• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 5,562 Views, 1,260 Comments

Perchance to Dream - David Silver

Linda settled for bed, only to awaken in the middle of a garden of statues of horses. She was one of them, only not so stone. When she eventually slumbered there, she returned home. Living two lives, can she make sense of it all? Fix it, or enjoy it?

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44 - Second Life

As it turned out, Starlight was alright with the food when she didn't focus on where it was from, especially interspersed with greenery and potatoes as she went.

The conversation moved away from relationships and on to food and the trip and how long it'd take to get to California. Kevin slid his phone onto the table. "We're making great time, relatively. We'll be crossing the mountains in not too long and from there we get to enjoy Californian traffic, which I'm told is a special level of hell."

"It can't be that bad," I scoffed, to which he immediately swiped over to a page detailing all the ways driving in California can be 'fun' and what special treats await those who dare. I scanned over it, amazed. "I stand corrected."

Starlight clasped her hands together. "When we arrive at your new home, it will be nice to be myself again for a while."

Oh, right, there was that... "You'll want to avoid all windows and not answer the door while you're doing that."

Starlight waved it off like it was nothing. "I understand and I'll be careful." She waved a finger back and forth between us. "Now about your issue." I tensed. "I saw that. We're not sitting on this. You want to claim to be an adult, we face our problems head on." She smiled with the look of inner-vindication. "Someone once forced me to do the same. I hated every moment of it, but it worked out in the end and I was grateful, so consider this passing it forward."

Kevin prodded what little was left of his steak. "Alright... if Linda's open for it?"

They were both looking at me. Lovely. I bought some time. "Let me ruminate on it a little. This is a new idea, all over again. Tomorrow we'll 'face it', alright?"

That seemed to settle them, for the moment. We paid for our meal and continued our journey Westward.

That night I awoke in a new place, or was it an old place? I felt the snug grip of the stone and heard the soft bell of the stand I had been placed on.

"Announcing!" came the sudden sharp voice of a pony. "The arrival of True Shot!"

I started in surprise, then began to shake myself free, only to see there were a lot of ponies watching me. I was back in court, being stared at by what I guessed was most of the nobility in Canterlot, plus Celestia.

Celestia sat atop her throne, looking regal as ever. Her horn lit up and lifted me from my stunned mess over to a seat. "Good that you could join us. We were hoping to make use of your unique perspective."

I was set down next to another stallion who tipped his floofy hat at me. "Afternoon."

I nodded in return as I shook free the flecks of stone. "Hello."

"There are those," continued Celestia, "that think we should be much more strict in how we handle those coming and going from our kingdom."

A clop came from the benches and I saw a refined mare stand. "It's unacceptable that we don't even know who's a citizen or not! And if one of them breaks a law, who do we even report them to afterwards? It's unacceptable."

Oh... How timely. I was brought before a discussion about how to deal with troubling foreigners. I raised a hoof.

Celestia smiled at me. "True Shot, you have a thought?"

"Well, first, I just want to be sure this is actually a problem." There were gasps of indignation, but that hardly surprised me. "Do we have any record of how many crimes are committed by non-citizens vs citizens?"

Celestia's horn began to glow as a scroll floated up beside her and unfurled. "As it turns, I did have such documentation produced while preparing for this hearing. Creatures that are on vacation or business trip are, by and large, law-abiding. The most common disruption comes from differences in law between their home nation and ours, and is usually resolved peacefully."

I rolled a hoof. "I gather some people just walk into Equestria."

She let out a sigh. "This is true. Equestria's borders are far too wide to reasonably even consider trying to--"

"You haven't tried!" complained the mare from before. "You just see a large job and assume we can't do it. Is moving the sun the only troubling thing you can handle then?"

Noises of shock and alarm rippled through the crowd, some surprised anyone would say anything like that about Celestia, others murmuring timid agreement.

Celestia spread her wings. "It is not I who makes your laws, that is why this is a discussion. As a discussion, I would thank you to show some manners befitting your station."

I rose to my hooves, a scowl over my chiseled featured. "As I was asking, do we have numbers on the behavior of these undocumented visitors?"

Celestia's head turned back towards me. "By all reports, most, but not all, come peacefully. I should like to think that most people on this world, pony or not, prefer peace to the alternative. Equest--"

"Listen to her!" barked the mare from before. "As if we hadn't been stomped by some foreign centaur thing not that long ago."

Kevin had showed me that one, just as an example of when the show could abandon all fluffy roots and go wild. It was hard to forget. "Would having a border station have stopped him? I doubt that. You are trying to solve supernatural problems with mundane means, and that isn't going to work."

She turned to me directly. "And what would you know? Some forgotten relic of ancient time, you know nothing of modern governance or its solutions."

That mare... She was quite a piece of work, but she wasn't entirely wrong. It wasn't like I was trained in governmental anything. Still, in for a penny... "I have watched a country pour seemingly endless funds into protecting its borders and patrolling its streets for the 'foreign menace'. It is a war that never ends. It only drains the wallet and demoralizes everyone involved."

"Fine," she practically spat. "I'll play along with this ridiculous prattle. What would you have us do, savior of forgotten days?"

Shoot. A solution... "Well... If we want to assume most people are here for nothing more malevolent than finding a job or seeing the sights, why don't we just encourage them to be documented? Greet them with a warm welcome and usher them into the system with kindness instead of trying to keep them out like sand on a beach."

Celestia's face became approving. She clearly liked the idea. "That sounds like a very pony idea." There were some murmurs of agreement running across the crowd. "There are ponies in most major cities that take great joy in greeting strangers. We could train them to document and properly integrate lost souls into Equestrian society."

The mare looked incensed, but sank to her seat with a thump. The others around her were too busy discussing the specifics of the forming initiative for her to not see her case had been lost that day. She shot me a withering glare a moment before she turned up her nose.

After court was adjourned, Celestia approached me. "I must apologize. That's twice now I've put you on the spot, yet, twice now you've risen to the challenge admirably." She leaned in close, eyes on my level. "Are you trying to impress me? It may be working." She smiled radiantly and turned away. "I requested you be brought back from Ponyville and they put you on the next train despite you being asleep at the time. I would have preferred you were given some warning, but Twilight said something about you being unreachable at the moment."

I began to walk alongside her. She was larger than me. I had to take notice of that. She was maybe thirty to fifty percent bigger than me, but then she was bigger than most ponies. She was a horse among them. "I would have liked that too, but here I am."

"Did you enjoy your visit?" she asked. "I hear you mean to earn your own living. That's very like you... You did not enjoy accepting gifts without reason before..."

I had passed another test without trying. "I don't need to be on pony welfare. I have a talent I can use, so I'll use that, and maybe make some ponies happy in the process. That'd be nice, right?"

"It would," she agreed.

She sounded like she wanted to say more, but she didn't. My bow itched lightly and I remembered Luna's words. Celestia had waited years to feel the prick of an arrow and be forced to speak clearly the feelings she kept bottled up. Besides that, I wanted that ambiguity dispelled. Did she like me? Did she like like me?

Even as I mused over that, my bow floated free and an arrow was drawn back.

That was when I was tackled. A guard was on top of me, roughly pinning me to the ground. "I have him, your majesty. Are you alright?"

Celestia reached and gently tapped the guard on the back. "Let True Shot up, he's harmless."

I scrambled back to my hooves the moment I could. Part of me was quite peeved at being tackled, but on the other, er, hoof, I was wielding a bow beside their princess, so I likely deserved worse.

Celestia looked amused by it all. "Were you going to shoot me?" she asked. "Who would you see if I was compatible with?"

I gave a big horsey smile. "There's only one way for you to know."

"Playing coy?" She went silent a moment, then nodded. "Do not make me regret this."

The itch became unbearable. She had given permission. It was time to fire! I drew an arrow back almost without thought and she gave a soft gasp as it pierced her supple pelt. I sent another flying almost straight up, to turn around and land right on my own back.

Everything faded away. Everything, that is, but Celestia. She was the only thing left.

Celestia looked at me, becoming equally lost. I was her everything as she was mine. "You confusing stallion," she breathed. "You dance in the skin of my old friend, but I know you are not he. You wear it well... too well. You are everything... Everything I thought I wanted... Is this right? Is this... What would he say?!"

I was shocked, my heart thundering in my chest. "I... spoke to him."

She was on me, almost taking her turn to tackle me to the ground. "What did he say? You will tell me everything!"

Her magic pulled at me, but I didn't want to be anywhere else but near her, so she needn't have tried as I moved with her to a more private place.

We had so many things to discuss.

Author's Note:

Welcome back to Equestria! Now let's get you a green card.

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