• Published 7th Sep 2022
  • 3,669 Views, 186 Comments

A Dragon's Soft Spot - Mister E-Nonymous

The staff and some of the students find out that Smolder has been hiding a human turned dragon in the catacombs underneath the School of Friendship, and they want to know how it happened. And eventually, why she agreed to help him.

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Chapter 2: First Day in Ponyville... Finally...

Chapter 2: First Day in Ponyville... Finally...

In the city of Canterlot, just before sunrise, Princess Twilight Sparkle, the high Princess of Equestria, was waking up due to an alarm spell that she put on herself, telling her that it would be time to raise the sun and lower the moon. Twilight got out of bed and went over to the balcony, grabbing the magical device that allows her to raise and lower the sun and moon with her magic.

Twilight then used the device and lowered the moon, then brought the sun up.

"Okay," Twilight said. "Time to start a new day." Twilight then put on her royal regalia. Her crown, her necklace, and her horseshoes. She then stepped out and headed on to another room. Twilight knocked on the door and said, "C'mon, Spike! Time to start the day!"

The door opened up and Spike, Twilight's number 1 assistant turned royal advisor, walked out of the room, rubbing his right eye with his claw, saying, "Another day, a lot more meetings to do."

"Don't worry, Spike," Twilight said. "It'll all be just another day. Sooner or later, we'll get used to all of this."

"I sure hope so," Spike said. "I'm getting tired of getting nothing but complaints from those stuck up nobles. They make me want to..." Just then, Spike started gagging.

"Oh, Spike," Twilight said. "Just because some of the nobles aren't all that nice doesn't mean that they'll make you..." Twilight was interrupted when Spike belched out a scroll from his emerald flames. "Oh... I guess that makes much more sense. And somehow, the timing was a little too perfect."

"You can say that again," Spike said, grabbing the scroll and unrolling it. He then read who it was from. "Hey! It's from Starlight!"

"Starlight?" Twilight asked. "Why would she write to me this early?"

"I don't know," Spike said. "Only one way to find out." Spike then cleared his throat and started to read. "'Dear Twilight, for the past month, Smolder has been sneaking off somewhere. For a while, we've been wondering why. That's why last night, we decided to follow her to where she's gone. We followed her into the caverns underneath the school, and it turns out, she's been hiding a dragon down there.'"

"A dragon?" Twilight asked. "It could be just a relative of hers."

"I don't think so," Spike said. "Because right here, it says that this dragon... was originally a human from a dimension alternate to the one on the other side of the mirror."

"What?!" Twilight asked, looking at the letter over Spike's shoulder. She then started reading the letter as well. "'For all we know, this human has been separated from his world for a month, and Smolder has been taking care of him. Right now, we need to focus on getting him home, and I know you can help with that. Signed, your friend, Starlight Glimmer.'"

"Wow," Spike said. "He must've been weirded out when he woke up here in Equestria."

"Yeah, he must have," Twilight said. She then saw some more writing at the bottom of the letter. "Oh, look there's more. 'PS, it turns out that in his world, the adventures you, me and the rest of our friends had were all a part of a TV show back in his world. It also shows that... apparently, showed that... you missed a Pinkie Pie clone... which was in Manehattan during the interviews for the Saddle Row Review.' Oh, boy."

"Looks like we have two problems to take care of at the moment," Spike said.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Twilight said. "Looks like I have to deal with that one Pinkie clone in Manehattan. Why don't you head on over to Ponyville to meet this human that's currently a dragon, and get me as much information from him as you can." She then started walking away.

"Okay, Twilight," Spike said. He then went back into his room, and came back out with a bunch of parchment in a bag. "As soon as I get as much information, I'll send it to you."

"Thank you, Spike," Twilight said. "I'll send some guards to escort you to the School of Friendship." Just then, Spike's stomach growled. Twilight smiled and said, "As soon as we get some breakfast in our systems." Spike nodded and both of them headed down the hall.

At the School of Friendship dorm, Aaron, Sandbar and Gallus were asleep in the room. Just then, there was a knocking on the door. Gallus heard the door knock, got up, flew down from his bunk, and went to the door. Outside there was Starlight.

"Hi, Gallus," Starlight said. "Is Aaron awake yet?"

Gallus looked behind him and saw Aaron in Sandbar's bed. He turned back to look at Starlight and said, "Oh. I thought it was a dream at first. Guess I was wrong."

"Yeah, I thought so too," Starlight said. "Then I remembered this." She held up the empty bag of Cheetos.

"Okay, okay, I'll wake him up," Gallus said. He then turned to walk over to the bed where Aaron was asleep. He then started shaking Aaron. "Up and at 'em."

Aaron groaned in his sleep and said, "Five more minutes, Aunt Marissa." He then covered himself with the blanket.

"Wow," Gallus said. "I guess he's dreaming about being back in his world."

"Yeah, I guess it would make sense," Starlight said. "It has been a month since he slept in a bed." Starlight then walked over to the bed and tried shaking him. Aaron groaned and turned in the bed. Starlight put a hoof on her chin to think of something. She then thought of something, smirked, and used her magic to teleport an airhorn.

Gallus snickered and then he covered where the spot where his ears should be. Starlight then used the airhorn to wake up, not only Aaron, but Sandbar as well.

"What just happened?!" Sandbar asked, quickly.

"Oh, nothing," Starlight said. "I just needed to wake up Aaron."

"An airhorn?" Aaron asked. "Really?"

"Sorry, Aaron," Starlight said. "But I just wanted you to know that I sent a message to Princess Twilight. I'm sure she'll get right on it as soon as possible."

Aaron yawned and said, "I haven't slept in a real bed for a month."

"You called it," Gallus said.

"Well, I want you to come with me to my office to get you set up for a few things," Starlight said.

"Is this going where I think it's going?" Aaron asked.

"Until we find you a way back to your world, you're gonna have to stay here," Starlight said. "And for you to stay in the School of Friendship's dorms, you're gonna have to be a legitimate student here."

"You're gonna make him a student, aren't you?" Sandbar asked.

"Just until he gets home," Starlight said. "How old are you, anyway?" Starlight was looking at Aaron when she asked the question.

"13," Aaron said.

"13, huh?" Starlight asked. "Wow. You certainly are young. You're just about a couple years older than Spike."

"I guess that makes sense," Aaron said. "Hopefully the other students here don't get confused when they see a new dragon on the school campus. Especially one... who was originally a human... from a world... where this world is a part of a TV show."

"You might... want to keep that a secret from most of the students," Starlight said.

"I'd have to agree with Starlight, dude," Sandbar said. "If ponies knew that they were a part of a fictional show, they'd be freaking out and not know what to do next."

"Yeah, good idea," Aaron said. "I might as well keep this a secret from all the other ponies." He then looked over at Starlight and asked, "Did you tell Twilight in the letter?"

"Yes I did," Starlight said. "I even told her about the Pinkie Clone that's probably in Manehattan as we speak. First off, we'll get you registered, then we'll get you some breakfast." Just then, Aaron's stomach growled. "Should've known that was coming." Aaron smiled.

In another dorm room, Smolder was sleeping in her bed. That was until she woke up in realization.

"Oh, no!" Smolder said. "I fell asleep!" She then ran out of bed to the door. When she opened it, she saw Ocellus there, and she was about to knock on the door. "Oh, sorry, Ocellus. I can't talk now."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Ocellus said, blocking Smolder's path. "It's okay. Aaron's out of the caverns, remember?"

Smolder thought about it and sighed. She then said, "Right. I almost thought that was a dream." She then closed the door behind her. Then she and Ocellus started walking down the hall.

"So, how did you find Aaron when he arrived?" Ocellus asked.

"Remember when I left my assignment at the clubhouse last month?" Smolder asked. Ocellus nodded. "Well, I flew back to the clubhouse to go get it. Since it was getting way too close to the curfew, I had to fly there fast."

The Night Aaron Arrived in Equestria...

Smolder flew out of the School of Friendship towards the Everfree Forest as fast as she could. Just to avoid the turns in the path, she flew towards the Treehouse of Harmony. She flew in, and searched for her assignment. As soon as she found it, she grabbed it, put it in her bag, and flew out.

"Perfect," Smolder said. "And with 10 minutes left until curfew." Just as she was flying over the Everfree Forest, she saw a flash of light coming from the forest below. "What was that?"

Smolder flew down to the ground where she saw that flash. When she landed she saw something on the ground. A backpack she had never seen before.

"Huh," Smolder said. "Never seen one like this before." She then looked ahead, saw something in surprise and gasped. Laying face down on the roots of a tree, wearing ripped clothing, was a jade dragon with brown spines, unconscious. "Oh my Dragon Lord." Smolder flew over to the jade dragon to see if he was alright.

Smolder checked the jade dragon's pulse and breathed out in relief. Just then, she heard the sound of wolves howling. She then took the backpack and put her arm in one of the straps, then she grabbed the jade dragon and flew him towards the School of Friendship as fast as she could. As soon as she arrived at the dorm the doors were locked.

"Shoot," Smolder said. "How am I gonna get in?" She then looked around for a way to get in. She then saw a vent, remembering that it led to the caverns underneath the school.

Smolder opened up the vent grate, and dragged the jade dragon into the grate. But since there was no footing from inside the vent, both of them went in and landed on the ground with a thud.

"Ow," Smolder said, the jade dragon passed out on top of her. "Okay. That... was surprising." She then pushed the jade dragon off of her and then she got up. She then dragged the jade dragon over through the caverns and when she came into one cavern, she was greeted by the two stepford ponies that were a part of her fear.

"Oh, my gosh!" the stepford unicorn said. "Look at what we have here!"

"If it isn't our cute, dragon friend," said the stepford earth pony. "And she brought a guest."

"Not the time," Smolder said. "This dragon needs help. I have to... get him... into the school..."

"Now, hold up," said the stepford unicorn. "You can't just..." They then stopped and looked at the jade dragon. "Well, that's odd."

"What?" Smolder said, getting confused.

"You'll seem to find out for yourself later," the stepford earth pony said. "Right now, you need to get him healed up. Go get a real first aid kit."

"Let me guess, when I come back, there'll be a doctor in your place?" Smolder asked.

"Might as well," the stepford unicorn said.

Smolder then started flying away from there and went into the school. She then started searching for a first aid kit in the library. She went behind the book checkout desk and found a first aid kit. She then flew back into the caverns and went back to where she left the jade dragon. Then there was an illusion of Nurse Redheart.

"Who are you?" Smolder asked.

"Technically, I'm an illusion of Nurse Redheart, who is a brilliant nurse here in Equestria," the illusion of Nurse Redheart said. "Now, let's get this dragon patched up."

Smolder then treated the jade dragon's injury, merely a bump on the head, and laid him on a smooth rock. Smolder then said, "C'mon. Wake up, wake up."

Just then, the jade dragon started squirming and he started opening his eyes, making Smolder smile.

"Hold it!" came Ocellus's voice, making the Smolder in the flashback look up.

"Didn't he freak out when he saw you, you know, since he used to be a human and all of this was a work of fiction to him?" Ocellus asked.

"Well, yeah, he did," Smolder said. "At first I thought he was crazy. And yet, he told me something that only you and I know."

"Oh..." Ocellus said, thinking about something. "You mean... when we were facing our fears down there?"

"Yep," Smolder said. "Luckily, he only showed me that event on his computer thing."

"Aren't computers supposed to be, you know, bigger than a yak?" Ocellus asked.

"In his world, technology has gotten really advanced, and smaller," Smolder said. "Even mobile, meaning they can take them wherever."

"Wow," Ocellus said. "Must be really high in technology in his world."

"Yeah, but he says that there's no real magic in his world," Smolder said. "Just illusions and a slide of hand magic, whatever that is."

"Oh, the kind of tricks that Trixie does," Ocellus said.

"Yeah," Smolder said. "And for some reason, ever since I brought him to school, he says that his technology is fully charged the next day."

"Weird," Ocellus said. "Well, maybe we can find out more about him when we see him again today."

In the cafeteria, the Young 6 and Aaron were all sitting at a table together, laughing about the adventures that were seen on the show, and also eating their breakfast.

"Are you serious?" Gallus asked. "Princess Twilight didn't know how to use technology in the other world?"

"In her defense, she didn't know the basics about being human at the time," Aaron said.

"And I bet that there have been a bunch of conspiracies made by other fans of the show," Ocellus said.

"Yeah," Aaron said. "But we don't know if they're true or not." Just then, Sunburst came up to the group.

"Hey, guys," Sunburst said. "Aaron, I came to let you know that you are now fully registered into the School of Friendship. Just until we can get you a way back home."

"Thanks, Sunburst," Aaron said. He then thought of something. "Hey, Sunburst."

"Yes?" Sunburst asked.

"A lot of fans in the show have come up with a theory and according to the show, they don't know if it's true or not," Aaron said.

"And that theory is?" Sunburst asked.

"I'll start this theory off with a question," Aaron said. "Do you have any siblings?"

"Actually, I do," Sunburst said. "I have an older sister. She was actually one of Princess Celestia's prized students. Her name is..."

"Sunset Shimmer," Aaron said, making Sunburst surprised.

"You... you know of my sister?" Sunburst asked. "Was she in the show?"

"Actually, in a side story series that connects to the series," Aaron said. "Remember when I said that I'm from a different dimension that's full of humans?" Sunburst nodded. "Well, the dimension they were thinking of first was the dimension where Sunset Shimmer now calls home."

"Really?!" Sunburst asked.

"Starlight knows it, too," Aaron said. "In fact, she even went to that dimension with your sister to try and study more on the magic of friendship while in another dimension."

"It seems that everypony around me is having an adventure," Sunburst said after readjusting his glasses.

"Well, we got the weekend until school starts," Sandbar said. "So, who's up for some time in the clubhouse?"

"Actually, I think we should show Aaron the sights around Ponyville," Ocellus said. "After all, he's been cooped up under the school for a month. For obvious reasons." They all looked at Smolder.

"I had to keep him down there for his own safety," Smolder said. "Plus, I didn't have a good cover story for him."

"It would be nice to actually see Ponyville," Aaron said. "I have seen the town through the show, but not actually in person. I would actually like to have a walk through to see the town for myself."

"Why can't new dragon just fly?" Yona asked. That made both Aaron and Smolder wince. "Why you two making weird faces?"

Gallus looked at Aaron and asked, "You can't fly yet, can you?"

"Smolder's actually been teaching me, but..." Aaron said. "Every time I do, I keep banging my head on the ceiling."

"That explains the random poundings coming from the floor," Sunburst said. "Maybe now that you don't have to hide anymore, you can finally go out, spread your wings, and actually not bump your head on something."

"I can probably teach him how to use his wings at the same place where I trained Spike how to use his wings," Smolder said. "But right now, we can just walk around town."

"Maybe we can even show him around all our homes," Silverstream said.

"Maybe not yet on seeing your homes yet," Aaron said.

"He's right," Sunburst said. "Let's let Aaron get used to the area he's living in for now."

"I guess that makes sense," Silverstream said. "It took me just about a couple months to get used to being back on dry land. And then I was sent here by Queen Novo."

"Well, as soon as we get done with breakfast, we'll head on out to the town of Ponyville, show him around," Sandbar said. Then they all kept eating their breakfast as Sunburst walked away.

The Young 6 showed Aaron all over Ponyville. The town residential area, the shopping area, they even had a picnic at the lake where they played hooky from the School of Friendship when the classes weren't up to their expectations, which was where they are currently. All of them were laughing at a funny moment.

"Applejack and Rainbow Dash couldn't stop trying to get each other to do whatever they wanted to do," Ocellus said. "They've basically got caught up in their own work."

"And they still didn't end up as teacher of the month," Aaron said. "I mean, how does Fluttershy keep getting that same exact pose every time someone takes a picture of her?"

"Hey, it's a mystery for all of us," Ocellus said.

"So, how long do you think you're gonna stay here in Equestria?" Gallus asked, looking at Aaron.

"I don't know," Aaron said. "Hopefully, I can get back home before my aunt gives up hope."

"Hey, it's good to keep up hope," Sandbar said. "It'll keep you strong until then."

"He's right about that," came another voice. The gang looked towards the tree and saw Spike leaning on the tree.

"Hey, it's Spike!" Smolder said. Then the Young 6 walked up to Spike with excited looks on their faces.

"What are you doing here?" Ocellus asked.

"Aren't you supposed to be the Princess's Royal Advisor?" Gallus asked.

"Well, since we got the message from Starlight, Twilight asked me to take the task of meeting this human-turned-dragon so we can confirm where he originated from," Spike said. "Meanwhile, Princess Twilight had to do with one last personal matter that involved something before she officially became an alicorn."

"Let me guess, the last Pinkie clone?" Smolder asked, making Spike freeze up.

"How did you know that?" Spike asked.

"Aaron showed me the show on his computer from his world that has every episode of the show that's based on this world," Smolder said.

"It's true," Aaron said, walking up to the group.

"Oh, really?" Spike asked. "Well then, tell me something that nopony here in Equestria knows."

Aaron put a finger to his chin to think of something, smirked, and said, "You ate dog treats when you weren't even a dog at the time." That made Spike freeze up and the Young 6 started laughing.

"You ate dog treats?!" Gallus asked, looking at Spike, still laughing.

"Why?" Ocellus asked.

"I couldn't help it if they tasted better than they look!" Spike said. He then looked at Aaron. "How did this show know about that?"

"Guess there's somehow a connection to this world and the minds of the ones who came up with the storyboard for the show," Aaron said.

"I guess that makes sense," Spike said. "But, we're gonna have to get back to business on finding a way to get you back to your world." He then looked up and down Aaron's body. "In your original form of course. Let's take this meeting back at the School."

Then they all packed up their picnic supplies and headed on back to the School of Friendship.

Author's Note:

Well, Twilight knows about Aaron and has sent Spike down to get as much information about him and his original world just to get him home. And Spike is also going to have to get used to the fact that the Young 6 now know about this moment.

You can be sure that they'll never let him live that down.