• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 5,562 Views, 1,260 Comments

Perchance to Dream - David Silver

Linda settled for bed, only to awaken in the middle of a garden of statues of horses. She was one of them, only not so stone. When she eventually slumbered there, she returned home. Living two lives, can she make sense of it all? Fix it, or enjoy it?

  • ...

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12 - Eyes Wide Shut

I jerked awake to the droning noise of my alarm. Ugh, Monday... I threw off the covers and sprang to my feet. It was an odd thing. Since I wasn't really 'asleep', I didn't feel nearly as tired waking up. Sure, I had to remember I had naked human feet instead of clip-clop horse hooves, but other than that, I was moving around like I had been up already.

Which I was? Technically?

I frowned at the thought a little. Was this all good for me? Maybe I should check to be sure, or so I thought to myself. I had a simple breakfast and was out to my car in no time at all. While I was driving to work, I broke a law and checked my email on my phone on the way. There was my bonus, fat as promised.

There was also a few news snippets. My company had done well for it--

I slammed the breaks as someone cut ahead of me. I let out a slow breath, heart racing from the near collision. "You have to watch where you're going," I chastised myself before resuming my journey. I kept my eyes on the road and soon arrived at work without killing myself.

I settled at my desk and reached for my inbox that had a few papers in it just in time for my monitor to power itself on.

"Is this a bad time?" asked a familiar voice. Twilight was there, smiling at me. "I don't mean to intrude, but we never finished our conversation on when was a good time."

Another voice came from the door to my office, "Are you playing games?" It opened to reveal Kevin with a big grin. "I didn't think you were a pegasister."

Pegawhatnow? In a panic, I slapped the off button on the monitor, and Twilight faded away with a disappointing pout. "Hello, Kevin."

"Hey Linda. Don't hide it on my account." He put a hand on his chest. "I watch it all the time with my niece."

Watch what? "What are you talking about?"

"Hey, look, if you're shy about it, forget I said anything." He waved it off as he came closer. "No reason for an adult to be shy about watching cartoons. Some of them are worth it, and some of the 'adult' shows are bullshit anyway."

I shook my head a little. "Look, you're confusing me. What show?"

He reached right past me and pressed the button to the monitor. Twilight wasn't there. It was just my desktop. He seemed disappointed about it. "I heard it, Twilight Sparkle?"

He knew that name?!

He also saw my surprise. "Ah ha! I knew it. Seriously, don't be so worked up about it. It's cool. Were you watching an episode or do you have some kinda sound package going?"

"Back up a step." I held up my palms at him. "Start from the start. What show?"

"My Little Pony?"

"And that's involved how?"

"You're being serious?" He sounded confused at my, well, confusion. "Alright, so, purple horse, loves studying things, horns, wings if you're past season 3."

He was describing Twilight pretty well. "She has a dragon friend?" I venture.

"See! What, you never saw the title? What were you doing, pirating it all?"

Oh god. My other life was a television show?! What did that mean?! I would figure it was my mind playing tricks, if I had seen the show myself, but I hadn't.

He seemed to notice my discomfort. "What's wrong, Linda? I'm not here to get on your case, promise."

Wait, perhaps I could turn this around to my advantage. "Say, Kevin?"


"Mind if I pick your brain about the show, later, after work?"

"Heh, that sounds like the Linda I know. I'll let you get back to work, but sure, after. We'll compare notes on brightly colored horses if you want." He gave an off-salute and was soon back in the hallway, leaving me to my solitude.

I closed the door just to be safe.

"Is it clear?" asked Twilight, who was again on my screen, tilting her head at me when her eyes weren't darting around curiously. "Did I hear correctly? He knows about me? How?"

Oh joy, I had them on both sides. I settled back at my desk. "Twilight, I do have work to do." I grabbed my inbox papers quite pointedly and shuffled them.

"May I assist?"

I arched a brow. "I doubt you know the legalities of this world nearly as well as those of your own. This requires my specific attention."

One of the papers wrenched itself from my grip and plastered itself against the monitor. "This one isn't about legalities at all. It seems there's a new branch opening and your manager is interested in having you there. Moving expenses are included with acceptance as well as assistance in finding a new house. Do you know a place called 'California'? I thin--"

I peeled the paper off the monitor. "I can read it myself, Twilight. Thank you." My cheeks had gone red with a mix of what news she had just spilled for me and the fact that I was having this conversation with Twilight in my office! "I have to think about that, but that can wait until later."

I got to reading the other papers, which were little things I could handle swiftly, and did. Twilight, however, didn't go away. Sure she tucked herself into the corner of the screen, but her eyes were focused on the words I was producing and reading. She was my copilot as I read and replied to emails and browsed the web to fact check things. She seemed fascinated, and it was almost adorable having her there. So long as she was quiet, it wasn't all that bad.

At least until there was a rapping on the office door and I jumped in surprise. "Who is it?"

"Me," replied my boss before he pushed open the door without waiting any longer. "Did you get the memo about the new branch? This is a big opportunity for us all. If we can hit the ground running, we can get a foot in on Silicon Valley. This will make or break things, and with you there, I know it'll go the right way."

I glanced worriedly to see Twilight watching and listening, but thankfully not talking. "This is a big decision. Is there a deadline? Actually, why couldn't I e-commute for most of it?"

He put a hand on my shoulder. He always did that when he wanted to be super serious. "We need faces, not just telepresences. How we present ourselves is going to be important and I want you there on the ground floor."

I knew that tone of voice. I could say no, but he would talk me into it. I was doomed. I could see myself falling under the urging and I wouldn't say no.

But I wasn't the same lady he hired. I smiled at him. "Well, I could do it, but this is going to throw a lot of things off..."

"We can take care of it."

"I'm hoping you can." I stood up from my wheeled chair. "Let's start with housing. You mention assistance, but this isn't an easy area. Get me a house, before I show up, and I want it to be mine."

He paled. That was no small sum of money I had just effectively asked for. Good. Either he'd change his mind, or I'd get a house out of it. Either way sounded like a win to me. "Let me check the numbers..."

He retreated as I smiled at his back. Oh wow that felt good! I never threw my boss off his balance so well before! "Thanks True Shot," I whispered to myself as I sat down.

"I don't see True Shot here, besides you," commented Twilight, her ears perking. "I thought you had accepted being True Shot?"

"It's complicated." I waved her off a little. "True Shot is who I am in your world. Here I'm Linda. Still, both are me, and there's no stopping both from being part of the other. Since this started, I've felt more confident and daring. It's harder keeping things a secret when I could just say something. That's True Shot."

Twilight nodded at me a little. "Very interesting. We have to discuss this later. Luna will want to hear about this." She stood up on my screen. "I should talk to her--"

"Wait!" She did. "Don't go kissing and telling, Twilight. Just because I tell you something doesn't mean I'm alright with you telling the world."

Twilight settled back down. "Do you mind?"

I considered that a moment. Sure I was tempted to just say 'yes!' but as I pondered it, I realized there wasn't much I said that I wouldn't tell Luna just the same. "I... suppose not, but ask first. Private conversations are just that, private."

"I've learned my lesson about secrets," she said as if it were a very solemn thing. "If you tell me not to say something, I won't unless it hurts you or somepony else." She hiked a brow. "I should let you get back to work, and I'll talk to Luna. Be well, Linda."

"Take it easy, Twilight." I wiggled a few fingers at her even as she faded away, leaving me to continue my day's labors.

Author's Note:

Kevin is a brony! Sound the alarms!

This must be a typo...

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