Smolder then ran over to the remote, turned on the TV and switched the channel to the news.

"We don't know how it happened, but it would seem that an entire continent had appeared out of nowhere in the Atlantic Ocean," said one female news reporter. "Scientists are still wondering how this is possible and..." The news reporter then read something. "Am I reading this right?"

"Yes ma'am," came one person's voice from behind the camera.

"Oh... kay," the female reporter said.

"Well, it would seem that this entire continent has been described as the land of Equestria from the TV Series, My Little Pony," the male reporter said. "We have no idea how something like this is possible, but we are all hoping that President Joe Biden will tell all of America what is happening."

"No... way..." Smolder said.

"I know, right?" the president asked. "Don't worry. But as long as the ruler of Equestria is okay with it, she will continue to lead Equestria and be a part of the United Nations."

"Well, for one thing, that's good," Smolder said. "But for another, it's bad that Equestria has come to Earth."

"Why? Because of the Anti-Bronies?" the president asked.

"No, not because of..." Smolder said, but got confused. "What's an Anti-Brony?"

"Someone who doesn't want any fans of the show to be fans of it," the president answered. "Anyway, you were saying before?"

"Right," Smolder said. She then sighed. "In Equestria, centuries ago, there was this evil dragon who was out to rule Equestria and there was a prophecy that said that he would basically be taken down by a jade dragon."

"Oh?" the President asked.

"And as you recall, Aaron is a jade dragon in his dragon form," Smolder said. "That evil dragon was put under a special enchantment, and that if there is no jade dragon in Equestria, then he'd be put in a long slumber. And now that Equestria is on Earth, everyone is doomed."

"Okay," the President said. "Well, since you guys are in Las Vegas, the evil dragon will never find you."

"I wouldn't think so much," Smolder said. "The last time we encountered him was actually our first time. Ragnarok found us and was planning to drain Aaron's soul, and destroy Princess Twilight."

"Alright," the president said. "You tell Aaron and his aunt what's going on, I'll head over there in one of my helicopters to go pick her up. Along with your friends if they're there."

"Good," Smolder said. "I'll talk to you later." She then hung up. She then went over to the bed and shook Aaron awake. "Aaron! Aaron, wake up!"

Aaron groaned and said, "Smolder... it's early."

"I know," Smolder said. "But we've got a big problem."

"We'll discuss it later," Aaron said. "Besides, it can't be that bad."

Smolder then thought of something. She then smirked and said, "Equestria has been transported to this world!" That made Aaron wake up and sit up.

"WHAT?!" Aaron asked.

"If Equestria's here, so is Ragnarok," Smolder said. "We have to talk to Twilight." She then headed for her luggage and opened it up, pulled out the book, and opened it up.

Back in Equestria, Twilight was pacing back and forth in shock, still processing what she had just done.

"Okay, I accidentally transported all of Equestria to Aaron's world," Twilight said. "That's not so bad. Oh, who am I kidding?! It's majorly bad! Ragnarok is now awake, and will eventually be on his way here!"

"Twilight!" Spike said, grabbing Twilight's head. "Calm down! I'm sure Aaron and Smolder are fine! Wherever they are." Just then, the communication book started vibrating, getting the attention of the seven creatures in the room.

Twilight opened the book and Smolder, who was still in human form, was coming from the book. Twilight then said, "Smolder, why are you calling so instantly?"

"Oh, no reason," Smolder said. "Just trying to figure out..." Then she raised her voice. "...why Equestria had just appeared in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean in Aaron's world!"

"Oh, you noticed," Twilight said, nervously.

"Noticed?! Equestria is all over the news!" came Aaron's voice.

"Oh, that can't be good," Ocellus said. Just then, she saw something. "We've got company." The group saw Dragon Lord Ember flying in.

"We've also got trouble," Ember said. "Ragnarok is on his way here. What happened?"

"We accidentally transport the Equestrian Continent to Aaron's world," Twilight said. Ember was confused about who Twilight was talking about.

"Aaron is the jade dragon," Gallus said, giving Ember the memory from when she was set free.

"Okay, so Ragnarok is still on his way here," Ember said. "So we need to get out of here before..." Just then, the wall behind the throne was broken through, revealing Ragnarok.

"FOUND YOU!!" Ragnarok roared. The others in the room all yelled.

"Get out of there! Now!" Smolder said from the book. Just then, Twilight, Smolder and Aaron's friends, Spike and Ember all vanished. "That's odd. Where'd they go?" Just then, the book closed.

Smolder was still holding the book back in the hotel room they were staying at in Las Vegas. She was wondering where they've gone until the book on the other end closed.

"What?!" Smolder asked. "C'mon, where are they?!"

"Smolder?" Aaron asked. "What happened?"

"I don't know," Smolder said. "They just... vanished on their side."

"Vanished?" Aaron asked. "Where'd they go?" Just then, a flash of light appeared in the room and there stood Twilight, Spike, Ember and the friends of Aaron and Smolder. "Never mind."

"Hey, guys!" Gallus said. Aaron and Smolder transformed back into their dragon forms. Aaron and Gallus did a fist bump while Smolder, Ocellus, Yona and Silverstream did a group hug.

"Okay, how did we get here?" Twilight asked.

"I think I know," Aaron said. Just then, Discord appeared, leaning on Aaron's head.

"Well, I wouldn't want any of you to be hurt by that destructive dragon who's bent on rage and revenge," Discord said. "So, I thought it'd be best to teleport all of you here where it's safer." Just then, Aaron saw something on the back of Spike's neck.

"For now," Aaron said, walking up to Spike. "Look." Aaron then pulled something off of the back of Spike's neck. "He's got a tracking scale on Spike. He's coming for us."

"Oh, man!" Ocellus said.

"First Gar-Gar, now Spike?" Smolder asked. "We're so doomed."

"Not necessarily," Aaron said. He then changed back into his human form. He then said, "It's really good to see you guys again." Aaron then grabbed his phone. He then called someone on his phone. "Mr. President. Aaron Blazer here. We might have some unfortunate news for you."

Aaron and Smolder were sitting on the couch while Marissa was pacing back and forth after hearing what happened back when Aaron was still in Equestria.

"I still can't believe you'd keep something like this from me, Aaron," Marissa said.

"Marissa, he just didn't want you to worry," Smolder said. "Besides, he and I didn't know about the legend of Ragnarok being real. We found out the day before the spell sent him and me to this world that the legend was real."

"And this legend, what really led to all of this?" Marissa asked.

"The legend will end unless Ragnarok is defeated," Aaron said. He then transformed back into his dragon form. "By a jade dragon."

"No way!" Marissa said. "You could die if you get near that evil dragon! I've already lost my sister! I can't lose you, too!" She was holding down Aaron.

"Aunt Marissa," Aaron said. "I know you're scared. Believe me, I'm scared, too. But we can't let fear rule our lives. I have to do this."

"And he won't be alone," came Twilight's voice. Marissa saw Twilight walking into the room. "Aaron will not be alone. We'll protect him if Ragnarok gets near him."

"I'm not too sure about this," Marissa said. "And by how big he sounds, he could be very tough to beat. You'd need an army to stop him."

Aaron thought about something. He then smirked and said, "I think I know where we can find an army." He then looked towards Discord. "Can you gather everycreature that was at the fight for Equestria? The one with Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow?"

"Why yes, of course I can," Discord said. "I'd have to let them know what's happening first."

"Oh, I think I have something to say to them all," Twilight said. "But I'm gonna need your help to get it out to all of Equestria."

"That I can do," Discord said. He then snapped his fingers and a TV camera appeared in front of him, and he aimed it towards Twilight. "Alright, Twilight. The camera's ready. And... action."

Over multiple parts of Equestria, including other areas like Mount Aris and Yakyakistan, a holographic screen with Twilight Sparkle appeared. All of the ponies, yaks, changelings, griffons, dragons, hippogriffs, seaponies and kirins were watching the message.

"If you're seeing this, then you may have noticed something strange has happened. Well, it has. I was trying a transportation spell to transport five creatures from our world to another for a visit of a couple of their friends that are in that world. But as I was doing the spell, I surged. And during that surge, instead of transporting those five creatures to that world, I accidentally transported all of Equestria. And with it, a major threat that could lead to such major catastrophes. An ancient dragon known as Ragnarok the Reaper is planning on taking control of Equestria, and soon, beyond. So, we're gonna need every single creature's help to help save this world. Are you all with me?"

The creatures looked at each other, not knowing how to take in this new experience. But for their freedom, they're willing to defend it. Even if it means going to an entirely different world.

Author's Note:

This is it. The battle between worlds, and life, against a giant, raging, life ending dragon. This is gonna be one big adventure. For every single creature.