• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 5,561 Views, 1,260 Comments

Perchance to Dream - David Silver

Linda settled for bed, only to awaken in the middle of a garden of statues of horses. She was one of them, only not so stone. When she eventually slumbered there, she returned home. Living two lives, can she make sense of it all? Fix it, or enjoy it?

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74 - First Home

"You did just fine," assured the flight attendant. "I apologize, but I couldn't help but notice. I think you deserve a little something special."

Trixie's eyes lit up. "She will not decline generous tokens towards her amazingness."

Fortunately, the attendant seemed to think that Trixie was being funny and gave a soft laugh as she produced a small flight pin with a dramatic flourish. "For performing so well on your first flight, your wings." She held it out towards Trixie as if the little trinket were valuable.

Trixie was enthralled, taking the act at face value. "Trixie is proud to accept." Her hands came in to gently cup the hard-earned pin. "She will care for it."

The attendant was soon on her way to service the rest of the plane, but the joy she had brought didn't fade with her passing. Trixie was practically bouncing in her seat. "Starlight, did you see? Look what she has earned?" She held it up practically in Starlight's face. "Even they see how worthy Trixie is of greatness."

"Yeah, practically princess already," replied Starlight in a dry tone.

Trixie was oblivious. "Oh, she wouldn't go quite that far. If she were a princess, then when would she be able to tour the world, giving mind-shattering performances to adoring crowds?" She ran her fingers across the small wings, clearly in love with them. "Still, it is nice to see others think she could be."

Peace was ours. With Trixie not only calm but happy, Starlight and I could work and play in peace. I had nothing better to do, so I continued my work, chasing legal rabbits back to their den and digging them out if I had to. It seemed everything was coming together for the pony village to proceed without anything getting in the way. It helped that their ambitions for the size of the town was small. Still, it was a town. You don't get to make towns without paperwork.

I was brought out of that work with the soft sound of another attendant. Oh, it was the same one. Once she saw she had my attention, she smiled. "What can I get for you today?" She was holding a plastic card with three meal options. They all looked fairly acceptable to me, so I let the other girls take a pick.

Starlight reached across me to point at the pasta offering. "I'll take this, thanks."

Trixie nodded. "She will have the same. She doubts Starlight would have poor taste."

Starlight smiled at the kind words. "Aw, thanks."

Well, we were two for three. "Let's make it one for all of us then."

Soon we all had a plate of pasta, but it wasn't a one-course meal. At least if someone wanted to pay for the top tickets, you got something out of it. Some bread with butter, a dessert, drink, and a small dish of vegetables went with it. We were all contently nibbling for a moment before Trixie sat up.

"She doesn't understand. Is the food a bit... bland to anyone else?"

I raised a finger. "That one I can answer. This high up, we lose our sense of smell and taste a bit, so everything is a little blander than it would be if we were on the ground."

Starlight let out a breath. "I wasn't going to say anything... I mean, it looks tasty, but then you eat it and the horrible truth comes through." She let out a little laugh and resumed her meal. "I'm gonna have to try nibbling while flying when I get back and see if it works the same."

"Do they fly that high?" I asked. "We are very high up. This entire plane looks like a tiny toy with how high it is."

Starlight glanced towards the window. "We aren't that high, are we?"

Trixie waved at the window she sat beside. "See for yourself. We are... unfortunately high." She nibbled at her food. "It is not bad. Trixie was just surprised before, but it is acceptable." She must have liked it well enough, as she continued to chip away at it and didn't look sour.

Starlight, on the other hand, wanted a peek. She leaned over her friend a little to get a better look out at the sky. "Oh wow..." With wide eyes she beheld the earth so very far below. "This is higher than we normally go..."

Trixie glanced towards the window, but her attention was more solidly on the feast she was intent on devouring. "Is it? Trixie has not flown before."

Starlight flopped back into her seat. "By a lot."

Uh oh. I put a hand on her shoulder. "We're safe."

"Y-yeah..." She picked up her drink and took a swig. "Yeah, I know..."

She might have 'known' but her feelings were still feelings. I then had a thought. "Wait, you weren't... I mean you don't have wings."

Trixie almost coughed up her food in the grip of the sudden bit of laughter. "Starlight is too amazing to let that stop her. She is almost as amazing as Trixie, almost."

Starlight's eyes gave a roll. "Mag--" She cut off and cleared her throat. "We can talk about that later." Her attention slid back to her food and she distracted herself with it. "Thank you, Linda. I know you didn't have to bring us, but I'm glad you did."

"Indeed, Trixie is also happy to have a chance to show off her skills." She clasped her hands together. "Her first showing here. The world will never be the same."

I hoped that change would be entirely good. The rest of the flight went by smoothly, at least until hour four and change. While I was trying to stay busy and productive, I saw the girls were getting restless. Even their tablets were losing their lustre. Trixie was leaning against Starlight, talking to her about little nothings, and Starlight looked terrifically bored. Perhaps her boredom is what kept her from lashing out at Trixie. Talking was better than silence.

An idea came. "Give me your tablets." I held out a hand. They both looked wary of giving up their precious toys, even if they weren't doing much with them, but they timidly surrendered them. A few finger swipes later, and I had a game for them. "Here, a game you two can play with each other."

Starlight blinked at the idea. "Wait, there are games that work that way? How?" She accepted her tablet back and peered at the start screen for Minecraft. With some coaching, I had them both in a shared world of blocks.

Trixie stuck out her tongue. "This one's paintings are not nearly as detailed as the others." She shook her head slowly. "She does not... Oh! Starlight! There you are." She could see another person with Starlight's name.

Starlight spun around until she saw 'Trixie' and smiled. "And there you are. So what's the goal of this game?"

"Whatever you want. Most people try to build impressive things, but you could hunt monsters, mine, whatever tickles your fancy." I tried to get back to my own work, but watching the two explore the game was distracting.

Trixie let out a loud giggle. "She punched a tree in half, but it's still floating. That's very silly."

Starlight found the jump button and bounced around wildly. They were getting a lot of nothing done, together, and they seemed pleased with life in general.

This changed when virtual night came over their land. The skeletons chased after a squeaking Trixie. Starlight tried to fight them bravely, then experienced her first death. They learned the night was no friend of theirs.

They didn't give up though. By the time the plane began its descent, the two had managed to construct a home for themselves. It had nice glass windows and stairs and a picket fence. They were safe inside their well-lit home when the sun sank.

"Trays up please," instructed the attendant, forcing all three of us to pout as we put away our various electronic devices and prepared for landing.

They both flinched when the plane touched the ground, jolting as the brakes began to decelerate the great vehicle. We had made it. We were whole and well and despite some odd looks when Trixie made an outburst, we hadn't driven the plane insane, so victory all around.

Trixie had affixed the pin on her clothing, wearing it proudly as she disembarked the plane, with us behind her. This did not stay for long, as she had no idea which way to go and I took the lead to get us pointed towards the baggage claim. We soon had our luggage in our hands. With a summons through my phone, we had a driver ready to deliver us away from the airport and towards our ultimate destination.

Now, if you thought that was my old house, you would be incorrect. It was basically abandoned, pending a family member moving in. We went to my parent's place. They had a sizable two-story house that reminded me that I had been born into privilege a little. It wasn't a rich person's house, no. It was a middle class dwelling, but that middle class made going to college not only affordable but expected, so I went, and became a lawyer, and you know most of the rest.

Before we could even wheel our bags to the front door, it opened and admitted a smiling female woman in her seventies into the sunlight. She beamed at me. "Linnie!" She rushed to me and we met in a big hug. No matter how much she annoyed me at times, I loved my mother. Cheeks were kissed, and she turned her attention to my companions, expression going from delighted to appraising. "So these are the mysterious voices I hear seducing my Linnie."

Starlight went a bright red, but Trixie did not. She laughed instead. "If Trixie was seducing Linda, than she would already have a new lover."

It was mother's turn to color. "Oh my. I suppose I started that." Her eyes darted between the two. "Wait, are you two?"


"No." Both replies came instantly. Trixie and Starlight glanced at once another before Starlight cleared her throat. "I am Trixie's friend, nothing more."

"She is Trixie's best friend." Trixie nodded her head, only for her hat to be caught in mother's fingers. "Hey!"

Yoink, off went the hat. Fortunately, Trixie had not regrown her horn. "You don't need that inside, dear. Now you are Trixie?"

"I'm Starlight," offered Star with a thumb hiked at herself. "Nice to meet you, miss..."

"Call me Sally," said Mom. "Any friend of my girl's a friend of mine." She dared go in for a hug, and Starlight accepted gracefully. "You three will be staying upstairs, let me show you."

She turned and strode with purpose inside.

Trixie gave a soft snort into a balled fist. "Your mother is very friendly, Linda."

I waved off the half-compliment. "She's sweet as a kitten, until she wants something from you."

Starlight gestured at Trixie. "Like your hat."

That was when Trixie realized Mom had fled with her hat in hand. "Ooo, sneaky... Trixie will require that back. A magician's hat is an important part of their act." She got to moving towards the house.

The inside was a blast of nostalgia delivered first to my nose. The house had 'that smell'. You know the one, I hope. That one that didn't change from when I was a kid. It brought memories of my childhood long ago. "Linda," came the deeper tone of my father. He looked happy to see me, and I returned the favor. We embraced. "Where have you been? It's far too long since your last visit. I swear, you get a doctorate and you're too important for your family."

I was ready to debate that when he saw the two ladies coming in behind me. "And who do we have here?"

Author's Note:

Meet Linda's family! They're happy to see you too.

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