• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 5,560 Views, 1,260 Comments

Perchance to Dream - David Silver

Linda settled for bed, only to awaken in the middle of a garden of statues of horses. She was one of them, only not so stone. When she eventually slumbered there, she returned home. Living two lives, can she make sense of it all? Fix it, or enjoy it?

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59 - A Great and Powerful Entrance

We all arrived home, safe and sound. We had food, like civilized beings. What surprised me was that Starlight wanted to try her hand at human appliances.

"It's not like I never cooked before," she assured as she grabbed a pan and set it on the stove. "Your equipment is so... sleek." She carefully twisted the knob to conjure the heat. "And no actual fires to be seen. That's much safer."

Kevin was there, watching Starlight go about things with as much wonder as I had. "Everything is where you need it?"

"Where did you put the, ah." She pulled out a package of eggs and set them beside the stove. "I have this all in hoof."

So we had a dinner that was like breakfast, but when was breakfast ever out of style? As soon as the food was prepared, Starlight returned to her usual fuzzy self and we had a perfectly enjoyable and relaxing evening. As roommates went, both Kevin and Starlight were nice to have around. As if to emphasize that, Kevin took care of the dishes afterwards.

While he was cleaning, he told us about the interview. He left out the specifics of the questions, but he explained how they pressed him with the same question from different angles, likely checking for deception. "I just stuck to the truth. It seemed the easiest way."

Starlight pointed a hoof at herself. "Did they ask about me?"

"That's confidential," he half-sang, and we let that go.

All tucked into my bed, I felt... confident. Sure, life had gone strange, but it wasn't a bad strange. We were handling it all responsibly, and getting things done. It wasn't even that bad. I liked how things had turned out, overall.

I faded off to sleep, but never arrived in Equestria. It felt like an instant, and a dreadfully familiar sensation was coming from my head. There was a pony coming out of it. Panic surged and I gave a girly shriek of surprise. The pony echoed the sentiment as she wriggled free, her tail tickling against my face before she turned around, adjusting her huge conical hat. "The Great and Powerful Trixie has arrived!" she declared with a self-confident smile.

"Trixie!" It was Starlight, standing in the doorway with a frazzled look. "I didn't tell you to come here."

"You did not tell her not to come here," Trixie returned as she hopped down from the bed. "So this is where you've been hiding. You should not worry Trixie so much in the future."

I put a hand to my head, which seemed to be whole despite a pony having emerged from it. "I'm starting to feel like a god."

Trixie peeked over her shoulder at me. "Trixie would think a god would not be so surprised."

I put my feet on the ground, sitting up to face our new 'guest'. "It's a myth. Having one's head split open and a new being popping out is not outside the realm of possibility with them."

Trixie looked uncertain. She leaned in towards Starlight. "So, what have you been doing in this strange place? Trixie is glad to see you."

"I'm happy to see you too, even if you are stuck now." Starlight threw her forelegs over Trixie and hugged the blue pony tight a moment.

"Maybe you are stuck, but Trixie plans better than that!" She said confidently. "Trixie can return whenever she wishes."

Huh? "How?"

Trixie reached into her flowing cape and pulled out a rock covered in glitter. "She left one just like it back at home, and rocks will never wake up when you're using them."

Starlight blinked softly. "Linking items is very advanced magic."

"Do you doubt your student?" Trixie wriggled her nose then set the rock down. "Perhaps a demonstration is in order!"

"Everything alright?" Kevin asked, appearing at the doorway. "Holy fuck, Trixie?"

Trixie puffed up at her name being called. "Even in another world, the Great and Powerful Trixie is famous."

"Are you kidding? You're easily one of my top five ponies." Kevin was looking quite pleased indeed, a grin on his face.

Trixie blinked softly. "You have a list? Why is Trixie not at the top of it?" She leaned forward. "Who is #1?"

Starlight prodded Trixie. "Focus, please. You were showing us something?"

"Ah, yes! Behold as Trixie penetrates the flimsy barrier between worlds!" Her hat lifted up in a glow and her horn shone underneath it as she lowered it to point her horn at the glittery rock. Magic engulfed it and the room almost... breathed? It was like everything expanded a moment before contracting back into place. The rock was still a rock.

Starlight raised a brow. "Did it work?"

"Of course it worked," claimed Trixie as she raised a hoof and brought it down on the stone as if to step into it, but she just ended up with a hoof on the stone, standing on it. "Maybe if..." She tapped at it, then flipped it over and tapped the other side. Nothing was happening. "Trixie does not understand..."

Starlight set a hoof on Trixie's back. "Making two things linked and keeping that link working between worlds is an act of great magic. Even Twilight would consider it a sizable task."

Trixie grunted with annoyance. "But she followed all the steps!" She picked up the rock with her magic and hurled it in frustration. It sailed majestically before it bounced on the carpet.

Kevin rubbed behind his head. "So... you're staying for now, Trixie?"

"She has little choice," grumped Trixie. "She will grace you all with her presence." She smiled up at Kevin. "And perhaps you will tell her how you know about her?"

I was feeling tired. I hadn't gotten my sleep. "Great. Trixie, you go with Kevin. You two can catch up. I'm going to bed. We can figure out arrangements in the morning."

With them banished from my room, I could get some sleep.

Now, this next part, I didn't see personally, I mean, how could I? But I did ask about it, and Kevin eventually did share it. He may be sworn to secrecy for the USA, but what he did with Trixie didn't qualify for that.

So, Kevin led Trixie to his room. "You know, I always thought you were treated unfairly the first time you went to Ponyville."

Trixie blinked at that. "You know about that?"

"We have so much to share." He led her to his own computer and pulled up the episode in short order. "Your world is a cartoon here." He hit play and Trixie gaped at the image, its sounds and motions dazzling her.

"You have... interesting magic. It isn't as Great or Powerful as Trixie's... but still interesting." She reared up, her hooves resting on Kevin's desk as she peered at her cartoon self. "Why do all the ponies have such huge eyes?"

"It's drawn that way, to make them more adorable and child-like."

"Ah," breathed out Trixie. "Trixie remembers this time. It did not go exactly as this magic shows, but close enough. She was humiliated." She sank back to her haunches. "Why would you watch this and decide you like her?"

Kevin reached for Trixie, and she gave him a look. He decided to abort the move. "I guess I liked what I imagined you could be. You seemed like an interesting person to me, and I wished you were given a fair chance."

"Trixie might have been... a little aggressive at that show... She has learned from her mistakes." She suddenly smiled. "Are you hoping to see some of Trixie's magic?"

"Don't do anything too grand." Starlight had arrived, walking in without being invited. "We need to keep our presence subtle. This world thinks we're just figments, and we're not here to correct them."

"But Grand is what Trixie does!" complained Trixie with a little pout. "She has mastered making things disappear. Perhaps you would like to see that?"

Starlight nudged her friend. "You don't know this house well enough to send things flying through it. That should wait."

Trixie grunted at Starlight's restraining words. "Fine then. What magic should Trixie demonstrate?"

Starlight tapped her chin thoughtfully as Kevin looked between the two. "Why don't you give him a light show?"

"An excellent idea." Trixie sprang up onto her hindhooves, balancing quite well as she threw out her forehooves wide. "Behold!" Laser lights of different colors scattered across the room and danced as little fireworks exploded around her. "Few can claim to have gotten a personal showing from the Great and Powerful Trixie!"

Kevin made a lowering motion with his hands. "Easy on the fireworks. There are laws about those."

Trixie came down to her haunches, stunned. "Why is everything so restrictive!? How is Trixie supposed to give a proper show?"

Starlight leaned in and whispered one word to Trixie.

Trixie suddenly grinned. "Give Trixie something you do not mind losing."

Kevin glanced around his room, considering the options. He grabbed a pen that was on his desk. That seemed safe enough to lose. "How about this? What are you planning to do?"

"Behold!" She zapped the pen, and suddenly Kevin was holding an ornate teacup with Trixie's face on it, smiling at him. He laughed at the absurdity of it, and for not realizing what she was going to do ahead of time. "Uh, just checking, but if you had missed with that?"

Starlight rolled a hoof in the air. "You would be a teacup. I would have fixed you, promise."

Kevin set his new teacup down beside his keyboard. "For now, maybe we should get some sleep?"

"Trixie is not tired."

"I am," said Starlight, agreeing with Kevin. "Come on, I'll show you where I sleep."

Trixie went with her friend, both trotting free of the room.

I woke in stone and heard a soft chime. I shook free of the stone and saw a letter on the floor.

Trixie apologizes but she has caused no harm. Your statue is perfectly safe and sound, but she recommends you secure it better in the future.

I blinked at that. What kind of thief leaves a note after sneaking into a place? I willed the letter to tuck itself away for later and emerged into a hallway of the castle. I was back in Equestria, and I had no specific thing I had to get done that moment. I was free to be me, True Shot. I lifted my bow into view in my magic and considered it a quiet moment. Maybe I would explore some relationships...

That idea became less certain when I stepped outside and found it was evening. Still, better than night? I trotted down the stairs, a motion that still seems like it should be far harder than it is, and took off into Canterlot, eager for a little adventure of the pony kind.

Author's Note:

A grand entrance is made. Trixie can only improve the situation.

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