• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 5,562 Views, 1,260 Comments

Perchance to Dream - David Silver

Linda settled for bed, only to awaken in the middle of a garden of statues of horses. She was one of them, only not so stone. When she eventually slumbered there, she returned home. Living two lives, can she make sense of it all? Fix it, or enjoy it?

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10 - Precise Aim

I felt the cool press of stone and knew I had slipped into the pony world. It had lost most of its edge at that point. I listened, but heard no clip-clopping or talking going on around me, so I went ahead and busted free.

I was True Shot once more. Taking a quick inventory, I made sure everything I had from before was still there.

"True?" It was Twilight. She approached the room from a balcony above. "There you are! I thought I heard you waking up. Do you prefer True? Celestia thought you might."

That was a good question. "While I'm here, I'm True Shot." I pointed the bow at her as if I were going to shoot her, but no arrow was notched. "But only while I'm here."

"That's quite alright." She dashed away, only to emerge through a door on the same floor. "I've been quite eager for your return." A scroll appeared beside her, unfurling a bit. "I have so many questions."

"You wrote them all down?"

"All of them." Her magic winked and the scroll was allowed to unfurl completely. It went on and on and on, unrolling all across the floor. "Are you ready to begin?"

Oh dear god! That was a bit much. "How about you get a few questions each visit?"

Twilight pouted a little, but a nod quickly came. "First, a personal question." She thrust a hoof at me. "You are clearly a female human. You said as much and I saw you in the human world. You have mammary glands, an obvious tell." She nodded to herself as if proud of her observation skills. "But you are a stallion here. Are you experiencing any disorientation or other mental trauma as a result?"

I blinked at her. I was expecting all sorts of questions about humanity, not myself. "Pardon?"

Twilight raised a hoof to her chest. "I've been on the other side, partially. I've been a human. It's confusing and a little scary. You've been through a lot and I just wanted to be sure you were alright."

Was she really just checking in on me? That was sweet. I smiled at her. "It was pretty rough, but I feel better now, promise." Even if I had a deep voice that was smooth as butter. "So is that really your first question?"

"Oh, well, yes?" Twilight tilted her head a little. "If you're sure--Second question! What was the nature of the scrying pool I was staring out of? It clearly was not water."

I shook my head a little. "It was a computer monitor, to see--"

"Oh! One of those!" she cried, a quill scribbling busily. "I've used one of those before. You simply must tell me how they work."

"Twilight." She focused on me. "I want to go out and enjoy my day."

She blinked at that. "Oh! Yes, alright, one more question then, when is the best time to contact you in the human world?"

Never would have been a lovely answer, but also rude, and likely to be ineffective... I considered quietly a moment as she almost bounced a little in place. "What day of the week is it today? And was I out for about half a day or not?"

Twilight nodded quickly. "A fair estimation. You did not appear to be operating at a slower or accelerated speed when we spoke, so I do think that isn't a problem. Things are not so synchronized when dealing with my friends in Equestria High. Why does the day of the week matter?"

"Because we have things called 'weekends'," I explained patiently. "I can't assume they are when yours are."

"Ah, logical. Spike!"

A dragon came rushing into the room. He was small, bipedal, and saluted Twilight. "What's up, Twi?"

She smiled at him. "Fetch the calendar, please?"

"On it!" He dashed off, just to come back in a hurry with a new scroll.

I was more curious about him that instant. "You're a dragon."

"Yes I am!" he said proudly, puffing out his chest. "I'm Spike, a dragon. And you are True Shot, right?"

I nodded in kind. "That's exactly right." The urge rose and I glanced between Spike and Twilight. I accepted the calendar even as my bow slid free. Neither suspected a thing before I was already drawing back an arrow. Twilight barely got out a gasp of alarm before she was struck. Spike was hit just moments later.

Why had I shot them? It just felt right and I was curious to know what their relation really was.

Spike smiled at Twilight a bit dreamily. "Have I ever told you how grateful I am to have you?"

Twilight leaned in and nuzzled him gently. "It was a little rough starting out, but you really are my number one assistant. Nopony ever could replace you."

"Do you mean it?" He hugged her tightly. "You're... like a big sister!"

Twilight's cheek colored brightly. "I... never... thought of it that way before, Spike. I..."

Spike kissed one of her cheeks. "Sorry. Maybe I shouldn't have said that."

Twilight shook her head quickly. "N-no! No! I'm glad... Spike you are a wonderful dragon and a dear friend and... I never thought of it before, but I suppose you are like a little brother. I've always focused on the big brother I have legally." She gave a little laugh.

They seemed absorbed in their conversation, and my question had been answered. I hoped I had helped them see through the blocks they had and trotted out of the room, only to feel something tugging at my tail.

I looked over my shoulder to see Spike had hurried after me. "Hey! So, uh... can you, uh, do that trick whenever you want?"

"The arrows?" I asked. "That's my talent." I gestured with my snout at my cutie mark.

"C-could you shoot me and a certain, uh, p--"

Twilight yanked Spike in the air with her magic. "Ah ha! Thank you, True Shot, but that will not be required. Spike, you'll have to do that on your own."

"Aw! Why?!" He fussed as Twilight trotted away with him, leaving me alone for the time.

I was free of meddling princesses!

"True?" It was Celestia, approaching down the hallway. She was hurrying just a little, which seemed to make her guards nervous. "You're back."

I smiled at her gently. "I am," I confessed easily. "Good to see you."

"And you as well." She leaned in and touched nose to nose. "Are things settled now?"

"They are." But they weren't, really. Celestia was a pony that loved me, or at least True shot, which I was only... partially? Sort of. I shook my head. It was its own world. I had accepted being True there. "Did you have something in mind?"

"I did." She turned back down the hallway. "If you would accompany me, I have some formalities to conclude. After that, I would like to walk with you."

I fell in with her, matching her even stride. Her composure had returned. "You've suffered terribly. Are you certain everything is alright?"

"I was... a child screaming from a nightmare, but that's passed, and I'm awake now." Awake by realizing both worlds were wonderful dreams that I wanted to enjoy. Earth, Equestria, both were worth living in.

Celestia cocked a brow. "You must be feeling better. You don't wax poetic on your off days."

She led the way to a door where the guards moved to flank it. One of them opened it for her. "Announcing Princess Celestia and her consort, True Shot."

Consort?! I was hardly an expert in such terminology, but didn't that mean a lot more than 'friend'? I rushed to catch up with Celestia as I had frozen in surprise a moment. I was about to ask her about it, but I saw there were other equines, zebras to be specific. They looked important and were decked in many golden and silver rings around their necks, in their ears and on their legs.

The female of the couple stepped forward and dipped her head. "Today you have surprised us well, Is this the consort you wish to tell? We thought this day would never come, who are you that has enchanted the sun?" She was looking at me towards the end of that.

Celestia extended a wing, blocking my view and the zebras' of me. "We'll speak more of him later. I'm afraid we should focus on the task at hoof for now."

The zebras both nodded as Celestia's wing lowered back down and they began discussing something deeply political about trading and... I understood it. It was familiar to me, the red tape chaser that I was in the human world. They were discussing routines, policies, and regulations to get something done without breaking any rules.

I raised a hoof. "Excuse me."

All three of them looked at me with surprise. "Sorry, it's just that I think I might help?"

Celestia shook her head. "It is good of you to want to participate, but--"

The male zebra raised a hoof in kind. "We would like to hear his thoughts, a new set of eyes to undo the knots."

Celestia quieted. I was on the spot, but I had asked to be, so I stood tall and began to work through the problem as I saw it. It seemed more of a logistics issue than a regulatory one, and one that could be solved with a careful application of both.

The female nodded. "That is a fine notion. I move that we put it to motion."

Celestia softly cleared her throat. "Very well put. Yes, if you both agree, we'll have this matter properly written up. You know where to find my secretary?" They both nodded and trotted from the room with pleased expressions.

The sun princess turned towards me as soon as they were gone. "True Shot did not have a head for this sort of thing, but then... you're not him, are you?"

"I am me," I replied honestly. "I have accepted being True Shot, but I am me."

Celestia gave a faint smile. "Somepony new, somepony familiar... I must apologize for how you were introduced. Zebrica tradition would have you waiting outside if you were much anything else."

But... "Is that what you want?"

Celestia colored ever so faintly before it vanished under a wave of centuries of self-control. "We need to... speak more. I was hoping today would be the day for it, if you will oblige me?"

I wanted to see the whole world, but I also wanted to get things straight with Celestia. In the end, I followed alongside her as we walked towards the exit of the castle. We had things to discuss.

Author's Note:

We resume!

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