• Published 7th Sep 2022
  • 3,660 Views, 186 Comments

A Dragon's Soft Spot - Mister E-Nonymous

The staff and some of the students find out that Smolder has been hiding a human turned dragon in the catacombs underneath the School of Friendship, and they want to know how it happened. And eventually, why she agreed to help him.

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Chapter 7: Everypony Knows

Chapter 7: Everypony Knows

The next morning, Aaron was looking out the window of the room he, Gallus and Sandbar share. He was using a sextant to see all the ponies of Ponyville. He then came across Princess Twilight, Spike, a couple royal guards, and Spoiled Rich. Spoiled Rich behaved like she usually does. Wanting everything she asks for and getting it. But then, the guards grabbed her and she demanded that she was to be let go.

"Looks like she's finally gonna get it," Aaron said.

"Who's gonna get it?" Gallus asked.

"Spoiled Rich," Aaron said. "Looks like the theory of her is correct."

"And that is?" Sandbar asked.

"Embezzling from the Ponyville Schoolhouse," Aaron said. "She's too spoiled and thinks she deserves to have anything. She even tried to make her own daughter, Diamond Tiara, do the same thing." He then noticed something. "Speaking of whom."

Through the sextant, Aaron could see Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walking by and Spoiled Rich trying to tell Diamond to convince the princess and the guards to let her go. Princess Twilight then told Diamond Tiara what Spoiled Rich had done. Diamond Tiara then thought of something, nodded and then spoke something, which made Spoiled Rich's pupils and irises shrink. Twilight then looked at Spoiled Rich with a smug look. She then lit up her horn and the four grown up ponies and Spike all vanished by a teleportation spell. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon then continued walking away after they vanished.

"Looks like she's being taken away," Aaron said.

"Okay," Sandbar said. "Well, time to get to class."

"I'll be with you guys in class," Aaron said. "I'm gonna go for a fly around town."

"Okay, just be back in time for class," Gallus said.

Aaron then grabbed his backpack, and flew out the window.

Aaron went around Ponyville, and landed on a rooftop. He took a deep breath, breathing in the fresh air. He then noticed all around him. But for some reason, all the ponies on the ground were looking up at him. Aaron then got confused, and then the ponies started whispering to one another.

"Huh?" Aaron asked. He then flew down to the ground and looked around. "This is getting strange." Just then, he turned around, only to see a familiar mint green unicorn standing in front of him, a big grin on her face.

Aaron got confused and asked, "Um... can I help you?"

"Is it true?!" Lyra asked, getting up in Aaron's face.

"Is what true?" Aaron asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You know," Lyra asked. "About your... origin."

"Sorry, but I have no idea what you're talking about," Aaron said, walking away. He then thought to himself, "No way. There's no possible way that she could..." Just then, a flash of golden light appeared in front of him, showing Lyra Heartstrings.

"Oh, c'mon," Lyra said. "You can say it. Everypony is talking about it if it's true or not."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Aaron said. "I gotta go." Aaron then started flying, but then he was grabbed in Lyra's magic aura. "Hey, let go!"

"C'mon!" Lyra said. "You've got to tell us!" Aaron was getting more and more confused about what Lyra was saying, and all the ponies around them were looking up at him. Just then, Aaron was grabbed by Rainbow Dash.

"Whoa!" Aaron called out. He then looked up at Rainbow Dash's face.

"You should've stayed in school this morning!" Rainbow Dash said.

"What's going on?!" Aaron called out.

"Somehow, I don't know who, but somepony found out about your human origins," Rainbow Dash replied.

"WHAT?!" Aaron asked. "How?!"

"Yeah, I know," Rainbow Dash said. "Now, c'mon. We've gotta tell the others about this." Then they went into the School of Friendship.

Hours later, in the teacher's lounge, Starlight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Sunburst, Trixie, Aaron and the Young 6 were all there. Starlight was looking out the window to see a bunch of ponies looking towards the School of Friendship, some of them whispering to each other.

"How could this have happened?" Sandbar asked.

"I know," Starlight said. "It doesn't make any sense. We specifically made it clear that nopony outside of this group, along with Twilight and Spike, is to know about Aaron's origin."

"No wonder Lyra was trying to get to me," Aaron said. "The fans of the show thought that Lyra had an unhealthy obsession with humans."

"Well, they weren't wrong," Applejack said. "This obsession that Lyra has is pretty much... out of control."

"Who could've told all of the ponies?" Ocellus asked.

"Yona not tell," Yona said. "Yak made promise to Aaron not to reveal human's origin."

"You didn't use that term, did you?" Rarity asked.

"Yona just told them jade dragon's origin," Yona said. That made the others sigh in relief. Aaron then looked around at the group. He then noticed Pinkie Pie, sweating like crazy and biting her lip.

"Pinkie?" Aaron asked. "Are you... okay?" The others looked at Pinkie with worried looks. Then Aaron came to a conclusion. "You told them, didn't you?"

Pinkie Pie then started crying loudly. She then said, "I'm sorry... It just... slipped out."

"Pinkie!" Rainbow Dash said. "We all agreed we wouldn't tell anypony about Aaron. How could you let it slip out?!"

"Great, just great," Aaron said. "Just another obstacle that'll keep me from getting home."

"Oh, don't worry about that, Aaron," Sunburst said. "I'm sure that we'll let everypony in Ponyville let you live here in peace until you can get home."

"Not them," Aaron said. "It's Lyra that might not make me leave."

"Yeah, you may be right about that," Rainbow said. "We're gonna have to explain to her that you'd have to go home eventually."

"And no doubt she'll be wanting to convince me to stay," Aaron said. "But, she might understand that I have a family to get back to when I leave."

"This is definitely gonna be difficult," Rarity said. "But, eventually, she'll understand."

In the evening time, all of the students of the School of Friendship were all having dinner, and most of the students were looking towards the table where Aaron and the Young 6 were sitting at.

"Boy, we're getting a lot of attention," Gallus said.

"It's me they're looking at," Aaron said.

"Oh, that's right," Gallus said. "Because of your origin."

"I'm sure everypony will move on to their regular lives when you eventually go back to your world," Sandbar said. "Although, it is gonna be a real shame to see you go."

"Yeah," Yona said. "Things have been more interesting since new friend came to School of Friendship." Just then, Starlight came into the room, making an announcement.

"Alright, everycreature! Listen up!" Starlight called out. "Now, I know you're all very curious about our new student's origin, but that doesn't mean you have to treat him differently. He's just staying here temporarily. After all, he has a family to get back to and Princess Twilight is working on it. So, everycreature, go on about your business."

Then all of the other students went back to their meals. Starlight then walked up to Aaron and the Young 6.

"Alright, Aaron," Starlight said. "Everypony in Ponyville has been advised to not disturb you until we can get you home."

"Thanks, Starlight," Aaron said. "Perhaps now none of these ponies will ask how I have so much information on this world."

"Yeah, about that," Starlight said. "You're gonna have to share the fact that you've seen just about every adventure around Twilight and her friends had."

"Oh, crud," Aaron said. "I got a lot of explaining to do."

"Why not just show them the series premiere?" Smolder asked.

"Really?" Aaron asked. "You do realize you don't officially make your debut until the eighth season of the show."

"I know," Smolder said.

"Plus, to show everyone, I'm gonna need a bigger laptop," Aaron said.

"Or, I have something else in mind," Starlight said.

At the School of Friendship's Amphitheater, all of Ponyville were sitting in any empty seat. There weren't a lot of empty seats there, so a bunch of pegasi had to sit on clouds. Backstage, Aaron and Starlight were setting up Aaron's laptop.

"Are you sure this is gonna be a good idea?" Aaron asked. "How do you think the ponies will react when they see this?"

"I'm sure they'll be fine with it," Starlight said. "Now, I'm sure there are some things in this show that aren't 100% accurate. You might want to tell them before you start it."

"I might as well," Aaron said. "So, how are you going to..." Aaron was then lifted out of the way by Starlight's magic. She then used another spell to enlarge Aaron's laptop. "Oh, a growth spell!"

"Exactly," Starlight said. She then headed for the curtains and came out to the stage. She then made an announcement. "Welcome, everypony!" She then looked towards the Young 6, who were sitting on the right side of the stage, all in seats, with an empty seat next to Smolder. "And others. Now, we all heard that there is a rumor of a human here in Ponyville. And how he is currently in the form of a dragon. Well, I'm here to put those rumors to rest. They are true." That made all of the ponies gasp. "But don't worry. He is not here to harm us. He's only here temporarily, just until he can get back home. And a message for Lyra, you're not gonna force him to stay!"

"Aw, come on!" came Lyra's voice.

"Anyway, he's right here," Starlight said. "May I introduce... Aaron Blazer!" Then the curtains opened up, revealing Aaron, hovering on stage.

Aaron saw all of the ponies, staring right at him. Aaron sighed and then he said, "H-hello, all of you. M-my name is Aaron Blazer, and..." He was sweating through his scales.

"Oh, boy," Ocellus said. "He's getting nervous."

Smolder sighed, got up from her seat and flew towards Aaron. She then said, "Calm down. You got this."

"I'm not so sure, Smolder," Aaron said. "They're all..."

Smolder sighed and said, "Where was the confidence you had when introducing yourself to the others back down in the caverns?"

"I was ready to open up to just them," Aaron said. "This is different."

"It'll be alright," Smolder said. "Just show them how much you know about this world." Aaron then inhaled and exhaled.

"Okay," Aaron said. "You all wonder how I know so much about this world. And I have the answers on my computer here. Although, some parts of what I'm about to show you might not be accurate. So, I know you all might have some questions for me, but I might not have time to answer them all."

"I have a question!" came the voice of Filthy Rich. "My daughter, Diamond Tiara, had seen my wife, Spoiled Rich, get arrested. Is there something on that thing you have that has the answer to why she's been arrested?"

"Actually, yes," Aaron said. "And why she's been arrested, I can tell you now. She embezzled from the Ponyville Schoolhouse to prepay for a statue of Diamond Tiara for winning the election for Student Pony President, the same year she lost and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, that Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, finally gotten their Cutie Marks."

A bunch of the ponies were murmuring about the information about Spoiled Rich.

"Now, let me introduce to you all... the show that's based on this world, 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic'," Aaron announced. He then flew up to the screen of his laptop, and pushed the play button, starting the show.

Later that night, Aaron, Gallus and Sandbar were heading back into the room they shared. Smolder and Silverstream did the same with the room they shared. Smolder went to her bed and laid on it.

"That was some show that was based on our world, wouldn't you agree?" Silverstream asked.

"Yeah, I guess it is," Smolder said. "Although, you and I haven't made our official debut in that show until the eighth season. That was just the first two episodes of the first season."

"How many episodes are there?" Silverstream asked.

"Aaron said that there are over 200 episodes of the show," Smolder said. "And that's just without all the specials and the adventures in the other world."

"Wow," Silverstream said. "So that explains how he knows about the cockatrice migration."

"Yeah," Smolder said. "Although, it is a little freaky how he's able to remember it all, and recall certain events that happened in our past."

"So, he knows your greatest fear?" Silverstream asked, making Smolder blush.

"W-what?" Smolder asked.

"C'mon," Silverstream said. "If you don't feel comfortable, I can always check Aaron's laptop to see.."

"Don't. You. Dare," Smolder said, getting up in Silverstream's face. "Besides, Aaron locks up his computer before he goes to bed."

"How does he lock up a computer?" Silverstream asked.

"His world's technology is more advanced than Equestria's," Smolder said. "His computer is locked and can only be opened by a password, which I have no idea what it is."

"Does Aaron know your fear?" Silverstream asked.

"Just drop it," Smolder said. "I'm going to sleep." She then got under the covers and covered herself up. Silverstream sighed and turned out the lights. While under the covers, Smolder was thinking to herself, "Aaron's gonna go home eventually. But why does something inside of me keep telling me to be with him." She then turned her body. "I guess I'll just... sleep on it." She then closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Author's Note:

Alright, everyone. The votes have been tallied. The next episode will reveal the answer at the carnival coming to Ponyville in the next episode. And hopefully, you all enjoy this story so far. Thanks for reading, and more chapters will come up soon.