• Published 7th Sep 2022
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A Dragon's Soft Spot - Mister E-Nonymous

The staff and some of the students find out that Smolder has been hiding a human turned dragon in the catacombs underneath the School of Friendship, and they want to know how it happened. And eventually, why she agreed to help him.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Field Trip to Canterlot

Chapter 4: Field Trip to Canterlot

The Students of the School of Friendship were in line for getting their mail. All except for Aaron and Gallus.

"Meh, they're lucky," Gallus said. "All of them have families all across Equestria and beyond while we don't have family."

"Oh, I do have family," Aaron said. "I'm just separated from them while I'm in this dimension."

"Oh, that's right," Gallus said. "I keep forgetting that." He then looked towards the cafeteria and asked, "You wanna get a snack? Might clear our heads."

"Sure," Aaron said. Then they headed into the cafeteria and they saw Smolder, sitting alone at a table. "Smolder?" Aaron and Gallus walked over towards Smolder with concerned looks. They sat next to her. "Something wrong, Smolder?"

"Just leave me alone," Smolder said.

"Wow, she has never acted like this before," Gallus said.

Aaron sighed and said, "You mind telling us what's wrong?"'

"Nothing," Smolder said. "Just leave me alone."

Gallus then looked around. He knew that Smolder always took her mail to the cafeteria to read, but looking around, no letters, no packages, nothing.

"Did you not get any mail?" Gallus asked.

Smolder sighed, got up, and started walking away. Aaron got up and walked up to her.

"Were you expecting something from Garble?" Aaron asked.

Smolder sighed and said, "I always get letters from him once a week. But... for some reason, I haven't gotten anything from him. Not even anything from the Dragon Lands."

"That's odd," Aaron said. "How many times has this happened?"

"Today would've been the seventh time," Smolder said.

"Something must be going on there," Aaron said. "I'm sure that Starlight can find out what's going on there."

"I'm not so sure," Smolder said. "Maybe I should go check out what's going on with the Dragon Lands."

"I'm sure that if you talk to Starlight, she might understand what's going on," Aaron said. "I'm sure she can help out with what you're going through."

"I'm sure that can work," Smolder said. She then sighed, once again. She then walked towards the door, but as she was about to open it, the door slammed open on her by Yona.

"There Yona's friends are!" Yona said. She then looked around. "Have any of you seen Smolder?"

"You just slammed the door on her," Gallus said. Yona then closed the door, revealing Smolder smushed against the wall.

"Sorry, Smolder," Yona said.

Smolder got herself unstuck from the wall and asked, "Why were you searching for me?"

"Headmare Starlight wanted to talk to you," Yona said. "She told me to bring Gallus and new dragon friend with. Rest of friends waiting."

Aaron, Smolder and Gallus followed Yona to Starlight's office. They all went in and saw Sandbar, Ocellus and Silverstream standing in front of Starlight's desk. Starlight was waiting for the others to arrive.

"I assume you wonder why I asked you all to come?" Starlight asked.

"Well, yeah," Sandbar said. "We were all going back to our rooms after getting our mail." He then looked over at his two roommates. "Well, not all of us."

"Yeah, I can understand that on Aaron and Gallus's side," Starlight said. "Aaron's basically from another dimension, and Gallus lost his family a long time ago. But for some reason, for the past seven weeks, Smolder hasn't received even one piece of mail from the Dragon Lands. In fact, we went to the Dragon Lands to see what was going on, but it would seem that the Dragon Lands are... abandoned."

"Abandoned?!" Smolder asked. "But it's not Dragon Migration Season! That isn't for another three months!"

"Well, we'll get the answers on that when we all head on to Canterlot for a field trip," Starlight said. "Luckily, I had Dragon Lord Ember sign the permission slip for Smolder to go on a field trip before the dragons of the Dragon Lands disappeared."

Smolder sighed and said, "That's good."

"Guess I won't be going," Aaron said. "Since I don't have any parent or guardian in this dimension."

"Oh, you're going alright," Starlight said, making Aaron stop as he was turning towards the door. "Princess Twilight especially wants to meet you personally."

"Wait, seriously?" Aaron asked, turning back towards Starlight.

"Yeah, seriously," Starlight said. "She wants to meet you face to face. Or, in your current state, muzzle to snout."

Aaron snickered and said, "I still need to get used to this place as much as I can." Aaron then looked towards the group and said, "If Princess Twilight wants to meet with me, I'd be glad to get a chance to meet her, and have all of you standing by my side."

Silverstream flew towards Aaron, giving him a big hug, saying, "That's what friends do! Always have each other's backs."

"Yeah, dude," Gallus said. "No matter what, we'll never leave your side."

"Thanks, guys," Aaron said.

"Guess you guys are all getting along," Starlight said. She then looked at Aaron. "And I'm guessing that you'd never get a chance to meet any of us before you arrived here."

"Well, back in my world, the closest thing I'd get to meeting you all was meeting the voice actors and actresses that played you all," Aaron said.

"Oh, right," Starlight said. "This show is animated, like moving pictures and such. And I guess it would make sense that we'd all be played by actresses or actors by their voices."

"Yeah," Aaron said. "Some of the characters even share the same voice actress or actor."

"Really?" Smolder asked. "Like who?"

"For starters, Rainbow Dash and Applejack are voiced by the same actress," Aaron said.

"Seriously?" Starlight and the Young 6 asked in unison.

"And let's not forget Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, the same actress as well," Aaron said.

"Wow," Starlight said, "This is really interesting. Although, are there any other things we should know?"

"About the show?" Aaron asked.

"Are you sure that the show hasn't shown anything... embarrassing?" Starlight asked. "I mean... I was thrown out of the castle while I was still in the bathtub that one time."

"Oh, man. I forgot about that!" Aaron said. "Guess I was too focused on what happened to Rarity's mane that one other day." Then both Aaron and Starlight shuttered.

"That was disturbing for us all," Starlight said.

"Zecora should've marked the vials before handing them out," Aaron said, making Starlight nod.

"Anyway, you all should rest up," Starlight said. "The eight of us got a long train ride to go on."

"It's 3 in the afternoon!" Gallus said.

"It's probably gonna be a long trip there, so we might have to get up as early as possible," Aaron said. "My aunt and I had to get up on an early flight to Washington DC."

"See?" Starlight asked. "We're all booked for the early morning train, so you might as well get an early dinner and get yourselves to bed."

Then the seven students walked out of there.

The next day, on the train to Canterlot, Starlight was keeping her eyes on the window as they were getting closer and closer to the city. The seven students on the other hoof were all watching a movie on Aaron's computer. They were all watching the Disney Channel Original Movie, Hatching Pete.

"Dude, that Pete guy is funny in that rooster costume," Gallus said, stopping the laughing.

"Yona thought it funny when chicken boy copied what coach was doing," Yona said.

"Wait, look," Sandbar said as they watched a scene in the movie. They saw Pete, in the chicken suit, in the coaches arm, and made the mask of the chicken kiss the coach's head.

"Flirting with the chicken, huh?" Ocellus said. "That's funny."

"It's too bad that other boy Cletus was allergic to the suit," Silverstream said. "It must've been hard for him to wear that thing all the time during a game."

"Yeah, I don't think they should allow people who have allergic reactions to the suit be allowed to be the school mascot," Aaron said.

"Next stop! Canterlot!" came the voice of the conductor. Aaron then shut off his computer.

"We'll watch the rest on the way back to Ponyville," Aaron said.

"Good call," Starlight said. "I'm surprised that that thing gives you some entertainment as well."

"You kidding me?" Aaron asked. "It's also giving me Wi-Fi for some reason. I don't know how, but it sure is working out for me. I still don't know how it's possible."

"I'm sure that Twilight might be able to explain that in her way of finding you a way back home," Starlight said.

Starlight escorted Aaron and the Young 6 towards Canterlot Castle. They walked up the steps to the front gate of the castle. As soon as they walked in, the guards stopped them from entering.

"Halt!" one of the guards said, blocking their path with their spears.

"Excuse me, sirs," Starlight said. "Princess Twilight has asked us to come here for an important meeting."

"I don't think so," came another voice. The group looked ahead and saw a white unicorn stallion wearing a tuxedo collar. "Princess Twilight is not to be disturbed by anyone.

"Who that pony?" Yona asked.

"Prince Blueblood," Aaron said. "One of the most pompous jerks in all of Canterlot. He even thinks that he doesn't deserve to get his hooves dirty, especially at the Grand Galloping Gala. He made Rarity open the door for him when it's the gentleman that's supposed to open the door for the lady."

"Wow," Smolder said. "He does sound like a jerk." The rest of the Young 6 and Aaron nodded.

"Listen, Prince Blueblood," Starlight said. "I don't know what you're doing, but we're being expected by Princess Twilight as soon as possible."

"I won't let some... peasants, or monsters, enter the castle!" Blueblood said, making Starlight, Aaron and the Young 6 gasp in anger.

"Why you..." Starlight said before Aaron stopped her.

"You know what, Starlight?" Aaron said. "He's right. Just... teleport us... outta here." He then tilted his head upwards. Starlight then looked up towards the balcony behind the thrones of the throne room of Canterlot Castle.

"Oh," Starlight said, getting the idea. "I getcha. Alright. I guess we'll just leave." Starlight then lit up her horn, and teleported the eight of them out of there.

"Finally," Blueblood said. "Now that they're gone..." Blueblood then got a realization. "Hey, wait a minute!" Blueblood then turned towards the guards and said, "Guards with me!" Then the two guards at the door followed Prince Blueblood towards an area of the castle.

In the Throne Room of Canterlot Castle, Twilight was waiting for her guests to arrive. Spike was waiting right by her.

"I guess they're not in Canterlot yet," Twilight said. But then a flash of light blue light appeared and revealed Starlight, Aaron and the Young 6. "Oh, never mind." Spike then flew to the group.

"You guys made it," Spike said.

"Sorry it took so long," Aaron said. "That idiot, Blueblood, tried keeping us out of the castle even though we told him we had a meeting with the Princess."

Twilight groaned, leaning her head back and said, "I told him I had an important meeting today!" Just then, the guards and Prince Blueblood ran in.

"I'm sorry about this, Princess Twilight," Blueblood said. "These... beasts... were trying to get in. I will personally see that..."

"Blueblood!!" Twilight shouted. "I actually had these creatures summoned here because I wanted to speak with them!"

"WHAT?!" Blueblood asked. "But they're just...!" Blueblood was cut off.

"Hey!" Spike said, cutting off Blueblood. "If Twilight says she's meeting this group of creatures, she's meeting them. So why don't you back off?!"

"Why you little...!" Blueblood said, about to punch Spike, but he was stopped by the guards.

"You wanted us to keep the Princess's guest from her even though she said she was expecting them?" one of the guards asked. "And now, you were about to assault the princess's royal advisor?"

"Blueblood, I want you to pack up, and move out of the castle!" Twilight said. "As High Princess of Equestria, your royal status has been stripped."

"WHAT?!" Blueblood said. "You can't just..." The guards then blocked him from getting near Twilight. Twilight then walked towards Blueblood.

"I can, and I am," Twilight said. "Guards, escort Blueblood out." The guards nodded and pulled Blueblood out of the Throne Room. Twilight then looked towards the group. "I'm so sorry about Blueblood's attitude. Sometimes he can be... unbearable."

"There are ponies like that everywhere," Starlight said.

"Like that Spoiled Rich pony," Aaron said, getting the attention of Twilight, Starlight and the Young 6. "She's basically the one who raised Diamond Tiara to be a bully in the Ponyville Schoolhouse."

"You must be Aaron Blazer," Twilight said, making Aaron nod. "It's finally nice to meet you, face to face. Or in this case, muzzle to snout."

"It's an honor meeting you, Princess," Aaron said, bowing.

"No need to bow," Twilight said. "I'm... still getting used to..."

"You've been bowed to before ever since you became an Alicorn back in Ponyville," Aaron said, interrupting Twilight.

"Wow, you really have seen the adventures of me and my friends," Twilight said. "What else do you know about me?"

"You were basically socially distant before Princess Celestia assigned you to check on the thousandth Summer Sun Celebration," Aaron said. "You also made Ponyville go gah gah over your old toy, Smarty Pants. Oh, and you're afraid of quesadillas. How is that even possible? It's food." Twilight felt ashamed of being socially distant, embarrassed of the Smarty Pants incident, and shocked when quesadillas were mentioned.

"No I'm not!" Twilight said. She then shuttered. "They're just so... cheesy!"

Aaron looked towards Spike and said, "You're gonna have to explain to me about that." Spike nodded.

"Okay, Aaron," Twilight said. "You've had your amusement for today. Now, we're gonna have a talk about your world."

"I'd be happy to share as much as I can," Aaron said. "Although, the human world where I'm from isn't 100% like the world you, Spike and Starlight went to on the other side of the mirror where Sunset Shimmer now lives."

"Good to know," Twilight said.

On the train back to Ponyville, Starlight, Aaron and the Young 6 were riding the train back. Aaron was looking out the window, seeing all the sights as they were passing by. Smolder fell asleep on Aaron's shoulder. Aaron looked towards Smolder and gave a sad smile.

They arrived back at the School of Friendship. Aaron helped carry Smolder into the room she and Silverstream share. Silverstream thought it was sweet for Aaron to do that for Smolder.

"I can't believe you carried her all the way from the train station to here," Silverstream said.

"Well, she did carry me from the Everfree to the caverns underneath the school," Aaron said. "I might as well do something for her." Aaron then put Smolder into the bed that she usually sleeps in. Aaron then walked out of the dorm room and closed the door behind him. He then headed over towards the room he was sharing with Gallus and Sandbar. As he was walking in, Gallus and Sandbar were getting ready for bed.

"Still can't believe that you got us past that pompous prince with that idea," Gallus said.

"Yeah," Sandbar said. "Your idea was brilliant."

"Starlight had teleported all across Equestria just to find the Changeling Hive with Trixie by her side," Aaron said. "I knew she'd get us into the Throne Room. She just needed a little push."

"And that push was just what we needed," Sandbar said.

"I'm sure Princess Twilight will get you a way back home," Gallus said. "Maybe even find a way for us to come and visit you."

"I'm not sure that would be possible," Aaron said. "If there was a way, there'd have to be another portal on the other side that way you guys would have a way to get back home. Like the Portal to the other human dimension."

"Meh, maybe she'll also find a way," Gallus said, shrugging his shoulders. "Who knows?"

"It would be sweet to see your world," Sandbar said. "I bet you'd show us a bunch of amazing things while we're there."

"My aunt just started her own clothing business there," Aaron said. "It might take a while before we make the big bucks."

"I guess that's true," Sandbar said. "I bet the music is good there as well."

"Oh, it is," Aaron said, smugly. "Especially to a colt who likes big butts and he cannot lie." That made Sandbar blush and Gallus started laughing. He then flew towards Aaron and the two high-fived, or in their current state, high-four.

"Let's just go to sleep," Sandbar said, hiding under the covers. Gallus then turned off the light and they all went to sleep.

Author's Note:

Well, currently, Twilight's working on a spell to get Aaron back to his dimension. At least Aaron got to meet the High Princess of Equestria herself. And as for Smolder, too bad she doesn't know that the rest of her entire species, except for Spike, have all gone missing. Perhaps it has something to do with Ragnarok the Reaper. But don't worry. Things will get better... eventually.