• Published 22nd Dec 2016
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Perchance to Dream - David Silver

Linda settled for bed, only to awaken in the middle of a garden of statues of horses. She was one of them, only not so stone. When she eventually slumbered there, she returned home. Living two lives, can she make sense of it all? Fix it, or enjoy it?

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1 - Close Your Eyes. Open Your Eyes.

Hello there. My name is Linda, and this is my story.

I checked my alarm one last time. I had important things to do the next day, and didn't want to be late. Confident that all was in order, I snuggled in under the covers, closed my eyes, and was out like a lamp.

But not for long, I discovered. No sooner had I nodded off than I found myself suddenly conscious. Conscious and trapped. I was being firmly held all over. I couldn't breathe! I tried to pull and heave, to little avail at first, but suddenly I heard a loud crack and blessed air reached my frantic mouth.

A thin shell of stone began to fall away from me, tumbling to the stone dais I was standing on with my hooves... why did I have hooves? I held my altered arms out in front of my face as details began to come to me. One, those were legs, not arms. Two, I had a snout poking out into my vision.

I realized I was far from my bed and paused my self-examination with a sudden sense of danger. I was out in the open. I was also some kind of animal, from that first glance. A hooved animal, I had to guess, what with the hooves and all.

Looking around with a building sense of panic, I could see there were other platforms. Each had a statue of a horse on them, many holding something as if their hooves were actually hands. Some looked happy, some pensive, and one of them... was me?

I looked down at my horsey chest and saw dark blue fur. I was not made of stone. Did the other statues have horses inside of them?

I heard a faint clip-clop. Something was coming! I hopped down off my platform on alien legs and almost fell over for my effort, but managed to hide in time for another living horse to wander in, wielding a rake.

The rake was quite odd, seeing as the horse wasn't holding it at all. It just floated along and moved on its own, glowing gently as it did so. Magic? I was in a land of magical horses, of course. It was just like that show my niece had mentioned that time. My Pretty Horse? Something like that.

That horse wasn't paying me any mind. Maybe I was hiding well enough, but he just wandered along, raking leaves and tidying up the garden, at least until he arrived at my platform and gaped up at the missing statue there. "Princess's gonna be mad," he muttered to himself before turning to trot away in a hurry.

Princess? Was she a good princess, or the evil kind? If she could get angry... she could still be either. Would my presence be welcomed, or horrifying? Forget that! I didn't sign up for adventures in magical horse land, or to become a horse. I held out a hoof to look it over, then twisted to give the rest of myself a going over. I had a light cyan tail that I could move after staring at it and concentrating. Great, that was... fantastic.

I lifted a rear leg and took a peek, just to practically fall over. I did not have the parts I was expecting. In hindsight, that had been silly of me, since if I was a lady horse, the parts I was looking for would be pretty much behind me, not under me. Second, those were not lady parts at all. I was hanging, like a horse. Like a stallion to be more specific about it.

Though unrelated to my gaining of masculinity, my brain skipped, just putting together another piece of things. "That horse talked," I said out-loud, confirming that I, too, could talk despite being a horse.

Perhaps it was the panic, but my thoughts were jumping around without much in the way of a smooth pattern. I suddenly thought of all the other statues. Most of them were holding something. Where was my thing?

I hopped up, my forehooves supporting my on the edge of the platform as I peered over the top. There, a bow, and a quiver. How on Earth did a horse make use of those?! Well, they were... mine? I guessed anyway. I reached out a hoof and couldn't quite reach, which is when I felt a warmth in my forehead.

I glanced up and went cross-eyed focusing on a growth I had up there. A horn?! "I have a fricken horn?!" Two horns, technically. I had a horn above and below, lucky me. I laughed sardonically at my little joke before the quiver from before bopped me right in the nose. It was glowing like the rake the gardener was using. Was I doing that?

I held out a hoof and imagined the quiver sliding into place, and it did, just like that. I giggled, even if it was lower than I was used to, more of a chuckle really. I was a magical horse in magical horse land. I was a pretty pretty unicorn stallion, the fantasy of many doe-eyed little girls, come to whisk them away to a land of fantasy where they could be pretty pretty princesses and live happily ever after!

Bonk. The bow had bumped up against me. I was really scatterbrained in the shock of it all and must have taken the other half of the set. I only noticed then that the arrows had hearts at the end instead of lethally sharp points. Was I a statue of a love stallion? Could I make people fall in love? That would be...

I sank to my haunches, the bow falling over me and hanging awkwardly. It was too much.

"Are you certain?" came a mature female voice.

"Sure as the sun in the sky," replied that gardener from before.

I should have hidden, but I was too busy overloading on everything, so I mostly just sat there while a very large white horse with a flowing mane of brilliant shades came in beside the gardener.

They spotted me there. I did have the sense to try to hide, but only after already being seen, which made it quite a useless gesture as I scurried behind the platform clumsily.

The large white horse nodded to the gardener. "I will take it from here. Have somepony come later to clean this mess, please."

I could hear the gardener walking off, then the large horse coming closer. She had wings, and a horn. Did I have wings? No. No wings, just the horn.

"True Shot?" she called gently. "Is that really you?"

Who the hell was True Shot? I sure didn't know.

"True?" She slowly circled the platform and I scurried to keep it between us, panicking. It didn't keep up for long, however. Her horn glowed and it felt like I was being held in the warmest blanket. She lifted me up gently. "True Shot! But... how? This... Are you alright?"

I was dangling there in her magic. Her voice was kind, her expression was concerned. Even her magic felt benign and gentle. I started to feel a little silly fearing her as I had. She had the answers I needed. "I'm sorry," I said in my new stallion voice. "I'm not 'True Shot'. My name is Linda, and I have no idea what's going on."

The large horse flinched, looking immeasurably sad for the briefest instant. "I see... Linda? Is that not a mare's name?"

She could see that I was not a mare, what with me dangling there in front of her. "Y-yeah, a woman, specifically. I wasn't--"

My alarm went off with the the loud grating buzz that I had purchased it for. I sat up like a bolt, panting. I thrust out a hand. Yep, hands...

Had it been a dream? It had to have been...

I had things to do, so I tried to focus on them. I finished writing up the grant paper that was only a day away from deadline. I had some meetings with important people. I had places to go.

And yet... the dream refused to leave me. It had been so... I could smell things, feel things. It was so... It was as if I had been there. That was, of course, ridiculous, or so I had decided. I shoved it all as far from my mind as I could, soldiering through the day and getting all the things done that were expected of me.

But, eventually, it was time for bed again. I wasn't so quick to fall asleep. What if I had that same dream? What if I didn't wake up?

I snorted at that thought. That was getting silly. It was just a dream. I really had to grow up. I also really had to get some sleep. I had another day, blessed Friday, before I had any days to myself. So, more sleep, less freaky dreams.

Resolved, I settled in, closed my eyes, and was suddenly trapped again.

The urge to panic wasn't as strong. Was I a statue again? I gave a firm heave and the shell broke, allowing me to slowly free myself. I could see that I had been petrified in the same position that I had been in when the large horse had been holding me. It was morning again in that magical place. Had they had a day in the time I had a day?

There was a scroll placed on the stand. As I brushed off bits of stone with a hoof, the scroll lifted up and came closer because I wanted a look at it. I unrolled it with a thought. The writing was... not English, but I could read it anyway, as if I could hear that large horse speaking in my head. Maybe this body knew the language enough to translate it? Was that even remotely possible? About as possible as becoming a transgender magic horse, I supposed.

Hello Linda,

I am aware that this missive may rest forever unread, but if you do return, please know that you are not unwelcome here if you come with peaceful intentions. I am Princess Celestia, and the form you reside in is True Shot, a dear friend from long ago. He... passed, as all good ponies must in time, and I had this statue constructed in his likeness to keep his memory alive. I never believed it would become the host of another. If you are reading this, look around until you see the large castle, that is mine. Travel there and bring this scroll with you and the guards will allow you entry. We have much to discuss, if you are willing.

My magic rolled up the scroll with barely a thought as I circled around until the large castle came into view. It was right out of a fable. The fable I was living. So, I was her old friend. Her old, dead, friend, come back to life. That was kind of creepy. Wait, she said he died of old age, but she didn't seem old. That was odd.

I had two basic choices. Wander off, or take up Celestia on her offer. Of the two, Celestia seemed the smarter choice. She was offering answers, and she seemed like the nice kind of princess. I hopped down from the dais and began slowly walking towards the castle, even if that meant... a hedge maze.

It gave some time to think, just meandering through there. I used to have a nice maze in a park near where I lived. I'd walk it for hours, thinking about things. That wasn't any different, and I thought, and felt my new body. The play of alien muscles was exhilarating and disconcerting all at once. I was a stallion, and not a poorly-shaped one, so far I could tell. I felt powerful, and able. I also had a bow and some heart arrows of unknown intent.

I emerged from the hedge maze to find other horses. Some wore gleaming golden armor and stood at rigid attention, while others were dressed in expensive-looking fineries and walked around with an air of self-importance.

I suddenly felt quite naked, being the only one in sight that wasn't wearing something and I doubted my quiver counted for much. I looked around nervously, but none of the other horses seemed very alarmed by my presence, though they clearly saw me.

One of the guards approached. "Excuse me, sir. The hedge maze requires permission to wander. You shouldn't be in there."

I jerked back to the present. "Oh, yeah. Here." I floated over the scroll.

The guard looked confused, but accepted the scroll in his hooves and unfurled it quickly. His eyes scanned rapidly. "I see. This way, please." He turned away and began walking. It wasn't the walk I did. It was bouncier, and faster. I hadn't learned horse gaits. It wasn't a gallop, I was sure of that. What was it? Whatever it was, I tried to imitate it with clumsy success, and we entered the vaulted halls of the castle.

The guard spoke over his shoulder as we went, "Princess Celestia is attending court. You can wait for her here. If you require anything, simply ring the bell."

'Here' turned out to be a small waiting room, which seemed fitting enough for waiting. There was art... everywhere. The halls had art. The windows? Also art. Even the table, filled as it was with cookies and tea and other treats, also had bits of art on it. The candle set in the center looked exquisite. There was no doubt I was standing in a place meant for royalty. And horses.

"Thanks," I mumbled, a bit overwhelmed. "Say, could I ask a few questions?"

"Yes, sir?"

Sir. Right, I did have those parts. "Where are we?"

The guard blinked owlishly. "This is Canterlot Castle, part of the city of Canterlot, capital of Equestria."

Equestria... how... horse like. "And you are?"

"My name, sir?"

"No, what are you?"

The guard peered at me like I was a little out there, but he did answer, "I am an earth pony, part of the Celestial guard." Predicting my next question, he pointed at me. "You are a unicorn pony."

I looked back over myself. A pony? Well, a pony was mostly just a small horse, right? "So... Celestia's a horse then?"

The guard flinched faintly. "Please do not refer to Princess Celestia as a horse. She is a pony."

I held up my ha--hooves. sitting on my haunches to not topple over in the act. "No offense intended, promise."

"If you require anything further." He pointed at a bell on the table, nodded, and did his jumpy-jog out of the room.

I was alone. I also had a lot of delicious smelling treats. Well... It was just a dream, so eating a little wouldn't mess with my diet, right? I wanted one of those raspberry-filled cookies, and it hopped up and floated over to my open mouth. My teeth came down on it and I let out a soft moan of delight. It was delicious, light, and melted against the tongue. It was everything I wanted a cookie to be!

I had another before serving myself some of the tea to wash it down.

As I availed myself, I almost didn't hear the door opening. I glanced over to see Celestia stepping in.

She nodded at me. "Linda, I presume?" There was a faint hint of hope there.

I had to dash it. "Yeah, sorry." I wasn't her 'True Shot', nor could I ever really be.

Celestia shook her head. "No, it's alright. You have done nothing wrong." She reached out and tapped at my quiver. "Do you know what this is?"

I did not, and shook my head. "Not a clue."

"They were just stone replicas, but I... The original set was an artifact won by True Shot. When fired at two ponies quickly, they would be drawn towards one another. If they were of compatible inclination, the magic would reinforce it and love would blossom swiftly. If not, a harmless conversation." She nudged the quiver again. "I would urge you to caution with them. I could not say for certain if whatever magic has allowed you to inhabit True Shot's form has also endowed them with life."

They were Cupid's Arrows?! "Doesn't it hurt somebody, you know, being shot with literal arrows?"

Celestia gave a wan smile at that. "They pinch a little, but the sensation passes quickly."

How did... Oh. "He shot you, didn't he?"

Pink spread across her cheeks faintly. "He had it in mind that my perfect companion was out there, somewhere, and strived to find it. He was a pain in my flank, quite literally." A soft sigh echoed forth from her large lungs. "I miss him." She leveled a gold-clad hoof at me. "Let us speak of you. Linda, yes? Welcome to Equestria. What do you intend?"

What did I intend? That was a big question. "This is the craziest dream I ever had."

Celestia blinked at that. "This is no dream from where I sit, but I suppose anypony asked in a dream would say much the same. I would encourage you to treat it seriously, especially if ever you are tempted to use those arrows. You mentioned you were a mare before coming here?"

"A woman," I corrected. "Human, homo sapien, which is a really cocky name when there are other talking species around come to think."

Celestia gestured over my form. "And here you are, a stallion of ancient repute. True Shot is a legendary figure, though few are learned enough to consider the story deeply. Foals are taught he will appear like a faerie to bring true love's touch with his magic arrows." She smiled. "In some, he is a pegasus, others, a unicorn, and others yet, an alicorn."


She spread her wings even as she indicated her horn. "Those of us who have both horn and wings. We are the royalty of Equestria. While dear True Shot was a wonderful soul, he... Well, to start, he was a he. Stallions do not easily cross that barrier. In fact, none have in recorded history."

Magical ponies were sexist? "Well, I'm not really a he."

She raised a brow. "By most definitions, you certainly are, though if your heart and soul are female, who knows." She lifted her shoulders. "Do you intend to take up his work? We have a princess of love now. You could be competing with her."

I had to laugh, so I did. "Seriously?"

"Quite. Her name is Cadance. She is quite kind, and would likely enjoy meeting you, but she lives far to the north, in the Crystal Empire." She started suddenly. "I... see our time is running out. I'm glad we had longer to speak today."

What did she mean? I followed her eyes down to my hooves to see they had already gone grey. I was turning to stone, smoothly and quickly. It didn't hurt. It actually tingled pleasantly now that I knew it was happening. Did that mean I was waking up? "See you tomorrow?"

"Be well, Linda, heir of True Shot." She bowed her head, and everything went dark.

I roused from sleep more naturally. I was up before the alarm had a chance to snap me awake. I had another day ahead of me, and got to meeting it. Crazy horse dreams would have to wait until the evening.

Author's Note:

Let's start a new story!

Linda has been given a special gift, several if you think about it. Now what should she do with them?

What would you do?

Like, hate, please lemme know.

See a typo, pick it up, all the day you'll have good luck!

Done for one of my loyal atrons.

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